Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, February 13, 1954, Page 11, Image 11

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    Saturday, February 13, 1934
fO f
Tom f,vi!" "!,AHrn!ch;lrT.heat"'-"Bed Dcse" turing, Don Barry,
lnAXirHoX'Sons of Sleel" s,arring charlt star-
Gab&rP'i' Isshow Business-Stage and screen star Eva
naneller G,imRe S' Kautman and Sam Levenson as guest
moderator rLh'f Is.0w .Busi"s." Clifton Fadiman is host and
MerMn .nA ar,,s,s wi" be vocalist "sty Draper and VinB
11 m instrumentalists,
it .shw,lme " Six "Pirate Submarine," filmed where
it happened, in the heart of the Mediterranean.
. .
Magic Circus. 10:3n "m!,. r;,... (..,...: ....
and his pals. 6 1 n""Lr u,c L,uwn'
Ti!lbVen"urel of Blinky' 10:15 - Introducing the bewitched bov.
Hlinky, who has as friends the "Whatnot Tree," "H.ippv," "Weaver:'
c?'.' "GarSyle." denizens oi the "Miel:tv Mixcd Up Forest."
Smilin hd's Gang, 11:00 "Wild Honev."
Toymaker and His Friends, 11:30 Valentine judginR and priie
awarding. Guests (chosen from best letters): Carole Ann Robisnn,
ya."C"",Ver; John B. Gregory, 10; Mike Menconi, 7; Ca.l Rath, 10,
ttuuiiecn jo lanaxa, 7, all of Portland.
aaiurnay martlnec, 12:00-
ugnes, Grant Withers,
-"Rip-Roaring Riley," starring Lloyd
Sports Clinic. 2:00 I-Vnf ttrfC Rill Ctm. lnetn,innl nmnMm
for young sports enthusiasts.
Texas Rasslin", 2:15 Danny Savich vs. Ivan Kalmikoff. Wild Red
Berry vs. Ricky Star. Roy Dunn vs. Irish Jack Kennedy.
Abbott and Costcllo, 5:00 "Pest Exterminators." The pair is
mistaken for psychiatrists, in a call to a house to "take care of ants."
Superman, 5:30 "Jimmy Olscn, Boy Editor." Bovs hold impor
tant offices of Metropolis one day. A faked story by Editor Jimmy
proves his undoing.
kite of Riley, 7:00 "Riley Balances the Budget." This enthusiasm-propelled
project proves his own entrapment.
I Led Three Lives, 8:00 Richard Carlson, as Herb Philbrick, FBI
agent, is involved in near-disaster in saving a kidnapped child.
Original Amateur Hour, 8:30 Young performers dreaming of
glory in show business, given their chance by Ted Mack.
Your Show of Shows, 9:00 Margaret ("Papa's Little Girl") Tru
man is guest for Sid Caesar and Imogene Coca.
Your Hit Parade, 10:30 Dorothy Collins to sing "Lucky in Love."
Top tunes to be sung and played.
Greatest Fights of the Century, 11:00 Gil Turner vs. Joe Miccli,
bout of December 22, 1952, 10-round welterweight that ended in
Premiere Theater, 11:15 "Young and Willing," starring Susan
Hayward, William Holdcn and Eddie Bracken.
12:00 noon, Adventure "Elastic Tftne," the story of how modern
science has been able, through new techniques of photography, to
condense or stretch time, will be presented on "Adventure." Richard
E. Pough, Chairman of the Department of Conservation and Gen
eral Ecology at the Museum, will show how man's knowledge has
been increased through time-lapse photography and stroboscope,
or high-speed photography.
12:30 p.m., Contest Carnival Circus variety program, with Gene
Crane as Barker: Phil Sheridan and Harry Lcvan as clowns "Ker
nal" and "Carny," Joan Coale as Puff, and Dave Stephens and his
Carnival Band.
