Friday, February 12, 1954 Page 14 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, Salem, Oregon 800 Real Estate 800 Real Estate 850 Automotive 800 Real Estate 800 Real Estate 850 Automotive 850 Automotive 850 Automotive NELSON & NELSON (ORIGINAL FIRM IN A NEW LOCATION) FIRST TIME ON THE MARKET BNGI.EWOOD DISTRICT sl-bedroom hm Recreational rm.. Hi hath. Hera la a good looking, aubslanlially built home. All good aizeri rma. In cluding a family aired dining rm. Full basement with Iron Fireman oil furnace. Your family will enjoy the barbecue out-door fireplace and patio. Walking distance to all schooli. Just thlnkl All this for 113.730. ATTENTION! CANNERY WORKERS Live economically close to work in Ihls 2-bdrm hm. Insul. weather stripped, plastered to save your heat bill. Raise a garden on this 50 x 100 Int. There la llvabllity in this nice stucco home. IS500. These folks need 3-bdrm. home. Ask for Mrs. Wootten, slw. 8 BDRMS. PLUS FULL BASEMENT $11,000 Thin 3-bdrm, hm. la very conveniently arranged for comfortable living. Located 'i block off Center St. this well preserved hm. li close to State Office Bldgc, all grades of ichool. Attractive fireplace and dining room. Very neat yard, fenced in back. Outdoor fireplace adds to family recreational activities. Trice 111,000. Call Al Watts, Sim. SUBURBAN HOME WITH DUPLEX Attractive Cape Cod 2-bdrm. home with ,i acre land In good location close to stores, bus. Haa 2 rental units for added Income. Owner will ac. eept tnooo home In trade. Price reduced to 114,750. Call R. J. Schmidt, aim. NELSON AND NELSON, REALTORS "Complete Real Estate Service" IS90 S. Commercial SI. Phone 2-3B69 venlngs: Al Watts 3-7J85, Lydla F. Wootten VOt, Dick Schmidt 2-7567, Chet Nelson 2-1:150 I' -MTmI JaiWaL MWW I JIB W 1 r. tasgaaM'al W aktV W I J I BEDROOM NEW 1660 Sq. Ft. of the finest construction located North In the city. Double garage, beautiful fireplace, master bedroom ap proximately 14 x 16, birch kitchen. All this for only, 113,900.00, For appointment to see Chet Rawlins, 1 BDRM. TO TRADE IN ON FARM Priced at I5.500.00 located South suburban will trade on farm up nawjina. aim. I BDRM rnjim jinr.n uji dining room. flOnd uuui in uiy, ccasy terms, win I BDRM. NORTH YRS. OLD, 19.950 00 Urge picture window in nice uvmg room, gooa oining room. niiuwuro iiuors. uisuiciion, atiiomsue rorcea air neat, anacned garage. . tasy terms. Will trade; call Jim Rawlins, Sim. 11-UNIT MOTEL Located Hwy. 89E North S-room owner's living Quarters, ( singles, 3 dbl. untta. T. V. ln units, electric heat, lot 90 x 130 paved, taxes 1195.00. Full price $37,500.00. will take 2-bdrm. home. For appoint ment call Dale Rayburn, Sim. I ACRES CLOSE IN J BDRM. HOME 4 vrs. old. carafe, chicken hoo. good well. This Is a good buy at uaie. jiayDurn, aim. RAWLINS REALTY (HOLLYWOOD DISTRICT REALTOR) 1010 N. Capitol Street Office Phones 2-4664 or 4-1761 Evenings: Chet Hawllns, 3-6236: Jim CANOAI.ARIA 3-bdrm. home nearing completion, liv. rm. with fireplace, din. rm., playroom, birch kitchen with G. F. auln-rtlFwanher. hrkf. nook, and inside utility area. Verv attractive yard and