Monday, February 15, 1954 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL', Salem, Oregon Page 15 Silverton iv?. r n ?riends an re'a Mr. w l reccived worl that KL ..'""J1 .Graham oJ Soutl JJater street is making satisfac tory recovery from a recent ill. ElThilEarl Grahams of" ne'ar Monmouth were visitors during the week at the family home. The annual 12-table birthday Party sponsored by Trinity Luth Z'H ?r.uas I01 members is Th. il the churcn social rooms Inursdiy evening, Feb. 18. Dr. .a,!C1SrE-JClarlt of the d"Part mcn of education from Mon mouth will speak. Dr. Clark is on leave from the department of ed- fUCM10J,of St- 01a college. North Held, Minn. Monday evening, Feb. 22, is the date for the last meeting at the home of Mrs. W. H. Woodard in Coolidge street for the basic training course for the Silverton fjirl Scout leaders and personnel. The class begins at 7:30 o'clock. Mrs. Flora Hoggat of Portland was a recent visitor at the South aier st. nome of Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Billings. r-igmeen members were pre sent at the nil rlav catuincf nlllh meeting of Delbert Reeves unit no. , American Legion auxiliary. Thursday, with a credit of 72 hours work earned for the com munity service committee. Friends of Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Brniiehpr nlannprl their honor, Sunday afternoon at me first unristian church social rooms in observance of their 40th wedding anniversary, whei more than 150 relatives nnrl frianHcl called to extend greetings. Aire, nan Hillman anrl Mra He. car Strand are nlanninp a hnhhv and antique show at the meeting 01 me orusn ltcck Booster club Friday, Feb. 19, meeting at the school house. The R. K. Drakes of Heppner1 have been visiting at the T. E. 1 oiven nome, Mrs. Drake s brother- in-law and sister. HOUR Kbl.M KOCO KGAK KOIN ROW KEX ROOM & BOARD W NOW DON T ALCU5E ME f)F ALWAYS BEING TRIGGERED TO BAG A COVEY OF EASY. COIN. BUT LET'S BE PRACTICAL YOU SAID THE PLASTER ACCIDENT RUINED YOUR. PAINTING. BUT I SAW IT AS A WORK OF MODERN ART AND ENTERED IT IN THAT CLASS--SO YOU WUN 300 THRU MY JUDGMENT- AND-- ACROSS l.Unit of work 4. So be it 8. Declare 12. In behalf ot 13. Faulty 15. Rise to the feet 17. Light repast 18. Chess pieces 19. Title 20. Thirsty 22. Negative 23. Unlucky 27. Light moisture 29. Citvin Chaldea 30. Play the lead 32. Bugle call 35. Small swallow 37. Part 39. Held a session 40. Hearty 42. Speck of dust 43.3.1418 44. Affirmative 48. Stated 49. Sun god 51. Constella tion 53. Hail 54. Rubber tree 56. "Little 58. Ants furiously 81. Named for office 64. Past 65. Trial 66. Limbs 67. Sound or cattle j myf i 16 17 K zts 9 io n M 'J j-j 13 11 fM ife''?i5t T7p' ifi ..JJLj. ua J zSJ' We 17" it" m 'stYW SB 3 9 60 ' ,7 I I I r I 1 I I :.M I I Af Ntwifiolirtt WARE UP YOUR SMILE Keep leolh bright Chew Wrigley't Spearmint Cum. Chewing helps keep teeth bright Freshens taste, sweetens breath. Pleasant aid to popularity. Call 2-6450 for All Major