600 Employment 616 Employment Aqenclt YOUR JOB? . necepi. rtJX uo. lypist coo J- gntr. elk. typist. 25-40 Jl85 i..V?'" P" F. Steno., beginner, t da. J! sua T. Bkkpr., gen. ofc. , IfiioO plus F. Career girl aecy. , open F. Bkkpr. supervisor Zii woo M. Acct.ofc. mgr. .350 M.Col. grad. Sales HSPiJSW - 1350 484 State St. (Oregon Bldg.) 4-3351 618 Education C .fu ,eMnn . Popular music. Ruth Hauntt, 4-8194. Moderate fee The following ads In this classlfica Hon were not received In time to check with the Better Business n ine city 01 (their) origin TRAINING OPPORTUNITY MOTEL MANAGERS AGES: 30 Tn fin vpine National motel training organization will Interview mature men ana Women (also couples able to work wen lugetnerj to start training im mediately for Motel Manager posl. tlon. Good salary, living quarters furnished and security can be yours In this new expanding Billion Dol lar Motel business. No experience in wu ne required as those ac- cepicu win receive complete train. In including on-the-inh mMel nn. ration-in Modern Motel. Choice of climate and location free place ment service. For home interview wrue giving name, address and brief work history to American raoiei managers, inc., co Box 201 Statesman-JournaL feZQ Day and Contract Land Clearine 15 yrs. Exp. Call for estimate on hour work or by contract for the com plete Job. L. C. Mitchell. Phone s-a-jj. 700 Rentals LARGE warehouse space for rent or lease. Cement floors, brick build Inc. Down town. Inquire H. L. Stiff Furniture Co. Phone 3-9185. 702 Sleeping Rooms, Board SLEEPING ROOM, kitchen facllitl.'i. For 1 or 2. 754 Ferry St. DOWNTOWN, 1st fir, clean, warm room. Bath adjoining. 658 Center. PLEASANT ROOM for gentleman. 1050 Norway. Ph. 2-4547. LARGE beautiful furn. rm. Also bachelor apt. 533 N. Winter. NICELY furn., private home. Gentle man. 985 N. Summer. Ph. 3-C3G8. 705 Apartments For Rent 1st fir. 2 bdrm furn. flat, garage. $60. Near Shopping Center. Ph. 2-6833. 1 ROOMS & bath furn. Utilities paid except gas. Adults. $37.50. 1207 S. Com'l. Ph. 3-6254. WHERE can you beat this for $29,507 2-rm furn. apt. inc. elec. range and rcfrig.. prlv. bath, all nice and clean several to choose from. Burt Picha. 379 N. High St.. 2-4047. NEAR Memorial Hosp. Nicclv furn. 3 rm. apt. Utilities paid, Reason able. Ph. 4-5991. NEWLY furn. 1 bdrm. Hardwood floors, lots of closets, double sink. Celling: fan, nice laundry, garage. W. Salemi 3-8347. LOVELY 1-bdrm. garacc. No chil dren or dogs. Englewood district. Inq. 1290 N. 14th. Ph. 3-3000. PARTLY furn. 1 bdrm. apt. !i duplex. 2535 N. 5th. 3 ROOM furn. apt. Newly decorated. 1 blk. of bus. 960 N. 19th. FURN. Apt, Adults preferred. 1441 N. Com'l St. Ph. 4-5363 for key. t BDRM. apt., furn, hardwood firs, electric heal. 3510 Portland Rd. CLEAN furnished 2 room heated apt. Lady preferred. 704 N. Cottage. NICE 3-room furn. apts., close in, private baths, reasonable. Ph. own er 4-3661. I-ROOM duplex! Furnished apt. Clean. Full basement. Hollywood dist. Ph. 3-8036. NEWLY drc. 3 rms. and bath, court apt. Furn. or unfurn. Laundry, parking. TV. Inquire 1348 S. 12th. NICE apt. furn., utilities furn. Rca. snnable. 460 N. 13th. ROOM furn. apt. Priv. bath. 705 N. LI bcrty. Ph. 2-6947. 1-RM. furn. apt. $50. Available Feb. 16th. Inquire 515 Bellevue. MODERN 3-rm. furn. 549 N. Cottace St. ipt, close In. FURNISHED 3 rooms. $30. Private bath 1968 North Com'l. PRIVATE 3 room cout apts. Clean. furn.. $45. Adults. 3560 Portland Rd. 3 RMS. furn. Utilities paid- Women preferred. 1553 State. FURNISHED apartments. Close-in. Ph. 2-8740. 325 S. Winter. Ambassador Furnished apts. 550 N. Summer FURNISHED" modern-2 roomapt. Within 5 blocks of down town. 55 per month. Ph. 2-1887. 444 N. Cot te,e. 3-ROOM Furnished Court Apt Wl1h g.irnge. $55. C!oe In on No. Com'l Ph. 2-aMB or.1-r.644. VERY NICE 1-bdrm". furn. and un- furn. Inquire 16.W S. I.tth St. I-ROOM furnished ant., full hath. heat and water furn. $35. Fhone 5-8568. Business Directory ATrj.iATE yrrtvirr. J4-HOUR SERVICE, all makes. Red's Appliance Repairs. 