many other fine features. Price $14,000. CALL H. K. LAYMON. NEAT 3-BDflM. HOME with full baamt., rumpu room and fireplace. Liv. rm, with fireplace, din. rm.. model kitchen and nook. Plate glans win dows, wall-to-wall carpeting. Single garage. CALL J. E .LAW. HOW'S THE TIME TO LOOK especially at thin 3-bdrm. home with extra lge. all purpose, room In knotty pine, 3 fireplaces, liv. rm. and din. rm., wall-to-wall carpet, big corner lot, pavement in. brlrk planter front, auto -oil heat. Owner out of town and will aaerlfica at big loti. CALL roy c. Tennis. LOCATED EAST Good 4-bdrm. borne. Oil furnace, dble. plhg., lge. lot. Price .. only 111,000. CALL RICHARD E. GRABKNHORST. GRABENHORST BROS. REALTORS 134 S. LIBERTY PHONE 2-2471 oy S. Ferris J-noio A NEW OFFICE FOR YOU Salem's Newest Office Rentals Ready Soon first Class street level rentals Modern building air conditioned. All utilities and Janitorial services included in reasonable rental schedule. Rental units available in all sizes up in fi.OOO Sq. Ft. in one unit. Off street parkins; available adjacent to building. Close to Upman Wolfe and Meier V Frank Stores in heart of Salem's downtown aies. Available in W to 90 davs. For full information net Dick Schmidt, slm. Eve. ph. a-? mi. NELSON AND NELSON, REALTORS "Complete Real Estate Service" 1M s romineiclal SI Homeseokers Agency SPECIALS Silvprton, Oregon IDEeAL FOR COCPI.F.: 3 room and batn, remeM ffiunda tinn. vtred for runff. rltctrlc wi trr hter ftaras and fruit rm. Ooo!4iitV! fcit Alto electric dlh- -ner antl froafe tjtpn1 ani furnning All f"r 00 1 beftrooo:!. all n one lror. line ! Utility. cerr,ent foundation, tvlted 1 for rang. firplre. e'c. Nue I'M, garaie. Fine l'ctKn yjM f I arr'. rim tn. on pavtd r'rt New 1 room arwi blh. garafe and wot k shop, ha n. etc A tnl fn. ll-tiT4 home for H'.XtOO Patt ai re on W t H i II. r-jnitif il blf 1t HMM, roun.t o'l htn r.(4lt. Hi 'I hi II at K'MMl value $tMti ' 30 at.--, iloke m all ruliivtrt No ; b m din t ft fir tun Id m g itr t;iu j t a. 4 iikhii liou-r ) buiUljna. 13 iut'1 filhrrl oi ' fhara (.A.4iuo i II acre. ' cullivutrd. 4 umhh and I balh. wirrfl for Tangs, rlri'liit' vt;i ! Irr heater, douhlc aitraip. turn, j etc. (iiod-filFd f. streatn. Irrit-a- j tin nttht and equipment. lirUMl'd Pailtires. On pvrd road. V.illev soil .. in.ntmnfi. Term-, i 117 actr. I0 rullivalMl, ? 1rone prtn,(, 7 rm nni lt h notice, ' wired for rnse Abo 'inlrer pi tered bouse A verv rl lntrllcl d dairy barn 45'M wit-t two built'tn silo A very Urge hay tnri. l-arje 1one f rtti f hoie Potato Mora Granary, machine hed. etc. Tnu it a wonderful value ... liR.ooooo Wr. HAVK OTHER" I tSTINGS. CALL OR WRITE FOR Ot R CATALOfit-K HF.FOH E YOU mrv. RENT. OR SEI I. CONTACT The Homcsockeis Ajri'iu-v SIl.VKIITON, OII1XII1N 8Ub House For Sal I $500-$1000 DN. On a limited munher of well huilt 2 or .1 bdrm home, with ached Kiirage. F.H.A. .V f; I. approed. f;md location. ichool. cilv bun V chopping center, (iiick pon. aeMilon. See Joe L. Bourne, Realtor 1H0 N. Capitol Ph. n-21 eve -7?17 1V OWNF.R. 8tihurhan. N F... elo-e to grade ichool. 