Tuesday, February 16, 1954 Pfijre 14 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, Salem, Oregon it ''I "I NAZARENE : M I , I ' wham a4. V s -MM ' 4 " Bcv. W. H. Davis, district su- Sr-rintendent of the South akota district in the (.'hurch of the Nazarenc, who will speak during a meeting to be held at the Salem First Church of the Nazarene at 7:30 Wednesday night. He will he accompanied by Rev. W. D. AtcGraw, super intendent of the Oregon Pacific district. Local pastor is Rev. Wm. F. Clay. Liberty LIBERTY Twenty-seven at tended the Liberty Mothers and Dads club recently at the Liberty School. Arthur Myers, supervising prin cipal of the rural school, an nounced the dedication of the Liberty school which is sched uled for March 5 at 8 p.m. 11 will be held with spring open house and refreshments will he ierved by the Molher and Dads club. Serving on the refreshment committee arc Mrs. Mervin Seeg er, Mrs. Clifford Hills and Mrs. Victor Davis. Mrs. Lewis Clark, president of the group presided at the busi ness meeting and the possibility of an electric kiln was discussed. Mrs. Sid Boise reported on the furnishings of the teacher's lounge and Mr. Rex Shelton gave a report on the safety program discussed at the Parents Council. The attendance award was won by Miss Georgia Kaylor's first grade with Mrs. James Falk room mother and Mrs. Stanley Davis, assistant room mother. Physical health of the school children was the program and Mrs. Etta Mae Doctoring, assist ant supervisor of public health nurses, talked about the health problem. George Wright, princi pal of Liherly School showed a film on dental care. Many residents in the Liberty area have been feted this past week with birthday parties. Mrs. Katherine Schmidt was complimented at a party in hon or of her 75th birthday at the home of Mrs. Lilly Jones on Jones Road, on Thursday. Guests were Mrs. Fred Brown ing, Mrs. John Anderson, Rev. and Mrs. Harold Hamilton, Mrs. Klbert Jones and Jimmy, Mrs. Isaac Schmidt, and Mrs. John Knedahl. Mrs. Fred Rrowning was hon ored on her birthday at a lunch con Friday at her home on E. Browning Ave. Atlendinc were Mrs. Harry Knepper, Mrs. Waldo Lowory, Mr. Roland Secger, Mrs. Nina Browning, Mrs. James Cogswell and Mrs. .1. 0. Farr. Feting Mrs. Browning at a fam ily ilinnrr on Sunday in honor of her birthday wore Mr. and Mrs. Kmery Clark of Portland, Mr. and Mrs. F. F. Farr of The Dalles, Mrs. Mildred Pruilt and son Frank of Kelso, Washington, Mr. and Mrs. William Kingston, Miss Km ma Kingston of Portland and Mr and Mrs. Charles Kingston. House guest this week at the Brownings are Mr. and Mrs. Km ery Clark of Portland and Mr. and Mrs. K. F. Farr of The Dalles. nor. is witness ATLANTIC CITY, N.J., fVl Every ring has his day even in Cntirt. Laddie, a hniwn and white rot lie, was ealletl as a witness In 8 darnace suit to prove lh.it he wasn't a vicious doc. DENNIS THE MENACE m $ S-jsSp--- ,k -i ! 7 ! 'See? 7?fflwi you&wdumr htagirl'.' 16 Promotions in AF ROTC Announced Sixteen promotions in the Willamette University air force ROTC ranks have been an nounced by Maj. G. H. Charters, adjutant. Men promoted in rank are: Colonel Larry W. Pritchett, Leb anon! lieutenant colonel Vernon E. Zeuske, Herbert J. Browcr, both of Salem and Bill J. Van Horn. Roseburg; major Dorence E. Noteboom, Tillamook and Richard M. Emlaw, Baker: cap tainJoseph S. Harvey and Eu gene O. Poindexter, both of Sa lem; Wm. W. Covert, Staylon; Stanley A. Stcindorf, San Mateo, Calif.; first lieutenant Neil Daugherty, Robert E. McConn- ville, Gerald A. Seifarth, Lewis B. Hampton and Eltnr T. Lafky, all of Salem; Duanc W. Shield, Seattle. ADS IN THIS COLUMN RECEIVED . . . Too Late To Classify. FULL price $1,S00 Cauh. Sinall old liinisiSuu.hJ5th.Pli.2-JU:i8. 2 HKUROOMS, unfurnished, close in, jnv;.le bain & utilities. $45. Ph. 7 PC. walnut din. set. wine velvet davenport. Easy Spin washer 2-7481. CARAGK overhead door 7x8 includ ing all h.irdwate. $20. 2Wi Ma pie, Ph. 2-tifi5.'i. HKAUTIFUI, 8 pc. dining room set. ,'(8ii S. Ifiih MU's S p. m. EXTRA larne automatic Nesro Elec. RnatitiM- -$.15, or will trade for Sun bram Mix Master. 