2-61.i0.2-53;. All makes and modrR Al Laue Re frigeratlon. Ph. 2-5443. Bkihiing CAPITOL Bedding Mattress reno vators. New niattre-se. :i-4061. Bt 1.1 IXII.4G " Mulidnzing. clcarina ri'ails. ponds D-4. D-6. carrvall V. lluske. Ph 2-.1146. MOt,SKilcil.llll,Blt'CT -OR nrom'pt. fire ililivery of WAT KINS prndlli'ts, please rail lllstlih lilnr, 1135 So. O'l'mcrrlJl St. Sa lem. Ph. 3-5.TO. Dealer appuralinns Invited. Slanlev llonie Prnourtv l.ee Mindt. Ifinn Madi-nn. Ph. 3-1056 M ttsi nv St IKHll. - . - . . 0. ( I FINES rirvlanl n-.irsrty j Mission Ph 2-7f.:,6 ri.l MMINCt TRIE WORK PRUNING i spraying. erajorj,. W. Caudle. Ph'!. gt.PTIC TANKS . MIKES Septic Service. Tanks clean ed. D rooler cleans sewers, dra.ns Pheri - - Vcv,cr ,ept.c"tank. f'"';; l Roto.R-.oter S't Sen ice. Phone 3-5327. -HalveTsVenllc tanks '"'"""'i Jem Guaranteed or. Phone 3-7(f i I--0774. 800 Real Estate (An agency devoted entirely to home-selling operated by Then. G. Nelson, Realtor-Appraiser SRA and five neighborhood salesmen.) LARGE FAMILY WANTF.D 3-bdrm home In Salem auburh i.ir 4.il . . 1 new 011 fruit trees & lawn. Some paint can 5 1 f,'fe a000, Terms or trade- WELL BUILT ONLY ONE YEAR OLD 2 lse bdrms: fplace: Insulate: weatherstripped: ven blinds. Close to bus n du "acneo garage, a NEW HOME DESIGNED FOR YOU Especially desirable Kingwood Heights v.ny venier. a Dorms. Bercn kit., fplace. Sanberg Autom furnace, w. at a ij,:hju. tall Percy Gorton. Off Ph. SUBURBAN Attractive small 2 bdrm home, modern, ciose in n. k. price 17500. Owner Darm home near St, Vincent school. lies, pn 4-BU3S, YOUR NEIGHBORHOOD SALESMAN Five HOMESELLER salesmen are nomes each ror sale in tneir respective neignoornooas ana consolidating their information at The HOMESELLEHS headquarters. Call 4-4441 for the name and telephone number of The HOMESELLEHS salesman or saleswoman for your neighborhood. Up-to-the-minute information about home sales in your neighborhood will help you whether you want to buy a home of sell one. it will be worm your wnne to get acquaimea with the HOMESELLER salesman for your neighborhood. ( THE HOMESELLERS MULTIPLE LISTING REALTORS THEO. G. NELSON, MGR. IN TH HUB OF SALEM EASY PARKING 702 N. HIGH. SALEM PH. 4-4441 COLBATH'S REAL ESTATE ATTRACTIONS ACTION DEMANDED THIS PROPERTY MUST BE SOLD home, hardwood floors, auto oil heat, lovely fenced yard. In the man brin garden area. FHA Loan can be assumed. Full price only $9500. MAGNIFICENT COMMANDING VIEW HUNDREDS OF DOLLARS WORTH suburban lot. Iite built two-bedroom home, fireplace, living rm. din ing rm., oil piped heat to all rooms, patio hardwood firs. ASKING PRICE $11,950. TAKE SMALL 2-BDRM HOME ON SMALL LOT IN TRADE. . AMAZING! WATSON. AMAZING! GOLDEN OPPORTUNITY Two houses $5500 with furnishings, just 500 down, Balance aoo per mumn. umh GOOD RENTALS. HURRY. ' LOOKING FOR INCOME PROPERTY? IF SO WE HAVE A' DANDY. This property Is located close to the Capital shopping center and In good repair, ah oi me nrsi nuur i bv the owner who operates a day nursery. The second floor has a lovely sleeping rooms all very nicely furnlsherL The basement has 4 sleeping rooms and 1 apt., all furnished. INCOME AT PRESENT CLOSE TO $600 per month. Illness only reason for ' sel liny. ASKING PRICE $26,500. SHOWN BY APMT. NO DRIVE-BY INFORMATION. SOUTH OF MARION APPROX. SIXTY ACRES. Bean, strawberries and sweet corn farm with ETAYTON CONTRACT. Good cnehalls loam son. strawDernes maae .'s tons per acre in 1953. 5-room modern older home plus 3 small rental homes and 18 bean picker cabins. 6000 ft. Irrigation pipe. 3 electric pumps and motors, 70 rainbird sprinklers, 2 tractors and all equipment, Chev. truck. PRICE FOR ALL $32,000. Take smaller acreage In trade. EDGE OF SILVERTON THIRTY-SIX ACRES with seven-room or ch cken nous'.i wnn 10 oruourr imgc . : 1.. V,A shed On highway. Price $14,000. TERMS OR TAKE SALEM PROP- ERTY IN TRADE. uhonf.1 urn nr.iPsnEE Homes KIGGINS r-.Il . 