Appliances, VMium (leaner), Irons, twiari, Mitert: In lad Anything Electric! ' ' 1 STEVE KOf EB hlCI22JU-l-J RESOCT TO SjCH D2AST1C Ji TTT AND VOU TAKE VOUBtL! P- A MANSION THIS SIZE MUST Yv,4 MEASUBE5--BUT THREE TN f: CHOICE ). J " tXlJAdl IESMUSTBEJSTJ S I ADULTS AND A CHiLO. CCIEi'VI RnlffllTl'H Mi- -J3 I f T M VW TlQ&i-ftST" yi.V (l5 - nuriB j i rr : i 1 ' I nIA'T" I ICS n W ...UUUtaN III .1ULL I 1 F7Bt I fw I 7LLI K.E 11 nibHn . Crt f I ne I T1D r 1 I JU6TONBOUKTIOM,MY60N.1 AV: IS AN' STOP PICKIN& UFRAIP TbANSWgK? J TVPS WE i BEEN ISBTTiMS FROM MANtJrACTUEE W6ATH6K NI CAN HAetJUV V-To) BJSKLV -.-ril POiBT, OP INTERNATIONAL U kois CINCINNATI YWf.' Cvor, f r litCir.y- 7" iT? b wr W ALL RIGHT. H A X.L ASl L C w blast it- t vr1 t k frLcs e ?fv m tm hciJL 7 I'LL GIVE YOU kasr . 5.e I imsmTSMJ&f a'fl Sow BUT LET'S BE j AND ENTERED IT IN ) WERE GOING J OKPMA AN NIK PRACTIfAl THATH A-cnnil I THAU UKfUA.N 4NMH KhX V vNit9h Jmt U -7ZZ rrT" ""Tn I GEE! I WAS JUST V OFCOURSE-I M SHUCKS NO' I VMS V RICHEST MAN Yrf 7 SuSl" W JUUfaAAfcNI- tl.Jr-l. WHEN W OH-OH, ANNIE-Y0U I H CtTTIrl'INTH'CORHER B BUT YOU'LL Hn vWST WONOEWN'- H ON EARTH. ftrtNIE-Ml I P l-P "AND yC4QL VXliR'i R VCffljno 5 OVERHEARD H6 NAME ? fS f WITH WHEN n NERREPErtT II AFim- VAN0 MR ' 4 1 florin! 'i4juDGE lilabner ; ' I .L -A I -r. I -r, l MM I -rr- A UlCMkl'. I 7l 1.-71 1 11 I I iCl 1AI IV CVlDIW-l DFALLV J h" A 1 ' " -s. I 1 IU.I loHnl . U.'Wli T MERELV PLAY PUKTYr1 1 W-CWIAT1 WV niBtinunt inui JI li-.vj..-- QM AjRTlP A MflF L EW 'v fOKE rr JL LIVEN IT UP.'.' PURTX, WABUT GAL IN 'm".' v DAztEf Ian uiIl i rRE s. rl --v huh? J thisgag'lu 7 th'vjorlp? 7r21L J c-oh-sb.'.'. WH hSiffl L MTi. OlM'JJl L'Fr ,,W,,IMH,.Mo,, vjLj IW fe J0&SBS KT 7A - Solution of Saturday'! Pual 1 ' ' 1 ri' r 1 1 1 r C IHIIFALONU CASSIUV II 1 It 'wAM- TO BSSSTEft A T TKAT'4 V'l 1 PB.LCW NAMtO SURE ... tSWOW'Sj CUIWON IA PIECE OP VwSTSANG6...h 5W6 i .ffr.a.M.i a u.on. oirsn.i igcCMtu 1 1 Miuiwji Dorpe9TV Ikl 1 UFEWWtAGO 1 R-Ma A JOINT 11 Nevada SWEEPS INTO PSAieiE CITY ANP BEiNS IM THE 0 BEND COUNTBV , -!?1!IIR. A" CtA"A 14 Pteceof 6EPOBE THE LAND ClAlfAS OPF1C6 .... TO THE SOUTH. 1 SaTa. IM S-T I pasteboard ' TEW-H'M J-,t. 1 fT-T1 ) 16. Nothing r-vS-r Jtft. J LVfX 1 ' " Vf gFffi V is lZ 11". Istiems5 S.'- fr.. a .r.TrlN l vLuingiisn MU1T & JErr 47. Pulpvfruit Irk r J ill ti i-n 117 S rAYUCM V I V WELL. IT M 48.LaWfui . 7T- it r. ..r, r. Bi;ji,Tijio,rei u rMincir r was worth - ffi Sna, rTTA.Tll 50N ? FORTV OF TEN MiLW (gg g' K 1 "Sea HrS KEX MORGAN. M.D. I Y , - - j I w.,r ..T.u V nfl ue'C DCCll 1 r CClfCDAI Y T T fl "TTurilTB F-M W sl0j5, iF W HEAR FROM Hft MOTHER, H WAT ABOUT AWAV FOR. I VEA?S ? ) OR. .WGAN? MB. 1 l r ... . x . . . . ti i ...... ... --J no uiOTicw l cciLPi Yi & fs ' i wtiLLt s u kv Wkwtc wi m i HE.7?T ". Ht hw rsrsrtr.ri s?uS' L j most rr . n u-n - w irirrrvK .via. I f a a ttu ,iei .-u Hia 11 vt:."" nnvAt.n hlTK . 11.. . 1 II I . . I ! I I. r-m milll JnxxrK , 1,1 . 