Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, February 12, 1954, Page 8, Image 8

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    Paw 8
Friday, February 12, 1951
Youth Control Stressed by
Silverton Sunday Schools
SILVERTON A special topic
in the Sunday schools of Silver
ton churches is a suggestion of
youth control. The morning wor
ship theme trends to the thought
of power and inheritance of
"Disastrous Revelry" is the
Sunday school thought for the
Christian and Missionary Alli
ance, the Rev. Joseph Cooper's
6ermon topic for the worship
hour will be "The Power of
God." The evening sermon sub
ject at 7:30 o'clock, is "The Pow
er of Faith." The Youth meeting
is at 6:30 p.b.
Rev. Arthur Charles Bates of
First Christian church worship
hour sermon: "The Poor in Spir
it" follows the communion hour
preceded by the Sunday school
at 9:45 a.m. Youth meeting will
Plan Luncheon
WOODBURN A large num
ber of guests were present for
the February meeting of the
Presbyterian Aid society which
opened with a no host luncheon
at 1 pm. Wednesday, Feb. 10.
Mrs. Harris Nelson and Mrs.
William Peltz were in charge of
Guests included four members
of the Bethel missionary society,
Mrs. O. R. Schcrvem, Mrs. A. L.
Larson, Mrs. George Sweancy
and Mrs. Ralph Secly. Other
guests were Mrs. Archie Mur
phy, Mrs. J. B. Gay, Mrs. Palma
J. Anderson, Mrs- W. W. Sporal-
aky, Mrs. 0. R. Randall, Mrs.
Nellie Muir, Mrs. Guy Dixon and
Mrs. S. R. Kallak.
Following the luncheon the
meeting opened with a devotion
al service led by Mrs. 0. R.
Schervem, group singing with
Mrs. Clinton Pack at the piano
and prayer by Rev. Robert E.
A moving picture was shown
entitled "Second Chance," by
Dr. Gerald B- Smith. Mrs. R. L.
Anderson was program chair
man. During the business meeting
which followed reports were giv
en by the secretary, treasurer
and courtesy chairman. Plans
were made to serve a fellowship
luncheon during the Spiritual
Life mission scries which will
he held at the church beginning
Feb. 28 and continuing through
the week. The Rev. Joe Dixon
will be the speaker. The com
mittee in charge of the apoint
d by Mrs. Alfred 'Moon, presi
dent,' includes, Mrs. Clinton
Pack, Mrs. A. R. Kearns and
Mrs. Moon.
Announcement was made of
a Bible study class which is to
be held each Friday from 1:30
to 2:30 in the pastor's study.
For the next meeting, Marcn
10, the hostesses will be Mrs.
Clarence Wampole and Mrs.
Margaret Johnston. Mrs- Sidney
Harris will lead the devotional
service and Mrs. H. F. Butter
field will be in charge of the
program. .
Jehovah Group
Dales Meetings
The Watch Tower Bible and
Tract Society of New York will
nxmsor a three day assembly of
Jehovah's Witnesses in Corvallis,
February 19-21. The convention
hich will be held in the Cor
vallis hith school auditorium will
be for Bible instruction and con
centrated gospel-preaching.
Vpwards of 1000 delegates Arc
expected to attend from 20 cities
Inthe northern section of Oregon.
N., Jr., of New York
will be the featured speaker, ap
pearing on the programs during
the three days. His principal ad
dress is scheduled for 3 p.m. Feb.
Robe Drama at
Englewood Church
The three act drama, "The
Robe" will be presented Sunday
evening at the Knglrwood Kvan
geliral United Brethren Church
by the Cascade Coiirce players
of Portland. The cast is com
prised of twenty-three members.
The crama IS an adaptation ol
the book of the same name writ -
ten by Lloyd Douglas. The color -
ful costuming and special light
ing add to the reality of the
Because of its length, the play
will begin at seven o'clock.
The public is invited.
Garden Road
Church Growing
The planning committee from
three sponsoring cnurcnes mat :
harked the opening of the Gar-
den Road Christian church, 408.1 i
Market street, has dissolved all 1
authority and has turned the ;
orojcci orrr iu me viiiius i-i
The congregation will meet in j
-ff :.i i... Mn4iv nifYit
Feb 15 when plans will be out- ,
lined and considered. '
The Bible school has reached !
the 100 mark In attendance and
a new class for young adults is
being tnimht by Mrs. George B.
