Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, February 13, 1954, Page 7, Image 7

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Wedding Friday
William E. Bauer, ion of Mrs. Charles E
Bauer, was solemnlied Friday evening. '
the First Congregational church, the Rev
Julian Keiser officiating. The ceremony
was a candlelight one. Only members of
the families and close friends attended.
Miss Sharon Heirier and Paul Sundin were
the couple's only attendants.
The bride wore an aqua wool suit with
white hat and corsage of white orchids
Immediately following the service there
was a reception at the Keller residence.
Mrs. Dud cy Slater of Eugene, aunt of the
bride, assisted Mrs. Keller at the reception.
The couple will make their home in
T ALEM downtown Lions club auxiliary
is to meet next Thursday evening, Feb.
v " ruary 18. at the home of Mrs. Carl
Steelhammer at 8 o'clock.
Mrs. Joseph B. Felton is chairman of the
hostess committee, those assisting including
Mrs. James Allcnby, Mrs. Joseph Paulson,
Mrs. La Verne J. Young, Mrs. Fred Halvar
son and Mrs. Ralph B. Johnson.
Judge Joseph B. Felton is to be guest
speaker to discuss "The Family and Juve
nile Delinquency." z
Next dance for the Cirque club is planned
for Saturday, February 27, the party to be
at the American Legion club as a formal
dinner dance.
Woman s auxiliary of St. Paul's Episco
pal church is to meet Friday at 1:30 p.m.
in the guild room at the church. Co-hostesses
are Mrs. J. E. Law and Mrs. George L.
Hill. Mrs. Prince W. Byrd, box supply
chairman, asks that contributions for the
annual mission box be brought to this
meeting. The box will be sent to the
Cascade chapter. National Secretaries as
sociation, will meet on Tuesday at 7:30 p.m.
at the home of Mrs. Wilma Burchell, 1025
North 15th for a social party.
Hal Hibbard auxiliary, United Spanish
War Veterans, plans a business session for
Thursday at 2 o'clock at the Woman's club
The theme "Outreach of the Methodist
church Among Rural Negroes," will be
the topic for discussion at the general
meeting of the Woman's Society of Chris
tian Service, First Methodist church, on
Wednesday. A panel comprised of Mes
dames Thomas R. Bennett, Edward L.
Clark Jr., A. D. Green and Hub Harris,
will discuss this topic. Devotions will be
lead by Mrs. Sydney Hall.
A luncheon served by circle 6 is set
it 12:15 p.m. followed at 1:15 p.m. by busi
ness meeting.
Mrs. Dave Furlough, 2095 S. Church will
be hostess to the Past Presidents club, Vet
erans of Foreign Wars auxiliary, on Thurs
day night. Mrs. Sue Lawrence will assist.
March meeting of the Mission Study
group of the First Congregational church
will be Wednesday, at 2 p.m. at the home
of Mrs. Bertha Huston, 1458 Center street.
The day's study will be under the direc
tion of Mrs. Hjalmar Anderson.
Initiation of members is planned for the
Wednesday night meeting of Centralis
temple No. 11, Pythian Sisters it Beaver
The two aflcrnonn circles of Leslie
Methodist church will meet on Wednesday
at 1:30 o'clock for dessert.
Edna Holder circle is meeting at the
home of Mrs. Carl Bell, 720 West Brown
ing. Mrs. Carroll Graves is assisting hostess.
Mrs. C. F. French will lead devotions and
Mrs. T. O. Adams will handle the program.
Mrs. Sadie Henderson, 1309 South Lib
erty street, 'will be hostess to Evelyn De
Vries circle. Mrs. E. A. Rhotcn will assist
the hostess. Mrs. Mason Bishop is in charge
of devotions. Mrs. Lctha McRay will give
the topic "Who Are Crusade Scholars."
Dr. Reginald Parker of the Willamette
university iaw school will speak at the 6:15
p.m. dinner of the Insurance Women's asso
ciation on Thursday at the Marion hotel:-
Sunshine circle. West Salem Methodist
church, will meet on Wednesday at 11:30
a.m. at the home of Mrs. Lawrence Wal
worth. Lunch will be served at noon.
