Tuesday, February 16, 1954 800 Real Estate ROY TODD REAL ESTATE' YOU MUST SEE THIS ONE This suburban home located North. 1 bdrms., 13x22 llv. rm, with fire place. Large kit. and din. comb. Jt'.x24 pallo. Tile roof. Alt. aar. Large lot. (10.600. FAIRMOUNT DISTRICT Llv. rm. 14x19 with picture win dow, kit. with large din. area. 2 very nice bdrms. dn 1 large bdrm. Up. Nicely finished. Full basement lth sawdust furnace. Only (10,95(1. LIVE HERE FOR FREE Mi acres and 2 homes each with 2 bdrms., llv. rm., kit. and dm. comb, and other outbuildings. One house and 4 acres bring in $900 fer yrNorth of Salem. This is a u.v at (15,000. BUILDING LOTS t corner lots 60x120. Kaizer DIs. trict. (650 each. KOY TODD, REALTOR 1119 State St. - Office Phone: 2.8591 Evenings Call: Elllnger 4-5328. Impson 3-8239, Vandervort 2-6286, Ruch 3-7915 CAPITOL DISTRICT An exceptionally welt built home only 20 years old. 5 excellent bed rooms. 2 full baths. Extra large living room with fireplace. Full basement. Beautiful creek lot with outside fireplace. Easy walking dis tance to shopping center. A fine home for only $15,900. CLOSE IN 39 ACRES Only 3 miles from Salem. All under cultivation. Really lays nice with future possibilities. Paved road. Fenced. Only '2 mile to new school. High school bus by door. 70-foot well. Very nice modern 26xfi0 barn (2fi standchion with drinking cupsl. Milkhouse. Walk-in cooler. 3-bed. room home with fireplace. Some Equipment included. Owners may lake home up to $8000 as part pay ment. Only $21,600 to settle an estate makes this a good buy, NEW 3-BEDR00M Beautiful fireplace. Only $1500 down with F.H.A. loan on balance with small monthly payments. Wonderful kitchen In bichwood. Large all plastered garage. Large lot on paved street. Bus by door. An outstanding buy at only $10,800. 201 South High Phone 3-9203 Phone Evenings and Sundavs 4-1671, 3-3858, 4-5319, 3-3264, 3-4876 801 Business Oportunities FOR SALE. Sco. Hand Store. Write Box 404, Independence, Ore. MUST BE SOLD l.T.a A. subdivision, industrial and .home sites. For more information Phone .1-3289, General Real Estate. 2."ri center. .ESTAURANT & Fountain. Near school & Shopping Center. For sale or trade. Gold mint for right party. Ph. 2-9425. FOR SALE our equipment at Silver Falls Lodge, call 2-8737. FOR SALE by owner. Well equipped beauty shop. Good location. Very reasonable rent. Ph. 3-8704. FOR LEASE bldg. 50x75. doors on 4 sides. Good for garage, business or storage. Ph. 3-9163. 804 Suburban BY OWNER 2 bedroom, insulated home, 1 acre, double garage, barn. Fruitland Dist. Ph. 3-1333. 806 Houses For Sala UNFINISHED Over 1000 square feet flour space. 3 bdrms. Wired and plumbed. Lot 75x234 ftt. Drilled well. Small dn. payment. C. W. REEVE, REALTOR I860 Mission St. Ph. 3-4."IfO T'YlJ!'6 LAHGE 8 rm house. Leslie Dist. $3500. 