Wright. Minister L. H. Camp is
currently delivering series of
morning sermons on the life of
Christ, Sunday's sermon topic
will be "Christ of th Common
be at 6:30 p.m., with a substi
tute 7:30 p m- speaker, Newell
Morgan, state stewardship direc
tor of the Christian churches of
At Silverton Baptist church,
N. 2nd and Park streets, Rev.
Alex Sauerwein, interim pastor,
will speak at tne 11 o'clock morn
ing worship hour following Sun
day school. The Youth Fellow
ship, will be at 6:30, and eve
ning service is at 7:30 p.m. Sun
day, and Bible study, Thursday
evening at 7:30.
Pilgrim : Holiness, J. R. Gra
ham will be in charge of 9:45
a.m. Sunday school when Miss
Wanda Needles, Public School
Bible teacher, will address the
young folk on object lessions of
behavior. "In the Cross of Christ
I Glory" is the sermon topic for
the 11 o clock hour of the Rev.
John R. Price. Evening service
will be at 7:45 p.m. The topic
is "The Lamb of God " "Christ,
Better than the Sabbath, is the
Wednesday evening 7:30 theme
for the Bible study and prayer
service. Friday, fasting and
prayer, will be observed from
12 to 1 p.m.
Rev. Arvid L. Hokonson of
Calvary Lutheran will speak on:
"The Inheritance of the For
saken". Sunday school and Bible
class is at 10 a.m., evening wor
ship at 8 o'clock. Wednesday at
2 p.m., Mrs. J. P. A. Hansen will
be hostess for Ladies Aid. Bible
study and Prayer will be at 8
p.m. at Magnue tnnstenson
home- Saturday at 8 a.m. confir
mation class will meet
"Pages of Power", is the 11
o'clock morning sermon theme
of the Rev. Paul Henry of the
Methodist church, Sunday begin
ning at 9:45 a.m. Mr. and Mrs,
Milt Baum counsellors for Meth
odist Youth Fellowship will meet
at 7 p.m. Tuesday, Feb. 16, WSCS
meet at 2 p.m. in former church
social rooms Mrs. Lorom JJarr,
Pastor A. W. Nelson of Im-
manuel Lutheran church will
have as his topic for Sunday 11
o'clock worship hour, "What Is
It Worth to be a Christian". Im
manuer Luther League will meet
at 7:30 o'clock with the Trinity
Luther League at Trinity church.
Adult studv class meets Monday
at 8 p m- Men's Immanuel club
meet Tuesday at 8 p.m. The Im
manuel WMF meets Thursday
evening at 8 o'clock in fireside
room. Mrs. E. v. scayze win
present the topic.
"Surrender All; Gain for
More" is the sermon theme for
the Rev. Joseph A. Luthro of
Trinity Lutheran church at the
11 o'clock worship hour of Sep
tuagesinu Sunday. Senior choir
will give an anthem. The honor
guests at the early afternoon
Sunday fellowship dinner will
be Mr. and Mrs. Albert Sather
whose golden wedding anniver
sary was observed last Sunday
afternoon. Sunday evening at
7:30 o'clock a group of Emanuel
hospital, Portland, nurses are to
present a program under spon
sorship of Trinity Luther league
with any interested adults, Lu
ther League of Immanuel and
Calvary churches, welcome to
Westminster Guild
In Dallas Meeting
DALLAS The Westminster
Guild of the rrcsbytcrian church
met Monday evening in the
church parlors. Mrs. Norman Bak
er and Mrs. C. U. Beebcc were
hostesses for the group.
Mrs. Max Mr-Classen presided
at the business session. Mrs.
Ross Simpson led devotions.
Following the business meet
ing the members hemmed iiare
for an orphanage In Alaska
age In Alaska '
motif rentrr"l th I
ble. Ut-r. refresh -
A valentine
dinlngroom tabl
mentis were served to Mrs. Tioy
Zanriul, Mrs Ross Simpson, Mrs
( R. Ueebee, Mrs. fts-nricr,
Mrs. Hohtra Crr. Mrs S. J.
Hansen. Mrs Main .I'lhnaon,
Mrs Almos fKnrs. Mrs .Inn
Howe. Mrs. Andy Irwin, Mrs.
