Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, February 15, 1954, Page 2, Image 2

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    Monday, February 15. 1054
Paite 2
In. The Valley '
Silverton to
Vote on School
SILVERTON The members
of the Silverton school board,
District No. 4, Dr. E. L. Ilcnkcl,
chairman, Herman Cosehie, Art
ttnllinrtnr Tnrf Iltithnrfnrfl unrl
Ted Burian, board members, and ui-mbc . -
AW City
DALLAS St. jnn's Altar So
ciety met at the home ol Mrs.
Joseph Schumacher Monday eve
ning. Mrs. Hubert Mongers, vice-1 will meet in Mill City April 10.
MILL CITY-Mrs. Arnold Syvcr
son and Mrs. Fred Duffy were
hostesses Tuesday for members of
the Three Links Club at the Sy
verson home. Mrs. Phillip Hess
presided at the business meeting.
II was votd to make several im
provements on the lOOF hall,
tmong them repairing of the Of
ficer stations. Plans were also
discussed for serving luncheon to
the Thcta Rho Convention which
president conducted the meeting
in the absence of the president,
Mrs. Donald Grubb. Mrs. Rodg
er also led the devotions.
Mrs. Ted Primus and Mrs.
Howard Balderstone, superin
tendent of the Silverton schools,
I ict Wednesday night for consid
eration of problems that may
cause drastic changes in the local
high school program.
On Saturday, March 6, at a
special election, Silverton voters
will decide on whether or not
this dislrict will join the pro
posed Union High School district.
The Wednesday night resolu
tion passed by the board slates
that other district:, include Ever
green, Brush Creek, Evans Val
lev, Central Howel, Victor Point,
Bethany, ML Angel, Silver Crest,
Crooked Finger, and Portions of
Monitor, Scotts Mills and Butte
Thee resolution as passed also
includes that the site of the
Union High school shall be the
present Silverton high school
buildings, its equipment and
real property. The site to be sold
to the proposed Union High
School district at a price to be
determined by a qualified ap
praiser mutually acceptable to
the respective board membes.
Other matters decided by the
local district board members
were to buy the Schubert home
property at N. 1st and A streets
adjoining the Eugene Field play
ground, for school purposes; vot
ing for final acceptance of the
new grade school heating system:
discussion of the high school
parking space; and possible loca
tion of a new Junior High school,
should the Union High school
plan be approved.
as a committee to select the in
terior deco.alions for the addi
tional rooms which are under
construction at the St. Phillips
Catholic churc'
At the close of the meeting re
freshments were served to Mrs.
Ted Primus, Mrs. George Woerth,
Mrs. Darrcl, Mrs. Rob
ert Rodgers, Mrs. William Dun
can, Mrs. Fred Toews, Mrs. Ralph
Luciano, Mrs. Pauline Aulin,
Miss Mina VanWell, Mrs. Mat
Gillis, Mrs. Arthur Palmer.
Will a mina
WILLAMINA The city coun
cil has adopted a resolution call
ing for paving and improvements
to 25 blocks of city streets, and
engineering surveys will begin
next week.
The program calls for storm
sewers, catch basins, curbs, gut
ters and paving, and will he fi
nanced under provisions of the
Bancroft bonding act, with pay
ments to be divided into 20 semi
annual payments over a 10 year
period with interest of six per
cent on deferred payments.
Credit for the paving program
is given lo the Willamina Cham
ber of Commerce, whose active
support made it possible to real
ize the paving of the streets.
The engineering firm of Clark
and Grof of Salem will survey
the designated streets and pre
sent specifications and cost esti
mates to the council at the
March meeting.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. Clay
of Grand Ronde are the parents
of a son, born Feb. 8 at the Mc
Minnville hospital.
K. E. Shetlerly, hardware
dealer and Justice of the Peace,
has been appointed as chairman
of draft board No. 7 of the Se
lective Service system for Yam
hill county. He replaces Elliott
Cummins, I McMinnvillc attor
ney, who was forced to resign
due to pressure of business.
Mrs. Maurice Dalton enter
tained the members of her bridge
club Wednesday afternoon. The
group meeting for a 1:30 o'clock
luncheon, and an afternoon of
cards. Spn ; flowers were used
as decoratii ns about the rooms.