2-5373 i - iiin 700 Rentals 705 Apartment For Rent NICELY FURN. 3-room apt 54 N. Cottage. CLEAN 3-room furn. Close in. 3-6375. 660 N. lllgn. VERY NICE modern 2-rm. furn. court apt. i"Q3 """"" CLEAN furn. 2-rm. ant. Pvt. bath and entrance. iia ".- 2-3747. FURN. apts. North Salem Motel, 2673 Portland HQ. rn. l-ROOM lurn. apt. utilities paid. Rea sonable, pn. 4-mji. CLOSE, clean, furn. 1 room duplex. Kitrneneiie. .iv. CAPITAL apts. 348 North 12th St. Immediate posse.niuu. --four-room furnished apts. with pri vate bath. Near Capitol Bldg. and school. Very reasonable rates. Ph. 4-628 BDRM. apt. Completely furn, close In. 444 N. Cottage. IF YOU'RE liinking for a nice 3 rm. apt. private bath, rent reasonable call 4-3643 bclore 9 a. m, 2-1710 atter6 Pm- CLEAN 2 room fu'n. apt. Private bath, garage. Utilities furn. $40. Ph. 2-Wl2261 H.17CI Ave. NICEcbz Y. furn 2 rms. for work ing women. $.15. 841 N. Liberty Ph. 2-5446 or 3-3000. ATTRACTIvjfunlurn. 4-rm. apt. with rangr t rrinsiii'j'''v rBF.DROOM apt Stove, rcfrlcerator, water, automatic steam heat. In cluded. Modern. $.) per month Mav ne seen at 2153 S. Commcr ciai or Ph. 4-4.i2aftcr 4 p.m. CAPITOL PLAZA I-bdrm.. furn., unfurn. 1165 Che mekcu. 3-8630. 707 Houses For Rent NICE 1 bdrm. Oak floor, ranee, ta ble, water, garden. Ph. 3-8319. "BDRM- home. Conp. furn. Gar. 1210 Spruce St. Owner Ph. 3-3389. Ai MOST-new 2-BR. house. Elec. rane. auto, heat, hwd. firs., Insul. 2231 Maple. UNKURN . giound floor, duplex. Ga rare. 5 Ferry. Ph. J;3437- T OR 2 HFDHM. duplex. Furn., far . nil hear. W N.Wintfr.J-!nW. r nil " In" rnurt. Move, rrfr'H. furn. Inquire nTiirr l.ee .Mission. 3 llKDnM hoii'-e Hllvwnod dhtr. nil hral. Nrwly deenratr-d. $75. 4-2.157. ( j-pipt duplex with stoie room. n rhiMren North Dist. $15 per nmri'n. I i. -1 JL : . - . ) . I UNFURN rnllnge rlec. heat. ..... 74, N cnltl. S-(r. i3 IIIIIK'K'MS. nounir puimoing. Adi'l"! I'h 3-r.250 afler p.m. 2 P.EDRM unfurn. duplex 3774 Stale. Available Feb. 14th. $50 . 2-8016. 5 RM FURN. modern duplex clean. garace .. r-n, i ..v Tw o" bedrooms. Inside utility. Ga raee IV Ramsey. Realtor. 4-6211 CI lJVN furni!:e.l 1-bedroom house, g.ra'ie. 50. 413 Pott!ltilRd. P room" furni"!ieil cabin. Gentle man i"ionc 3-7018 iw's WINTFH $ 50 range and oil hratrr I heflr.M.m. 2-car garftge. Call Ed LukinbcaL Realtor. 2-6680. 800 Real Estate int.r..n An . u. ...... menace. Lot 160x160. Taxes 152. Nice transform this into a nice comfortable Ca" Grace Tomlin, Office 4-4441 good Buy at $10,800. call noy Barker, Dist. On level lot, 10 minutes to mahogany living rm. attractive tile s. Insul., att. garage. Well financed 4-4441, Bes. Ph. 2-4092. for CITY util rm. dhle saraee. on 1.9 acres. will sell for J15D0 own, or trade for Call Edna Morgan. Off. ph. 4-4441; keeping constant check on about 100 Here Is almost new three bedroom OF SHRUBS. Honey of a south on one lot. Will sell both for only modern home, barn, 2 large turkey or SALESMEN Homes T. T. ANDf.HhON r arms cm. 4.9714 700 Rentals 707 Houae For Rent COLBATH'S RENTALS 4-btdroom hmr with o(flre apace. On main street All modern. 50 per month. 3-bedroo.n home furnished on Mill St. $73 per montn. Large 3 -bed room home with basmt Close-in location, per montn. 2-bedroom house in North Salem. $45 per month. I -bed room In S. Salem. $37.50 per month. SMALL house, clean, nlcelv furn. Close to State buildings. $35. Ph. 2-4816. 3-KM , clean, nicely furn., elec. heat. washinu facilities. Ph. 2-4816. NICE SMALL 2-bdrm. house. All flcctric. Call after Sunday. 1155 Royal St. MODERN, clean. 2 bdrm. house near school. Ph. 4-5085, DUPLEX. 1 or both unlta. Ideal for 2 families living together. , 2-3325. 