125 Fir St. JUST COMPLETED 3 bedrooms or 2 plus 1 combination den or bed room. 2 haths, plastered, oak floors, plastic tile floors in kitchen, din. ettc and bathrooms, extra large liv. rm., fireplace, larce att. garage with utilities, on approx. U acre. Low down pymt. and easy monthly pvmts. Located at 2107 Brown Road. Ph. 2-5768 or 2-5777. A COUPLE CUTIES 1075 N. 17th Street, this 2-bedrm. cutlc listed at $:.2i0 has oil hc.it piped to all rms., is fully Insulated, Interior is so clean It really shines, sts. A- walks all In and paid. This one will sland a hiff loan, drive by. but please don't bother the tenants. J3IS NORTHGATE This one Is brand new, the place Is vacant and the house Is open, so in and look It over, see if you cm find a bet ter one for (11.600. EVE. call ED, 2-8704. Ed Lukinbeal, Realtor 433 N. HIGH OFF. PH. 2-H680 Business Directory APPLIANCE SERVICE 24-HOUR SERVICE, all makes. Red's Appliance Repairs, z-msu. -jm RKlTniNG CAPITOL ReddlnR Mattress reno vators. New mattresses. 3-4(169. m i.i ix'i.jg ltiilidnrmR. clearing roads, ponds D-4. D-6, carnal! V. Huskey, Ph 2-3UH iioi si'iioi ii piiont'CTs FOlVprompl. free delivery of WAT KINS products, phase rail distrib utor, ll:l.) So. Commercial St . Sa lem Ph. 3-S3M. Dealer applications Invited. ""stanlcv Home Products. Lee Mlndt, ifiSIl Marhsnn. Ph. 3-40518. Nl ltSIRSCIIWl7 FlNK'S Fan viand nursery school. 8.15 MisMon Ph 2-7fi58 pi.tsiniNO 24-ilR PUMP service on all makes water systems Brownie Valdcz 2-.V.86 REFRIGERATOR SERVICE All makes and models. Al Laue Re- frim-iation. Ph. 3-5443. ST P T ICT A N K S MIKES Septic Service. Tanks clean ed. D'rooter cleans sewers, drains Phone3-MRSJ ""sewer scottc tanks, drains clean er!. Rot(:-Pfoter S'WCi Service Prone 3-5:127. Hamel's senile tanks cleaned, line service Guaranleel work. Phone 3-7401. 2-0774. TREE UORK PRUNING A- sprsvmg. Insured op erator. L. W. Caudle. Ph. 4-1161. 800 Real Estate (An agency devoted entirely to home-selling Kealtor-Appr.n.sei SRA and ATTRACTIVE 4 VeT l'r'"'f'v,!' clean 4-bdrm. home, a,u mui anuwer. mceiy lurnisnea. uonc. found, uood neighbors, z blks. to 4-Corners school, "i blk. to bus, affords lots of living for a growing family at very reasonable price, (7,950. Grace Tomlln, slw. Ph. 4-4441. Res. Ph. 4-2436 STATE ST. BUSINESS ZONE Good older home with income, 3-bdrm. -uurm. apt. up wnn comb, lh & Kit., pantrv, bath. Outside stairs to 2nd floor. All spacious rooms. 3-car jar. (9,000. Grace Tomlin, slw. Office Ph. 4-4141, Res. Ph. 4-2436. HANDYMAN'S OR BUILDERS SPECIAL Finish the interior of this home in iuo. o oarms,. an. gar., suourDan, I blk. to school and bus. Flnlsning of floors necessary, also installation of inside doors, casings, and cab inets to be completed. Walls are ready for interior decor. See this. Only (6.975, including 21-ln. Console TV. Edna Morgan, Slw. Office Ph. 4-4441. Res. Ph. 4-6038 YOUR NEIGHBORHOOD SALESMAN Five HOMESELLER salesmen are keeping constant check on about 100 nomes eacn tor sale in their respective neighborhoods and consolidat ing their Information at HOMESELLERS headquarters. Up-to-the-minute information about home sales in your neighborhood will help you whether you want to buy a home or sell one. Call 4-4441 for the name and phone number of the HOMESELLERS salesman or saleswoman for your neighborhood. It will be worth your while to get acquainted with the HOMESELLER salesman for your neighborhood. THE HOMESELLERS MULTIPLE LISTING REALTORS THEO. G. NELSON, MGR. IN TH HUB OF SALEM EASY PARKING 702 N. HIGH, SALEM PH. 4-4441 PERSONALITY .