t.i Saturday, February 13, 1954 Pajre 14 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, Salem, Oregon 450 Merchandise 460 Musical Instruments 450 Merchandise 500 Bus. & Finance 600 Employment 700 Rentals 700 Rentais 470 For Salt. Miscellaneous 510 Money to Loan 615 Situations Wanted 705 Apartments for Rent 707 Houses For Rent 800 Real Estate 800 Real Estate Spinet Pianos TWO ONLY! NATIONALLY KNOWN, LIFETIME WAR RANTY. MUST SELL! WE ARE READY TO ACCEPT ANY REASONABLE OFFER. NOTE: DON'T EXPECT A 130n 1 TO 500 SAVINCS. BECAUSE THESE ARE PRICED AT TAIL PRICES. WE DO NOT UP PRICES TO GIVE FAKE SAV. JNGS. FREE DELIVERY FREE TUNING HURRY - THESE WILL SELL Salem Music Co. 153 S. High SI. Dial 20708 Acrn'-s horn Fkinore theater Spinet Piano Beautifully done In naturally blond African maluxfany. iMoclcrn con temporary styling to match '.hat up to dale ltirnjture. No finer piano marie. Rcimlar price $015, (Guaran teed correct. I ninKe us a- reason able offer. Must (fell. Salem Music Co. 193 S. High SI. Dial: 2-8708 Across from Elslnore Theatre. 464 Bicycles BOY'S BICYCLE for sale, Schwinn with speedometer, medium size, tillable boy 10. Ph. 4-3673. 468 For Rent, Miscellaneous U-FIX-IT-GARAGE Repair you own car. Phone 4-5261. 2095 N. Com'l. McCULLOCH chain saws and post hole augers by aay. Towne Equip ment Co. Ph. 4-1341. FOR RtM or lease Ige waienouse spa.'e cement floors, brick bltlg down town Inquire U. L Still Fur i 3-',85 470 For Sale, Miscellaneous KIDNEY VANITY 15. Exc. cond. Ph. - 2-6717. DAVENO and chair. A good buy. $89. Hogg Bros. Used Store, 137 S. Com'l. WALNUT cedar chest. Exc. cond. 1710 McCoy, eve. BOY'S BIKE, excellent cond., TisTph". 3-7894. WHEELBARROW $2'!ooT26",io' 15 tiros, $1.0(1: 1 gal. outside white paint, as.uu; nencn- grinder $8.00; work bench $4.0(1: sheet 14" ply- e.w, oeicn or ary 1X4, $1.00. 4-4600. LAWN, MOWER, step ladder, swing weeders, garden hoses, wheelbar row, lawn chairs, assorted garden ioois, maui, steel cnesl, . are lug gage rack. All items half price, 1225 Chemawa Rd. CHARTS toundatlon iitdlei, bra. Ph, 3-88U or 3-5072. MaryE.Balea. EXCELLENT ibarn vard friniV Ph. 4-3907 or 4-2470, Eldon House." HOSPITAL BED. for Salt or rent. H. ami a urn, up. i'n. 3-8185. SINGER Portable sawing machina. i-aiesr moaei wnn tuition hn.. Flyweight. Perfect cond. Vacuum' (.leaner tunic & sewing Center, 485 Court. 4-5502. PORTABLE power aprayer complete with 150' hypressure hose and trail er. See al 651 , Grant, Lebanon. Ph. 1531. PORTABLE typewriter works, hut needs some repair. $15. Schick Elec tric shaver, used 4 months. $7.50, Men's golf clubs, 8 Spauldlng Irons. 3 Wilson woods, good condition $511 Including bag. It Interested call 3-0754 Sun. or Mon. CHAIR BED, nice for apts. $50. Hogg Bros. Used Store. 137 S. Com'l. TWIN AIR compressor unit, $85. with 1 1 at HP gas motor, like new. Box 216 co .Statesman-Journal. BERNICE rover crop disc. SlifT$(io! Good condition. Box 218 co States-man-Journal. GOOD slightly Ph. 4-6178. used cedar posts. DAVF.NO good condition. 2n. Steel writing desk. $1V lint point grill IK x .10 in. top 910. ,1 Navy Mcrl clothes lockers, lft x 27 x 72 $10 ea, 1RB0 N. Jilh. PhJl-SIO.Y LEAVING state good 20 Ka)7ta Irie. water heater. 8-ft. CroBley re frlg.; 7-ft, Frlgtdaire refrlg. 875 Idlewnod Dr USED Singer electric cnmmriion treadle newIng machine, round bobbin, good sewing condition and guaranteed. Only (L19.50. SINGER SEWING CENTER m 1.10 N. COM'L Organic Fertilizer Sack or hulk Odorless Orders delivered Phone :i H127 L. L. DKSK. $1(1. Kneeholr drk, in.au. open book helves. 2 rm. Plastic rove red gossip bench, $14 ro. Airline rdio-phono, $ti'J M, Knllx way, $22 SO. Trailrr home d.ivemi, $24.50. Frigiitiiire elect, ramie, $74.50. Nome 6 It. lefug. $M. Wash- er $12.50 wllh pump $17 M Wood range $10. New Hutu-Mot $i:u, aval la nie auai hment im-hide : mower, orchard sprav. paint spr huzir saw, edrrr, water pump and miters. aee koio-hoc tie fore you buv anv tiller or mower. SNOOKS HAHGA1N CENTER SAfift state Open Siit. till J LAOIES Fl'R COAT CAN'T TELL ever worn. Appraised value $.M)0. Cost inurh more. Sell for $250. or make offer. Terms. Ph. 7-1527 for appt. and further Inform DISK, andr, air compressor, mtvdel 1000 sterling aander. Bench vire, and paint guns. 240 E, Madrnna Av. WANTED Hand fashioned mercban disc. Home creat Home, 107 Fair grounds. fpr. CHROME dlntllt seTY. Ph" 4-1 1W. SMALL upright piano. Modern, exc. cond. $175.