Wednesday, February 17, 1954 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, Salem. Oregon Page 13 Vandals Sill Hxerftiinig Pressure odd Division Leaders; Idaho Nips Cougars, 45 to 42 NORTHERN DIVISION By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS W L Pet. PF PA Oregon State 8 4 .667 708 619 Oregon 7 S .583 751 740 Ja. 7 B .538 828 808 Washington 3 8 .400 559 601 Wash. State 3 8 .273 615 683 Tuesday's Results Idaho 45, Washington Stale 42 Games This Week Friday and Saturday Oregon a Washington; Oregon State at Washington State. MOSCOW, Idaho ui The Idaho Vandals, still hoping for at least ihare of the Northern Division Pacific Coast Conference basket ball pennant, gained ground on front-running Oregon State Tues day night with a 45-42 decision over the Washington State Cou gars. The win moved Idaho within a game and a half of the Beavers, with three games left on their ichedule. The Vandals wind up their season next week, playing Washington State at Pullman Tues day and Washington at Moscow Friday and Saturday. Washington State's tieht jnno Hp. fense kept Idaho in trouble through most of Tuesday night's game. The Vandals were never ahead more than two points and once trailed the Cougars by six points. WSC led 22-21 at the half. Dwight Morrison's 10-foot push shot and Bob Garrison's free throw, both with only seconds left in the game, gave the Vandals their margin of victory. WSC's Ron Bennink took scor ing honors with 16 points. Mor rison bucketed 13 for Idaho. The two teams went down to the wire neck and neck. It was tied 11-11 at the end of the first period. WSC was out in front 22-21 at the half and at the end of the third quarter it was again tied 35-35. With four minutes to Dlav. Idaho edged out ahead 42-41 and then went into a stall but Cougar forward Hon Bennink tied 42-42 with a free toss. Vandal Center Dwight Morrison then took over the leading role and registered a field goal and Guard Bob Garrison canned a foul shot to close out the game. .'- 'V.- A r j HEN'S CITY LEAGUE Davla oil . ID Blinlon (95: Adams 306: Scharf 381: Omohundro 310: Davis 443. Kara Radla TV 18 Dean 4171 Hrnxl 413: Cappa 341: Stmt 443: Kan 5. La NWBu Forfeit. Modern Woodman Ins. 4 fimllh 468: Cappa tS: Doisc 318: Haast 409: Bye 403. nrert Inauranee () Scharf 443: Prye 436: Pejei 368: Pollnskl 423: Penny 4S3. Olien Marlil (tl white 361: Barker 331: Olllenwater 346: Waldlni 4S0: Jun. tllni 448. noodroffea San Shop (3) Duana Prank 4S0: Knutlu 316: Hughes 348: Schwarti 434: Wayne Prank 408. Qual ity Hied Cara (1) Campell 401: Snel rove 346: Short 364: Miller 403: van Dell 457. Willamette Art Tile S Cappa 368: Jacober 371: Bush 311: Hober 414: Mey er 485. Dr. Pepper (1) Lepper 413; Ha rney 366: Howell 303: Evenden 351; Rem. pel 446. Hlth team srrtei. Woodroffee San Shop, 3183; hlch team same. Dyers In surance, 199; high lnd. series. Olen Blanton (Davis Oil! 495 and Carol Capps iModern Woodmen Ins.) 495: hlah lnd. game, Carol Cappa (Modern Woodmen 4m.) 186.. Please Jim iVliilmire, Salem center, appears to be begging the ball to come to him in a scuffle under the bas ket last night at Albany. At left, No. 17, is Phil Burkland of Salem, while at right is Dave Shelby, Albany center. Reaching in from behind is a player identified as Rex Stamps, Albany forward. Estacada, Silverton Still Chase Dallas for Crown Dallas still isn't out of the woods today in the Willamette Valley league title race although leading