2:00 p.m., Omnibus Japan's famed Azuma Kabuki dancers,
brought to the United States under the auspices of the Emperor's
brother, Prince Takahatsu, will make their American debut on
"Omnibus." Other segments of the program feature an original
television drama, entitled "Paso Doble," by Budd Schulberg; Claude
Rains and Douglas Watson in a scene from the new T. S. Eliot
play, "The Confidential Clerk," and a narration of "The Whale
Who Wanted to Be a Submarine."
4:30 p.m., Annie Oakley "Annie Gets Her Man" starring Gail
5:00 p.m., Gene Autry Show "The Peace Maker."
6:00 p.m., You Are There The day the beautiful' and frivolous
Marie Antoinette. Oueen of France, died on the guillotine will be
recreated when Walter Cronkite and the "You Are There" camerasj
return to Oct. 6, 1793, to report "The Last Moment ot Mane
7:00 p.m., Private Secretary Office receptionist Vi Praskins gets
Susie MacNamara in a jam by sending husies picture in a pen
pal letter to a western cattleman, on "Private Secretary," starring
Ann Sothern.
8:00 p.m., Toast of the Town Motion picture star Merle Oberon
heads the guest list on Ed Sullivan's "Toast of the Town." Other
headline guests will be film star Dorothy Lamour, monologist Ruth
Draper, violinist Ychudi Menuhin, and Phil Silvers. The 50-mcmber
Glee Club of the University of Oklahoma and the Novcllos, novelty
act, are also featured. Vice President Richard M. Nixon and Henry
Ford H, Chairman of the Board of Crusade for Freedom and the
American Heritage Foundation, will open a public "Crusade for
9:00 p.m., Fred Waring Show Fred Waring's Pennsylvanians
will offer a musical salute to winter and snow. The production will
Include "Winter Wonderland," "Marshmallow World," "Snow, Snow,
Peautiful Snow," "The Sleigh," "Let It Snow," "When I Marry Mr.
Snow," and "Hanover Winter Song," in addition to special arrange
ments of four old favorites. -
9:30 p.m., Man Behind the Badge A detective saves a family s
honor while testing a crime prevention theory in a shoplifting case
In "The Cleveland Story."
10:00 p.m.,. The Web Broadway actress Frances Starr plays a
nursing home patient who spends a night of terror while visiting
relatives, in "The Visit."
Mr. Smilei Rcad the Funnies, 9:15 Graham Archer entertains
the youngsters.
What One Person Can Do, 8:45 Father Keller discusses the
Christopher movement. ..,.,.,. . .
Facts Forum, 11:00 Interview with Harold Velde and Clinton
Anderson. ..,..,
Sunday Matinee. 11:30 "Wings Over the Pacific, starring Inez
Cooper, Clinton Anderson.
Food for Thought, 1:00 Panelists Maureen Neyberger, Glen Sil
verthorn and John Dcnnv, with Howard McAnulty as moderator,
hear and discuss Elmer Dcctz' position as marketer of raw con
sumer milk. Sponsor of new show: Oregon Food Merchants Assn.
How Does Your Garden Grow? 1:30 Water gardens will be
How Christian Science Heals
"An Effective Remedy
For Office Politics"
KSLM. 1330 Kf.
Feb. 14, 5:30 p. m.
Z140 S. Commercial
Open Evenings Til 9
Sales -Service
Open Frid.y Nlht Til
S55 Center Fn. 33H9
On Television
KPTV (27)
Wedding Belles. 2:30 With "Hearts and Flowers" ai theme. El
win J. Perske, chief assistant marriage license clerk, Multnomah
county, will be guest of brides-to-be "how to wed" show.
Life Begins at 80, 3:00 Comedian Jack Carter, guest; old-time
song session tor panel members.,
Kukla. Fran and Ollie, 3:30 "Wanted, One Cupid," special Val
entine's program starring Oliver J. Dragon.
Roy Rogers, 4:00 "Perils from the Past," with reformed criminal,
I oiackmaued.
i Zoo Parade, 4:30 Factual program about wild creatures.
i Hallmark of Fame. 5:00 Sarah Churchill as hostess-narrator.
j Victory at Sea, 6:00 (Part 20.) "Return of the Allies," showing
ground-lighting for Luzon, initial landings at Lingayen gulf, final
Dame tor Manna.