Bruce Hud. Mrs. I.ynn Mr'iill7,
Mrs Frank Flirhards, Mrs Virtl
Trick, Mrs John Mason. Mm
Mildred Slafrln. Mrs. llo-rr
Slants. Mrs. (leralrt Zaiilee. Mrs
Ted Wrstlal, Mrs. Max
sen, Mrs. II. Smllh, and the fir!
Irssrs, Mrs,
' pre.
Baker and Mrs. I'.i-e
Greene Preaches
First Sermon
Rrv. Wsynf Grcrnr, nrw min
ister of tht VM rhrmtian !
Churrh nf Salrnv will occupy thr I
pulpit of the Salem Church fori"" 'mmt svr i v p
the first time on Sunday morn- r"'
inc. reoniary 14. The morning
service becins at W 4.1 a m.
Mr. Greene was formerly the
! minister of the First i'hri,tian
Church. Beatrice. Nebraska.
where he served for a period of
12 years. He is a well-known
minister of the Pisciplcs of
- " 1
state and national offices. He
recently completed a world tour
which took him to manv of the;
foreign mission stations sup-'
ported by the Christian Church.
Ho i' graduate of Prake Vni-
! Hopewell Churches
j n iv writ n n Rt. On Harm.
j irr unrtT', fftol 1 a MrniM
r m f. time vn p m. WmJbm-
tfar rrarrr met tint 9 M.
L'' ' 1 "
f'-v - L I'
H 4 ' r JL 1
5Frr '""rrrii. ' iKX'
SWEET HOME Rev. R. H. Barton, pastor of the Sweet
Home Assembly of God church, left, and Rev. Ferris Dodd,
Halsey, right, place cornerstone for a new addition to the Sweet
Home church. Others participating were Rev. Casselman of
Madras, who is a former minister of the Sweet Home church;
Floyd Pappin, also of Madras; Rev. Munger of Drain, Ore.; Rev.
Kenneth Brightwell of Culp Creek, Ore.; and Rev. Lester
Young of Brooks.
Young Women Take Vows
In Mt. Angel Ceremonies
MT. ANGEL In an impres
sive religious ceremony at Con
vent Queen of Angels, Mount
Angel, Wednesday morning, Feb.
10. 15 young women participated
in the ceremony of religious pro
fession and the investment of the
Benedictine Habit.
Pronouncing their perpetual
vows of poverty, chastity, obedi
ence, conversio of morals, and
stability were Sister Mary Rene
Welle, Salem; Sister Mary Bar
bara Hackett, Lebanon; Sister
Mary Cecilia Buchholz, Mount
Angel; Sister Maria Miller, Port
land; and Sister Mary Lucy Krae
mer. Mount Angel.
Th following took triennial
Youth Club at
Lacomb Starts
LACOMB The First Baptist
church of Lacomb has organized
a club for young people from 9
years of age through high school.
Object of the club is to give spir
itual instruction, teach handi
crafts, and provide wholesome
In charge of the girls is .liianila
Bnrtruff, Marie Bowers, and Irene
Boys are supervised by Felix
Fklund, Kenneth Reike, and Rev.
Emery Ncster.
The club is known as the "Kings
Sons," and Kings Daughters. Boys
and girls meet separately at the
church annex on Monday evenings
between 6:30 p.m. and 8 pm.
Last Monday a jmnt Valentine
carnival was held, with num
bers present.
Paul Petticord
f I f I
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Amity Churches
Ctlirrlt f f htlal .tnni. M.tOtrw A'
Ifv. nil !n,n,.-r ev ,fh-"l i
sm Mern!rt pthtp H m ChtlMn
rm!n,-r ill r m rvrntnt vnrfhip
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MrthA4ll PT'.ir V.-t'oiirrtl nlnl.T,
Th vlmrrh h-jt a n m Tut
-.-t-.urfri : --l.!p r. t m MrllKsdt.l
bskti l(Ki:
u m sunjsr Kt
O.k Gr.r. Ckar.1 Vernlna worship
to 45 a m.
Aueaakl. tl God Frank K M.oes.
pastor. Sunder s.x: to a m. M.irnlna
worship 11 in Y.'ur. Prrles service 7
p m Ferln semcf : 4J p n.
SM S. 13th, Salrm
vows and received the following
religious names: Mary Eberdt,
Eugene, Sister Mary Kathleen;
Mary Ann Eggers, Brooks, Sis
ter Mary Anita; Joan Keagbine,
Mount Angel, Sister Mary Alma;
Lillian Tuma, Lebanon, Sister
Mary Immaculata; and Marie
Metzgus, Myrtle Point, Sister
Mary Rita.