-7376. 1076S.Llberty. ALMOST NEVbaby buggy. SmTnI 20th. 500 Bus. & Einanrr 515 Invtmjn1i $ INVESTMENTS $ Tor your savings Investments buy first mortgages on real estate Salrm and viclnHy, Will Py you 8'i percent Interest net. We take caie of all details and collections. Offering $.(HKI and tt,0M loan, Salem business properties, excellent security. Other loan. In mailer amounts. STATE FINANCE CO. Tel. 1-4121 DAVENPORT and chair, mohair. $79. Hogg Bios. Used Store, 137 S. Coin'!. USED FURNITURE FOR LESS Valley Furn. Co., 219 N. Com'l. DID YOU KNOW? Ward's Installs plumbing Ar heating. All work guaranteed. Call 3-9998 mr a tree estimate. Montgomery Ward & Cn8alem, FF.RTILiZEn-rotted"raw' manure compost, rotted mulch, chicken , manure for lawn dressing. Bv sack or cu. yr. Phillips Bros.. Rt. S, Box 493. 4-3081, 2 ml. E. 4-Coiners, on State. MAKE offer on duo-lhermfurnace with controls. Approx. 8 years old. 2-583 after 5 oVlock. USED Refriscratoll6i5r$io.05and up. Al Laue. 2330 State. Ph. 3-3443. NEW Home sewing machine. Con sole model with full set of stand ard attachments. $6.13 per mo. Ph. .vim MRS Iver?ons Swcdlfh rye bro ri, ,' past'-rlr. roily, coo'tle;, c'':rs, pies. ' Lloincd. Ph. 3-IIII8. 8250 Portland I ro I AIRLINE radlo-poono. comb., in gnodcnn-l. .SI5. Ph. 3-7739. SPECIAL-SALE Closing out stock on ornamental stom-H, inclutiln" lava A: flagstone. Rusllc cedar fencing, cellar posts, poles. Siioplv limited. Phillios Bros. Rt. 8, Box 403. 4-: 0(11. 2 ml. E 4-Cm-ners on State St. Spinet Pianos $295 to $425 3 ONLY Salem Music Co. 133 S. High SI. Dial: 2-8708 Across from Elslnore Theatre. COW fertilizer, $9 a load, $8 yd. Ph. 3-6021. ', BABY BUGGY in excellent condition. Can also be used as car bed. Rea sonable. Phone 3-6926. MY EQUITY in a 1950 Bulck Sdn. special. 2-uja.i alter 6 p.in. BATwYARD FEItTII.IZEll "for sale by yarn or trailer. i'n. -i.na. 0()x IB RECAP or Grp. 1 baiter $6.115 ex. Dizzy Dran's, 1898 S. 12th. ONE 6x8' beaded motion picture screen, one 16 mm. sound film pro jector, one 12" hl-fy co-ax. speak er, one zo wan nt-iy ampmier, Wholesale price. Call 3-6161 or 4-6315. 472 Wanted, Miscellaneous WANTED, good small orchard spray er. Ilea. Fred Sleiner. 31H0 Market. TILTING Arbor table saw & Band saw. Ph. 4-6233. SHOPSMITH nr8" fable saw in good condition. 3-5813. 474 Miscellaneous WANTED: Fir, Hemlosk. Cedar, Spruce Jogs. Terms cash. Telephone collect ATwater 9433, Niedermever Martin Co., Portland Trust Bldg., Portland 4, Oregon. DENtXl1'LATE REPAIR t-HR. SERVICE IN MOST CASES DR. HARRY SEMLEH, DENTIST Adolph Bldg., State & Com'l. Sis SALCM I'll. 476 Fuel OREGON FUEL CO. Slab, sawdust, oak Sill GREEN STAMPS Ph.3-5533 3087 Broadway DRY 16" fir and oak. Phone 4-1265. CAPITAL FUEL Pickup Your Presto-lops Briquets and wood at 198 S. Com') St Phone 3-7721. Highway Fuel Co. Clean sawdust, wood, green or dry. Stove-Diesel oils. Ph 3-6444 ANDERSON'S green slab, 2 cd. $14. Ph. 2-77.11 or 4-4253. West Salem Fuel Co. Tube or Push Out Sawdust Ah, Maple and Oak Wood fJreen, rii v glan, Planer Finds IMS Kdgewatcr Phone 2-401 500 Bus. & Fiiinnc 510 Money 1o Loan WHEN YOU NEED MONEY See Us All types of personal loans. Terms to suit, mi invest. nation cnarges. ah deallnis Strictly Confidential Home Owned, Home Operated Hollywood Finance Co. i'Urt Fall mound Koad Next Door to Prink) Free Pat king Lot. Call 2-7.U! M :('.!) S 2it CONSOLIDATION OF HILLS can ease luiam-ial strain and save lime and money. Our 27 years of service, to this community Is our Inggrt assel. TRY t'S Phone flMt for a one trip loan. Loans lo $.100 00 on signature, fur niture and equipment and In $500.00 on aulos, trucks and trail. Park free at Mai Inn Car Park l.W R Commerrlal St. Lie. l l.U. M.J,t 500 Hus. & Finance 515 Inveitmenti $20,000 f.im loan highly Improved. 