Page fi THE CAPITAL JOURNAL. Salem. Oregon. Thursday. February 11, 1054 -FROM- Peg in Washington pQnsTea BY ALF.NE (PEG) PHILLIPS IVJ ;ike ice carvings a hobby. A light KA -t ff r A side the 56-inch high model ! ' v lu 1 1 1 - Washington, D.C., Feb. t m. Pear Marian: in A bit of the atmosphere of the ! made a shimmering glow l Capital Women f that Salem alumnae of Alpha Xi Chicago convention that nominal- lighted up the stacks and stacks j sorurily are to entertain at'Klc-r- KAl ll I ed Dwieht D. Elsenhower was , of bvt lunches on the nearby . , M,,h ,, hn.. Mp VI VIUII evident isi nigni wncn me u n- un. p-m.ieu mm sem wuum t Loran M Thompson of Tortland, coin Day Box Supper opened the ; be at a premium, several of us ; na(ional sl,cond vice president of Republican centennial ' celebration arrived at door -opening lime, six : (he at the huge Uline Arena here, j o'clock, and we had just finished! Th tea'wi) be at t)le home of Sections were set aside for each ; the fried chicken, salad, cup cake Mrs Gelm stevens Can(aarja of the 48 states and the usual con-1 and soft drink when promptly at ; l)t.iKhis between 2 and 4 o'clock. venlion markers servca as Kuin-. Mr. .u me emu.iai.m.em , Iumna met at the home ering spots for former residents of , program got under way under the f M Jojn Lewjs Wcdnesday each slate. Of course, there was ! direction of George Murphy, mas-! evenjn ' Mjss voct jIcK(,c ,,orl'. gome overlapping uun i lane mui inuiniini.., n,,,, a .w litcrally as some persons souglit i voice chorus singing "The Star better vantage points than their Spangled Banner." Singers, in own state sections provided. At eluding the much-applauded Jail anv rale, the Oregon section re- i us Laltosa dancers, and specially Vealcd a number of familiar fa-! acts filled the interval with Char- land alumna who is personnel di ' rector at Lipman, Wolfe and com ; pany, being the guest speaker. ( Mrs. A. C. Newell and Mrs. i John II. Ilann were named to rep- !I..Ji- . !.i.rc frm i II. Knlvob' nrrl.l ra .mill Iho ! ' ' ""I" at I" vim.e Oregon, Jess Gard, Kepuhliean na-1 program of talks by Republican j tenL the tional committeeman, Miss Shirley Congressional leaders began. The' ?,rr t'S " r ! t r 1C1U, ailU ntlllieill II1U, Bll Ul j ' vu, ui ..pvanii., nua (lUlll a Portland. Willi meetings of Re-1 reminder of the Chicago conven publican officials, Republican wo-; tion. men, and Young Republicans un-: The President was escorted into der way in Washington, many of , the Arena at ten o'clock by the those in the audience were visitors members of bis cabinet who were in W ashington. It seemed natural ! seated w ith their wives in a spe to see Jess Card and Shirley cial section of the hall. Speaking Field in a convention-type audi'-1 extemporaneously, there w.j an ence as they were part of the Ore-! informality and warmth in his re gon delegation in Chicago. Others marks and manner to which the in the Oregon rows were Mr. and audience was most responsive. Mrs. W. Scott ( Dorothy McCul- Then, as in his campaign appear- lough) Mr. and Mm Harold an-'. he went to the edge of fZ,,:iJ Puantr H C - . ...A Ih. nUlFnrm unit o,.orl.,H VJUIIO C Y C fJ 1 5 Sam Coon, Mr. and Mrs. Geurite Mamie" to the center of the stage, Scott, Congressman and Mrs. Ho- wnere with former President Jlcr mer Angrll. Mrs. Larry Smyth. ' hert Hoover, the three stood and Mr. and Mrs. Ted Hiukley she ; received the tumultuous applause is secretary to Congressman An- j of the crowd. The 7500 people who gell, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Wood-' filled the Arena had welcomed the ring he an adopted Oregonian as surprise appearance of ex-l'resi-his wife is secretary to Congress- dent Hoover a little earlier in the man Walter Norblud, Mr. and Mrs. i program ith three standing ova Charles Carlson, the latter a niece ' tions. of Mrs. Woodring and also on the j All in all, it was a big night for Norblad staff; Mrs. Dorothy i Hie Republicans and there was en Jones, from Senator