Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, February 16, 1954, Page 6, Image 6

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Miss Smith
Tells Troth
At College
Announcement is being made
by Mr. and Mrs. Charles Powell
of Salem of the engagement of
their daughter, Miss Vonda Lea
-Smith, to Billy John Fletcher, son
of Mr. and Mrs. John K. Fletcher
of Crosbyton, Texas.
Formal announcement of the
betrothal was made recently at a
party at Zellner hall at Abilene
Christian college, Abilene, Texas,
wfcire both the young couple are
Pink was the color theme for
the party. Balloons and satin rib
bons stamped in gold with
"Skippy and Bill" told the news
to the 150 guests as they entered
the room. On the mantel was an
rrangcment of two large pink
hearts shot through with a gold
arrow. The cake was decorated
with hearts and names of the
newly engaged couple.
Mrs. Vema Cole of Midland,
Texas, served the cake and Miss
Shirley Perkins of Lafors, Texas,
presided over the punch bowl. As
listing were Mrs. Alary Titsworth
of Columbia, Tenn., Miss Char
lene Wellhauser of Beaumont,
Texas, Miss Nelda Mollov of Mol
lis, Okla., Miss Ruth McBride of
Oklahoma City, Okla.
The bride-elect was graduated
from Salem senior high school in
3948. She worked for several
years as a stenographer. She is
now a sophomore jn secretarial
science at Abilene Christian col
lege. Mr. Fletcher is a graduate
of Crosbyton high school and
served four years in the U. S.
ntx-y. He is now attending Abi
lene Christian college as a ma
jor in accounting.
Jaycee-ettes Are
Entertained Monday
The Jaycee-Ettes met at the
home of Mrs. Ivan Royse Monday
fvening. Erich Laetsch spoke to
the group on "Current Hair
Members present were Mrs.
Maurice Colin, Mrs. Loren Bos
ten, Mrs. Dee Whitlock, Mrs. Rob
ert Cole, Mrs. James Loder, Mrs.
Dean Allport, Mrs. Kenneth Free,
Mrs. Allen Patton, Mrs. Duanc
Ertsgaard, Mrs. Donald Reitzer,
Mrs. Douglas Hay, Mrs. Tom
Riches, Mrs, Blaine Cline, Mrs.
Mclvin Lien, Mrs. Warren Hock
cr, Mrs. Robert Zeller, Mrs. J. W.
Larios, Mrs. Robert Hullctte, Mrs.
Al Barber, and Mrs. Gale Dorn.
Committees appointed for the
new year included telephone,
Mrs. Blaine Cine, Mrs. Stan Scho
ficld, Mrs. Woody Obcrt, Mrs.
Donald Richardson; membership
committee Mrs. Donald Rcilzer,
Mrs. Lakin Wcslphal, Mrs. Rob
ert Gordon; remembrance, Mrs,
J. W. Larios; social committee,
Mrs. Dale Dorn, Mrs. Robert Cole,
Mrs. James Loder, and Mrs. Rob
ert Hullctte.
Plans are being made for a
dinner meeting March 15 at
China City Cafe. Mrs. J. W. La
rios is program chairman for the
Guild Event
About 40 attended the Febru
ary dessert and meeting for St.
Anne's guild, St. Paul's Episco
pal church, Monday afternoon in
the Fireplace room of the parish
Various projects to assist the
Sunday school department were
approved by the group. Also
plans were made to conduct a i
country lair at the next meet
ing, March 15, also in the Fire
place room.
Visitors at the Mondav meet
ing were Mrs. V. I). MiMullon
and Miss Josephine Kaumgart
ner. Hostesses for the dessert were
Mrs. Charles H. Ileltzel, Mrs W.
Wells Haiim. Mrs. Tom II. Dun
ham, Mrs. Ralph Boone, .Mrs.
Ronald Craven.