High score was won by. Mrs. El
don Vaughn. Mrs. Art Woods won
second and the slam prize went to
Mrs. Woods and Mrs. William
Others in the group were Mrs.
W. J. Page, Mrs. Paul Bollman,
Mrs. Dell lteinemer, Mrs. Walter
Leth, Mi... E. B. Bossatti, Mrs.
William Dalton, l.Irs. L. L. Mc
Carty, and Mrs. Cecil Dunn.
Almira Rebekah lodge No. 26
held its regulai meeting at IOOF
hall Tuesday evening with Mrs.
O. S. Kelly, noble grand, and the
new officers in their chairs.
Installed was Mrs. William
Hutchens as left supporter to the
vice grand. Mrs. J. F. Spooner,
district deputy president, and
Mrs. Clark Learner, grand mar
shal, conducted the installation.
During the business meeting
plans were discussed for initia
tion of new members to be held
at the meeting on Tuesday eve
ning, Feb. 10. Several members
who have been aff-'ialed with the
lodge for 40 years or more will
be honored at this meeting. A
guest of the evening was Mrs.
George Mason of the Mill City
Admitted to the Dallas hospi
tal the past week to have tonsils
and adenoids r moved were J im
mic Allgood, son of Mr. and Mrs.
James Allgood, an" Claudine
Fitzgerald, daughter of Mrs. Dor
othy Fitzgerald, of Valsetz.
Admitted for medical care were
Miss Ruth Marion, daughter of
Mrs. Ruth Marion of Rt-2 Dallas,
baby Patricia Bui lor, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Alton Butler of
Sunshine camp Valsetz; Albert F.
Cherry, and Mrs. William Bledsoe.
AURORA Ed Koenig, 24-year-old
Aurora logger, escaped
serious injuries Monday morn
ing in a logging operation near
X-rays taken at Portland Os
teopathic hospital where he was
taken, revealed no fractures, il-
tho the near fatnl accident
crushed his "tin hat" almost be
yond recognition.
Koenig was employed by
Duane Zacher, formerly of Auro
ra, now of Canny.
Fred Kahlc returned to his
home Saturday after undergoing
surgery in Portland hospital
Extensive remodeling Is under
New members joining the club
was Airs, George Stafford.
The next meeting of the club
will be at the Stayton home of
Mrs. Claude Bruder wilh a No
Host lunch to be furnished by the
Mrs.'Syverson and Mrs. TJjitv
served refreshments to the 17
members preseni
Visiting at the home Mf her
parents Sunday was Miss Lela
Mel Kelly, daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Charles Kelly, from Oregon
Male college. She was accom
panied by Johnny Gabrielscn,
stationed with the Army at Fort
Ord. On his return to service this
week he will report for duty at
the Presidio at San Francisco.
Mrs. Kenneth Morris and
daughter Beverley of Prinevillc
visited last week end at the home
of her neice, Mrs. Fred Duffy and
wilh relatives in Lyons.
Mrs. Charles Stewart and Mrs.
C. W. Stewart were luncheon
guests last Tuesday at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Young
in Salem.
Mrs. Ann Crook and son Dick
Crook accompanied by Miss
Geraldine Highberger of Sublimi
ty visited Sunday at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Norman Garrison
at Corvallis.
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Thomas
of Seattle visited last week end
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Al
Yankus, where their son Dick
Thomas is staying while he com
pletes his Senior year at Mill City
High School.
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Stewart and
lamily returned this week from
a vacation trip to Nevada and
Joint installation ceremonies
for the Presbyterian Womcns As
sociation and the Friendship
Circle were held Tuesday Febru
ary 9 at the home of Mrs. James
Swan with Mrs. W. W. Allen act
ing as installing officer. Installed
as officers for the Association
were: President; Mrs. James
Swan; Vice-president, Mrs. C. E.
Mason; Mrs. Fred Grimes, Secretary-Treasurer;
Devotion Chair
man, Mrs. Ralph Fough; Social
Education, Miss Daisy Gcddess;
Fellowship, Mrs. John Swan;
Membership, Mrs. Otto Witt; and
childrens Work Secretary, Mrs.
Noble Streeter.