4 BDRM Home, close In. Rarage, chil dren welcome. Ph. 4-54.V.. CLEAN modern 2-bdrm. home near Uamnffton school. Ph. 3-32.5. WELLroated l-BRTtuTuse. elect, heat. hwd. floors, garage, adults. $40. fi.iS Patterson. 3-ROOM house with bath Utility room, $30. Rt. 5, Box 457 at Mo Leay. CLEAN unfurn. 1 bedroom court. Adults, no pets. Ph. 4-5f05. MC:iT1jnWrn. 1-bdrm. court rot tare, range, walking dist. Ph. 3-5211 709 Wanted to Rent WANT farm with or without build ings. Phone Salem 4-1S23. WANTED Outstanding Auto Club from Salem would like to rent double garago or gooJ barn to use as club hoiife and work shop. Rfnt must be reasnnaole. Phone 2-1065. ask for Gary 710 Wanted to Rent, Houros WANTED- 2 nr 3 hMrnom house. Phone Mr. Clark 7115 2-RF.nnoOM home with garape. In nr near Salrrn. Couple, will lease. Write 4fS Rrnartway, Wondhurn. DF-SIRK "fn7"MVrchlst7Twohdrr7f7rn Partly furn. Suburban preferred. Roa?. Leave mess, at 3-3413. WANTED, clean furn . 3 or 4 rom hoiue. Viclnttv S'ate Hospital. Pea nnahle rent. 2222 S. W. 17th Ave., Portland, Oregon. 712 Want to Rent Apts. I-BEDROOM furnished, heated apart ment. ph. 3-8267. 714 Buainess Rentals IDEAL spare for real estate broker. i16LNj-.,,lph - LEASE BULl)ING 4.000 so. ft. on corner lot 7fxl00. 2195 Fairgrounds Rd. Ph. J-7K4. 800 Real Estate KENT'S SPECIALS BUSINESS BUILDING Nice two story concrete building 30x70 located at Scio, Ore. Upstairs Is In two apartments of two bed rooms each, will JUade for house or small acreage close to Salem. Price $15,750. IDEAL LOCATION This 21 acre farm is in the cttv limits of Aumivilte, all level with good fences, large 3 b.r. house 1. r. 18x20 11x14 d.r. voungstown kitchen with b. nook attached garage and small barn $12,900 good terms. COURTS We have two good court rentals, one 10 and one 12 unit all have stoves and ref. utility rooms with auto, washers & dryers about half of the units are furnished, a good lo cation an all are full, call for de tails. HOME DELUXE 1200 feet of living In this 3 b. r. home in east Moorland. Has 1. r. 14x18 with fireplace, d. r. k. with nook, Inside utility, complete bath - with shower and a two car garage. 29 foot patio, an fenced In back yard. C. V. KENT & CO. REALTORS SALEM, ORE. 456 N. Church St. Phone 4-2293 Evenings or Sundays rail Mr. Keene Phone 2-6076 DRIVE BY 865 RATCLIFF DRIVE Then call us to thoroughly inspect thii wonderful 3-bedroom home. It can be bought for only $1,500 down with balance on FHA loan for 20 years. Beautiful cedar pan eled wall around came true in A woman's dream came true in this Birchwood kitchen. All plas tered garage with built-in fruit room. Built under FHA inspection and appraised to sell for $10,800. TRADE .FOR A HOME Wanted a farm or acreage In trade for a good 2-bedroom home built about 4 years ago. Good fireplace with built-in bookcase. Extra large dining room. Half acre of good soil. Paved street, close to shopping center. Handy to schools and bus. $45 PER M0. Make an offer on down payment on a nice 2-bedroom home In an ex cellent location close to 17th and Market. Beautiful lot. Bus by door. Only $4,950. 201 South High Phone 3-0203 Phone Evenings ie Sundays: 4-1671 3-3758, 4-5319, 3-3264, 3-4876 TERMITES BE SAFE! REQUEST , Free termite Inspection before buy ing. We have found six out of evcrv 10 houses Inspected in Sa lem damaged by termites. Call Guaranteed Pest Control Service. 265 S. 20th, Salem, phone 2-0761; 801 Business Oportunltles SERVICE station for lease. Major Oil Co. Investment required. Ph. 3-3186 or 4-5001. RESTAURANT & Fountain. Near school Ac Shopping Center. , For sale or trade. Gold mine for right party. Ph. 2-0425. FOR SALE our equipment at Silver Falls Lodge, can z-87.,7. FOR SALE by owner. Well equipped beauty shop. Good location, very reasonable rent. Ph. 3-8704. FOR LEASE bldg. 50x75, doors on 4 sides, uoofl tor garage, Dusincss or storage. Ph. 3-1)163. WELL established T. V. sales and service. Doing good business, will sell or lease, co Box 211 Statesman-Journal. 