by, a full game. There are two more contests remaining and Estacada is hoping to win both and wishing for someone to upset Dallas. Silverton, very much, in the battle with a tie for second, will meet Estacada next Tuesday in the league finale. All four first place teams won their games last night. Wash. Stale (43) fit ft pf tp Bnnnk.f Perry. f Rphdr.c Swnsn.H Udwd.f I.odfie,f Klehn.c llnnks.g Foisy.K 4 II 1 0 .1 S 4 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 (45) Idaho fc ft pf to 5 IS Mr-lton.t 3 117 0 2 Flynn.f 2 10 5 3)1 Morsn.c 9 3 3 13 1 B Gnrsn.e 0 12 1 3 0 Falash.g 1 2 1 2 Monsnj 1 0 1 1 Dodel.f 0 0 1 0 Hschr.f 0 0 0 1 Nclsn.f 0 1 1 0 Fulton. c 0 1 l.lbdRe.c 1 1 Toitrn.e 1 1 , Buhlr.g 1 0 Siithcr.s 0 3 Tola! 13 16 16 42 Total 15 15 17 45 Wash. State 11 1045 742 Free throws missed: WSC Ben. nmk 4. Render, Lodge 2. Idaho Morrison .1, Garrison, Falash, Tot ten, Sather 2. Reynolds Talks Yankee Contract Dallas Pursues " Title With Win Over Woodburn WOODBURN Dallas kept hot on the trail of the Willamette Valley league title with a 5440 victory over Woodburn here Tuesday night. Woodburn proved stubborn for one half, trailing 11-10 and 27 21 at the first two stops, but Dal las spurted for 15 points to six for Woodburn in the third quar ter. Leading for the Dragons were Kerb Brandli, Rex and Rae Domaschofsky, who- commanded the backboards. Brandli, third highest scorer in the WVL, led with 14 points while Hex had 12 and Rae 12. For Woodburn, Ray Eskclsen posted 11. Dallas was hitting exception ally well on free throws and pret ty fair from the field. In the Jayveo encounter, Dal las won, 53-49. Gaviola of Wood bum scored 17 and Bud Long of Dallas 20. Dallas (54) (40) Woodburn Dmschfskv (121 r in i.amaro I Hoffman F (21 walney A rather I n.wMsky (i21 c " skeptical Allio Reynolds wasa Ho,d(.( l7, o . i.n Hiegins Scheduled to talk Contract with the i Reserves scoring: Dallas Wade Cll. NEW YORK Wl WIU.AMKTTK VAI.I.EY LP. A 01 IF. W L Pet. W L Pet Dallas 10 2 .833 Mt. Angl 6 T .417 Estacada 9 3 .150 Sandy t T .417 Silverton 9 3 .750Canby 1 10 .167 Molalla 7 5 .5B3 Woodbrn 1 11 .083 Tuesday results: Estacada 55. Sandy 40: Molalla 71, Canby 63; Dallas 64, Woodburn 40: silverton 43, Mt. Angel 38. x- i. v nP Moser ill. Colhurn ill: Wnndlmrn- "cw ?u, " "T? i EskelVon (111. Haynes (4. Wane-hard . inc cnampions suuriii to sign) B lweber (31. Officials: Zilo and another of their big stars for 1954. Bnwn. The Big Chief, his work on the n.ilias 11 27 M pension fund committee completed j v""dburn 27 lor the time being, expected a a- . i Di.a. hard tussle with Ruy Hamcy, the tSfOCQuO DeOTS Yankees trouble shooter "Do you think I can get ......i U Ml.n.f rnnL-l WdllL. IIU aSIVSTU. 1 IOIIM1 1) r 4 4nAn,1n vnmin don't know." Allic reportedly is JtB'",''1Ti',f;'hP' w lookino- for 11 s4? ftoo nact i pd in the running for the WU- looking or a yu.WH pact ,, viw lrarnc rhnmnion- JYETL ZAVy defeating Sandy, 55-40, Estacada for second one game be hind Dallas, must play Sandy Fri day and Estacada next Tuesday. hilvcrton led at all quarter times, 8-6, 21-18 and 29-28. times, 8-6, 21-18 and 29-28, pull ing away to a more safe margin in the later stages. Fred Kayser led Silverton with 14, while Larry Gorman had 11 for the Preps. In the prelim, Mt, Angel jayvees won, 59-48. Silverton (43) (38) Mt. Aneel Copple (7) F. (3) Frey Wolf (4) F (5) Fishweller Kayser (14) ..C (61 Zauner Unbenhower (4) G (11) Corman Black IB) G (9) Buchheit Reserves scoring: Silverton Hitch endorf (21, Robins 14); Mt. Angel Hltz it). Officials: Sirnio and Henderson. Silverton - , , 8 30 M 43 Mt. Angel 6 18 28 38 Molalla Takes Canby, 71-63 CANBY Molalla high school held to fourth spot in the Wil lamette Valley league here Tues day night, defeating Canby, 71 63, with a consistent lead all the game. The Indians held quartertime margins of 21-16, 43-30 and 61 42. Stan Childcrs, the league's high scorer, scored 13 for Molal la, lopped by teammates Jim Al exander, 17, and Ray Howell, 14. Kor Canby, Arlan Bigham was game high with 20, while Dick Rayley added 19. In the JV game, Molalla won, 50-33. SCORES In the Alleys Duck Pins University Alleys UNIVERSITY MERCANTILE Marion Feed Seed (4) Iiell 542: Smith 43i); Lienhard 539; Holmes 463; Ctrlaon 610. Nary-Marine Reserve 0 OUmore 420; Johnson 447; Gartner 381; Templer 421; Black 453. . Ram arc's Beverages (3) Ade 414: Pal- Ion 42; Ketne 409; tu(fy 533; Young 5B1. Dyer A Rons Insurance 1) Simons 44; Rolser 639; Roake 477; Talbot 482; Cook 471. Snider Eleetrle (8) Arthur 428; Ja- robson 482; McCain 44(1; Morrla 4Ro; Cnover 49P. Hut's Automotive ft) -Du- toit 4ftft; Mcoulre ftM; Keen 455; Carr 479: Hoy 44ft. fthrork Motors (4 Harmon 443: Le onid 491: Andrrson 445; Ollson 514; Bunnell 530. Remlniton Rand (0) Bprlgf 488; Klmme) 377; Raboln 440; Hnvrten 395: Col hum 546. Mootry Pharmacy 2 Mootry 406: Don aid son 381; Collins 427: Kaneskl 629; Smith 461. Cracroft Teiaco () Heath 357; Radke 359; Hardy 473; De Lapp 427; Craycroft 484. Burkland Lumber Co. (4) H. Webb 497; B. Burkland 615; F. Webb 433; Schueta 533; D. Burkland 614. Gorman's Shell Service and Routh Salem Pharmacy (0 oundenon 372; Brown 400; Dye 423; Zwlcker 601; Tlano 424. High team game. Ram age's Beverages. 991; hlth team serlu, Burkland Lumber Co., 2888: high lnd. game, Jim Young of Ramage's Beverages, 323; high lnd. ser ies, Wally Carlson ( Marlon Feed Ji Seed, 616. LADIES CLASSIC LEAGUE Carr's Highland Market. (3 Lelnhard 453; Ilopllnger 516: Murry 423; Lawless 376; Carr 471. China City (I) Thomas 451: Ade 413; Angrove 404; Lemke 355; VanDrll 445. OUo Int. Agry. (S Upston 400; Lutx , 17; Colvln 426: Bradley 410: Thompson 530. Roberts Bros, it) Aleshlre 636; Jackson Z9V. Hannum 470; Possehl 504; Allbrnht 451. Herrold l'hllllppl i.D Krrjcl 435; Gar- barino 568; Curry 448; Laird 457; UuelN haupt 450. Thrlftway Cleaners 41) HU dreth 458: Hansen 397; Fallen 449; Lo ken 399: Kunko 424. Simmons Ins. S) Adolph 429; Arnold 395; Orafflus 366: Haley 445: Smith 499. lee's Fin Cara (I) Merrell 374; Re! nice 400; Kaneskl 427; Mac key S91; Aaron 465. High team series and game, Herrold Phllllppl. 3358 and 654; high lnd. serlei and game. V. Garbarlno, 668 and 333. Carl Stavang, Jr. Of Stay ton Wins Wildlife Trophy STAYTON The Junior Sports manship trophy for outstanding work in promoting wildlife and sportsmanship in the field was awarded to Carl Stavang, Jr., of Route 1, Stayton, Monday eve ning at the February meeting of the North Santiam Sportsmen's club at their Howell clubhouse. The trophy was presented to the club by Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Shelton after publication of the story of a young boy who had rescued and healed a wild bird in this area. The award will have Stavang's name engraved on it and he will retain possession for a one-year period. Ralph Bright, representing the club, presented the award. Stavang was