7T A ;s Cii (,w .... I W" J M no pass ) i Vr I 1 UCJ iK HENRY LUJillNUCUUloa IWU...'V -- J -two' r l J tJs. I I , IIH ,- I tHAVtANIA.VK:..Lmr' T 4,,Uf N YtAMOF ;rH ) I KSLM 1390, KOCO 1490, KOAS 1430, KOIN 170, KC.W (20, KEX 1190 , KM: Mecacyclei KOIN 101.1; KEX 924 TUESDAY P. M. 00:00 00:15 00:30 00:45 Chron. oi Air Nws New iMtdday Muslo ' News & SplderiSplder Macleod Newi ICome Get It 'News Road of Lite Paul Harvey Noon News Gay BO'S (Siesta Melodies Midday Muslo 1 Ritchie , Snider (Solder 1 IHouse Party (House Party : IPepuT Yuujue 'Happiness asm nayes rrite Todds Better Shnors.l Music Room Maple Melody (Magic Melody IMuslc Room Musle nnn... IMasic Melody IMafiic Melody News iRoss Rend'vousi Ross Rend'vousJRoss Rend'vous Hill Top Use Art Godfrey Art Godfrey (Art Godfrey tt.nkM -L-e wife Istella Dallas IWIdder Hrown Woman in Hse. Kay West Kay Weal I Kay West I Kay West News 'Star Time INews I Bands to Rembr Magic Melody IMagic Melody fMagic Melody (Magic Melody News & SplderiSplder Spider lSpider AH r.nrif..u Art flndlr.. I A rt ( : n.lf rim If'irl Mn.v Just Plain Bill I Krt. PK. l-'arrell Lorenzo Jones IPays to Marry rasn.-HIocK Marlin oiock Martin mocK 'ftlarnn Blocit -rhiRhes Reel fTello Test J klrkwood J. kirkwood " Aft'noon News ITune Time IPiano Patterns IHere's to Vets ' News fit SpideriSpider Spider ISptdcr Wizard Odds IMakcUpMind lAshton: Lewis ITunefuHy Wei Travelers IWel Travelers 'Dr. Paul Life Beautlhll ' For the Girls IFor the Girls IFor The Girls I for the Girls- Kultim ' fwn Htiinnewa Music U Want iMusIc U Want News fit SpideriSpider Ne IBerch Show For You IMusic Box Afternoon Edit Hnuirtr: Cae Curt Mnssev IMusic U Want lSpider lArt Klrkham MufIc Box Sonlire! Cace I.Musle U Want -ISigr. Off (Art Klrkham J iMusic Box 'Ginger Rogers Set Preston ISgt. Preston ISky King . ISky King Showtime' IShowtlmo ISecond Look I Songs Rem. News fit Need. IDick & Need. IDick fit Need. ISian Off Ed R Murrow INews I World Today IGoss News Bill Stem INews Uess Mason IF.Imer Peterson Dick Powell IPegBV Lee IHuntlev ; Boh Garred Gahnel Heater "Eddie Fisher Candlelight Candlellcht Johnny Dollar Johnny Dollar Relax Music Relax Mutlc Home Edition I Bill Stern Hammer Guy IHammer Guy Rosarv Mars Mir People Funnv IPeople Fi.nny M'Gee fit MollylAlcx Dreicr Income Tax IMusic IVIrgll Plnklcy 1 Sam Haves News BS Kevs iFriend Irma IFriend Irma The Marriage ' I The Marriage ISports Edition IHappy Time ISearch-No End! Music Music ISoorts Report - (Mr. Mrs. North IMr. Mrs. North Isix Shooter I Six Shooter Gathrng Storml Headline Edlfn Show Tunes IThemcTime iWhlstlln Tunes IWhlstlin Tunes SHS-Albanv ISHS-Alhany ISHS-Albany ISHS-Albany 1 Lauella ParsonslGalen Drake ILowell Thomas IFamlly Skeleton 1 Man s Famllv World News Dinnh Shore IFrank Sinatra Good Llst'nlng IGood List'nlng 1J Vandercook IFavorlte Music Miit'l Newsreel ISweetSs Swing Barry Wlsmer . ISHS-Albany ISHS-Albany Night News BallancsShow IJohnny on Spotl Dance Orch. Dragnet IBandwagon Bandwagon Town Meet Town Meet