The Benedictine Habit was giv
en to Postulants Patricia Rohan,
Portland; Regina Rausch, Rupert,
Idaho; Parlene Hassing, Mount
Angel; Helen Marie. Long, Ore
gon City; and Bcrnardine Roth,
The Most Reverend Edward D.
Howard, D. D., Archbishop of
Portland in Oregon, presided at
the ceremony and was celebrant
of the Pontifical High Mass.
Assisting the Archbishop as as
sistant prie:t was The Very Rcv
ernd Prior Martin Pollard, O. S.
B., of Mount Angel Abbey who
was also the speaker for the oc
casion. Assistant deacons to the Arch
bishop were the Very Reverend
Edmund G. Van dcr Zandcn,
Portland and Rev. Pius B. Baur,
Lebanon. Other assisting priests
were Rev. Sebastian Terhaar, O.
S. B., convent chaplain, deacon;
Very Rev. Bernard Sander, O. S.
B., rector of Mount Annel Semi
nary, suhdeaenn; Rev. H i 1 d e
brand Melchoir, O. S., B., sub
deacon of metropolitan cross;
Very Rev. Thomas Brockhous,
O. S. B., and Frater Benedict
Suing, O. S. B., masters of cere
mony; Brother William Barta,
miter bearer; Brother Lawrence
Facan. crosier bearer: Brother
Bernard Kerula, book hearer:
Frater Nicholas Rausch. brother
tt Novice Regina Rausch, cand,e
har-r: P.rother Francis Welp,
'hi.rifer: P.rother Maurtis Kre::t
f and P.rMher P.enedirt F.bele,
(.'itt present fnr th religions
'r"r,V re the f;t Rev.
TV,-,-Wfer. O S ft . Mvrt of
W.vmf A.1jt Ah.".v: Very (lever-
Kt .t,A I Murnane. F.!ign; '
Av N't-'-.en flroirr.sie,n, o-i
in-.; ' A f:w!ak'cski, I
V.j.-.n f .r f'v (,-,! (, .iAtt- I
2f.11--'-. ',r,i i fv ' y r it j
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'.t !' 45.4f. (''fflrtft't I'.IV.
Kiu? S : ' I- . M' An
t hrr "1 fr Ai'ln I'avis, '
A , ' fiA'lx !
f''rf 're f;f' iiti llus rerpfnony
i trt,TUt im if, mm. kU film i
Keiser Speaks on
Race Relations
flare rr-lnltnni Sunday will be i
r-lrlipnler In the first (Congre
rational Churrh, 700 VsHnn SI.
rh 14 al II a m Ir Julian i
Krier will prearh on "The Good i
News and Human Relations." Be-1
due roiniiig In Salem. Ilr. Keiser I
Hie miiiislrr nf an inter-
r.irlnl churrh in Chicago and was
President nf the Council Against
DiMilnnmitinn in that city.
First Methodist Church
Down Town - the Tail White
Spire With the Chimes
9:30 and 11:00 a.m.
"Who Is My
B-oidc.!l-KUM1 1:3012:00
Brooks It. Moore
Japan Missionary Relates
Experiences at Woodburn
W06DBURN A missionary
from Japan, Miss Grace Farn
ham, who is on furlough, spoke
at the Woodburn Christian
church Thursday night. She al
so showed slides taken during
the many years she has spent
in the missionary field.
For the services Sunday, Rev.
George Springer will speak at
11 a.m. on the topic, "A Way
That Seemeth Right." At 8 p.m.
his topic will be "A Savior."
Liberty Holds
Bible Contest
LIBERTY A contest in the
Bible school of the Liberty Chris
tian Church of Christ is now
being held for being on time and
bringing a Bible.
Tag-a-long Charlie is a puppet
about four feet high, and he is
presented to the class with the
lowest percentage, and is known
as the tag-a-long class.
On Sunday, Feb. 14, Valentines
Day, the theme will be "Jesus,
the heart of Christianity". Each
new member or members who
have been absent for some time
will be presented a valentine.
Wayne Bryant will preach the
services on Sunday morning at
11 a.m.
Workers conference will be
held on Monday, Feb. 15, at the
church. The Junior department
workers will meet at 7:30 and
the adult department workers
will meet at 8:15 p.m. An educa
tion film will be shown and a
business meeting will follow for
both groups. Rev. Wayne Bryant
will be in charge.
