Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, February 15, 1954, Page 7, Image 7

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    Monday, February 15, 1934
Star Event
Chadwick and Salem chapter. Or
der of Eastern Siar, were joint
hosts for the district Star meeting
on Saturday night at the Scottish
Rite temple.
Officers of Salem chapter. Miss
Helen Fletcher, worthy matron, and
John Graybill, worthy patron,
opened and closed the meeting.
Chadwick chapter, with Mrs. K. T.
Armstrong, worthy matron, and
Thomas Kelly, worthy patron, in
itiated into Chadwick chapter, Mrs.
Thomas Paterson and Miss Bev
erly Barnick.
Ilonoied and fKr-nriiil m-..
Irene McKinley, worthy grand
matron, Howard Belton, worthy
grand patron, who were on their
official visit. Others escorted in
cluded Mrs. Paul H. Hauser, Mrs.
Hazel Graham, and Mrs. Paul Rob
inson, past crand mntrnne- m
Howard Bellon, grand Ruth'; Mrs
tivira iMiiictl, grand Adah; Her
man Johnston, associate grand
patron; grand committee members
Karl Wipper, Ronald Gilson: Mrs.
Lillian Humphries, Mrs. Harlow
Dixon and Mrs. J. Edgar Reay,
grand representatives; Mr. and
Mrs. Frank Buffington, worthy
wiatron and patron. Coos chapter,
Mrs. Fred Petersen, worthy mat
ron of Victoria chapter; Mrs. Rob
ert Stulzman, worthy matron, and
George Bixler, worthy patron,
unsworn! cnapter, and Mrs. Rob
ert Forster, worthy matron of Trin
ity chapter.
An addenda forming a heart and
how ,was given by the courtesy
group of both chapters, assisted by
associate worthy matrons, Mrs.
Ronald Rossner and Mrs. W. E.
Knowcr. Two solos were sung at
this time bv Mrs. Orval .inhn thn
gifts were presented to the worthy
granc matron ana patron.
The chanter rnnm and rlinlnn
room were decorated with many
Mrs. Harvey Gibbons played an
organ concert before the chapter
Local Engagement
The engagement of Miss Ev
elyn Johnson, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Stuart Johnson, to Rich
ard Max Page, son of Judge and
Mrs. E. M. Page, was announced
Saturday afternoon at a tea at
the Johnson home. The wedding
is planned for June 19 in St.
Tattl's Episcopal church.
The bridc-eleet is a graduate
of Willamette university, a mem
her of Pi Beta Phi and of Salem
Spinsters club. Mr. Pago attend
ed Willamette and was graduated
from Stanford university where
he also received his master of
arts degree. He is a member of
Beta Theta Pi fraternity. He is
now a CPA in San Francisco.
Page 7
Today's Menu
Family Dinner
This small beef loaf is fine
for a family of four.
Oatmeal Loaf
Baked Potatoes
Snap Beans
1 Bread and Butter
Chocolate Pudding
Oatmeal Loaf
I Ingredients: 1 egg, 'i cup
I milk, 'j cup quick-cooking rolled
I ats, i teaspoon salt, dash of
pepper, 'i teaspoon prepared
i mustard,' 1 tablespoon chili
, sauce, 1 tablespoon finely grated
onion (pulp and juice), 1 pound
ground beef chuck.
I Method: Beat egg and milk to
; gether enough to combine; add
i rolled oats and allow to stand
i about 10 minutes. Mix in salt,
pepper, mustard, chili sauce,
onion and beef. Press into small
loaf pan (about 7 by 4 inches);
run spatula around edges and
turn out on shallow baking pan
or ovenproof platter. Bake in
moderate (350 F.) oven 50 min
utes. Makes 4 servings. .
Mrs. Merrick Is
Feted on Birthday
WOODBURN Mrs. Hettie
Merrick of Woodburn was hon
ored on her 80th birthday anni
versary February 10 with a party
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. E.
C. Peyton. The party was ar
ranged by her son, Vernon Mer
rick, as a surprise. About 35
were present to honor Mrs. Mer
rick.' She received many gifts.
A social evening was enjoyed
and refreshments served. Mrs.
James Lamb and Mrs. Thomas
Locffelman assisted the hostess
in serving.
Invited guests were Mr. and
Mrs. James Lamb, Mr. and Mrs.
Sam Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Robert
Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Fraser,
Mr. and Mrs. N. A. Mann and
two grandchildren, Mr. and Mrs.
Thomas Locffelman, Mr. and
Mrs. Don Miller, Mr. and Mrs.
