PJT 2 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL. Salem, Oregon Saturday, February 13, 1954 In Dayton The Valley Edited by MIKE FORBES I it were Mr. and Mr. Charles Ha Kn, Mr. and Mrs. Clotis Sloan, Mr. and Mrs. J, L. Finley, Mrs. Kenneth Brown and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Doud and airs. Mildred Pennington. Mr. and Mrs. Dclbert Temple and children and Rebecca Phelps spent me week-end with her mother, Mrs. Bertie Cox at Mau pin. Miss Barbara Maklnister, of Monmouth spent the weekend here with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Makinister. Dinner guests in the Earl Mak inister home on Sunday were his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Makinster of LaFayctte, and Mrs. Evelyn Morchcnd and Douglas. Mrs. Hatlic Wish is making an indefinite visit here with her daughter, Mrs. John Reu. Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Richards I of Salem were Friday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. S. W. Richardson. She made a special valentine cake lor Mr. Richard son. Francis Mather was taken ill while at work at the Palmer Lumber Co. on Saturday. He is improving. Falls City DAYTON The Maranatha Group of the Baptist church met Tuesday evening at the home of Mrs. Ardillo Krake. The evening was devoted to the showing of slides taken by Ruth Ann Lowe, a former Dundee girl, and who is now a missionary nurse in Japan. The next meeting will be with Mrs. Al Gould. A potluck luncheon at 1 o'clock was enjoyed at the home of Mrs. Oscar Dower on Saturday. There were our tables of bridge during the afternoon. . Mrs. J. L. Shnw ver was high scorer, Mrs. Elise Londcrshausen, low and Mrs., Harry Sherman won the traveling prize. Mrs. Harold Whitney of Eugene was the only out-of-town guest. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Detmering and family of Toledo and Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Dower and Kay, enjoy ed the auto show in Portland on Sunday- Mrs. Detmering returned to her home on Monday, after spending the day in Portland. The Dayton Garden Club will meet with Mrs. Mariam Krake on Monday, Feb. 15. Mrs. Harry Sherman was honor ed with a decorated birthday cake and coffee for her birthday anm versary, following choir practice, Sunday evening at the church The Krowcldeen bridge club met witn Mrs. Charles Carr on Feb. l Special guests Included Mrs. Alex Cruickshank, Mrs. Clare Heider nd Mrs. J. L. Shawver. Mr. and Mrs. E. K. Fish of Mill City and Mr. and Mrs. Jim Fish and family of Mehama and Mrs. Myrtle Miller of Dayton were din ner guests of Mrs. Ellis Phelps on Sunday. Her father, Oscar Mell, also was present. Mrs. Harry Sherman attended a Tea at the home of Mrs. J. B Jones in McMinnville on Tups. day afternoon for the officers of the University of Oregon Moth ers club, of which Mrs. Sherman is vice president. The afternoon was spent plan ning a spring project. Little Sybil Phelps, 7-vear-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ellis Phelps, was taken to the McMinn ville hospital on Monday with pneumonia. She is improving and hopes to come home over the week-end. Oscar Mell, falher of Mrs. Ellis Phelps, returned to his home Thursday, Feb. 12, ' in Duluth, Minn. He had been here for three weeks. The Dayton Get-to-Gether club met with Mr. and Mrs Arne F. Wlllson for potluck dinner Thurs day noon. Included in the group inaugurated by the Rev. L. C. Leikauf at Christ Lutheran church, Aurora, Wednesday eve ning. FALLS CITY Ernest Parker lost a Jersey cow the first of the i