167 X High Ht. IpttlVATE money' to loan. Ph 2-0794. REAL ESTATE LOANS COLONIAL INVESTMENT CO. ROSf RI W G08MSEN. Pais 687 Court ' 4-2283 AUTO LOANS WILLAMETTE CREDIT CO. 182 South Church Parking a-Plcnty Ph. 2-2157 Lie. t'o. M-50. S-154 S12 Loans Wanted WANTED 13200 on first mtg. an $10,000. 89 ac. farm. Near Dallas. Phone Dallas 3602. 600 Employment 602 Help Wanted LEARN STENOGRAPHY A- AC COUNTING. NIGHT SCHOOL, $15 A WO- Always a demand for well train :d ollice help. S.art anyMon. or Thurs. night Classes 0 p. m. lo 9 p. ni. Merritt Davis School of Coinmrrce, 4211 .Slate SI. Ph. 2.1418. Over 'TheM.-in'sShop." TEACHER for '545Sin Polk Co. rural school adjoining small town. Box 2CH, Statesman-Journal. . 604 Help Wanted, Male EXPERIENCED farm hand. Know slock and machinery. 980 Beaver Dr. WANTED Assistant Manager DEPARTMENT STORE IN EASTERN OREGON. HIGH WAGES AND BONUS. GOOD OPPORTUNITY. WRITE BOX 220, MAN-JOURNAL. STATES- EXPERIENCED Mechanic - Famil iar with Powerglide and Auto Transmission. Apply: Hoeck Chev rolet, Lebanon. Phone: John Quick. 1791. ' EXPERIENCED Body & Fender Man . Commission Basis. 1st Class only. Apply: Hoeck Chevrolet. Lebanon, Phone: John Quick, 1791. 606 Help Wanted, Female MEAT wrapper for mkt. Apply 1170 Center St. Bight rear of N. Res taurant Sat. only. WANTED: Millinery Sales Lady. State age, experience. Box 218 co Statesman-Journal. . I'M LOOKING for 2 or 3 women, who have experience dealing with the public. You must be over 18, neat appearing. You will work 6 hrs. per day. 5 days a week. You are paid hourly wage. See Mr. Barrett 515 Hood SI. Room 208 Frl. and Sal. -9:30 to 10:30 a. m. CAR HOP. nights, part time. Apply, in person days. Hi-Lite Drive In., 698 S. 12th. BEAUTY operator. An all around operator. Especially good at styl ing and cutting. Write Ruth B. Kean. Box 276, Ocean Lake, Or. Ph. Delake 3617. GIRL for housework and ear of children. Call 3-3737. 610 Sales Person! Wantod BROWN & BIGELOW RKMKMHRANCE ADVERTISING Has an opening for qualified aales- nian. Apply oruana uisinci i fic. Room 406, Terminal Sales Bkljr. Phone Beacon 61.1.1. NKED MAN interested in selling jar ins, acreages suburban prop erty. Joe L. Bourne. Realtor, 1140 N. Capitol. Ph.3-B.tll.. , IANO Salesman wanted by one ol Northwest's largest piano stores. Fine opportunity and hlRhrst pay. Write box 215. Statesman-Journal. ROOFING TILE dealer applicator Exclusive dealership open lor Mar ion, Linn. Kenton and part of Yam hill counties. Some carpenter ex perience helpful. If you are inter ested in maklnn J MO T0 to a $1,000 per month, write us at once for an anointment. Can be sold nothing down, :tfi mo, We handle contracts. Happier Tile Co., 9200 N.E, Haisey, Portland, OreRon. 612 Work Wanted, Male CUSTOM dormant spraying and all type tree work. Ph. 2-7522. noAD CiBADING L. W. Hancock. F.VM.J,h.J-0OtO. PROFESSIONAL upholstering done In mv home. Reasonable. Pickup and deliver. Call 2-4290. CARPF.NTF.R repair work. Dry rot houses our specialty. Th. 2-1459 or 2-1R42. FF.DF.RAI, Ac State tax returns pre pared. Pick-up service. Reasonable. Ph. 4-5008 after 1 p.m. BOY, IB, desires part-time work, eve. and Sat. Ph. 2-5742. TAX RETURNS orepared In your home at reasonable rates. Phone 4-2033. HKIXIF.S and shrubs trimmed, yard cleaned up and trash hauled. 2-74H4. CF.MKNT wotk, all kinds Ernest Drake. Phone4-5l2!).1165 S14th. TAX "FORM completed State. Fed eral. Prompt accurate service Ph. 3-U957. WANTKO-Hiilldoing. land clearing, etc. K V. stoops. Ph. 2-3326. BU Work Wanted, FemaU 1IF.I.IA1II.F. baby alttlng. Anytime. I'll. J.3I.KI. WASIIINO ami Ironing done In my home. Ph. 3-3I19.V CURTAINS,' hand laundered! stretched, delivered. Ph. 2-31(i7. M!MF.or;liAi'IIING."tvp!ng.rrasnn able. Mrs. Poe. BeiS N. Ilith. 3-3R4.V ilOUSF.WORK or cooking company meals. Phont 3-580. 615 Situations Wanted SALESMAN acquainted with gro rery trade in the Willamette Val ley; looking for connection wllh "Nationally Advernsed" manufac turer of johber. Ph. 1.172 Albany. NEW MODFRN lawnmower sharpen er. Real cheap (or cash. Ph. .1-3732. C. M Fowler, 112.1 Leslie SI WILL CARE for" child under 5. My home. Phone 4- 14ft 1 . PRACTICAL inirse."Av.iiiahlefviii or part time. Home musing. 2 MM, ELPFHLY- MAN wishes "part ttme work. 30 yti. exp. In hotel & testuarnnt. 