Page 14 SECTION II THE CAPITAL JOURNAL. Salem, Oregon Thursday. February 11, 1954 Ken, Judy to Reign Over Jr. Hi Heart Hop Kenneth Clark, son of Mr. and Mrs. William E. Clark of 4810 Gobert road, and Judy Larson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Irving 2896 SIZES 12 42 Younger Than Springtime! Slenderizing, youthful - looking, simple to sew. All this featured in a feminine and scooped neck cotton with breezy ruffled sleeves a fashion you could make from fresh crisp fabrics, or from feed bags! No. 2896 is cut in sizes 12, 14, fl, 18, 20, 36, 38, 40, 42. Size 18: three 1001b. feed bags or 4 yds. 35-in. fabric. Send 30c for PATTERN with Name, Address, Style Number and Size. Address PATTERN HU EEAU, Capital Journal, 652 Mis sion street, San Francisco 5, Calif. Patterns ready to (ill orders immediately. .For .special .han dling of order via first class mail include an extra 5c per pattern. Just off the press! Tlie brand new 1954 SPRING -SUMMER FASHION BOOK is agog from cover to cover with exciting new season styles and ideas for easy sewing and smart going from breakfast until bedtime! IN COLOR, this book includes up-to-the-minute fashion forecasts lor every age, every size, every occasion! Yours for only an addi tional 25c. Larson of 3790 Fisher road, will reign over "Heart Hop," a Valen tine party Friday at I'arrish jun ior liiah. The party will start at four and end at five. Music will be turn ished by the Parrish dance or chestra. Bingo games and a mo vie will also be on the program. The admission is 10c. CAROL CURTIS Baby Sacciuo and Panties Knitted in a kitten-soft silk and wool yarn the tiny saccule and soaker panties are warmly suit able for a six-nionlhs baby, a one-year-old and also a two-year youngster- Panties are made in two pieces and then seamed along sides; sacque, which has a comfortable raglan sleeve, is knitted in one piece and sleeves are seamed under arms. A prac tical set in pink, white, blue or in pale yellow wool. Send 25c for the SACQUE and SOAKER PANTS (Pattern No. 508) complete knitting instruc tions fur sizes 0 mo., 1 vear, 2 vears included, YOlHt NAME. ADDRESS, PATTERN NUMBER to CAROL CURTIS, Capital Jour nal, 652 Mission Street, San Fran cisco 5, Calif. Patterns ready to fill orders Immediately. For special han dling of order via first class mail include an extra 5c per pattern. ROOM St BOARD By Ahem UAW-I FIND IT HIGHLY "V AMUSING TO RECALL THE CRUDE JIBES AND ROWDY REMARKS YOU OAFS SUBJECTED ME TO ABOUf MV PAINTING AND NATURAL TALENT IN AR.T--HFH-WEW HARR.-R.-FF- NOW THAT MY PAINTING WON A $300 CASH PRIZE. YOU HAM-HfcADS WILL RECOGNIZE, AND RESPECT GENIUS' ;: REMARKS YOU OAFS V XJBJtUbUMbTOABOUr . I vy rAI in I irsJL? MNJL-' ' y- 1 NATURAL TALENT IN AKT- HEH-HEH. itannr, t- r S J I X HnKK.