faze i THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, Salem, Oregon Thursday, February 11, 1954 e J Chicken Dinner Planned by Club Recent Bride Mrs. Donald F. Petersen (Norma Wise), above, was a bride of January 17. She is the daughter of Mrs. Ingaborg Wise of FalJs City and Mr. Petersen is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Otto Anders Petersen of Ccntralia, Wash. (Mc Ewan ttudio picture) Troops List Activities S.M.EM HEIGHTS - Salem Heights Mothers club met Tuesday afternoon at the school. The annual chicken dinner spon- ! sored by the Mothers club has been i slated lor March 5, at 5:30 at the : school cafeteria. Mrs. John Ham I age is chairman and Mrs. L. A. Clinker, co-chairman. Named on committees were Mrs. William llec ' lor and Mrs. Harmon Harvey, host . esses; Mrs. Ron Miller, Mrs. Ar thur Jenson and Mrs. Chester Var nes, ticket comminttce; Mrs. Arth ; ur Jenson and Mrs. Louis Kurth, publicity and poster committee; Mrs. Del Fiamsdell, Mrs. Marion Miller, and Mrs. J. Felker, decor ations. Mrs. l.yle Bayne. Mrs. L. A. Clinker, Mrs. J. Felker, Mrs. Orville Raymond, Mrs. Irwin We- del, Mrs. Walter Noland and Charles Knapp have been appoint ed as other committee chairmen. Mrs. Walter Noland gave a re port of the Parents council meet ing on safety. She told of instruct ions in safe bicycle riding that were available, and also discussed safety in the homes at all times as well as asking children to carry identification at all times. Judge Rex Hartley, Captain Walter Lans ing of the state police and Sgt. E. Mindinger were the guest speak ers The group discussed the class room situation at Salem Heights school. Marion Miller, principal, said the plan for next year was to take one of the sixth grades to iviorningsiuc school. Mrs. Gordon Tomlin announced that she had contacted Dr. Walter E. Snyder in regards to the problem and he in vited a delegation of parents from the area to meet with the school board on Feb. 23 in the adminis- Bielemeior, Mary Lou Schmaltz, Mary Ann Fitzsimmnns Vi rcrinia Kari-Dari. Donna Vnl7 Knrrtn Si mon, Janice Aman, Betty Fronk, L,a viia fenmmore and Marilyn Beyer. (ration building. Any interested parent is invited to be present at that time to discuss the situation. Dr. Snyder also stated he would be glad to meet with the parents in i the area at any time in regards to inc future plans for the school Mrs. Elma Baker's second grade presented the program, "The Month of February." and Sandra Cords played the piano. Valentine parties are scheduled for each room at the Salem Heights school on Friday with a Valentine box in each room, room mothers to be in charge. The attendance awards were presented to Mrs. Arvill Boyer's fourth grade with Mrs. Thomas La Duke room mother and Mrs. Elma Baker's second grade with Mrs. John Driessler room mother. Win ning the hospitality awards were Mrs. E. W. Rector and Mrs. John Driessler. Hostess chairman was Mrs. Thomas LaDuke. assited by Mr. Harold Alderin, Mrs. Carl An derson and Mrs. Richard Oraw. Valentine Dance MT. ANGEL - A Valentine dance, sponsored by the Young People's Sodality, will be given Thursday evening, February 11, in the auditorium of St. Mary's school. Furnishing the music for the dance, which will hmin at o o'clock, will be Stubby Mills and ins orcnesira. ine general public is invited. School of Instruction WOODBTJRN The annual school of instruction for the of ficers of Evergreen chapter No. 41, Order of the Eastern Star, will be Friday, Feb. 12, at the Masonic temple. Mrs. Charlotta Wiseman of Grants Pass, grand conductress of the grand chap ter of Oregon, will be the in structing officer. A dinner for Mrs. Wiseman and the officers will be served at 6:30 p.m. and the school of instruction will start at 8 p.m. Members are in vited to attend the school. MT. ANGEL The Junior Cath olic Daughters of America met last week in the meeting room of St. Mary's school. Mrs. Peter Gores of Mount An gel and Mrs. James H. Turnbull and Miss Alberta Schoemakc of Salem were present to show a film on cancer, and asked the support of the Juniors at the annual can cer drive scheduled in April. Com mittees to help with the drive will be appointed at the various troop meetings. Reports were given on troop meetings during the month. Troop St. Margaret Mary met at the home of Kathleen 1 Butsch, with the next meeting scheduled at the homo of Irma Kaiser. Troop Star of the Sea met at the home of Mrs. Alfred Huber. Troop Little Flower met at the home of Kathleen Stolle. and Mnry Lou Schmaltz will entertain the troop at her home for the next meeting. Troop