Cordon's of-' thusiastic participation in the fice, and Mr. and Mrs. Larry closing song. "God Bless Ameri Pope, the latter also one of the ' ca " The whole thing brought back Senator's secretaries. I memories of when you and I Edited by MARIAN LOWRV FISCHER V i ; Party Before Dance Miss Loraine Ellis is planning a party at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Ellis, on Friday night preceding the Hi-Y Sweetheart ball. Those invited include the Misses Joyce Mount, Alice Johnson, Jo dy Bone, Janice Graff, Barbara Bostrack, Danell Hamilton and Robert Goddard, Larry Martin, Jim Hardy, Ron Brown, Jim Law rence, Dick Simpson and Willard Bone. To Wed Soon Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Mull of Indepcnd.ace announce the en gagement of their daughter, Miss .Marilyn Mull, to Ensign James E. Cooke, son of Mr. and Mrs. E. D. Cooke of Mill City. The wedding is planned for Saturday, Aprii 17, in the First Methodist church in Salem at 8 o'clock in the evening. The bride-elect attended Ore gon College of Edution. Ensign Cooke, a navy air cadet, was grad uated from University of South ern California where he is a mem ber of Pi Kappa Alpha frater nity, is now stationed at Barin field, Foley, A'a. Paul. Mrs. William E. Healy, Mrs. M. E. Knickerbocker, Mrs. A. C. Newell. Mrs. John H. ilann, Mrs. T. Behm. Mrs. Llovd Darline. Miss Marion Joseph, Mrs. b. r. j Named Delegate son. Mrs. Clyde Charters, Mrs. Orvillc Kannier, Jr., Mrs. R. W. Tavenner. Mrs. Elmer Meade, Mrs. Hugh Harper and the hostess. Just in front of the Oregon sec- were lw0 of the countless thous tion was a model of the Lincoln u, ,L . ..... .i.iuMu, t.wiii uaniii, Memorial designed in ice by a couple of federal officials who lights, and thrills? Peg band Morton-Gamblin LEBANON Wed in late Janu ary at the First Christian church were Mrs. Agnes S. Gamblin and Ray R. Morton. The Rev. Rich ard Hake performed the ceremony on January 2.1. ' For her nuptials, the bride " """ce ciuii is scnemiled chose a navy blue crepe afternoon ,or "csl "' Keb- 18 at ,h" Sal frock with matching accessories V" "Klts community hall at and corsage of red roses. -8:00 p.m. Anyone interested in m, j i . 'lancing is invited to attend. He Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Ham?., dinners arc welcome, the bride s son-in-law and daugh- j tcr, were the only attendants. J The couple left after the service i MKS' B- I'Ol'NI), a former T " fihrt..,ril: ,0 P0rl,an1 -'rn'f'Tlmtiirhe Lnngview, Wash. SALEM HEIGHTS The regu-! tine '"r t'ai'h' Moth'-rs and their lar dance of the Hnlli.. n.l U... I 8utsls were seaM at and flags were used for oilier decorations and favors. Guests were Mrs. Merle Winn of Kose herg, who is visiting Mrs. Jerry Horn; Mrs. Alan Ferrin. a guest of Mrs. Edward Clark; Mrs. Don Weber a new neighbor; Mrs. Robert Drown, Mrs. Fred Smalley Sr., Mrs. 'William Lock, Mrs. Kay Johnson was elected on Wednesday as official dele0'.e from Cherry court, Order of the Amaranth, to the grand session in March in Portland. Mrs. Verdie Ellis, Portland and Mrs. R. Lee Wood, both honorary members, were guests. Advance night was observed. Refreshments were served fol lowing the showing of two films by Mrs. James H. Turnbull, coun ty education director, American Cancer society. Today's Menu Delicious Breakfast Try this new method for making popovers. Orange and Grapefruit Sections Scrambled Eggs Bacon New-Method Popovers Jelly Beverage New-Methid Popovers Ingrcdicnls: 1 cup sifted flour, i teaspoon salt, 1 tablespoon but ter or margarine, 2 eggs, 1 cup milk. Method: Slir flour and salt to gether; cut in shortening until texture is like cornmcal. Beat eggs and milk enough to combine; add to dry ingredients and beat until smooth. Place greased cus- centered wilh a large log cabin, ! lT "T"B i . -ft . nnp.lhirH full K:ilfa in nifuff-rntii (375FJ oven until well browned, The February meeting of the Grace guild of Grace Lutheran church was at the home of Mrs. Marlin Voiding on Tuesday eve ning, with Mrs. Carroll Sharpe as program chairman. Plans were made for the an nual birthday party to be spon sored by the guild and the Women's Missionary group. The guild members were en couraged to attend the workshop which will be at Woodburn on February 23, from 10:00 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. World Day of Prayer will be observed by Lutherans qn May 5 at Grace Lutheran church. Valentine Party EAST SALEM Mrs. John is the owner of a tiirkev JLct'l,!'