Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, February 17, 1954, Page 12, Image 12

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    biany hem
Page 12 Salem, Oregon,
3 Upsets in Marion B Loop
As Mill City
There were three surprises
Marion County B play Tuesday
.iohl . ,,n,lnrl,r,L.s rnSR UD
.. .",", "j
unite me msner ranKcu quimci..
Mill City clung to Its ire-game
lead over Gervais althoush los
ins to Jefferson .thanks to Che-
mawa'a upset of Gervais by one
point. Gates completed the upset
bv beating scio, oa-ou.
'Mill Citv has vet to nlay Scio
and Detroit, and Gervais must
play Jefferson, OSD and Sublim
ity. J nus a vncor.v rnuaj i"i
Mill City would clinch the champ
ionship again.
Jefferson Spills
League Leading
Mill City 63-48
MILL CITY Any plans lor the
Marion County B championship
again this year had to De post
poned a bit by Mill City last night
as third-place jcuerson upctiucu
the Timherwolves, oj-48.
Mill Citv. without its atar. El
ton Gregory, now remains H4
garnet ahead of Gervais with two
games remaining, while Gervais
has three to go. Gregory was ill
and did not suit up.
Jefferson led at each rest per
iod, 13-11, 32-25 and 51-37 as four
Jeff players hit 12 or more points
and dominated the backboards,
especially in the first half.
For Jeff, George Marlatt has
17, John Wright 16, Bill Colman
13, and Claude Meyers 12 points.
For Mill City, Al Ward notched
15, Jack Melting 14 and Dick
Crook 10.
The iavvee same went to Mill
City, 46-24. Bob Stettncr led the
victors with 14. Jjconarja wnor
ton had seven for Jeff.
Jetfenon (S3)
Reiervea icorinf:
Marlatt (17) .r
Daulton (31 T
(41) Mill City
Jeflerion Weill
15) Carey
(15) 'Ward
(1) Crosier
(14) Meltllif
WrlBht (161 C
Meyeri (121 O
Cotman (13) C
(10) crook
5l! Mill Citv TA fireiory (61 Thorn
an II). Officials: Nelson and Hartley.
Ffffcrson 13 32 51 S3
Mill City 11 25 37 48
St. Paul Beats
O.S.D., 55 to 43
ST. ' PAUL Sam and George
Smith accounted for 19 points
apiece for St. Paul as the Buck
aroog defeated the Deaf School,
55-43, here Tuesday night in the
Marion County B league.
SL Taul took an early lead and
held quartcrtlme advantages of
1612, 27-12 and 42-27, making it
convincing by holding OSD to
six points in the third quarter.
Leading OSD was David Maynard
with 17, while Hoy McCann added
15 and Lewis 10.
The jayvee prelim went to St.
Paul, 20-16, with Duane Brcnano
getting one-half of St. Paul's
OSD (41) (.15) St. Paul
Mavnard (17) T. ..... (IB) S. Smith
MrCann (131 F ... (Il G. Smith
Thompson (1) ..C (71 Kirsih
l.ewm (10) G...- (21 Itambean
Heath (01 . G (SI Burton
Reserves scorlnR: St. Paul Van
Dam i2). Officials: William and l ee.
OSD II 21 27 411
St. Paul . 16 27 42 35
Sublimity Rally
Defeats Detroit
SUBLIMITY Sublimity over
came a
f the third quarter ,
middle of
rallv and defeat Detroit, 63-50
here Tuesday night. It was a
Marion County B league game.
Detroit, hitting well in the
first half, held lends nt 15-12 and
29-25 before Sublimity began lis
rally to close it with 44 4.1, end
ing the third staria. With Sub
limity team work starting to
click, the Saints scored 20 points
to six for Detroit in the closing
Ronnie licntz tallied 21 points
for the winners and Dave Par:
rish, added 13. Russell Rice had
11 and Cerald Vickers 10 for De
troit. The preliminary went to Sub-
Kameroff's 'Bear Hug'
Crushes Luther Lindsey
If there is an anliilote fur Ihe
bear hug of Ivan Kamcrnff, Lu
ther Lindsey hasn't found il. At
least Ihe Canadian-Russian Kum
ernff squrcrd Lindsey like a
pineapple until Ins eyes bugged
out and he cried uncle at the Sa
lem Armory Inst night for the
main event dccisiun in two falls.