selected to receive it on recommendation of numerous local and canyon organizations. State Rep. Mark' Hatfield was speaker of the evening. His sub ject was Election and Recall and what it would take to change the office of game director from ap pointive to elective. Wives of the sportsmen served chili to an approximate crowd of 75 members and guests it the close of hte meeting. Donna Zimmerman of Ashta bula, Ohio, was the only woman to bnwl a 300 game in league competition in the 1952-43 season. North Marion To Open Drive HUBBARD Kick-off for the campaign to install lights on a combination football and base ball field at the North Marion Union high school by the Aurora Lion's club will coincide with the North Marion-Dayton basketball game Tuesday, Feb. 23, 6:30 p.m. at the North Marion gymnasium. A special program is planned by the Lion's club for the volun tary sale of non-interest bearing bonds in which the entire com munity interested in North Mar ion may participate. The bonds will be sold that evening and are available in $25 denominations. Between $8,000 and $10,000 is Henry to Fight Slade on Video WASHINGTON tfl Clarence Henry, hard hitting light-heavyweight from Los Angeles, tackles the toughest assignment on his comeback trail Wednesday night when he goes against Jimmy Slade of New York in a 10-round nationally televised bout. Henry went into semi-retirement after losing a bruising 15-round bout to Archie Moore, now the light-heavyweight champion, at Baltimore june 26, 1952. He has fought only twice since. Station KOIN-TV ot Portland, Channel 6, will carry the Hcnry- Slade bout at 7 o'clock tonight. the estimated cost of the lighting project. The bonds will be retired from net proceeds of basketball, base ball and football games. The or der of retirement will be deter mined by drawings at each event The North Marion student body has voted to purchase $250 in bonds and other commitments are being made. Ball Held All Last Quarter COTTAGE GROVE, UP Cot tage Grove's Doug Ballew ' held the ball for seven minutes and 52 seconds near the center line dur ing the fourth quarter last night as the Lions beat Drain 42-35. With eight seconds to. play he took a shot and missed. Jack Weaver of Drain was fouled and made a free throw for the only point of the quarter. During the period the band played taps while one of the of ficials sat on a chair underneath the basket Roosevelt Falls, String Broken PORTLAND UPl Roosevelt High School, No. 4 in this week's Asso ciated Press prep poll, Tuesday night suffered its first Portland UP Poll Doesn't Rate Vik Quint , Among Top 17 PORTLAND (UP) Eugene's Axemen picked up support today in the Oregon Journal's weekly coaches high school basketball poll, but Milwaukie's once-beaten team still held first place. Eugene, state tournament fi nalist last season, got one first place vote and picked up six points and second-place Corval lis 67. Burns. 48-42 winner over Red. mond, got the other first place vote and wound up in ninth place. The standings: Team Points 1. Milwaukie 78 2. Corvallis , ..67 3. Eugene 66 : 4. Roosevelt 57 5. Marshfield . 42 6. Gresiiam .. ,.33 7. Grants Pass 20 8. Baker 13 9. Burns 12 10. Redmond 10 Others: Medford and La Grande 6; Central Catholic, Al bany and Ontario 4; Clatskanie and Hillsboro 1. League defeat, 58-48, at the hands of Benson. The loss broke Roosevelt's 12 game winning streak. Capitol Alleys what i jondv. 