4-."7fiS, 4 YEAR OLD 2 HR home 3163 Lan caster $57. Ph. 3!S83fl. FURN. 3 room cottage $45, 171 Oerth. Ph. 3-7057. ALMOST new one bedroom unfurn. houac, elec heat, ideal for couple, near Cen. Hospital. Reasonable. 2251 lireyman. GAS space hrwer, cheap. Ph. 3-W823. .kitchen sink, 300 IVrsonal 310 Meeting Notice A SALEM LODGE No. 4, A.F 4 A.M. Wed. Feb. 17th, F. C. dewree, 7:30 P.M. 312 Lost and Found LOST, partly colored white and bruwn Cocker Spaniel pup. 6 inns, old. 4-Conn-ra vicinity. Uavs 2-4933. Kv2-:i25H. LOST: LnnKlnv wrist watcti, Rold farr. brnwn leather band. Serial Number 8t:i.'i5-8rn4til. I'lione 4-4868. 314 Transportation LEAVING for Sidney. Nebr., Feb. 18. Want 2 people to share expenses, help drlva. 850 S. 24th after 9 p.m. 316 Personal I WILL NOT be responsible for any debts made by anyone hut myself or the ones I personally O. K. ISii'iic-.ll Mis. Ellis (Gwendolyn H.I Klwuod. WISH to rontart anvone taking American Hallway Institute Course. 2-714.'.. Palmistry Readings Advice on love, marriage, business. This ad and SI for $5 leading. Nextjo Noith Salein Drive-In. Play Popular Piano Call Salem Music Co.. 2-8708, or SnrehtTs In Albany. 332. ALCOHOLICS Anonvtiioiis group No. 1. 2(ir,8 N. CnnVl-Lvn. 4-3M4: SAKK. permanent removal of un sirhtly facial hairs Erich of N.V. 100 Asiririilliirr 402 Livestock For Sale 3 FIIKSII .Icrsrv enws. $1011 each. 1 Jersey milking gal. Slr,5 I llol slciti fii-.h, $1H.V Some snilngrr rows and hellers 1'h. 2-43B0 or 2- 1345. 4L"ll Sl.ile SI. LOCK Kit HKK.K -F-'i-tirn linen. nr whole. :!.H. limit qwar!r 20c. C'lMnm killinc. Tl.illcr In.ineti Iree. Salem Mc.it I'n. l;r.'5 S. 25th. Phone 3- 4.Cs 403 Livestock Wanted PI'PS In give away, 4 mos. old. Ph. 2 a;m . LIVESTOCK tiuyet I buy rattle, horse, lines, shrrp. goatt, boars, veil F.mi'rv Aldrrman. Phone 2 "RiiO or 2-0O'fi CATTLE miVF.n.S E I and II. Sne t!ien. 42:17 Slate 5-13IS or S-43IK1. CATTlS; hn'ikc. at v.mii UtmTeTc. Mi-C..n(lli hll27 S 25lh Ph. 3-8147 LIVESTOCK hiiver, A F Sommer. 125 Harnionv Dr Ph. 4-?i;i7 By Ketcham 400 Agriculture 404 Poultry and Babbitt BABY CHICKS. Order now for eholce of breeds. NH pullets lfic. par red rooatcra. Sc. Valley Farm Store. FOR SALE RabbfU, hutchei & hay. Call 4-386 evemnci. 408 Peta PARAKEETS. Cagei. auppliel. Bird Paradise, .11 Livingston 3-JB4Z. CANARIES, purebred. Cross rollers. Male and female, can turn, papers. All from show stock. 355 Union. Ph. 2-B37H. DALMATIAN female, purebred, 2-1248. COCKER golden red AKC. also Col lie, white akc, at siud. pn. 3-1248. HOLLYWOOD AQUARIUM. 1858 Mc Coy. 1 block east of N. Capitol. Hi, blocks north of Madison. Ph. 2-6897. PARAKEETS Babies railed in out home. $7.50, all colors. Mrs. Fow. er. 735 flcllevue. Ph. 4-1597. BOXER female. Moore's tropical fish equipment, f'ar.ixeets. peta. Mac leay Rd. 4-3773. Closed Wed. CANARIES Orange & apricot strain. Phone 3-43S5. 1340 Chemek' eta. 410 Seeds and Plants EVERGREENS. TREES, rosea. Wt de sign and plant at no extra cost. Middle Grove Nursery, 4920 Silver- ion lid. I'n. 4-4H.12. ROTTED manure by yard or sack m. 3-5072. 412 Fruit and Farm Produce KK.nTH.IZER Rotted manure, weed free. 2-0774 414 Farm Equipment KOR sale garden tractor with plow aaiem. i'n. 4-4.137. 425 Auction Sales AUCTION OF FURNITURE AT SCOTTY'S TONITE, 4810 CENTER S., SALEM 450 Merchandise 451 Machinery and Tools WISCONSIN cai enilne with rluteh uena nana saw. eojey saw filing iiiui'Mine. wauace wood lathe. 2087 N. 5th. 455 Haehold Goods For Sale LEAVINC. STATE I want to sell mv KriKiflalre double oven electric raiiKe. KM)!), and lame Frb'.idnlre Cychi-matic rel rlRenitor $75. both only 6 months old. Cull 2-8891, 456. Wanted. Hsehold Goods WE PAY top cash price for good usru iiirniiure, appliances, etc. Im mediate service. Used Merchandise Mart. 270 S. Liberty. Ph. 4.-0371. , Used Furniture Valley Kurnilurc Co. 2-7472 CASH for furniture, one piece or nouseiui. LamDerls. 2-3W2. CA.iH 1'UUAV tiood used furniture or will sell on consignment Ph. 3-Co.iB Suuiclls Auction. 458 Building Materials LOTSA PLYWOOD INT. nr Kt. Any Sire! Some plv woodrnake an offer! llundrrds of dootN your rJioirc! 