ThrirstJay, FebTuary 11, 1951 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL. Salem. Orecon jj (S Tele - Radio-Television THURSDAY ON KPTV: Hunting and Fishing News, 6:30 Captain Chris Wilkins, guest of Kudy Lacnenmeier, showing pix, telling of salmon fishing, sail ing, San Juan Islands. Sports Thirty, 7 Tom Harmon. You Bet Your Life, 8 Groucho Marx on comedy quit Chevron Theater, 8:30 "Refuse." Dragnet, 9 Sergeant Joe dramatizing another official police ease; this one, of juveniles begging in rich districts. Ford Theater, 9:30 "For Love of Kitty," as story of woman handicapper whose amazing luck threatens the betting business. Martin Kane, 10 After-shave lotion provides Kane with clue to thieves. Arthur Murray Dance Party, 10:30 Local, live, colorful dance at KPTV. Nile Owl Theater, 11:01 "Wings Over the Pacific," starring Inez Cooper, Edward Norris. ' . THURSDAY ON KOIN-TV: 3:15 p.m., Armchair Theatre "Mysterious Miss X", starring Michael Whelen and Mary Hart 8 p.m., Meet Mr. McNutlcy Even college, professors are prone to jealousy, albeit, in their very special, dignified way as Ray Milland demonstrates. When his wife, Peggy, (Phyllis Avery), springs the news that an old boy friend of hers is coming to town, Ray Milland, as Professor McNutlcy, accepts the tidings with the calm and courtesy befitting his academic position. 8:30 p.m., Four Star Playhouse Dick Powell will star in "The Gun", a suspenseful drama. Powell portrays a police detective. He comes home to his wife and two children one morning after shoot ing a young hoodlum in the line of duty. He hangs his gun and coat on a door and later discovers, after several visitors leave his home, that the gun has disappeared from the holster. 9 p.m., Video Theatre Fay Baintcr stars in "Shall' Not Perish", the story of a grief stricken wife of a tenant farmer who has lost their son in Korea. A dramatic situation arises when she learns that her son was killed in the same battle with the son of the wealthiest man in town, who years before foreclosed on their farm property. 9:30 p.m., Big Town Reporter Steve Wilson and editor Mac McCrath of the Illustrated Press are warned they must effect the relcaso from prison of a notorious gambler or forfeit their lives. 10 p.m., Philip Morris Playhouse Screen star Dane Clark plays a workingman who goes out to lunch and runs into a gang of masked holdup men fleeing from police, in "Up for Parole". He has to make one of the most important decisions of his life when one of the bandits thrusts a bagful of money into his hands. 11 p.m. Showtime on Six "Pier 23", starring Hugh Beaumont, Ann Savage and Richard Travis. FRIDAY ON XOINTV: 3:15 p.m., Armchair Theatre "Affairs of Geraldine" starring Jane Withers and James Lydon. 6:45 p.m., Jane Froman Show Miss Froman, iu a tribute to Jerome Kern, sings "Who," "The Night Was Made for Love", and "Can't Help Loving That Man". The dancers do a number to "I Won't Dance". 8 p.m., Amos 'N Andy Kingfish oversells himself when he convinces Andy that he's sick enough to ced "hospitalization'. Kingfish decides that hospitalization policies, if sold to strictly healthy people, can provide him with a lucrative income and decides to go into the business of selling health insurance. 9 p.m., Playhouse of Stars Academy Award-winner Broderick Crawford plays a police lieutenant who serves time in a slate peni tentiary in order to obtain evidence for a man facing excution on a bum rap, in "Man from Outside". 9:30 p.m.. Our Miss Brooks Eve Arden concentrates her ef forts on charity by selling tickets to the Policeman's Ball, but runs into trouble when the ducats prove to be phony. 