4-6.104. CUSTOM plowing and discing. Fer guson tractor, 2 bottom plow. Ph. 2-H120 or 2-4785. HOME consruction remodeling. Free estimates. Ph. 4-6340 after 5. SPHfNGpaintinir Inside. Woodwork" rahinets, chairs, cupboards. Phone 3-7004. WIEMALS Dav Nurserv. licensed ami state inspected. 2-5015. n;n ","354? CF.MKNT work, all kinds. Frldschau A Son. 2-8628, 4-5:v.'9 alt. S pm. UCF.NSFlf practical nurw.'will take home cases. 2-3286. tAXRF.TURNSpiepaied. rhT4"32" Call dav orjpve. CARPFNTFR work, new rtr remodel ing, free estimates. Ph. 4 2521. II 11 FURNITURE reflnlshlng at reason, able rates. Leo Wallace, 1638 N. Capital, 4-1868. PAINTING, PApTlRHANGING- CorT tract, small Jobs welcome. Phone 2-7692. ROWSE day nursery and Infants ac cepted. Ph. 28022. PAINTING, Paperhanging Free es timates. Don Luccro. Ph. 3-8322. CARPENTER New. remodel or re palr, time or contract. Ph. 2-3028. MICKENHAM'S DAY NURSERY State licensed and Inspected. Ph. 2-7890. PAINTING: Will gladly estimate any size lob. Ph. 2-4307, 3-8243. , INCOME TAX blanks prepared rea sonably. Phone 3-6641. . LANSCAPING, com. lawn, garden service. Service Center. 4-3573. TREES topped, trimmed and remov ed. Fruit trees pruned and shaped Free estimates. Ph. 2-7464. DRESSMAKING and alteration. Sat isfaction ruaranteed. Judy Polston. Ph. 3-5677 PAPER HANGING & Painting. Jerry Johnson. Phone 2-0794 RELIABLE baby sitter. Will go davi or nlehts. Phone 2-9064 or 3-5323 LI'JIIT ciawler do::er. dirt leveling grading. Phone 3-7042. CARPEMTFH WORIt Any kind Rea sonable 4240 Macleay Rd Phone 45901 618 Education CLASS lessons In popular music. Ruth Hauntz, 4-6194. Moderate lee. 620 Cay and Contract Land Clearing 15 yrs. Er:p. Call for estimate on hour work or by contract for the com plete Job. L. C. Mitchell. Phone 3-5337. 700 Rentals LARGE warehouse space for rent or lease. Cement floors, brick build ing. Down town. Inquire H. L. Stiff Furniture Co. Phone 3-9185. 702 Sleeping Rooms, Board NICELY furn., private home. Gentle man. 985 N. Summer. Ph. 3-6.168. PLEASANT ROOM lor" genliemanT 1050 Norway. I'll. 2-4547. LARGE beautiful furn. rm. Alsu bachelor apt. 539 N. Winter. LIGHT housekeeping room. Hot plate, refrig. & all utilities furn. $25. 570 N. Winter. 3-3842. ATTRACTIVELY furnished warm room, walking distance. Bus line. 3-9889. SLEEPING ROOMS. 790 N. Church. Phone 3-4335. GIRLS, kitchen privileges, home con veniences, TV, close In. Ph. 3-4372 or 3-9460. NICE light sleeping room. Cottage. CLEAN, quiet, near state buildings, shopping dist. Breakfast privilege. Ph 2-1449. SLEEPING ROOM, kitchen facilitir. for 1 or 2. 754 Ferry si. 705 Apartments For Rent NICE 3-room furn. apt., close In, private baths, .reasonable. Ph. own er 4-;it6i. I-HOOM duplex, I Furnished apt. Clean. Full basement. Hollywood dlst. Ph. 3-80:t6. 1 ROOMS, unfurnished except range. Private bath and entrance. 2 blocks from capitol and downtown. 295 S. Winter. Ph. 3-6553. NEWLY dec. 3 rms. and bath, court apt. Furn. or unfurn. Laundry, parking, TV. Inquire 13-18 S. 12th. NICE apt. furn., utilities furn. Rea. sonahie. 40 N. 1.11 h. 3-ROOM furn. apt. Prtv. bath. 705 N. Liberty. Ph. 2-ti!47. 3-RM. furn. apt. $50. Available Feb. ltith. Inquire 515 Bellevuc. ONE BEDROOM unfurn. court apt. Garage. Ph.4-4fJ.i6. 2 RM. FURN., utilitities paid, $26. 117.1 4th. 4-35B0. FURN. apt. 2 mis and balh. $45. Also warm basement apt. $30. 330 s. 14tn. 2-9239. CLOSE In, 2 br. unfurn. apt. Ph. 2-4438. MODERN 3-nn. furn,. apt., close in. 549 N. Cottage St. FURNISHED 3 rooms. $30. Private bath. 1968 North Com'l. PRIVATE 3 room cour apts. Clean. furn., $45. Adults. 3560 Portland Ja. 3 RMS. furn. Utilities paid. Women preferred. Ia53 Male. FURNISHED apartments. Close-In. Ph. 2-8740. 325 S. Winter. Ambassador Furnished apts. 530 N. Summer FURNISHED modern 2 room apt. Within 5 blocks of down town. $fi5 per month. Fh. 2-1887. 444 N. Cot tage. 3-ROOM Furnished Court Apt with garage. $53. Close In on No. Com'l. Ph, 2-864B or 3-6644. VERY NICE l-bdrm., furn. and un furn. Inquire 1656 S.13th Si. NICKLY FURN." 3-room apt. '$J N. Cottage. iHOOM '"furnished apt., full hall", beat and water furn. $35. Phone 2-8568. CLEAN 3.iooin luin. Close in. 3-6375, tiGO N. HlKll. 