Life with Elizabeth, 6:30 Betty White, starred in family situa
tion comedy. ;
Paul Winchell Show, 7:00-wMiss Haggerty, Jerry Mahoney'i school
teacner, persuades Paul to entertain her out-of-town cousin.
Mr. Peepers, 7:30 Harvey Weskit falls ill on the eve of a chess
match in which he and Mr. Peepers are expected to defend their
school's prowess. The new school janitor takes his place on
Colgate Comedy Hoar, 8:00 Starring Donald O'Connor, with
guests Beatrice Kay, Sid Miller. A Punch and Judy act.
. Television Playhouse, 9:00 "The Huntress," starring Judy Hoi-
liday in her first big dramatic role in TV. The heroine, campaign-
mg tor a spouse, buys a charm course. Tony Randall in romantic
; lean.
I Loretta Young Show, 10:06 A sister-in-law's suspicions jeopar-
I dize the happy marriage of Lenore and Lionel Kent in "Act of
Man Against Crime, 10:30 In "Target with Two Ts," the -underworld
puts a $10,000 bounty on Mike Barnett, to deter his testifying.
i Meet the Press, 11:00 U. S. Senator John F. Kennedy (D.-Mass.)
: as guest. Panelists: Lawrence Spivak, Mae Craig, of the Portland
!(Me.) Press Herald; Ned Brooks of NBC and Marquis Child's of
united f eatures.
j Twenty Questions, 11:30 Barbara Ann Scott, skating star, guest
panelist.. Regular panelists: Fred Van Dcvcnter, Florence Rinard,
: nern roiesie ana Dick Harrison; Jay Jackson, moderator.
11:45 a.m., Editor's Desk A KOIN-TV live studio ten minute
; news report to be presented Monday through Friday reporting in
ternational, national and local news with film and "still" photos.
a:su p.m., Armchair Theatre "Jeepcrs Creepers" starring Ju
cien Littlefield and Thurston Hall. "
5:30 p.m., Laurel and Hardy "Hogwild".
6:45 p.m., Greatest Drama "Old Mar Par", starring Bobby Jones.
7 p.m., Studio One Paul Langton, Stephen Mcininger and Gwcn
Anderson have the principal roles in Rod Scrling's original telcplay,
"Herman Came By Bomber," the story of an American airman's
efforts to adopt a German war orphan after he has smuggled the
lad into the U. S. by bomber.
8 p.m., Burns and Allen Gracie, believing she can still claim
the prize of a television set, digs up the answer to a radio quiz ques
tion after the emcee who telephoned her hangs up. The hapless
quizmaster has his hands full later trying to convince her you
can't win a give-away thal-a-way.
8:30 p.m., Adolph Mcnjou Adolph Menjou takes us to a Banana
Republic where a new director arranges the disposal of Paul, the
late President's son.
9 p.m., I Love Lucy Comedy-drama starring Lucille Ball and
Desi Arnez.
10 U.S. Steel Hour Walter Slezak and Jessie Royce Landis head
the cast for "Papa is All," a comedy of a Pennsylvania Dutchman
who wages an hilarious war against the Machine Age and his family.
11 p.m. Showtime on Six "Blond Savage," starring Leif Erickson
and Veda Ann Borg.
What's Cooking? 10:30 Genial Fred L.' Peterson, mayor of the
City of Portland, preparing pork chop-potato casserole (his favorite
dinner dish) for Barbara Angcll's homemaker fans, while Barbara
makes finger rolls.
This Is the Life, 12:30 "What Does It Mean to be A Christian?"
Wealthy man accepts challenge to work on neighborhood mission
Matinee Theater, 1 "Skyway," starring Ray Walker and Kathryn
Wild Bill Hirkok, 6 "Outlaw and the Boy," tells search for crim
inal of Wild Bill and a boy.