11 p.m., Showtime on Six "Jane Eyre", starring Virginia Bruce, Colin Clive and Berye Mercer. FRIDAY ON KPTV: What's Cookine? 10:30 Theatre actress appearing wilh "Miss Flowers" title of Florist Advertising council. Matinee Theater, 1 "Paradise Isle," starring Movita, Warren Hull. Sky King, 6 "Wings of Justice," tells Sky's prevention of neighbor's being victimized for his ore property. Cavalcade of Sports, 7 Joe Ciambra, Buffalo, vs. Italo Scor- tichini, Italy, Madison Square Garden. 10 rounds. MidUleweignts. Dave Garrowny Show, 8 Variety show starring Garroway with comedian Cliff Norton, Jack Haskell, Jill Corey; Skitch Henderson directing. Inner Sanctum, 8:30 p.m. "Good Luck Charm," story of poor r.ihhie finriine fortune in cab. Big Story, 9 Old man claims sey Whitten, reporter of the Lawton, Okla. "Constitution" plays big part. Campbell Soundstagc, 9:30 "Golden Box," starring Patty Mc Cormack, John Stephen, Dorothy Donahue. Heidelberg Wrestling, 10 Local live: from Armory. Nile Owl Theater, 11:01 "Man in the Dingy." Sprague to Talk to Foresters Group Former Governor Charles A. Sprague will address Portland Chapter members of the Society of American Foresters at their February meeting in Salem, Chapter Chairman Albert Arnst announced today. His topic -will he "Economic Patterns in Oregon Forestry." The dinner meeting, which is scheduled for Monday, February 15. at the Marion hotel in Sa lem, will be the first SAF gath Docs Meet TONIGHT fL television ? 1 KSLM 6:1 5 P. M. p c" """ b,h" D f prompt, economical tefvice! J CjftlF NOT-DIAL 2-1913 L 'T""r, WITH COMPLETE CONFIDENCE wf FP.VICE ALL MAKES OF TELEVISION We don't have rodio men ... we hove trained tele vision technicians a WITH 7 OR MORE VALLEY TV CENTER 2303 Fairgrounds Koad SALES SERVICE Motorola All Hoffman Makes Dumont no Packard-Bell Sites Views Barbara Rickman, brunette Civic Barbara Angcll, as candidate for to be Jesse James, bandit; Lind- ering in Oregon's capital city since 1948. Arnst explained that the Chapter normally meets in Portland but that some of its membership is drawn from the Salem area. Sprague is editor and publish er ot the Oregon statesman, i chairman of the BLM Advisory I Board, and Marion county chair- man of Keep Oregon Green. I'RBAN" COMPANY LOW I Urban Plumbing and Heating 'Company, Portland, biddin S5, ; 138. Wednesday was low of two bidders for modification of two regulating out'et gate hydraulic I nil nininp vstems at Detroit Dam on the North Sanliam River. Gov ernment estimate for the work was $4,400. Sears Roebuck & Co. Your Present TV Service with Your Approval? YEARS EXPERIENCE Phone 2-1913 INSTALLATION All Types Free Estimates On Television KPTV (27) UHF KOIN-TV (6) VHF TIUBSDAT 10:00 .ra. KPTV-Dlni Dons School 10:10 am. KPTV What'a Cooling KOIN TBA 10:4S a.m. kptv What's CooHng KOIN Brighter Day ll:O0 a.m. kftv Htwjcina Fails : , KOIN KOIN Kitrh.n 11:11 a.m. KPTV 3 Slept to HciTta KOIN KOIN Kitchen 11:30 a.m. KPTV Family Friend KOIN KOIN Kitchen 11:00 noon KPTV Erlde end Oroom KOIN Bit Parol! IMS p.m. KPTV The Bennetti KOIN Bit Paiotl 11:30 p.m. KPTV TBI, KOIN Bob croabj 1:00 p.m. KPTV Matinee KOIN-Uve ol Lite , p.m. KPTV Matinee KOIN Search lor Tomorrow 1:10 p.m. FPTV Matmee KOIN Guiding Light 1:10 p.m. -KPTV-Mallnee KOIN Valiant Ladr 1:00 p.m. KPTV Matinee KOIN Carry Moor Show 1:1 P.m. KPTV Hollywood Reel KOIN Garry Moore Bhow 1:30 p.m. KPTV On Your Account KOIN strike It Rich 1:00 p.m. KPTV rate Smith KOIN Garry Moor Show 3:16 p.m. KPTV