-K-rr- f I i 1 l v. , x. high on a l-vJ' JJj J , ; .' - I LET ME LOWER YOUR NOSE TO SEA LEVEL-THE CREDIT COES TO THE FALLING PLASTER. (OR MAKING YOUR FEEBLE FBIIIT PAIWTIKir; A WIWMFP ' . , 3 IN A0DERN A X A n-r r ' . -Jit : -r, y. ACROSS 1. I'rcscnt time 4. Large serpent 9. Unhappy 12. Bird ol the cuckoo family 13. Of the country 14. Attempt 15. Deceive 1 17. Charm 19. Snatch 20. Sidflung glance 21. Ovens 23 Discussed pro and con 26. God of w ar 27. Turf 23. Bi hold 2ft. Distant 30 Genus of stick-like insects 31. Dickens' pen name 32. Pronoun 33. Small tube for drawing sap 34. Smoking devu-c 3.Y Finch 37. Number ol lulls in Home Ull. Division of mankind 3 '. Citric ot light 40. Lull n( 111" we (1 grain 42. Thiniv :nlr disorder 4 V Suit toed 4(i Expiate 48 Air: comb form 49. Hewing too. 50. Depress 51 Is able !n7aTp02sTh!aPTTrP OiRII G! I iN'AtKO'MtelN pL TiO'N AiTtBiU NiD SIAIYSHTIllF.fiSMrllLlnlS trKStFJLfelTiAR'AlSa DiL'f- t KMC) A'Dia I IA bj ERji 'fj u'gKm E;5 A Wa'nS-'iF A'rPjR I S F N Mllls.ELRSF.O'xtRSSja lA:5jT''lTl)NAP E;C1H!CM;CN,0 1;0,N,F. AIM t NR'O'K'L K'A: I ,UK Solution of Yesterday t Puzzle DOWN l.Grab 2 Unity 3. Larva o thi tin, iiuiio 4 i . i i.,l;c Solll1 .'i Lai it tiuil tl ic tr.i'lal 7 Motorr 8 llr.i-aiiot niatheir.ito'S 1 I J 1 , -I b 7 tl 'O ,, . rr tr t-t .;..., 7a "75 ; rp -ri vrTTy- Tj I5T7T ; To 9 ( 'omrnr nee 10 Pai l of a curve 11. Coloring iratlei !h a s If! Pi n.-r :u. la : :i. Soutli African natic ?2. A n u i v J:l lie-ale I Koi, Mi ay seeielly : Tueive 27. Incipient laud :tn. Iluioricnlly Ji'liiilieanl 31 N.i:!il's e:ie.nn:i!i rnl .11 Low jailer :U II! cotu n '.'.a; l. .11.. Hang Ion-elv 37. Mo:c rational ?'J Sharpening sbnc 4(1. Health resort 41. Substance secreted bv bees 42. Intimidate 43. Large body of water 44 Scb r.t 47. Towaid STKVE KOPKK jpglTggaSIS SCOBEO OME FOO q'gl f- VPJVE BHN BEADi'5 Ijf A CMS9AV Y HAND VP Tur sTirk r-v ncTUAT "l 30LD-CMXJ .1BKILE.CHUKKER, POP Fy TALENT SCOUT.'- - FOP J I 1 ViS-- ,3UT 10 t-T WHAT HAVE 'l&fM -J c'L"! . h f -3fHi.iffitfisi Jits '-t i-itch.?:::i :v'iJi - r-; it&z&Lm riMio P10CSe:mJ'mrreY MS? an'i is mop no meam this heap) Phave a cabs, siRfAH.' 1.J 1 1 15 FEAJS6P ItU vSGvIBTHIN'.GIF? MOrV ' IPUNN0A5 M M'SHTV HEUC ....ITS INP Of ttfjfil I STOP PKEAWINS 6f BM?S ; Jtffl'KP&T IN&THe ) MUCH IS THAT STUPFf P-- UE'P RABt , flMP Olff AN' FRXZY, BUT IT 066 v AT HONB6T M0N.7r" i WEATHEK 6AM. MY ) HEAP WORTH ? yf WITH IT- AN TOfT. AIISHT BElNS A 5AVBUCK rS? fi?t I ' J OKl'HAN ANNIE . flllllYlMifiirfitfi4i(liilmiiili ZT eR... WHO'S TH"7 OH .WE KNOW f OH. I COME IN., IT GOOD lJ FOITH IN A FRIEMp. 7 ISNT THfrr I 'FfilHMD" HE'S SOT J ( HE'S RICH- ) H HERE H MR.KNILSfR EVENINQ. , ' ,,. MR. KNILSBftYS- I A BEfliniFUl. I IN MIND POR up-mrann.A H HE IS. n FRIEMDS f I j i hi tiM miMTM'j rwi fjm I.IL Ali.NLIi , . V HONEST ABE' HAYIN'A T ARE YOU 1 I I MIGHTY W ( THEM. GO UP TO M V 'V I !. ZU-ZU PBETTIET I i FINE OLE TIME VIF" - SINCERE III 5. NCERE.7 Y APARTMENT 713. ) I PURTV? J V GIRL IWTME 1 I I THET WATER PISTOL.? ABOUT NN I ) f "XU-ZO" WANT J J W inmrj- WORLD.'