jWurday, February 13. 1954 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, Salem, Oregon PERRYDALE SPEECH WINNERS !-' i ft ' - ! 1 ' I 8 f t 1 ', IP I IS , X ' V, j , j I vi f 't r- - I - Perrydale FFA Speech Contest SMITHFIELD The F.F.A. pub lic speaking contest was held at Perrydale school Wednesday eve ning, winners were Koy Chapin, first; Ross Gillam, second, and Dick Cooper, third. Melvin Miller Is the Ag. teacher and F.F.A. chapter adviser at Perrydale. Marvin Kempels speech was titled "Does It Help?" He was referring . to nitrogen for crop piams. Roy Chapin gave "Corn-Cobs to Beefsteaks," in which he told about a wonder formula called Urea. By feeding Urea in the grain ration it would ; decrease the cost of producing beef. "Water Storage for Farm Irriga tion" was the topic Bob Stewart chose. Ross Gillam pointed out the need of cleaning out dwarfism in cattle and his speech was titled, "Our Hidden Danger." Chuck Boeder, being a dairy man, spoke on "Are You Eating the Butter You Buy?" He main tains the low cost of producing margarine is responsible for the great butter surplus we have to day. "Starving to Death on a Full Stomach" by Dick Cooper, re vealed the fact that although we eat the proper diet the soil these foods are raised in is depleted of certain things and therefore can not put them into the foods, which means we are not getting everything our body requires. The judges for the contest were Ed Keltner from Amity, who was the 4-H Club Extension Agent of Clackamas county: Wayne Hicben thai from Perrydale, who won the Oregon State F.F.A. public speak ing contest in 1930, and John Han sen from Dallas, Polk County Agri cultural Extension agent. Mrs. Rosenbalm, Mrs. Keyt, Mrs. Rempcl, Mrs. Boeder and the F.F.A. boys provided the refresh ments of cake, ice cream and coffee. PERRYDALE Melvin Miller, left, Ag instructor at Perrydale school, congratulates winners of FFA speech contest. From left they are Roy Chapin, first; Ross Gillam, second; and Dick Cooper, third. (John Barth photo.) MT. ANGEL SUPER MARKET MT. ANGEL W. Kloft an nounced this week his plans to construct a new super market and beauty parlor building, to be built in the near future. The building, 38x96, will be located on the form er Schaffers lots on the corner of Main and Taylor streets. There will be a 60x100 off-the-strect park ing lot. OLD TIME DANCE OVER WESTERN AUTO Adm. 60c Tax Inc. Dick Johnson's Orch. 259 Court St. Woodburn Jaycee-Ettes Entertain Many. Guests Unemployment Figures Drop ALBANY For the third con secutive month, employment de creased in western Linn county, but the total number of workers employed was still only 250 less than it was in January of 1953, Eldon G. Sloan, manager of the Oregon state employment service office here, reported Friday. Two seasonal industries, lum ber and construction, reported the only major increases in un employment during January, but few opportunities for employment were available in other seasonal activities farming and food pro cessing. The slight decrease in employ, ment here from a year ago was largely attributable to food pro cessing establishments. Together, they reported a decrease of ,50 Sloan said. - ' The manager also indicated that employment opportunities probably will remain limited during Febru ary and March. FARMERS MEETING DALLAS N. John Hansen, Polk county extension agent, today call ed attention to the county-wide cereal producer meeting ached- Ringo. The next meeting will be March 11 at St. Mary's Episcopal hall with Mrs. Clem Dryden, Mrs. Roy Grossen, and Mrs, Cal vin Mikkelson as the hostess committee. WOODBURN Eighty mem bers and guests were present at the meeting of the Woodburn Jaycee-ettes held Thursday night at St Luke's hall. Guests were from Dallas, Silverton and Sa lem with 29 from Dallas, seven from Silverton and 12 from Sa lem. The visitors signed the guest list and were given name tags of red hearts. The program included vocal numbers by the high school trio, Misses Janice Hanauska, Karen Magnuson and Marcia LaBarr, directed by Miss Harriet Nizic, and a reading by Miss Jane Mc Grath, under the direction of Mrs. Roberta Schmalz. Decorations of crepe paper were draped about the room and a large heart was arranged on the stage centered with a couple. The tables were covered with white dotted swiss and centered with daffodils and pussy wil lows. Red and white decorations of crepe paper were also used on the tables. A game of "Bunco" was play ed with prizes going to Mrs. Mar- jorie Rchm of Woodburn, Mrs. B. Norbcrg of Dallas, Mrs. Gar- nice Roth and Mrs. Mary Lou Edecrton of Silverton and a