Mrs. Gene Blush won the oscar for her
talk "Highlights of My Life" on Thursday
night at the dinner meeting of the Salem
Toastmistrcss club at the Golden Pheasant.
Other speakers were Mrs. Ethel Niles,
Mrs. Robert Morrow and Mrs. Lois Keeney.
Miss Ruth Jayncs was toastmistrcss, Miss
Mvrtlc Wcatherholt, general evaluator, and
Mrs. Marion Wooden was time keeper.
Miss Lila Clark, Mrs. Robert Marion, Miss
Kay Burncs and Mrs. William Reagan were
Auxiliary Dinners
No-host dinner meetings for members of
Marion-Polk County Medical Society auxi
liary will be next Tuesday evening at 6:30
o'clock. t ..
The three hostesses are to be Mrs. Wil
liam L. Lidbeck, Mrs. Harmon Harvey and
Mrs. John Meadows, each inviting one
third of the auxiliary membership to her
Assisting Mrs. Lidbeck at her home on
3843 Fringle road will be Mrs. Stanley
Davis, Mrs. Irvin B. Hill and Mrs. Harold
O. Schneider.
Mrs Joseph Trcleiiven and Mrs. Rudolph
Roscnfcld wjll assist Mrs. Meadows, and
Mrs. Harvev has asked Mrs. Woodson Ben
nett and Mrs. Gordon Stoinfcld to assist
hA1l three hostesses are asking their
guests to bring with them items for use
in the occupational therapy department ot
the State hospital. Many discarded house
hold articles can be put to excellent use
in this department. Some indicated items
are: oil paints, brushes, children's patterns,
blouse patterns, any yardage of one nal
yard or over, transfers, cotton and wool
yarns, scissors and odds and ends of braid
and trimmings of all kinds.
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THE WEDDING of Mrs. Laurence John Herberger (Patricia Anne Weathers)
was an event of this morning In St. Vincent de Paul Catholic church. The bride
is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Weathers of Salem and Mr, Herberger
is the son of Mr. and Mrs. John J. Herberger.
Miss Weathers Valentine Time
Bride at St. Vincent de Paul's
White stock and red carnations decorated
the altar at St. Vincent de Paul Catholic
church this morning for the wedding of
Miss Patricia Anne Weathers and Laurence
John Herberger. The bride is the daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Weathers and Mr.
Herberger's parents arc Mr. and Mrs. John
J. Herberger.
The service was at 10 o'clock, the Rev.
Lowell Blackburn officiating. For the
music, Lorraine Nclke and Gerald Neitling
sang, Wayne Meusey playing the organ.
The bride's floor length dress was of
white marquisette over satin, the full skirt
with a wide band of imported Chantilly
lace inset. The fitted bodice was designed
with a short jacket, also of lace, and was
fashioned with a tiny stand-up collar and
long pointed sleeves. The fingertip veil
was caught to a Juliet cap of lace em
broidered in seed pearls and rhinestoncs.
The bride carried a white Bible with a
white orchid and streamers, the streamers
tied with rosebuds.
Sister Attends
Mrs. Robert Hammack was matron of
honor for her sister. She wore a full length
frock of white dotted Swiss nylon over
taffeta with blue satin sash. She wore a
blue satin bandeau, and her flowers were
a heart-shaped nosegay of white carnations
and blue lace with streamers.
Bridesmaids were Miss Dwyn Anne Her
berger, sister of the bridegroom, Miss Mar
lene Raschko, Miss Betty Zahara, cousin
of the bride, and Mrs. R. J. Chance.
All four wore frocks matching that worn
by the matron of honor, except they wert
of the dotted Swiss nylon over red taffeta
with red satin sashes. Their headbands
were of red satin and their nosegays were
of red and white carnations with red and
white lace.
Nancv Kathleen Hammack, niece of the
bride, was flower girl. She wore a white
dotted Swiss nylon over taffeta frock with
red sash and headband. She carried a
heart shaped nosegay of red and white
Robert Lebold was best man. Donald C.
Weathers, Carl W. Weathers, both brothers
of the bride, Ronald Krebs and Robert
Hammack, brother-in-law of the bride, were
ushers. ,
Altar boys were James Weiss and Gray
Herberger, cousins of the bridegroom.
