Friday, February 12, 195 4 458 Building Mtrterialt LOTSA PLYWOOD INT. Of Ext. Anv c- 01 doors-vnur choloel 8.M up Sd! M-M up. Hardboard 1.75 4ii ell l. ,3c on U.T'BttVw- ' 36 mas. to pay-no down pavmtnl fondly Snerv;re"n Open all day Sat, Portland Road Lumber Yard SSii Portland Jld, ph. 4.4433 REMODEL NOW Trre Home Planning Service. Let ua he E KSU J1"? your new kitchen with Wards beautiful wood cabl" nets We also Install plastic tile, mlcarta dratntraards. roofing, eavestroushs I?n S1'd-'."n F Tu' ""mate call 1 ; 1 . Montgomery Ward St Co. 133 North Llhertv Garage On your lot to your specifications. 16 mo. to pay. Free estimates. Boric, man Lbr. and Hdw. Co. Ph. J-S701 J4S0 State. BUILDING? New fir door jambs ...2.50 Oak flooring ...... )ow prjce New bath tubs complete .159.50 Used bath tubs complete MM $25 00 Used cast washbasins $7 50 Hdwd. pl.vwd.. Ideal for paneling or cabinets Cheap Loose insulation per bag $100 Fiberglass roll blanket tnsul. Cheap H-2 elec. wiring 3'ic 12-2 elec. wiring 'fc Nails S.8.75 & 8.95 keg Asbestos siding per sq. ..$9.00 Painted shakes with unders .$lo.50 New doors, all sizes . S5 60 Used windows 36" x 43" .....2,50 100 used doors with frames New toilets with seats $24 50 Double kitchen sinks, complete 4l!s0 42 gal. elec. water heaters $68.50 Laundry trays, pipe, basins Bargain 500 gaL steel septic tanks $62.50 4" cast Iron soil pipe is 4" solid orangeburg pipe in Roll roofing, large supply 4 3 tab comp. roofing . $7.55 Cedar shingles. 4 grades Cheap New Galv. iron roof.......Cheap Plywood, new carload Bargains New picture windows $8.00 New weather strlooed windows $14 2n Cedar - fence posts ,, r-hap New plaster board 4x8 $1.40 Steel garage doors, complete .$44.00 Over-head garage hardware $13.95 Kitchen, bath tm. enameled checked wall cover 10c sq. ft. C. G. LONG & SONS 1 ml. N of Keizer ALDER PANELING COAST RANGE TIMBER PRODUCTS CO. WEST SALEM PH. 2-4893 460 Musical Instruments Spinet Pianos TWO ONLY! NATIONALLY KNOWN, LIFETIME WAR RANTY. MUST SELL! WE ARE READY TO ACCEPT ANY REASONABLE OFFER. NOTE: DON'T EXPECT A $.100 TO $500 SAVINGS. BECAUSE THESE ARE PRICED AT NATIONAL RE TAIL PRICES. WE DO NOT UP PRICES TO GIVE FAKE SAV- "FREE DELIVERY FREE TUNING HURRY THESE WILL SELL Salem Music Co. 1M S. High St. Dial 3 708 Across from Ktsinnre theater Learn Piano ADULTS-CHILDREN 8Weeks$10 Limited enrollment. Beginners Only ADULTS-18 TO 118 CHILDREN 8 TO 18 I children'!. class and I adult class starting soon. Limited to 8 students per class. REGISTER NOW We will furnish a piano for your home ptacttce for a very noimai rental fee which may be applied to purchase. Salem Music Company 1M S. HlRh St. Dial: J-R708 Across from F.lsinoreJhcatre Spinet Piano Biaiitilullv dnna In nalurallv blond African ' mahoaany. Monrn con temporary stvlins. to match that up tn rlatc furniture. No finer piano marie. Regular price 1913. (Guaran tee correct I Make ul a reason able offer. Must sell. Salem Music Co. S. Hmh St. Dial; 2-8708 Across from EUlnorc Theatre. 462 Sports Equipment WANTED Good used rowboats arovind 14 ft. Cascade Airways, 1K3 W Vine. Lehr.ncn. Phone 22M. CASH paid for usrd guns, modern and an'lque. Cascade ,!cic. 12.10 Broadway Outboard Motor Repair GIVE THAT OLD POT A TWIST NOW WINTF.H BATES UNTIL MARCH 1 SAVE SAVE NOW WITH OUR WINTER RATES SALEM BOAT HOUSK CHEMEKETA AT THE RIVER 500 Bug. & Finance 515 Investment! $ INVESTMENTS $ For your savings Investments buy first vicinity. Will pay you y peI.nt details and collections. Offering $20,000 farm loan highly Improved. H.0OO and $20,000 loans Salem business properties, excellent security. Other loans In smaller amounts. STATE FINANCE CO. Tel. 3-4121 450 Merchandise 46fr For Rent, Miscellaneous U-FIX-IT-GARAGE Repair you own car. Phone 4-5261. iraa . com l. McCULLOCH chain saws and post noie augers ny day. Town Equip, ment Co. Ph. 4-lJil. K)R RLNT or lease. Ige. warehouse wneii, uoors, dnck Diag. down town. Inquire H. L. still Fun. 3-lt5. 470 For Sale, MUcellaneous Appliance Bargains Used Washing Machines $9.85 St Up Used Refrigerators $49.95 & Up Used Eire. Ranges $12.95 & Up NEW Westlnghouse Automatic electric clothes dryer, 220 volt. Only ... $169.95 DEEPFREEZE HOME FREEZERS $30.00 allowed for your old water heater on a new Westinghouse wa ter heater. Guaranteed 10 year. Plastic -Kote requires no waxing for your floors or linoleum. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 375 CHEMEKETA ST. Open Friday Night 'Til 9 - Ph. 3-4311 OPEN FRIDAY EVENING TRADER LOUIE 1870 LAN A AVE. BARNYARD FERTILIZER for sale by yardortraller.Ph. 2-7378. KIDNEY VANITY $Y5TExc7condrPh. 