The Mission Society of Christ Pedee MMMI i-aree NOW PLAYING! I Vfe m Hddie Cantor STOUT; mv-.'1'.g (Mil Imirik Mtrflyi InkiM 2ND BIG HIT GURU CMH1ME ( -i.N'j.iiw miMNM cesar mm Tr.ir.im PEDEE Mr. and Mrs. Glen Turner and Kent of Vancouver, Wash., spent Sunday with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W, T. Tur ner. Mrs. Orville Edwards, Ronny and llcen, Mrs. Lee Reynolds of Philomath, Mrs. Maud Burbank, Mrs. Lura Trueav, Mrs. C. R. McCormack Curtis and Robin; Mrs. F. M. Dyer, Scott and Greta; spent Saturday afternoon with Mr. and Airs. J. W. McCor mack in Dallas, honoring Mrs. McCormack's birthday. ' Airs. Mabel Stanton is visiting her daughters. Mrs. Arnold Mills and Airs. Virgil Marquardt and their families at Alpine. ev. John Lawler and family have moved into the AlcCormack home, near the school house Rev, Lawler is pastor of .the community church. Air. and Airs. C. L. Burbank. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Ronco and Buddy were dinner guests Sun day at the Howard I'crry home at King's Valley. Mr. and Airs. S. P. Singler and Steven spent the week-end at Newport as guests of Air. and Airs. Alatts Johnson. While there they attended a birthday dinner in honor of Glen Johnson's birth day. Miss Ardis F.agy, Lincoln coun ty Extension leader, was guest speaker at the local PTA Friday evening. Miss Eagy was an ex change student - of the Farm Youth, and showed colored slides and told of her work in Switzer land. The program was in charge of Airs. William's room who also received the book for having the most parents present. Mrs. Glen Edwards and Airs. F. Al. Dyer, assisted by Mrs. Glen Rhodes, Airs. William Pease and Airs. John Youngling, served re freshment! during the social hour. week. He and Mrs. Parker found the cow caught in some fencing with a leg broken high in the hip. It was necessary to destroy it. Air. and Airs. William I)e Wual and three children of Portland, were Sunday visitors at the H. F. McAllister home. Mrs. DeWaal is a cousin of Mrs, McAllister. Fred Chapin and wife called in the afternoon to visit with Mrs. Crispin's niece, Mrs. DeWaal. Raymond Williams and Edward Eakko reported, to Fort Lewis for army duty Monday, after spend ing a furlough at home. St. Cloyd Riddle, army Air Force, who is home on furlough, took the boys to the Washington base. Kay Morgan went with him. Miss Patricia Gcancy of Ger vais drove to Falls City after school hours Monday. . i Miss Geancy is a teacher In the Gervais high school. Celebrating the 85th birthday of Dick Paul Saturday arid Sunday were guests from Portland and Corvallis. A son, Richard and family came from Portland; a daughter, Mrs. Jessie Sumski and husband, came from Oswego and the oldest son. George and wife, came up from Corvallis. Dr. Bossatti of Dallas was called to the R. F. Fletcher home Mon day where he prescribed treat ment lor nu Mr. and Mrs. Jess Melius and three sons, Marvin, Bobby and Roger, drove to Gates Sunday wnere mey visited Mrs. Melius' youngest sister, Mrs. Tom Good yard and family. The Melius girls, Donna and Patti drove to the coast with friends Sunday. Lutheran church met Thursday afternoon, Feb. 11, in the church parlors. Airs. H. R. Dricver pre sented the study topic. Rev. Leikauf attended the dis trict parish education committee at Queen Ann lutheran church, Seattle, Tuesday, Feb. 9. Mr. and Airs. Andrew G. Mill er, late of Portland, were hosts in their home at a dinner party Saturday evening, honoring their son, Charles, whom they had not seen for the past two and a half years. Charles