3 bedrmp., H W, flooii. Inilrie utility, fiatdfn spare, Venetian blind. Inputatrd. nice reielihorhood. A real buy. Ph. i2ftfl I-0TW4. Sim. to 112.000 00. what have you? Call Chet aa.ano.iio new cninnositmn rnnr. 1 w. foundation. hilS hv rinnr navmA .trail. iraae. can Jim ftawlins, 5lm. Kitcnen built for real convenience, 19.000 00. For appointment to see call Rawlins, 2-657B: Dale Rayburn. 2-2045 Evenings 8t Sundays call Salesmen H. K. Laymon I-.1193 J. E. I-aw 3-511.1 Phone ? 5650 DOWN j And the (nil pru-e tl only :t!iW Real nice 'j ai rc rhe in northeast on paved et Modern one -bed room home. Pltimbed and v ired for rnce. Cttlitv rxm with lavindiy rai. Garage. Smsll hen h"1'. Nire vjiririv of berries und fruit. Pay only $'.5 Mo. on bUnre. 2-BEDROOM llofrt no-xn An extra inni nejt and fir .an hfune m Mh hardwood Door. l.i(e tediooiT'i. A hfht and cherr. fill S.tU 'im anil O'tok Knt looed nlitil . e1 ti r t l tn - id- i Uy limit Fviri h..v ,tl Jl.i.W. I'On.TIlYMAN srKCIAL lleie is onr tuiii e to re. Ilv Ret in the i lin k n ituMiieks ithd h i'. c an Mr j irMH ?I lieilitton) home huilt ti );it lioiiMiilt tor .Hunt l.tiHiK hrnK Ifu oti.itor h 'i :n.ihmi kp. 1 "f j other e(ut.itint 'u h a trtiog tMitetie. Id. (Km uatt fci.ind by elec tric brooder, feeder , r.tni'e hour. etr Tbi l a foinp bul nen ho ,inr a jfood nmiii Ulnn fortr ie. AtKHit I10.CIH) Mill h-M- I die down pavrent. ,?ni sopth Mif;H ST i'Hf)VF Phone Fe"ine.N A Snndv- .7I .1-,tIM. J-.nn. a.;v., SEE THESE!! N'KW 2-hidioooi home Mtth pl.iv room in huxrinenl Nue li ing ioiii). I.oln tu huilt-iii in kiti lieii Oil heat. i:t.WH On Quiet Street VOtVl.t. like this newer type 2hed rmun home. Fireplace. lnirie util ity Oil lorced air heat. Nice lot. Price fll.WHt. Look to Future THIS 10-acre tract near Salem on highway to tde;il foi trailer court or mmiI. Well Impioved. MS. too Take in a home. RAMSEY. REALTOR North rommereial Offire 4.e.211 Ft, 2-7M or i-imi or 4koa '806 Hou Tor Salt (An agency devoted entirely to home-selling operated by Theo G. Nelson, Realtor-Appraiser SRA, and Jive neighborhood salesmen) FURNISHED $4,000 One and one-half Ac, comfortable 1-bdrm home, excellent view, nice front lawn, rear suitable for lovely shaded terrace or patm, garden Space. Garage. Pvd. road, near store and grade school. High school bus by door. Furniture includes excellent elec. range, refrig, autom washer, etc. Unfurnished S3M0. Price Includes $1,000 easy payment mortgage. Grace Tomlin, aim. Res. ph. 4-2436. EXTRA SUBSTANTIAL Just outside city, water from extra deep well. New home. Large comb LR and DR. 2 roomy bdrms, 12x13 comb, kit and nook. High quality Drlro auto. Peremeter heating, tile floors, 3 blks to school, about ,i ac. $!)B50 basis $2500 down and lease option like rent on bal, Percy Gorton, aim. Res. ph. 2-40&2. WOULD TRADE FOR CITY Almost 3 Ac. on Lancaster Rd. Comfortable 2-bdrm. home, dble era chicken house, W ft well with 6" casing. Priced 37500. Would trade for similar home Inside city. Edna Morgan, slw. Res. ph. 4-6308. WOULD TRADE FOR 3 BDRM. Only 2 blks from Wash, school, very nice yard with fruit trees, outside fplace. lawn, trees, shrubs, 2-bdrm home, only 4 yrs old. Insul. and w. stripped, dble attached gar. extra good well, fenced yard on pvd road, well financed at $10,500. would trade for home with basement or up- SiiilrS. Jioy Darnci, ami. n, pu, The HOMESELLERS MULTIPLE LISTING REALTORS IN THE HUB OF SALEM EASY PARKING 702 North High Street Ph.4-4141 INCOME!!! 