Monitor Views Glenn Hardv SHS-Alhany Beulah Dragnet Town Meet Fulton Lewis IPlatter Parade INews Nocturne INocturne INoclurne 5 Star Final Cook s G. Book Uoin Navy Rich News SoorLs Final Barrlc Craig News Dance Time Dance Time Platter Parade INocturne ' (Desert Inn Or. (Barrle Craig Dance Time KSl.M High Adven'ro (High Adven'ro I Melodies Melodies KOCO Nocturne Nocturne INocturne Nocturne KOIN Record Show iRecord Show IRecord Show IRecord Show KC.W News Nightcap Uess Mason I City Council City Council KEX Dance Time Dance Time Danco Time Dance Time KOAU 550 k.c. 10:00 a.m. The News and Weather- 10:15 Especially for Women: 11:00 Oregon School of the Air Spic & Span When Handling Food: 11:15 Concert Hall: 12:00 The News and the Weather: 12:15 Noon Farm Hour: 1:00 Ride em Cowboy; :00 Esoeciallv for Women Hands Across the Sea: 2:30 Memory Book of iMusic: 2:45 The Oregon School of Music: 2:45-2M . 1000 VL'Dn? the Air What's that Word: 3:00 Tne Orreon Reporter: 3:15 Music of the Masters: 4:00 spotllgnt on Asia: s:io On the Upbeat; 4:45 Poetic Patterns: 1 5:00 Children's Theater; 5:30 This Week in Washington: 5:45 osc Air ROTC: 6:00 The News and Weather; 6:15 Folklore of Indiana: 6:30 Tom Roberts Organist: 6:45 ine torcn Bearers; 7:00 Oregon Milk News of the Air; 7:15 Evening Farm Hour: 8:00 Music of Czechoslovakia: 11:30 Electricity tt You: 8:45 The News c the Weather: 9:00 Music that En dures: 9:45 Evening Meditations Round Table; 10.00 Sign Off. WEDNESDAY 6 A. M.T01 1:45 A.M. 00:00 00:15 00:30 00:45 DOWN 1. English letters 2. Decay 3. Seize 4. Direct 5. Myself 6. Salamander 7. Require 8. Near kklm News KOCO Early Worm KGAK Brk. Nook KOIN R.F.D. Oregon KflW Yawnlverslty KEX Farm Hour (Timekeeper (Early Worm Brk. Nook KOIN Klock (Yawnivcrsity (Farm Hour I News (Early Worm I Brk. Nook IKOIN Klock (Yawnlverslty (Farm Hour March Time . (Early Worm (Brk. Nook iKOIN Klock I Yawnlverslty -(Farm Hour KSl.M Hemingway KOCO News KGAE News KOIN KOIN Klock KGW J.L.Wills Break Gang lEarly Worm Brk. Nook IMcIx-od News 1 Yawnlverslty Wshbin.. News (Mus. Clock iBreak Gang (Early Worm I Brk. Nook IGoss News INewl I Mus. Clock iOK News fit W (Early Worm IBrk. Nook I Babbitt Show (Knox Manning Bob Hazen KSLM Cecil Hrowr Family Altar Bible Inst ( Rlble Inst. KOCO Karly Worm (Early Worm lEarly Worm World News KGAE New'S fit Nook Brk. Nook IBrk. Nook IBrk. Nook KOIN ConsumrNews IVatle News iMorn. Varlty Rosemary KGW Moon Mulllns IMoon Mullins Moon Mullins Moon Mullins KEX Break. Club IBreak. Club ' -Urea. Club iHreak. Club ksi"mDt sword (News I Music Bargain Countr KOCO Ray's Records IRay's Records IRay's Records (Jay Records KCAB Now lSpider -Spider (Spider KOIN Wendy Warren Aunt Jennie Helen Trent Gal Sunday Jfow Ea MuS IMoon Mullins IMoon Mulllns (Moon Mullln. , KEX .m Edition IStars of Today IMod. BomanceslLum fit Abner r-lenn Hardy rfello Test Treas. Chest INews KOO Ray-.Record.V Ra"? Record. IRay's Record. tRay's Record. 