Ml V Mil ' 'i! 1 r 1 If. if ii THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, Salem, Oregon Tuesday, February 16. 1954 Valley Edited by MIKE FOItBKS Sublimity Sublimity Mr. and Mrs. H. M Mueller of Minneapolis, Minn., and their daughter and son-in-kw, Mr. and Mrs. Norton Hoes of White Lake, S. D. visited at the N. W. Kremer home. Wed nesday. They were over night guests of the Nick P. Kreincrs on Tuesday. Mrs. Margaret entertained 13 members of the Women's Club at her home on Thursday. Mrs. George Glover received high for cards while Mrs. E. A. Dittcr drew the special prize. Mrs. Lee Highuurgtr will be host to the group Feb. IB. Mrs. Mary Kintz and daughter, Miss Darlcnc Kintz, returned Friday morning from California. Mrs. Kintz had been visiting relatives in that state the past six weeks, her daughter gradu ated from Dental Technician's School in San Francisco Feb. 9. Mr. and Mrs. Gene Hussell and Ballston BALLSTON Miss Klsie Taylor and Mrs. George Gardner attend ed a project leader's meeting in Kickreall Friday, the subject be ing "Home Accessories." M an4 Mm f.nnran Witcnn an. family left Wednesday for Cres- tertainod Saturday with an eve- vim 1.11,, 1,11 in. ,ii nv i.iv.v. iiiij nln(, 0 ear(is will be Godparents for little Thosc invUc(i wt.rc Mr and Mrs Pamela Joan the newest addi- arow Bakeri Mr and MrJ K1. lion to the John Mackie family. h ir,i.,nH Mr ami Mr. Mrs. Russell and Mrs. Mackie I i-.,i nhnHo. Mr and u,, r0 are sisters Manhirter, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Irvm Schumacher is up and M an(J Mrs j Frajzer around after being a surgica The next meetinff 0f the Sew patient at Santiam Memorial and circe club wj, be he,d a, tne nosPlal- 'home of Miss Klsie Taylor on Clarence Zubcr was up irom i Thursday afternoon, Feb. 18. surprised and family Mr. and Mrs. Paul Lewis in Portland. Mrs. Frank Fink, Mrs. Ray mond Kellis and Mrs. Russel Nel son visited at the home of Mrs. Clara Nickolson at Marquam. The Garden Club met at Mar quam hall Thursday where they were shown colored 3-1) pictures bv Mr.Kkman of Silvertnn. Pistol Itivcr over the weekend whin he and Mrs. Zubcr acted as sponsors for the Christening of the Jack Norman's infant daugh ter. Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Zubcr (Sharon Meier), who were here for the Hartmann-Holt wedding, returned to their home at Pistol River. Greg Frost is convalescing at his home after a short stay at Santiam Memorial hospital. Concrete was poured this week for the construction of a new home for the Ignatius Rucfs. K.N'DS TODAY! "Till': ACTRKSS" "SAILOR OF TIIK KING" STARTS TOMORROW - ,LEOPATRA I . f. LEOPATR A JEFF CHANDLER M Howard Kilmer was with a birthday party Saturday evening, Feb. 6. Those attending were Mr. and Mrs. F.zra Kilmer, Mr. and Mrs. Stacy Kilmer, Mr. and Mrs. Mel vin Johnson, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Kadcll and Mr, and Mrs. Ralph Kadell. Joe Gregg of Albany has been a recent visitor at the home of his aunt, Mrs. Kdd Miller, also vis iting the Miller home were Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Maloney of Port land. Mis. Bob Gould visited at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Hen Whitlow at Dayton last week. Mr. and Mrs. J. 11. Catton of Newbcrg spent Sunday at the home of Mrs. Cation's brother and sister, ltussel aud Miss ICIsie Tay lor. Mrs. Freel Smith of Gopher Val ley spent several days last week at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. 