6-unlt court In best of location, there'a only one like this in Sa lem, owner in poor health, will consider offer this won't last so call Ralph Maddy NOW. GOOD VALUE HERE In this neat 2-bedroom home on 'i A , rich soil, nicely landscap ed, on paved road, was FHA ap praised for MSOO selling for I79S0. See Henry Torvend. Ltt OHMART TWO ATTRACTIVE BUYS English style. 3-bedroom home, near all schools, spick and span thruout, separate dining-room, full basement, eceonomical sawdust heat a good buy for tlo.soo. - South 2 bedrooms, new home, 1050 iuuu .dm.. .u l,, i-orenz A DELIGHTFUL Yes, and In a delightful neighborhood evervthlnr i n. h both this home and the neighborhood I Listed at onlv $8500 this home f .'.."""TV. !n "1,lle u"llt' room' hardwood floors and a SO x 123 lotl You will be pleased with It all-Ask for Ted Morrison OHMART & CALABA, REALTORS 477 Court St. Phone 2-4115 S.4ll Eve. Salesmen-Ralph Maddy 2-34M. Louis LorenV 3-55M rtMorrlnn 2-504B, Henry Torvend .1-:lii.12 806 Houses For Sale FAMILY HOME In Enalewood, near fireplace, large dining room, 1 bedrooms and toilet up. Full basement, forced air oil heat, 12,000 or mora will start you owning your own homt. KEIZER Co-operatlva ewner will assist on t.rma h.ra. i bedrooms 10 x 11 and 11 X It, large Hying loom, kiteh.n with aatlng apaca, good electric range atayi. to x 133 lot. Attached garage. Prica tt.MM. ZWASCHKA 1745 Grant St. BY OWNER Attractive suburban home, 2 bed rooms, down unfinishrd upstairs, plastered, hardwood floors, fire place, forced-air furnace, utility room. Small barn, chicken house. App. 3'i acres, family fruit, oak grove Mm Fisher Road. Gl F H A 71."ifl on vour lot w ith noihin down or SK2.V0 on our lot Oversized BeiiHees nd fireplaces nou avail. i tile at extra ro.t BKST BUY IN THK CITY! Phnno 2 0071 famous L0CKW00D HOMES IMS S. Commrrrial "$7100 (VYR-Ol.n 2 MR . nARtllX't'Kl netifd cou.rle hae kept this home and ) it, d ll per led I tape Inmc loe a ne!v h nl nn w pci t(tt, he..nliliil or.iul ittMl ,.un. h.ik v.. id .Mill p,tio liiej.u.e muI (i.e stitioi I'.'tlect pa. ut in tile A tiil. alt, m licit f.t .itr OMtiiud riloiam'. Iliirht kiUhen wilii ninin kii.tie Mie in ttx l (t..n. f-:hu pei too. Ak h.r CI.VUK KiU'l.K, S-tle-onn. Kve 1'Miinr 2- W. It tin aii'uri, iii.l 2-(..';u, oi j-;t:irfi. PHONE .-.o www Hfl.l. WOOD IS1 HU T "THIS IS THK. VlTV SAl.F.M " J In A M. Reretved a cll thai a nire 'i Acre with lie 2-MR home close tn South w , availalile (nr onlv -i.V down urn Summers, work int the nav shift on I.OW DOWN PAYMF.NTS. I'm a Realtor. 