6 f3 up. SdRs 5150 up ii.-iidho.-tid 1.75 4R. ClK tiln, Ronfinir, Sprrd S.ilin paint. 1x6 TAG Cedar ft!. MM. Plywood pc. low a :ic on 1 4i. 'i 4H Huh 10c ft. O.ik FIr in hffllcd room, tiood 1x4 Fig. HH50. .tfi wm, to pay no down payment. Srr ii on i ('modeling needs fast (uendty .Nrrvlre! Open all day Sat. Portland Road Lumber Yard 3.M5 Pnrll.ind Rd 'RKMODEL now Free Home 1M mninc Servire. Let lit help you plan your new kMchrn vMth Wardi beautiful wood cabi net We also Install plnslle tile, nilraHa dr.tinbonids. roodntt, f givrsirnuRhs and mdinc. For your free estimate eall .v:tli1. Montromrry Ward A: Co, l.VS North Lihntv. IS'ew fir d'wr Jamh , . $2 so 0.k floor un . .. low price New hath tuhi complete .. IW.ftO tpd hath liihs eompleta 00 t'rd e.il wafchh.iMns $7.50 Hduri (1vmI.. ide;d for p.melmf or rahmets Cheap l oose 1tiAii1.it ion per ha w. .$l,i)0 KtlMTpLi-s toll hlankct msul. B..L'heap n- rirt'. wiring J1 jC 1 --2 I'lfC, WlllllC .... 'N"l tn'.i St S .95 ke AnIm-iIos utmit per nj $;i.ini CiintnJ sluikrs with tinders IliiM New di'iMN. nil tvn . ... ..$." SO l' d wnnJouA 31." x 4X' 2 5o li'O usitl tltMirn with framei Nfv 1o,lr1; with v: ?4 50 Poublc kilrhen sink, roinulete Ml. SO 42 $: il elec. w ater hr.iters $( SO I..Tunilrv tr.ivi. pipe. h;iini ...H;irr.im MHt k.i I 1e-i septie t.inki $ti2 W 1' c-.i5t irtn oil pine 7Sc I' sohd fM Hiipi hiirg pip w,, 3Wc Itoll too) ins. mcr tippty . $;.4S i t--h romp roofinf ,-..,. l.$s Trrtrtr shincle-. 4 crades ...rhesn New C.ilv nun roof . - Cheap Ptvuoorl, new rat load ftarniin. New pirtnre wtnrlmv , ... tR IW Nrw w either tupped windowt 1 4 2rt Orl.ir fenre Chrar New plu-ter hMrd 4H $1.40 Steel c.i;,tKe doors. roinplte HI41V1 nver-iieert carace hardware tl3.93 Ki'i'hrn. bth no. enjinrled cherkrd wall cover ItV sq. ft. C. G. LONG & SONS Ph. 4-, VIM I mi N of Keirer HA Hi; A IN nale. No 4 nurfaced liim hrr lx4. ;'fi. 210. ?U Random length. Kr ph. Sl.oton 2707. (Jold. en Cycle l.br. Co. l.on, Ore Al l. NKW luniler, .htpl.tn, fc VO per M nnd up. niul lik-er $1'5 00 per t .ind up Some lumber $15 00 prr M dehvrrtd Phone y-:f4i Garage On -r. ir In! trt our ?prnfir.ition. I .W mo. to pay. Krr rtim!M P,rk- I mjn l.br. and HDw. Co. Th. J-3;0I. :S0 Slatt. 1 Gall 2-2441 for Pulling Power 450 Merchandise 460 Musical Instruments PIANO accordion, 120 bate, used, ?.M. oat.e. new f.4U. neg. 2UQ. Th Music Center, 470 N. Capital. Ph ACCORDION (LARSFS Beginneri. all aees. Enroll fnr weeks course. Instrument furnished MUSIC CENTER, i701' Cap"'. Ph. 2-5371 SPINET Pianos. Save as much ai S500. First lines only. As Jow as (450. Grands low as MM. Hefln, isneo. music center, 470 . Capital, 462 Sports Equipment 13 FT, plywood boat. Exceptionally wen inaae, wilt lane any size motor. Used four times, doei not featc. sacks to all seat. 63 Inch beam. A honey. $150. 978 Young oi. wooaourn. rn z-jhu. CASH paid for used guns, modern ana antique, uascaaa Merc. iZMt uroaaway. 468 For Rent. Miscellaneous U-FIX-IT-GARAGE Repair you own car. Phont 4-6261 2095 N. Com'l. McCULLOCH chain iawa and post noie augers oy aay. xowno Xsquia n lent Co. Ph. 4-1541. i OR RLNT or lease, Ig: warthous apace cement uoors, duck bid if. down town. Inquire tL L, Stiff 470 For Sale, Miscellaneous ANTIQUES Close out unitl 10 p.m. Wed. Portland Rd. 69.50 BUYS quality 4-pc. bedroom suite at Glen Woodry's, 1609 N. Summer. HOSPITAL bed complete. 1BS0 Kan sas Ave. OFFICE desk, s.12.50. G. Woodry. STOCK and equipment of Coffee Shop, small investment. Very reas onable. Box 224, Statesman-Journal. I x 11 LINOLEUM rugs, J5.95. Glen wooory, itua n. summer. CEMETERY markers from $33.50 up. iuerea ana set complete at the (rave. L. L. Jones & Son, 7330 S.W. Macadam Ave., Portland 1, Oregon. PLATE mirrors, $1.98. G. Woodry. SINGLE, also twin size Thayer baby ouggy, xioin gooa condition. Ph. 4-2'iUl. MAYTAG washer, nearly new, $69.50. wooury. lbua rt. Miimuer. M AYTAG-aluminum tub, large rolls, reasnnauic. aijs Alvoraclo Terrace. Full SALE, one wheel trailer with hitches .waterproof lloor, 4x3x3 ft. box. See at 431 Manbnn Drive. 