BAKER school's Mothers and
Dads club is meeting this evening j is the fourth child, the older rhil
(Tuesday) at the school at 7:311 dren being Nancy, Mary Louise,
o'clock. Following the business i and Stephen Itlaine.
session, Dr. Daniel Srhufrc of Wil- j Grandparents are Mr. and Mrs.
lametle university will give a talk 1 O. W. Gorton and Mrs. Terese
and show slides on the European Hanks, all of Salem, anil Mr.
student tour he directed h,M sum-
OWN OAIIT I J.JJH Wtlfll AlUlph (W
I K I JO 'k
Tells Troth The engagement of Miss Vonda Lea Smith,
above, daughter of .Mr. and Sirs. (. naries Powell of saiem, to
Billy John Fletcher, son of Mr. and Mrs. John F. Fletcher of
Crosbyton, Texas, has been announced. (Roberts studio, Abilene)
West Salem Lions auxiliary
met Monday evening at the home
of Mrs. Chester Douglas. A total
of S.'H2 was reported taken in
on the recent "Mothers March,"
sponsored by the group for the
polio fund.
The date for the stale officers
banquet was for March 10 at the
Senator hotel. An invitation to
the state convention at Coos Bay
was read and Mrs. Junior Eck
ley was appointed convention
Games were played following
the business meeting. At the
coffee hour Mrs. Douglas was
assisted by Mrs. Junior Eckley
and Mrs. Wallace Carlson.
The March meeting will be at
the home of Mrs. Dale Taylor.
Mrs. Dean Tucker was a guest.
Queen of Hearts
Candidates Listed
SILVERTON From eight
senior high school young women
representing the four class
groups will be selected the
(Jiiccn of Hearts for crowning,
tho ceremonial to feature the
half period of the Friday eve
ning, February 13, basketball
game with Sandy at Silvcrlon.
Candidates include, for t h e
freshman class, Miss Ann Smith
and Miss Charlene Moore; sopho
mores, Miss Elizabeth McNatt
and Miss Peggy Dobbins: juniors,
Misses C:il lie Ann Jacobson and
Beltv Hitt: and seniors, Miss
Sharon Gibby and Miss Dorothy
This ceremony has been an
annual event for the Silvcrlon
senior high school for a number
of years.
VISITORS at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Russell F.verly, Sunday,
were Mr. and Mrs. Warner
Hampton anil daughters, Carol
and Judy of dates. The Hamptons
are leaving again in June to be in
Ecuador, where they own prop
erty, for six months. At the
Sunday gathering they showed
pictures on Ecuador and the
Eyerlys showed pictures of their
Smith Pacific trip. A supper
was served.
A nU'GIITI'H. Cam! Eliza
beth, was born February 3 at
Portland to Mr. and Mrs. Blaine
Hanks, formerly of Salem. She
.loanncttc Dickinson of Salem is
i m- hi r.ufci .lutllHOMirr.
when you need
iruir.Ht COMIS FIRST ... rny.
".! Cr" Wivll G.I th, ,imi
vim. J lic.Ml NOW . . . n..anoa
10 rny In',, on ,cu, J,er
G o,,,, rnd, re our 1,0,, i,,,
V,i..,i , p.ticpi.oa.
Termi as low as5Qa Week
Today's Menu
You'll treasure this rich but
simple pastry dessert.
Fish Chowder Crackers
Chef's Salad Rolls
Mincemeat Turnovers
Mincemeat Turnovers
Ingredients: Vt pound butter or
margarine, one 3-ounce package
cream cheese, dash of salt, 1 cup
sifted flour, Vt cup (about) ready-to-use
Method: Cream butter and cream
cheese. Add salt and work in flour
gradually with wooden spoon. Chill.
Roll half the dough at one time;
cut in 4-inch squares; put about a
tablespoons of mincemeat on each
square; fold over into triangle;
pinch edges together with tines of
fork. With fork, prick top in several
places. Bake in hot (450 F.) oven
about 12 minutes or until browned.