Classes are held on Thursday
evening on Bible teaching. Six
teen have enrolled in the classes
and Charles Moore is the teacher.
Anyone is invited to attend.
Father O'Brien
Speaks Monday
Brotherhood Week will be the
theme of the Chamber of Com
merce luncheon meeting Mon
day noon at the Marion Hotel,
and the speaker will be Rev.
Thomas O'Brien, director of Loy
ola Jesuit Retreat House, Port
land. Brotherhood is sponsored by
the National Conference of Chris
tians and Jews.
Father O'Brien is both writer
and lecturer and is widely known
in and around Portland for his
advisory work at the Retreat. He
is a member of the National Com
mittee for Religious Organiza
tions and of the National Con
ference of Christians and Jews.
He has done graduate study
at Cambridge University, and
has taught at the Universities of
Detroit, Gonzaga and Seattle. As
a writer he has had articles and
poetry published in many period
icals. Teacher Training
Institute Slated
The Child Evangelism Fellow
ship for Oregon announces a
teacher training institute for all
Sunday school teachers and those
interested in children's work to
he held from Tuesday through
rrinay, f en. 23-26, at the Beth
any Evangelical and Reformed
church, Marion and North Cap
itol streets.
Pr. Rcider Kalland, Pacific
coast director of the Child Ev
angelism Fellowship, Miss Vio
let Lanquist of Los Angeles, and
Miss Iris Kigcr of Spokane will
direct the institute. Classes will
he from 9:30 to 12 noon and
from 1 to 3 p m. There will
he Instruction in training the
teachers to teach children; in
memory work and music; in the
organization of children's classes,
f.hild F.vangrlism certificates
will he Issued to those complet
ing the courses at a public meet
ini at the host church Friday
nitht at 7 no o'clock, when Pr.
Kiilland will speak.
For anyone desiring further
information call Mrs. Alex Sailer-wi-in,
Salem director of Child
LaBordc Speaks to
Unitarian Group
Speaker at rhe Sunday serv
ices of the Salem Unitarian Fel
lowship will he George P. La
Horde. His subject will he "His
tory of IMversalism in the Lib
eral Church" Mr. LaRorde.
now In the investment business
in Salem, is a former resident
of Salem, Mass., and was a mem
ber of the tliversalist church in
that city. Everyone Interested i
is invited to attend. '
First Church of
Canter at
Salem's Singing Church
The Tuhlir In Cordially Invited
Sunday school is at 10 a.m. and
the young people meet at 7 p.m.
A Valentine party for the young
people will be Saturday night
at 7:30 o'clock with the boys in
"The Task of the Church" will
be the topic of Rev. Robert E.
Van at the Bethel Presbyterian
church at 10 a.m. and at the
Woodburn church at 11 a.m.
Sunday school at Woodburn is
at 9:45 a.m. and at Bethel fol
lows the morning service. The
young people will meet at Wood-
burn at 6:30 p.m. The regular
evening service has been dis
continued for the present and
the entire evening will be given
over to the young people.
"A Perilous Vacuum" will be
the sermon topic of Rev. Ar
thur Goble at the Foursquare
community church Sunday at II
a.m. and his topic for the eve
ning service at 7:45 o'clock will
be "Getting Acquainted." Sun
day school is at 9:45 a.m. and
the Crusaders and Cadets will
meet at 6:30 p.m.
Rev. J. William Carlson, pas
tor of the Woodburn Immanuel
Lutheran church, will speak at
11 a.m. Sunday on the topic,
"Sacrifices and Rewards." Sun
day school is at 10 a.m. The
Luther Leaguers will meet at
the church at 2:30 p.m. for an
outing at Champoeg State park.
Cars will be available for trans
portation. A food sale by the
Ladies Aid will be held Satur
day, Feb. 13, at Lacey's Men's
Wear, beginning at 10 a.m. A
propect to build two modern
rest rooms in the parish hall
will Be started Saturday.
At the Woodburn Church of
God, Rev. E. H. Baldwin will
have for his topic Sunday at 11
a.m., "Clouded Out?" For the
evening service at 8 o'clock his
topic will be "The Unchange
able Christ." Sunday school
classes are at 10 a.m. and young
people meet at 7 p.m.
"Raos Relations Day" will be
observej a tthe 11 a.m. service
at the Woodburn Methodist
church and the minister, Rev.