- CHARM 3 bdrms., din. rm., birch kitchen, party room with fireplace In basement, single garage, insulated and weatherstripped, tiled bath ,oil forced air furnace. CALL J. E. LAW TERRIFIC VALUE READY FOR YOU Desl values we nave, 3 bdrms., entry nail, grooved cedar paneled llv. rm., din. rm., play or TV room and hall, beautiful birch kitchen with dishwasher, utility area, lge. tool and deep freeze room, dble. lavatory bath room. Nice setting in Oak grove close to bus ONLY $14,000. CALL ROY S. FERRIS ONE OF KINGWOOD HEIGHTS NICEST nng, view, sprinkling system large 3 bdrm. home, basmt., 2 fireplaces, dble. garage. For appointment CALL RICHARD E. GRABENHORST. CREEK PROPERTY A neat four bdrm. ly neignnornooo. uood school location. Price $11,900. Terms, call m. ft. LAYMON LARGE BUSINESS LOT 110' x 125' on home, shop bldg. 24 x 24 and office GRABENHORST, JR, GRABENHORST BROS. REALTORS 134 S. LIBERTY PHONE 2-2471 Evenings & Sundays call Salesmen H. K. Laymon 2-S1M Roy S. NELSON & NELSON (ORIGINAL FIRM IN A NEW LOCATION) JUST LISTED OLDER 2-BDRM. HOME IN WEST SALEM but in excellent condition. Clean, neat, large rooms. 60 x 100 lot. Close to school, bus. Very good buy for this price, ?4,750. Taxes J45. Call Mrs, Wootten, slw. JUST LISTED SUBURBAN SETTINC? SOUTH, $9,000. Well kept 2-bdrm. home on lot 120 x 150 offers you pleasant living in beautiful setting. There are 13 cherry trees and other fruit, garden, etc. Call Al Watts, slm. JUST LISTED ENGLEWOO DDISTR1CT 4-BDRM. HOME with recreational rm. Hi baths. Here is a good looking, well built home. All large rooms even a good dining rm. Full bnsemt. Iron Fireman oil furn. Your family will enjoy the barbeque outdoor firepl. & patio. Walking distance to all schools. All this for only 913,750. This property will sell quickly. JUST LISTED THIS NEW THREE-RDRM. HOME, SOUTH will give you the beautiful view property you have been looking for. Very well arranged floor plan and large basemt. for recreational facilities. Auto, forced air heat, double g;ir. This hoiie has the "modern" look which Is handled well. Price $14,500. JUST LISTED CLOSE-TN ACREAGE with older 4-bdrm. home just right for that growing family. This Liberty District home will give your family that freedom they have wanted. Good sized barn for the horse or cow, chicken house, fi acres of grain. 4 acres of pasture and family orchard. $10,R00. Good school, brses to Jr. anrtHi. JUST LISTED ONE OF TILLAMOOK'S FINEST APARTMENT HOUSES will 1rade for Salem income property or home. This fi unit, alt nicely furnished, prop, erty has hot water ht.. laundry facilities, garages. Apts. newly painted inside and out. Will sell for $42,500. half down. Excellent opportunity to get a fine property first time on market. Call Dick Schmidt, slm. NELSON & NELSON. REALTORS "COMPLETE REAL ESTATE SERVICE" j 1.W0 S. Commercial St. Ph. J..Vil! Evening: Al Watts 3-7215. Lvdia