spent two years in Europe, working for the gov ernment, completing his assign ment last August. After that he spent two months visiting in Eng land, Scotland, France and Bel gium, coming home via Japan. At the dinner in his home In Portland, covers were placed for Air. and Airs. George Miller of Rainier, Ore., Air. and Mrs. George Asltin of Aurora, the hosts, Mr. and Airs. Andrew G. Miller and Charles A. Miller. ! Jimmle Miller. U. S. Air Force, brother of Charles, could not be present at the dinner. Charles will leave for San Fran cisco Feb. 14. Monmouth Rickreall Pleasantdale i'leasantdale Airs. W. H. Hardy gave an informative talk on "Iris" for the Country Flow- er Club at its Feb. 10 meetine at the home of Mrs. H. A. Murphy. i-nzes were won oy Mrs. A. M. Vernon and Mrs. Merle Reich stein. Other members present were Mrs. J. A. McFarlane, Mrs. Bus Hadley, Airs. Alarion Bouldcn, Airs. J. M. Murphy, Mrs. Dick Rockhill, Mrs. Carl Wood, Mrs. C. Harold Parker, Airs. Robert Boynlon, and Airs. J. G. Penlnnd. The annual family party of the Country Flower Club will be held at the Legion hall dining room in by the Dallas Chamber of Com' RICKREALL The Home Eco nomic Club of the Rickreall Grange held its regular business meeting last week. Although all ladies of the Grange are eligible for membership in the H.E.C. only those that sign the book for the year are members. Plans were made for the enter tainment of the County H. E. C. Conference which was held Satur day. The annual meeting of the Agri cultural Committee and the Home Economic Clubs of the Polk Coun ty Granges was held Saturday at Rickreall Grange hall with only a few men present but a good at tendance of the ladies. Airs. King, the Home Economic chairman for the past term, pre sided at the meeting of the ladies. Airs. Malno Reichert judged the display tables for the Home Eco nomic Clubs and placed Rickreall first; West Salem, second; Buell. third; and Monmouth, fourth. The other Granges failed to have dis play tables or reports on hand. In judging the work of the whole Giange for the most points of achievements for I9S3 the West Salem Grange scored highest and won the plaque that is presented merce. Five Granges were repre sented in the agricultural confer ence and four in the Home Eco nomic conference. In the afternoon Airs. Hennegen from Dallas gave a talk on Cer amics, the material worked with, methods of molding, firing, glazing and painting. The Community Club met at the school gymn with a fair atten dance. Songs were led by Mr. Fricsen with Martha Balzer at the piano. James Hansen gave a recitation. Airs. Carlcson had a short spell ing contest with seven of her pu pils with William Cadle, L. C. Mil ler and Kenneth Wait acting as judges. Susan Lewis proved the best speller. C. Barcndrccht showed pictures he had taken in Europe on his trip last year. The Barcndrccht family left New York in June and returned to New Y'ork in Sep tember. While in Europe they vis ited his relatives in Holland. Mr. Barcndrccht took his car sorshin of the 22nd annual inter-1 A nominating committee was i '" inem, ana wniic mere mey scholastic forensic tournament on ' named. They are: Mrs. Wilbur )''' places in r rancc. Swilzcr. SAI.F.M GIKI, ASSIGNED McMlNNVILI.E. Ore.-Evclyn Andrus. 