Ormal B. Trick, will speak on
the topic, "The Lost Brother."
The scries of special evangel
istic meetings now in progress
at the Assembly of God church
in Woodburn will close following
the meeting Sunday night. A
"men only" meeting is sched
uled for Saturday night. Sun
day school is at 9:45 a.m. and a
prize will be given to the person
bringing the most people. The
evangelist. Rev. David Godwin,
will speak at both the 11 a.m.
and 7:30 p.m. services on Sun
day. The Round Robin Missionary
conference now in progress at
the Woodburn Bible Baptist
church meets Friday and Satur
day nights at 7:45 o'clock. A
different missionary speaks each
night A missionary is expected
to speak at 11 a.m. Sunday and
also at 7:45 p.m. Sunday school
is at 9:45 a.m. and the young
people meet at 6:45 p.m.
Holy communion will be ob
served at St. Mary's Episcopal
church Sunday at 7:45 a.m.
.Morning prayer, church school
ad sermon will be at 11 a.m.
Early service will be held at
9:30 a.m. at the Nidaros church
at Monitor and the Lord's Sup
per will be administered. Rev.
J. William Carlson of Woodburn
is the pastor.
African Emphasis
Sunday Night
Africa, presented by pictures
and message, will be the theme
of the N closing meeting of the
Annual Missionary Conference at
the First Baptist Church Sunday
night at 7:30 o'clock. Speakers
of the evening will be Rev. and
Mrs. Curtis Cochrane, represent
atives of the Mid-Mission Organi
zation- They have worked for j
aevrn years on the Gold Coast
of French West Africa, doing j
pioneer work among peoples as ,
yet unreached hv the dospel.
Both Hev. Cochrane and Mrs.
Cochrane will be speaking in the
various Youth (.roups of the
church which meet at 6:15 p.m.
WOODBUtN The Zion Men
nnnite church. Vi miles east of
Hubbard, is starting a church and
community campaign with a ser
ies o( meetings which will becin
Feb. 23 and continue nightly
through March 1. The services will
begin at 7:.W p.m. and close at 9
o'clock. There will he a children's
meeting, short talks, special sing
ing and a 4ft-minute sermon each
evening. Bishop C. F. Perstine of
Kitchener. Ontario, Canada, will
be the speaker.
the Nazarene
9:45-Church School
10:50 Worship
William F. Cliy, speaking
6:30 Youth Hour
7:30 Evangelistic Service
William f. Clay,
Salem QiurclieA Mtntarlkl ClDI rtEltlttBal
Louts E. Whttti minister. Bundi KhMt
S 43 i n;. Mrs. E. C flltr. lupt. Wor
ship 1130 m. Sermon by the minister:
The Pull f Brotherhood." PiUnm'
Fellowship croups 6 30 p.m.
Girden Christian 4083 Usrkft
street. L. H. Ctmp. minister. BibH
school :45. Oeorie B. Wright, supt.
Worship and Communion 11. Sermon:
'Christ of the Common People." Youth
roups :1&. Evening service 1:30. A
Valentine sermon.
Silem Unitarian Fellowship Services
and Sundav school 10:30 am. Salem
Woman' club, 460 N. Cottage Bt.
Metaphysical Center 362 N. Cottage.
Dora Nebon, Thursday 13-1. Science
mind meditation. Open Tuesday. Wed
nesday and Friday 1 to I. Heading,
study. Truth publications.
Court Street Christian Court at 17th
street. W. Harold Lyman. O. Philip
Hurd, ministers. Sunday school 8 30 a.m.
Worship and Communion 10:50 am.
Message by O. Fred Hoy. evangelis. Bi
ble study classes and sound film "Holy
Night" 6:30 p.m. Zvangeiuttle lervice
at 1:30.
Reorganised Chareh f Jesae Chrlil
of Latter Day Saints Seventeenth and
Chemeketa Sts. oeorge W. Speed, pas
tor. There ill be no local services In
Salem. Sunday, February 14 because ct
District Conference In Portland.
First Evangelical United Brethren
Corner Marlon and Summer. Rev. A. a.
Jamleson, pastor. Sunday school 9:45
a.m. Worship 10:50 a.m. "Revival in
Japan," Dr. Paul Petticord. a p alter.
Youth Fellowship 6:30 p.m. Worship
7:30 p.m. Pictures and Missionary pre
sentation on Korea by Dr. Petticord.