.' --1 Sll'TT & JKI'F RADIO PROGRAMS KSLM 9, KOCO 1490, KfiAE 14M. KOIN 9J0. KCiW 620, KEX 1190 KM: Mftacjcln KOIN 101.1; KEX 1)2.1 FRIDAY P. M. HOUR 00:00 00:15 00:30 KSLM Kill O KGAK , hulN 1 KCiW KEX KSLM KOCU KOAB KOIN KCiW KEX JD0:45 rop Trades I Mews liayOa. I sif nia Men. . World News IMid-day Music lllid-day Music R"e NewsiSpidtr ISplder ISplder . tipider Macleod News ICome & Cet ItiHouse Party House Party Archer. News IRoad ol Lite I Pepper Young IHappinesa Haul Harvey I .Noon Edition ISajnJIayes The Todds letter ShopperslMusIc Boom IMufIc Rnom IMusicHoiim MagicMelody MagicMclody IMagicMclody MaglcMelody News Rndiv. Ilioss Rendeivs I Ross Rendezvs IRoss Rendezvs Hill Top Ho. A. Codlrey I A. Godfrey IA. Godfrey Backst. Wife IStella Dallas IWidder Brown Woman in Ho. Kay West IKav West IKay West 'Kay West News I Star Time INews IBands MaglcMelody I Magic Melody IMagw Melody MaglcMelody News A-Spider ISpider ISpider ISpider A.Godfrey Art Godfrey I Art Godfrey I Curt Massey Just Plain Bill IKront P. FarrelllLorcmo Jones IPays to Marry MartinBlock Martin Block IMarUn Bl;fc JtotlnBloclt Hughes Heel iTcilo Test" JacKKIrkwood 'Jack Klrkwood P.M.News ITuneTlme I Piano Patterns IFor'rd March News Spider ISpider ISpider ISpider Wizard of Odds iMake Up Mind IRobt. Q. Lewlsl Tunefully Welcome Trav. IWelcome Trav. Dr. Paul ILife Beautiful For the Girls IFor the Girls IFor the Girls IFor the Girls I Sam Hayes IMusic U Want ISpider Art Kirkham IMusic Box 'Ginger Rogers DiirHickok IMusic Fulton Lends Hemingway Curt Massev Music U Want IMusic U Want IMusic U Want News Si Spider (Spider I Spider Art Kirkham ISparklln" Music lArt Kirkham Join the Navy IMusic Box IMusic Box Aftrnn. Editn. ISauirrel Cut Squirrel Cage hSl.M KUCO KGAI KOI ki;v KEX KSLM KOCO KGAE KU1N KOW KEX KSLM KOCO KGAE KOIN ROW KEX KSLM KOCO KGAE KOIN KGW KEX "kslm KOCO KOIN KOW KEX KSLM KOCO KOIN KGW KIX "kslm KOCO KOIN KGW KEX KSLM KOCO KOIN KGW KEX KSLM Fulton Lewis KOCO Nocturne KOIN S Star Final , KGW Richfld Rntr. I KEX Final Edition I Bill Illckok Second Look I Disk & Needle ISignOtr World Today I .i Goss Mess Masun IE. Peterson h luntlpv News iHobGarred B Bar B IB Bar B Show Time IshowTime News A Needle I Disk & Needle E. R. Murrow I News Sports Daily INews Hour Dick Powell Peggy Lee Gab Heater iPerry Como IVirgil Plnkley 'News Candlelight ranillellahi News 1 88 Keys Studio IMedltat'n Time Sp'ts Spotllght,Guest Stars Relax. Music Hclnx Music I House of Glass House ot Glass Home Edition 'Bill Stern 'Sports Bditinn IHappy Time StariVght Thtr. I Starlight Thtr. I Cisco Kid Rosary stars sing miusic risco Kid IMidrourt Godfrey Dig. IGodfrcv Digest IGodfrev Digest (Godfrey Digest McGee 4i Molly lAlex Dreler Phil Harris Phil Harris Fights IFights News I Headlines lHarmnnalres IWhistlin Tunes IW.U.-Paeific I W.U.-Paciflc Jimmv Fidler Theme Time W.U. -Pacific I W.U. -Pacific Lost Persons Lost Persons 1 Man . KamilvlWorld Newa Symphonette ISymphonette llardv News Newsreel W.U.-Pacific IW.U.-Pacific Reulah ILaRosa Bob Hope Bob Hope ILowell Thomas Family Skeleton iDinah Shore IFrank Sinatra John Vander'klFavorlte Mus. ISweet & Swing I Harry Wismer IW.U.