9 .T M Armed at location. Found wjnlme to jt If Irnmediale- t -r only rt.7An. ttru!t: given .al 1. j to rcure htivcr. lit A l I'alls hein lo cime in. (live u a tint; Sl'MUMtS. nFAl.Toll Male M Pli 2-1ii03 Ranch Style NPW f A 3-hcdroom hoine?i tin lartfe WOODKI) LOTS R.minIi vawn HOAltl) ItATTFN extenom. l,iv inc. limine A kitchen paneled In HUH Hrinvooi). In-ide utihtv. STONE llHKl'l.AfK. railed lirAHTII,, overle faratfe, oil FH A $12.f50. to he p.ived So. Commercial I 10 M ncntfe pr . turn Kt to 2nd dr. on led. Robert I.oren (flat root home on rotnen. Consider trade Ph f .7PM SKF I.FOAl. Notice Sertlon for ! of nmi.e with low down pavment. vmmrn r fnilU RUDY CALABA sq. ft. living area, fireplace, hardwood to see these two. LITTLE irnMP 806 Houses For Sale all schools. Living room with cheery bedroom, den and full hath down, 3 Phone 3-4035 HOME WITH ln;ome. laifie living room. dining room bedroom hreakfast nook Ac kitchen. Base ment. Reaullful vard. furnished apt, upstairs. 7.noo. Tel. 2-BBi2. ROY TODD REAL ESTATE TRADE FOR 3 BEDROOMS Neat twip hrdrnoin house, break fast nook, large corner lot. Sale or tiade. $fiei.ri0.oi. 39 ACRES Exceptionally Rood noil .01 mltivat- I en. imp acre Mrawbrrrtrs. 4 bdrm. modern house. 2 jjood chicken houses. SchtMil bus and other routes. Onlv $14,000. TRADE HOUSE IN CITY I A. with 2-heriroom unfinished at. tir. Good bjisrmrnl with lurnace. J Chicken house. Family fruit and i berries. Rood R.irden Foil. Close in north. Worth $9.0(K). $500 DOWN Completely remodelled two bdrm. i house, new plumhtog and hetlng jini. unuiaiea ccilinR. 7000 00. ROY TODD REALTOR 2310 Sute St Ofiice phone J-Rjfll Evening Call Kllinger 4..Vt7fl: Stmpon V.,ndriort a-h-jhH; H m h :i.".tl.V KLUMPPS 3-bed I ootn tiomes now be 104 limit on our Choice of l,.u rc h v him .iiid tiiiiinn int. Innh kitclicn. planter box 111 lunif; im.m, Km-( .nr he-it. k licpliu c. douldc Kflt.ifce, Itr-it of coiisti tiction. C.tii u( and vm- will woik out a plan (or j uu 1ui.ii pi h p i:knhi 23 actr ai ir ..' .H it's .'l-hrdt in. hoii-e l-hi'drm. boti-e MK per acic. T. 18'HI JM.PKI ,ll or It. L. K. Klumpp, Realtor ;inv. po-i'uv! mi I'm :.7';(2 tvr; Richard Klut-ipp. ?-.lM .1-HFDROOM hon e f 11 .onri" Ne.r "st Vincent church Full basement, fireplace p, plumhins Harare. sawdut heat 2 fih prnd mav tke 2 hrditvmi home as prt pav. men! up to japnn Write Box 217. Co S'atesnian-Journril THF HOTTFST de.i'l in town!" New"s" hdim house, all plastered includ- ! in (writer. Dininc room, hirch rah met. nd mahocanv do $R"50. with $1.00(1 dn Ph 2-2:'7? or SPECIAL THIS WKKK ONLY New 2-rMlnom houe, i ;u'ie H.d walrr tank, electric ranee and oili er furniture $:i.lianm( term. See T. T. Ainlei on with CollKith Land Co. SI9 Court St ph 4-Am. Kve 4-27H IIOMK on dead end S . W.nli. Inn ton school. $1,750 eo,Mitv. b.d at $50 per tno 2 bi!rm , MMbIy 1 l.arpe lot. Ph. 4-M52. $75)00 New 5 bdrm. home. dtn. r' . all c,i rtsr. pa ed lreet. iir.ii , h't. bin hv d'V n- d"U n M't BlU"re lew than rent. ::J9 Claude St. m I HM. 852 Used Cars For Sal FUPJHR? You Can Buy That Used Car With Full Confidence from your PACKARD LOT. AU MAKES ALL MODELS '53 PACKARD SPORSTER IN NEW CONDITION SAVE $1000 '52 PONTIAC CHIEFTAIN SEDAN. BEAUTIFUL CONDITION $1695 '53 FORD CUSTOM "8" TU DOR. LEATHER 1NTE B10R $1895 '52 FORD CUSTOM TU-. DOR. LEATHER INTE RIOR $1495 50 PLYMOUTH SUBUR BAN. REALLY NICE. -$1195 '49 CHEVROLET DELUXE SDN. ONE OF THE BEST $ 795 '52 OLDS SUPER "8". IT'S A TUDOR BEAUTY.. .