F. Wootten 3-806S. Dirk Schmidt 2-7.167. diet Nelson 2-1.150. COLBATH'S REAL ESTATE ATTRACTIONS ACTION DEMANDED THIS PROPERTY MUST RE SOLD Here is almost new three bedroom home, hardwood floors, auto oil heat, lovely fenced yard. In the man brtn garden area. FHA Loan can be assumed. Full price only $fS00. MAGNIFICENT COMMANDING VIEW Hl'NDHKDS OF DOLLARS WORTH OF SHRUHS. Honey of a south suburban Int. l.ale built two-bedroom home, fireplace, living rm. din Inc rm., oil piped hc;it to all rooms, p.itio hardwood firs. ASKING PRlrE $11,950. TAKE SMALL 2-BDRM HOME ON SMALL LOT IN TRAIJE. AMAZING! WATSON, AMAZING! GOI.DFN OPPORTUNITY Two houses on one lot. Will sell both for only $s.Mio with furnishine. JUST $500 down Balance $55 per month. MAKE GOOD RENTALS. HURRY. LOOKING FOR INCOME PROPERTY? IF SO WF. HAVE A DANDY. This property Is located rloe to the Capital shopping center and in good rep.iir. All ot the first Ilnor Is occupied hy ihc owner who operates a d.TV nursery. The second floor has 5 Invrlv sleeping rooms all very nicrlv furnished. The basement has 4 sleeping rooms and I apt . all furnished. INCOME AT PRESENT CLOSE TO $ft00 nrr month. Illness only reason for srlltne. ASKING PRICE 2fi,W0. SHOWN I!Y APMT. NO DRIVE BY INFORMATION. SOUTH OF MARION Appnnv sixty ACRES Bran, strawberries and sweet mm farm with STAVTON CONTRACT. Good Chrhalis loam soil Strawberries made 4'j tons per acre in lM.'!. S-room modern older home plus 2 small renial homes and IB hean picker cabin?. 6000 ft. irriEation pipe. 3 electric pumps and motors, 70 rainhlrd sprinklers. 2 tractors and all equipment. EDGE OF THIRTY-SIX ACRES with seven-room or chicken houses witn i crooner smves, inrpe unr.-ige nu iiw-nuip shed. On highway. Price $14,000. TERMS OR TAKE SALEM PROP ERTY IN TRADE. EVENING PHONES MRS OCI.ESP.EE Homes KIGG INS 2-5373 800 Real Estate operated by Theo. C. Nelson, five neighborhood salesmen.) BDRM. $7950 ww carpet L te D rms., cornpact kit., dn. with LB, DR, Kit., mil. & Bath. your spare time and it's very livable entrance hall. llv. rm. with fireplace, Nearing completion and one of the HOMES Large lot, beautiful aet- home on a quiet street In a friend corner. Located North. Has rm. 10 x 14. Price $17,500. CALL G. H. Ferris 2-8010 J. E. Law S-S113 SILVERTON modern home, barn. 2 large lurkey OF SALESMEN Homes T. T. ANDERSON Farms 4-5404 4-2714 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, Salem, Oregon 800 Real Estate 806 Houses For Sale We Specialize in Trades FEDERAL GI & FHA MTCS. Really Good 3 Bedroom In Englewood dist. Completely re modeled. Just like new. Full dry basement with forced air oil fur nace. Garage. Patio. Real nice kitchen. Bus by door. School 2 blks. Garage. Paved driveway. Deep lot. Full price only 9,250. (Call for MR. CRAWFORD, eve. ph. 4-5021) Slm.) LIBERAL TERMS On this almost new home. 3 bed rooms on one floor. Forced air oil furnace. Fireplace. Att. garage. 