21W0 Doujjhtcn St., Salem Dayton, Feb. 22, at 7 p.m. The next regular meeting will he March 10 at the home of Airs. J. A. McFarlane. Mr. and Mrs. Glen McFarlane arrived home Monday, Feb. 8, from a three-week trip, accom panied by her sister, Mrs. John Allison of the Fairview district. They visited relatives at El Cen- tro, Calif., and traveled to San Diego, Mexicali, Alexico, Yuma, Arizona, Las Vegas and Reno. They were at El Centro during several tremors of the recent earthquakes there. urora AURORA Aurora P. T. A. ob served Founder's Day at a meet ing in charge of Airs. Walter Kcil. Rev. L. C. Leikauf gave the invocation. At the short business meeting it was announced that Eli Keil, former Aurora musi- will assist the denartment of dan, will play for the Feb. 20 speech of Limicld college in spon-;iaiem snow. the McMinnville campus Feb. 20. I4f i wS2S v. Kit- YOU SEE IT WITHOUT GLASSESI Cinemascope STARTS NEXT WEDNESDAY! Bevans, Martin Albers and Ben ! "nd. Italy and parts of Germany. Jcskey. Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Hill accom- Past presidents Mrs. Ben Net-, panied Mr. and Mrs. Walter Hill i and son Bill of Salem to Portland i to the auto show Saturday. Air. and Mrs. H. L. Slralev and MONMOUTH Airs. Clyde Dix on, Airs. A. C Miller and Airs. E. Grover were hostesses for the Ladies Aid of the EUB church recently for a one o'clock lunch eon. The birthdays of Mrs. Miller and Airs. G. L. Russell were re membered with cakes baked by Airs. Guy Foltz and Airs. Viola Skinner. The business meeting was conducted by the president, Airs. G. L. Russell and the devo tions were led by Airs. George Grazen. Airs. Ellis Stebbins and Airs. Harvey Schuerman were in charge of the program- Airs. Grazen sang, "Mt. Vernon Bells" and was accompanied by Airs. Stebbins. The Agate No. 177, Rebekah lodge, met and made plans for a Cub Scout dinner. The spon sors of the Scout group are the Rebekah lodge and the American Legion Auxiliary. Afrs. Edith Conrow reported that a past noble grand club had been formed at the home of Mrs. Emma Spencer. Officers of the new club are Mrs. Edith Conrow, president; Airs. Emma Spencer, vice-president; Airs. Charles Bowman, secretary-treasurer. The group will meet the fourth Monday of each month and the first meetin" will be with Airs. Clares Powell. Airs. Bowman conducted a cake walk. Cakes were won by Airs- ,Emma Spencer, Airs. Etta Eggleston and Airs. Nell Bush. The winners and fourteen other members went to the Spencer home for cake and coffee after the close of the meeting. The Polk County Tuberculosis and Health Association held its monthly luncheon meeting at the Monmouth Hotel Wednesday with a good attendance. The project for the group for the past year has been the raising of funds and arranging for the in stallation of a spot film X-ray at tachment to be installed at the Dallas hospital. Alembers of the committee are W. A. Wiest, president; Mrs. J. P. Smart, vice-president: Mrs. Kathcrine Trueax, recording sec retary: Airs. E. A. I.etteken, ex ecutive secretary; Airs. William Knower, treasurer. Speaker for the luncheon meet ing was Dr. G. Kenneth Vollmer of Salem- Airs. Blanche Roscnstock and Mrs. Ethel Moreland recently vis ited with Airs. Emma Kramer at a convalescent home in Corvallis. Mr. and Mrs. G. . Russell and Blanche Russell went to Turner Wednesday to vi.t his brother, Oscar Russell and to attend a din ner in honor of the birthday of Airs. Burt Russell of Portland. They also visited at the Roy Young home in Salem. Alike Riddell has been chosen to represent the Cub Scout Pack 38 at a court of honor to be held in Salem. National Boy Scout 'Week is heing observed by Boy Scouts Troop 38 and Cub Scouts Pack 38 and both are exhibiting their past year's work. The Cubs ex used a panel form of evaluation calling on all members for