Don Barrett, Mr. and Mrs. A. W.
Andrews, Mrs. William Nuckols,
Mrs. Don Tabler, Mrs. Ervin
Susa, Mrs. Verne Nehl, Mrs. A.
W. Beckfurd, Mrs. Charles
Fleischman, Mrs. Kathryn Ran
dall, Mrs. Kathleen Mctzger,
Mrs. Walter Honrdick, A. J.
Moody, Miss Katie O'Brien, Mr.
and Mrs. Peyton, the honored
guest, Mrs. Merrick and Vernon
LEBANON Miss Sharon
Trotticr, bride-elect of Keith
Klavano, was honored at a bridal
shower Wednesday night. Host
esses were Mrs. Eugene Tanner,
Mrs. James Beaton and Mrs.
Curtis Wilber. The party was
given at the Wilber home.
The Valentine motif was used
in decorating.
Grand Officer at
Joint Star Event
DAYTON Electa chapter and
Newberg chapter. Order of the
Eastern Star, met for their district
event at Dayton last week. The
presiding officers were Mrs. Pau
line Belts, worthy matron, and
Les W. Scoggan, wdrthy patron.
Electa chapter; Mr. and Mrs.
Clarence Heater, worthy matron
and patron of Newberg chapter.
The honor guest was Mrs. Irene
McKinley of Portland, worthy
grand matron of the grand chap
ter of Oregon, who was on her ofi
ficial visit.
Other guests escorted to the
cast were Mesdames Vivian Mc
Clune, grand Esther, and Edith
Sorley, grand Martha, of Portland;
Margaret Mock, grand committee
member; Eva Lunibert, worthy
matron of Amity chapter and
Thelma Roberts, worthy matron
of Knowlcs chapter, Mc.Minnville.
During the evening, Newberg
chapter initiated Doyle McAnich
ot Newberg.
A Valentine degree and a gift
were given for the worthy grand
matron by the courtesy ladies of
both chapters.
Preceding the meeting, Mrs.
McKinley was a dinner guest in
the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lee
W. Scoggan, on Grand Island.
Other guests were Edith Sorley,
Vivian McClune, Pauline Belts,
Lenore and Clarence Heater and
Mrs. Victor Scoggan.
LEBANON The altar of the
Methodist church was decorated
with daffodils, white stock and
acacia for the February 6 nup
tials of Miss Amy Coddington
and Larry M. Barnes. She is the
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. E.
Miles, Lebanon, and the bride
groom's parents are Mr. and Mrs.
Jack of Portland.
The Re.-. G. Wesley Turner
performed the ceremony. At the
organ was SJiss Doris Pomeroy,
and 'Irs. Cletus Moist was solo
ist. The bride, given in marriage
by her step-father, wore a white
lace and satin dress and carried
white carnations and pink rose
buds. Miss Bessie Coddington was
maid of honor for her sister, and
Miss Nancy Whitten, Portland
was bridesmaid.
Standing with the bridegroom
was Clarence Coddington, broth
er of the bride, as best man.
Ushers were Gene and Ralph
The reception was in the church
parlor. Mrs. Ralph Coddington
and Mrs. Clarence Coddington
pouring. Serving c. ke were Mrs.
Paul Boyd and Miss Donna Bar
ber. Y-WIVES are planninfg a no
host dinner at 6:30 p.m. on Thurs
day at the YWCA.
Miss Gertrude Acheson will take
the group through the new build
ing and plans will be made for
projects the Y-Wives will develop
after the new building is occupied.
i &$x rt i' ' C?J-'
m w A
New officers of the Oregon State Society pose with state's
cherry blossom princess at a society party in Washington, D.C.
Left to right: Hal Kclley, Portland, president; Nancy Scott,
Baker, Ore., who will represent her state in the capitol's Cherry
Blossom Festival; Howard Hicks, Portland, treasurer, and Miss
Dorothy Briggs, Corvallis, secretary. (AP Wirephotd)
Card Party
. MT. ANGEL The last of a se
ries, of four card parties spon
sored before Lent by the St.
Ann's Altar society will be on
Wednesday evening, February 17,
in the auditorium of St. Mary's
Bridge, pinochle and canasta
will be played. Lunch will be
served in the school dining hall
by the committee. Mrs. Theresa
Hoffer, chairman, is being assist
ed by Mrs. Edward Hoffer, Mrs.
Gene Hoffer, Mrs. Ralph Hassing,
Mrs. Joseph Hasslcr, Mrs. John
Hassler, Mrs. Alois Humpert, Mrs.