2-4U86. VAC Cleaners. $7.50. G. Woodry. SWEATY WINDOWS? Using too much fuel? Floors draf- ty? Then, why not call 3-9098 for a free heating survey by a graduate healing engineer! Montgomery Ward A Co., Salem. FRIGIDAIRE 6. Very ffood. $49.50. Woodry, 160S N. Summer. APT. elec ranRe, $b0, launder- all washer. $3C; 16 mm. Magazine load movie camera. $fl5. 4-i600. SEWING machineTTl2 00. G. Woodry FOR ale Baby Grand Piano. 5 It excellent cond. 455 University. USKDflyr. crib. J675Tcien Woodry. Ififl.l N. Summer. Must Sell Howard upright piano. Frontilina 120 base piano accordion. Aeale cut ting outfit complete with some lock. Sparton radio-phono, comb, with beautiful cabinet. Wilcox nay tape recorder with record maker. Bearcat garden tractor. Pennsyl. vaniH power Jawn mower. 5MQ Au burn ltd. CI.OKEOUT. new ironer, $:i).95. Glen Woodry. 1 605 N. Su mmcr. GIHIS white shoe skates,-size 7. Like new. Ph. 4-4134. DAVHNOS. 17.50, Clcn Woodry. FKI1. 15.Nov 15 Two hednn. home. l-icaile Dr. llsmt., fireplace, car pets. (It.ipps. mod. kit., tile bath, $11. 2-351.5 alter 5:00. TREADLE sewing machine. Good tnnd. $10. Ph. 2-4816. 9 DRAWER chesta, $10 00. Glen WiKKlrylfiOSN Stimiiier. REAUTIFUL old orsan. Top"7omlU tion.4-lB.'l. FLOOR lamps. $l.!i5. Glen Woodry. 4 gT. ELEC. churn. Hear end and transfor 1037 Ford. 2-4W3. 11 1 HI J caRc A t.ind.$B 00. Glen Wodry. Iti05 N. Summer. CHARIS foundation elrdlei. bra. Ph 3-san or .1-5072 Mary E. Balea. ROCKER SALE. GLEN WOODRY'S. HOSPITAL BED for aale or rcnL H. 1.. Still Furn. Co. Ph 3-91 85. 1 GOOD houses. $5.000 00 Ik $7.000 00. These are strictly worth thr money. See Glen Woodry. 1R0S N. Summer. Organic Fertilizer Sark nr bulk Odorls Ordri delivered Phone ;i SKILL saw. $19 50. G. Woodry. rsF.D FUnNlTURE FORLKSS Valley Furn. Co., 9 Ntn'l. I PAY fpot rash for furniture, ap pliance, rupi. anlujueji, jtuiut, lihv lems; briiift to Glen Wooiliv', ltu5 , N, Summer. FERTILIZER rotted vow manure. ciuniH.st. rolled mulch, chicken manure for lawn ilrcsMng. Hv s,n k or eu vr. Phillips Hun . Rt 5, IU 49.1. 4-3081, 2 mi. E. 4-Coiners. on State. HETTFH baTinsrc.ien'Voodiy! MAKE olfer on duo-lherm furnact with controls. Approx. 8 ycais old alter a o clock ALL steel trailer, HO 50. Glen W.xM- rv, 1W5 N. Summer. USED Rrfrlcerators. ?1!) U 7W S and up. AI Lane. 2J.V Sttc. Ph. .1-Mt.t. MATTItKSS sale. Glen W. dty's Wxifi RECAP or Grp 1 battf- $0S ex Dirry Dean. 18TH S. LM i ATT RrfiiR. 'j price, like new. Woorirv. lfin.5 N Summer SPECIAL SALE ; . Clotns out stock on ornamental , atones, including lava A- flastone. i I. Hustle eertar fencing. cedr p5ts. poles. Supply limited. Phillips pros, Rt, 5, Box 493. 4-3081. 2 mi. E 4-Uor- I ners on State St. 472 Wanted, Miscellaneous I.AHOE tug or rat pet! me 12 x IR or 22-Phone 3-59a7. 474 Miscellaneous WANTKO- Fir. llrml.uk Irilnr. Snmrr loc.. Trrnn ra."h. Trlrphtinr ollr.'l ATw.iIit SIM. Nirilrnnrrr. M..tlin 0 . Tortland Trnl nuiK , I'ortl.Hid 4. Orrnon. Of STAl' Pl.ATr.HKIA!M ;-tlR SKliVICK IN MOST i'ism DR HARRY SF.V.t.F.H, PKNTIST Adolpii Plrtj. SIAle A- Cml SU Al.r.M TH. J.JJU 450 Merchandise 474 Miscellaneous rOR SALE: Approximately S acres of timber land, located about 3 miles southeast of Turner, Oregon. Considerable large second growth Douglas Fir on tract. $2000 00 tim ber and land. For .Inlarmation 212 Masonic Building. Ph. 21810. Ed win Keech. 476 Fuel OREGON FUEL CO. Slab, sawdust, oak S&H GREEN STAMPS Ph. 3-5333 30B7 Broadway CAPITAL FUEL Pickup Your Presto-logs Briquets and wood at 19$ 8. Com'l st Phone ,3-7721. Highway Fuel Co. Clean sawdust, wood, green or dry. stove-Diesel oils. fn. 3-mm. ANDERSON'S green slab. 2 cd. $14. I'n. z-rai or 4-4253. West Salem Fuel Co. Tube or Push Out Sawdust Ash, Maple and Oak Wood Gr$en. drv slab. Planer End? 1325 Edge water Phone 2-4031 500 Bus. & Financ- 510 Money to Loan WHEN YOU NEED MONEY All types of personal loans. Terms to un. no investigation charges. All ueaiinga Strictly Confidential Home Owned, Home Operated Hollywood Finance Co. intm Fairgrounds Rnad Next Door to Bank) Fre Parking Lot. Call 2-70.il M .V.ft S 291 SHOPPING FOR A LOAN? Personal Personal Offers These Benefits: "Yes" promptly to employed peo plemarried, single I Nationwide credit. Single visit loan phone first. Select best payment date I LOANS UP TO $1,500 On Auto, Furniture or Salary Personal FINANCE COMPANY Phone 2-2464 105 S. High St., Salem State License S-122. M-165 !.oans over $300 made by Personal Finance Co. of Marion County under the Industrial Loan Companies Act i uregon. ASH for real estate mortgages and contracts, is. M. Aiasun, Kit. 164 s. Comin'l. PM.'VATE money to loan. Ph. 2-07B4. REAL ESTATE LOANS COLONIAL INVESTMENT CO ROBFRr W GORMSLN. Crs 687 Courts. 