Friendship Circle Officers in
clude: President, Mrs. Alio Tuers,
Secretary-Treasurer, Mrs. DoLos
Hoeye: Fellowship Secretary, Mrs.
B. B. Hill and program Chairman,
Mrs. Vernon Todd.
Mrs. Swan said that World Day
of Prayer would be observed at
the Presbyterian Church on the
afternoon of March 5. '
Mrs. W. W. Allen sewing chair
man, stated that articles of cloth
ing would be sent lo hospitals in
Thailand, Point Barrow, Alaska
and Arizona.
Printed programs for the two
organizations were distributed to
Ihc members. Mrs. Ida Geddcss
who was observing her 99th birth
day that day was presented a
cake, cards and gifts.
Work has been started on the
renovation of the dance hall in
the Dawes building. This was a
popular spot for holding dances
in former years but has not been
used for some time. Jim lholtz.
High School gymnasium will be
in charge of the dances when
work is completed.
Woods Crews Back
On Lebanon Jobs
LEBANON - I eastern Linn
County, 40 lu"iber and logging
operations have hired men since
the first of the month. Stepped
up operations are starting in all
parts of the ci jnt. The activity
marks the start of 1954 woods
employment and only a late snow
will curtail a work revival.
Many of the joerations are
small and hiring has been re
stric' ". 1 1 lest than fivo men,
while oihers have ldded as many
aj 20 men to payrolls during the
past 10 day .
Among the larger firms hiring
are McKay Logging company,
Oak Li mber company, Relog Log
ging company, M M Woodwork
ing, Lester Shingle Mill, J & J
Logging, Hammond Lumber, Ce
dar Creek Log company, Gilbert
Eaton, Santiam Lumber and San
tiam Logging, Snow Peak, and
Wimer Lodging company.
The back I wor.' program so
far this month has employed
400 persons.
wnnnniwN wsrs
WOODBUUN The Women's So
cielv of Christian Service will meet
at noon Tuesday, Feb. 16, at Ihc
hnm, nf Un .lnmnc l.lvnG.-w
Those attending are asked to bring al Builders Supply, Aurora,
sack lunches and dessert and cof- The Frank Thiel residence on
Americans, on the average
drink about a pint of wine a
week and Frenchmen about a
pint a day.
DAYTON Robert Tedd, princi
pal of the Dayton Grade School,
has invited the Dayton Garden
Club to attend the Arbor Day ex
ercises, to be held at the Grade
School on Friday at 10 p.m. Feb
ruary 12.
Mrs. Steve Taylor returned Mon
day from southern Oregon, after
visiting 10 days with her mother,
Mrs. J. E. Randels, and brother,
Guy Randels, both of Ashland;
and her daughter, Mrs. Claude
Harris and family of Grants Pass.
Mrs. Taylor rode down to Ash
kind with her son, Robert Sutton
of Milwaukie, who was driving on
to San Francisco, Calif. She also
returned with him.
A group of Daytoniles enjoyed
dinner and a pleasant day Sun
day, at Timberline Lodge, and Mt.
Those enjoying the day were:
Mr. and Mrs. Clare Ileider; Mr.
and Mrs. .1. E. Imlah and children;
Mr. and Mrs. John Howard and
family; Mrs. Floyd Wiilert and
daughter, Pat.
The Dayton Civic Club is spon
soring a cooked food sale, to be
held at Frink's Hardware Satur
day, February 13.
Mr. and .Mrs. Lioen Phelps
visited Mrs. H. II. Hillier in
Portland Sunday. They were old
friends in Montana.
Visitors in the home of Mrs.
Mamie Randall and her sister,
Mrs. D. M. Taggart on Friday,
were Mrs. Earl Noll of McMinn
villc, and Mrs. Guy Nott of Ore
gon City.
Sunday, Mr. Taggart came
from his home at Ontario. Also
Sunday Dr. Clinton Cook and
daughter Margaret of Portland
Mr. and Mrs. Wendell Willard,
Jr., arc the parents of a son,
horn on Sunday, Feb. 7, at the
McMinnvillc hospital. ' The child
weighed I pounds, 15 ounces and
has been named Jeffrey Owen.
The Willards have four other
children, Alice, David, and twins,
Carrie and Kathy. The maternal
grandparents arc Mr. and Mrs.