indi vidual evaluations. Timekeeper was uoya r room who also deliv ered the invocation. Twenty-five children were exam. incd at the February clinic held Tuesday at the Woodburn library with Dr. W. J. Stone as the nhv. sician in charge assisted by county nurses ncrmce yeary, Alary Test erman and Blanche Stone.. Local volunteers who assisted were Mrs. Lester Rosburg. Mrs. Charles Smith, Mrs. Lloyd Froom ana Mrs. toward c. Coman. The next clinic will be March 9. Willamina WILLAM1NA FL club met met Feb. 10 at the home of Mrs. Jack Stetterly, with Mrs. Chet Canby, co-hostess. Mrs. Canby presided at the business meet ing. After the close of the meet ing, Mrs. Bill Hurl was given a stork shower by the club mem bers. Mrs. Bob Boundy.won the spe cial prize, and game prizes were won by Mrs. Hurland and Airs. Jack Sisk. Hostesses were drawn for the next six month's meet ings. Mrs. Newlin Neely and Airs Jim Monaco will be hostesses for the March 10 meeting. Those attending were Mrs. Jack Sisk, Airs. Gordon Sisk, Mrs. Hurl, Mrs. Canby, Mrs. Bill Den ton, Airs. Shettcrly,' Airs. Orley Brock Jr., Mrs. W. T. Stone, Airs. Bob Boundy, Mrs. Neely. Mr. and Mrs. George Church ill were honored with a baby shower this week, given by Air. and Airs. W. T. Stone and Mr. and Mrs. Arvid Nyleen, at the Stone.home. They received many gifts. Others attending were Mr. and Mrs. Eldnn Breeden, Mr- and Mrs. Martin Grosser of Sheridan, Mr. and Mrs. Duwayne Grosser of Sheridan, Mr. and Airs. Louie Kangiscr, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Cruickshank of Sheridan, Mr. and Mrs. Chuck Shafer of AIc-Minnville. Gates Grand Island GRAND ISLAND Eleven mem bers of the Grand Island mother's circle attended the annual all day meeting held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Finnicum in the Grand Island district Wednesday. A covered dish 1 o'clock dinner was served. William Peery, county agent, showed moving pictures on how to detect cancer at its beginning. Mrs. Nina Miller of McMinnville, former county nurse, gave a talk and answered questions on can cer. Atlending were: Alesdames Su sie Douglas, Ronald Finnicum, Lester Scoggan, V. V. Scoggan and daughter. Vickv, Clarence Rockhill. R. R. Rockhill, Donald Tompkins and three children, Ja cob Tompkins, Sr., Jacob Tomp kins, Jr., Nina -Miller, Frank Fin nicum, the hostess. . The next meeting will be with ! Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Tompkins, Jr. I Eight members of the " Stitch ! GATES Mr. and Airs. Clarence Rush entertained over the week end at their home, their two sons and families, Air. and Airs. Wil liam Rush and baby girl, of Cor vallis: Air. and Airs. Lylc Rush and two children, Air. and Mrs. Clifford Robinson and their two grandchildren, all of Salem, 'and Mr, Rush's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Rush of Gates. Week-end guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Burrel Cole were their on,' Darrel Cole and son, Randy, from Klamath, Calif. Sun day the family drove to Falls City where they visited another son and family, Mr. and Mrs. Burnet Cole and children. Mrs. Cecil Haun left the middle of the week for Nebraska upon receiving news of the critical ill ness of her father. Mr. and Mrs. Haun and family had recently re turned to Gates from Redding, Calif., where Haun had been em ployed for several months. Mrs. Lincoln Henness returned the last of the week from Salem, where she had been at the home of her son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. James Wiltsey. Mrs. W. F. Struckmeier