Lindsey, fresh back from a sun-
ning in Hawaii, really ran into ; the way to the shower room,
something in the brutish, 220- dino Nicollni gained the de
pound Kameroff, who still re- cision over Tor Yamatn in one
mains undefeated in these parts. semi final, getlini! Ihe third fall
The Negro even had to resort to on a disqualification when Ya
an occasional foul tactic to slay j main would mil break a sleeper
in the game, lost the first fall on ! hold from outside the ring. Ya
the bear hug and the second on it main won tin- first fall with judo
disqualification for slugging from . chops and a luplotk, while Nir
outside the ropes. olini won the mvoikI with an ah-
Against the Utiles !
Kameroff, using knees In Lind-
soy's hack, rolling him under the
rnpes and stepping on his throat,
had Lindsey groggy while Ref
eree Tnnv Ross was counting him
oul. Lindsev seized Kameroff i
Wednesday, February 17, 1954
Holds to Lead
in I"
w h ra. w l pet.
to Mil! City 14 3 IIIOIM .i
OfrvlU i: 1 IOOChm ill) ,37!
,,, , ,33 nmml1 , n ,ll7
an jo I stosh in .133
ai. raui v .nvufiint 4 uj
Tufdar rewlu: fiubllmltr 81. Detroit
50; JfflrrMin 03. Mill City 48; Chemr
63, Gervali 2; 61. Paul 64, OSD 43;
OatM S3. Sclo B.
; limity jayvecs. 58-42. Stout
: Detroit had 22 points and Bob
Doerfler 12 for Sublimity.
Detroit (JO) (S3) Sublimity
Lady (51 X ll.1i Parrlsh
Hobson 7) .. K .. (41 Sullivan
Rlc-t (111 r (4 Leu
Vicker 1 10) G (2) Bell
Tnylor ID) C IS) Weltn
HtKrrves scroing: Detroit BowerE
(31. Watklna (II. Ketcrmm (21: Sub.
llmlty Docrller 14), Rclsterer (II
Frank (41. KinU (4). Brnlz (21). Of-
nciais: Heeler ana vandervort.
Detroit 15 !9 44 50
Sublimity . 12 25 43 S3
Chemawa Spills
Gervais, 63-62
GERVAIS Gervais high school
lost a chance to catch up with
league leading Mill City here last
night, dropping 63-62 to seventh-
place Chemawa in Marion Coun
ty B play.
Chemawa opened in deter
mined fashion and held quarter-
time leads of 17-13, 40-31 and 81-
48, then withstood a firm bid by
Gervais in the last minute and
scored the winning bucket after
Gervais held a 62-61 lead.
Leading Gervais was Don Reil-
ing with 24, while George Urn-
tuch had 16 for the Indians.
Chemawa ) (62) Gervais
Umtuch (16) F (11) N.Kcpplnger
Telller (4) . F (241 Helling
Galllneau (11) C (6) Schlechter
Morln (13) G. (IS) Thompson
Blackwaler (14) . G (21 Este
Reserves scoring; Chemawa Swltz
ler (51. Official!: Kolb and Wlrkert.
Chemawa . 17 40 51 63
Gervala 13 31 48 62
Gates Outscores
Scio High 65-59
GATES Sixth place Gates
high school tnplcd third place
Scio in Marion County B lea
gue game here Tuesday night, 65
50, dropping Scio to fourth.
Scio held leads of 13-6 and 32
22 in the first half but became
cold in the third quarter while
Gates got hot and was outscorcd
30-8 In that period. Scio regained
some of its composure, oulscoring
Gates 19-13 in the last quarter
but it was not enough.
Mcrvin Haun led Gates with 24
Srln (39)
(63) Gates
124) Haun
(111 Devlne
(13l Romey
(81 Larson
. ... (71 Vali
O'Reilly (14) 1 F
Banner 112
Strong (3) ...
O ...
.. G..
Dain (131
Slover 110)
Reserves scoring :
Sclo Stenart
(61. c.lhson ill. Gates llarnhardl
(41. Ottll-alls: times ami liver.
Sclo 13 32 40 59
Uates S3 32 65
Stayton Tromps
Philomath Team
rtriroi. i.rt(ir: TtMiti
W I. Prl. W 1. Prt
Sr llesrl I 1 . "" 4
Stalnn 7 1 Pnilomlh I I .111
Celltisl i 3 SSI 81 Anil 1 I 111
VIIII.OMATII-Stnylnn stayed
wilhin one game o( Sacred Heart
in the ling rhase n( the Capitol
2I. in the only circuit clah 1 urv
Stayton earned quarterlinie
leads of 13-4. 32-14 and 45-20
over the team tied for the cellar.