Serve warm as they come from
oven, or reheat. Makes 10 to 12
comes news of the birth of a
daughter, February 13, to Mr.
and Mrs. Charles B. Terry. Also
welcoming the baby is a brother,
Charles, Jr. Grandparents are
Mrs. A. C. F. Pcrrv of Salem
and Mr .and Mrs. Wilfred Pris
sick of Ontario, Canada.
. .
Past Matrons Event
WOODBURN Members of the
Past Matrons club of Evergreen
chapter, Order of the Eastern Star,
will meet for dinner at 7 p.m.,
Wednesday. Feb. 17, at the Masonic
temple. Hostesses will be Mrs.
George D. Jones, Mrs. Jess Fikan
and Mrs. Willard Atwood.
The business meeting will follow
! I he dinner and plans will be com
I plcled lo serve the Masonic Home.
coming dinner on Saturday. Feb. !
21). at 7 p.m. Mrs. Harlow C. Dix-!
on will preside. I
iif.viiuiiit airs. Eugene;
Brown entertained the guild of
m. Hildas Episcopal church re
cently with 15 members and
guests present. The group voted
to send the proceeds from their
recent conked food sale for Ko
rean relief. They will support the
church budget and will continue
to sponsor the Blue Bird group.
Theme for Dance
MT. ANGEL "Gaitc Parisien
ne" is Ihe theme chosen bv the
students of Mount Angel Wom
en's college for their winter for
mal which will he on February
Dancing will he frnm O tn 1?
o'clock, with George Tyler's band
,frnm Portland furnishing the mu
For Ihe
See These New
1953 Admiral Consoles
21" Deluxe Maple Full-Door.
21" Mahogany Combination . . . ,
27" Mahogany Half-Door . . $49500
Also A Few 1 954 Admiral
Floor Samples at Reduced Prices
Warren's Sales and Service Inc.
1993 Fairground Rd. Ph. 3-7681
Open Friday Nile Til 9
Edited by MARIAN
4 Service
Clubs Meet
At Dinner
About 100 attended the inter
club dinner for the four women's
service clubs of the city, Mon
day evening in the Gold room
at the Marion.
Altrusa club sponsored the
event, other clubs attending in
cluding zonta, boroptimist and
Rotana. Miss Arline Sholseth
from Altrusa presided.
It was a get-acquainted affair.
with no formal program ar
ranged. Mrs. Tom Wolgamott
of Zonta club carried on a "what's
my line" type of introduction.
going about the room to have
members of the four clubs stand
while others outside their club
identified their classification in
their own service group. The
club membership identifying the
most won a prize.
Soroptimist club put on a hu
morous style show of what the
business woman of 1054 wears.
Rotana club presented a puppet
act skit. Special music included
solos by Mrs. Frank Burling
ham, guest of the Soroptimists,
Miss Alice Crary Brown as ac
Couple Wed
Here Feb. 11
A bride of Thursday, February
II. was Miss Darline Anderson,
daughter of Mrs. Ada Nelson. She
was married to Bernard Benson,
son of Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Ben
son. The Rev. John Cauble per
formed the 5 o'clock ceremony at
St. Mark's Lutheran church before
relatives and close friends.
Mrs. John Wedmer of Woodburn
was the organist and Dean Brown
was the soloist.
Miss Anderson wore an aqua bal
lerina length dress with white ac
Miss Dorolhy Brown was the
maid of honor and Leonard Ben
son, brother of the bridegroom,
was the best man.
Ushers were Robert Carlson,
Dallas, and James Bennett of St.
A reception followed at the home
of the bride's mother. About 40
relatives and friends attended
I Miss Kay Scherrer, Mrs. Robert
Carlson, Dallas, and Mrs. Leonard
Benson served at the reception.
The couple are at home in Salem.
Delphian Club
MONMOUTH Mrs. Daniel Wess
ler of Independence was speaker
for the Delphian Book club when
they met at the home of Mrs. O. A.