3 blks. to school. Very quiet st. In sulated. Nice yard and shrubs. Full price $10,500. (Call for MR. GRIM .METT. eve. ph. 2-7679 Slm.) FAIRMOUNT Dist. 3-bedroom house, Plus large utility room. Insulated. Att. garage. Paved st. Extra deep lot. Imm. poss. Owner has left city. Full price only $6,000.00. (Call for MR. CRAW FORD, eve. ph. 4-5020 Slm.) $7850 FULL PRICE For this very modern well located 3-bedroom house. Oil heat. Att. ga rage. In the best of repair. Owner leaving city. Private water system. Insulated. Liberal terms arranged. (Call for MR. GRIMMETT. eve. ph. 2-7679 Slm.) TAVERN LOCATION Yes, we believe this would be a good location for a tavern or night club. Nice store bldg. with very nice living quarters. Almost new. Spotlessly clean. Located in a very prosperous community. Full price $8,750. Call for N. G. "DAN" ISAAK, eve. ph. 4-3533 Slm.) FARM TRADE For a 3-bedroom home either In Salem or Silverton. 58 Acres good land with 45 under cultivation. Good, modern 7-room house. 2 barns. Chicken house. Good fences. A very long list of good farm ma chinery and stock. Everything goes for $25,000. Or will sell without equipment and stock for $21,500. (Call for MR. CRAWFORD, eve. ph. 4-3020 Sim.) 17 ACRES 1 Acre Bcaverdam. Balance Will. lilt. 80 ft, well. Very good modern 5 room house. Barn. Chicken house. Pump house. Garage. Tractor. Plow. Disc. Close to Salem. This Is a real good buy for $13,500. (Call for MR. LEAVENS, eve. ph. 3-4735 Slm.) iy2 ACRES Very close in. Good soil. Very good clean modern house. Garage. Fruit house. Pump house. 1 Acre straw berries. Tractor with all attach ments. 300 ft. irrigation pipe. School. Bus by door. Full price only $9,450. Liberal terms. (Call for MR LEAVENS, eve. ph. 3-4735 Slm.) FHA & CONVENTIONAL MTGS., 20 Yrs. FEDERAL GI MTGS., 20 Yrs. LICENSED ALSO IN WASH. & IDAHO AL ISAAK & CO. REALTOR Office Phones 4-3311 or J-7R20 30.15 Portland Road $-4735, 4-3533, 4-5020. 2-7670. 3S4S If No Answer, Call 4-224$ BY OWNER Kelzer Dist.. 3-BR. home. See it now. Be finished next week. Located blocks. So.. I blk. west of Kelzer school at 4765 Elvira St. PADE & KEEN HOME BUILDERS Let Us Build Yux Home Ph. 2.7698 or 3-1434 ENGLEWOOD 2 bdrm., 5 year old nouse. 57,500. Fn. 4-5458. $700 DOWN 2-bedroom completely furn. older home on N. Church St.. near St. Vincent's and Highland Schools, A good buy at $0,700. 233 RATCLIFF DR. Owner leaving city. Must sell this lovely 2-bdrm. home. Best of con struction. Large rooms. Insulated and weather stripped. 1,100 sq. ft. Appraised at $9,301). You can buy It now for $7,900 with $1,000 dn. and $63 per mo. Completely furn. for another $500. Call Dick Severin, Assoc. Broker. Art Madsen, Realty 1326 State St. Ph. 3-55B0, eve. 4-2633 3-BEDROOM home $11,000. Near St. Vincent church. Full basement, fireplace. Va plumbing. Garage, sawdust heat. 2 fish ponds, may take 2-bedroom home as part pay ment up to $6000. Write Box 217, co Statesman-Journal. GOOD 4-RF.DRM. HOME Onlv $5.000 $500 dwn.. $50 mo. 2 F1EDRM. HOME, BASEMENT $500 Down. Price onlv $5,950 VERY NEAT 2-BEDHM. HOME St 2465 S. 12th. $650 Down. GOOD 3-BEDRM. HOME at 2010 Ferry St. Only $6,050 John J. Dann, Realtor 4IS N. High St. Phone 4-3482 TRADE Large attractive home with 2 bdrms., sun