THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, Salem, Oregon Pag 15 850 Automotive 850 Antmnntiv, 850 Automotive 850 Automotive 850 Automotive 850 Automotive 8S0 Automotive 850 Automotive 852 U.,d Cot For Sale 8M tT..e, r. For Sal, B52 Uiod Cars For Sal 52 Used Can For Sal 852 Ud Car For Sal 852 Used Can For Sal 852 Ud Cart For Salt 852 Used Can For Sal umasuM LOWEST PRICES j , . vwumjr l4f mot TOWN ON CLEAN CARS 51 Qlds Super 88 $1595 rid!J(.U5hE ?Ud !h n'w condlllon' Beautiful turquosh blue, 50 Ford Custom Tudor ..... $995 Original light green color, new nylon seat covers, radio, Heater ot overdrive. 50 Olds 88 Deluxe Tudor . . $1295 ij.,i!-,"?ie,.i0n' p'ce winshleld model. Original black flniih. whllewall tlrej, radio, heater, Hydramatic. 52 Plymouth Concord Tudor $1195 Absolutely new car condition, this ii one of our very flneit automobile!, Immaculate in every retpect, heater & other accea , aorlei. 49 Buick Super Sedanet $895 Original light blue finish, seat covers, radio, heater & dynaflow, One local owner, very low mileage. 50 Buick Special Sedanet . .$895 Straight ahilt transmission, radio, heater other accessories. This is a very fine automobile, drives like a new one. Our Saturday special at this very low price. 49 Mercury Sport Sedan . . . $795 This is the very best of its model. Original finish. Radio, heater, overdrive, whltewall tires, fender skirts. 48 Desoto Club Coupe $545 Original dark green finish, whltewall tires, new seat covers, radio, heater, turning signals. , 48 Dodge Custom Tudor ...$495 Original dark blue finish. very clean car completely equipped and an outstanding buy at this low price. MAJOR MOTORS CENTER AT LIBERTY PHONE 4-4931 CLOSE OUT SALE "SAFE BUY" USED CARS WARNER MOTOR CO. HAS BEEN SOLD THE REMAINING USED CARS MUST BE SOLD MANY MAKES AND MODELS TO CHOOSE FROM PRICES REDUCED FOR QUICK SALE See Bill Cogswell or Thurman Zeitler 545 Center St. rhnne 3-3012 WARNER'S USED CARS "BONESTEELE'S" JALOPY SALE UM7 , 1938 BUICK SEDAN 45.00 U597C 1937 STUDE COUPE 4o.00 1939 STUDE SEDAN 77. 45.00 1940 STUDE TUDOR .....4o.OO 1940 BUICK 4 DOOR 95.00 U693C 1940 PONTIAC 2 DOOR 95.00 PHONE 2-1603 365 N. CHURCH AND AWAY WE GO! WITH MORE HONEST VALUES ON FINE USED CARS -THESE CARS WILL BE SOLD WITH NO CARRYING CHARGES!! SPECIAL 1952 Henry-J. Drluy. Over drive. This week only 1750.00. Ph. M. J. Shower, Stayton, Oregon. 1953 MKRC, 4-rir. sedan, Mcrcnmal Ic. RcH. 7.600 miles. 1 owner. 12.295. Call 4-17H3 da. 4-6617 eve. '46 FORD. 2 dr. Excellent cond. Cood 3-9738. buy. '47 C1IF.V. Aero Sdn. Rill. Nice ca r. $445. Anderson s 335 Chemckela St. 47 PONTIAC tornedo 6. RAH. twin spots. W.S.W.. ixc. cond. Will take older car. 1661 Court. l- p ni. iM7PLVMOUTH sedan with ilmost new 194B motor. 550 Glen Crock Dr. Ph. 4-3622 Statesman-Journal Newspapers (. NORTH CHURCH SI REFT ct.ti-sman 3.24.1 . JOfRNAL 7-2108 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING (Mln i Unesl 'Weekdays ""Sundays per line. 1 time 35 21 per line. 3 90 0 per line times .-.