Free Methodist Market and Winter
streets. Rev. M. C. Miller, minister.
Sunday school 9:45 a.m. Classes for all
ages. Morning worship 11 a m. "Perfect
Love." Youth Fellowship 8:45 p.m. Cor
vallis group In charge. Evening service
7:30 p.m.
Central Church af Christ 603 Che me
keta street. Choice L. Bryant, evangel
ist. Sunday morning Bible school 10.
Sunday morning worship service 10:50.
Sunday evening young people's training
classes 6:30. Sunday evening preaching
and worship service 7:30. Mid-week ser
vice Wednesday evening 7:30.
Christ Lutheran ettte street at 18th.
Rev. T. M. Oebhard, paator. Sunday
worship services 8:45 and 11 a.m. Sacra
ment of baptism and sermon by the
pastor. Sunday school Bible classes 10
St. Mark' Lutheran Sunday school
convenes at 9:30 a.m. Service 11 a.m.
Sermon by the Rev. John L. Cauble,
pastor. Adult class for persons inter
ested In knowing more about the
church 4 p.m. Intermediate Luther. Lea
gue meeti 5 p.m. Senior Luther League
6:30 p.m.
Jason Lec Mrmnrlil M(hnrfi ....... -
of Jefferson and Winter streets. Ernest
i-iratun uouraer, minuter. Divine wor-
ihlD at 11 m Rmnn ...W4.. 1. 1 w.i
Christianity." Churrh arhnnl at 0:45
a.m. "Family Night" at ft:30 n.m.
-vwmm unity n. M. HOOKS. .
D.. pastor. Sunday school at 10. Juniors
m ( ) lii vb - - -1 . . .. ....
... . a nirtiny mrrn T. Al
At 6:30 evengelistic meuage.
St. J AlPnh'a fathnll r-h..L... .
Winter itr Rivinmi i...u m -
derberk, paUnr. Sunday masses: 6. 7,
i. 9:15. 10:30 and 11:4s. Confessions Sat
urday 3:30 to 6.30 and 7:30 to 9.
Gaines fit. Ci b ....... ...
Central Lutheran Hour KOCO i':30. Sun-'
ny scnooi sua. Morning worship ll.
Evening services 1:45.
First Method!! nv.rr. .-j .....
streets. "Who is Mt Ni.h
mon by the minister. Brooks H. Moore,
Ftrmt KnlvltHall.t linn .
circle 6:45. Regular service 7:30. Speak-
tnmij uergen.
Grace Lutheran irirt a.. .
.nd Lsn.m. T."'' "
Bible cli :45 m m. Divine worMilp u
m. Church membership class 3:30 p m
Luther Leacue 7 u rn. Tuesday, Peb is,
I B m. Brotherhood. Dr. Pranrls Clark
ol Monmouth lut.u speaker. L. W. Holte
ra.ll.l Manila loiui .-
I.-. V "" avenue.
James E. Frost, pastor. Bunds; arhonl
:5 am. Mornlnc worship 11 a m Pas.
tor i sermon: Peculiar People." Train,
inf Union :J0 p.m. E.enlnt worship
7 45 o m. P..tnr. ........ ... .
, - ...nun. .MB ja
Comlni Againl"
First H.-H.t w . . .
L Old T. Anaarmn n...
t- " t "' nf.. inorn
ton Jarsma, assistant pastor. Eunda;
" m. Momma worship 11
n clock, -The Wltnejj of the Believer"
Pastor Anderson. Youth meetlnas 15
p m. Oospel servlre 7 .10 p m. vislllna
missionaries Rev. and Mrs. Curtis Coch.
r..r rornera B.nll.t-tate and Elma
Mrrels. K,v. Victor L. Loucks. p.slor.
Sunday Khool a. 15 a m. Mornlnc wor.
ship ll o-ciock. Rev. Henrr Ouenter,
missionary speaker. Younk Peoples lea
fue $30 p.m. Evenlnc aosnel servtre,
Rev. Prank Dobra. missionary speaker.
t.'a l.alh.rso (Mo. S.oodl
Court at North Hth. H. W. Oros, pu.
tor. Servlre 10:30. Sunday school l.i.
Bible class 1:30.
Salem Truth Center-341 Chemeketa.
Rtinrtay school 10. Servlre 11. Toole
.u. .no Mountains.
Olive Sle.ens.