2-6717. WALNUT cedar chest. Exc. cond. 1710 McCoy, eve. BOY'SBlkE," excellent cond., $15. Ph. 3-7894. WHEELBARROW $2,00; 2-6.10 x 15 tires, $4.00; 1 gal. outside white paint, $4.00; bench grinder $fi.oo; work bench $4.00: sheet 14" ply wood. $2.00; batch of dry 1x4, $4.00. 4-4600. LAWN, MOWER, atep ladder, swing weeders, garden hoses, wheelbar row, lawn chair, assorted garden tools, maue, steel chest, car lug gage rack. All items half price. 1225 Chemawa Rd. USED vacuum cleaners, $7. &0. Wood, ry's. 1605 N. Summer. CHARIS foundation girdles, bra. Ph. 3-5Q18 or 3-5072 Mary E. Bales. REFRIGERATOR. G.E. 6 cu. ft. A-l condition. $10 down and $10 per mon.n. ra 1 1 s, n. upeny. EXCELLENT barn yard fcVtiiTzer Ph. 4-3007 or 4-2470. Eldon Rouse. HOSPITAL BED for sale or rent H L Stiff Furn. Co. Ph 3-9185. PIANO-Spinet style. Mahoeany, In storage short time. Bargain for cash. Terms to reliable party. Write 212 Statesman-Journal. SINGER Portable sewing mat-hine. Latest model with button holer. Flyweight. Perfect rond. Vacuum Cleaner Clinic At Sewing Center. 455 Court. 4-5502. Organic Fertilizer Sack or bulk Odorless Orders delivered Phone 3-S127 USED FU R N ITUIt KFOR LESS Valley Furn. Co. 219 N. Com'l. DID YOU KNOW? Ward's installs plumbing & heating. All work guaranteed, call 3-!WH for free estimate. Montgomery Ward ft Co., Salem. MOTOROLATV. 21" table model In guaranteed condition. $20 down and $8.K9 per month. 220 N. Liberty. FERTILIZER rotted cow manure, compost, rotted mulch, chicken manure for lawn dressing. By sack or cu. yr. Phillips Bros.. Rf. 5, Box 4!W. 4-3HB1, 2 nil. E. 4-Coiners, on State. MAKR offer on dun-therm furna with controls. Approx. 8 year old. 2- 35M after 6 o'clock. uVEDRef rice fa tors, SIP 95, $29.95 and up. Al Laue, 2350 State. Ph. 3-M43. NEW Home sewing machine. Con sole model with full set of stand ard attachments. $6.43 per mo. Ph. 3- 3139. MRS. Iverson's Swedish rye bread, pasteries, rolls, cookies, cakes, pies. Licensed. Ph. 3-4918. 5250 Portland Rd. 40 VICTOR, penny, vending machine ell established route. 1KI0 N. Cot- tnpe. ELEC. RANGE. 33 Incher. Stewart Warner. Fully automatic and in fine rondltion. $10 down and $10 per month. Prall s. 220 N. Liberty. AIRLINE radio-phono, comb. In good cond. $15. Ph. 3-7738, SPECIAL SALE Closine out slock on ornamental stones, including lava At flagstone. Ru5tic cedar fenrina. cedar posts, poles. Supply limited Phillips Bros. Rt. 5. Box 453. 4-3MI. 2 ml. E 4-Cor-nrrs on State St, Spinet Pianos $295 to $425 3 ONLY Salem Music Co. 153 S. High St. Dial; 2-R708 Across from Elsinorejrhcatre. jTcu7 FT. Carrier deep freeze used one 1276 N. Liberty. Phone -l3M. COW fertilizer, $ a load, $5 yd. Ph. 3.0021. iTlLTWFi.L swing rocker and olto mmPh 3-CQ7B. HK.xlS RECAP or Grp. 1 battery, $r,M ex Dirty lan lMM02th. FORSALE "blonde radio phono-nr.-iph console. 2-6153. ONE HxB " hearted motion picture .rrern one 16 mm. sound film pro Irrtor one 12" ht-(v cn-x. .pok er one 20 tt hl-fy amplifier. Wholele price. Call 2-161 or 4-r..n.v mm 500 Bus. & Finance 515 Investment mortgages on real estate Salem and ne, w (Jk rare of u 167 S. Hich St. 450 Merchandise 470 For Sale, Miscellaneous PIANO. UprtRht. Just tuned. A good beginners practice piano at $125. $15 cash, balance in 12 payments. Pralls, 220 NLibcrty - RAYTHEON 17" console, all channel. New. Was $319.95. Now $219.95 with one year guarantee on all tubes and parts. $21.95 cash and $9.77 per mo. Prall's. 220 N. Liberty. LEAVING state good 20 gal. elec tric water heater, 5-ft. Crosley re fri.; 7-ft. Frigidalre refrig. 875 Idlewood Dr. USED SinRer electric combination treadle sewing machine, round bobbin, good sewing condition and guaranteed. Only $39.50. SINGER SEWING CENTER 130 N. COM'L 472 Wanted. Miscellaneous SHOP SMITH or " table saw In good condition. 3-5815. 474 Miscellaneous DENTAL PLATE REPAIR :-HR. SERVICE IN MOST CASES DR HARRY SEMI.ER, DENTIST Adolph BldR., State Com'l. Sts SALEM PH. 3-3311 476 Fuel OREGON FUEL CO. Slab, sawdust, oak S&H GREEN STAMPS Ph. 3-5533 3087 Jlroarlway DRY 16" fir and oak. Phone 4-12657 CAPITAL FUEL Pickup Your Presto-logs Briquets and wood at 1S8 S. O St Phone 3-7721. Highway Fuel Co. Clean sawdust, wood, green or dry. Stove-Dletel oils. Ph. 3-6444. ANDERSON'S green slab, 2 cd. $14. Ph. 2-7751 or 4-4253. West Salem Fuel Co. Tube or Push Out Sawdust Ash, Maple and Oak Wood Green, drv slaD, Planer End 1525 Edgewater Phone 2-4031 500 Bus. & Finance 510 Money 1o Loan CONSOLIDATION OF BILLS ran ease financial strain and save time and money. Our 27 years of service to this community is our biggest asset, TRY US Phone first for a one trip loan. Loans to $:!fl0.00 on signature, fur niture and equipment and tn $..00.00 on autos, trucks and trail ers. Tark free at Marlon Car Park 136 S Commercial St. Lie. 1-138, M-;;;t8 REAL ESTATE L6ANS COLONIAL INVESTMENT CO. eoerRr W GORMSIN P.ll 687 Court .. 