porch, L. D. R., kit., l'j baths, full dry basement, small lot. Trade for 2 or 3-bdrm. house with large lot. NEW 3 BDRMS. Have only three 3-bdrm. homes hit. See these today. North and South. Gleason Realty 1141 S. Commercial Ph. 2-0923 Eves. 3-8807, 2-0085 3 BEDROOM TRADE" On N. 21st St.. large 3 bdrm. home, double garase, full basm't. Con sider trade for 2 bdrm. or sell on convenient terms. Price $10,500. MR. FARMER 3S A. farm, ntce 3 bdrm. home. Iargc barn, permanent pastuic, best of land. East on Statf St. See to appreciate. Price $i!2,000. Call Carpenter, Salesman Art Madsen, Realty 132R State St. Ph. 3-5W.0, Eve. 3-fif4ft MUST SEIX IMMEDIATELY BRAND NKW 3-bdrm. home with rustic beam den, oil piped heat, open hr. roman brick fireplace. 2 rar carafe, tile hath. Located on Candalaria Hnnhts. Asking pfiee $lfi..00. Take small house in trade. See riircctRrn Colbath, Realtor. Dial 4-4W4. eve. 2-'i3M. $5000 3 bdrm. Ideal family home. Large livins rm. Nice kitchen, screened bark porch. Jruit rm. Corner Jot. Trees, shrubs. Bus by door. Small dn, payment. C. W. HEVE. REALTOR 1A80 Mission St. Ph 3-45&0, Eve. 3-9331 THE HOTTEST deal in town. New 3 ndrm. house, all plasterrd tnelud inn R;trnKe. Dinintt room, birch cab inet, and 'mahogany dnors. All for $fivr0. with 11,000 dn. Ph. 2-277 or HY OWNEK Alt? active suburban home, 2 bd rooms, down unfinished upstairs, plavterrd. hardwood floors, fir pl;tcr. (orred-nir furnace, utility room. Small barn, chicken hou? e. App V 7 acres, famtlv fruit, oak rov 3790 Fisher Road. 850 Automotive 852 Used Cars For Sale GREAT NEWS NEW 1954 NASH 2-D00R SEDAN Delivered in Salem $1745 NOW ON DISPLAY ALSO GREAT USED CAR BUYS Because of terrific sales this month we are able to offer these truly fine cars at new low prices see us NOW! , 1953 Rambler Station Wagon ...... $1895 Pearl gray finish, radio, heater, overdrive, leather upholstery, 11.000 miles, a one owner beauty 1952 Rambler Station Wagon . . . . . . $1295 Ivory finish, only 27,000 miles, radio, heater, new tires, really iharp snd low, low price 1951 Nash Statesman Sedan ...... $1195 Here Is real value, a one owner car In beautiful condition. Radio, heater, overdrive, bed, metallic green finish 1950 Nash Statesman Sedan ...... $745 Repossession price on this one, radio, heater, overdrive. Red and li In excellent shape tpeclal price MANY OTHER FINE CARS TO CHOOSK FROM Here Is another one of Marion Motors famous cheapies She's not too pretty hut runs real good First come, First served. 1942 FORD 8 STATION WAGON $99.99 BILL PHILLIPS 333 CCWTtB 800 Real Estate 806 Houses For Sale SEE THESE! POSSIBLE 3-bedroom home on 60x 160 suburban lot, 2 bedroomi down.. unfintshr d upstairs. Oil h t a t. Double garage. Price $10,500, Furnished Home TWO-BEDROOM home. Paved itreet. Near all schools. Present owner making over $200 a month caring for children. Price ?B,550. Money in Junk INCLUDED are junk yard, 8 acres and small home. Low taxes. Priced right at $7,500. with $1,000 down. Monthly payments $50. RAMSEY, REALTOR 2084 North Commercial Office 4-6211 Eve: 3-7072 or 2-7(i4fl or 