Badge 714, 7 A parrot's death leads to the killer of a couple
found dead in a burned apartment where a time fuse is later found.
Arthur Murray Party, 7:30 Bill Hayes and Judy Johnson as host
and hostess, with Oregon's Johnny Ray as guest star, plus Vic Dam-
one and June Hutton.
Name That Tune, 8 Comedy-musical show with Red Benson as
quizzer, Vicki Mills, vocalist, Harry Salter, conductor; Wally (Mr.
Peepers) Cox, guest contestant.
Voice of Firestone, 8:30 Soprano Patrice Munsel of Metropoli
tan Opera, singing "Musetta's Waltz" from "La Boheme" by Puc
cini and "Home Sweet Home" by Bishop. Chorus will join her in
"It's a Grand Night for Singing," by Rodgers, and "No Other Love,"
from "Me and Juliet, also by Rodgers. Orcestral numbers will be
"Flute Cocktail" bySimeone and "Fingal's Cave" by Mendelssohn.
Robert Montgomery Presents, 9:30: Elliot Nugent, actor-directon.
producer, in title role of "Mr. Whittle and the Morning Star," story
of gentle professor and turned propnet of world's end.
Nite Owl Theater. 11:01 "Tenth Avenue Kid," starring Bruce
Cabot and Beverly Roberts.
iOM a.m. KPTV Made Cirrus
11:3(1 u rn. KPTV Toym'k'r K Fr'nrla
11:45 a.m. KPTV Tnyiriatcer And friends I
KOIN KIQ Crltlrl
12:00 noon KPTV Saturday Matinee
A great many conclusions
are jumped at and passed
on as valid, regarding tele
vision sets and antennas.
For Instance: There is no
such thing as an "upside
down" antenna. A trombone
Antenna, for example, may
be turned up one way for
ladder lead and another way
for tubular lead as a con
venience in connecting the
lead-in to the antenna.
When you want facts look
to qualified technicians for
the correct information.
When You Need Service
look to
Phone 4-5S12
1410 South 12th Street
12 S0 p.m. KPTV Saturday Matinee
1.00 p.m. KPTV Saturday Matinee
KOIN Bit Picture
1:30 p.m. KPTV Saturday Matinee
KOIN space Patrol
2:00 u.m. KPTV Saturday Matinee
KOIN Live and Learn
2:1$ p.m. KPTV Texas Rasslin'
KOIN Armchair Theater
I:1S p.m. KPTV fltrenaer Than Fiction
KOIN Armchair Shew
2.10 p.m. KPTV Lone Ranter
KOIN Armchair Show
4:00 p m. KPTV Johnny Jupiter
KOIN Armchair Theater
JO p.m. KPTV Captain Midnight
KOIN Laurel li Hard;
I 00 p.m. KPTV Abbott and Co, If Ho
KOIN Armchair Theater
JO p.m. KPTV Supermen
KOIN Zorro Rldea Aialn
1.00 p.m. KPTV Colonel Flack
KOIN Thta la Show Rullnejl
I 10 p.m. KPTV Treasure Hunt
KOIN Beat the clock
1:00 p.m. KPTV Lite or RlleT
KOIN Medallion Theater
1 10 cm. KPTV Ethel and Albert
KOIN Lite with Father
1:00 p m. KPTV I Led 1 Llvea
KOIN Jackie Oleuon
I 10 p.m. KPTV Amateur Hour
KOIN Jackie Gleason
:00 p.m. KPTV Show ot Shows
KOIN Two lor the Monen
9:30 p.m. KPTV Show of Show
KOIN Mr Kaiorlte Hutnand
10:00 p.m. KPT Show of Show!
KOIN Half Hour Theater
10:10 p m. KPTV Hit Parade
KOIN Pepsi Playhouse
11:00 pm. KPTV Greatest Flihta
KOIN Showtime on Bit
11:11 p m. KPTV Preimer Theater
KOIN Show Time on all
IS a m. KPTV Readme Punnlea
0:10 a.m. KPTV The Pastor
I 4 a.m. KPTV Christopher Mvmt.