2-UEDROOM apt., close In, fiont at bill Mill St. $45. ipl. VERY NICE modern 2-im, (urn. court apt. .10t)S Madison. 4-4754. CLEAN futn. 2-i m. opt. Pvt. balh and entrance. 1855 N. Winter. Th. 2-3747. Fl TUN. apts. North Salem Motel, 267.1 Portland R'LJ'h 3-ROOM furn. apt. uttlittes paid. Rea sonable. Ph. 4-55l. CAPITAL apts. .ltd North 12th SL Immediate possession. 1 thrre and four-room furnished apts. with pri vate bath. Near Capitol Btrlr. and school. Very reasonable rat. Ph. 4.6287 BDRM. apt. Completely furn, close in. 414 N. Cottage. 2 RM. FURN. apt. Private ent.. refrlg. 570 Union. bath, VERY CLEAN, furnished, J rm. sec ond floor, l.arege, available. 1055 F.dgewater, W. Salem CLOSE, clean, furn. 1 room duplex. Kitchenette. $.1(1. 765 Marion. MOD. DUPLEX, auto. heat., clean, quiet, close in Siv Adults 2-6886. MODERN COURT apt. $10 50 wk ft up. Also monthly rates. Ph. 3-8723. NICE APT. Everything furn. Also, trailer spare .Call2-9l 16. 3 RM. APT. Close tofapltal Shop ping Center. I'll. 2-3563. 1 HR. APT. stove, refrig heat fuin. Child welcome. $27.50. S70 N. Winter. 3-3842. IF YOU'RE looking for a nice 3 rm. apt, private bath, rent reasonable call 4-3643 helore ( a. m., 2-1710 after Jl p. in. CLEAN 2 room fuin. apt. Private bath, garage. Utilities furn. $40. Ph. 2-9081. 2261 Harel Ave Pi7(JeT"rm.. ntivate hath. Utilities. $.1.1. Ph. 2-6607. NICE COZY, furn 2 rms for wotk mg women. $.1. tl N. Liberty Ph. 2-5446 or 3-. toon NF.AR Vntverstlv, nlrelv furn 3 room apt. Reasonable. Ph. 4-5111. ATTRACTIVE unfurn. 4-rm. apt. with range & refrlg .1140 S. 1.1th. VERY NICE apartments t 1163 court, fh. 4-5648. 1 BEDROOM apt. Stove, refrigerator, water, automatic steam heat, in eluded. Modern. $50 per month. May oe seen at 2163 S. Commer cial or Ph. 4-1432 after 4 p.m. CAPITOL PLAZA l-bdrm.. furn., unfurn. 1108 Che mcketa. 3-8630. 707 Houses For Rent 4 BDRM Home, close in, garage, chll- ren welcome, fn. 4-5456. CLEAN modern 2-bdrm. home near Washington school. Ph. 3-3278. 2-BDRMj furn. home. $58. Suburban n. fll. CLEAN 4-room cottage, utility room, garage, couple only, ivo pels, in- quire 1515 N. Liberty. WELL located. 1-BR. house, elect. heat, hwd. floors, garage, adults.- $10. 653 Patterson. 3-HOOM "house"wHh bath" Utility room, $30. Rt. 5, Box 457 al Mc Leay. 3 ROOMS, unfurnished except range. Private batll and entrance. 2 blocks from capitol and downtown. 29$ S. Winter. Ph. 3-6533. MODERN 1-bedroom. Utility room, gariiKC. m. i, dux ami. fn. z-iz.tz. MODERN 1-br. court unit. Furn or unfurn. Ph. 4-1761. IN HOLLYWOOD dlst. 3-rm house, unfurn. except oil circulator. 2-room furn. house, nice for working lady. Ph. 2-1438. FURN 3 bedrm duplex. $37.50. Chil dren welcome. Ph. 4-5761. FURN. old house, $40,633 Feerry. 2 br. house, auto hcat,irepiace, garage. Ph. . 2-9830. 3 BEDROOM unfurnished house. $40. '"Qflfe- 970 N. 18th. CLEAN unfurn. i bedroom court. Adults, no pels. Ph. 4-5995. FURN. LOTS knotty pine hullt-ins, grand, -working couple, $15, 3-5083. UNFURN. HOUSE. With garage. Rt'. decorated. $55. 3940 E. State St. 2-0869. COUNTRY home, redecorated, mod ern, 2 bdrm., basement, unfurn., $55. Ph. 2-2031, NICE UNKURN. l-bdrm. courl cot tage, range, walklngdistPh. 3-521 1 ALMOST new i-BB. house. "f.'IccT range, auto, heal, hwd. f lis., insul. 2231 Maple. COZY 2-bedrm house, on Market St. furn. 1 child oply, bus by door. 2-6529. CLEAN 1-B.R. furn. or unfurn. Rea sonable. 3845 Portland Rd. UNFURN., ground floor, duplex. Ga rage. 656 Ferry. Ph. 3-3437. 1 OR 2 BEDRM. duplex. Fireplace, gar., oil heeat. 949 N. Winter. 3-8980. CLEAN 3-nn. partly furn. garage, house. N, Ph. 4-5523. 1 BR. in court, stove, refrg. furn. inquire corner lien & Mission. FOR LEASE or lease wltlTlipTion to buy new 3-bdnn. house in friendly suburban neighborhood. Ph, 4-4282. HOUSE, 3 acres and lge. barn close in with furn., power, refrig., suit Jightlndust. 4-5233 after 6 or Sun. 4 ROOM HOUSE. Hot and cold water furnished. 1 or 2 people. $30. 4520 Portland Rd. 4 BR house, unfurn. 2603 N. 4th $50 mo. 3 BEDRM house. Hollywood dlstr. oil heat. Newly decorated. $75. 4-2557. t BEDRM. duplex with store room. Mo children. North Dist. $45 per month. Ph. 4-1761. RM. UNFURN. cottage. Eleo. heat, elec. range. 744 N. Capitol. 