Macy with Mrs. C. F. Gillette as
sisting. The speaker told of the two years I
she and her husband, the Rev. Mr. I
Wessler, lived in Scotland while he
was a student at St. Andrews uni
versity. Mrs. Stanley Krucgcr of
Independence was also a visitor.
Mrs. Orrin Lyday of Independence
and Mrs. Homer Dodds of Mon
mouth were received as new mem
bers. The next meeting will be with
Mrs. Carl Groin in Independence
with Mrs. Grace Swope assisting as
HOME FROM a two weeks
'"P lu memo ram, cam., arc
mt. ann Airs. Konatd Blundell
and children, Karen, Craig and
Christine. The;, visited with Mrs.
Blundell's family, Mr. and Mrs.
D. M. Botsford, who leave March
1 for an extended European trip.
MACLEAY Members of t h e
Macleay Woman's club will be
guests of Mrs. M. M. Magce at
her home Thursday, February 25,
for a 1 o'clock dessert.
Federal ,nd State
Income Tax Returns
' Prepared
Leon A. Fiscus
1509 N. 4th Ph. 3-5285
In TV's
Credit Women
Meet Tuesday
The new members of the Salem
Credit Women's Breakfast club
were announces on Tuesday
morning at the club's semi
monthly meeting at Nohlgren's.
New members are Mrs. Glenn
Bowman, Mrs. John Chamber
lain, Mrs. Chester Cushing, Jr.,
Mrs. Lirry Fitzgerald, Mrs.
Doriald Nelson, Mrs. Robert Buck
ley, Mrs. Sidney Jary, Mrs. Vcl-
ma K. Davis, Mrs. Myrna Mayles,
Miss Myrtle Inghram, Miss Bet
ty Bangcrt and Miss Marian
Miss Mibred Shultz and Mrs.
Edna Schumaker were guests.
It was announced that the Salem
club will be hostess at the lunch
eon on March 21 for the Oregon,
Columbia Basi . regional confer
ence at the Multnomah ..otel in
On February 23, new members
will be initiated at the home of
Mrs. Leo Childs.
Mrs. Rossiter Is
Feted on Birthday
Mrs. C. H. Rossiter was hon
ored Sunday with a party on the
occasion of her 83rd birthday. A
group of friends called at her
Stayton home.
Mrs. Rossiter was born on Val
entine's day in Russell, Wis. She
came to Oregon with her par
ents. Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Sicg-
mund in 1873 and moved to Stay
ton in 1874.
The Valentine motif was used
in decorating for he party. Hon
oring Mrs. Rossiter were Mr. and
Mrs. A. R. biegmuna, Mr. ano
Mrs. William Siegmund, Mrs. Ma
thilda S. Jones, Mr. and Mrs.
Claude Morse, Miss Wilda Sieg
mund, Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Sieg
mund and Mrs. A. H. Barker,
all of Salem; Mr. and Mrs. Frank
Siegmund, Henry Siegmund, Mrs.
Anton Moravec, Jr., Clarence
English, Bob Sullivan and Mrs.
Margaret Travis, all of Stayton.
Rebekahs Meet
Plans for the pie social on Fri
day night at the IOOF temple
were discussed at Salem Rebekah
lodge on Monday night at the
erouD's weekly meeting. It was
announced that M. F. Wolverton
of Dallas will be the auctioneer.
Other announcements made in
cluded the meeting of the Willam
ette encampment on Friday. A
6:45 no host dinner will precede
the meeting. LEA also meets at
the temple on Friday night. Past
Noble Grands club set their meet
ing for Wednesday night at the
home of Mrs. Clifford Taylor, 614
Cascade Drive. i
During the program hour, a mu-
sical was presented by the John '
Smith family,
DAR Meeting
WOODBURN The regular meet
ing of Belle Passi chapter, Daugh
ters of the American Revolution,
will be Thursday, Feb. 18, at 2
p.m., at the home of Mrs. H. F.