$130 1120 per Una. 1 month $5 00 Unci Sun I Classified ads will be run in both papers to give advertisers the ad vantages of the tremendous pulling Cower of 35.600 combined clrcula ons. When an ad Is ordered three or six times and a Sunday issue is in cluded cfor example frldav Satur day. Sunday) the lower Sunday rales apply because only the Statesman publishes Sundavs Classified ads will start In tne morning Oregon Statesman, conclude In the evening Capital Journal -But arts will be accepted tor Sundae Statesman only The deadline foe He.smed sd is pm the day Before sou; . Emergency sds and small line 1 no lion. ads received alter 100 pm. may hi placed in the "Too Late To Classify' column lor the following morning. The Statesman-Journal Newspspers reserves the right to refect ques tionable advertising. It further re serves the right to place all adver tising under the proper classifica tion. The Statesman-Journal Newspapers assumes no financial responsibility for errors which may appear in ad vertisements published in its columns snd in cases where this paper is at fault will rennnt that part of an advertisement in which the typo graphical mistake occurs. A Blind'' Ad-an ad containing a Statesman-Journal Newspapers box number for an address is for the protection of the advertl-ers and must therefore he answered by let ter The Statesman-Journsl News papers are not at liberty o divulge information ss to the identity of an advertiser using a "Blind aa. 1953 Nash Station Wagon Here's the famous Rambler In pearl gray finish, leather upholstery, radio, heater, overdrive. 11,000 miles, one owner, sold and serviced by our own shop. $1895 ' 1952 Rambler Station Wagon Nash's own light blue finish, radio, heater, overdrive, leather upholstery; It s real sharp and la a beautiful carl $1495 ' 1952 Rambler Station Wagon Ivory finish, only 37.000 actual miles, radio, heater. Thla price good for two days only. This one won't last. $1295 1949 Studebaker Convertible Look at thla one quick) New paint, new top, leather upholstery, motor recoditloned; It's a new low price I $695 1952 Nash Ambassador Sedan One owner, metallic green finish, hydra matic drive, bed, weather-eeye heater. Spa. ' clal price . . . $1695 AND HERE ARE LOW-COST SPECIALS! TERMS OF ABOVE DO NOT APPLY 1948 Ambassador Custom Sedan nd bed. $333 ' Radio, heater, overdrive and bed. 1949 Studebaker Convertible Look at this one quick I New paint, new top, leather upholstery, motor reconditioned; 1U a new low price. $695 1941 Chevrolet Tudor Sedan Runs real good. A fine buyl $76.50 1941 Ford Coupe Here's a buyl Sea for yourself! $55 1946 Nash '600' Sedan . Radio, heater and it's clean 1 $275. ; 1946 Ambassador 5-Pass Coupe Radio, heater, overdrive. $295 1941 Nash '600' Sedan ' Radio, heater, ovardriva. Wowl $27.50. '1937 Chevrolet Sedan Excellent motor. It'i good I $22.50 1936 Lincoln Zephyr Mercury motor. A nice carl $49.50 TODAY'S SPECIAL!. 1949 Nash Ambassador Sedan Radio, heater, overdrive, dual ipeaker radio It's a ateal for $645 SEE OUR "WARM AS TOAST" DISPLAY AD BILL PHILLIPS AL LOUCKS 333 CCNTf R sr. 3'92A6 "TAKE IT FROM US" IT'S AMAZING! IT'S SENSATIONAL! ABSOLUTELY NO FINANCE CHARGE A-l USED CARS A-l RECONDITIONED 6 MO. 6000 MILE WARRANTY IN WRITING TAKE YOUR PICK .