.cr!?j!!c!j,L tat wlnCbeinatHhrl.diSlriCt; jTuesclaymornlng T er S ?il "Ltom.e ' "S wmlcr at'road home. The children sat at ...... , milium sum. Iho r ,iurn l-il,la uiilh V-,l.,i; cookies and punch and a Valen- J visitor, Mrs. Bryan Godenough is; Jerry Smith, Mrs. Dale Mallicoat, Mrs. Morion is employed at the . entertaining informally at coffee (Mrs. Don Man, Mrs. Lester Orton wnanon nrancn of llie first Na-; Friday morning, inviting friends I of West Salem; Mrs. Fred Sinai tional bank of Porlland. Her hus-1 between 10:30 and 12:30 o'clock. I ley Jr. i.nd the hostess. about 50 minutes. Remove from oven and cut a slit in the side of each popover to let out steam. Re turn to oven for 10 minutes. Re move from cups at once and serve. Makes 12 medium or 8 large pop overs. HOSTS to their card club on Saturday evening for dessert and bridge will be Mr. and Mrs. Alan Patriotic Tea Is Event of Tuesday A large group attended, the Lincoln tea given by Barbara Frictchie tent, Daughters of Un ion Veterans of the Civil War, Tuesday. Several guests attended from Porlland, Eugene and Al bany. The tea was at th3 Woman's club house. Baskets of greenery and a Lincoln shrine, guarded by flags and red, white and blue candles, were arranged for the af fair. The tea table was set with a lace tablecloth, a bouquet of spring flowers and candles. Greeting guests were Mrs. Mel isa Persons, Mrs. Mary Hilborn, Mrs. Nellie Hiday, Mrs. Pearl Simkin, Mrs. Rose Garrett, Mrs. May Bach, Mrs. Luella Inman. Pouring were Miss Irene Law head and Mrs. Edith MCoy for the first period, Mrs. Mable Lock wood and Mrs. Melisa Persons during the second hour. Assisting in serving were Mrs. Madeline Nash, Mrs. Mabel Gardner, Mrs. Faye Stupka, Mrs. Hazel Roy, Mrs. Reva Davidson, Mrs. Marie Caldwell. Portland guests were Mesdames Irene Lawhead.Fredicka Dutton, Hester Cook, Zclma Harriman. Ada Lehman, Ida Murfin, Blanche Bergfeld, Esther Agnew, Lura Rodlun, Mary Ann Siddorn, Elva Eldred, Lillie Bain, Golda Buell, Margaret Brady, Eunice Murry, Hazel Ollermann, Amelia Handy, I Gladys Thompson, Ona Mae Grail, Rebecca Poole, Margaret Larkins, Freda Boyd, Alta DcYo. Eugene guests included Mes dames Esta Bier, Laura England, Wilma Inman, Ethel Piank, Vera, Thompson, Helen Beach, Flor ence Small, Lois Mclloes, Elsie Dotson, Gladys Dean, Maybelle ' Klem, Phoebe Flynn and Miss i Cora Kreamer. Albany guests were Mrs. Ad elaide Atkins and Mrs. Maybelle Adams. HOME from a month in Hawaii are Mr. and Mrs. f;ilis F. Von Eschen. They made the trip by plane. In the Islands they joined CDAs Plan For Deanery Event Here Plans for the events at Capital court, Catrfolic Daughters of America, will take part in the Oregon City deanery meeting on March 9 in Salem was discussed at the group's regular monthly meeting Wednesday night. A luncheon is being planned for the deanery meeting at 1:30 o'clock that day and the CDAs will be assisted by the St. Vin cent dc Paul Mothers club. Fol lowing the luncheon a talk will be given on "Libraries and How People Should Use Them." The winners of the poetry contest sponsored at St. Vincent de Paul and St. Jdseph's schools will be announced at that time. Mrs. F. E. Kenyon, Mrs. E. M. Payse no and Mrs. F. A. Windishar will serve as chairmen of arrangements. Other business discussed in volved the telephone parties that the September and February circles will sponsor between Feb ruary 20 and 27; Mrs. W. G. Krueger and Mrs. Roger Archer to be in charge. An Italian family was adopted and will be