4-2283 AUTO LOANS WILLAMETTE CREDIT CO. 1R2 South Church Parking a-F'lcnlv Ph. 2-2157 Lie. Ho. M-50. S-I54 515 Investments ALL-IN-ONE LOAN 'UP TO $2,000 OH MORE I LOAN MAY DO AI L 4 1. GROUP INSTALLMENT PAY- MFNTS. 2. CUT PRESENT MONTHLY PAYMENTS. 3. CLEAN UP CURRENT BILLS. 4. PROVIDE EXTRA CASH. Just ONE MONTHLY PAYMENT PACIFIC INDUSTRIAL LOANS S. LIBERTY PHONE 4-2203 (AH) Employment 602 Help Wanted ' CAPABLE crew managers. Ph. 2 2515. Ask for Mr. Wmtsel. Friday S-12. HICH TYPE, neat appearing man or woman to assist music inflructor enrolling students for school of music. Some knowledge of musical Instruments, Instruction .etc.. nec essary. Salary find bonus. Perman ent position for rellahle and qual llied person. For Interview give qu.-lifications. address, and phone, Vrite 213 S'.atesntan-Journ.-il. I LEARN STENOGRAPHY Ar AC COUNTING. NIGHT SCHOOL. 115 A MO. Always a demand Ior well trained ofllre help. Start any Mon, or Thurs. night Classes a p, m. tn 9 p. m. Mrrrllt Davis School of Coinmrrre, in Sla'e St. Ph. 2-HIS. Ove- '"Tre Man's Shop " TF.ACHFR '.r":.t"-","in Polk Co. rural .rhool adiolning small town. Box 2''B, Statenman-Journal. PK! V ATE money to loan. Ph 2-07114? 600 Employment 604 Help Wanted, Malt YOUNG MAN 25-39 with some ex perience in painting, carpenter and steel construction for training into responsible permanent position. Ap ply J n personals S. Church St. EXPERIENCED Mechanic"- FamiU iar with Powerglide and Auto Transmission. Apply: Hoeck Chev rolet, Lebanon. Phone: John Quick, 1791. EXPERIENCED Body & Fender Man - Commission Basts, 1st Class only. Apply: Hoeck Chevrolet, Lebanon, Phone: John Quick, 17B1, 606 Help Wanted, Female WOMEN for telephoning In connec tion with market research survey. Must have straight-line, unlimited service telephone. Address BOX 31S Statesman-Journal. I'M LOOKING for 2 or 3 women, who have experience dealing with the public. You must he over 18. neat appearing. You- will work 6 hrs. per day. 5 days a week. You are paid hourly wage. See Mr. Barrett 515 Hood St. Room 206 Frl. and Sat. 9:30 to 10:30 a. m. CAR HOP. nights, part time. Apply in person days. Hi-Lite Drive In., 698 S. 12th. BEAUTY operator. An all around operation. Especially good at styl ing and cutting. Write Ruth B. Kean. Box 276, Ocean Lake, Ore. PhD el a k e36 17. WANTED: Lady to share apt. Ph. 3-3324. 945 Union. WOULD like lady to care for school age children and live In. 2-6001 after 6:30. GIRL for children. housework Call 3-3737. and care of 610 Soles Persons Wanted NEED MAN interested in selling farms, acreages & suburban prop erty. Joe L. Bourne, Realtor, 1140 N. Capitol. Ph. 3-B216. PIANO Salesman wanted by one of Northwest's largest piano stores. Fine ooport unity and highest pay. Write box 215. Statesman-Journal. HOUESWIVES Sarah Coventry Inc., nationally known as one of Amer ica's largest sales organisations has openings in this area. Display our highly styled Costume Jewelry, which received the coveted Fash Ion Academy Award, on party plan during your free time and enjoy excellent income. No collecting or delivering. Phone 3-9739 ior per sonal interview. ROOFING TILE dealer applicator Exclusive dealership open ior Mar ion, Linn, Benton and part of Yam hill counties. Some carpenter ex perience helpful. If you are inter ested in making $800.00 to a $1,000 per month, write us at once for an apointment. Can be sold nothing down. 36 mo. We handle contracts. Baessler Tile Co., 9200 N.B. Halsey, Portland, Oregon. 612 Work Wonted, Male CUSTOM dormant spraying and all type tree work. Ph. 2-7522. BOAD GRADING L. W. Hancock. Eves. Ph, 2-0010. PROFESSIONAL upholstering done In mv home. Reasonable. Pickup and dflivcr. Call 2-42M. CARPENTER 4 repair work. Dry rot houses our specialty. Ph. 2-1459 or 2-1842. FEDERAL & State tax returns pre. pared. Pick-up service. Reasonable. Ph. 4-5008 alter 1 p.m. BOY, 18, desires part-tlma work, eve. and Sal, Ph. 2-574,2. TAX RETURNS prepared In your home at reasonable rates. Phone 4-2033. HEDGES and shrubs trimmed, yard cleaned up and trash hauled. 2-7464. CKM EXT work, all kinds. Ernest Drake. Phone 4-5129. 1165 S. 14th. TAX FORM completed. State, Fed eral. Prompt accurate service Ph, 3-6957. . WANTED Bulldozing, land clearing, etc. R V. Stoops. Ph. 2-3328. 614 Work Wanted. Female RELIABLE baby Ph. 2-.H.1I1. sitting. Anytime. HOUSE work by day or hour. $75 hr. Ph. 4.5077. WASHING and Ironing done in my home. pn. 3-.HW5. CURTAINS, hand laundered, stretched, delivered. Ph. 2-3167. MIM EOG R APH ING . typing, reason able. Mrs. Poe. 665 K. 16th. 3-3643. HOUSEWORK or rooking company meals. Phone 3-58K0. 