$1995 '49 PLYMOUTH SPEC. DE LUXE. LATE SERIES. A-l $695 '52 WILLYS ACE TUDOR, 1 OWNER, 12,000 MILES $1595 5i WILLYS "6" CYL. ST A. WAGON. OVERDRIVE, Belli $1195 '49 MERC. SPT. CPE. A REAL BUY! $ 695 ELSNER MOTOR CO. 352 N. Hieh SHARP I?.ifi CheTnlel 4-donr, radio, heater, i new tires, low mileage, clean throughout. $995 KELLY OWENS COMPANY 0 N. Uberty Phona 1-4113 1942 STUDEDAKER Commander S 100. 1595 S. 22nd. Ph. 4-1554. 19.1!) PLY. CPE. Runs good, good tires. 150. Ph. 3-3688. '51 FORD 8, Tudor-custom and $200 cash, for ?u bur ban with O.D, 4315 MaclcayHd. '39 OLDS 6 sedan. Good bodv. motor, and interior. $75. Ph. 2-6i)83. '41-'42 PACKARD Clipper. 4-door sedan. No down payment Ph. 3-3420 i9'oi K AISER 3 T Door S d n . R & HLo w mileage, a real bargain on this one. f4.V0fl. ANDKRSONS, 3i(5 Chemcketa St. WILlTRADEeliuii 4-wheel drive jcp station wagon for ttmnll 4-wheel drive jerp. E. C. Michael. 2-4381. Glenwnod Dr. 1 Four CorntTfO 49 MERC. spt. cpe. Sharp. Equipped. Terms .Vflii72. 1413 N. 17th. 37 nODC.E SED ANfUaa ltecn.e.niM good. Ph. 2.o:;.!i. ""seeing IS BELIEVING! IP.'irt Poniiac Catahna roupc. bvdra malic, r.idio. heater. Rood tires, low mileage, l owner, very clean. See this one it's sharp! $1395 KELLY OWENS COMPANY fil N Liberty Phone :-4IU BOO Ural EMiilc 806 Houses For Sale GOOD 1-hcdioom hoine, new roof, ml ilrd, ju-rr hint tier, lo- t.ited in K.iM- I'lty. .VOoo. i u iMin.ihlc (lnwnp.n m nt See l ' ' ' Mi Atlt-U i . l .llh I'.lv. Honeymoon Cottage In the F.iitilcwood Dist. .1 yc.njt oUI and a.i j pin. Forced air oil im hc.ii to all rmv Fullv intiil.iicd, n ino ,ille si iccn. Aulo w.i.iier, drape, nitm-hed k.i. Pvd. st. and alks. n. yhntli!' and Ifie. .n ri n Yours tor onlv fuj.'m. KVK. L-K7'M. 4..WM7. Kd Lukinheal. Realtor in N. Hir.ll ph. 2-fiinn SAI.F, or tradr for tm-ooie property, mv nue horn- v1h u;i11 to wj ra'orlMi. basement wMh oil fur nare. I.ovely vnrd.' mut he xern to be appreciated On N. lfth St ("lose to lewnod school and Hich school Ph. 812 Exchnnqfts Real Estolft SFI I, or trade i InB lot". Will I per mo. Rest ' 4-4:t2. "I rrellenl build ett tor no dn.. ?tn buy in S.ilem. Ph TRADF-MOOO S-rm houe on Cooi R.fV for larm houe snd land in thi area. Andtew P-aslc, Pox 373, Kmpiie. Oregon j MV OWNI.H -Have 2 houneiior sep arate lids Value JH.tHa). Trade for nioiicin 3'ldiin. house of equal value. Ph a-ft.'iiM after 8 p nv PHIVATK, PARTY w.inN to tiade"! and 1'hdrm. home for a Rood 3 biinn . honu. Pn. or fee at 2.u;D N. 4in. .I-HKHHM liome," near " hm." trade"! to RH A. S N Uiurence. 2142 Hruce St. Ph. 3-3473. 818 Wanted, Real Estate HWF CASH huer for :.Mr'n. , Fnclewood or llolljuond dlt Near bi. apd oie To ,IOF. VOONCHFTr.. UFA!. MTATF. IMS N. Cottate, Ph. -Wl da r ev. 852 U..d Cars For fid. 1. 1948 CHRYSLER WINDSOR 4-D00R SEDAN Radio, healer, sun visor, oriiinal finish, line broadcloth upholstery. Very food tires. A buyl 1948 PLYMOUTH 2-D00R SEDAN ... $495 Thii ihaip special deluxe has radio, heater, original finish, seat covers. Motor runs line. It's one-owner bargain. 