2-8082. 3 BEDROOMS, double plumbing. Adults. Ph. 3-6250 after 5 p.m . 5-KM. duplex, 2 bedrms. and bath up. Lv. rm., din. rm., kit. down, bsmt., garage. 7 blocks S. of city center. Ph. 4-1307. UNFURN. 3-rm. cottage, gas range, near schools. 2165 S. Cottage. COLBOTH'S RENTALS 5 Acres with nice clean 2-bedrm. home. 2-car garage, small barn, chicken hse.. smoke bse., under ground spring water, some furni ture. $fi0 per month on lease to right party. 4-bedroom home with office spare. On main street. All modern. $50 per month. 3-hcdronm home furnished on Mill St, $75 per month. Large 3-bedroom home with basmt. Close-In location. $65 per month. I-hedroom bouse In North Salem. $45 per month. 1-bedroom in S. Salem. $.17.50 per month. FOi RENT 5 rm. hse.. 2 br., 2 baths, aekits., gas range, wood cook stove, oil circ. elec. refrlg. and water Included anly $42 .50. Ph. 3-5681. MODERN, ncwlv drcoratelPs room house, 1 br.. gar., garden, trees, $45. 5045 N. Lancaster. 2-1.138. FOR RENT? OaraVriiouscTirirfurn., $25.InqulrelMN. 23rd. Ph. 2-7075. $ RM mod. house double gar. 21st At Mission. $47. Call 3-4092. J RM. FURN. cottage. Water i elec. luin.2l25M.vrllt. 3 ROOM" DUPLEX. Hollywood. Oil stove,range.$:to. Ph. 2-2918 CLEAN 2 bedroom modern, garage in Brooks, with gaiden space. (50 Phone 4-3937. 2 BEDRM. unfurn. duplex. 3774 Slate. AvallalileFeh.14th. $50. 2-8016. J ROOM HOUSE, Floor fuin"are7ga"r age. 530 N. nth. Ph. 4-63!ia. HOP Kcal EstiUo BOO Krai Esiatr 806 Houhph For Sale 806 Houses For Sale OPEN HOUSE SUNDAY FEB. 14th 2 to 5 P.M. 725 SO. LANCASTER, SO. OF PEN 4 CORNERS . SHINY NEW HOME BEST OF CONSTRUCTION NEW POPULAR AREA . SURROUNDED BY NEW HOMES FORCED AIR OIL HEAT a FIREPLACE 2-CAR ATT. GARAGE BIRCH TRIM INSULATED. WFATHF.RST RIPPED AL ISAAK AND CO. Realtors SfW PORTLAND ROAD TH. 4-3311 nr 3-7R29 MR. GRIMMETT WILL SHOW YOU THE HOME 9 RM. FURN. modern duplex clean, garage. $60. Ph. 4-2566. 2 BEDROOM unfurnished house $50. Inquire at 1970 Broadway. MODERN 3 bdrm. house, near State bldgs. and shopping center. 3-4307. 2 BR. unfurn. house. Oil heater St water heater.. 8768 Portland Rd. Ph. 4-4076. TWO bedrooms. Inside utility. Ga rage. $50. Ramsey. Realtor. 4-6211 . CLEAN, furnished 1-bcdroom house, garaite, $50. 4135 Portland Hd. 1 ROOM furnished cabin. Gentle' man. Phone 3-7018. 450 S. WINTER. $42.50 range and oil heater. 1 bedroom, 2-car garage. Call Ed Lukinbeal, Realtor. 2-6680. 709 Wanted to Rent WANTED Outstanding Auto Cluh from Salem would like to rent double garage or gooj barn to use as club house and work shop. Rent must be reasonaoie. Phone 2-1065. ask for Gary. 710 Wanted to Rent, Houses 2-BEDROOM home with garage, In or near Salem. Couplu, will lease. Wiile 4f)8 Broadway. Woodburn, DESIRE for Marchlst. f wo.bedroom. Partly turn. Suburban preferred. Reas. Leave mess, at S-IMOU WANTED t6"r E N T3 ' Vd roo 1 1 1 m od - ern home. Close in. Will give year lease. Phone 3-7'J3ti. ATTORNEY & working wife, no chil dren, desire new 2 br. house with gar., furn. or unfurn., at least stove it refrig. Available Mar. 1st, Sub urban location preferred. Call 4-3481 after 11 a. in. RESPONSIBLE family wants 3 br. or more home with basement or double gariige. Can give refer ences. 2-7820. 3-BEDROOM. unfurnished. Prefer Leslie district. Ph. 2-3265. O. H. Helfison. WANTED, clean furn., 3 or 4 room house. Vicinity State Hospital, Rea sonable rent. 2222 S. W. 17th Ave., Portland,, Oregon. 714 Business Rentals IDEAL space for real estate broker. 367 N. Hiph. LEASE BUILDING 4.000 so. ft. corner lot 70x100. 2195 Fairgrounds lid. Ph. 3-JlL'4. 800 Real Estate 804 Suburban BY OWNER, 2 bedroom and guest house, suburban home, l1 acres, beautiful landscaped lawn, picnic area, berries, grapes, nuts, variety of lruit trees. $10,500. $3000 down. Would consider renting to reliable party, baza Lake Labish Koad. pn. 2-0032. 806 Houses For Sale TOP TERMS!! YOU won't need a very large down payment to buy this fine 2-bed-room home. Big inside utility. Deep lot. Garage. $9,350. Beautiful Home NICE living room. Dining room. Kitchen with eating area. 2 spac ious bedrooms. Extra large closets. Oil heat. Onlv $11,500. Very Good Cafe ONLY $3,000 lor all equipment. Own. r reports net Income of over $500 monthly. Good living quarters. Op tion available. RAMSEY, REALTOR 2084 North Commercial Off. 4.6211 'j-J'70-72-02"7648 or 4-1696 PENNY Vending Machine Houter50 machines. Club sponsored. Located in Salem. Can be serviced evenings or one day a week. Good income, for investment. 