Hr.l Churrh .1 Chrlil, Srlrnti.l
Liberty and Chemeket. .tr..t.
achool at 11 am. Church services at II
i"1 P m' 1-f,50ns'rmoii
e..mnB servlre at I.
hurch f Jeias Christ of l.a 1T
Sslnl. I5l.,m.n Filth and MaUi.on
Sis. John K Salisbury, buhop. Priest
hood meellni I am. Sunday school
10.30 a m. Sarrament service 7 p m.
SI. Vincent it Psul ralh.llr Colnm.
bla and Myrtle street. Masses at a 7 10
45. 10 and 11:15 a m. Confessions tit'.
utdar. 4 30 to 5 30 and 7 to 30 p m.
S.lnt Paul's rpl.r.psl South Mherlv
ann Mlsh al Myers. Holy Communion
.,r,.m, F"m": 'n, rh""'''
school .10 am Prayer sernee or Euih-
J.'.1-' 'I Vm """" lo and II am
Mlrts-eek Communion iWednesdsvi 7 30
ro 10 a m. Canterbury rlufi iSunOsvi
WU stud.nts 30 pm Yount people s
Fellowship iHuh srhool studentii.
AFRICA Presented by
Pictures and Message
Sunday 7:30 P.M.
missionaries from the GOLD COAST, WEST AFRICA
11:00 a.m. "The Witness of the Believer"
Sl'NDAV SCHOOL-MS a.m."There's a Class for All"
T . Everett Herbert, Superintendent
Tune in to First Boptitt Programs:
J:1S a.m. Monday through Fridnv Famllv Altar"
8:00 a.m. Sunday Mornings "First Call"
11.00 a.m. Sunday Morninrs 'Morninj Wnrihln"
First Baptist Church
Marion and Libert
G. FretT Hoy, west coast ev
angelist who will preach dur
ing a series of meetings at
the Court Street Christian
Gospel Minister
Court St.Church
G. Fred Hoy, west coast evan
gelist and nationally known gos
pel preacher will begin a series
of revival meetings at the Court
Street Christian church on Sun
day, Feb. 14, at 10:50 a.m. Be
fore his entrance into the field
of evangelism, Hoy served as
pastor of the First Christian
church of Inglewood, Calif., for
11 years. For the past eight
years Fred Hoy has held meet
ings for both large and small
churches from coast to coast.
The meetings will feature spec
ial music nightly from local tal
ent as well as out of state guests.
Typical dynamic messages which
will be heard during these meet
ings are "When Is He Coming?",
"Tried Men," "The I Think Re
ligion," and "If I had Just Ont
Sermon to Preach."
Gospel Meetings at
Mennonife Church
The Pratum Mennonite chutch
will be engaged in a series of
Gospel meetings with the Rev.
H. P. Fast of Reedley, Calif., as
the guest speaker.
Beginning on next Wednesday
evening, February 17, the serv
ices will continue every evening
except Saturday. Service timn
will be 7:30.
The Rev. Fast, pastor of a
church in Reedley, it engaged
in a daily radio broadcast called
"Bible Treasures Time." In addi
tion to this he is chairman ot
the Board of Missions in his de
nomination a member of th
board of directors of Grace Bibla
Institute of Omaha, Nebraska,
and is constantly in demand at
a Bible teacher and evangelist.
Much of his teaching and preach
ing ministry is enhanced by use)
of large canvas charts. He will
be using a chart in the series
here, entitled: "God's Flan in
the Light of Prophecy."
In addition to the illustrated
messages there will also be a
variety of special musical num
bers throughout the scries.
Sophia Robinson
Addresses Group
Mrs. Sophia Robinson of th
Portland Association for Retarded
Children addressed the Salem As
sociation Thursday night and
stressed the need for society to
accept the retarded children, help
Ihem with their education and givn
them fuller and happier life.
The movie "Children Limited"
was shown. The film deals with
activities of various levels of re
tarded children from state homel
in Washington.
Hostesses for the evening wert
Mrs. V. Hilton, Mrs. W. Jenks,
Mrs. M. Hynets and Mrs. Edward
Guest speaker at the March 11
meeting wil lbe Mason McQuiston,
director of the Salem pilot school
Mrs. Robinson included in het
talk her experiences at the annual
convention of the National Associ
ation lor Retarded Children.
First Presbyterian
Chemeketa and Winter
"Adventure in
By Ilr. Pnling
Two Services: 9;4S . 1 1 a.m.
KOCO, 10:00 A. M.