The brides' mother wore a black and
pink printed faille dress with pink hat
The Rev.
Wavnc Greene, new minister
at the First Christian church, will bring
souvenirs and tell of his visit to various
mission stations after the international
convention in Australia, at the Christian
Women's fellowship meeting at the church,
Thursday. The meeting begins at 11 a m.
A sack luncheon is to be at noon, the
business session following. A nursery is to
be provided for small children.
For this meeting, members are asked to
bring the items for the men at theAfrican
mission station.
Rccular luncheon for Salem council of
the P. E. O. Sisterhood will be Monday
at 1:15 p.m. at the Golden Pheasant. Invi
tation is extended to all unaffiliated P.E.O.
members especially to attend. Reserva
tios may be made with Mrs. Lynn Switzer.
New members will he initiated into Willam
ette shrine. White Shrine of Jerusalem, on
Monday night at the Masonic temple. This
is the last meeting at which the present
offirers will serve. Mrs. F.verctt Holt il
refreshment chairman for the social to fol
low the ceremonies.
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(Hire tudlo plcturr, Corvallli)
and black accessories, and a corsage of
pink rosebuds. The bridegroom's mother
wore a light blue suit with navy accessories
and corsage of pink rosebuds.
Following the church service there was
a wedding breakfast at the Senator hotel.
Reception at Club
The reception was arranged for this
afternoon at the American Legion club.
The bride's table was set with a white
cutwork cloth, white stock and red carna
tions. The punch table was covered with
a red linen cloth.
Mrs. Phil Hathaway, aunt of the bride,
cut the cake. Mrs. George Herberger, aunt
of the bridegroom, was at the punch bowl;
Mrs. V. O. Weathers, aunt of the bride, at
the coffee urn. Others assisting were Miss
Bonnie Bell Hathaway, Mrs. Jack McClurc,
Mrs. Ray Kerr, Mrs. William Innus of
California, Miss Joyce Armstrong, Miss
Janice Obcrt, Miss Charlcne Kerr, Miss
Rosalie Kerr, Mrs. Ralph Woods. Mrs. Wil
liam Loftis.
For traveling the brlfte wore a lavender
suit with black accessories and fur shortie
coat, and the white orchid from her bridal
The couple will be at home at 1065 Madi
son street, Salem.
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FIVE OF THE committee arranging the Joint dinner for women's service clubs on Monday evening are
pictured above, left to right: Miss Minnie Just, Mr. Tom Wolgamntt, Mrs. Marie Mng, Miss Arllne Sholsrt!,,
Miss Vada I.. Hill. The dinner will he at the Marlon Hotel, sponsored by Altrusa club, other clubs attending
Including Zonta, Soroptimlst and Rotana.
Wed at a simple home service Friday eve
ning were Miss Joanne Marilyn Fischer and
. William B. Loch, the ceremony being at 8
o'clock at the residence of the brlde'a par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Carl A. Fischer in Mon
mouth. Mr. Loch is the son of Mr. and Mrs,
Lester Loch of Monmouth.
, The Rev. Roy H. Campbell officiated. The
ceremony was rolemnized before the fire
place, an arrangement of white snapdragons,
dark and light pink carnations decorating
the mantel and ferns banking the fireplace.
Daffodils and pussywillows decorated the
other rooms.
The bride wore a two-tone gray suit with
white hat and accessories and her corsage
was of white cymbidlum orchids.
Miss Delpha Owens was honor attendant.
She wore a brown suit with matching acces- '
sories and a corsage of cymbidium orchids.
Kenneth Hickenbottom of Eugene was
best man.
Immediately rollowlng the service there
was a reception for the relatives and close
friends attending the wedding. Pink and
white-flowers decorated the buffet. On the
bride's table was the cake, and an arrange
ment of two shades of pink carnations, .
heather and freesias. Mrs. John G. Marr,
aunt ot the bride, served Uie cake. Mrs. A. A,
Geer, also an aunt, was at the coffee urn,
Mrs. Robert B. Marr at the punch bowl. Al
so assisting was another aunt, Mrs. George
Derrick of Gresham.