-Pacific INews IJohny on Spot Dance Orch. Bandwagon 'Bandwagon Ozzie & Harr. & Harr. IMusic Powerl. IMusic Power' iPlntter Parade INews I Nocturne 'Nocturne I Cooke's G. BooklCity Chin Isport Pace 1 Six Shooter iDance Time IDance Time IPIatter Parade I Nocturne ICity Club six Shooter IDance Time KSLM Crime F'gh'rs ICrime F'gh'rs IMusic I KOCO Night News Nocturne Nocturne Nocturne KOIN Record Show IRccord Show Record Show 111:55 News KGW News l.lcss Mason ICity Council v Icily Cmmnl KEX Dance Time IDance Tima lOanceTlme iDanceTlma KOAC S50 kc Pacific Standard Time. 10:00 a.m. The News and Weather; 10:15 Especially for Women; 11:00 Oregon School of the Air Sparkie: 11:15 Concert Hall: 12:00 The News and Weather: 12:15 p.m. Noon Farm Hour: 1:00 Ride 'Em Cowboy: 1:15 Oregon School of the Air Who's Who at the Zoo; 1:30 London Forum: 2:00 Especially for Women: 2:30 Memory Book of Music: 2:45 Ore gon School of the Air Adven tures in Research; 3:00 Oregon Re potter: 3:15 Music of the Masters: 4:00 Sports Forecast: 4:15 On the Upbeat: 4:45 News Commentary; 5:00 Children' Theater; 5:30 Voices of Europe: 6:00 The News and Weather: 6:15 New England Renaissance: fi:45 Of Books and People: 7:15 Evening Farm Hour: 7:55 Basketball OSC vs. Wash.: 9:45 Evening Meditations Christian House: 10:00 Sign Off. HOUR SATURDAY 6 A. M. TO 11:45 A. M. 00:00 00:15 00:30 00:45 ItFX MOKCiAN. M.I. Ac If PASSkS SlOvO THROUGH A GATE SHAPED A HLH5E VdSS-COCED TtJEt CE Cc The CCCPATi ClA-mCES CJJ'CKL CVES H!S i in n i ft r ml n r 2125 n I i'L.t:i-ui If? M'LOVe.WHV ) P BEOAOSE VI was Cicero f r spanked - Dvi a. i ? O V ii.ii i mm HE WAS VERV J IT IS DESTRueTitET Lincoln's 1 HE CUT OUT A Picture of ABRAHAM LINCOLN J. BlRTHDAV HE WAS ONLY BEING PATRIOTIC. J POH.ygH? tmp PICTURE HE CUT ( "J rtllT UAC tTDN I I ' re"i 1 i I one op youR UO FIVE DOLLAR -7 fV.BILLS.'JV? ( as , i 8 9 r O 1 1 uaLM News Timekeeper News March I line koi'o Early Worm lEarly Worm Early Worm IKorly Worm KGAE Saluie to Sat. Salute to Sat, .Salute to SaL Saluic to Sat. Kdl.v Newsof Amer. (KOIN Clock iKOIN Klock 1K.0IN kiosk K;W Record Room Record Room IRccord Room IRccord Room KEX Ora Farm Hr. lurt Farm Hr. IQie Farm llr. lore Farm Hr. KSL.M Hemingway IBreak Gang Break Gang INews IharlV Worm K-qrlv Wnnn IKvtnn Qjri-i,. s A- Salute ISalltte to Sat. (Saline to s.iL ish,tn in Kn KOIN Klock iM.icleort News IGoss News If'nn-iimr K;W News Record Room (Record Room l.vianmnL' w KEX rirstEdltlon IM Aeionslty Vct's Report IBob llan KSLM Bible Hour 6 7 KSL.M llemu KOCO News KGAE News KOIN KOIN I Music n of Rest 'Haven of Rest KOCO Proudly Hail llJtoudly Hall IMusic Music KC AE News A-Salute lhalule to SaL Salute to Sat. ISaluie to Sat KOIN Lewis Show I.cwis Show ll.ewis Show ILewis Show KlllV Record Room Record Room Record Room Record Room KEX No Schl Today I No Sent Today I UN Story UNStor KSLM N.W. News l Farm it Home Pastor Call iBarEain Coiintr" KOCO World News I Public Health 4-11 Club I Kiddie's Korner KGAE News&UncleB IlInclcBob lUnde Bob lUnclcBob koin Theater Today ITheater Today IHollywd. StarslHollvwd. Stars Kf;w Howdy Doody Howdy Doodv Howdy Doody iHow'dv Doodv KT.X Playtime I Playtime ISoarc Patrol 'Space Patrol KSLM News KOCO Aunt Hallie KGAK News KOIN Citv Hospital KtiW Hook Fun IMusic lAunt Hallie lUncle Bob ICity Hospital K0.OOO Child. KEX ''omor'w Stars ITurnor'i I Mel Blanc I Mel Blanc I Sat. Serenade I Sat. Serenade I Uncle Bob IL'ncleBob ICBS Feature ICRS Fr.