0. Snow. WeMoof WEBKOOT Nine members and one guest attended the Web foot Social club meeting held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Lyman Thursday afternoon. Tying two, 48 by 63 inch chil dren'.; quilts made of bright colored pieced blocks was the work. A Valentine exchange was fea tured. The visitor was Mrs. Henry Frcshour of Pleasantdale district, mother of Mrs. Lyman. Members attending were Mes dames Ames Holdredge, 83, John Hackworth, Ralph Curfman, Al bert May, A. M. Vernon, Dell Morgariedge, Clayton Richard and small datghter, Rosco Rob erts, and Mrs. Lyman the hostess. The next meeting will be at the home of Mrs. Dell Morgariedge. Central Howell Aurora Scotts Mills SCOTTS MILLS March of dimes benefit dance was held at the Scotts Mills city hall February 13. It was sponsored by Jeans and Calico Square dance cluh. Mr. and Mrs. Marion Grnshong and family spent Sunday at coastal points. S. P. Woberg returned recently from a visit with his daughter AURORA Miss Maxine Marsh of the Coos Bay district, visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Marsh in Aurora over the week end. Recent Aurora visitors from Longview, Wash., were Mr, and Mrs. Arthur Brock. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Ehlcn, Mrs. Bertha Schultz and Mr. and Mrs. George Askin, spent Thurs day in Silvcrton. George Zicgler of Barlow was a guest Saturday at the home of his sister Mrs. Noman Hurst. Maj. and Mrs. Henry Wurster and sons of Moses Lake, Wash., spent Saturday and Sunday with his mother, Mrs. Anna Wurster in Aurora. CENTRAL HOWELL Nemo club members were entertained at the Leonard Roth home with Mrs. Roth and Mrs. Harry McKibben host esses. Roll call was answered by members telling where their sons or other relatives in the service 1 were stationed. . Special feature of the afternoon was a demonstration led by Mrs. ! bmilh of the state school for the deaf, who brought three students from the school to show their method of teaching. Luncheon was served by the host esses, stressing the many birthdays celebrated this month. Present were the chairman, Mrs. Ernest Roth, Mesdames Milton i Kephart, Perl t. Wood, Maurice Hynes, Martin Hattcberg, Harvey Lively. Nellie Tuve, Everett Milne, Donald Kuenzi, Ray McKibben, Harry McKibben, Earl Schar, Will Roth, John Tweed, Frank Way. Mrs. Robert Roth was a guest. Next meeting will be at the home of Mrs. Tweed in Silverton, March 10, with Mrs. Perle Wood, Mrs. Nellie Tuve and Mrs. Ed Hynes. The Central Howell home exen sion unit met at the Frank Way home for their February meeting. "Making Fabric Lamp Shades" was the project with Mrs. Clarence Simmons, Sr., and Mrs. Roy Kutschman as leaders. A short business meeting was held with the chairman, Mrs. Rutschman, presiding. Three vis itors were precsnt. Mrs. Phyllis Davis, Mrs. Alvin Krug and Mrs. Charles Olson. Members answering roll call were Mrs. MartimRehm, Mrs. Gil bert Haury, Mrs. Herbert Kneiss, Mrs. Howard Eggiman, Mrs. Earl DeSart, Mrs. Clarence Johnson, Mrs. Dan Steffen, Mrs. Maurice Hynes, Mrs. Cleo Miller. Mrs. Gro ver Lichty, Mrs. Alex Lichty, Mrs. Will Roth, Mrs. Simmons, Mrs. Rutschman and Mrs. Way. Assist ing Mrs. Way at the noon hour were Mrs. Haury, Mrs. Roth and Mrs. Krug. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Simmons, Jr., are the proud parents of a daughter, born Feb. 6, and named Elaine Ruth. The Simmons have two other daughters. Amity Grand Island GRAND ISLAND Mrs. George Sargeant, 91, who resides with her son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Sargeant, in their Grand Island home, has completed crocheting four large afghans for relatives and started the fifth one in the year she has been in the home here. Dr. H. W. Barnard, 91. of Ridge' field, Wash., a special friend of the Mrs. Clarence Rockhill family of Grand Island, died the first of this week, according to word received here. He was a