is. In Portland at the home of her son- in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Stutzman, while Mrs. Stutzman is hospitalized following major surgery. Mrs. Struckmeier will remain in Portland to care for her two grandsons until their mother's recovery. Mr. and Mrs. George Bailey, of Tualatin were in Gates Saturday on business and visiting former neighbors. From Salem, visiting at the" home of Mr. and Airs. Ned Rich ards last week were Mr. and Mrs. Claude Sellard, former residents of Gates. Mr. and Mrs. Glen Henness vis ited in Battle Ground, Wash., Sunday with Mrs. Paul Ratzeburg, a former resident of Gates who nas been ill for some time. Air. and Airs. Ralph Millsap, daughter Bettye and son Robert of Portland, were over Sunday guests at the home of Alillsap's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Millsap. Gates ladies attending the Stay ton Memorial Hospital Auxiliary luncheon, held in Mehama last week, were Mrs. Floyd Volkel Mrs. W. S. Hudson, Airs. Elmer Klutke, Mrs. Dan Morrison and Mrs. Glenn Gordon. One hundred ladies attended the Stayton Memorial Hospital auxil iary luncheon, held at Mehama in the club house Thursday of last week. Mrs. J. C. Kimmel, vice-president of the auxiliary of the Salem Memorial and Airs. Kenneth Sher man, a member. Mrs. Sherman spoke of the ob ject of the auxiliary and methods adopted by her group to raise funds. Airs. Louise Wilte, superinten dent of the Stayton Memorial, was introduced and told of the help the hospital had received from the members of the Santlam group. Miss Agnes Klrsch, head night nurse at the hospital, was present ed and spoke briefly. ' Airs. Kimmel announced thi next meeting of the Santiam aux iliary would be held in Mill City, Thursday afternoon, Alarch 18. Don Alilcy, principal of the Gates junior-senior high school reports the following semester honor roll students having a grade of "B" or better: Ninth grade, Ellen Chance, her twin brother, Otis enJ Donalce Oliver; 10th grade, May Haywood: 11th grade, Loretta. man and John Bernhardt; . 12th grade, Jerfry Larson. Northern Maine, Minnesota North Dakota and Montana resi dents may see about 25 displays ol northern lights in a year says the National Geographic Society. , hihii s. ; ik. n,t hu,ii i anu naiicr s-n ciud attenaed and the Bov Scouts have theirs ! 'he regular weekly meeting held at Coder's stage tCrmin-l and at;?1 'he Grand Island home of the Gillette's real estate office, all ! f.aler' Mrs- Lestcr W; Scoggan, on Main St. Dclhert Reward " I Wednesday evening. ; be advisor for the Explorer Pa-1 If I 1 trol organised last week with five I I nftflVnlO I . r t I . bnvs enrolled. I Mr. and Airs. Sidney Howard went to Salem Sunday and vis ited his uncle, Italoh Howard, and the three went to Albany to visit the mother of Sidnev How ard, Mrs. Annie Howard. 83, who has been ill but is improved now- tcr, Martin Albers, and William I Lowric were presented with flow ers. Rev. Leikauf sang, "Bless This House," his daughter accompa nied. Also on the program were a skit by sebenth grade pupils and several vocal selections by Mrs. Floyd Mcl.in. Mrs. Walter Keil and Mrs. M.irlin Albers. Dennis Patch, .Marion County P. T. A. president, was the prin cipal pokrr. Refreshments were served later. The committee in charge were Mrs. Chester Smith, I FAIRVIEW Mrs. John Allison Mrs. h. ( Di lor. Mrs. Calloway! of Fairview who accompanied her family were at the coast Sunday. Mr. nnd Airs. Arthur Beaver went to Portland Friday and re turned home Alonday morning. ' Air. and