Kate Smith KOIN Armchair Theater 4:00 p.m. KPTV Welcome Travelers KOIN Armchair Theater 4:30 p.m. KPTV Toymaker KOIH-Mr. Moon 4:41 p.m. KPTV Toymaker KOIN Cartoon Time 1:00 p.m. KPTV Howdy Doody KOIN saddle Pal 1:30 p.m. KPTV Bar 17 Corrall KOIN apace Ranger 6:00 p.m. KPTV Talent Patrol KOIN Mr. Weatherman :1S p.m. KPTV Talent Patrol - KOIN Photo Quit 1:30 p.m, KPTV Hunting and rishlnl KOIN Doug Edwards Newa I t! p.m. KPTV World on View KOIN Sports Scholar :0O p.m. KPTV Sport! Thirty KOIN Cisco Kid 7:10 p.m. KPTV Dinah Short KOIN Place the Fact 7:45 p.m. KPTV News Caravan KOIN Place the Fact 1:00 p.m. KPTV Groucho Marx KOIN Meet Mr. McNulty 1:30 p.m. KPTV Chevron Theater KOIN Four Star Playhousa 1:00 p.m. KPTV Dragnet KOIN Video Playhouat 1:30 p.m. KPTV Ford Theater KOIN Eli Town 10:00 p.m. KPTV Martin Kana KOIN The Playhouse 10:30 p.m. KPTV Arthur Murray party KOIN Mr. and Mrs. North, 11:00 p.m. KPTV News sports KOIN Showtime on Slf 11:01 p.m. KPTV Nile Owl Theater , FRIDAY 10:00 a.m. KPTV Ding Dong Bell KOIN Hostess House 10:30 a.m. KPTV What's Cooking? KOIN TBA 10:49 a.m. KPTV What's Cooking KOIN Brighter Day 11:00 a.m. KPTV Hawkins Fallf KOIN KOIN Kitchen 11:15 p.m. KPTV 3 Steps to Heaven KOIN KOIN Kitchen 11:30 a.m. KPTV Friend of Family KOIN Snotllte Revue 11:45 a.m. KPTV Friend ol Family KOIN Newsreel 12:00 noon KPTV Bride and Oroom KOIN Big Payolf 12:15 p.m. KPTV TBA KOIN Big Payoff 12:30 P.m. KPTV TBA KOIN Bob Crosby 1:00 p.m. KPTV Matinee Theater KOIN Love ol Life 1:13 p.m. KPTV Matinee KOIN Search Tomorrow 1:30 p.m. KPTV Matinee KOIN Guiding Light 1:45 p.m. KPTV Matinee KOIN Valiant Lady 3:00 p.m. KPTV Matinee Theater KOIN Double or Nothing 3:30 p.m. KPTV On Your Account KOIN-fltrlke II Rkh -3:00 p.m. KPTV Kate smith KOIN Garry Moore Show 3:15 p.m. KPTV Kate Smith KOIN Armchair Theater 4:00 p.m. KPTV Welcome Traveler! KOIN Armchair Theater 4:30 p.m. KPTV Toymaker KOIN Mr. Moon 4:45 p.m. KPTV Toymaker KOIN Cartoon Bhow 5:00 pa, KPTV TBA ( KOIN Saddle Pals B:30 p.m. KPTV Peanut Clrcua KOIN Time lor Beany 5:45 pm KPTV Bar 27 Corral KOIN Time for Beany 1:00 p.m. KPTV Sky King KOIN Weatherman 1:11 p.m. KPTV Sky Kin KOIN Photo-qulg I 30 pm KPTV Dean Collins KOIN Doug hdwards New 1:45 p.m. KPTV World on View KOIN Jane Froman Show 7:00 P.m. KPTV sports Calvalcade KOIN Hank McCune Show 7:30 p.m. KPTV sports Cavalcade KOIN Ozzle and Harriet 7:45 p.m. KPTV News Caravan KOIN Ozzle and Harriet 1:00 p.m. KPTV Oarr away at Larga KOIN Amos and Andy 130 p m. KPTV Inner Sanctum KOIN Topper 1:00 p.m. KPTV Lllg Story KOIN Playhouse of Stars 1:30 p.m. KPTV Campbell Bounda'.aga FOIN our Mls Brooka lint i.a KPTV Wrestling KOIN My Friend trma '1:30 p.m. KPTV Wrestling KOIN Break the Bank 11:00 p.m. KPTV Eleventh flour Newa KOIN Showtime on 811 11:1 P.m. KPTV Weather Vane 11:15 p.m. KPTV Nlte Owl Theater Crowfoot School Retains Old Site LEBANON The largest atten dance at a local school election in many years turned out for the Crowfoot mectincTuesday to de cide on a site for a new school. A total of 303 voters cast bal lots nd defeated by a large ma jority the proposal to buy a S12, 000 tract of five acres for the new building in the Cascades Plywood mill area. The vote was 182 to 96. Carried by a Ifil to B!) vote wis the proposal to use the present Crowfoot school site for the build ing expansion. It includes a large tract adjacent to the playground and was purchased several years ago at a cost of $15,000. ' A bond election will be re quired to determine votcrV wishes on the construction of the new school. ELK IIINTER FOUND