Leading scorers were Wayne
Minion for Rtaytnn with 17. In
the Jayvee prelim, Stayton won,
Slavton (58)
Nletling 12l
Nelson id .
I) (...hi 18, .
Minimi lit)
W.illrn I3
Hc.-ei ves S,
(?i) Philomath
.. 13" Vinrcnl
..... iB 1.,-nch
i&l Kemp
.... I'il l.'ir.nin
i3 ll.iv
irlng :
st n r
VtHlV 1 4 1.
V, n
i4i lMntoinalh ll.ilhe:g
32 48 Sfi
' and sluoiril him, which is acainst
I Ihe rules of law and order.
In Ihe post-mortem confusion.
Llndsrv rrfiised to quit scrap
pint! wilh Kamcrnff. Kllon (Iwen,
matchmaker, hounded inln Ihe
ring In a snappy hrnwn suit, only
In he picked up hi;:h Ivy l.ind-ey
and slaminrd to Ihe mat, sii't and
Fans stormed around Boss all;
dminnal streU h
Bronco l.ubirh beat C.eorge
Drake wnn 8 stopover toe hold ,
and ( hosier Wallick, substitut
ing for .lark Ruh, whipped Pan
ny O'Rourke with a hark slide
Up Solemn Secies by
Last Big 6
Game Set
For Friday
Coryallls .,
Xutent ,
Albany ...
Bslera ,,,,
The Albany Bulldogs overcame
a Salem third quarter lead to
down the Vikings 52-49 in a Big
Six thriller at Albany last night.
The loss was the eighth against
12 wins for Harold tlauk s Vikings.
Albany took the lead for good
with slightly more than four min
utes left on a field goal by Cen
ter Dave Shelby. This gave the
Bulldogs a 47-45 lead and Salem
could never quite catch up in the
final hectic minutes.
Salem Holds Early Leads
In the opening moments, Shel
by's free shot gave the home team
1-0 lead but Salem took the
lead on field goals by Jim Knapp
and Bob YVulf. The Bulldogs tied
the score at 4-4 with five min
utes left in the initial quarter but
Salem took over and held a 12
first quarter lead.
In the first few moments of the
second quarter Salem held onto
sum lead but a field goal by
Rex Stamps put Albany ahead 18
17 with three minutes gone. The
two clubs exchanged the lead sev
eral times until with three sec
onds left in the half Herb Tripled
sank a long field goal to give the
Vikings a 28-26 halftime margin.
The first half of the third peri
od saw the teams see-saw back
and forth but field goals by Jim
Knapp and Tom Pickens put Sa
lem into a 34-30 lead. Late in the
quarter the Bulldogs began to
move back and it was 40-38 for
Salem with three quarters gone.
Closed Gap to Two
After the count had been tied
at 40-40 with ten seconds gone in
the final quarter, Salem broke into
44-41 lead. With 5:42 gone Dean
Sorenson's free throw tied the
score at 44-all. Knapp's free shot
gave the Vikings a 45-44 lead but
Sorenscon made another free
throw and Shelby came through
with a field goal and Albany held
47-45 lead with 4:15 left.
With seconds left in the game
Salem closed the gap to 51-49 but
they missed a field goal narrowly.
Then Ray Dcrrah was fouled as
he dribbled down the floor and
he made one charity toss.
Knapp s seven field goals and
four free throws for 18 points
sparked the Vikings. Stamps led
the winners with 18. Sorenson had
14 and Shelby had a dozen, both
for the Bulldogs. Bob Wulf had
11 for the Vikings.
Two Games Remain
Earlier in the season Salem
downed the Bulldogs 68-44 at Sa
lem. The only two games left for
the Vikings on their regular sea
son schedule arc Eugene at Salem
and Milwaukic at Milwaukie.
In the preliminary game) the
Salem high junior varsity beat the
Albany JV's 57-50. Salem was be
hind 26-25 at halftime but came
back with a fourth quarter surge
to take the win. Ken Carl had 13
and Bob Tom 12 for the winners.
Bob Foreman had ten.
For the Bulldog junior varsity
John Cnusbie had 14 and Roger
Shortridgc had 13.