2790 Acorn St., Lebanon. Phone 10024 or Inquire at Best Motel, Salem. SMALL, neat 2 br. house with base- ment near Highland school. 3-6595. ROOMY new 3 br., double gar. 1040 jingwooa ur. tiz.zou. zerms. 3-REDROOM home $11,000. Near St. Vincent church. Full basement, fireplace. 1!2 plumhing. Garage, sawdust heat. 2 fish ponds, may take 2-bedroom home as part pay ment, up to $6000. Write Box 217, co Statesman-Journal. THE HOTTEST deal in town. New 3- bdrm. house, all plastered includ ing garage. Dining room, birch cab inet, and mahogany doors. All for $8M0. with $1,000 dn. Ph. 2-2277 or 4-2293. SALE or trade for Income property. my nice nome wim wan in wail carpeting, basement with oil fur nace. Lovely yard, must be seen 1o be appreciated. On N. 18th St. Close to Englewood school and High school. Ph. 3-79GB. 3 B.R. & 2 COTTAGES OLDER X br. hm. A- 2 partlv furn. rattages for $6300. $700 dn. N., close In Highland school At stores. 2 A out Keizer Wav 3 DR. home, mostly furn. 1 floor. 3 yrs. oin. oouoie gar. & chicken house. $8400. Art Madsen, Realty 1328 Stat Ph. 3 3580 nr 2-8812 3-BDRM. HOUSE for iaietra"de". lease or rent, option to buy. Near schools, bus. See owner Sunday, 1140 Lewis St. OWNER BEING transferred. Must sell. Nice 2-bdrm. home on Ige lot. $63110 . 4254 Hager St., 4 Corners district. Ph. 2-6728. BY OWNER 2-bdrm. home. (Large closets. i z yrs. oin. near bus. school. Kclrer Dlst. 965 Dearbourne. Ph. 4-4067. 3-YR..OLD house, 2 I1R.. att. gor.. hardw. floors, elec. beat. $200 down, $70 mo., includes fire Ins. taxes. Balance on house is $7,680. Ph. 2-5934. OWNER LEAVING . 1300 Sq. FEET FLOOR SPACE BUS BY DOOR a THIS IS TRUE VALVE ri'I.t, PRICE ONLY $12,250 (An agency devoted entirely to home-selling operated by Theo. G. Nelson, Rciltor-Appraiser SRA and five neighborhood salesmen.) LARGE FAMILY WANTED 5-bdrm home in Salem suburbs. Large with fplace. Full basement, new oil lurnace. 1-01 iou x iuu. laxea Nice fruit trees and lawn. Some paint can transform this Into a nice comfortable home Price $9000. Terms or trade. Call Grace Tomlin, Ofiice 4-4441 Res. 4.24.16. WELL BUILT ONLY ONE YEAR OLD 2 lge bdrms: fplace; insulated: weatherstripped: ven blinds. Close to hu and school. I3',i x an auacnea garage, a good Duy ai aiu.auu. tin noy Barker, Sim. Off Ph. 4-4441; Res. 2-5959. NEW HOME DESIGNED FOR YOU Especially desirable Klngwood Heights Dist. On level lot, 10 minutes In City center. .1 bdrms, mrcn Kit. manogany living rm, atiracuve rim fplace, Sanherg Autom furnace, w. s. insul, att garage. Well financed at $13,500. Call Percy Gorton, otr m. 4-4441, Kes. pn. z-4iiiw, SUBURBAN FOR CITY Attractive small 2-bdrm home, modern, util rm, dble garage, on 1.9 acres, close in N.E. Price $7500. Owner will sell for $1500 down, or trade for 3 bdrm home near St. Vincent school. Call Edna Morgan, Off- ph. 4-4441; Res. ph. 4-6038. ' YOUR NEIGHBORHOOD SALESMAN Five HOMESELLER salesmen are keeping constant check on about 100 - homes each for sale in their information at The HOMESELLERS head quarters. Call 4-4441 for the name and telephone number of The HOMESELLERS salesman or saleswoman for your neighborhood. Up-to-the-minute informant ion about home sales in your neighborhood will help you whether vou want to buy a home or sell one. It will be worth your while to get acquainted with The HOMESELLER salesman for your neighborhood. THE HOMESELLERS . MULTIPLE LISTING REALTORS THEO. G. NELSON, MGR. IN TH HUB OF SALEM EASY PARKING 702 N. HIGH, SALEM G'H. 4-4441 DUPLEX WITH BASEMENT TO TRADE Rnr nice 2-bdrm. in Leslie school. dist. Has off street parking. All in perfect shape. For appointment to see call Chet Rawlins, Sim. . 