sent let ters and food packages each month. Following the meeting. Miss Lorrione Meusey, Mrs. Alberta Mcusey, Mrs. Margaret Brown, Mrs. A. L. Elvin, Mrs. J. M. Her berger and Mrs. C. J. Meusey served refreshments. Mrs. Tolmasoff Is Honored at Shower Mrs. Pete Tolmasoff was hon ored on Wednesday night at a shower at the home of Mrs. Carl W. Graves, Jr. Games were play ed and refreshments were served during the tvening. Honoring Mrs. Tolmasoff were Mesdames Leslie Currier, Ber nard Karlin, Pete Kremer, Leo nard Kremer, Jim Fryrear, Alen Zicgenhagel, Leo W e g a d o r, Dewey Place, Roy Tomlinson, Junior Sevey ' and the Misses Jeannie Blensely, Mary Lou Kremer, and Clarissa Tomlinson. AFRICAN Violet society is meeting this Thursday evening at the home of Mrs. Charles Forrct te at 7:30 o'clock. MRS. ALFRED KENNEDY, Omaha, Neb., has been visiting at the home of a brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Axel Jacobsen. Mrs. Ethel Pratt, Sweetheart Party Friday The Valentine sweetheart dance party of Capital pott, No. 9, American Legion, will be an event of Friday evening at the Legion club, starting at 8:30 o'clock. The program will open with numbers by the Choraleers, fol lowed by dancing and entertain ment. Virgil Parker is general chair m a n. Refreshments will be served. MORE THAN 40 attended the no host dinner and party of the PLE and F club on Wednesday night at the O. C. Harris home. Following dinner "secret pals" were revealed and new ones for the year were drawn. mother of Mrs. Jacobsen and Mrs. Kennedy has also been visiting 'from Eugene. JUST TWO DOZEN MATERNITY SUITS REGULARLY PRICED AT 1 8.50 NOW WHILE THEY LAST 12 50 Howard Corset Shop 131 North High St. Opposite New Court House Riebel. Additional cuests will be IWfl.inH friends. Mr. and Mrs I Mr. and Mrs. Dale Pence. I Fred Shearer. 5 ail It a Ul l . . . Hearts and flowers "go together" . . . especially on Valentine's Day! Nothing will so elequently express your devotion to your sweetheart as fragrant, dewy-fresh flowers. Remember Flowers Can Be Delivered Anywhere! Orders In By 3 P. M. For Delivery SALEM'S LEADING DEPARTMENT STORE Suggestions a glamour gift that says r' Only for Yoii i lUnHii. :i:t Av v IS I trfi'VT.'';'SK'-:v,' - r . ' J' V new 1 lb. Red Foil Heart other Beautiful Hearts 7i to 17.50 . Thrsr fine candies lrst av "I Love You" on Vnlenlinrs Day....... Always to fresh jo delicious so welcome! 1.1 fAA, -"" ' " llbT Aiaertl XlT 1 " chooio.i UILU She'll Love LINGERIE Especially if you make your selec tion from our Nationally popu lar brands. Such names as Van R a a 1 le. Kicker nick and Mun singwear are on ly a few. Miss Pullman and those different Tommies make the pa.iama selection complete. You'll find just what you've been lookinc for when ou shop our Lingerie department on Hie 2nd Floor. HANDBAGS AND GLOVES Refreshingly new handbags in all the new popular colors and materials. Every possible shle in our selection priced from 52 Dfl plus tax. Glove Dept. . . . Don't forget gloves to nuke her Ensemble complete. The very newest "Short Stop" or lorrter as the costume de mands in all the newest shades by Hansen. Sres 6 to 8 BliiLLF-SIIAnMI'tl.S in her very ouii Ivg-size jive Such an extra-special something to gi and so very glamorous to get! It's the stocking she loves to nil, tor lirlle-Miarmrcr personal leg-si.cs pamper her legs with sheer luxury, flattering h'tl Valentine Gift Folders Too $1.35 to $1.95 4 m for slmrtrr m 'V, nr mull lrz. 1 M (or avpfiCP A durliess 1 ST (fH lpf) w 1 ',1 for til, j 1! - to 11 '.4 Pa,f feo classic fft latent lrp. Gift Handkerchiefs The Utile Sonie thinc Extra she always appreci ates. She'll love any one of our l uscious Emhroi riered Unen or Swiss Hankies, or maybe a deli cite lare or print for that nru dres?. Choose now while the se lection is complete. still i. 1 4 GIFT IDEAS IN EVERY DEPT. 50c to $3.50 Also Wide Selection of 25c Prints .11 ' 1 j W7 nilLLER'S LAYAWAY NOW For Spring & Easter At Big Savings 4 ! A 3L