4-2283 AUTO LOANS WILLAMETTE CREDIT CO. 12 South Church Parkins a-Plcnty Th. 3-2157 Lie. No. M-50, S-154 515 Investments GIVE Glldcdse mnrtfrae 6 ln1erpt no discount. Call 3-8126 or 3-3715. 600 Employment 604 Help Wanted. Male Television Jobs MEN NEEDED IMMEDIATELY TELEVISION niters intercstinK, e cure and hiRh-payinK juhs to pro fessionally trained men. The L S. government h.i authorized J.tKto new TV stations and excellent sal aried Jobs are wide-open now to professionally trained men over 17 Age and educntion.il background not Important if ymi have ambi tion for meres. OCR GRADU ATES W O R K 1 N G NO V THROUGHOUT THE V. S. NA TIONWIDE EMPLOYMENT AS SISTANCE. Prole-Monal tiaininr. Will not inttMfcre with vour prev ftfnt work. Write today for full de- tails! Television can offer a hicuer p.iy check. Job security for you. Clip and mail this coupon for ur- firising facta without cot or ob iRatinn. TELBVISIOM TRAINING SERVICE Box 222 statc?tnan I am Interested fn: Mv own TV business TV SERVICE Ar Maintenance . TV-Radio Operator NAME ADDRESS ... AGE PHONE WORKING HOURS 2 MEN U you live In Polk. Marion nr Yamhill county and want stradv guaranteed Income call between 10 and 12 p m. Tuesday and Wed Car necexsai v. Tlelter " than aver ae? eaininrs. 515 Hvtnl St.. Room 201. 606 Help Wanted. Female WAITRESS wanted Apply Cafeteria. Public Service Hide. EXPERIENCED flat "orit folder. Anply Capitol Citv laundry. U'tit Hi oailw a . 610 Sales Persons Wanted I PIANO Salesman wanled bv one of I N'iMlhwrt lit. C! piai'n storev I Fine nnnortunit nnd hiuhevi pa v. Write box 21S. Statc-man-Jourml. 612 Work Wanted. Male MATtRIF.n man 35. w :tn iff i-x-peeiingt want trariy work. Tru-k driver. d:eel or ga. r it oprr-HT. auto. meet', or wnat have ou' 1029 Saginaw. CUSTOM dormant spiaying and all type tree wo-k. Ph. 2-7."i22 ROAD GRADING Hancock. Eves. Ph. 2-0010. w I CARPF.MER A rrpair work. Drv r.)l lioii5rs our ,pr'ialtv. Th. 2-1159 nr :-18l2. r'KDKRAl. A' Sttr lax rrtlirtiT"ir p.trcd. Ptck-up srrvi.-r. Kr.isonable. Ph4-Vfl allcr 1 p "i. 1U)Y. 18. drf-irr.i part-time work. rvr. nr.dS.it. I'h i-Juii. TAX HK.n'RNS Drrpan-tl in your hoirr at rrasonable r.itrs Pnonr i-roxi HKtHJKS nd shnit.il Irimnicd. v.ird i I tlr,inrd ut andlr.5hh.itilcd ?.74r',4 IcKMKNf wink. kind. Ern?t I j Drakr Pnonr 4-51:9 S14lh ! I TAX rORM romplrlrd State Fed arrvice Ph. rr.it Prompt accural W ANTPD - BulMo r nc land rtrannr . tc. K V. Stoop?. Ph. I-.trW. ' 600 Employment 612 Work Wanted, Male ADVANCE CONSTRUCTION INC. Addition and Alteration Foundation Raising, leveling and repairing. Phone aervlce 7 days a week. Phone 4-2248 614 Work Wanted, Female WASHING and Ironing done in my home. Ph. 3-3035. MIMEOGRAPHING, typing, reason able. Mrs. Pue. 665 N. 16th. 3-3643. HOUSEWORK or cooking company meals. Phone ii-5tJou. 615 Situations Wanted INCOME Tax blanks prepared rea sonably. Ph. 3-fifi4l. PAINTING and pper banRing, workmanship. Martin Wolfer, 4-2873. YOUR clothes wathed, dried, expert, ly ironed ,myhome. 4-6323. BABY SITTING wanted. Evenings and weekends. Reliable. 2-0110. CHILD care in my home, hour, week or by month. 3484 Ko Deris Ave, PAINTING, PAPEflHANGING. Con tract, small jobs welcome. Phone GENERAL cleaning by the hour. Ph, 2-8259. WILL CARE for child under fi. My nome. .Phone 4-14B1. PRACTICAL nurse. Available, full or part time. Home nursing. 2-5383, CUSTOM plowing and discing. Fer guson tractor, 2 bottom plow. Ph. X-tflZU Or Z-47H5. HOME consruction remodeling. Free estimates. i-uihu alter 5. WIEMAL'S Day Nursery, licensed andstatelnspected. 