4-lfi!8 $5950. For this lovely 2 bedroom home: Family kit., L. R., Utll., R.. bath. Large lot with loads ol fruits and nuts. Located close in. Gleason Realty 1141 S. Commercial Ph. 2-0!12:i Eve. 3-8807, 2-0085 808 Lots For Sale LOT 50x125. located 111 City on paved St. A steal at $5110. $100 dn., imall monthly pnvmcnls. C. W. ItEF.VE. REALTOR 18BII Mission St. Ph. 3-4590. Eve. 3-9536 BY OWNER. Choice lot on oak St. between Liberty and Hign. i'none 3-3'm or 3-0853. 810 Farms, Acreage For Sale FARM OPPORTUNITY Over 500,000 ft. ol fir timber. This productive ranch on lllchway !I0E wltii house, barn and other bldgs. Good 00-11. well. Best ol soil. A steal at $45.000.00,. Reasonable terms. L. K. KUJMPP, REALTOR 3055 Portland Hd. Ph. 2-7G42 Kve.: Richard Klumpp. 2-3884 7 ")8 ACRES Krarlv all in cult. Ranch type rise, llcautiful Ice. stone fireplace. Mort em aluminum feedine harn. 32x80. fin A. bottom land mostly seeded to fescue and rye grass. Price only i:Ui.V). C. W. REEVE. REALTOR l'n Mission St Ph 3-45!, Eve3-!lj.1fl ATTENTION builders. Part of a 16 acre subdivision. N. E. Salem. Inq. 1245 SJ. Will. Ph 2-3.i78eves 2 A 2 "BEDROOM home. 8 Inch well. Full price 53000. 111. 8, Box 675, Salem. 812 Exchanges Real Estate TRADE enultv in 2-bcrirnom home. For late model car or Rood lot. Ph. 4-4".'i:i. BY OWNER Soil or trade. p?l Ex cellent building lot. Low Dn Mni. Mo. Pavmonts. Large City lnt. Ph. 4-432B. 3-I1EDHM. home, near hu, trade S to B0 A. S. N. Lawrence. 2112 Iliuce St. Ph. 3-3473. 818 Wantod, Feal Estate HAVF. 3 cash buyers who want nice 3-bdrm. horn's close to New Leslie School, See ( KIO" KICiGINS. Eve. ph. 4-5494. Haw R Cash Buyers- wanting 20 to 100 acr-. C.nod Valley farms. Sec T T. ANDERSON, farm flRent, eve. ph, 4-2714 WANTED REAL ESTATE WANTED Riain A- caille ranch. 100 cret or more. Ph. 3-5013. 850 Automotive 852 Used Cars For Sale sr. jjy PIAL 3ZO TREMENDOUS SAVINGS NEW 1953 STUDEBAKER PICKUPS Pickups Pickups Pickups Red Yellow Tan $1535 $1505 $1625 BONESTEELES 870 N. Church JEEPS 4-WHEEL DRIVE FOR TOUGH GOING 1951 JEEP IN ALMOST NEW CONDITION $1095 1950 WILLYS 4-WIIL. DRIVE -TON PICKUP ....$995 1952 WILLYS 4-WIIL. DRIVE STA. WGN. THIS ONE IS AS GOOD AS NEW $1695 1951 WILLYS 2-WIIL. DRIVE STA. WON., 6 CYL .-$1195 1949 WILLYS Vi-TON PANEL, A-l CONDITION ....$695 1948 WILLYS JEEP STA. WON BRAND NEW MOTOR $795 ELSNER MOTOR CO. PACKARD-WILLYS 352 N. Hifih Salem Sell Us Your Car, We Need Clean, Late Model Cars Now. LEE'S USED CARS PH. 2-1527 lOMEKCURY-SEDArTll&iT. EXCKU.KNT CONDITION. $2, 195. CALL SALEM 2-5030. 47 PONTIAC torpedo 6, hfcH. twin tpoU. W.S.W., Kxc. cond. Will lake older r.irKiiil CourlMMvni; 1042 "sfllDKilAKF.R Commander $100. ISM S. 22nd. I'll. 4-Hi54. INTKRNF.D servirp mini sacrifice '47 Slude. Good ihape. See anytime. 2-(ill2. H',fl I'ONTIACTnke over payments $!I7H..10. I'll. 2-.l.')2!l. H-PACKABO "30D" fully equipped. Take lot older nir or .'? lor my equity, Ph. 4-4:un. ToPlace Ad Call2-2441 850 Automotive 852 Used Cars For Sale AL LOUCKS TERMS Ph. 3-9277 BEST BUY IN TOWN! SI PLYMOUTH CRANBROOK 4-DOOR SEDAN. 