Mrs. S. B. Holt visited at the Sommcr home near Scio Sunday afternoon. Fairview Woodburn WOODBURN The Woodburn Toastmasiers held their regular breakfast meeting Tuesday at fii.to a.m. at the Coney Island res taurant, with Lyman Seely presid ing. Speakers were Alelvin Bilyeu and Kilian Smith; toastmastcr, Lynn Simon: table topics chair man. Wilbur Green UNIONVALE - Mrs. Marion Boulden of L'nionvale attended the February monthly meeting of the Country Flower club held at the home of Mr. and Airs. II. A. Alur phy in the Pleasantdale district Wednesday afternoon. Iris was the lesson subject with Airs. John Hardy leader. Mr. and Mrs. Rosco Roberts of Wcbfoot district were guests of Mrs. Clarence L. Fowler in Union vale Wednesday afternoon. Mr. Roberts is a brother of Val ley Roberta of Yamhill. ENDS TODAY! Starts 5:45 2 TECHNICOLOR HITS! "WAR OF THE WORLDS" "ARROWHEAD" Starts Tomorrow -W3Mi ' fintit.funniftt nlrltiunjvt Cont. 1:45 Tracy CiiiiVniip 1? hi vil l. i --n W G.U flCTUHC Co-Feature "SAILOR OF THE KING" Jeff Hunter, Michael Rennic STARTS TODAY: At Regular Prices! Plus 15c for New Polaroid Viewers Clip-on and Regular MORE sum ROCK DONNA PHIL ROBERTA HUDSON-RILED-CAREY-HAYNES m- k TECHNICOLOR THRILLING CO-HIT Thrill To On Of Th fireat Rvlatl Of All Tim! cauwjt fi'.iio vcr-'tl VENTURE SM The cubit measurement used in ancient Sumeria and Egypt was approximately the length of a man's arm from elbow to the end and master i of the middle finger nhnut 3n rvaluatnr Mark Thompson who i inches in most jurisdictions. nnd Mrs II, W. Sinner, the latter' brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mhl ' Mrs. (ilea McFarlane of Pleasant- Fift -two alt.-mled the first of ,-l on a motor trip to Mexicali, serif of Ilible study classes returned home Mi.iulny evening. New Is Ihe Time to Cut the Brush with the New SCYTHETTE 1198 S. COMMERCIAL SAIEM PHONE 2-1009 NOW OPEN FOR BUSINESS Aik for Free Demonstration Featuring j FRIENDLY SERVICE A COMPLETE LINE OF SHERWIN-WILLIAMS PAINTS SUPER KEM-TONE KEM-GLO BOLENSM. E. TILLERS JACOBSEN LAWNMOWERS FA'RPANKS-MORSE LAWNMOWERS LAWN and GARDEN SUPPLIES TOOL RENTALS LAWNMOWER SHARPENING TILLER REPAIRING Authorized j BRIGGS t STRATTON f Sli and Service i M-E ROTARY TILLERS . . . M,t r rur Minty Till mulrh. ,, J cullitalrl Jj ;.V '-'' Controlled foil "'v' t- " ri.,lion' . '. J fhrf f.moui x VSi i "-' ' U ' models . V. fctw Uw-r7ic fft-nmr Mtft Aik Ur ti ft Otmtnilrauw Home of the BOIENS M. E. THIERS Starts Tomorrow! Ends Tonite Red Skelton in "The Great Diamond Robbery" Also Victor Mature in "The Veils of Kagilad" WILD . .WONDERFUL . . . MUSICAL a "V "2TtrP!V's i i ... v w ' ill ?silill IDA LUPINO CORNEL WILDE CELESTE HOLM RICHARD WIOMARK O WE SERVICE WHAT WE SELL O Your "Yalenline" Would Enjoy This! SO MAKE A DATE lor Dinner Together with Good Fun and Good Eoting of ' Famous ren 6 Buffet Oven-Browned Slesk and Chicken Pol Pie Valentine's Day, Sy'oy, Feb. 14 12 NOON TO 8 P.M. All You Can Eat of Anything and Everything on Thil Assorted W heat afers Potato ( hips Relish Sticks . ,, , Varieties of Delicious Salads on Ice Pickled Beets and Onions Cucumber Slices Tapioca Aw... "nl Rnm Bnkert I'ean Tot OVEN BROWNED STEAK and CHICKEN POT PIE with Natural Gravy, : with Pastry Trust Milled Potatoes i .Masl-cd Potatoes ' rBril!n'f. . .' Oreen Vegetable Mot Cloverleaf ttnlls and Butter f nffre at Your Tahle hv the SILKX-FI I.I, lee Cream. Sherbet, Hot Bovscnhcrrr Sundae and l-rrsh Peach Cobbler a la mode Aft It.. Crm (Lai Jf CHILDREN UNDER 10, JUST 44 Downtown Salem on State Street i