2-5015. CEMENT work, all kinds. Feldschau & Son. 2-8U28, 4-5329 aft. 5 p.m. TAX RETURNS prepared. Ph. 4-6228. uan aay or eve. ROWSE day nursery and infants ac cepted. in. CARPENTER New. remodel or re pair, time or contract. Ph. 2-5025. MICKENHAM'S DAY NURSERY State licensed and Inspected. Ph. 2-7838. PAINTING. Will gladly e5timate any Size JOE. Ph. 2-4307, 3-B24.1. INCOME TAX blanks prepared rea- sonaoiy. pnone 3-BH41. LANSCAPING, com. lawn, garden service, service center. 4-3573. TREES topped, trimmed and remov- ea. ruu trees pruned ana shaped. Free estimates. Ph. 2-7-I64. DRESSMAKING and alteration. Sat- ls'action guaranteed. Judy Polston, Ph. 3-5677. ' PAPER HANGING & Painting. Jerry jonnson, none RELIABLE baby sitter. Will go days or nignis. pnone 2-u4. LIGHT crawler dozer, dirt leveling. gran in g. pnon g 2. CARPENTER WORK. Any kind. Rea- son a Die. zw Aiacieay Kd. Phone 4E961. 616 Employment Agendea GOOD JOBS See us for quality Jobs. Benefit by our knowledge of employers and by our experience in the commu nttv. Register today. COMMERCIAL PLACEMENT AfJCY. 494 State (Ore. flldg.) rh. 4-.T1S1 618 Education CLASS lessons In popular music. Hulh Mauntz, 4-8194. Moderate fee. 620 Day and Contract Land Clearing 15 yrs. Exp Call for estimate on hour work or by contract for the com plete job. L. C. Mitchell. Phone 3-&i:i7. 00 Kintals LARGE warehouse space for rent or lease Cement Moors, brick hiuld hik. Down town. Inquire H. 1 Stiff Furniture Co. Phone 3-9185. 702 Sleeping Rooms, Board SLKEWNG ROOM, kitchen facilitt-i. For I or 2 7.YI Ferry St. DOWNTOWN. 1st fir. clean, warm room. Hath adjolmiiR. 658 Center. PLEASANT HOOM forgentlcman! 1050 Norway. Ph. 2-4.147. LARGE beautiful furn. rm. Also bachelor nptd-IS N. Winter. NICELY fuin., pnvate home. Gentle man. !!. N. Summer. Ph. 3-ti3t8. -mc" r . r. s 7 ; oa Aporttnenla f OT Hent CLOSE, clean, furn. 1 room duplex. Kitcnenctte. $.10. 7fi5 Marion. MONTEREY APTS. ta3 Ferry. FurnisMrd, one- two and four-rmun apt. f.ROOM FURN, apt., KTound floori bus at door, 813 S. I2ih. NICE 2-ROOM furn. apt., bath. re- ftic.. utilities. 37(1 Union, lt fir. 2 bdrm turn. flat, caraee. Jfio Near Shoppinc Center. Ph. 2-18.13. 3 ROOMS A- bath furn. Utilities paid except sas. Adult. $;; SO. 1207 S. Cotri 1 Ph. 3-ti2a4. WHERE can you beat tins tor $2! 50? 2-rm furn. apt, inc. clre. ranpe and refriR., pnv, bath, all nice nnd clean several to choose from. Buit Picha. ;i7H N. HiKh S . 2-4047. N EA R Memorial lbip. Nicelv turn. 3 tin. apt. Utilities paid, Ri'am nhle. Ph. 4-M!tl. VERY NICE tiiiKlei n 2-i in. furn. court apt. $45. 105 Madison. 4-4LM. PARTLY linn. 1 bdim. apt. 'a duplex. 2.VI3 N. ith. :l ROOM (tun. a 1 Mk. of buv FURN. Ant. A. hi t. Nculv dec Iti'-O N. I!'th rated. ult. prcfemd. H4I N. , . 4-.V:t;.t lor kev j furn, h.irrlutod fir. 3."il0 Portland Rd. Com 1 St. 1 HDRM. eterlrie apt , heal ; CLK.AN fu'-ni!'Cff 2 rto-T j I irty tvetcrerV 7i. hatrd apt. MCF. 3-nw.M dn n apH . c'ns in. re asmiahlr. Ph. o n- ptia'r hatr. er l-. NEWLY de.1 apt Futr i p it Vinr. TV. rm. ' i ba!; C"iirl o Lau-Hrv. 1.14B s. i:t i. ' unfi It'qm NICK ant. fuin. utilitirn furn. Rea. nn.il'lc 41 N. I.Tli. inoOM "iilin. p!Priv7hath770S x" l.lhrrtv. Ph. 2-fili;. MOntJKN ,1-nn. furn. apt, close in. 54a N. Coltatr St. FfHNISHKD j looms, tao. Prival b.ith ! North ("om'l. I PRIVATE 3 room coiir.'"m)t. clean. Turn.. JI5 Adulta. .l.Vid Portland Rd. 3 RMS, furn I'tilitira paid" Women ! Juclorrrd.,.Vt St.itr ; t'l'liNlSHKI) .ip.'itu cllK Close-in 1 PI, 2-874,1. riL'5 S Wintrr. , Ainliassailor Furr!tird apt. 5.V N Sun'.mrr FfRNISHMl nodrin 2 r-.omapr Within 5 hlix-fci of down town prr month. Ph. 2-1M7. 414 N Cot- 3 - ROO1 fn-n jnt utilttir n.irf R . aonahlr. Th. 4-CSM. 800 Real Estate 3-BEDROOM. 1.400 SQ. FT. MAKE to leave town. Price reduced to Ins, Sim. 3-BDRM. KEIZER. TRADE FOR 2 All three bdrms. on one lloor. uwner wnnis io muvr m . ..... accept nice 2-bdrm. In trade up lo .9,000.00 or $10,000.00. For appoint meal to see call Che! Rawlins, Sim. TRADE TODAY If you have a small would make a good rental ana wouia eonsiner iraains u m n vciy lovely 1.100 sq. ft. 2-bdrm. home that has all the desired features such as forced air oil heat, fireplace, double closets, hdw. floors, choice location. Then call me now for appointment to see, Fred Rawlins, Realtor. 