2-TONE BLUE, DELUXE HEATER. WHITE SIDEWALt.S, VERY CLEAN. FOR SAFETY'S SAKE. BUY A SAFETY-TESTED CAR. For Ihe best in Trailer homes, new or urd With terms available See JAYHAWK TRAILER SALES 2fi40 Portland Road $995 (2 DAYS ONLYI) 862 House Trailers Statesman-Journal Newspapers 2Wi NUHTH CllUKC'H STRKFT STATESMAN S-2411 JOURNAL J-J40S CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING (Mln 2 linen "Weckdaya "Sunday! oer line, 1 time 35 29 oer line. 3 tlmea M no oer Una 6 llmea .....$130 $120 oer line. 1 month .. $3 00 Unci Sun I Classified adi will he run In Both papers to slve advertisers the ad vantages of the tremendoul pulllnx power of 33.600 combined circula tions. When an ad Is ordered three or tlx times and a Sunday l5Ue Is In cluded (lor example: rrldav. Satur day. Sunday I the lower Sunday rales apply beciuse only ounlUhei Sundays me statesman Classified adi will start In tht morning Oreqon Statesman, conclude in the evening Capital Journal But aria will be accepted (or Sunday Statesman onlv The deadline for classified ads ti 1.00 pm ihe day before puhlira. tlon. Emergency adt and imsll tin Page IS 8S0 Automotive 852 Used Can For Sal FAMOUS "ROCKET ENGINE" TRADE-INS '53 Super 88 ......$2795 Del. -Dr, Sdn. '53 Super 88 ......$2795 Del. S-Dr, Sdn. , '51 98 Holiday ....$1995 4-Dr. Sdn. '50 98 Del. 4 Dr. ...$1595 '50 88 Del. 4 Dr. . . .$1395 '49 98 Del. 4 Dr. . .$1095 COME IN TEST THE OUTSTANDING PERF0RMANE & VALUE OF THESE CARS LODER BROS. CO. ' OLDSMOBILE 456 CENTER STREET PHONE 2-7073 OR 4-2261 '49 CHEV. J-DOOR DELUXE SEDAN Heater, defroster, undercoat, wheel guard, wheel discs, grille guard, trunk guard. One local owner. $795 DOUGLAS McKAY CHEVROLET CO. 635 N. Com'l. Phone S-SllrJ 2 DAYS ONLY! 49 MERCURY SPORTS 4-DOOR SEDAN, RADIO. HEATER, OVERCRIVE, WHITE SIDE WALL TIRES, BEAUTIFUL NEW TAN PAINT. THIS CAR HAS MANY UNUSED MILESI PACKARD Blue Ribbon Used Cars 53 PACKARD "200" $2695 Juit 15,000 mltej, in new con. ditlon. 51 PACKARD "200" $1595 Very clean. B&K. Ultramatlc. 51 PACKARD "300" $2195 Cavalier. 1 owner. RH. Ul tramatlc. Juit 21,000 mllei. '50 PACKARD Super $1195 Club Sedan. R&H. O.D. Nona liner. ELSNER MOTOR CO. 352 N. High Salem, Oregon PACKARD - WILLYS Call 2-2441 To Place Ad ads received ifter 1 :00 p.m. may be placed in the "Too Lata To Classify" column for tba following rooming. The Statesman-Journal Newspaper! rcservei the right to reject ques tionable advertising. It further re serves the right to place all adver tising under the propel classifica tion. The Statesman-Journal Newspaper ansumea no financial responsibility for errors which may appear In ad vertisements Dublished In Its columns and In cases where this paper la at tauit will reprint tnat part or an advertisement In which the typo graphical mistake occurs. A "Blind" Ad an ad containing a, Statesman-Journal Newspapers box number for an address Is for the protection of Ihe advertisers and must therefore be answered by let ter The St alesman-Journal News papers are not at liberty to divulge) information as to the Identity of an advertiser using a "Blind" ad. $795 t