615 Situations Wanted PRACTICAL nurse. Available, full or part time. Home nursing. 2-538.'i. ELDERLY MAN wishes part lime work. .10 yrs. exp. tn hotel & rcrluarant. 4-6304. CUSTOM plowing and discing. Fer guson tractor. 2 .bottom plow. Ph. 2-6120 or 2-4765 HOME consruction remodeling. Free estimates. Ph. 4-n.140after 5. SPRING painting inside. Woodwork, cabinets, chairs, cupboards. Phone .1-70114. WIEMAL'S Day Nursery. llrened and state Inspected. 2-5015. WILL care for children, my home. Phone 2-3545. CEMENT work, all kinds Feldr-chau or Son. 2-8C28. 4-5329jsft.5p.m. For 2 SMALL children, care for my home, weeks, month. 192 S. Broad St., Monmouth. LlCEN'SEDpractlcal nurse. Will lake home cases.2-32fi. TAX RETURNS prepared. Ph. 4-6226. Call day oreye. CARPENTER work, new or remodel ing. frccOHl!m."ites.Ph.4.2.'2l. FURNITURE refinlFhlng at reason able rales. I.eo Wallace. 1H35 N. Capital. 4-lW;. PAINTING. PAPEHIIANGING. Con tiact. smalt jobs welcome. Pnone 2-7DU2. KOWSF dv nursery and infants ac cepted. Ph. 2 8022. PAINTING, Panerhanging. Fre es timatrs. Don LuccroPh. 3-5522 CARPENTER New, remodel or re pair, time or contract. Ph. 2-5025. MICKENHAM"sDAY NURSERY State licensed and Inspected. Ph. 2-7fWfi. PAINTING. Will cladlv estimate anv Size Joh Ph. 2 -4.10 7, 3-82 43. INCOME TAX blanks prepared Tea- snnaniv. pimne ..v4 i . LANJ5CAPING, com lawn, garden service. Service Center. 4-3573 TREES tonoeri. trimmed and remov- erl. Fruit trees pruned and shaped Free estimates. Ph. 2-7464. 5 RF-S SM A KING and alteration. Sat isfaction guaranteed. Judy Polston, Ph. 3-.VJ77 PAPER HANGING & Painting. Jerry Johnson. Phone 2-0794 RK.LIAM.E baby litter. Will go riavi or nilMils, Phone 2-9HIH or 3-3123 LIGHT crawler rimer dirt leveling grading. Phone 3-7042. CARPFNTKlTwoiik Any Hind Res- snn.tM 4240 Marleay Rd Phone 11 gig Education CLASS lessons In popular music. Ruth llauntz, 4-blff4. Moderate fee. 620 Day and Contract Land Clearing 700 Rentals LARGE warehouse space for rent or lease. Cement Door,, brick build ing. Down town. Inquire H. U Stiff Furniture Co. Phone 3-81M. 702 Sleeping Rooms. Board LARGE beautiful furn. rm. Also bachelor apt. 530 N. Winter. LIGHT housekeeping room. Hot plate, refrig. & all utilities furn. US. 570 N. Winter. 3-3842. ATTRACTIVELY furnished warm room, 3-9K8! walking distance. Bus line. SLEEPING ROOMS. Phone 3-4335. 790 N. Church. GIRLS, kitchen privileges, home con veniences, TV, close In. Ph. 3-4371 or 3-B480. PLEASANT ROOM (or gentleman. 1050 Norway. Ph. 2-4547. NICE light sleeping room. 1040 N. Cottage. CLEAN, quiet, near state buildings, shopping dist Breakfast privilege. Ph. 2-1440. SLEEPING ROOM, kitchen lacllili,'!. For 1 or 2. 754 Ferry St 705 Apartmenti For Rent WHERE ran you beat this for $29,507 2-rm furn. apt. Inc. elec. range and refrig.. prlv. bath, all nice and clean several to choose from. Burt Plcha, 379 N. High St., 2-4047, FURN. apt. 2 rail and bath. 145. Also warm basement apt. $30. 330 S. 14th. 2-9239. CLOSE In, 2-4488. 2 br. unfurn. apt. Ph. MODERN 3-rm. furn. apt., close In. 549 N. Cottage St. FURNISHED 3 rooms. $30. Private bath 1968 North Com'l. PRIVATE 3 room coup. apts. Clean, xurn.. $45. Adults. 35U0 rorllano Hd. 3 RMS. furn. Utilities paid. preferred. 1553 State. FURNISHED apartments. Ph. 2-8740. 325 S. Winter. Ambassador ' Furnished apts. 550 N. Summer FURNISHED modern 2 room apt. Within 5 blocks of down town. $65 per month. Ph. 2-1887. 444 N. Col lage. 3-ROOM Furnished Court Apt with garage, $55. Close In on No. Com'l Ph. 2-8648 or .1-6644. VERY NICE 1-bdrm., furn. and un furn. Inquire 1658 S. 13th St. NICELY FURN. Cottage. 3-room apt 849 N. 3-ROOM furnished apt., full bath, heat and water furn, $35. Phone 2-8568. CLEAN furn. Close In. 3-6379. 660 N. High. QUIET, cozy, furnished. Ideal for night workers, couples or bach elors. Phone 2-2940. 2-BEDROOM apt., close in, front apt. at 991 Mill St. $45. VERY NICE modern 2-rm. furn. court apt. $45. 1065 Madison. 4-4754. CLEAN furn. 2-rm. apt. Pvt. bath and entrance. 1855 N. Winter. Ph. 2-3747. COURT apt. 3 rms. and bath. Newly dec. unfurn., except stove and refrig. TV, laundry, parking. In- quire 134H s. 121h. FURN. apts. North Salem Motel, 2673 Portland Rd. Ph. 2-6GBB. 3-ROOM furn, apt. utilities paid. Rea sonable. Ph. 4-8551. CAPITAL apts. 348 North 12th St. Immediate possession, 1 three and four-room furnished apts. with pri vate bath. Near Capitol Bldg. and school. Very reasonable rates. Ph. 4-6287. CLEAN well furn. 2 rms. with utll Itles. South. Ph. 3-4307. BDRM. apt. in. 444 N. Completely furn. Cottage. 