resident of Dayton many years ago and his home was the present Roy Will family iesi dence. AMITY March of Dimes col lections in this community total ii tm n.l Stanley Allison, lo cal chairman, announced follow ing the close. Largest portion of the total came from the pic and cake auction sponsored by the local fire department. Myrtle circle of Neighbors of Woodcraft have elected officers as follows: guardian neighbor, Elma Nason; adviser, Opal Lah ley; banker, Rose Wood; ma gician, Carrie Kidal; attendant, Ethel Lawson. Captain of the guards, Ralph Woods; musician, Helen Fonger; inner sentinel, Cora Newman; outer sentinel, Rose Hininan; managers, Joe Banek, Jean Hin lan, Jessie Wood. Press correspondent, Elona Wood; senior guardian, Verna Mekkers; flag bearer, Gertie Richter; past guardian neigh bor, Russell Lawson; physician recommended Drs. Ross and Van Zyl; Carrie Kidal, installing offi cer. March 8 has been set for advance night; April 26, installa tion. Amity circle host for dis trict pep night February 22. Plan Family Night WOODBURN "Family Night' will be observed by the loca members of the Veterans of For' cign Wars and auxiliary at thi next meeting Feb.- 17. Pot-lucl dinner will be served at 8 p.m. tt which all members, their families and friends are invited. The Federation International! de Ski, is a world body represent ing the sport of skiing with 38 nations represented. HOSPITAL PATIENT WHEATLAND Miss Nora Smith of Portland, aunt of Mrs. Joe Beatty of Wheatland, was taken to the hospital in Portland Saturday. How ( do you choose? Have you ever wondered how you choose the food you ent, your new spring hat or kind of tie you wear? Ib it jimt to please yourself, your own eye or sense of tnsle or rio you also think of others . . . how will they like your choice? Now why, for instance, do so many choose Olympia Hcer? Is it the name? The nnme is held in hiph regard. Is it the flavor? The flavor's light, refreshing, and hest of all, dcpendiihle. Is it the famous water from the artesian wells- the water that makes the difference in Olympin'a character? Or, is it the appreciation you receive when serving Olympia lo your guests . . . that feeling of approval Hint you've chosen well . . . for them? Perhaps it's all of these things, all added together, that go to make a choice. v1 7T, U..K .j I) S r,l Oil miou h BttR -A 7 Qne Water tn- e difference X STARTS TOMORROW! Ends Tonite Doris Day Howard Keel "Calamity Jane" Also Ida Lupino in "Road House" TWtlUING. CYE-FIUING SHCIACU! JZi. .a iyy i HITS". t EASY a A I I I I I I II I ESTHER WILLIAMS V Van JOHNSON -Tony MARTIN rr- ) AI.SO- wwwmiw iSFRMINI ROBOT UfS TERRORIZES P . STARTS TODAY! IT'S GOT YOUTH! IT'S GOT f ROMANCE! It's Tuneful and Terrific! fTullli 6 NEW HIT PARADE jl nrr ALSO eal Detective Thriller: exciting on the screen DRAGNET a umn nouE$ phesentation Prices This Engagement Only! Adults: 51.25 Children: 50c STARTS Tomorrow! At 7:00 P.M. Doors Open 6:30 Theatre Closed Tonight and Tomorrow Afternoon fori Cinemascope Installation! Visile-is welrpme to "One pt America's Cireptirnal BrfAeries," Olympia Brng Company, Olympia. Wash.. U. S. A. 9 30 to 4.30 every day Children: sue yi&lW "'"""" 20h Century-Fox presents hfSi The New DimensionoT Photographic Marvel You See Without Glasses s v "J $ ffWiCf: curved Nflr.cle Mirror Screen -AS ' V" 'MW'." ,' ncl"eve!l Panoramic scope. rfVtf 1 he mr;ic of .Stereophonic Sound ', KH RICHARD BURTON JEAN SIMMONS VICTOR MATURE MICHAEL RENNIE j SpSS. I r"! w. n i, PMitif DUN i,.. . imi uoro c dougias irrn I H fryH?3ffiwT I ' ' 1 Brings you the miracle tnru .11 4 time the imperial might of Rome Lvi.juci agnmsi me Word of God! -""""UTTmiaaaiiMiii Mm iiibi 1