WALLA WALLA' (LP)Millon Stewart, a Pullman, Wash., elk hunter who had been lost in the Blue mountains east of here since Monday, was found in good condition yesterday by a search par')'- DO IT vVITH LEWYT 455 Court Street Logging Quota 70 Million Feet LEBANON Planned cut of timber on the Cascadia district of the Willamette National Forest for 1954 is about 70,000,000 feet, District Banger Jack Saubert re vealed this week. This includes existing unfinished sales, and new sales. In 1953 about 95.000.000 feet of timber was cruised and prepared for sale, but all will not be sold in 1954, Saubert said. -Last year the district timber sale totalled 52,654,000 board feet, and total value was $1,062,- ooo, an average of $20.12 per thousand feet. Saubert pointed out that in 1953 the cut fell below the previous year mainly be cause of the strike in the Sweet tiome section during mid-summer. The 1953 cut came from 57 sales, 13 for amounts over 6,000,- 000 feet; 25 from 250,000 to 6, 000,000, and 19 for less than 250, 000 feet. He said green timber was clearcut on 721 acres, and 954 acres were salvage-logged for windthrown trees, snags, and beetle-killed timber About 2,000,000 feet of windthrown were salvaged along tho South Santiam highway between Tombstone Pass and Lost Prairie. Also in 1953, 16 miles of new rocked logging roads were built on national forest land, and 11 on interjninglcd private land. This represents an investment of approximately $405,000,000, Sau bert said. All are permanent roads and will be used from now on for logging and fire protec tion. Judgment Won In Default A default judgment in the sum of $5000 has been awarded by Judge George It. Duncan against Charles Delfcl. The case involved Leonard's Supper club, now known as the New Village inn. located north of the underpass on highway 99E. Harold Hoar, the plaintiff in the case, entered into an agree ment to purchase the place Nov. 27, 1946, providing he could se cure license from the state li quor commission. He deposited $5000 in earnest money but failed to get the desired liquor license. He brought suit against Delfel and Mike Steinbock, alleging that the ?5000 earnest money had been deposited with the former. A jury trial of Jan. 14, 1948, re sulted in the plaintiff being granted a voluntary nonsuit with Steinbock recoving his costs. The records show that Delfcl did not appear and the default judgment was issued Wednesday. Boy Pulls Sister From Ice Pond PRINEVILLE W A 5-year-old boy managed to save himself and to pull his 3-year-old sister from an icy mill pond near here, their mother reported after watching helplessly from shore Wednesday. Mrs. Wesley Hammersley said the ice cracked and plunced her two children into the middle of the pond, three miles north of Prine ville. She heard their screams, and ran to the pond only to find the ice too thin to bear her weight, she said. She was pushing boards out toward the floundering children, when Jimmy, 5. managed to null himself from the water onto ice which held up under him. Then he hauled his sis'.er, Bren da. to safety, Mrs. Hammersley said. She added that she put them into warm beds at home, and they appeared all right. Silverton SILVEKTON In the justice court of Judge Alf O. Nelson three cases were considered early this week. Joseph Dinlin, now of Salem, formerly of New York, was given a preliminary hearing on Tues day, on threatening to commit a felony. Complaint was filed bv Anne Patrick, a sister-in-law. Alter hearing witnesses, Judge Nelson took the case under ad visement. Bail, fixed at $500, was