Salem (49)
( ft pf tp
Plckns f 2 2 16
Hi kind, ( 13 4 4
(52) Albany
IS ft pf tp
Slumps.! II 0 3 IS
WilCrrt.t 0 2 3 3
Shelbv.c 4 4 3 3
Wulf.c 5 14 11
Kn.n p.f 7 4 2 IS Snrnsn.R 5 4 2 14
DmEla i! 1 0 3 2 Derrah.c 14 16
Trplelt.K 3 0 14 Emnns.f 0 0 2 0
Wllinre.c 0 4 0 flrford.g 0 0 0 0
Totals IR 13 15 49 Totals 19 14 14 52
Frr throw nti.nrri: Bslrm- Plrkeni
I. Bin kland 2. Wulf 2. Whltmlrp 1.
i Knscp 1: Alhsnt. witter! 1, fthrlhy 4.
M.irriitnn J. and tlrrrsh 3.
Salem 4Vl (57)
7eh .41
Rhine IM
.tones Ifll ,
Tom (1; .......
Luby 5 .
(3D) Alhinv JVs
(l;li shot Indue
.. I3l Hldenger
... t!4t Caushle
(Si l.urilow
(71 Cnx
Reserves Scoring: Salem -Curl (131.
Foreman 1101. Albany Move 121.
Shannon (li. Halftime Score:' Albany
2fi. Salem 2.V Official: Webb and
Church Leaoue
Games Scheduled
Church league bakethall
schedule fur loninht is as follows
for the mwl-to-last week of com
.-.eiiior buu. iMrri.-n gym,
Calvary Bnplist vs. Slavton Bai .
tut: .). l'arrnh. hirst I'resby. :
terian . Knight Memorial. I
Intermediate "A " 8 00. Boys !
gym, St. Mark Lutheran vs. St. j
I'.inl Kpisropal; (XI. ('.iris gym, I
Calvary Baptist vs. First Method-:
lnlcrmediale "H" 7:00, Par
rlsh, Knglrwnml Fl'll vs. Hal
hert; fl (HI. Hoys gym,
Jason I .re vs. Wrst Salem Bap
tist. "
Junior "A" 7.00,
St. Mark Lutheran
Baptist: ROO. (iirls
Congregational vs.
Junior "B" 7:1)0,
F.nglcwood El'B vs.
u m,
vs. Calvary i
gvm. First i
Knglcwood ;
Boys svm,
First Mcth-
Yakima Signs
Outfielder Mead
YAKIM . Wash if - Outfielder
Charlie Mi. id. who led tile West-,
em International Baseball League
in home runs last year. Tuesday
signrd a 1 contract wilh the
Yakima Hears
Mead hit ,11 homo runs for Cal-
gary last season. Ho also led Ihe
league in runs halted in wilh lis.
Twitted Ami n l00k ,lke phil Burkland (No. n in black)
IrtUlvU ri I III i,ac a fwieipH arm ss hp irers railffht in a
mixup under the Salem basket in this second quarter action
at Albany last night. The ball actually is In possession of Tom
Pickens (No. 8) of Salem while Rex Stamps (left) of Albany
makes a grab. Albany won, 52-49.
Willamina Takes Over 2nd
In Yawama;
Unset of North Marion, lead-
ne the Yawama league, by Wil
lamina didn't disturb the already-
crowned Huskies but boosted
Willamina to second ahead of
Banks, which suffered a loss to
There now is a two-way tic
for third between Banks and
Sherwood, the latter having
climbed from seventh in recent
games. Yamhill and Amity are
tied for sixth.
(iames Friday will have Sher
wood at Amily, North Marion at
Dayton, Yamhill at Banks and
Willamina at Sheridan.
Willamina Tops
Yawama League
Leading Huskies
WILLAMINA The Willamina
Bulldogs upset the league-leading
North Marion Huskies, 57-46, in
Yawama league action here last
night. North Marion already had
the title clinched, but the victory
put the Bulldogs in second place.
North Marion led, 13-9. at Ihe
first quarter stop, but Willamina
took the lead in the early part of
the second quarter and had no
trouble alter that. The score was
30-21 and 45-32 for the Bulldo "s
at the next quarter breaks.
Willamina was shooting at a
clip of about 50 per cent. Good
work under the backboards hy
Cuv Baker and especially by Du
ane Johnston was a big factor in
Hie Bulldog win.
Keith Driver hit 18 for the Hus
kies to be high point man for the
game and tcammnlc Larry Cole
added 12. Besides being outstand
ing in the other departments, Du
ane Johnston and Guv Baker
each counted for 16 Bulldog
Willamina won Ihe JV game.