2 RM. FURN. apt. Private ent., refrig. 570 Union VERY CLEAN, furnished. S rm. aec ond floor. Garage, available. 1055 Edgewater. W. Salem CLOSE, clean, furn. 1 room duplex. Kitchenette. ga. 765 Marlon. MOD. DUPLEX, auto. heat., clean quiet, close In So. Adults 2-6BB6. MODERN COURT apt. $10.50 wk & up. Also mommy rates, rn. a-mz.i. NICE APT. Everything furn. Also, trailer space, call J" RM. APT. Close to Capital Shop ping Center. Ph. 2-3565. 1 BR. APT. stove, refrig. 4- heat furn. Child welcome. $27.50. 570 N. Winter. 3-3B42. IF YOU'RE looking for a nice 3 rm. apt. private bath, rent reasonable call 4-3643 before 0 a. m 2-1710 alter6 pm. CLEAN 2 room furn. apt. Private bath, garage. Utilities furn. $40. Ph. a-DOat, 2261 ILuel Ave. LGE. RM, private" hath. Utilities. $.l5.Ph. 2-6607. LEE APTS. Salem's Most Distinguished Address. For prop) wno nrsire oeitrr living In Salem. It's Tht I.. One-bedroom units from f A2 00 nd up; Bachelor units s low as IM. SO. Inspection Invited. 583 N. Winter St NICE COZY. iurn. 2 rms. for work ing women. $:i5. R41 N. Liberly Ph. -5446 or 3-3000. NEAR Univenily, nicely Xurn. 3 room apt. Reasonable ATTRACTIVE unfurn. 4-rm. apt. with range A- refng.H40 S. 13th. VERY NICE apartments at 1165 Court. Ph. 4-5('r4R. LOSE IN. romf oris hie. fir-t floor, small apt. Indies 64.) Fnty. BEDROOM Apt. Slove, t efriM-i .ito, , water, automatic steam in cluded. Modern, fill per month May ie -en at 2153 S. Commer ci.ij or Ph. 4-12 attpr i p.m CAIMTOI, I'LAZA l-bclrm., furn., unfurn. 1165 Che n.rkfU. 3-66:10. 707 Houaes For Rent S RM mod. houe double gar. 21st ft Mlfslon. S47. Call 3-4M2. 3 KM. rURN.-mtlaite.' Water i elec" Iurn. 212.1 Mvrlle. 3 room duplex. Hollywood.' oil 1 stove, ranfle. Ph. 2-2filH : CLEAN 2 bedroom modern, earape In Brooks, with Harden space, lafl Phone 4-3M7. 2 BEDRM. unfurn. duplex. 3774 Stale. Avallable Feh.14th. .V). 2-anid. S ROOM HOUSE. Floor futnace. gar age. Mil N. 17th. Ph. 4-:i. . 3 RM. FUBN. modern duplex rlran, garage. $00. Ph.4-2.VB. 2 BEDROOM unfurnished house IV). Inquire at Pl70 Broadway. Ft'llN" lbrdrn1713! Paik Ave. JJ7.50. Ph. 3-H7JI. MODERN 3 "barm, hoimr. nrnr Stale bides, and shopping center. J1-4:;o7. MODERN 2 hedtoom on I A. Sub. urhanNorth Phone 4-3.173. 2 llll. unfurn house, oil henler water healer., S7I.5 Portland Kd. Ph. 4-407H. TWO bediooms. Inside ullllly. Ga. rage. 150 Ramsey, lle.iltor.4-r.2ll CLEAN, furnished l-brrtroom house. g.iraee, 50. 4135 P"itlandRd. l-ROOM-furnished cabin. Ginlie- man. Phone 3.70Is iM S WiNTKR 112 50 ranee and nil heater I bedroom. garare. Call Ed Luklnbeal, Realtor. 2-6n j To pace Ad Call 2-244 1 ! 700 Rentals 707 Housei For Rent HOUSE, 3 acres and Ige. barn close In with furn., power, refrig., suit light Indust. 4-5233 after or Sun 4 ROOM HOUSE. Hot and cold water furnished. 1 or J people, $30. 4320 Portland Rd. 4 BR house, unfurn. 2605 N. 4th $50 mo. 3 BEDRM house. Hollywood dUtr. oil heat. Newly decorated. $75. 4-2537. NICE 2-bdrm. home on Cascade Dr. $75. Call 2-5585 after 3 p.m. 1-BDRM. all-electric, ranr,e, refrig., garage. 146U N. summer. 1-BDRM. furn house. Couple only. No pels. Ph. 2-1863 or 2-2392. 1 REDRM. duplex with store room. No children. North Dist. $43 per month. Ph. 4-1761. t RM. UNFURN. cottage. Elec. heat. elec. range. 744 N. Capitol. 2-8682. 1 BEDRM. house, heater, range re- frlg. 2265 Claude St. Ing. B45 S. 12th 2-BEDROOM unfurn. house. $40 month. 1480 Park Ave. Ph. 4-57 1 1. 3 BEDROOMS, doultle plumbing. Adults. Ph. 3-6250 after 5 p.m. 1-BDRM.. clean. furnished cottage. $40. c, E. Andresen. 4990 Lancaster Dr. Ph. 4-1247. 5-RM. duplex. 2 bedrms. and bath up. Lv. rm., din. rm., kit. down, bsmt., garage, 7 blocks S. of city center. Ph.4-l.107; UNFURN, 3-rm. cottage, gas range, near schools. 2163 S. Cottage. CLEAN 2-BR. unfurn. house and att. garage. $65. a ml. E of 4-Corners. No pets. Keys at 4575 State. Phone 35652. MODERN lbedroom. Utility room. garage. Rt. 1, Box 386. Ph. 2-7232. MODERN 1-br. court unit. Furn or unturn. Ph. 41761. UNFURNISHED 2-bedroom ground floor flat, yard, water, elec. fur nished. $40. 1-bedroorn unfurnished house with garage. $40. . Joe L. Bourne. Realtor, 1140 N. Cap itol St. Ph. 3-R21H. NICE location, clean, furn, 1-bdrm. home. Garage, nice yd., garden. 255 Center. Ph. 3-3289. COZY 2-bedrm house, on Market St. furn. I child only, bus by door. 24529. CLEAN 1-B.R. furn. or unfurn. Rea sonable. 3645 Portland Rd. UNFURN., ground floor, duplex. Ga rage. 656 Ferry. Ph. 3-3437. 1 OR 2 BEDRM. duplex Fireplace. gar. oil hceat. 949 N. Winter. 3-8980. CLEAN house. 