-ilnre IHllywd Brkfst .Hllywd Brkfst Slars ITomor'w Stars ITomor'w Stars KSLM Mcl Blanc IMcl Blanc KOt:o Sat. Serenade (Sat. Serenade' KGAE News & Rndzv Ross Rend. KOIN Galon Drake IGalcn Diake HO V? MarvL.Tavlnr IMarvL.Taylor KEX ' Die Walkure" "Die Walkurc' KOAC 550 IStrictly Dixie IMusic I Sat. Serenade ISat. Serenade Ross Rend. Ross Rend. " 'Galen Drake IGalen Dr:ikc iF.irmAHome iFarm&Homc l"Die Walkurc" C'Dic Walkurc" KC 10.00 a. m The News and Weather; 10:15 Especially for Women: 10:45 Once Upon A Time: 11:00 The Concert Hall; 12:00 The News and Wcalhcr: 12:15 Noon Farm Hour: 1:00 Ride 'F.m Cowhov: 1:30 French Academy Talks: 2:00 Music of the Masters: 4:00 F.xcursions In Science; 4:15 On the Upbeat; 5:00 Children's Theater: 5:30 Frontier Fightersv 5:45 Tom Roberts. Organ ist: t 6:00 News K Weather: 6:15 l!th Century Muic: 7:0li Grand Opera Tonight: 7:55 Ore. State vs. Wash.; 9:45 Dance Parade: 10 00 sn Olf. ifjfiH ir W HAT'S "T" NOTHIVo.CuTH.' I fTHc CHIuOSSN Wari.M v.D.-M.-i 1 mcl- Cecil Tn dice a,it ujrTTl L J'" ?' A LOT OP AMED-UP J SEE nOU, I r EMOTIONS.' L. J'M I I 'awWAV;-- I( Al l, III ( K BEH A LONG N J-pAtE ITJTH...A LONG, l LONG TIME, NW States to Gain Benefit From Fund WASHINGTON LP - Secretary' of Interior McKay said Wednesday four Pacific Northwest stales and Alaska will benefit from a nine ! million dollar fund collected by ; the Bureau of Land Management from mineral activities on federal lands in the last half of 19."i3. Most of the revenue is for oil and gas leases. McKay said. Of the S9.4'J1.5.i5 collected. Wyo ming will receive $3.3-15.4,12 Montana's share will be $412.- I5M: Idaho will receive Sfil.O.Vl: 1 Oregon S4.niJ: Washington $1,016. and Alaska Sl(i..i"3. Brody, Wife Head Great Books Group With a membership of 13 to start with a Great Books Discus sion Group has been formed in Salem with Mr. and Mrs. David Brody of Monmouth as group leaders fur the series. The group will meet every other Monday, starting February l.ith, in the Fireplace Room at Salem Public Library. The library is sponsoring the organization, which is alfiliated with the national or ganization. The organization has room for about 10 more members. ' Carthage had about a million . inhabitants at its peak, about , three centuries B.C. f v W s-s V) a ; "-Y- .-. -.- ' .'I U VMM; I II ' ' t?" ( ' ' .,..,,!( .- i ; -- , . : "f brT i 1 ! I " n r. ' 1 PUCK '.- ' TUAVEi French officials say that traffic in the Placc-Augustin in the cen ter of the city makes more noise than Niagara Kalis. ' HENRY By Carl Anderson '' !.- " ". . svy,-'jTM. ls: Au.t.- .-v..r:r CAC. - -i. iv.rct' y f lOOt ACCSTAC WV.'OI"-'!! 7 1 I -i ti-l ,F.v;.".ri C."s. rs -,o'vi --.v :;r- :-o -Cict'.l I ' I TK f'-CAC-f'-'lf. .. t V. P.O. 1 I t 7 - cm- n , f A- r;'.'.:f:'.t';:fr Af f A'a ' j Pv.-C'.A. Ml vj AV. SLACKII5TCD Pv .. n -c'i.i -n T-t ca.-ai. l; c-as! .J TRY SOJUISHV TOOTH P.ASTE FOR SRARKLIWrt WMIXE TEETH FOR JC sfil -J-tVi W