806 Houses For Sale) LARGE II rm house. Leslie Dist. $9500. 1!(25 Fir St. BY OWNER Kelrcr Dist., 3-BR. home. See it now. Be finished next weeK. Located 2 blocks. So.. 1 blk. west oi Keller school at 4765 Elvira St. PADE KEEN HOMB BUILDERS Let Ui Build Your Home Ph. 2.76118 or 2-1434 233 RATCLIFF DR. Owner leaving city. Mut sell this lovely 2-bdrm. home. Best of con struction. Large rooms. Insulated and weather stripped. 1.100 sq. ft. Appraised at $9,300. You can buy It now for $7,900 with $1,000 dn. and $(i5 per mo. Completely furn. for another $.VK. Call Dick Severin, Asoc. Broker. Art Madsen, Realty 1328 State St. Ph. 3-5580, eve. 4-2633 3-BEDROOM home $11,000. Near St. Vincent church. Full basement, fireplace, l'a plumbing. Garage, sawdust heat. 2 lish. ponds, may take 2-bedroom home as part pay ment up to $f.0O0. Write Box 217, co Statesman-Journal. THE HOTTEST deal In town. New 3- bdrm. house, all plastered includ ing garage. Dining room, blrrh cab int. and mahncanv doors. Alt fnr $am with $1,000 dn. Ph. 2-2277 or 4-22M. BY OWNER Attractive suburban home, S bed rooms, down unnntsnra upsiairs. plastered, hardwood floors, fire place, forced-air furnace, utility room. Small barn, chicken house. App, 3'j arre.. family fruit, oak grove 37 M Fnher Road. MUST KKI.L IMMEDIATELY Bit AND NEW 3-bdrrri. home with rustic beam den. oil pipen neai, open br. roman brick fireplace, 2 rar garage, tilp bath. Located on Candalana Height. Asking price Jiff 500. Take small house in trade. See dlrrrt-nrn Colhath, Realtor. D;al 4-44JH, eve. 2-U14, REDUCED S bedroom, 4 mmilht old. Lands-raped. Close to srNml. str-re. bin. Ph 4.S.MU. Seal Really. PENNY' Vending Marhire Hniitr. Ml marhlnp". Club pomnrert. Located In Sl'm. Can I servirrd evening nr one dav a uerk Good incorre, for investment. 27'n Acorn S , Lebanon Phnne 1o(i2i or Inquire at Best Motel. SMrrn. SALKr tiad" for In'-ome propertv, my nire home vllh wall lo Wfll carpeting. baement with ml fur nace Lovely vard, nui't be sen to be appreciated On ft. Wh St. Close to Englewood school and High school. Ph. 3-7&18. Call 2-2441 for . Pulling Power 800 Real Estate We Specialize in Trades FEDERAL GI t FHA MTGS, VALUE WORTH TALKING ABOUT 6 bedrooms. 2 down and 4 up. basement. Furnace. Very spacious rooms. Choice location. This Is tru ly a very nice older type home and a steal for $!,500. Better hurry. Terms arranged. (Call for MR. GRIMM KIT. eve. ph. 2-7879 Sim.) RENT BEATER Smaller home that's not quite fin ished but livable as is. Well locat ed for bus, schools and store. Pri. vate well. 60 by 116 lot. Full price only $3,750. 2 adjoining lots avail able for only $500 additional. (Call for MR. CRAWFORD, eve. ph. 4-5020 Sim.) STOP LOOKING For a bargain because here Is oc you can't beat. A jgood modern bedroom house built in 11148. In- sulated. Has att. carnce. 4 blk. to school. 1mm. poss Only $1,000 down. Full price only $8,000 (Call for MR. GRIMMETT, ew. ph. 2-7679 Sim.) GI SPECIAL A brand spankln' shiny new 3-bed room home. Very close to Leslie and new high school. Excellent val ue. Birch kitchen. Automatic oil heat. Insulated. Att. garage. One you'll really be happy to show your friends. Full price onlv S9,750. (Call for MR. CRAWFORD, eve. ph. 4-9020 Sim.) SPECIAL AND VERY PRACTICAL 3 bedrooms on one floor. Besides it has dining room and sep. utility room, Oil heat. Wired for dryer. Only A months old. 2 blks. to school. Located in an area you'll be proud toMive in. Liberal terms arranged. Full price only $0,950. (Call for MR. GRIMMETT, eve. ph. 2-7679 Sim.) TAVERN It's a hot one. Located In an ex tremely well traveled highway. In prosperous town. A real monev maker. Lots of neon. Very long list oi tine equipment. Air conditioned bldg. If you are Interested In the tavern business you couldn't miss on this one. Full price for equip ment $16,000 or bldg. and all for S.UI.UOU. (call tor N. G. DAN ISAAK, eve. ph. 4-3533 Sim.) COCKTAIL LOUNGE TRADE And a very tomilar restaurant. This is one of the busiest places you nave ever seen, ii s located on one of Oregon s most Donular seen 1c highways. You'll be amazed at the net profit this place makes an nually, ii taoms wnicn are fur nished. Annrx. 