5 K'f. Wp,'deI,.,m. ?r?,1Zn. Lleht k in w Hnnn or Lit. ....n.... . .. . . fl wnw xin Mulllns IMoon Mulllns Strike It Rich htrlkeltHicn ITony Martin Irme Story ITrue Story "kklm Wonder. Cltv IWontler. City I Queen for Day KOCO Ray's Records 'Ray's Records Ray s Records KGAK Dinner Winner Spider itl'l' rir.v. KOIN 2d Mrs. Burton Perry .Mason Norali Drake KiW Bob Hone .Secontl unance :rart rmrm KEX Whisper. Sis. IGlrl Marries Oueen for Dsy Rav s Records Spider Brighter Day iMull. It Shely IGr. Ccn. Sta. (Gr. Cen. Sta. KOAC 10:00 a.m. The News and Weather: 10:15 Especially for Women School of Home Economics Staff: 1:00 Oregon scliooi m we Air; ii.i Concert Hall; 12 00 News ana Weather; 12:15 Noon Farm Hour: "OO UN Storv: 1:15 Proudly We Hall: 1-4S Bob Roberts Sings: 2:00 Especially for Women College or a Job or Both'; 2:30 Memory Hook of Music: 2:45 Oregon School of Air Milestones; a:iHi wrr-Rr-porter: 3:15 Music of Mas. ters; 4:00 The American Language; 4:15 On the Upbeat: 4:45 News Com mentary; 5:00 Children'. Theater; 5:30 Chicago Roundtable: Jl:00 New. and Weather: 6:15 Here', to Vet erans; 6:30 Current Event Conver sations: 7:00 From Portland State; 7:15 Evening Farm Hour: 8.00 Radio Shorthand Contest: :30 Patrloscriot: S '43 The News tt Weather: 9:00 Mu sic That F.ndures; 9:45 Evening Med. (tallons Round Table: 10:00 Sign Off NEIBKRGER SPEAKER LEBANON State Senator Richard L. Neuhergcr of Port land, will be topic speaker at a public meeting in the Santiam grade school gymnasium, March 11. CENTRAL HOWELL F. V. CENTRAL HOWELL The Central Howell local of the Ore gon state Farmers Union will meet at the schoolhouse Monday, Feb. 15 at 7 p.m. At pot luck dinner will precede the meeting. Motion pictures will be shown. HERE'S THE REALLY NEW LOS ANGELES (II On dis play at the first annual show by Fashion Accessories 01 i-aiiionua today arc: A Jeweled nyswauer. A belt equipped with an alarm clock. A sun hat with a mall eye window. An earnng-nccklaco set in cro cheted angora. sparkling smile1 is Important wair.nv'c 1 THIRD TEETIl TROUBLESOME ORLEANS. Ind.. Wl Orange Counlv's oldest citizen, 88-year- old Rev. Isaac Morris, is cutting his third set of teeth. They arc nrcssins against his false plate and arc making eating diliicuu. Unionvale UNIONVALE Mr. and Mrs. Lester Holt of Unionvale spent from Monday to Thursday eve ning with Mr. and Mrs. Bert Mc Farlanc at their Powell Butte farm home In the Princvillc-Rcd-mond area. Telephone service in the Union vale district was interrupted Fri day folowing the storm of Thurs day night. roullrymen estimate that when a hen which does not pro duce is kept in a laying flock, it requires the production of two other hens to pay for her keep. CHIW.NO HUM ' AaftJiu,0l,I, By Carl Anderson Specialist In General Electric. Admiral, Speed CJueen and Am ana Freezers. Factory trained technician on duty 24 hours a day, Red's Appliance Repair Formerly Service Manager of Tinkham Gilbert Appliances 1122 S. 12th St. Ph. 2-6450 After Hours Ph. 2-5137