Monday, February 15, 1954 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, Salem. Oregon Paw. 13 ENCHANTED LPenney'sJ TED I ... av to Shop Beauty and Mystery of Mexico Intrigue Observer from Salem Free Parking! By ADDY SE LANE MfcXILO CITY From Cape San Lucas, at the tip of Baja, where we anchored overnight and visited the villaee on the beach, we cross to the channel to Banderas Bay and Puerto Vallerle. Puerto Vallerte is the most en chanting of the Mexican towns we have visited. We immigrated there. Customs officials rowed to the boat and cleared us for en trance into Mexico. There are 17 American families n town, 7000 Mexicans in the vil lage. The streets are covered with cobblestones and are narrow, little uphill twists, like a 'miniature Mexican San Francisco. The town curves around Banderas Bav and from our vantage point oil the water looks more picturesque than any place I have ever seen. It is only a pity that the thousands of people who live there, manv in dire poverty, will never be able to see from the outside the beauty of the picture-postcard in which they live. On the left as we beached are countless thatched huts, canoes covered from the salt spray by large cocoanut palm leaves, and lean-tos covered with rough palms for roofs. Then the Hotel Rosita, 1 a modern pink structure built 'nrniinri A nnlin anA a cotirl,, ni.,.ni. . ru"v u auuuj pi i an shore with crude hammocks and palm trees, coral gardens and gardenia bushes, bouganvillas and pink hibiscus. The owner of the hotel picked a gardenia from his bush and saluted me with a flash of a smile, a bow and "Para Ud., mi bonita!" The sun zegan to set upon the water. There was never a sunset like this. Gorgeous pyramids of fiery oranges and greens, purples and pinks all across the horizon, with a sailboat silhouetted against the brilliance of it. Slow plodding burros saddled withb ricks or bunches of wood crossed between us and the sunset as they made their way along the promenade. On the far side of the village is the poorest section. There the women pounded clothes white against the rocks of the river. Children played around them, nak ed. Bent old men approached through the waves from their long canoes with blocks of chickle on their backs. They had been gather ing the gumbase up the bay and were bringing it to market for export from the port. This is what we buy from the Wrigley company. Went to the Plaza, where crum pled old men and women sell strips of coconut and a red-brown sugar substance, chewing gum and tickets to the "teatro." This lat ter is an open-air cinema in the patio behind a small dress shop. Hard kitchen chairs there they can move around when they can't see. It costs 13 cents in American money to see the picture. The night we were there the big fea ture was "The Room Before Hell" . . . 'only we saw Kirk Douglas in it as "Detective Story" in the States. In the rainy seasons at Puerto Vallarte, the children slide down the cobblestone hills in big turtle shells. We left Puerto Vallarte early in the morning. The hills were smokey and tipped with a floating fog. The sun doesn't come upon Tucrto Vallarte until 8:30 in the mornings because of the interven ing hills. It became terrifically hot during the day. And at noon we anchored for a swim. By night we were near Chamela Bay. Lightning flashed beyord the low bills that circled the bay. And the stars sent back an echoing staccato answer. We were guided by the North Star and entered the bay in black night. The bay is considered one of the most treacherous spots on the western coast. Most sailing men would not enter in there dur ing the day. We approached it and anchored at night. It is un predictable and filled with un chartered rocks. It took the whole crew to stnno guard on the bow and side decks, and the silence of the night and of our tightened breathing seemed like the taut stretch of the drum-top. (We were wondering if that swim and the delay was worth entering here at night.) On the 27th of the month, we ar rived at Manzanilla, to refuel and take on water. For several hours we had followed a white speck on the horizon ahead of us . . . and met the boat in person in Manzan illa, as we anchored alongside of her. It was a large working fish ing boat, manned by a crew of men headed by Marco Collini, who is supposed to be the best fisher man on the coasts. What a day! I boarded their boat with camera I and pencil, up and down the detck. below and into the bait tanks. Had : dinner with them in their galley. Almost had a catastrophe as Marco wanted to prove Jon Hall had nothing on him. He leaped over the side into water that was filled with sharks and insisted upon swimming beside our skiff as we rowed back to our boat. Perhaps he is better than Jon Hall. He is a living example cf something, at any rate . . . and a very fine skipper, too, judging from the respect his crew holds for him. And . . . intb Boco Chica Har bor and Acapulco. I was en chanted. A myriad of lights flash ed, and suddenly the Vagabunda, another escort vessel, blazed us with its vivid blue searchlight. It ! picked up the steep craggy cliffs on each side of the narrow channel entrance. Small pin points of buoys on either side of us. We came nearer. The lights were more clustered together until we were directly under the cliffs. And h'gh above the bay, a brilliant maze of colored lights and nponle on the top of Acapulco's brightly- ' lit world came to the railings of j tiie large hotels and dining rooms i to look at us sailing in. There was a softness in the air. and a sweet balmy breeze blew my hair around my forehead. 