55-40 nkly 1 1 . : . , , . Canbv (CD Rlraaon IH) F Farmer (41 F Giclum 12(1) C Rayley (19) O Knox (71 G Reserves fcorine: 3). Harm (11. Molalla Bye (21. D. Parker (61. Fryer (fit. Peoples (l, Olhcials: Kelly and Deloretto. (71) Molalla (141 Hcmell (17) Alexander . (5) Parker ... I13l Childers (71 Aho Molalla Berg success in their contract nccotia tinns Tuesday. They bagged lefty pitcher Kddie Lcpat and third sack er Gil Mcdougald. Lopat, a 16 game winner in 1933. signed ap proximately $25,000. Gil will get an estimated $18,000. Lesser, Partner Still in Running PALM BEACH, Kla. W Fa vorites were still in the running as the 19th annual Kverglades Club Mixed Foursomes Golf Tournament went into quarter fi nals Wednesday. Medalists Pat Lesser of Scat tie and Robert Sweeny of Palm Beach defeated Edcan Anderson of Helena. Mont., and Jack Ccn dnva of Havana. Cuba. 3 and 2. Tucsdav. They played Mrs. Har old Stnnc of Ware Shoals. S. C. and James Clrary Jr.. of West Talm Bacch Wednesday. here Tuesday night. The Rangers are tied for second with Silver- ton one game behind Dallas, and Seals Sign Tom Del Sarto, Baxes SAN FRANCISCO Wi The San PYnnrisrn Seals nf Ihf. Pacific two games to go. ,irc, ! Coast League Tuesday signed in- tstacada led from ,he r fielder Mike Baxes. outfielder Jose WP,eo,n0dS ?L14,lVfu I'crc and southpaw pitcher Tom of Gary Ames. Roy Westlink had Uc' f 10 for Sandy. In the preliminary, Sandy jay vces won, 52-36. S.indv (401 Meyers (tl ..... T 1221 Ames Thornton J) F. (111 DKieecns Rhodes (21 C (81 R.Kiesens Westhnk 1101 .. . (i . 1 11 1 Marehbank Peterson (Si O ... Ill Hayden Reserves seorlns: Sandv Yount: (Hi. Nilson (2). Official!: Harper and C.atrh. Sandv 1(1 IB 29 " Estai ada 14 26 41 55 Baxes batted .381 with the Seals in 1951 before going into the Ar mv. He was released last month. j Del Saito won 9 and lost 13 last (55) F.staeada i season for Yakima of the Western International League. Silverton Spills Mt. Angel 43-38 fights Last Night ny THE ASSOCIATED PRESS LOS ANGELES - Manny Rcn tcria. 138 i, Los Angeles, knocked out Armando Muniz, 138. El Paso, 2. NEW YORK St. Nicholas Are na' Carmclla Costa. 130, Brook- MT. ANGEL Silverton kept lyn, outpointed Ike Chestnut, 123, its grip on sernnd plare in the i New York. 8. n c ;"ri";; d,,n rlefralcd'Willamcltc Valley league here SACRAMENTO, Calif. Bobhy Mr. Freda Nolan" of New Castle, i Tuesday night beating Mt. Angcl,;Woods ra.. and Ed A. Cooney .Ir.. ofiS. Brae Burn, Mass., 1-up in 20 holes. , The Silver Foxes, 1M)I STRIAI. NO. I Elks (4) Thompson 527: Osko 416: Rerse 543: MrKlnner 410: Walls 484. Jim's RicMleld Hrrrlr (01 MrCalllster 42fl: Hauser 45S: Clark 499: Alrshlre 431: Hurd 539. Salem Police (I) Nicholson 435: Frlete 433: IleVall 44D: Orrau 491: Ma thers 541. Mayflower Milk (0-Brown 427: MiFarlane 445: Helstrom 4B0: Can 357: Brown 404. Blue Lake (SI Ayres 4S0: Eckley 47S: Draaer 445: Lewis 425: Lloyd 507. Valley Motor Company (II Farley 451: Schroy er 403: Holme 421; Parker 521: Bul lork 455. Postal Clerka (S Hadley 450: Swltrh 420: Burkhart 438: Torseson 434: Daley 515. rorlra Hairy (II Vallrau 433: Wriaht 531; Shawn 346: Srhlmberg 439: Ryan 543 (I I'.k (ill Lance Sid: Bloan 531: Helnke 4S4: Wcrhowskl 48: flcheldesser 522. National Battery l Lrwls 409: Cameron 515: Mody 441: Walls 477: Bartholomew 500. j KIhooiIs .Masonry 14) Elwood 555: Crayrroll 507: Shlpman 555: Wllkalls i 549: Buvrh 528. Stevens Jewelers H j Clark 517; Clrddes 395; Jones 520; Poulln 517: Olney 562. , Hlch team came and series. Elwoods ; Masonry. 