3-rm. partly furn. garage, N. Ph. 4-5523. 1 BR. HOUSE. Clean, close In. Auto matic heat. $37. Water & garbage paid. Ph. 3-6408. . 3 BR. HOUSE. Newly decorated. Strictly modern. Close In. $75. Ph. 3-6408. 1 BR. In court, stove, refrig. furn. Inquire corner Lee & Mission. 3 BR. 4c 2 BR. houses. Gar to both. Ph. 3.9413. 562 Mill. 2 BR. furn. 3174 Tess Ave. Ph. 4-2330, FOR LEASE or lease with option to buy new 3-bdrm. house in friendly suburban neighborhood. Ph. 4-4282. MOD. 2-hedroom house. 4 miles South of Salem. $35 per mo. Adults. IN HOLLYWOOD dist. 3-rm house, unfurn. except oil circulator. 2-room furn. house, nice ior working Udy. Ph. 2 - I R . NEARLY NEW 3 br. unfurn. house, Keizer. Bus by door. $60 per mon, ALSO have nice S rm. furn. apt. Closer In. Drlvate bath, reasonable. JOE NOONSHESTER, REAL ESTATE 1593 N. Cottage Ph. 4-366! day or eve. FURN 3 bedrm duplex. $37.50. Chll d ren welcome. Ph. 4-5761. FURN. old house, $40. 633 Feerry. 2 br. house! auto heat, fireplace, garage. Ph, 3 BEDROOM unfurnished house.. $40. Inquire. 70 N. lfith. CLEAN unfurn. I bedroom court. Ph. 4-5M3. Adults, no pets. WEST Side, clean, nicely furn., 1 BR home and garage. $45. nil Edge water. 3-8iro.evf.3-.M39. NEW 2-bdrm. unfurnished house, close in, reasonable. Ph. 3-70(W. SMALL house, clean, nicely furn Closelo stale bldg. $35. Ph. 3-4B18. 3-ROOM unfurnished duplex. Private bath. Adults. Phone 3-.1217. FURN. LOTS knotty pine built-in. grand, working couple. $45. 3-5QB3. BEDROOM furn. house, garage, basement, oil heat, fireplace, cou ple onl$S0. CnJI 2-A804. UNFURN. HOUSE. With garage. Re decorated. $53. 3!40 . Stal SI, 2-OiWU. COUNTRY home, redecorated, mod- em, 2 norm., basement, uniurn., $55. Ph. 2-203 1. NICK UNFURN. t-bdrm. court cot tage, range, walking dist. Ph. 3-5211 ATTRACTIVE" I-hd r mT h rmse . S love, refrig. & garaite. Ph. 2-5.VT0. 709 Wanted to Rent WANTED Outstanding Auto Club from Salem would like to rent double garare or goo I barn to ue as club house and work shop Rent must be reasonao'e. Phone 2-1065. ak for Gary. 710 Wanted to Rent. Hounes WANTED TO RENT .1 bedroom mod ern home. Close tn. Will give year leafe. I'hone .1-7!i:i. ATTORNEY a."workine wifeTno riill dren, desire new 2 br. house with Kar ftnn. or unfurn., at leaft stove f ielitu. Available l-t. Sub urban loralion pieleiri-d. Call 4-:ilHI alter 1 1 a. in. HESPONS1HI.K family wants i br. or more home willt basement or double r.-inige. Can Rive refer- ernes. 2.7D2II l-P.EDIIOOM. unfurnl'beii Prefer I.eyhe (IIMrll't. I'll. 2-3L5. O. II. Helgvon. WANTED. Hran furn.. 3 or 4 loom house. Virlnitv Slate Hospital. Rea sonable not. 2252 S. W. 17th Ave.. I'm Hand, Oredon. NICE 3-brlrin home wilh opllon to buy. Call alter 5 p.m. 4-IB22. 714 Businet Rentals IDEAL Ml N spare for real estate broker. inch LEASE RUM. DING 4 IHHI sq fl on corner lot 70ln0 2Ki5 Fairgrounds Rd. Ph. 3-7i:4. 800 Krnl Iwlnln JS.V) DOWN', MOVE. INTO this neat 2 BR. home at 24K3 South Ulh M ONLY MOO DOWN 2 bedroom home, vacant 3 BEDROOM HOME at 2010 Fenv St. Only SH.ICiO. .1 . T .1 1 ! .Jolin J. Dunn, Kcaiior 413 N. High SI. Phone 4-3432 2-m7; 2-7IOI, 2-521B. 3-7841. FUIIN. N. CHURCH K.oo Dn. Not old, I-hr. home, good furniture, good bouse. Heals rent ing anytime l7t. Call Dick. $700 DOWN Clean 2 br. home. Plastered, on edge , of CtlV. 35 ACRE FARM Clone tn on Slate, Good 3-br. home wdh ww rarpels. Good hArn and Jiut a nice place. $22,300. ( Cr- penlrr fn rr ml tIA Call 2-2441 To Place Ad 800 Real Estate Home in the Country 575U. Let ua ahow you this attrac tive, very clean, and In the beat of repair home. Hai ' acre of good black toll. Located East on paved road and but line. Attached garage. This Is a wonderful home for a re tired couple. Close In $9,000. Just 4! blocks from the State La pi ioi. Danay a-nedroom home. Has living room with fireplace, din ing room, full basement furnace. Garage. This Is an estate. Chicken Ranch 4 acres close In East with late buflt 2-bedroom home .garage. Has build ing and equipment to raise 20,000 broilers. A real opportunity to own your own business. Trade Would trade a 1950 Ford for lot or equity in a home and will pay cash difference. Call O. V. Hum with State Finance Co. Realtors 187 S. High St. Ph. 1-4121 Eves. 2-5206 801 Business Oportunltiea HESTAURANT $500 DOWN OR TRADE Will take car. trailer house, or real estate. Equipped and ready to go. Onlv $1B50. ALLEN C. JONES, REALTOR 231 N. High 3-5838, Eve. 4-lfiB9. 