quiz game was won by Mrs, Lynn Simon. Refreshments and a social hour completed the evening with Mrs. Armond Ball, Mrs. James Howe, Mrs. Harlan Henkes, Mrs. William Ewaliko and Mrs. Har ley Piper on the serving com mittee. The program was ar ranged by Mrs. Walter Scar borough, Jr., Mrs. E. A. Buch anan and the president, Mrs. Al r mr EAT AND INrOY SUN VALLEY BREAD, . the inmr 0e "int. Mum." Law in cilorm Qm tain 30 to tht tint) yt kifk it tuck building pfonim. Am) lararl jmi try it touted it' a mw MM Mi. Al year fcvwiti t4 mm "Made by the Baken at Master Bread" UV.i N. Commercial You Walking up over Faint More Uaientl SUNDAY DINNER Roast Turkey & Dressing Mashed Potato With Giblft Gravy, Cole Slaw' Hot Biscuits, Butter 85c Virginia Baked Ham! & Sweet Poialoes j With Pan Gravy Sour j Cream Cole Slaw Home : Made Hot Rolls and Butter : 85c Bring the Family Served in the Dining Room nr Service in Your Car WOODROFFE'S SAN SHOP i, Mile N. of It" Vnnrpss E a' . 'I Every 1 6:3PnM. 2:30 A. M. I 1 ! r 3bjp jweeteit JS'J2 Be' Chinese Cook Cherry's Plantation SPECIALS Complete 1 nn Dinners ?I.U0 BRING THE FAMILY Open 4:30 . 10:00 Sun., 12 to 9 Closed Monday Helen's Cafe 605 North Capitol OPEN UNDER ORIGINAL MANAGEMENT (Helen Miles) 7 a.m. to 12 Midnight Closed Sundays uled for Wednesday, Feb. 17 in the Dallas city hall. There ii ' species of flea which feeds only on field mice. DINNER AT NORTH'S - Sunday Specials 1170 Center St. - In the Capitol Shopping Center Roast Turkey and Dressing, $1.00 Sour Cream Cole Slaw Potatoes and Giblet Gravy - Home Made Rolls and Butter Tea Coffee Milk Dessert . Prime Rib Roast of Beef $1.25 Whipped Potatoes and Brown Gravy Parsley Buttered Carrots - Home Made Hot Rolls and Butter Sour Cream Cola Slaw - Tea Coffee Milk Dessert , We Invite You to Visit Salem's Most Comfortable Dining Room ; G BABJCE EVERY SAT. NITE NEW DANCE BAND! I So ai to offer Salem 'Dance Fans a better class of DANCE MUSIC we have booked bands for the next few weeks cap able of playing Modern Swing, Old-Time, or whatever you request . . . Come help us select the best music availsble. Ladies FREE 'til 10:00 as usual. Dickson's 0lS , CIRCLE "0"' O At 12th St. Junction ' 1 Vi Mi. South of Salem en line TO DINNER AT THE HOTEL SENATOR $2.00 Cocktail Crab, Shrimp or Fruit Cocktail Soup Creamed Chicken or Consomme Royal Salad Lettuce and Tomato or Waldorf - ENTREE Roast Young Tom Turkey, Dressing. Giblet Gravy, Cranberry Siuce Virginia Baked Ham, Pineapple Glace Whipped Potatoes Candied Sweet Potatoes French Fried Potatoes Buttered Green Beans Cream Peas Broccoli Hollondaii Roll . Butter Coffee, Tea or Milk $1.50 Fricassee of Chicken, Dumplings or Roast Sirloin of Choice Beef, Pan Gravy Salad, Potato, Vegetable Roll Butter Coffee Tea Dessert Jm HOTEL SENATOR 515 Court Phone 3-4151 Now. . 24 Hour Drug Service! OPEN 8 A.M. TO 11 P.M. AND DUTY PHARMACIST ON CALL 11 P.M. TO 8 A.M. Just Phons 39123 or 42248 QUISENBERRY'S PRESCRIPTION STORE 130 So Liberty Howser Bros. Equipment Sales & Rental Service 1185 So. 12th Phone 3-3646 Salem, Ore. TRAILERS FOR RENT All Types Local or One Way ' Rent A Trailer System Salem's Only Exclusively Trailer Rental Lot 190S Fairgrounds Rd. Phone 2-9457 SAFEWAY OPEN SUNDAYS 1265 2120 935 Center Fairgrounds Rd. S. Com'l. 8-10 9-6 9-9 , SAME LOW PRICES ALWAYS For Space in This Directory Phone 2-2441 Senator Hotel Coffee Shop We Specialize In SUPERB SUNDAY DINNERS Open Sundays 7 a.m. to 9 p.m. Daily 6:30 a.m. -9 p.m. Salem's Popular Coffee Shop Corner Court ft High Phone 3-4151 ' for Your Convenience Our Store Is Open Sundays From 12 Noon to 1 P.M. FOR EMERGENCIES Call 38543 39579 CAPITAL DRUG STORE State and Liberty "Your Prescription Store" Top Features at Your Pineapple Juice 4 MQ URCE 40 OZ. PKG. BISQUICK Jg. U.S. GOOD STEER CHUCK ROAST 33 FOR YOUR SHOPPING CONVENIENCE EMERY'S ICiA Foodllner Wallace Rd. at 7th, West Salem VISTA MARKET 3045 S. Com'l. STATE ST. MARKET 1?30 State St ORCUTT'S MARKET 4200 N. River Road Pay Less Drug Store SERVE YOURSELF and PAY-LESS OPEN SUNDAY 11 A.M. 'til 8 P.M. PAY LESS HAS EVERYTHING Hocker Hardware Ph. 37031 990 South Commercial Wall Paper, Paint and Sporting Goods Ferrill's Nursery 10 Acres ornamentals, shrub, fruit, shade ind flowering Irees, OPEN 10 A.M. SUNDAYS Mi. Eost of KEIZER PHONE 2-1307 BERGS In the Capitol Shopping Center And in the Keizer District 8 A.M. TO 10 P.M. EVERY DAY GOLDEN PHEASANT OPEN 12 Noon 'Til 8:30 SUNDAY. SUNDAY DINNERS OUR SPECIALTY m North Liberty Phone 3-8733 VALLEY TELEVISION CENTER Motorola Hoffman Dumont Packard Bell 2303 Fairgrounds Rd. Ph. 21913 Open Sunday I p.m. lo 6 p.m.