not furnished. Commitment was issued. Hrunk Conley, formerly of Sil verton, now of California, for feited $50 hail on a disorderly conduct charge, preferred by his wife, Elva Conley. George W. Hamilton of Salem, on a plea of "Guilty," to a charge of driving with liquor involved w fined $250. A 30-day jail sentence was suspended on condition that fine and costs were paid and that defendant leave liquor alone and obey all laws for a year. Defendant must also reimburse Helen's Cafe 6054orth Capitol Open Under Original Management (Helen Miles) 7 a.m. to 12 Midnight Closed Sundays TOP SWEET HOME STUDENTS I ')'!' ! IV ! X ill! I SWEET HOME Beverly Landon, left, who has been named valedictorian of the senior class of Sweet Home Union High School. At right is Jay Carpenter who will be salutatorian. Miss Landon's average was 3.83 out of a possible 4. Carpenter's . grade was 3.76. (Hub Photo Pictures) County Registration Drive Launched by GOP By MARIAN LOWRY FISCHER An active campaign to get eligible voters registered before the deadline for the May pri maries was launched by the ex ecutive group of the Marion county republican central com mittee, Wednesday night. Leonard Rowan, Mrs. Walter Socolofsky and Jim Hatfield were named a committee by Win ton Hunt, chairman of the cen tral group, to contact the county clerk and check on the regis trars and get the registration campaign under way. Hunt pointed out it is not up to tho group to tell people how to register but to get them to register as their duty and right of citizensnip. Attack Beck's Investment YAKIMA Iffl A former officer of the Yakima Teamsters Union local charged Wednesday the AFL unions international president, Dave Beck, violated the union con stitution by investing union funds in the Fruehaul Trailer co. ot Detroit. Martin Crouse, recording secre tary of the embattled local until Beck placed it in trusteeship Jan. S, demanded that Beck be re moved from office. - Crouse said formal charges against the teamsters president and a request for a hearing were air mailed to the union s executive board-at Miami, Fla. Crouse said the papers, prepared by a law firm, contend Beck vio lated the constitution by investing one million dollars of union funds in Fruohauf stock, and $235,000 in debentures of the Pacific Finance Corp. of Los Angeles. The complaint quoted the union constitution ns limiting investment of union funds to "not more than $.i0,000 in bonds of any one cor poration. Beck called the transaction a loan, not a stock purchase, when it was reported last month. Judge Felton to Be Speaker at YMCA Circuit Judge Joseph B. Fel ton has been secured to make the principal address during the "vic tory dinner" of the current YMCA membership effort, at 6:30 Monday nieht, Feb. 15. His topic will he "The Sale That Hasn't Been Made. The drive has not been too suc cessful to date, although it is ex pected the goal of 500 may be approached by Monday night. The 163 members that have been en rolled constitutes about 32 per cent of the number sought. Only 34 of the 130 workers engaged in the effort have reported to the general committee. It EDS ORDER LONDON STRIKE MILAN. Ilalv ,W Half a mil lion workers went on a Communist-ordered general strike In the northern industrial slate of Lom j hardy Thursday, cutting factory i output and blocking some trans jpnrtntion. The strike was called ; for 24 hours. i - - - - " "' " the Portland General Electric company for damage done to a light pole. VOIR NORGE DEALER IS CHERRY CITY ELECTRIC 339 CHI-.MEKF.TA Why Suffer Any Longer Vv'liPn