7 ACRES. 3 HOMES, CLOSE IN. $15,000 00 One 3-bdrm.. one S-bdrm., one I bdrm. home on ( acres nice u-vi-i mu..u i. . month income on 2 smaller homes. Acreage fine for subdivision. Good terms. Call Jim Rawlins. Sim. 2-BDRM.. FIREPLACE. LARGE LOT struction about 1.200 sq. It., velvety lawn, iiiic iiuivl-i. iiu miiuua, uix living room with circulating fireplace, ample dining room, large kitchen with lots of builtins and breakfast space, extra large bedrooms, tiled bath, insulation, wcatherslnpping. 3'i years old and spotlessly clean. Will trade for 3-bedroom. Call Jim Rawlins. Sim. COFFEE SHOP LOCATED ON 99E. done $50,000.00 per year last live year. m i.-. f. . er might take good car, price $7,900.00 includes fixtures and equipment. For appointment to see call Dale Rayburn, Sim. 11 UNIT MOTEL On highway B9E North Salem, best of location, nice J bdrm. owner's quarters, singles. 3 doubles, lot 90 x 130 paved. Owner will take 2-bdrm. home. Full price s.w,aou.uu. mane uun .rpmumii. to see call Dale Rayburn, Sim. RAWLINS REALTY (HOLLYWOOD DISTRICT REALTOR) 2060 N Capitol Slreet Office Phones 2-4M4 or 4-17(11 Evenings': Cet Rawlins 3-B2M. Jim Rawlins 2-8578, Fred Rawlins 2-6013, Dale Rayburn 2-2045 LARGE RANCH $12,250 Here's the one you've been hop ing for! All sorts of room everywhere 1400 sq. ft. to be exact! Only 3 years old. located South, suburban and close to school on paved road! Thrra are .1 bedrooms, a 15x19 Lr., 10x 11 dininR-rnom. spacious kitchen with nook and a large utility room, completely redeco rated and ready to move Into! Will sell on FHA, State or Fed eral GIM Ask for Ted Morrison LEE OHMART CHEER UP Lets take a look at this 3 bedroom extra large lot, property is In first class roncillinn arm reaay inr occu pancy, oil heat, will take good loan Call Ralph Maddy for appointment. GARAGE BUSINESS Where a good mechanic can get established in a hurry, lots of farm work and welding, cement building, 45x105 large corner, gooa nome. mom $4000 worth of stock nnd equipment total price $18,500 with easy termt of $5000 down and $110 per month on balance See Louise Lorenz. BUSINESS LOT Located near Orcult'f store 124x150 OHMART & CALABA, REALTORS 477 COURT ST PHONE 2-4115. 2-4116 Eve salesmen Louis Lorenz. 3-55!tl; Ted Morrison, 2-5046 Henry Torvend. 3-36.12: Ralph Maddy. 2-3188 700 Rentals 705 Apartments For Rent LEE APTS. Salem's Most Distinguished Address. For people who nrsire better living In Salem. It's The 1-ee. One-bedroom units from $82.00 and u p; Bachelor units as low as $59.90. Inspection Invited. 585 N. Winter St. ,'ERV NICE 1-bdrm.. furn. and un furn. In qujreWGJi r 3-ROOM furnished apt., full hath, hejt and water furn. Phone 2-35iB. NK'KLY FUKN, 3-room apt. 549 X. Cottage. CLEAN 3.room furn. Close in. 3-6375. 6W) N. lllf?h: NEWLY furn. 1 bdtm. Hardwood floors, lots of closets, double sink. Ceiling fan. nice laundry, garage. W. Salein. 3-&U7. CLEAN furn. 2-im. ;ipt. Pvt. bath and entrance. JB55 N. Winter, i'h. 2-:i747. FURN. apts. North Salem Motel. 273 Portland Rd. Ph. 2-WBR. 3-ROOM Furnished Court Apt with garaRe, f.i.1. ctoc m on No. Com'l Ph. 2-8ti48 or 3-i;ii44. CLOSE, clran, furn. 1 rooiu duplex. Kitchenette. $.10. 7f.5 Marion. HDR.M. apt. Completely furn, close m. 444 N. CottaKe. IE YOU'RE looking f(r a nice 3 rm. apt. private bath, rent reasonable call 4-3ti43 beloic 9 a. m.( 2-1710 alter 6 p. m. CLEAN 2 room fin n apt. Private . bath. K.uage. Utilities fu:n. $10. Ph.2-WH4.22r,lH..7el Ave NICE COZY. furn. 2 rm.v for work- inc w.imrn. $:i5. 841 N. Liberty Ph. 2-54(6 or 3-3000 - ..."U ATTRACTIVE unfurn. 4-rm. apt, with ranee Ac refns .1140 S. 13th 1 nEDROOM apt. Stove, rcfrnreratr-r. water, automatic steam heat, in cludrd. Modern. $"o per month Mav re cen at 21.M S. Cnmtntr e:al nr Ph. 4-1 "2 after 4 pm C A r I T 0 L r L A Z A l-hdnn.. furn., unfurn. 1IP3 Che mckeU. 3-3'"J0. 