978 and 2795 (new hlsh series i for leasue for season): hlsh lnd tame, Ed Wllkalls of Elwoods Masonry. 218; hlsh lnd. series. Russ Shlpman of El woods Masonry, 565. iviiiTHTniAi. Kin o 1 ' West Salem Hardware (4) nay 4n7: Warken 524: Calmer 353; Prlrse 514; j Takayama 460. Valley Oil Company (0) I Warner 447; Mann 402: Lien 360; Pranse ' 459: Clausen 461. Fronks House of Rues (81 Elwood 811: 1 Schoehrr 502: Boire 562: Morris 503; j Sullivan 464. Kennvs Real Estate (II j Brlaas 496: Amunda 440; Farmer 580; Hill 431: Reesa 464. Hon Brothers I8)--Lannlaan 441: Coe i 398: Carstensen 49R: Reynolds 535; Nuss ' 460. R.rke and VVsdsworth II ) Reeves 513: Martin 459; stanely 463; Causey 437: Turner 570. Met one Food Sales (8) Thompson 504: MrCune 555: Odom 479: Wllksll) 489: Comstock 510. Portlsnd Oss and Coke III Westnhal 412: Lau'lle 393. Keller 437: Penrierts.t 450: Rtslev 511. Bronns Jewelers (31 V. Hansen SfiJi: Barnwell 501: Peterson 469' Taylor 421: H. Hauven 466 Kmlllnf Jacks Inc. (I I. andls 541: Kromwall 467; Payne 434: Hannum 457: Noldurft 434. Ken Potts Insurance U) 8chnell 499: Phillips 453; Schick 440: Sullivan 460: Myers 483. Hlsh team tame and series. Pronks House of Russ. 905 and 2542. Hlsh lnd. . fame, Lee Boire of Pronks. 232: hlsh : lnd. srrie.. Ray Parmer of Kcnnys Real Estate. 580. , tied 132 'i, Vancouver, 'stopped .loc Loprs, 134 M, with i mcnto, 8. B. C, Sacra- WINS SKI RACK ! FALUN. Sweden Mi Vcikko Hakulinen of Finland won the ' , world's 15-kilomcler cross country ski championship Wednesday with an unofficial time of 55:280. JOE PALOOKA By Ham Fisher "ISSW w-r-l-L -YA BEAT M HO HO. ..WOW... VFK A 6ENVUSS... -TTTenTI ME P0rN...6UT IM a WHAT A SAP.'.' J FOUND M0NEV... 1 E!MlrMTHE" SlW. W S HArV, HAW, HAW.' L 1 5,000 !?. SIGN THE j" FR. . h4vE yep, V V . .1 UP Tf-E LEGAL PAPERS Lj X flJTI - jV r" TWOePOr,. YOU NEVER ,Tf TWR. y l( fL U Sr g p SAY. I GOTTA 6IT V PIGMT.' SOMETIMES I TO TH' BANK EARLY... 1 THINK YEP A BPlLLYANT BEFORE TH' SUCKER FlNANSHUL GIANT AN' CHANGES IS MINP V NOT JlbT A JOir,.- i-r-r-r n KM INTRODUCTORY . 0 DAY LI SPECIAL TERMS.'-W Carrying Charge LOOfC AT THE m mm m mm i ra l ! Hi On value: LOOK AT THE LOW PRICE! 95 Wider, flatter, -rib tread for longer mileage NEW HEW $,ronBer' resisting lit shoulder design NEW Attractive tidewall design jptit Stranger, safer carcass nttf construction This special sale on a new tire is for one reason only to get a lot of these new tires out in our market. We know cus tomer satisfaction will give us a tremen dous amount of word of mouth adver tising that will sell a great many tires for us in the future. So, in effect, by cutting the price we're paying you to try this tire and tell your friends what a wonderful, safe tire it is I, 6.00 x 16 PLUS TAX SAVT MODE ON 4 $55.00 ts ta $1 C 95 670xl5pliis tor SAW MORE ON 52.50 afas for MMrAllrN,. " BfciU I rwtest selection of snf, . . ed tires we've h-J i ' "'nd months All n . , d m many brands Wh te an7ha VdVer,ised Manv er!a"dblack "11,! r ' "c n complete Come m today and savel acts. All Sixes ) mm And Up I SrpecScaD Poaircliiicase A lucky purchase enabled us to get the last 10 sets of 1953 General Super Squeegees with the WIDE Whitewall. 82 stronger than ordinary tires Quicker, safer stops More HUMAN mileage (eilB State Hire S 710 Stale St. Across From Elks Club Open Every Friday 'Til 9 P. M. Open Every Saturday 'Til 6 P. M.