olhcru fall, nsr mir Chlnr rrntcfltftt Amazing s-irrrss for Mion ye.irK In C'lnna No matter with what ailments you aro nf ftictral, rllsorrirr. stnullis, heart, lungs, livrr. kldnrvs. flas. rontl patlitn. lilrrr" rliabrtr-.. rhruni.T ttam. gall anrt hlartflT fever, ikln, female complaint CHARLIE CHAN fhtnue Herb f.rt. Ollice Mrs II to S Tue u Pat only 2m N. Com'l. Phlne 2-11110 SALEM. ORE. tataf a' ' 4bt A steering committee, made up of representatives from the four republican organizations of the county, was named to set up the program to get voters filed for precinct committee posts. Under the law, each precinct has a com mitteeman and a committee wom an in eadi party. The commit tee's job will be to contact re publicans to file for these pre cinct posts by the filing deadline, March 12. Mrs. B. W. Stacey, vice chairman of the central commit tee, is to be chairman of the steering group. Others on the committee will be Conrad Paul son from the county republican central committee; Mrs. Sigfrid B. Unander and Mrs. Paul Ficke, Salem unit of the Oregon Federa tion of Republican Women; Leonard Rowan and Mrs. George W. Dewey, Jr-, Marion county chapter, Oregon Republlean clubs: Charles Roblin, Marion Polk Young Republican club, the other member from the young republicans to be named later, George Jones has been named finance chairman for Marion county In the state-wide republi can finance campaign. He will go to' Portland, Saturday, to at tend a meeting o the state re publican central committee when the state finance drive will be set up. Jones is state chairman of the Young Republicans. Concluding the executive ses sion at the Senator Wednesday evening was discussion of the Lincoln Day program to be staged this coming Friday evening at Bush school by the republican organizations of the county. Cons Get Credit For Hospital Time State prison convicts sent to the state hospital for treatment should get credit for the time spent in the hospital, Atty. Gen. Robert Y. Thornton ruled Wed nesday for the state Board of Control. This reversed opinions of three former attorneys general, who had held that convicts don't get credit for the time in the hospital. Thornton said convicts in the state hospital are held there under their original sentences, and that the time spent in the hospital should count toward those sen tences. A considerable number of con victs are sent to the state hospital for treatment of physical and men tal illnesses. Some of them, who have spent months or years there, haven't received any credit toward their sentences. THEY MEANT BUSINESS BUFFLO, N. Y. (TP) A gust of wind swept in from Lake Erie yesterday and spun David Tay lor's hat toward an armored car pdrked in front of a bank. Taylor rushed to recover it but stopped short when he saw three guards waiting with drawn pistols. "It's only my hat," he said hopefully. "Oh," rejoined i guard. "Well, i come and get it we ve got is ! covered." Here's Bob'a lnugh-n-min-ulo lifo fllory told in his own words, lie's even fun n ior on the pn gc I hn n he inon tho RlnRC. Don't niixn 7'Ais On Mc. (lot your copy of the Post with Normnn Rockwell's pninting of Hopo on the cover. NOW ON NEWSSTANDS mm i CUUI4 MAOAJINt Two Convicted Robbers in Pen Two of three men involved In the burglary of the St. Paul Mar ket and liquor agency at St. Paul late last November started serving terms in the Oregon State Peni tentiary Wednesday. The third man is being held for a pre-sen tence investigation. Robert Marion Gillock, 40, Uma tilla, was sentenced to four years Monday in Marion County Circuit court and John Calvin Goddard, 24, Seattle, was sentenced to three years at the same time. Philip Clay Hilton. 