1 stood motionless for a minute. I felt something was the end of an era. What it was I didn't know. Soon we were cleared in the bay and became part of the blaze of lights and music from high above us at the Flamingos Hotel. The stars above us in the sky and the manstars from the masts in the bay blended and we were once again on land. WOODBURN JAYCEES WOODBURN A special meeting of the Woodburn Jay cees will be held Tuesday night, Feb. 16. at 7:30 p.m. and the group will attend the basketball game at the high school between Woodburn and Dallas in a body. The Dallas Jaycces also will be present for the game and a con test in rooting for their team ; will be held between the two groups of Jaycees. At the time of Cleopatra, rich women made up their eyes by painting the lower lids green and the upper lids black. A Bil Of This-'n-Thal Boise ("eorge Huggins The following intelligent conversation took place recently near our office. Ques.: Why did you install 1 new neon sign on top of your building? Because it was too large to go through the door and be sides it would look funny inside the office. I think it looks funny where it is. What's it for? It was installed for guys like you who don't know that this is an insurance office. Whadya mean? Ans.: Well, most people know that we represent the General but we don t want you to contuse us trim the oenerai Paint Corp.. General Petroleum, General Electric or General Motors. All we sell is insurance. Is that good? Well, we think it's good Insurance. As a matter of fact, we buy some of it ourselves. Whv did you use that slogan up there SAVE WITH SAFECO? We had no choice. We wanted to use the world's short est commercial: "When we say Insurance, we mean liuggins", but it wasn't short enough. What happens when the motor gets stuck and the sign stops revolving. Naturallv. the building would start going around. Whv did vou decide to use a revolving sign anyway? (You won't like this one. but we'll tell you anyway). We wanted the word to get around! Ans.: Que.: Ans.: titles.: Ques.: Ans.: Qties.: Ans.: Qties.: Ans.: Qnr.: Ans.: save "With safecoi " INSURANCE 373 N. Church Phone 3-9119 Salem "The Capital Stock Company ol Preferred Rlki" Salem, Oregon Store Hours: 9:30 A.M. to 5:30 P.M. Fridoy Night Till 9 1 j CD ENNEY SHOPPER'S CAR PARK S. High ot Ferry or MARION CAR PARK S. Commercial ot Ferry Ask your salesperson to validate your parking check for 1 hour FREE. RESIS yp mi. : i 1 1 11 RAYON AND NYLON PERMALON FINISH SHEEN GABARDINE SLACKS These handsome slacks are tailored of a superb 1 614 ounce theen gab ardine fabric. It is treated to non oily stains wipe off with a damp cloth. Wrinkles hang out due to the rich, toft texture of this fabric. Select from Penney's huge array of distinctive colors now! Sixes 28 through 42. MAIN FLOOR WRINKLE SHED COTTON SHADOW GRAIN SPORT SHIRTS 2.98 Cotton broadcloth with a marine fill that gives a handsome sha dow grain effect. Saddle stitch ing on the gently rounded collar and pocket flops. Long sleeves, adjustable cuffs and matching shank buttons. Sanforized and vat dyed for machine washing. Red, blue, tan, green, maize and grey. S.M.L.-XL. Maximum shrinkage 1. MAIN FLOOR d0m RAYON-ACETATE HOUNDSTOOIH CHECK SPORT SHIRTS Balanced fiber blend that cre ates a handsome shirt. The acetate gives soft, easy drope. The rayon provides moisture obsorption for comfort on hot L days. Smart saddle stitched -rr collar and flaps. At Penney's " - LI L I . I now in uiue, uiuik., yieen, anu brown. S.M.L.XL. MAIN FLOOR 298 PENNEY'S HAS THEM, TOO! WHITE POPLIN JACKETS These sturdy jackets ore built to take plenty of rough use . . . and they ore wash able. That means o saving on cleoning bills! Treated to resist showers . . . hove snug shirred elastic ot sides, side zipper pockets, ond pleoted backs. . . . CKoose from white or navy. MAIN FLOOR 1 Orion and Wool FLANNEL SLACKS 12 .75 Fine quality orlon ond wool flan nel slacks, neatly tailored with pleated fronts, saddle-stitched side seams. Penney's has them in a selection of rich new spring colors. Yours for the amazingly low price of only 12.75. Sizes 28 to 42. MAIN FLOOR 1 ySffJi. 65 WOOL, 35 DACRON TWEED SLACKS Smartly styled wool and dacron fabric that sheds wrinkles and re tains its shape. Pen ney's has them in eye catching Spring shades, smartly styled with continuous waistband and pleated front. Sizes 28-42. MAIN FLOOR 12 75 All WOOL GABARDINE SLACKS .90 9 Penney'i all wool worsted gabar dine slacks for dress or sports wear. Fine wool gabardine drapes handsomely, springs back into shape and feels good. Con tinuous waistband, reversed pleats and saddle stitched side seams. Available now ot Penney's in grey, green, tan, blue, cocoa and brown. Sizes 28-42. MAIN FLOOR ' " A" 2 1 m& " j Water j Repellent! jT ' ' . - . JACKETS 7 90 f SIZES t i f ' 3 I , 1 36T046 I t Uf J Rayon, Acetate and Nylon Sheen Gabardine Wrinkle resittant rayon, acetate ml nylon jackets in 1 fine 14 ounce gabardine. They're full rayon satin lined, have pleated action back and slurred elastic waint at the sides. Result: top quality, handsome iack ets that wear very well and always look good. Penney's lias them now ' in siies 36-46. . . ... MAIN FLOOR 4 l