St. Marie Gorrettl met at the home of Patricia and Arlcne Schmitz. The next meeting will be at the home of Martina Otter. Troop St. Joan of Arc met at the home of Dorothy Baumgart ner. The next meeting will be at Uie home of Shirley Kracmer. ! Complete committees were ap- I pointed in charge of the annual j formal dance to be given on Mon- i day evening, February IS, in the ; Ml. Angel, to be given jointly by ' St. Mary's school auditorium in ; tho Woodburn and Mount Angel j courts. Named on the committees are: Ceiling decorations. Misses Joann Stiipfcl, Pat Schmitz, Arlenc Schmitz. Judy Foltz anil Irma Kat- i ser. Stage and room decorations: Misses Marlene Prosscr, Ruth Ann Dicker, Jerry Wolf, Dolores Schultz, Betty Reis, Kntherine llg and Marlene D I e h 1 . Re freshments: Misses Sanda Prosser. Janice Anderson, Ka thy Slolle. Martina Otter, Elaine Sauscr, Mary l,ou hockelmnn and Dorothy Baumgarlncr. Checking; Misses Mary llg, Joan Fisher. Rnr bara Huber, Harriett Purily, Veryl Susee. Rose Marie Brundridg'e, To Attend Rally S1LVERTON The Ladies Mis sionary Prayer band nf the Silvrr- tnn Alliance church will journey to Albany Thursday to participate In the North Oregon rally of prayer hands. Mrs. Joseph Cooper of Silvcrton is chairman of the North Oregon rally zone. Nearly 150 ladies are expc"'."! In nttend the rally. In th' local organisation Mrs. Albert Larsen Is president; Mrs. William Miles, secretary; Mrs. Willnrd McCammon, tree urer; and Mrs. F.stcl Owen, sew ing chairimiii. The Ladies Mis sionary prayer band is dedicated to the promoting of the foreign missionary program in a practical way by helping to supply the nil mediate needs of the missionary on tho field. The local group meets on the second and fourth linns days of each month. Virginia Sannes and Mary Beth Eberle. Tickets: Misses Patty Huffstettcr and Shirley Kraemer. Prom program: Misses Patty Duman, Mary llg, Margaret Stalp and Mary Beth Eberle. Curtain decorations: Misses Kathy Nonneman, Joann Michaels, Joann Wcllman and Kathleen ! Butsch. Finance: Misses Joann Stupfel and Sandy Prosser. Prize and tickets: Misses Judy Ficker, Pat Bashaw and Lorecn Erlelt. Assisting with the committees: Misses Helen Provost, Mary Ann Capitol Post American Legion Valentine Sweetheart Dancing Party 8:30 P. M., Friday February 12 Major Social Event of the Legionnaires featuring entertainment by the "Chorleers" and an excellent orchestra. Food and Other Refreshments TICKETS ON SALE AT STEVENS & SON, JEWELERS and THE AMERICAN LEGION HALL 2650 South Commercial Street Y Doings (Salem Trl-Y) Perhaps you've seen the new brick building being constructed next to the .public library on State street. This building will soon be the new Young JVomcn's Christian association. The new building itself will mean a great deal to the women and girls of Salem. For soon there will not only be a place to meet and re lax, but a place in which to have recreation of all types from bas ketball to table-tennis. For some time now, the Y members have longed for a place such as this. An increase of new members, especially new junior and senior high school students, is expected as soon as the building is fin ished. Teenagers will be enthusi astic because this will be the first time that the Salem girls will have a real place for their recre ation interests. The girls of Sa lem will be able to go there any time during the day for a coke, chat with their friends, and may be enjoy a game of badminton. However, this is not the only purpose of the building. Tri-Y clubs which have already been under way for some time will continue to work on their service projects. The clubs usually have in progress at least one project, such as providing holiday baskets where the members contribute food or clothing for a needy fam ily. These projects ,are the main purpose of the Tri-Y clubs of the Salem high school and Y-Teen clubs of the junior high schools. The goal of the young YWCA clubs includes many ideals but as it is so well stated in the Tri-Y purpose, the goal is, "To build a fellowship of women and girls devoted to the task of real izing in our common life those ideals of personal and social liv ing to which we are committed by our faith as Christians . . ." Rainbow Girls Are Guests at Chapter SILVERTON "Be My Valen tine" was the theme of the meeting of Ramona Chapter, Order of Eastern Star, Tuesday evening, with Rainbow girls of Ramona as sembly and their leaders as guests. After a short business session the large group of Rainbow girls was welcomed by Mr. and Mrs. W. Dale Lamar, worthy matron and worthy