W. D. Harris, Mrs. Wendcl Hauth,
Mrs. Joseph Hauth, Mrs. M. Hoff
man, Mrs. Arthur Hcmshorn, Mrs.
Francis Hammelman, Mrs. Mae
Heggic, Mrs. Mary Holt and Mrs.
Alfred Huber.
BOSTON (A') Boston officials
are increasing the car parking
space from 22 to 25 feet on sev
eral streets to make it easier
and quicker for motorists to
Dallas Firm Given
Amity School Contract
Amity Grubb and Green, Dal
las contractors, have been award
ed the contract to build four
class rooms for the Amity grade
school, enlarge the present gym
nasium, install shower rooms,
kitchen and cafeteria. The Dal
las firm was low bidder on the
LONDON W) Sir John Slcssor,
former British air chief of staff,
said Sunday night Britain and
the United States should warn
Russia that both countries will
blast her with atomic and hydro
gen bombs in case of any aggression.
Pope in Brief
Radio Address
can radio. rcbroadcast Monday a
feebly spoken, four-minute mes
sage by convalescing Pope Pius
XII. The Pontiffs voice, weak and
hesitant after his recent illness,
had been recorded at his bedside
over a period of two days.
The Vatican announced that the
77-year-old Pontiff's recovery is
continuing, "although slowly,"
His address marked a day of
prayer for the ailing in connection
with the church's commemoration
Campers Will
Dine Tonight
A meeting of the Oregon sec
tion, American Camping Associa
tion, will be held Monday night
at the China City Cafe, when
Wes H. Klusman, national direc
tor of camping for the Boy Scouts
of America will be trie princi
pal speaker. '
Present at the meeting will be
directors and executives of agen
cies serving youth in Oregon and
Southern Washington.
Klusman will speak and lead
discussion on national camping
standards. He has planned, de
veloped and administered camps
since 1921, and has held his pres
ent post since July, 1941, follow
ing three years as assistant na
tional director of camping and
activities and 10 years with the
Los Angeles council of Boy
of the Marian Year the centen
ary of the Catholic dogma of the
Virgin Mary's immaculate con
ception. The recording in Italian
was first broadcast Sunday night.
Translations in various languages
went out over the radio Monday.
, . . .. .. . 1
'. 1 O
Wes H. Klusmann, principal
speaker at a meeting of the
Oregon section, American
Camping association Monday
first shipload of American aid war
marterial for Spain's armed forces
arrived aboard the freighter
Northwestern Victory Monday.
395 S. 12th, Salem
lit I f
5R ff F
pllAO 195 N. High St.
10. 11
Beauty Consultant For
(Barbara Cjouid
of New York, will be at
our store on
Monday, February 15
Tuesday, February 16
You are cordially Invited to come in
and discuss your skin problems with
Miss Richards. She will be glad to ex
plain the newer products such as REVI
VAL, our skin tightener and the mois
turizing products.
Moittone Cream and Moistone Oil.
. Phone 3-8792
Warner's .
answers the questions that underline this-spring's silhouette.
yOGUE SAYS: "The new line -one line, arranged by the foundation"
and here are the foundation answers, "as seen in Vogue."
Salem's Leading Department Store
IQ. What underlines
the Princess line?
A. Warner's new Angel
Corselette. A mere hand
ful of the sheerest nylon
elastic, it magically s-t-r-e-t-c-h-!
to fit everyone,
just like a stocking. No.
3330 In white, small, me
dium, large. $16.50.
2 1). Vhat underlines the
after-five dccollctage?
A. Warner's original Mer
ry Widow, I fabulous sttap
less, cinch and garter belt
in exquisite nylon marqui
sette and elastic. More
shec deviltry its misty
bra-cuffs dip low as you
dare. No. 1311 in black or
white, $12.50. Also in white
cotton for cool bouffants,
No. 1315 at $10.
3Q. What . undcrlircs
the moulded suit?
A. Warner's newest Lc
Gant In breezy nylon pow
er net an dsupplo elastics.
No. 813 in white, $12.50.
Bra with an .clastic stay
put band, No. 2129, $2.95.
Warner's Angel Panlie, not
illustrated here, a sheer
nothing that nevertheless
does the trimming needed
for sleek pants, No. J144
or matching girdle No.
J143 in white power net
with comfy panels, $7.50.
Easy-going clastic-bra, No.
1045, $3 95.
As Advertised in the Feb.
15 lu of Vogue.