10:00 a m. KPTV Whals Your Trouble
lo ts a m. KPTV Rellelons Film ,
11:00 a.m. KPTV Fact Forum
11:10 a.m. KPTV Similar Matinee
U 00 noon KPTV Bunds? Matinee
KOIN Adventure
13.30 p m. KPTV-Siindar Matinee
KOIN Contest Carnival
1 :00 pm KPTV Food fur Thoueht
KOIN Juvenile Jure
1:30 p m. KPTV oarden Orn
KOIN Lamp Unto Feel
1 1 ft
An organisatioa famous tor low-coot
automobile Insurance, because it aisss
to insure oalr "lose costly" caralel
drivers. Cell ase lor asore uiorasaboa.,,
"SAM" Samuel
Crestview Dr.
Th. 2 8406
tM p.m. KPTV Industry Parade
KOIN Omnibus
1:11 p.m. KPTV Art Llnkletter
KOIN Omnlbue
2:10 P.m. KPTV Weddlnf Bella
KOIN Omnibus
1:00 p.m. KPTV Lite Keilna at 10
KOIN Omnibus
1:10 p.m. KPTV Kukla, Fran, Ollie
KOIN See It Now
4:00 p.m. KPTV Roy Roaera
KOIN Sunbeam Theater
4:10 p.m. KPTV Zoo Parade
KOIN Adventure
1:00 p m. KPTV Hall cl Fame
KOIN Oena Atltrev
1:30 p m. KPTV Hall ol Fame
I 00 p.m. KPTV Victory at Sea
KOIN You Are There
8:10 p.m. KPTV Life With Elisabeth
KOIN-Prlde ol Family
1:00 p.m. KPTV WineheU As Ms honey
KOIN Private Secretary
1:10 p.m. KPTV Mr. Peepera
KOIN What a My Line
1:00 p.m. KPTV Comedy Hour
KOIN Toast of Town
00 p.m. KPTV TV Playhouse
KOIN Fred Warlnsr
I 10 p.m. KPTV TV Pleyhouse
KOIN Man Behind Badte
10:00 p.m. KPTV Letter to Loretta
KOIN The Web
10:10 p m. KPTV Man vs. Crime
KOIN Dr. I. 0.
11 00 a m. KPTV Meet the Press
11:30 p.m. KPTV Twenty Qstiona
10:00 a m. KPTV Dine Done School
10:10 a.m. KPTV What' cooklne
10:41 a m. KPTV-What'a Cooklne
KOIN Brlshtcr Day
11:00 a.m. KPTV Hawkins Falls
KOIN-Kola Kitchen
11:11 a.m.- KPTV-3 siene to Heaven
KOIN Koln Kitchen
11:10 a m. KPTV Friend ol Family
KOIN-Koln Kitchen
II IS a.m. KPTV Friend Family
KOIN Edltor'a Desk
13:00 noon KPTV Bride and oroom
FOIN-Ble PayoK
12. 1J p.m. KPTV-Brnnette
KOIN-Ble Payoff
13:10 p.m. KPTV This Is the Life
KOLN Bob Croebv
1:00 p.m. rPTV-Matlnee Theater
KOIN-Love of Life
1:11 p.m. FPTV Matinee
KOIN Search Tomorrow
1:10 p.m. KPTV Matinee
KOIN Ouldlne Llehl
1 11 p m. KPTV Mstlnee
KOIN-Vallant Lady
1 00 p.m. KPTV Matinee
KOIN Double or Nolhlnl
2:10 p.m. KPTV On Your Account
KOIN strike It Rich
1 00 p.m. KPTV Kate Smith
KOIN Oarry Moore Show
8 10 p.m. KPTV Rare
KOIN Arm Chslr Theater
4:00 p.m. KPTV Welcome Travelera
KOIN Arm Chair Theater
t' P------'" fl. .J.L. , .riZttKRKMKHUttKtBKi m..... - fJ.iirfYi - rrfMl ft r stV irlSU flT ft. U I'ift I'jaita elfin -', 3aV
Of all kinds. Trusses, Abdomi
nal Supports, Elastic Hosiery.