32 acres land. Own er will trade for apt. house or mo tel. Or will sell furniture and lease bldg. (Call for N. G. "DAN ISAAK. eve. oh. 4-3533 Sim.) OWNER LEFT STATE So he is offering this 28 acre tract for sale. Location Is about 28 miles N. An excellent smaller home with wall to wall carpets. Very good well. We consider this extremely good value for $12,000. (Call for MR. CRAWFORD, eve. ph. 4-5020 Sim.) HEREFORD RANCH 560 Acres. 400 A. seeded grass. creeks. S springs. 125 A. could be Irrigated. 4-bcdroom home that Is extremely beautiful. Has every thing you would find In Salem" finest homes. Oil forced air fur nace. Guest house. One 8ft by 100 nam. one to oy iro chicken house. Hog house. Machine shed. If you're interested in Hererords. here s one you Jl love. Full price $76,000. Terms. 160 head Hercforda and ma chinery could he purchased. (Call for MR. LEAVENS, eve. ph. 3-4735 Dim. 124 ACRES 50 Acres under Irrigation. Joins on river. One very good modern 4 bedroom house plus a modern 2 bedroom guest house. Chehalis and Will. soil. Tractor, plows, mowing machine, corn planter, 2 discs, har row, pick-up truck. 3 cows. 2 horses. Everything goes for onlv $26,400. How's that for a buy? (Call for MR. LEAVENS, eve. ph. 3-4735 Sim.) FHA St CONVENTIONAL MTGS., 20 Yr. FEDERAL GI MTGS.. 20 Yrs, LICENSED ALSO IN WASH. & IDAHO AL ISAAK CO. Office Phones 4-3.111 nr 3-7820 30.13 Portland Road S-4733. 4-353.1, 4-5020. 2.7679. 3-M5J If No Answer. Call 4-221 $600 DOWN! OUR best deal In a brand new 2- benroom home. Lots of storage and closet space. Big garage. Priced be low KHA value at M.W. Real Value Here GRACIOUS living In this 2-bedroom home. Englewood area. Dining room. Oil furnace. Inside utility. Double garage. Only $11,500. Beautiful Setting YOU'LL love this fine 2-bedroom suburban home. Firenlace. Base ment. Oil furnace paved street. Near Bus. Only $0,750. RAMSEY, REALTOR 2084 North Commercial Office 46211 Eve3-7072or 2-7MH or 4-lfiW Suburban Ranch T; Type eu, well 111.000 FOR Ihls wrll lorat constructed 2 bed Urn. home which has everythinc expensive WW carpeting In the, living Rm. din ing R-ri. & halt. tnirie outside fire Places. I.g lot on Pvd St. rinse in South. Eve. call Ray Davis 4-5D17. Ed Lukinhcal Realtor 4.13 N. HIGH OFF. PH. J-BSDO 808 Lots For Sale LOT M x 105. Paved street. Sewer Af Writer nt lot. 2 blks. from Leslie School. fMM). r.ill3-fl449. BY OWNER. Cnoice lot on o..k St between Llh-rty and High. Phone 3-arai or 3-6:3. 810 Farms, Acreage For Sale ATTENTION builders. Part of a lfi- acre subdivision. N. F. S.ilcm. Inq. 124 N. lmii. Ph 2-r.7fi evri 3 A . 2 nKfiROOM home. Inch well. Full price f.iOOO. Rt. 8. Box 6.5, Salem. 812 Exchangftw Real Estate SALE or trade. 6 Mp at T)e!ke wUh IVi Highway. 101 frontage. Ph. 2-frOflf) LAPGE 2-bdroom hnue. Kingwood Heights, for smaller house In Sa lesii. Phone 3-5018 before 1 pni Want 'ftv 3 Rpclrnnm Hnmfl Has 2 small rental houses on one lot. in DtJSinfM irone. income si.nn per mo. To trade in as part payment, For pirlirulars call Mr Johnson. EI) D. POTTER, REALTOR 215 S. Ilirh St. Ph. 3-3010 nr 3-1.77J l-BinilM. home, near tin, trade t to no A. S. N. Lawrence. 2 Ha Ilruce St. Ph. 9-3473. 