Butterfield instead of at the home I
f Mr V" l's"n as. !jrs' al!' j
5 Wilson, .le vtsit-1
cenlly, suffered a broken wrist and
will be unable to return home for
the meeting.
The birthday anniversary of Ihe
chapter will be observed and koda
chrome pictures of the DAK build
ings in Washington. D. C, will be
shown. Mrs. Lester Keller will pre
Boys and Girls, Age Group 8 to 16
Register Now $7.00
You Get:
Use of Accordion for Classes
and Home Practice
Two Periods Eoeh Week for Seven
(7) Weeks in Our Studio
You Can Eorn Achievement Award
up to $25.00 on o New Galanti
For Style
Show Listed
Committee chairmen for the
Spinsters club's spring style
show on March 27 are being an
nounced by the general chair
man, Mrs. Howard Mader. The
benefit will be a luncheon and
style show at the Marion hotel.
Miss Mary Louise Lee is chair
man for accommodations; Miss
Nancy Hershe for decorations,
Miss Beverly Lytic for music.
Mrs. John P. Maulding is chair
man for reservations, Miss Lu
ella Campbell, chairman for tick
ets. Miss Antoinette Kuzmanich
and Miss Evelyn Johnson are cp
chairmen for the models. Mrs.
William II. Byers, Jr., heads the
publicity committee and Mrs.
Donald" Wells is chairman for
The club met last evening for
a Valentine party for the girls
at the state school for the blind.
The next meeting of the club
will be March 8 at the home of
Mrs. Robert Siddoway.
Program Listed
For Benefit Tea
. WOODBURN Plans have been
completed and the program an
nounced for the 4Uth annual Mar
tha Washington tea, sponsored by
the Woodburn Woman's club, to be
Friday, February 19, at 2 p.m. at
the Woodburn library club rooms.
The tea is an annual benefit to
purchase new books for the library
and has been sponsored every
year since 1908 for the library. It
is also a benefit for the entire
community in the new books fur
nished by this project.
Mrs. Lyman Seely and Mrs. Gail
Wengenroth are co-chairmen for
the event, assisted by a large
number of committees.
Mrs. R. L. Anderson, program
chairman, has announced the fol
lowing program: Welcome by
Mrs. James Lamb, club president;
invocation, Mrs. Fred Rogers;
piano solo, Mrs. Don Miller; vocal
solo, Mrs. Julius Granner, accom
panied by Mrs. J. Melvin Ringo;
a library summary, by Mrs. Estel-
la Kerns, city librarian; and a !
dramatic reading. "Life With j
Mother," (Krouse-Lindsay) by
Doris Smith of the Portland Civic
Following the program tea will :
be served. Mrs. A. E. Austin,
Mrs. A. G. Cowan, Mrs. J. Melvin '.
Ringo and Mrs. E. J. Allen will
pour. Colonial costumes will he
worn by many of the members.
The public is invited to attend 1
and show appreciation for the
library which is enjoyed not only
by residents of Woodburn but by
many from the surrounding areas.
Board Session
The board for the third district,
Oregon Federation of Women's
clubs, met Monday at Indepen
dence for the final meeting for
Mrs. Georee Rnssman as district
Mrs. C. A. lratzke, Mrs. Stan
ley Krueger and Mrs. Melford ;
Nelson, the three Independence
hoard members, were hostesses to
thi group for the luncheon at the
Independence Woman's club. j
Plans were made lor the third
district convention in Forest
Grove, April 8.
Attending the Monday board
Rossman, Mrs. Merle V). Travis
Da;w Wri M ,nd Mrs. Al!
' bcrt C. Gragg.
Learn Accordion
Read These Simple Rules
1. Must be between ages of 8 ond 16
2. Must have had NO previous exper
ience on accordion
3. Must agree to be present at each class
meeting for 7 weeks to be eligible for
achievement award
('Not a contest, but an award of merit
on the instrument)
Across from Elsinore Theatre
South Lions Club
Auxiliary Meeting
Mrs. Elton McGilchrist, 2575
F.?st Nob Hill, will be hostess to
the South Salem Lions club aux
iliary, Wednesday evening at 8
Speaker for the evening is to
be Miss Ruth Jayncs of the pub
lic welfare department.