Expert fitters private fitting
Capital Drug Store
405 .Slate .Street
Corner of Liberty
FAR r.reen Stamp
Select Emblem
For Centennial
SILVERTON A Salem artist,
ern Suko, formerly of Silverton,
gets the credit of creating the
finished emblem to be official
for the Silverton Centennial, re
leased Friday by Lowell E.
Brown, general chairman of the
August 4-8, 1954 planned affair.
The emblem is in circular form
with a band across the center
bearing the date and name: "Cen
tennial, in an inner circle, ' Sil
verton Oregon" in the upper por
tion and "100 Years Since Pio
neers" is in the lower half inner
A sketch Jjorrowed from Horn
er Davenport's "Country Boy"
depicts the author and Miss Net
tie Ridings (later Mrs. George
Cusiter), in a buggy drawn by a
horse. AI Coolidge is the pioneer
in the clearing, a J. D. Drake
photo. Silver Creek park falls, a
covered wagon, in sketch, among
other reminders of very early
times, blend in an attractive em
blem copyrighted by the Centen
nial Commission.
SILVERTON Vern Suko, Salem artist and former resident
ot Silverton designed this emblem which will be used to com
memorate Silverton' 100th aniversary celebration Aug. 4-8,
Eagles Point
Toward Albany
Salem in April.
Mrs. Li. S. Shutord, Salem.
Ford Forester, Jefferson and A.
E. Ncsbitt, Mill City, were nam
ed members of a nominating
committee to present a panel of
next year's officers for the coun
Serving as hostesses from the
Jefferson unit were Mrs.' Leland
Murder Shared
As Valentine
president of the council presided
ALBANY Eagles from all over
Oregon will assemble here next
week to participate in observing
the 17th anniversary of the found
ing of the Albany Aerie.
Gordon Vaughn, president ol
the Albany aerie, said the event
will be the occasion of a 2-day
celebration starting Saturday,
Feb. 20, continuing through Sun
day. In addition to the ritualistic nnr-
tion of the observance competitive
ritualistic work included, a parade
of drill teams is planned for pub
lic observance in the downtown j
Business section following a Mayer, miner, soldier and Indian
luncheon Sunday. fighter who claimed to be 102
invitations nave been Issued to! years old, is dead.
valentine in the apartment read:
"The things we share together al
waysmake me happiest."
On the floor lay the bodis ot
Mrs. Ruth McMillan, 42, of Port-
la. .I U -a. it 1
and Mrs. Ela Miller. D. W. Patch, four tim N r.hristiw, twW
during the meeting held in the
new high school
Old Indian Fighter
Dies of Age 102
:10 p.m. KPTV The Toymaker
KOIN Mr. Moon
4:11 p.m. KPTV Toymaker ,
KOIN Cartoon Time
f :00 p.m. KPTV Howdy Doody
roiN Saddle Pals
1:10 P.m. KPTV Bsr 27 Corral
KOIN Laurel end Hardy
1:00 P.m. KPTV Wild Bill Hlckok
KOIN Mister Weatherman
1:11 p.m. KPTV Wild Bill Hlckok
KOIN Photooule
1:10 p.m. KPTV Mil En da
KOIN Dout Edwarda
:45 p.m. KPTV World on lew
KOIH Greatest Drama
1.00 p.m. KPTV Badee 114
KOIN Atudlo One
T:10 p.m. KPTV Arthur Murray Dance
KOIN atudls One
t:4S P.m. KPTV News Caravan
KOIN Studio One
t:M p.m. KPTV Name That Tune
KOIN Burns and Allen
I JO p.m. KPTV Voire ol Firestone
KOIN Adolph Menlou
t 00 p m. KPTV Dennis Dsy
KOIN I Love Lucy
0:10 p.m. KPTV Robert Montgomery
KOIN Bed Pultons
10:00 p.m. KPTV Robert Monteomery
KOIN US. Sleel Theater
10:11 pm. KPTV Industry Parade
10:30 p.m. KPTV nemo. Parly Talk
KOIN U.S. Demo. Parly Tall
It OO pm. KPTV Newe
koin how Time on an
11:01 p.m. KPTV Nile Owl
members of Oregon's 56 aeries.