.)3-4n. after the store was tied,
24-24, nt halftime.
Norlh Marlon (IS)
McLarrcn 2 , F.
Driver (I8i F..
Callnw.iv (91 .... C
Cole cl2i C,
F.mign 1 1 1 G
O!) Willamina
I 11 ll.tker
12' r,id-ev
1 13i .lohnstftn I
r. ........
i4, salmon
ma I u't'i'.'!'," n
Reseives scoring
PrTkey Hi. WilU
Mi. Kowli-i (Hi. Odui.ils
ami Durham.
Ninth M.olim 13
Willunin., u
Sherwood Tops
011111111 J J-Hi
SIIKUWOOH Sherwood beat
Yamhill, 55-47, in Yawama league
phy here last nmlit. The win puis
Sherwood in a tie for third wilh
a 7-8 record while Yamhill now
has a record of 6 7.
Shrruond I,', I nl nil (I,,- .,11 ,r.
ler slops, being ahead II! fl, 2fl
24, and 4H-.').'l, as Ihe second quar
ter was the only close one
Keith Joyce and Tom Mailin
played good games under the
hoards and their work enabled
Ouch Al Olson's Sherwood quint
n control the rebounds.
Larry Hermens, who would
either hit long shots or drive in
along the base line to score, was
high point man for Yamhill and
for the game with 21 counters.
Tom Marlin scored 19 and team
mate Dave Edstnnm added 14 as
thev led the victors.
Sherwood won the J.V. game, 1
Vo-iloll (4T)
1 ll,-i:i:.,o. 1:11
Vi ii.L- i,i y
F. Hermans t?j . C
Sw.nn 111 (1
Moiilh nil ('.
Itr-erve. scniii'8
(S3) Sherwnml
'I''. M.olln
. l!'l S.'iei'htul
. nil K-urRcr
III' h-l-liom
Yamhill Sact-r
Srlineiilcr ,21.
i: Schubert and
s li r r
Tume - iii. ofnciai
Dviim'uil 8
sncmood !'.....J!8
-Sf i jgl
Huskies Upset
W h Pel. W L Pet.
N Marlon 10 2 .633 Dayton 6 ( .500
Willamina 8 I .615 Yamhill 6 7 Ml
Banks 7 6 .5 IB Amity 6 7 .463
Sherwood 7 .538 Sheridan 1 12 .077
Tuesday results: willamina 57, North
Marlon 46: Amity 54, Banks 33: Sher
wood 55, YamhUl 47: Dayton 42, Sheri
dan 34.
Dayton Defeats
Sheridan 42-34
SHERIDAN The Dayton Pi
rates overcame Sheridan, 42-34,
in Yawama league play here last
night. Dayton is now in fifth
place with a 6-6 record while
Sheridan remains in the cellar
with a 1-12 slate.
The Pirates led, 11-8, at the
end of a tight initial stanza. At
halftime the score was still close,
iwth the Pirates ahead, 21-19.
Sheridan could not hit in the
third quarter and Dayton pulled
away to a 31-22 lead.
Freeman Finnicum, Bell, and
Lambert scored 14, 11, and 19,
respectively, to lead the Pirate
scoring attack. Berkey wa high
for Sheridan with 12 counters.
Sheridan won the J.V. game,
40-33, led bv Starks' 13 points.
Finnicum was high for the Jun
ior Pirates with eight,
pick up box
i llavton (42) (34) Sheridan
i Kills (31 F (HI J.Papen
Finnccum (14 .. F Ill Clark
Tompkins (4) C (Si Bailer
Brll (111 . G.... (fi) Andrrf-on
Wnllhrr 1101 . G ... 1121 Bcrkev
Reserves scoring: Sheridan G.
Pnpen 121. Olfu-iiil: BnrK-in and
Davtnn - 11 21 31 42
Sheridan - - 8 19 22 34
Amity Surprises
Banks, 54-33
AMITY The Amity Warriors
knocked Ihe Banks Braves out of
a second place tic by defeating
them. 54-33. in Yawama league
action last night here. Banks is
now in a tie for third with a 7-6
slate and Amity is in a tic for
sixth with a record of 6-7.
Amity's tight zone defense fore
i cd the Braves to try unsuccessful
I long shols and with Boh F.ngclland
! l,u X,,'rle Stephens grabbing the
n reuoumis. Aunty was able to gain
. I i,n advantage.