Co-hostesses are Mrs. Glen
Browning and Mrs. David Ran
dolph. Birthday Observance
For Job's Daughters
A large number of parents,
former bethel guardians and past
honored queens attended the
sixth birthdav part; of bethel
No. 35, Job's Daughters, on
Monday night at the Scottish
Rite temple.
Honored and escorted were
Mrs. William Bissell, Miss Har
ictt Hiday, Miss Barbara Cone,
past h mored queens, Mrs. Flor
ence Christy, and Mrs. Gladys
Hall. Dast supreme guardians
Mrs. Doro'hy Crump, vice grand
guardian; Mrs. Paul Wahl, Mrs.
E. T. Hartwell, Mrs. Marvin Ras
musscn, past guardians and Mrs.
Arthur Woods, bethel No. 43, past
guardian; Mr. and Mrs. Clair
Holcomb. Mr. Holcomb is hon
orary grandfather of the bethel.
Miiss Sharon Long ..nd Miss
Nancy Weeks were elected as
delegates to grand session. It
was also announced that several
carloads of bethel members would
drive tin March 14 to the tea at
the Masonic home in Forest
Grove. A school of instruction
for officers is planned on Feb
ruary 28 at the Scottish Rite
A program was presented by
the Misses Sue Jenkins, Jackie
La Due, Marilyn Reaney and Mar
cia Humphrey. Eldon Cone
showed films on the recent ski
hostess to her bridge club for
dessert and cards Tuesday after
noon. Mrs. Val Johnson was an
additional guest.
Wednesday Lunch
In the
Capitol Shopping Center
Hot Turkey Dinner
Whipped Potatoes and if.
Gravy, Cole Slaw . . . OJC
Fast Service - Delicious Food
Try Salem's Best Place to Eat!
Of Salem Inc.
1540 Fairgrounds Rd.
Ph. 4-6263
OUR Budget Plan
for achievement
tm. Huh M
Tuesday, February 16, 1954
ATO Alumni
Salem alumni of Alpha Tau
Omega met Monday evening as
guests of Sigfrid B. Unander
and Walter Kirk, the pre-dinner
event being at the Unander hc-mcrf
the dinner at the Kirk hone.
Plans were made to attend the
ATO banquet on Thursday at Co
lumbia Athletic club to honor the
national president of the frater
nity, Dean and Rt. Rev. J. Mel
ton Richardson of Texas.
Alumni attending were Lee M.
Bown, Robert Elgin, Frank Boc
ci, Homer G. Lyon, Jr., Chester
Zumwalt, John Krouse, Deryl
Mvnrs. Gene Vandencvndc. Sam
Grey, Joe Richards, Parker dies.
Carl Aschcnbrenner, George
Gant, Richard B. Jcnning, Fred
Lewis, James Davis and the two
Shrine Initiates
Mrc r.rare Scroggins. Lebanon.
j and Mrs. L. C. Tennis were ini
tiated into ., wiiiameue onrine.
White Shrine of Jerusalem on
Monday night at the Masonic tem
ple. Plans for the Northern associ
ation meeting in April at Kelso,
Wash., were discussed. Guests on
Monday were Mrs. Sam Bently,
Eugene and Mrs. L. A. Dagett,
CIRCLE No. 2 Knight Me
morial church women, will meet
at 12:30 p.m. Wednesday at the
church, a business session to
follow the luncheon.
What this spread doos
f"i' a yandwii h is really
somclliini;! l or c reamy
l.unrh Hox has the nddr-rl
Cnnrl flavor of rhnpprrl
pirklns nit swrrt, rerl
PTPTR. Qnjrk, p.1sv50
much for Ihe mnnpy!