3. 1951 FRAZER VAGABOND SUBURBAN An amazing price for a fine an out, seat covers. 4. 1949 MERCURY 4-D00R SEDAN An excellent used car with radio, heater, seal covers, beautiful original finish, fine tires. Hurry on this onel 1941 CHRYSLER ROYAL 4-D00R SEDAN .$295 This barialn buy has heater, new tires, clean as a pin throughout. It s 1 real bartainl SALEM AUTOMOBILE CO. HOME OF CHRYSLER & PLYMOUTH NORTH COMMERCIAL AT CENTER QUALITY USED CARS PHONE 3-4117 $$$ SAVE . $$$ 1953 HOUSE AND EXECUTIVE CARS NOW AVAILABLE. TREMENDOUS DISCOUNTS! WE HAVE HARDTOPS AND 4-D00R SEDANS. FULLY EQUIP PED. GUARANTEED. SEE THESE NOW! KELLEY OWENS COMPANY 600 N. LIBERTY RED HOT SPECIALS 1949 Merc. Spt. coupe, R&H, white sidewalk . 1948 Ford Tudor, Super . $695 $395 1949 Willys 4-ton Tanel. A-l $695 1949 Ford Super "8 cylinder. Nice! $695 ELSNER MOTOR CO. PACKARD - WILLYS 352 N. llich Salem RUGGED lf.t Ford 'i-ton pickup, radio, heat er, column gear shiit. 1 owner, low mileage, covered box. $1095 KELLY OWENS COMPANY RfiO V. Liberty Phone 2-411.1 HANSON MOTOR CO. -'4 1U Kjliaiii,nrt- Fd Phime 4-li.lU 'ill SKtrtehiker Cllanipion iwkIiiv., fcrMip 4-door. S12") JIM l Ivss Al Dodve coupe, a dandy 41 liutlon tmdie. eiv clt.ui "IW Dodwo dn. H V II. clean :i lUmk 4-di, KM! Several other pre-war cars for your selection. BARGAIN! 195? Poniiac 2-door. hvdrmnMip. r.i dio. heater, low milece, sharp. 1 owner, Iicht Rieen finish. $1795 KELLY OWENS COMPANY fiin . liberty Phone 2-4.113 I '42 Dodae Pcko., runs good, full price ; I $I7i. Andc.-jn'9. 33i Ctienieketa. j PLYMOi:TH Subt hanTOver I drive, heater. XOOU mile., $2,oon. i Owner, Ph. 277!. s CIIKV. PICKUP. '19 Ford""4 dr.7'r0 i Koid 2 dr. AUo gun. Richfield Mation.3rd and Oak. Silverton. M Rl'lCK .Super Riv! Sdn. RMl". Uyno. This car i!i perfect, a real bargain at $11!Mh.. ANDKHSON .TI3 Cnrmrkcta St. MUST SF.LL. teavmg country IWl Hutck Special convertible. Oyna flow, radio, heater, leather unhol terv, elec. w mdnw 1ifti. wind shield washers, backmit liRhts. etc. New tires, hrake lintne. muffler and batterv. 3fl.noo miles. Service record available. Ph. 4-."W?3 after 5 n m. Po CHFV ldvirVerv" gooiron"rt" ran h seen t :i7f. Sedont Ave. Saturday and Sunday. 852 Used Cars For Sal. NOWISTHETIME!! ANDTHEPLACE,OFCOURSE,IS SALEM AUTOMOBILE CO. YOU CAN AFFORD ONE OF THESE LOW-COST, NO-TRADE-IN SPECIALS WE WILL MAKE YOU A CASH BID ON YOUR PRESENT CAR! ear with radio, heater, overdrive, almost new tires, spotlessly clean Inside PHONE 24113 FANTASTICALLY LOW! '50 Chevrolet '2-ton pickup, recent complete overhaul. New fi-ply tfrcs. one owner. This week only $693 '49 Hudson super "fl" 4-donr sedan, fine mechanical shape, only .... $MS '47 Chevrolet 4-door Fleetmnster se dan, radio, heater, very clean, a good car at a low price. This week only $495 '4fl Chevrolet 4. door Fleetmaster, radio, heater, rlean. original paint. A Rood reliable family car . $.'