$795 NO FINANCE CHARGE 1950 CHEV DELUXE SDN R & H POWER GLIDE $925 195' CHEV BUSINESS COUPE R & H 24,000 Ml. $1005 A-l 1951 FORD V-8 TUDOR. Heater , A-l A-l 1951 HUDSON PACEMAKER SDN. R., H , O.D. A-l A-l 1951 PLYMOUTH CRANBROOK SDN. R., H. A-l A-l 1B51 BUICK SPECIAL SliDANETTE. R., H. A-l A-l 1951 FORD 6 TUDOR. R., H., O.D. A-l 1949 FORD CUSTOM SEDAN A-l. HEATER 1951 FORD DELUXE 6 TUDOR HEATER 1951 NASH RAMBLER STATION WAGON H OD 1950 FORD CUSTOM 6 CLB. CPE. R-H 1951 FORD CUSTOM 6 CLB. CPE. HEATER $545 $915 $995 $565 $795 IP YOU CAN'T COME IN CALL US; WE WILL COME OUT PHONE 3-3147 JACK BOWDEN PHIL NEWELL LES CAPPS DICK SCANDLING VALLEY MOTOR A-l USED CAR MART SALEM '51 CADILLAC LUXURY AT LOW COST! '53 CADILLAC 4-door vedan, "S2" aeries, hydra- malic, radio, neater, defroster, autronie eye. power steering, spot light, automatic window and teat controli, windshield waihers, royal maiter white ldewalti; it'i a love ly car with only 11,700 miles. $3995 Another beautiful 4-door aedan, "62" series, hydramatic. radio, heat er, defroster, windshield washers, turn signals, oil filter, seat covers. A carefully groomed, one-owner car with 28,700 miles. It's excel Sent In every respect $2595 '53 STA. WAGON B-passenger Townsman. Radio, heater, defroster, windshield wash ers, back-up lights, E-Z-I glass. You can save 9700 on this bargain price unit. $2295 60 BUICK 4-door Roadmaster Riviera sedan. dynaflow. radio, heater, defroster, winasmeia wasners, on filter, un dercoat, back-up lights, turn sig nals, lifeguard tubes. This Immacu late car was owned locally and has oruy .jb.wu mues. $1285 SPECIAL!! '49 PLYMOUTH Special deluxe 4-door ledan, radio, heater, defroster, aeat covers. This locally-owned car car Is exceptionally clean. A tine car lor the family, $695 GOOD BUYS!! '52 CHEVROLET Stylfltne special, airflow heater and defroster. Spotless in and out. Top shape. A beautiful buy at 'S3 Plymouth Cranbrook, 4-door sedan $1999 '52 Plymouth Cranbrook . 4-door sedan . $1493 51 Oldsmobile W sedan coupe.-. $1493 '50 Chevrolet FJeetline 2-door sedan $743 '49 Dodge custom club coupe : $745 '48 Dodge custom 4-door edan $695 '53 Dodge Meadowbrook club coupe $2095 "52 Pontiac Streamliner 4-door sedan .--i. $1599 '51 Plymouth Cranbrook ' ' 4-door sedan $1093 '50 Studebaker Champion , 4-door sedan $695 '49 Chevrolet Styleline ' club coupe $895 '48 Plymouth loeclal ' . u deluxe 4-dr sedan .... $645 & WEEK-END SPECIAL ; - 1951 KAISER SEDAN COUPE '. !. SEE AND DRIVE THIS ONE AT ONLY $895 only $1250 '51 CHEVROLET 4-door Fleetllne deluxe with power glide, radio, heater, defroster, 11 seat covers, oil filter, durable dark green color. It's tops mechanically $1175 51 CHEVROLET 2-door Styleline special with radio, heater, defroster. Thousands of miles nf economical driving left In this very clean, one-owner car. $1045 '50 CHEVROLET 2-door Fleetllne special1, radio, heat er, defroster, windshield washers, nil filter, fog llghls, chrome wheel discs. Only 42.000 actual miles on this dandy buy. -6- WONDERFUL BUYS 1952 PLYMOUTH SUBURBAN . I.. .