2-9848 FOK SALE our equipment at Silver v ans Lodge, can 2-8737. FOR SALE by owner. Well equipped oeauiy snop. uooa location, very reasonable rent. Ph. 3-8704. WILL SELL or trade equity of $2750 in e unu apt. house, turn, wood hum, for small acreage in or near Salem or equity In 3 hdrm house. Income 9150 plus mangrs. apt. Long terms on hal. Owner 2-5059. FOR LEASE bldg. 50x75, doors on 4 sides, finnrt fur garage business or storage. Ph. 3-016.1. CHEVRON gas fetation for lease. Lo cated in Salem. Inventory appro. $1,000. For further . Information. Ph. 3-9295. WELL established T. V. sales and service. Doing good business. Will sell or lease, co Box 211 Statesman-Journal. 804 Suburban BY OWNER. 2 bedroom and guest house, suburban home, l ,s acres. beautiful landscaped lawn, picnic area, berries, grapes, nut, variety of fruit trees. $10,500. $3000 down. Would consider renting to reliable party. 6325 Lake Labish Road. Ph. 2-0032. 806 Houses For Sale $3000. OFF Former price. Ranch type 3-bcdrm home In N.E. Salem. Carpeted L.R., fireplc. II D.R.. kit. with nook, utility rm, garage. F.A. oil heat, natlo on l 60x160 lot, nearly new, Nearly 1500 ft. floor space. Buy owner's eaulty, then pay only $35 per month. Low taxes. Call 3-6442 evenings. COMFORTABLE HOME Close to high school on North 15th St.. hasem't. oil heat. L.R.. DR kit, down, 2 bedrm, full bath up, also 2 rm ant. with bath down. A real bargain at $75. Terms, or $5900 cash. Ph, 3-6442 eve. . DRIVE BY 3310 Sunny view and see this excep tlonal 3-hedrm. home on ft acre of good anil. This place is neat ana well worth $12,400 OLDER HOME. REDECORATED, REMODELED and In perfect condition. 3.bedrm den, full basement, oil furnace, Wonderful location to stores, bu and schools $6,750 00 JUST REDUCED FOR QUICK SALE 3-hedrm. home. A-l condition, nice IV decorated, $1.000 00 new wall to wall carpets. Eng. di't. call us ana Tl himmel REALTOR SB3 No. Capitol St. Ph. 1-SB7B Pat Kemnrr. i-.1.?!7, ,1m. II. Perkenpnush, .1-.1II.1, aim. OWNER transferred. 4 barms. 1 hnlhs. 2 fireplaces, knotty pine play room, double ear., view, $19,- .UK). 3-444D. REDUCE i bedroom, 4 months old. Land scaped. Close to school, store, bus. Ph. 4.J34. Seal Realty. J-niJRM. HOUSE for sale, trade. lease or rent, option to huv. Near schools, bus. See owner Sunday, 1140 Lewis St. OWNER REINC transferred. Must ell. Nice 2-bdrm. home on lee lot. sn.-.lio. 42M Ilauer St, 4 Corners district. Ph. 2-672$. BY OWNER 2-bdrm. home. (Larue closets. I 2 vrs. old. near bus. school. Kelrer Dist. 9f.S Dearbourne. Ph. 4-4067. 3-YH..OLD house, 2 BR., alt. gar., hardw. floors, elec. heat. $200 down, $70 mo Includes fire Ins. At taxes. Balance on house Is $7,660. Pn. 2-51134. 808 Lots For Sale LOT BUYS Two lols 77x!40-holh tri.VI. Two lot. 17 X 171 both $7MI. SnlMM ii.iii N E. P.ived SI Shade lices. 70 X ll'O and 77 X 120 both lor $2.'.'isi. No. IHth near Center, 5.'i x 71. HI.4..0. Ilh'lnvav fronlaee - :i7ll feel on 11. S. Mil'. Smith Piu-e S7..VI0. Consider laic car for pail. CENTER ST. REALTY, 174 ( enlcr SI. Phone4-lii:il. IIY OWNER Choree lot on oak sf belwccn Liberty and High. Phone 3-arai or 3-i:h.'-3. 810 Farms, Acreage For Sale m A. FARM ! NOHTH of SAT. KM! VA1.I.KY FLOOR M2..i(in I C. W. HTULLKH. Hltr.. 71.1 Pit. ?-S.Vi7 it 4-.1fs2. Slrm. :c. 2 A . t BKDROOM home. B Inch well. Full price finno. m. a, Box MS, Srilrm. 9't ACftF-S. 4 In orchard, modern ranch style home, ft rooms and full haserncnt. Burn and double arae. Clor In. Ph;4-3fiM. ArRKAOIv II 47 acres. One and a quarter mile F-t of LancFtrr. Small barn. Mostlv fenced. Price I arte Industrial ite. Railroad drill track available. Call K. J. Zwawh- k, Rr.dtoi. I'hone 1.4li:..V ONE ACRE NEAR FRUITLANI) C.ood Wlllarn eli aoil. Six room, 3 'bed room, lale built home. B.un, poultry house, jfimifte. Knur blocks to jtchonl. Price $Rf50. Center Street Realty JAK CenterSt. Phone 4-6fi.11 20 ACRES EAST " t hnve 20 A. In Central Howell Prairie with 2-briim. home, ham and lnri?e r hie en house. The land Is mostly In filbert in hest of bearing. Price $I.0O0. Will lake home In Salem or nive very food term to rtRht pariv. Call Art on tht one. Art Madsen, Realty I.12S. Slat SI Ph. J.55M or a-aH Eve. J.n.V 800 Real Estate W MEMS WE SPECIALIZE IN TRADES FEDERAL CI & FUA MTGS. NEAT AND FRESH As the breath of spring. This cozy, well located home la new. Has fireplace. Forced air oil heat. t walnut and 3 apple trees. 83 by 108 lot. Birch kitchen. Tile bath. Full price only 1 11.500. FHA terms If desired. (Call for Mr. Crawford, eve. ph. 4-3020 Sim.) You Judge the Value And you will agree that this is a buy. rd basement. Spacious rooms. Lots of bulltlns. Automatic oil neat. Insulated. Breakfast nook plus roomy dining room. One block to bus. Full price only g,50. (Call ior Mr. Crawford eve. ph. 4-5020 Sim.) Do You Like A Garden?: If so, here is a completely remod eled home on a 144 by 213 lot. Good oil circulator. Three bedrooms on one floor. 