800 Real Estate LARGE RANCH $12,250 Here's the one you've been hop ing fori All sorts of room everywhere 1400 sq, ft to be exact ( Only 3 yesrs old, located South, suburban and close to school on paved road! There are I bedrooms, a 15x19 Lr, 10x11 dining-room, spacious kitchen with nook and a large utility room, completely redeco rated and ready to move lntol Will sell on FHA. State or Fed eral Gill Ask for Ted Morrison 4W LEE OHMART CHEER UP Lets take look at this 9 bedroom home, just at the edge of town with extra large lot, property ia In first class condition and ready for occu- pancy, oil heat, will take good loan Call Ralph Maddy for appointment. GARAGE BUSINESS ' Where good mechanic can get established In hurry, lota of farm work and welding, cement building, 43x104 large corner, good home, about 14000 worth of stock and equipment total price 18,S00 with easy terms of J5000 down and silo per month on balance See Louisa Lorenz. BUSINESS LOT Located near Orcutt's store 124x190 Call Louise Loreni. OHMART & CALABA, REALTORS 477 COURT ST PHONE J-41U, I-41H &ve salesmen Louif Lorenz, ' Henry Torvend, 3-38:13: LOVELY SUBURBAN HOME In beautiful Rlvercrest Acres. 2 It, bdrms. ana Knotty pine aen. i-iv. rm. wnn nrcpiace, ain. rm., Kitcnen ana nooK, tiled bath, lge. utility rm. with forced air furnaca and Vi bath with tiled shower stall. Beautifully landscaped, fruit and garden. CALL J. . LAW. WANT TO BUY A QUALITY HOME? lge. din. rm., lovely Kitcnen, 2 fireplaces, llntsnea party room, 2 rxtrms. on main floor and 1 In basmt. Owner has moved to California and anxious for sale. CALL ROY S. FERRIS. ASS "A" OFFICES It STORE ROOMS Off Street Parking-Located close to downtown Salem and State Capitol Bldgs, Immediate. Possession. For Details CALL C. L. GRABENHORST, IF YOU WANT TO BE YOUR OWN and Garage. Also, good home good location In suburbs. Lot 73 x alio feet. Price $20,000. CALL G. H. GRABENHORST, JR. ONE OF KINGWOOD HEIGHTS setting, view, sprinkling system, iarge 3-r irm. nome. oasnu.. a ure places, dble. garage. For appointment CALL RICHARD E. GRABEN HORST. WALNUT PARK DISTRICT Thii old. Has a large llv. ana din. rm. wnn wail to wan carpeun. unn utility rm. and many other nice features. Located on corner lot In a friendly neighborhood. The price la just 8430 witn terms, tau. a. . LAYMON, GRABENHORST BROS. REALTORS 134 S. LIBERTY PHONE 2-2471 Evenings & Sundays call Salesmen Hoy S. Ferris 2-8010 J. E. Law 850 Automotive 852 Used Corn For Salt) YOUR CHOICE $595.00 ' SALE $595.00 REAL TRANSPORTATION 1947 Pontiac 2-dr-6 cy 1946 Packard Sedan "Clipper" R&H .... $595.00 1948 Studebaker 2-dr R&H $595.00 1948 Studebaker 4-dr R&H $595.00 1948 Frazer 4-dr $595.00 948 Chev. 4-dr Fleetmaster H $595.00 1948 Plymouth 4-dr Deluxe H $595.00 BONESTEELE SsS N CHURCH i Arm mu.UA. Safe- 41 CHEVROLET $395 Sperial deluxe club coupe, radio, healer, aeat covers. NEW SHORT ireen. 42 NASH "600" . . $245 Club coupe, heater, teat covera, good tires, excellent motor. 41 FORD $145 Sedan with radio, heater, chrome wheels, very clean Imide and out. 41 MERCURY . . $145 Sedan with radio, heater, teat coven, ipoilight. ruru good. 40 CHEVROLET . . $95 Tudor sedan with heater, aeat coven; cneap out gooai 39 CHEVROLET $125 Tudor sedan with radio, heater, rat coven, mttor recently over hauled. 35 PLYMOUTH . . . $75 Sedan with heater, W tlretv It drives and handles like a new car for its age. 36 CHEVROLET . $45 Sharp coupe , . at a special low price. Huny on this I OPEN EVF.S 'TIL 8 W)0 Itral r.stalo 818 Wanted. Beat Eitlala HAVK 3 cash buyers who want rlre ,1-hrtrin. homrs close io .-vew i.cue School. See (KIG "CIGGINS. Eve. nn. 4.5494. Have 5 Cash Buyers wanting 20 to 100 acres. Good Vallev farms, see T, T. ANDERSON, larm agent, eve. ph. 4-2714. WANTED REAL ESTATl WANTED giain a cattle ranch. 100 acres or more. Ph. 35013. I 800 Real Estate STYLE HOME RUDY CALABA s-ssm; Ted Morrison, S-D04Q Ralph Maddy, 2-3488 Splendid location, daylight basmt., BOSS look this over. Service Station NICEST HOMES Large lot, beautiful attractive 2-bdrm. horn to fiv year, 3-51?3 K. Laymon -lM 8S0 Automotive 852 Used Can For Sal R&H $595.00 Phone 1-B277-J-I603 SPECIAL 1S5J Henry-J. Delux. Over drive. Thl week only $750.00. Ph. M. J. Shower. Btaylon. Orenon. 