$1525 Low mileage. Very clean. The most popular car you can buy. , See thla one at , . , 1951 DESOTO DELUXE SUBURBAN $1525 Leather uph. A one owner car and In wonderful shape. Sold fc service by us. Today's price. 1 1950 OLDS 88 DELUXE CLUB CPE. .....$1195 Thla car is in top ahapa. Looks and runs Ilka a atw on 1948 FORD V-8 SUPER DELUXE '. ; .'71 .'.$595 4 dr. aedan. Motor reconditioned. H&H. Look this eat ovar before) you buy Ford. . A 1950 PLYMOUTH SPECIAL DELUXE $995 Club coupe, low mileage and In wonderful shape. 1951 PLYMOUTH CAMBRIDGE ..$1095 Club coup.. A ona owner car, low mileage, and vary clean. W. L ANDERSON, Inc. DESOTO - PLYMOUTH BANK TERMS $850 '49 CHEVROLET J-door Fleetllne deluxe, heater, undercoat, grille guard, wheel discs, trunk guard. One owner, and only 40,106 miles. $795 '48 CHEVROLET Fleetmaster, rsdlo. heater, defrost er, seat covers. Onlv 8,130 miles on an overhauled motor. $645 '41 CHEVROLET S-donr master deluxe with radio, heater, seat covers, fog lights, out side vlior. $225 FOR THE BEST VALUES IN OK CARS AND TRUCKS SEE DOUGLAS McKAY CHEVROLET CO. 635 N. Commprclnl Salem PHONE 3 3175 SAVE THIS AD! $45 & UP DOWN 6AI.E '41 Dfidae coarh $4A 37 1'i.nii.c sdn IZS 11 37 Chv. rp 12.1 lS 4(1 Fnrd co.rh 121 II fhpv. rrairh 12 pit 'T1 Ford cpf .10 171 '41 Chfv. coarh 1.10 171 41 Ford coupe 1.10 $71 '41 niris sedan Sis $A1 '37 Kord pickup IIS 'U 41 Buick sed.n 1.1.1 11.1 41 Ponl. cl pc S1.1 9.1 41 Chev. sedan Hi 1121 '41 Ford coach H5 $121 '40 Dod,a cl cpe $so (MS 40 Dndee sedan $M $11.1 '42 Hudiftn sedan $t$ $i;.1 Ml Cadillac sdn $79 $l"5 41 Chev. coach 1113 $141 '41 Chev. picup $13$ $:ini 47 Chev. cl cpa $!..$ $4!il '48 Chev cl cpe $!.$ $W5 4 Ford cl cpe $ISS $WS '4$ Chev. cl cpa IIH9 $M5 '49 Ford cl cpa $10$ $.W5 BANK TERMS ANYBEE MOTORS S40 L'nion Ph. J.0703 Nil Phone 3-J2M SAVE THIS AO! To PlaceAd Ca1l2-2441 SM N. LIBERTY PHONE 4-J4W HERE'S YOUR BEST BUY! For a better used car come to West Salem. Here's big (election at terrific prlcesl lookl $35 to 1M on good prt-war models. Real nice, clean '41 to 'S2 Fords & Chevrolet,. Brand new 1953 Fords & Chevrolet! at tremendous savings) KANNIER'S USED CARS 13PS Edfewater WEST SALEM Phone t-HM 1 POST A0T0 SALES 1I(S U. IZfh. Salt '52 FORD 4-DOOR SEDAN .......$1395 This sharpie has radio, heater, white sidewall tires, brilliant )lk green iinlsh '52 PLYMOUTH SEDAN $1295 Radio, heater, chrome wheels. '51 CHEVROLET 2-DOOR SEDAN $1195 Deluxe Styleline, heater, defroster, new white ildewall tires '51 FORD "6" SEDAN $995 A 4-door beauty with radio, heater, original maroon finish. '50 FORD STATION WAGON $995 Has radio, heater, white sidewall tires, low mileage. A wonderful family buyt '49 MERCURY CLUB COUPE $S95 Radio, heater, white sidewall tires, sharp ll(ht blue finish. '51 HENRY J "6" $795 J-dnor sedan, radio, heater, white sidewall tires, makes Into bed, 21.000 actual miles, I owner. '48 DODGE CUSTOM SEDAN $695 Radio, heater, fluid drive, seat covers, whlta ildewall tires, chrome '48 CHEVROLET. .$692 Club coupa with radio, heater, aeat covers, new tires, many xtraa. It's very nlctl '47 CHEVROLET $595 Aero sedan, loaded with every accessory imaginable Including 15 ' wheels. You'll love this beauty I 3U v,