Teacher Education
Activity Discussed
"PTA Scholarships" and an ex
planation of this teacher educa
tion activity and the Oregon
Congress of Parent Teachers
constituted the principal portion
of the program presented at the
Marion County PTA council
meeting recently in Jefferson. .
Miss Betty Beigh and Elmer
Sommerficld, OCE students, and
Mrs. Jake AmstuU. Silverton
teacher, spoke of these benefit
Mrs. J. E. Bunnell ot Salem ex
plained the proposed plan of the
state reorganization which will
be presented to delegates at the
state convention to be held In
A native of St. Charles Parish
in Louisiana, Mayer died yester-
I day at Fairnlav Hosnital. He was
hospitalized about a month ago himself."
with infirmities of old age.
He would have celebrated his
103rd birthday May 28.
was a new revolver, bought tour
flays ago.
While police were investigating
their deaths last night, the wom
an's husband, John McMillan, 48,
arrived. He told officers he had
been here two weeks, trying to
persuade his wife to leave Christi-
ano, with whom she had occupied
(he anartment xix mnnthc
Frank! Police said Christiano'i bags
were partly packed.
"He was leaving giving her the
brushoff," theorized Police Lt. M.
M. Baumgardner. "She got him
mad, and he shot her and then
Except tor the west coast, the
United States stands on- stable
land, seldom affected by earth
quakes says the National Geo
graphic Society.
Tax Returns
In Your Own Horn
Reasonable ' Ph. 4-2033
Rates For Annt.
Free estimates on Custom
560 S. 21st St. Phone 4 1856
120 Boss, Reg. $280.00 NOW $140.00
12 Boss, Reg. $89.00 NOW $45.00
50 Others REDUCED UP TO 50
120 Bass, Used, AS LOW AS $50.00
Enroll now for a course of lesions. We furnish the
instrument FREE. No obligation to buy.
470 N. Capitol Ph.2-5371
- Hear Pastor R. 6. Schaffner Discuss
The Ten Commandments
Johnson Memorial Church
(No. Summer at Hood St.)
Sunday Night, Feb. 1 4, 1 954 - 7:30 o'clock
Idolatry in Modern America
Trios Quartets Solos
Feb. 16-21 8 P. M. Nightly
Saturday Night Rally The 13th 8 P. M.
Sunday Morning Worship 11 A. M.
Sunday Evangelistic 8 P. M.
Max Wyatl Speaks
1305 North Sth at Gaines
eAeeeMl It Z f Norlh Cspitol St Ginf
Venital l. T, .) r.. B. Rundstrnm. Pastor
Services 11 A. M. nd 7:45 P. M. Sunday School, 9:45 A. M. ,
Christ (A. L. C.) T. M. Gcbhard, P..tor
Services 8:45 A. M. snd 11 A. M., Sunday School 10 A. M.
P-JaL II r I A 505 North River Road
rOlin VU. L. L. A. Geo. Holmquist, Pastor
Services 11 A. M. Sunday School 9:45 A. M.
Good Shepherd (U. C. L. A.) H. E. Hamilton, Pastor
Services 11 A. M., Sunday School 9:45 A. M.
i ...... C I r 3300 Sunnvview Avenue
UtuCe t. L l.j l. W. llolle, Pastor
Services 11 A. M. Sunday School, 9:45 A. M.
St. John's (Mo. Syn.) H. W. Gross, Pastor ; ;
Services 10:30 A. M. - Sunday School 9:15 A. M. :
St Mark(U.C.L. A.) John L. C'auble, Pastor ;
Services 11 A. M. Sunday School, 9.30 A. M. .