3 BDRM, 5 ACRES Located near Keizer, 3 acres of walnuts, some grapes and strawberries. Has well that will irrigate al) live acres.Older barn and garage. For appointment to sec, Call Chet Rawlins, Sim. SUBURBAN N. E. 4 BDRM. $10,500.004 yrs. old, neat as a pin. large living room, huge kitchen, nice dining room, attached garage, automatic oil heat, good financing $10,500.00. Call Jim Rawlins, Sim. 3 BDRM AND DEN, 3 BLOCKS FROM NEW HIGH SCHOOL Large double lot with alley-way, fruit trees, shrubs and flowers, sound condition and spotlessly clean, nice fireplace, attached garage. Only $9,000.00. Call Jim Rawlins, Sim. 2-BDRM. HOME CLOSE TO SHOPPING DIST. Living room, large kitchen, oil circulator and kitchen stove included in sale, dandy lot 50 x 130. Mgke offer; owner anxious to sell. For appointment to see call Dale Rayburn, Salesman. , TRADE THAT 3-BDDRM. HOME FOR THIS 40-ACRE DAIRY FARM WHh 3-bdrm. home, new milk house, good barn, all irrigated year round creek. Irrigation and farm equipment included, plenty of fruit trees. For appointment to see call Dale Rayburn, Sim. RAWLINS REALTY ' (HOLLYWOOD DISTRICT REALTOR) 2060 N. Capitol Street Office phones 2-4664 or 4-1761 Evenings: Chet Rawlins, 3-6236: Jim Rawlins, 2-8578; Dale Rayburn. 2-204.1 FAIRMOUNT HILL Lovely 3 bedroom home, nearly new, large shady lot, beautifully built and kept Inside and out, entrance hall, large living room, separate dining room, spacious birch kitchen, part basement with plumbing and utility room, carpeted wall-to-wall In living room and hall, draperies inc. glassed in shower stall. Call Louis Lorcnz for appointment to see this home priced at $24,900. LEE OHM ART NOW AND THEN Close lo school, store and bus, 2 bedroom home, this is an older home in very good repair, ready to move into OR huy for a rental, all fur niture goes, also extra large lot with sprinkling system all for JUST $6500. Call Ralph Maddy. IN ST. VINCENT DISTRICT A nice home with large livin room, kitchen, 1 bedroom and Dam down, z ben rooms and nath up, ha se men! and furnace, double garage, close to stores and bus. See Henrv Torvend. Priced to sell at $12,000. NEW HOME WITH BASEMENT And that's not allll This is a large 3 lots of brick work in front, covered patio in hack, paneled fireplace in Lr. (another one in basement). Natural wood throughout and all in a rhoice Eastmoreland location and ONLY $16.90011 Well worth the price!! Ask for Ted Morrison. OHMART & CALABA, REALTORS 477 COURT ST. PHONE 2-411S. -411 Eve salesmen Louis Lnrenr. 3-5590: Ted Morrison, 2-5046 Henry Torvend. 3-3632: Ralph Maddy. 2-3488 806 Houb For Sale OPEN HOUSE SUNDAY 2 TO 5 'P.M. 580 JOHNSON (NORTH ON 5TH TO JOHNSON) BRAND NEW 3-BEDROOM WITH FIREPLACE, DOUBLE GARAGE. $12,300 WITH 5". DOWN TO QUALIFIED VETERAN, OR FHA 20'i DOWN. C. V. KENT AND CO., Realtors 456 NO. CHURCH FAMILY HOME 1n Englewood. near all schools. Living room wllh cheery fireplace, large dining room. 1 bedroom, den and full bath down, 1 bedrooms and toilet up Full basement, forced atr oil heat. $2,000 or more will start you owning your own horn. KEIZER Co-operative owner will assist on terms here. 1 bedrooms 10 x 12 and It x 1, Urge livini room, kitchen with eating space, good electrte rant; stays. 60 x 133 lot. Attached garage. Price $6,000. ZWASCHKA 1745 Grant St. OWNER leaving city. Modern 2-bedrm. home, Newly decorated. Ga rage. Auto, washer Included. Wish to sell equity and take over 4. G. I. loan. $7,300. Ph. 2-8713. 1745 Waller St. BY OWNER Kel7er Dlst., 3-P.R. home. See It now. Re flui.-hed neM week. Located 2 blocks, so., 1 blk. west of Keller srhool at 4765 Elvira St. FADE A- KEEN HOME BUILDERS I t Us Build Your Home Ph. 2.7698 or 2-M.14 SF.RVICF. station for jease. Malor Oil Co Investments required. Fh. J-31M er 4-5001. kitchen, dining room and living room RUDY CALABA ALL FURNISHED separate dining room with nook in Br. home with all sorls of nice things. 808 Hounes For Solo PHONE 4-2293 Phone 3-4035 233 RATCLIFF DR. Owner leaving city. Let's sell this lovely a-bdrm. home. Best of con struction. Large rooms, Insulated and weather stripped. 1,100 sq. It. Appraised at $9,300. You can buy It new for $7,900 with $1,000 dn. and $65 per mo. Completely furn. for another $500. Call Dick Severln, Assoc. Rroker. ART. MADSEN REALTY CO. 1126 SHIe St. Ph. .1.551, eve. 4-283.1 J-Vtt.-OLD. 2-hedroom rmeh 1vp home. 1..W sq. ft. Excellent lora tion. Phont 1-4475.