5i McKin Leppin. .Merle Stephens
and Jim Cumptun scored 12. II
md 10. respectively, to lead Ami
! ty s .iliac!;. Duke Vandehey was
high lor Banks with Id.
Amity led 14-7 at the end of the
first canto, 24-18. at halHiine. and
42-27, al the start of the final'.i
Amily won the .IV game, 43-2 1 .
led ly 1'niil (iillcspie's 15 count
ers. Murphy was huh for Banks
wilh nine.
Hanks (11)
Tm.iiI 141
(Ml Mlltv
ilci s
Vapclchcv I0i . (i (in, (-..-T-rOun
Kicps m C, ,ii savins .
HcM-nc --: lm- r..,nV. IVt.-tsj
ll', Mr,-i:n.dl iL''. Arm: - 1 r;n:n
12". Tn.-i-r 12'. Oirirail-: Riitsi-hn:an I
and ulscn.
Junior Billiards
Deadline Sunday
Deadline for entering the Sa
lem City junior pocket billiard
tournament for bos under 18 is
...... :. ,.,.!.,.- T,.. ..r ft.-
, ',, ,, '.,";, .. ,,,, . . , ,
B " Bowling lourt reminded
l-'rt-e iiislructioii and practice:
periods will begin Saturday (ruin j
2 to 3 p in. and 7 to 8 p m. at the
II A B. instruction lo be giien
bv sonic of Salem's best plavcrs.
Any boy wishing to learn is wel-i
come, he added. j
The tourney winner will re
ceive a trophy, I
Sb&cj VokiinigS 5249
Basketball Scores
Albany 52. Salem 4S
Salem JV S7, Albany JV 50
Silverton 43, Ml. Angel 38
Estacada 55. Sandy 40
Dallas 64. Woodburn 40
MnlallA 71. Cailbv 6.1
Sacred Heart 52. Columbia Prep 48
Slavton 56. Philomath
Amity 54. Banks 33
Sherwood 55, Yamhill 47
Willamina 57. North Marlon 40
Dayton 42, Sheridan 34
Sublimity 63, Detroit 50
Jelfenon 63. Mill City 48
. Chemawa 63, Gervais 62 ,
St. Paul S3, OSD 43
Gates 65. Sclo 59
Salem Academy 63, Klnei Gardens
Valselz 68. Falls City 60
(Portland League) -Benson
58. Roosevelt 48
Franklin 53. Washington 40
Cleveland 62, Lincoln 85
Grant 57, Jefferson 40
Lake Oswejo 64, Camas (Wash.) 47
Ontario 5B, flieriaian uoanui m
Cottage Grove 42. Drain 34
Vale 77, Weiser (Idaho) 71
Corbett 73, Collon 47
Gaston 64, Hill Military (Portland)
Grtaham 63, Concordia (Portland)
Lebanon 52. Junction City 4!
Milwaukie (3. Parkrose 41
Oregon City 56, 'Heard 40
Llnlield Frosh SI. Nestucea 4J
Hood River 61. Wy-East 58
Knapna 50, Star of the Sea (At-
torla) 39
Beaverlon 05, f orest urove v
Mc-Alinnvllle 00, Newberg 42
Taft 56, Waldport 44
Reedsport &7, Sluslaw 80
Astoria 48, Kalner 39
Toledo 55, Newport 53 (overtme)
Hlllsboro 84. West Linn SB
Myrtle Creek 58. Glendale 30
SutherJin 62, Elmlra 40
Brownsville 51, Halsey 39
Harrlsburg 54. Shedd 51 '
Euttns 75, Wlllametta ICutens) 13.
Idaho 45. Wash. State 42
Pac. Luth. 71, St. Martin's 67
South Carolina 64, Clemson 61
Furman 123. Wofford 102
Stetson 75, Florida Southern 64
Mississippi State 65, Scwanee 61
Arkansas 73, Baylor 61
George Washington 69, William
and Mary 58
Texas 66, Texas saw sw
Connecticut 111. Rutgers 78
Virginia 97, Washington and Lee 79
North Carolina 89. Davidson 69
Duke 68, Maryland 61
Rlc 69, Lamar Tech 65
Texas Tech 85. Hardin Simmons 78
Colorado A&M 58. Denver 45
Salem Academy
Slips Hoop Loss
To King's Garden
Dave Phillips led the Salem
Academy Crusaders to a 63-53 de
cision over King's Garden Acade
my of Seattle here last night with
nine points in the last quarter and
15 in the second half.