Owen lfolliday, and the paternal
grandparents are Mr. and Mrs.
Wendell Willard.
Miss Lois Ncwcomb, who has
been spending the past two
weeks with her parents, Mr. and
Friday morning, Feb. 5, for San
Francisco, Calif., where she is
Mr. and Mrs. Arnc Willson,
and Mr. and Mrs. Lee Perry
of Newbcrg, visited their daugh
ter and parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Ted Perry and Calladec at Sweet
Home on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Delmer Stouten
burg and family spent the week
end at The Dalles visiting his
parents, Mr, and Mrs. K. A.
JEFFERSON The Jefferson
Lions Club will have a dinner
and guest night on Monday night,
Feb. 15, at 7 o'clock at the high
school. Dr. Frances E. Clark, de
partment of education and psy
chology at Oregon Stale College
at Monmouth will be the speaker.
Members are asked to bring cov
ered dishes and guests.
A guest at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Paul Smith on the
Greens Bridge road Saturday was
Phonge DiBiadi of Bancock. He
is a chemist and is representing
his country. He is studying can
ning and refrigeration and on his
return home he will assist in set
ting up canneries and refrigera
tion plants.
Mrs. Paul Smith and Mrs. D.
W. Porter were hostesses to the
Past Noble Grand club lunch at
1:30 in the I.O.O.F. hall. Mrs.
Porter was installed vice-presi
dent. Mrs. Wes. Curl, Mrs. Ida
Hartley, Mrs. Nettie Hawk, Mrs.
Howard Hampton and Mrs,
Charles Smith are to plan a card
party for March 11. Mrs. Hawk
and Mrs. S. II. Goin will be host
esses for the next meeting.
At the altar Society card party
Tuesday night were Mrs. Orrin
Smith and Lloyd Hiliker win ng
high score in pinochle and Mrs.
Ovcrholser and Hall Russell in
"500." Mrj. Paul MeKee and Or
rin smnn nein low score in
pinochle and Mrs. Hal Russell
and Herman DeLaugh low "500'
scores. The fifth and last of the
parties will be held on March 17,
The Jefferson district will have
two voting precincts No. 160 and
No. 161. The City precinct will
vote in the Masonic building on
Main st. No. 161, the rural area,
will vote in the new high school
Serving on the first board of
precinct No. 160 will be Irvine
Wright, chairman; Mrs. Nettie
Hawk, judge; Mrs. Leah Black-
well, Mrs. Paul McKee and Mrs.
Lester Shields, clerks. On the
second board are Mrs. Lillian
Smith, chairman; Gilbert lloevct,
judge; Mrs. Ruth Daulton, Mrs.
Eileen Hampton and Mrs. Donna
June Bailcs, clerks.
Precinct 161. First board, Mrs.
Carrie Glasgow, chairman: Al
bett Gurgcrich, judge; Eileen
Marcum, Mr3. Bernice Skelton
and Lucille Harris, clerks. Second
board, Mrs. Doris Hampton, chair
man; Mrs. Fern McNallie, judge;
.Mrs. Ann Hochspeier, Mrs.
Keithel Smith and Mrs. Vivian
Phelps, clerks.
Jack Wells of Independence
was guest speaker at the annual
guest night and supper of the
Jefferson Woman's Club in the
City Hall Wednesday night. He
told of the five years spent in
Bolivia working on farms sent
there by our government on the
Point Four program.
The hospitality committee In
cluded Mrs. Gilbert Looney, Mrs.
Kenneth Zemlicka, Mrs. Hal
Reeves and Mrs. Henry Thiescn.
Guests were Mr. and Mrs.
Irvine Wright, Mrs. Trefcthen,
Miss Josephine Gctchcll, Miss
Ruth Hart. Miss Virginia Mason
and Miss Edith Libby.
John Wright, high school sen
ior, will speak at the club's Feb.
24 meeting. He will tell of the
Boy Scouts Jamboree. A dessert
lunch will be served at 2 o'clock,
preceding the meeting. Hostesses
will be Mrs. W. F. Gulvin, Mrs.
Lester Shields and Mrs. Clayton
SHERIDAN Phil Sheridan
FOE bnilding west of Sheridan
will have a grand opening Feb.