The couple will be at home in Eugene
where Mr. Loch is attending University ot
Oregon. The bride attended Salem schools,
Oregon State college and Oregon College
of Education. The past few months she has
been employed at the statehouse in Salem.
A Washington day program is being
planned by Trinity chapter, Order of East
ern Star, for Friday night at the West
Salem City building. - 1
A film "Shyness," will be shown at the
Thursday meeting of the Washlgton school
Mothers club at 7:30 o'clock. Dr. J. H.
Trealaven will be the speaker.
A musical program will be presented by
students of teacher, Roy Shelton. Refresh
ments will be served.
Cards and dancing will be featured at
the social meeting of Hanna Rosa court, .
Order of the Amaranth, on Saturday night,
February 20, at the Masonic temple. Mr.
and Mrs. Lyle Sacre are committee chair
men. Mrs. John McCullough is to entertain for
her bridge culb Wednesday evening, a late
supper to follow the card games.
The part that the Salem Credit Women's
Breakfast club will play in the regional con
ference of the group at the Multnomah hotel
on March 20 and 21 will be discussed at the
meeting of the group on Tuesday at 7 a.m.
it Nohigrcn's.
The American Gold Star Mothers club plans
to meet at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. B.
VanCleave for a social on Thursday night
Mrs. Winifred Butler, Mrs. Abby White and
Mrs. George Pro are on the evening's com
mittee. Sewing group of unit No. 136, American
Legion auxiliary, is meeting next Tuesday,
all day, at the home of Mrs. Jack Simkins.
Highland school Mothers ctub will meet on
Thursday at 7:30 p.m. at the school with
fathers being invited. John Norby will show
films on his recent trip to Norway.
Mrs. Kessley Talley and Mrs. Lyle Dierks
will serve the refreshments. There will be
no baby sitting provided.
On February 19, the Mothers club will
sponsor a circus and Mrs. Alfred Chives and
Mrs. G. Carroll Meeks are general chairmen.
Mrs. Charles Harvey, Mrs. Walter Gayles
are in charge of publicity; Mrs. Elwin Klein,
fishpond: Mrs. Charles Kelly, Cakewalk; Mrs.
Robert Preston, candy; Mrs. Norman Jones,
plants and bulbs; Mrs. Denver McComb,
Mrs. James Miles, fortune telling; Mrs. Wal
ter Beckett, movies; Mrs. Keith Dyer, bingo;
Mrs. G. E. Earcly, dance; Mrs. Leonard
Elliott, check room: Mrs. Millen DeForest,
darts; Mrs. Louisa Duncan, food; Mrs. Ken
neth Pugh. book stands; Mrs. Kenneth
Hutchens. ring toss; Mrs. Jcanette Trent,
side show.
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ANNOUNCED durlnr this week was
above, daughter of Mrs. Barry I. Hlday, to
W. Lytle. .
Service Glubs Plan
Monday evening brings the dinner and
joint meeting for the four women's service
clubs of the city, the dinner to be at 6:30
o'clock In the Gold room at the Marion hotel.
There will be special music and enter
tainment. Miss Arlene Shnlseth and Miss Minnie Just
School Dance
"Queen of Hearts" will be the title be
stowed on one of five princesses at Sacred
Heart Academy's annual Sweetheart dance,
Wednesday, February 17, at the Catholic
Center. The princesses chosen from their
respective classes are Misses Lois O'Connor,
Jackie Hayes, Kathie Corrigan, Joan Timm,
and Eloise Corey.
The Valentine theme will be carried out
throughout the hall in decorations. Co
chairmen for the decoration committee are
Misses Joan Colleran and Pat Egan. Miss
Carol Taggart is in charge of refreshments,
Dennis Alley is chairman of cleanup com
mittee. In charge of coronation ceremonies
are class presidents Bill Joseph and Dennis
The dance is one of the big events on
Sacred Heart's social calender, and a large
group is expected to attend.
Mrs. Ben Randall. 1840 W. Nob Hill, will
be hostess for a 1:30 no-host luncheon meet
ing of American War Mothers Tuesday. Mrs.
Glenn W. Prather, Mrs. Martin Vlesco, Mrs.