707 Houses For Rent NEW unfurn. Smith, elec, one bedroom duplex, heat, attached gar. tee. $(i0. a or 2-17!t. PRIVATE duplex. " dean, furnished. 5 and 3 rooms, $:i0. Garage. Ph. 4-2.'in;. oilcin. $5ti FEB. 15-NOV. L. 2 luh m. JuVme'cav" cade Dl. Carpet1;, drapes, fiiepl, hmut . p.,,d. kit., tile Path. $ia. 2- j.i;i," after 5 p.m. CLEAN. HiltN or unfuin.. 1 bdim. Rp.ciii.ihic. :;815 Port land Rd. 3 HEDHOOM home. $i3. Electric heat. No !:..r.ik.e. 41flo c;.:dnc; Kd. i'h. 3- .:.i8. 5 ROOM UNFURN. Phone 4-U07. duplex, rlo-e in SMALL FURS'. hmie. rler. nil hett. rtcan pa1. pc?nns n!v. injs Third ! Sile:v w LOVFLV l.hrtn dim or rt.s tar,.p N. r,,,, F.ivlew'ood' d,-.lri-t. loq. 1 "m N. lit1 MIT. 1 bdnn. Oak floor, ranre. ta- hie. w-itrr, Karrirni ph a. Ram 1 MtlRM. home Coup furn. Gr. 1 Spruce St. Owner P' n-ilCflfV 210 '.JJ:: ! inVi Vi I VNITRN . stound floor, dimfex. Mf M Frrry. Ph. .1-.H.17, l OR 2 UPDRM duplex. Furn . .. oil titv.r. itlti X. Winter. .1-ftHWV BFORM housiv Kollvwood cliTlr oil rc.it. Newly dccoi.ited $7. 4.2..'i7. I P.KUI1M duplex with "!ore"ro.m" No children North Dist. t5 per n-onth. Ph. 4-17i,l, I RM I'NU RN rottane clec. r.mee 744 N c.ipi El.-c he.it. 'I 2 PKDHM unfurn. duplex 1774 S'.i Available Ken 14th $. 2-aol-; - i - n. 5 RM. Fl'RN. n.oIern e!,tp!ex cle: IB.uace. H CLEAX-rfuT Karaie. . oo. rn. i: furnished l-lndrrvmi "ou,e. j .-). 4131 Poitland Rd. 800 Real Estate i I OFFER On Dn. PMT. Owner fnxloul fii.wu.ou. 10 mane oner v-n This fine home 11 located on acre. home In the city under $0,000.00 that IN kasi MUittunu-wuaniy con NORTH SALEM Well established, rial STYLE HOME RUDY CALABA home. Just at the edge of town with Call Louise Lorenz. KENT'S SPECIALS BUSINESS BUILDING Nice tun stnry concrete htiildins .'(0x70 located at Sno, Ore. Upstairs is in two apartments of two hpd rooms each, will trade for house or small acreage close to Salem. Price $15,750. IDEAL LOCATION This 21 acre farm is in the city limits of Aumsvillc, alt level wilh. , pond fences, laiRe 3 b.r. house 1. r. Jfiy20 11x14 d r. youncstown kitchen with b. nook attached garage and small barn $12. 900 Rood terms. COURTS ; We have two good court rentals, one I 10 and one 12 unit all have stnvrs and rcf, utility rooms with auto, washers A- dryers about hall nf the units are furnished, a pzoo lo cation an all arc full, call for de tails. HOME DELUXE 1200 feet of living in this 2 b. r. home in cast Moorland. Has I. r. 1-1x18 with tireplace. d. r. k. with nook, inside utility, complete hath with shower and a two car R.irace. 29 foot patio, an fenced in back yard. C. V. KENT & CO. REALTORS SALKM, OBK. 4Sfi N. Church St. Phnn I-221.1 Kvcnincs or Sunrl.Tvs c.ill Mr. Kfnt Tlionc 2-r.O'S 700 Kcntals 707 Houses For Rent ICOLBATiTS RENTALS j 4-l-edronni home with office space. I " nia,n ptreet. All modern. $50 i Pcr '"""th. ! , . I 3hedroom home furnished on Mill i st. $75 ncr month La-ee 3-heriroom home with bsMrtt. Clor-in location. JfiS per month. 2-bedroom houe in North Salem. $15 per month. -hrr'rooTi m S. Salem. $37 50 per 1 ROOM furnished cabin. Gentle niiiil,Ptionc 3-7018, SMALL iHnise. clean. nUelv furru Clo.-e to Slate buildiruis. $35. Ph. 2-4H16. 3-RM , ;le.in. iiicelv turn., elec. beat. uashitlH facilities. Ph. 2-481ti. NICE SMALL 2-brirm.""houscAll etne Call jlter Sunday. 1h;5 Hoy;. I St. MODERN, clean. 2 bdrm. house near school. Ph. 4-5lH.r. DUPLEX 1 or both unitsTldeiirTor 2 families livinc tnpetner. 2-3.(25. 709 Wanted to Rent WANT farr : 'ni:t. pbo' i with e SO.- r without build-4-i?v WANTED-nulitanrtlog Auto Chin ffom Sairm would like lo rent a cluh houre aprl work hon Rnl oust be reasonao'e. Phone 2-1065, a-k for Gary 710 Wanled lo Ront, Houses WANTED- 2 or 3 bedroom home Phone Mr. Clark 7R15. 2-REDROOM home witli carafe. In or near Salem, Couple, will lease. Write If-fl Broadwav. Woodhom DrvilHK'for M"re.ri'l Two .hToV" Pattly fuin. Suburban preferred. Rcas. I.c.ie n,cs. at lt-3lo:i. 712 Want lo Rent Apts. J-ltKDHOOVI furnishrd. lirated apart- n ent. Pn. j-tCtj7. nTTS : r i Business Mentals IDFAI. p-r for real estate broker. N Hun. comer lot 70xl.. 2Si Fairfroiinda 1 ni-'i: i in n. , ( (