patron. Escorted to the east and honored were Miss Nancy Benson, worthy adviser of Ramona assembly No. 3C; Mrs. M. P. Scarth, mother ad viser; Mrs. William Woodard, Jr., associate mother adviser; and Mrs. Willard Benson, president of Rainbow Mothers club. The en tire group of girls was then escort ed and introduced and valentines were presented to all the honored guests. In keeping with the heart theme, the girls were entertained by "Ad vice to the Lovelorn" presented by "Dorothy Dix" and secretary. Fortune telling by "The Madame Hoods" added amusement, as past and present worthy advisers were given an insight into their future years. Mrs. W. P. Scarth reported plans underway for Ramona assembly's tenth anniversary, with a rum mage sale early in March as their fund raising project for this term. Members and friends wore re' minded of the benefit card party to be Saturday evening, February 13, in the Masonic hall, sponsored by Ramona club as a kitchen benefit. The next meeting of Ra mona club will be on March 2 at the home of Mrs. Edmund Jackson with Mrs. Wayne Weeks and Mrs. F. E. Sylvester as assisting host esses. An attendance contest is in prog ress during February and March with Miss lna Harold, Mrs. filwyn Hood, Mrs. Orlo Thompson and Mrs. Jim Hollingsworth as team captains. Valentine decorations were ar ranged by Mrs. Harry' Rithes. Hostesses for the evening were Mrs. Jim Hollingsworth and Mrs. Orlo Thompson. Refreshments were served to members and guests by Mr. and Mrs. Edmund Jackson, Mr. and Mrs. John De mas, Mrs. William Woodard, Jr., and Miss Mary Ann Woodard. SILVERTON- -Circles of Trin ity Lutheran Ladies Aid society are scheduled to meet as follows: No. 1, Tuesday, at the home of Mrs. J, C. Larson, route 2; No. 3, Wednesday at the home of Mrs. Olaf Anderson, 257 Mill street; No. 2, Thursday, at the home of Mrs. Rasmus Wik, 913 Souts Wa ter; No. 4, Friday at the .lome of Mrs. Oliver Totland, route 1. RUSSIAN OFFER OF AID WELCOMED KANDY, Caylon (fl Delegates to a conference of the U. N. Eco nomic Commission for Asia and the Far East generally have wel comed a Russian offer of aid to under-developed countries. 170 N. LIBERTY OPEN FRIDAY NIGHT 'TIL 9 QualiCraft's R, lor a smart approach to Spring: Take one halter silhouette in black patert leather, red or blue calfskin, blend vamp in softly draped folds, add a sprinkling ol white nailheadi . step out fashion-fresh for dollars less. 4 to 10. AAA thru C Spring Tonic the lift your wardrobe needs 1 MAIL ORDERS INVITED! AM 2; 1 0. 0.'l, etorjes colled 4- in r UbMJ Ur u tlon. nil DRS. CHAN . . . LAM CHINESE NATUROPATHS CpsUln, HI North Liberty unite npen Saturday only, II a m. to 1 p.m., I to 7 p m. Consultation, blood prma and urine (cat ara free of charca. Prarurfd alnct nil Write Hit attrarllre tin. No miration. SHOP AT SHRYOCK'S MON. & FRI. 'TIL 9 P. M.- Mail orders will be gladly filled No extra charge for handling. the ivhole town's talking about Shryock's Arrow shirt clinii Dan Kimball, Arrow representative, will be in our store both days Fri. & Sat., February 12th and 13th DAHT, the met) popular style. Broad, cloth with filled collar, 131j-is. ;u.i IUII.AV. medium, short low band, fused collar. Broadcloth. Sires 14-17. :." Ill medium long points, low band. Broadcloth. In sites i4.i7. n.5 AIII)F.. short- point, fused collar shirt in broadcloth. Sites m-17. a.n. DOnSi:T, quality broadcloth. Fused col lar, short point. French cuffs. I4lj-l7. 5.00 n.D.Oll. rourdad toft collar without eyelet. Broadcloth with Frtneh cuff. My,. 1 7. l.SO PAH, wide-spread, Broadcloth, in fine slotted soft-collar shirt. Sites 14-17. :t.!." PA II VA .. wide spread collar and French cuffs. Broad cloth. Site 14-17. .OIIIMt IHIV. I'lll. oford cloth, with button-down col. lar in siies l4i2-l7. .-.( HALF, fine bread cloth, with medium point, fused collar. Sites 14-17. .VOO IIAIIXin F.YF- I. FT, rounded soft collar with eyelets for pin. Broadcloth with French cuffs. -1.50 DAI.K F.C., quality broadcloth with French cuff. Fused collar. Sites 14-17. 5.00 your iiork is our business! You can be assumed of correct f't if you're wearing ore of our famous Atow white oess shirts! A-d you may choose from 12 handsome collar s'y'cs. too! Every A-row shirt is Sanforized, lias famous "Mitoga" body f f, p'er.ty cf shoulder room, firmly anchored buttons! In fine combed cotton breade'eth with regu'ar cr French cuffs. Choose yours today! Ladies - Don't forget Valentine's Day is this Sunday. Shryock's have everything for the man in your life. -Shryock's -In the Capitol Shopping Center - Lots of Free Parking Space-