23. Seattle, who also was found guilty on the cnarge, is awaiting sentence. Tilton and Goddard were arrest ed in Seattle for Oregon State Do- lice about three weeks after the theft of some 41 cases of liquor, 20 to 30 cartons of cigarettes and other items from the St. Paul establishment. Also taken In a burglary the same night from the neignDonng copeiand Yards store were a considerable number of woodworking tools. A complaint was filed against two of the men on this charge but was dismissed in Marion County District Court upon their conviction in circuit court on the other charge. 6 Bodies Taken From Wreckage ANCHORAGE. Alaska UB - Res. cue workers have recovered lv bodies from the wreckage of an Air Force C47 which crashed 75 mues northeast of here Friday, leaving four of the 16 persons aboard the plane still unaccounted tor. Six others parachuted to safetv when the plane started its final fatal plunge toward earth while on night trom Anchors ire to Fait. bnks. Four of the six bodies hve been identified but the names withheld pending notification of relatives. An air-ground search still is he- ing conducted for the other four in tne hope that they, too, parachuted safely. No trace has been found, however. Men Retrieves Money in Ashes DALLAS, Ore. 141 Grocer Bill Young has some ashes carefully wrapped in metal foil. He main tains they are worth shout 7no av leasi mai was the value of his roll of money some checks. Dut mostly currency before somenow got tossed into a stove in his slore along with waste paper. Young searched the store when ne missed tne roll, anri f nnllu 1UUACU III U1C 8I0VC. He pulled out the ashes care- iuny, ana said he thinks most o the money can be identified clearly eouuiiii ior ic io oe redeemed ol me leaerai treasury. Slak, County, City Offices Close Friday State, county and city offices win ue ciosea f noay in recogni tion of the birthday of Abraham Lincoln. However schools will operate as usual and the banks and the post office will be open for business during the cus tomary hours. Persons who neglected to se cure their requirements of hard liquor will be disappointed if they show up at the state liquor store Friday for the doors will be locked. mm 0T "t CHiumin W than any ether brand! Federal fi-i- Income Tax Returns Prepared Leon A. Fiscus 1509 N. 4th Ph. 3-5285 I ST.josbpm 1 I mo CHILDRfJlJ AZALEAS 5-Inch Pols 1.00 Make an ideal The plantt are 136 North IN SQUABBLE Marilyn Taylor, shapely dancer in TV show of comedian Jackie Gleason, was in a squab ble with Gleason's estranged wife, the New York Daily Mir ror reported. 'Mrs. Genevieve Gleason dropped In to see her husband in Doctors Hospital where he was propped up with a broken leg. She found Mari lyn visiting there, the news paper related, and powl away they wentl (AP Wirephoto) LABOR MP DIES ' LONDON tfl Alexander Ander son, 65, Scottish Laborite member of Parliament, collapsed and died Thursday during a House of Com mons committee meeting. He had been suffering from heart trouble. Tax Returns , Prepared In Your Own Horn Reasonable Ph. 4-2033 Rates For Aunt. FREE ESTIMATES ON ' CUSTOM MADE Window Shades CAPITOL SHADE & DRAPERY SHOP 560 8. 21st St. Ph. 4-1856 it 390 State St. .Valentine Gift. loaded with blooms. Vf BITTED Commercial II STERLING jl I FOR YOUR I in our Registry, to hdp Jl you pick Just the right V pjct . . . Cm w'll pTji- wrip ind dtHvir It Tesspoons from 33.70, srvlnj pieces from 34.00. Y WW I 1