Salem Academy was starting at
a two-point deficit going into the
final quarter of the game marked
by some rugged passing and plen
tiful fouls. King's Garden had its
two highest scorers on the bench
with five personals and Virgil Fa
denrccht of Salem fouled out in
the middle of the third period.
Salem Academy, coached by Bob
Funk, led 21-10 at the end of (he
first, then had Ihe margin trimmed
to 30-27 at halftime. The Crusad
ers took the lead after a 48-48 tie.
In the preliminary, Salem Aca
demy jayvecs won, 66-19, in a
Kings Gardens (53) (63) Sal. Acad.
McGowan 110) F (7 Allister
Jenkins (SI F (8l Hcman
Johnston 191 C... (81 Schreder
D Strand (12) ... G (11) Fadenrecht
Laird (13) .G. . 18 Phillips
Reserve scoring: Kings Gardens
McConaughey (3). L. Strand (21;
Salem Acadpmy Wallace (6i. Wark
entln 111, Pierce (2). Neufeld (2j.
Officials: Brown and Morley.
Marion Motors
Stays Close to
YMCA Leaders
itv iiiinr. STSMiisr.s
W L W L Prl
YMTA 1 .MORI. pii s J Mr,
Msr. Mrt. 8 1 .SSI NaT. Km 2 8 .2WI
wmsmlt's 7 3 ."en Nps Bern I 9 .11:0
Atimsvlile 3 .700 Mar Rr (1 9 .000
Marion Motors will try lo slay
on the trail of league leading
YMCA tonight when it plays Ihe
l.isl-pl.-icc Marine Reserve in the
City Basketball league.
YMCA added another victory
last night in healing Aumsville.
63-39. Next Tuesday will bring a
crucial bailie between the two
; leaders.
Oilier games last night found
; Wnlganiott'i (in third i defeating
! the Naval Reserve. 56-42. and St.
Paul edging the Salem Sophs. 45-
Tonight. Sulcm Sophs will play
the Naval Reserve and St. Paul
MusUmgs will meet Wolganioll's.
Salem Sophs (441 (45) SI Paul
Vve.ver i7 F (7 U . Smith
, 1'alleiaull (Kip . F (7) Soiedel
(anion .81 . C ill Knk
, ll.ii-K-traml Uj .. G . Oil T Smith
M:c'a, lis ills G iliii Uk-K Smith
if,.-, .v. svormil: S.'phs C-ttis ill,
Srmi( 121 oflui.,lv- Neil liu-'i.nd-sun
.uui l):ivc Anderson llalttinie
; scoie: Sophs 20. St. l'.-iul 2fi.
I Nasal ltevere (4.'l (j(li VI nlganintl's
(': .'"ihrrl.-in 12i K .. itii Hntfcrt
' Itlrmann 4) F UOi
'-""!' 1 3' . . ' 'f.l H.ill
i'iim 1 i"i . (; mi ni,h
; Une Ui 1S1 Norton
Kv-r-tve. sorinf N'.ival n-.rni,
j Hoedir'ir-r'iri , 4 ' : W!,-.-tm,ir ir
ev t r 1 . Ilodelsnn id. N'niieen
(Vrrlv !),e Amlersnn .-inrl Fvan
llalrlloie scorr!! -n Na al
Hr.civc IS
VMC (SI) (.10) AumsMlle f 11
Zneskf " " it' L O.ilke
n.itler IP' F ... .511
Tunih 1 141 c . (3' K'U'n-rer
Kirkel l8i G (01 D Pa Ike
Prrldu-ntri (Tl . G ... (01 B-ishv
Reserves scormf: YMCA Cocn
(l:n. Winklehlack !: Aumsville
Rus.el i(i, llalke. Darrel i3i. Off:
ci.tls: Fvans and Richardson H-ilf-lln-e
store: Aumsville 2d. YMCA 28
MacLaren Wins
From Pirates
AVOOniilliN MacLaren
School defeated IVrrydale here
Tuesday nighl, 7055. in a Hill
River Valley league game which
moved MacLaren into a tie for
sreond place wilh the losers, Mc
intosh scored 14 for IVrrydale.
The prelim went to I'crrydale,
Storey to Take His Bow
Before Ball Fans Tonight
i V"
. . Introduction time
Sacred Heart
Tips Columbia
Prep, 52-49
PORTLAND The Sacred Heart
Cardinals of Salem chalked up
another win here Tuesday night
when they defeated the Columbia
Prepsters 52-49, giving the Cards
a 17-4 win loss record with only
one game left to play.