27 and 28, and it is expected
that the event will attract many
Eagles from other lodges in this
The lodge received its charter
March 15, 1947, and the Auxil
iary in May, 1947. The Aerie and
Auxiliary have spearheaded
many civic and charitable move
ments in the community.
The Auxiliary is well known
for winning numerous trophies
in drill team competition.
The PTA will observe Foun
ders Day Monday, February 15
at the Chapman grade school.
Past presidents will be honored
during the social hour following
the meeting. Girl Scouts will
put on a skit, and a movie will
be shown. '
Beryl C. Swails, manager of
the Sheridan branch of the U.
S. National bank, was elected
president of the Chamber of
Commerce at their noon meeting
this week- Francis Bradley was
elected vice president; Dean
Holmes secretary; Art Hobert,
treasurer; Bill Ivie and J. W.
Hammons, directors.
Thirty-two new students have
registered at Linfield college for
the spring semester, including
William Shaw, George Byrkit and
Lloyd Nisly of Sheridan; and
Lewis Littlejohn and Robert
Thorn from Willamina.
The Rev. Father G. Sheffold
of St. Michael's church at Grand
Ronde left recently by plane for
Germany, called by the serious
illness of his mother. He expects
to return in two months.
Mr. and Mrs. Burt Alfort were
hosts at a birthday party honor
ing their son, Allen, on his ninth
birthday. Those present were his
grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. A.
H. Zanders of Milwaukie, Miss
Dorothy Zanders, Mr. and Mrs.
David Lewis, Mr- and Mrs. Wm.
Swatz and Mr. and Mrs. Dick
Cappers and son David.
L. B. Howard of Spanish
Forks, Utah, is visiting his
daughter, Mrs. Roy Bird and
Past presidents of American
Legion auxiliary and past com
manders of Legion post in Sheri
dan will be honored at the an
nual banquet, scheduled for Feb
ruary 22.
, Mrs. Clay Tatom was hostess
to the Pinochle club. Mrs. Les
ter Hacnny won high, Mrs. Etta
Ladd second; Mrs. Kay Sparks
and Mrs. Haenny pinochle, and
Miss Martha Hintzen. consolation.
Mrs. Don Ross and children of
Fairbanks, Alaska, are visiting
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Matt
Hintzen, for a month- They will
return to Fairbanks by plane,
where Ross is stationed.
Randy Johnson, infant son of
Mr. and Mrs. Norman Johnson,
was blessed at the Latter Day
Sainls church in McMinnvillc
Sunday. Presiding Elder was the
baby's uncle. Melvin Woodall.
Howard Wilmarth, son of Mr.
and Mrs. Howard Wilmarth of
Sheridan, has been moved to the
Holladay Park hospital in Port
land from the Portland Isolation
hospital where he has been since
early in December when strick
en with polio. He is still in se
rious condition, but can be out
of the iron lung' 30 minutes a
day now. He will begin water
therapy treatments soon.
The first organized Mardi Gras
street parade in New Orleans was
held Feb. 27, 1838.
LEBANON School Supt.
James W. King left Portland by
plane F'riday for Atlantic City
where he will take part in the .
convention ol ine American as
sociation of school administrators,
a division of the NEA.
fee will be furnished by the co
hostesses. Mrs. Livesay, Mrs.
Thomas Engle. Sr., Mrs. Arthur
Burt. Mrs. Mae Otjen and Mrs.
Charles Conye. Mrs. W. M. Burke
will be program chairman.
upper Main Street, is rapidly
nearing completion At the Ches
ter Smith home in Aurora, a new
annex is being constructed, with
Mr. Smith and his son, Eugene,
doing the building.
frstivaf&E Jan
JOtvSIUISWI cswmoo
Thursday, Feb. 25
8:30 P.M.
Prices M OO, 13.00, $2.00, Tax
Included. Mail Orders now.
Send check or money order to
Modern American Jazz, ro J.
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W ii AaJ LiWKyflJ I "Prisoners of
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Chicken &
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50 Others REDUCED UP TO 50
120 Boit, Used, AS LOW AS $50.00
Enroll xow for a course of lesions. We furnish the
instrument FREE. No obligation to buy.
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