Effio McFarland and Mrs. W. E. Berg Will
be assisting hostesses.
The sixth birthday of bethel No. 35, Job's
Daughters, will be celebrated on Monday at
7:30 p.m. at the Scottish Rite temple. Par
ents and past guardians of the bethel have
been invited to attend the event
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the enragement of Miss Harriet Riday,
A2C Don J. Lytle, ton ot Mrs. James
Joint Meet
from the Altrusa club, sponsor of the dinner;
Mrs. Marie Ling and Mrs. David Bennett
Hill, both Soroptimlst club; Mrs. Tom Wol
gamott and Mrs. William E. Smith, Zonta
club; and Mrs. Darrell E. Walker and Miss
Vada L. Hill, Rotana club, are on the com
mittee for the affair.
Sedgwick Woman's Relief Corps No. 1,
will meet on Friday at 2 o'clock at the
Veterans of Foreign Wars hall Plana for
the district conference in Salem on March
1 Q uiill ka JiniiriJ
Mrs. Chester Douglas will be hostess at
. her home, 1046 Seventh street on Monday
night for the West Salem Lions auxiliary.
Reports on the forthcoming meeting with
the state officers will be given. .
v aijuaia iaui'e CIUD IS 10 GjeCl
Offlrnrs at I ll moot i n n nnv, rrk.. '-"
. .. . . . . . . a a.At 1 UUI OUttJ BIB
ning at Catholic Center. On the nominating
committee are Mrs. John Geisler, chairman,
Mrs. Joe Lucas and Delbert White.
nnnfincr will hanln -i--i-
and Mrs. Alvin Robison are In charge -of -the
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Woodburn Mr. and Mrs. H. N. Wedmore
will observe their 50th wedding anniversary .
Sunday, February 14, with a family reunion
at their home, 641 Hall street, in Woodburn.
Their ten children, all who plan to be at
home for the event, will be hosts for the
open house from 12 noon until 4 pm
Friends are invited to call.
Mr. and Mrs. Wedmore were married
February 17. 1904, in Mapleton, Iowa, and
came to Woodburn about six years ago.
Their children are Al Wedmore of Seattle, .
Wash.; Charles Wedmore of Tule Lake,
Calif.; Foster Wedmore of Salem; Mrs.
Ward Nation of Sclo; Mrs. C. Hunter of
Woodburn; Lee Wedmore of Los Angeles,
Calif.; Mrs. Lee Davis of Salem; Kenneth
Wedmore of Vancouver, Wash.; Lyle Wed
more of Portland, and Mrs. Gus Kraft of
Past Presidents club ot Sedwick chapter,
No. 1, Woman's Relief corps, met the past
week at the home of Mrs. Sarah Peterson,
a luncheon being served. Mrs. W. J. Beard
was co-hostess.
Following the luncheon there was a busi
ness session and exchange of white elephant
packages. The group is assisting the district
chairman with her project, sewing for the
district meeting to be in Salem, March 19,
at Veterans of Foreign Wars hall. Also the
group is quilting to raise money for the
state executive board fund for the state con
vention In June.
Mrs. Goldia Kyle and Mrs. Justina KiK
dee will be hostess for the next meeting
of the club.
An event for Sunday afternoon will be
the open house for which Mr. and Mrs.
Albert C. Gragg are to entertain at their
The affair honors Mrs. Mable Scrltchfield
of Prlnevillc, Ore., and Toppenish, Wash.,
and Harold E. Young. Mrs. Scritchflcld and
Mr. Young are to be married February 19.
The open house will be between 3 and 5
o'clock, guests including associates of Mr.
Young in the postal service and other
Mrs. Ivan Royse will be hostess to the
Jaycec-Ettes on Monday night at her home,
1130 Albert drive. Mrs. Dee Whitlock, Mrs.
Lorcn Boston and Mrs. Douglas Hay will be
the co-hostesses.
A Dutch auction and cake walk will ba
featured at the Kingwood unit, American
Legion auxiliary meeting on Thursday night
at the Kingwood Legion hall.
The Past Presidents of Capital unit, Amerl
can Legion auxiliary, will be in charge- ot
the program on Monday night at the Worn- 1
an's club house. '
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