In a close game all the way,
SUA took the first quarter 10 8
with Jim Moriarty scoring all
points for the Redbird quint. The
Prepsters pulled away 21-19 at
halftime but the Cards took the
third stanza 38-36. After a fourth
period battle, the Cardinals walk
ed away with the win 52-49.
Leading the scoring pack for
SHA was Jim Moriarty who sank
16, and Fred Staab followed with
13 markers. Vince Matt hit 10.
For Columbia, both Kern and Big
low finished on top, each scoring
The JV Prep club took the pre
lim with a 52-41 tally. Sacred
Heart plays its last game of the
season on Friday in a league go
with Philomath. It will be played
at the Armory.
Karrrd Heart (52) I la) :lumbia Prep
Mrlarty.f 7
Borsbrry.f 2
Stsab.c 4
2 2 16 Krrn.f
1 15
0 14 Klihn.f 3
5 1 13 crnsln.c 4
2 O Slllilow.i 7
1 1 1 Parent.! 1
2 1
l I a
i o is
0 2 2
Fldnood.l 3
Endrrs.f 0
Totals 21 10 10 52 Totals 20 8 10 49
Oflicia'is: Wohlers and lftuford.
Ssrred Heart 10 1J 38 52
Columbia a 31 36 4S
Valsetz Nudges
Falls City Five
VALSETZ The' Valsetz Cou
gars sqeaked out a two point edge
to defeat the Falls Citv five by a
count of 68-66 here last night.
Valsetz was ahead at the half,
33-26. High point man for the
game was Falls City's Stan Poc
with 27. High point honor for Ihe
Valsetz team went to Bob Ilel
mer with 19 points.
Falls City (88)
Mt-Fall (8) ... s
Poe 127) . . F
Murphy (12) . c
Palmer (12i G
Smnnte (1, r-
(68) Valsetz
7 01),iv
(101 Petersen
UUI llelmcr
... (81 Cnnple
Deserves SrorlnR- F-Cltv-Svlsber-ry
(4i Robinson 121. Valsct?- Ferren
c R' ,"- Hibhs III. Halftime
Score: V.ilset7-33. F-rilv-2S. Offl
"" Mccaulv and King.
ihi firm
Open Friday Nighl 'Til 9 o'Clock
Slashes Prices
Sport Coats-Slacks-Hats
Regardless of Loss!
.50 Topcoats, 400 Suits, 125 Sport (oats,
Large Selection of Belts, Suspenders and
Large Selection of Fells, Suspenders an'
Neckties-Entire Slock Now
OC t ID ftD lilkl A
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Salcm't Qualify Clothiers for Men and Young Men
vgur I'nr or uiDcrry or. qj jnt O'JI itop
It will be introduction time to
night for Harvey Storey, whose
big bat and managing skill will
be working for the Salem Sena
tort this coming baseball leason.
Storey will come down from
his home in Forest Grove to take
a bow before some 250 fans who
are expected to attend a welcome)
banquet at the Marion hotel at
about 7 o'clock. He will relate
a few of his baseball plans In
a brief talk after he is intro
duced by a long-time friend, Bob
Blackburn, Portland Beaver
The banquet, program and
dancing will help get the pot
boiling in the first pre-season
shindig to celebrate the signing
of the former . Pacific Coast
league batting star who will man
age and play third base for the
Senators. Tickets, at $2.50 a
head, will be on sale at the door
tonight, i
Jiugn j-iUDy, general manager
and retiring playing manager,
said that persons who' cannot
attend the meal should feel free
to come to the program, which
will begin at about 8:30, or to
the dance.
Entertainment is expected to
include violinist-second baseman '
Eddie Basinski of Portland and
Billy Bishop, magician, who is
son of the late Biddy Bishop of
OCE to Leave
For Road Tour
To Play EOCE
leave at noon on Thursday for
Hood Biver where they will play
an exhibition game with the Hood
River All-Stars and then travel
on to La Grande where they will
meet in a two game series with
the Eastern Oregon Mountain
eers. On their return they have an
other game scheduled for Feb
ruary 24th with Portland State
Vikings and will finish their sea
son the weekend of the 27th with
a two game scries with Seattle
Pacific in Seattle.
Complete Lin of
Williams Paints
Gorgeous New Washable
Gal., $5.45
Credit Gladly
450 Center St.
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I rirlFnhiPo