(M 15.000 miles. Like new condition at '51 Willys .Teep. 4-wheel drive, onlv a bis Ravines . . $W5 "52 Ford custom V-fl club coupe, radio, heater, white sidcwall tires, low mileage, one owner . . $1495 '50 DrSoto custom cluh roupe. r.idio, heater, tip-loe iiantmisstnn, cu tntn covers, real sharp . . $1095 BANK TERMS TRADES WESTERN MOTORS '2Kt Rroadwav S.ilem SPECIAL " 'W Ford Custom V-8 Radio. Heater. This club Coupe on sale for weekend onlv. Hunv $495 Charles Musser Hich A-larion Ph. 4.4902 '52 FORD, ranch w s n . R . A-H W hT Hidcwalls, other extia. i.ow mile age. Kxc. cond. Call 4 450. 854 Trucks, Trailers For Sale j ,M0 c.MO. '.-ton p.nul in running COIU S H Jllllsnns ! N ('.- 858 Motorcycles CIIEK 125. with windshield, $1WI. Pp. , 3-n.i:t7. Cooil condition. 862 House Trailers 1949 ALMA trailer home, 25 it. dcm. XV-0 Poiiimd Rd. tan IR FT. ALL MFTAL fi.nlpr u.thiT refrig Sacrifice for $nfl. 3S( roiiiann mo., fc. waller, before 2 I p m. 23 FT rwn,Mof!rRodmaVtVrtra'ijI North end of fifh St.. Wood- burn. LATE MODEL MOBILE HOMES 52 KIT 35 ft.. 2 Bprlrms. Complete hath, line condition. 52 KIT ,15 ft., 1 Bedim. Very i-leon, with, complete bath. 5.1 VAGABOND 35 ft. 2 Bedrms. Practically new. 52 CL"STO.r CRAP 25 Ft. H.ith, Kcnnnniy plu. Jayhawk Trailer Sales Jfi'WPortl.indRd For ttie bct in Trailer homesTnew or u'ed With terms available See JAYHAWK THAH.fn SALFS !K' Portland Hoad 864 Heavy Equipmenl ' fcnr n . . . ... j ...... ,r,r n1r, j, ieinr tjtnd eleanni. road buildir.f. J.9444. 852 Usd Cars For Sal. $695 $695 : $745 '53 Buick Special Sedan. Only iU)67 mnes. We sold new and serviced, spotless In terior $2495 '50 Buick Special Sedan, Dy naflow, radio, heater, many other extras, one owner, service record available, excellent tires $1195 '49 Poniiac 6 Sedanet $795 '50 Slude Champ Starllie $795 4f Chev. Club Coupe $195 '49 Mercury Club Coupe . $flr5 '4fl Slude I-and Cruiser $395 '47 Rulck Super Sedan $595 'l Ford ft Sedan - M9S '41 Olds .Sedanet ...'. $195 '41 Buick Sedanet $150 '41 Chev. Tudor "41 Buick Sedan - You Got a Bcllrr Used Car from a Buick Dralpr OTTO J. WILSON COMPANY OREGON'S NUMBER ONE DEALER Commercial at Center Phone 2-.1R23 j IM! CADII.I.AC62 Sdn. R&H. Hydro" j This is a .li.irp rr pnrert to I Mil ,iuk. SIhtOiKi. ANDKRSON'S, ; ;t;t Clienicketa St. J 19M MEItC'l'RY SEDAN. RiH. 1 EXCELLENT CONDITION. $2, I 195. CALL SALEM 2-5030. I!M2 Hint) ciub rouprr l'liolie3-.liij2T Hiisinpss Dirrclorv AI'I'I.IANTK SI ItVK I: - 24-HOI'R SKRVH'F.. all make. Red' Appliance Repairs. 2-64.VI. All make? and models. Al Lane. Re fliperattnn Ph. Z-.i44.1 RKiiniNf; ' CAPITOLfiddina: Mattrets r.po- vA'"r?: 'rw tnattres.e.. 3-40si R C I I I I 1 1 1 Bui tti njing. " clr 1 1 rm s roi'ds7pondT ' 3l' c,rrvsl1 v Huskey, Ph H"j"oFHnriimrrT!i Manley Home Products. Lee Mipdt. 16KII Madron. Ph. ;i-40.S6. xi'RsFKv'iitiioiiL FINK'S Fairyland nuiserv .rhool. 85S MiSMon Ph 2-7rr,8 IMCMMINO 34.HF1 PUMP ,vl,. on all make! i'rm !v,"ms- Bro'nl Valdei TIIKK w ;oilK I'HIMNO A: .prayiim. Insured op cratorL.W . CaudJe. Ph. 4-1461. SI PTIC TANKS MIKES Septic Service. T.mki clean- ed. D rooler cleans sewers, drama. Phnne .LMfiH Sewer seiiticTankr"dMlns clean, ed Rotn.nnoter S"!wer Strvic. "('one .i-i.'lT. Han-rl'i srptir tank! cleaned. Ima