1B48 FORD Club coupe. Price reas onable. Good condition. 2310 Kamp phahn Rd. Ph. 2-8S6H. 1940 BU1CK sedan. Radio and heat er. 1100. 1B37 Ford sedan. (M. J-9450. INTERNED service must sacrifice '47 Stude. Good shape. See anytime. 2-dll2. 1942 CHEV. Sdn. 2-7092. good cond. Ph. 856 Wanted. Cars Truckt ABOUT the best car. MOO can buy Box 223 Statesman-Journal. 862 House Trailers EASTERN-huIlt ROI.I.OIIOME 27 x411' See before you buy. Lana Lane Trailer Mara, 1940 Lana Ave. For the best In Trailer homes, new or inert. Wllh terms available. See JAYHAWK TRAILER SALES 2640 PorUand Road ToPlaceAdCall2-2441 m Statesman-Journal Newspapers 2H0 NORTH CHURCH STREET STATESMAN 2-2441 JOURNAL 1-3406 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING (Mln. 2 lines) Weekday! Sundays oer line, 1 time M 2 oer line, 3 times W BO oer line. 8 timet $1 H-20 oer line. 1 month . $3.00 flncl. Sun I Clasflfled ads will he run In both paper to dive ndvprliers the ad vantages of the tremendous pulling power of 35.600 combined circula tion. When an ad Is ordered three or fix limes and a Sunday tuaue ts In eluded .fnr example: Friday, Satur day, Sunday) the lower Sunday rates ipply bee mine only tha Statesman oubllshes Sundays Clarified ads will start In the morning Oregon Statesman, conclude in the evening Capital Journal But ids will be accepted for Sunday StHtesman onlv The deadline for rlaftnlfled ad Is LOO pm ihe dav before publlra Uon. Emergency ads and small Una 8S0 Automotive 852 Ugad Car For Sals FOR QUALITY USED CAR BUYS WATCH THIS SPACE EVERY DAY SELECTION OF NEW 1953 HOUSE CARS BIG DIS COUNTS LODER BROS. CO. OLDSMOBILE 456 CENTER STREET PHONES 2-7973 OR 4-2261 Sell Us Your Car. W Need 'Clean Late Model Can Now. LEE'S USED CARS PH. 2-1527 DID YOU . GET YOUR VALENTINE? .We're not in the Cupid business but we are in the used car busi ness to give you better prices. Drive out and save I 63 MERCURY ; $2195 2-door sedan, nlceJy equipped with beautiful 2-tona freen, Jow mileage, 1 owner. '02 PONTIAC $1895 Catalina super Chieftain radio, heater, dual ranje, hydra matlc, 1 owner; It's the queen of Fontlacs and In tha low price field. '51 OLDS "88" $1395 Super 4-door aedan. radio, heater. straight transmission. Here's a terrific buy I '51 BEL AIR $1295 This luxurious Chevrolet crea tion Is Ilka new. It's exception ally clean with radio and heater. 50 CHEVROLET $1095 4-door special deluxe aedan, radio, heater, powerfltde, 1 owner. '50 FORD V-8 ..... $795 ' 2-door sedan, radio, heater, sharp in every detail, SEE THESE AND OTHER GREAT BUYS CANDALARIA MOTORS 2645 S. Commercial Ph. 4-121 1953 MERCURY SKDAN. R&H. EXCELLENT CONDITION. $2,. 195. CALL SALEM 2-5030. 1941 BUICK 4-dr. spec. Damaged. IM, or will sell parts. Tear drop camp Inf trailer, 7J. 240 East Madrona Ave. 47 PONTIAC torpedo , RAIL twin spots. W.S.W., Exc. cond. Will take older car. 1981 Court. 1-9 p.m. 1242 STUDEBAKER Commander (100. 15&J 8. 22nd. Ph. 4-15M. ads rncetved after 1:00 p.m. may he placed In tha "Too Lata To Classify" column for tha followlnf morning. The Statt-rman-.Tournal Newspaper reserves tha right to relect ques tionable advertising. It further re serves the right to place all adver tising under tha proper classifica tion. The Statesman-Journal Newspaper atsumes no financial responsibility for errors which may appear In ad vertisements published In Its columns snd in cases where this paper la at fault will reprint that part of an advertisement in which the typo graphical mistake occurs. A "Blind Ad an ad containing a Statesman-Journal Newspapers bos number for an address is for th protection of the advertisers- and must therefore be answered by let ter Tha Statesman-Journal News papers are not at liberty to divulge) information a to the Identity of an advertiser using ''Blind' ad.