2-ear garage. Just out side city limits but near school and ' bus. Full price only $8,500. (Call for Mr. Grimmett, eve. ph. 2-7679 film.) Luxury Design Yet Inexpensive Shiny new with 3 spacious bed rooms on one floor, Fireplace. In sulated. Weath erst ripped. Tile bath Best of construction. Forced air oil furnace. Very well restricted dis trict. Separate utility room. Full price 914,730. (Call for Mr. Grim anett, eve ph. 2-7679 Sim.) $6350 FULL PRICE And well worth it. Good well lo cated home. Insulated. Separate utility room. l,fc garage. Several trees. Bus by door. Terms arranged. (Call lor Mr. Hare. eve. ph. 3-5452 Sim.) , Be Sure to See This If you need three bedrooms on one floor and don't want to make too large an Investment. Fireplace. In. sulated. Lawn, and shrubs. Paved street. Bus by door. Full price only $0,500. (Call for Mr. Hare, eve. phi 3- 6452 Sim.) DUPLEX Rents for $85 per month. Well lo cated for bus, school and stores. Partially furnished. Tenants pay all utilities. Taxes are only $124. ?er year. Full price is only $8,750, erms arranged. (Call for N. G. "Dan" Isaak, eve, ph. 4-3533 Sim.) LOVELY COURT That you would be proud to own. The location is second to none. Owner must sell because of ill health. Only 6 years old. Partially furnished. Electric washer and dryer. Tenants furnish own util ities. Liberal terms. Income $300 per month. Full price $30,000. (Call for N. G. "Dan" Isaak. eve. ph. 4- 3533 Sim.) 6 MILES From Salem, we have listed a Ifl'a acre tract with no waste land. Good, modern 2 bedroom house. Machine shed. Partially In nuts and fruit, balance clover and oats. Good spring. Full price is only $0, 950. Liberal terms. (Call for Mr. Crawford, eve. ph. 4-5020 Sim.) $4800 FULL PRICE Tor thli Hth cr near Salem with good, modern amaller home. At tached naragt. Chicken house. Rabbit house, family fruit and, nuti. Electric range. Paved load. Terms. (Call for Mr. Leavens, ev. ph. 3-413S Slm.l NEAT SUBURBAN Very rood modern 4-bedroom house. Den. Lars, utility room. Full basement furnace heat. 2 gar garage. Barn. Goodly numbe of fruit and walnut trees. Paved road. 4 block 1o school, full pric. only tt.MO. Terms. (Call for Mr. Leavens. ve. ph. 3-4739 Sim.) FHA & CONVENTIONAL MTGS.. 20 vrs. FEDRAL GI MTGS.. Jo YRS. LICENSED ALSO IN WASH. St IDAHO AL ISAAK CO. Office Phones 4 -.1.1 1 1 or 3.1 sio .10.1.1 Portland Road 3-I73.V 4-3533, 4-3020, 2-7679. .1-3432 If No Answer, call 4-ZZ4B A PRESENT Yes, she will love this home because. it is entirely (.liferent rrom any thing vnu have seen. LUXURY FKATURKS include: Living room paneled in Fidillrhack Mahogany. Living room and den fireplacea with raised stone hearths, Hem lock paneled 14x18 den. Hand rubbed Hlrch kitchen. Oversize) hcii rooms. Tweed brick facing. Iaree covered natlo. So eloft In you can easily walk to town. 11 you want something unusual and gracious, let us show von this NEW home. Ask for FRANCKS KNAPP, Salesman. Phone 2.R2RA. Jf no naswer, dial 2-3820 or 3-9930. lnfto Fairgrounds Road HOLLYWOOD DISTRICT EASY TO BUY Lice, brand new 3-BR. home. Din, mi , fine kilrhen. 2 -car sarat. inn l(H';ttKn. Rjiiitll (in. prill., bal. hk lent. Price $I2.MH. 4 At:ill--S. 14.200 New nicely f numbed nimiern 1 BR. hdii-t1. All level liuul. To tieltle an rsiHte, S1.00U dn. On Snlem-Aums ville R;. 3 BRS CRF.F.NIIOUSF. New home. Mailer HR. baa exti 100 x (H) ft. view lot. Owner Ira vine citv. Price l0.0i)0 DALLAS RI). LOT Approx. 100 x 1(H. Paved on 1 Ides, Ideal for Btnall buftincm. Pi let 12.230. TRADF. FOR HOMF, BiiKinr! An-, npt, hide. 2 businesi s)ace rrnlerl on Innii lense. 3 apt. IiH-ome $2,400 nn'l, phi. 9 roomf for own r. Trarie for 3-UR. home, f I Pf-n riaiv. W. MUSGKAVE REALTORS 1211 Edtrewater 3-. M0:. er. 3-!l.;'l 3 B R & 2 COTTAGE OLOKR 3 br. hm. A- 2 pnrtlv furn, rAttaers for $f.:i00. $WH dn. N co- tn HifthUnd nchool St iiore. 2 A out Keizer Way 3 DR. borne, mostly furn. I floor. 1 yrs. old. double gar. At chicken hnixe. $R400. Art Madsen, Realty I3M St;ite Ph. .rS.Mtfl or 2-8BIJ 3 llrm7"and"Rcntair$6250 $(KHl down : month, paved St.. but near. A good buv. 10 Acro $1000 Dn. full price SMiW. J Re house need gimie work, barn, well. Lovely Large Home $8000 fine for moment, convalescents, of Ige family. 4 acre in college town) $1500 dn or trade (or L. A. prop C'ly" 190 Acres $24,200 110 till.ihle. 50 In rye grass, older I Hrm home, 2 barm, fenced aheep tmht. Termi or trade for? 5 Unit Court flS.OOO t acre plus, laid nut for trailer post Income over 20n month. On 2 hiwsv. Consider trade. THE STAR REALTY 5.1.10 S. Tae Hwy Ph. 1-2051 -PHONE 4-3