Thursday, February 11, DENNIS THE MENACE 'Cut x oarr MiHo Crossing Case . On March 2 Charles H. Heltzel, public utili ties commissioner, today announc ed that a hearing on the City of Salem's complaint concerning pro tection at the railroad crossings of Souther Pacific company will be held March 2, at 10 a.m. in Room 210, Public Service Build ing. This Is a continuation of the hearing previously adjourned at the request of the city. Application for further hearing was received by the commissioner last week. The records and staff of the commission will continue to be available to the city for an early conclusion of the case, Heltzel said. N.D. Vets Bonus Deadline Feb. 17 North Dakota veterans now living in Oregon were warned today that February 17 is the deadiine for applying for the North Dakota World War II vet erans' bonus. The Oregon Department of Veterans' Affairs in making the announcement said it had North Dakota '-onus blanks available at its Salem office. Slate Library building, and in the State Office building in Portland. Veterans also may apply direct to the adjutant general, adjusted com pensation division, Bis m a r c k. North Dakota. To be eligible, the veteran must have been a resident of North Dakota for at least six months prior to his military serv ice in World War 11. He must have served for 50 days or more between Januar- 1, 1941, and January 1, 1946. The bonus pays $12.50 for each months of domestic service and $17.50 for each month of foreign duty. Survivors entitled to 4hc honus in event of the veteran's death ircludc the unremarried wife, children, parents or bro thers and sistcs. Karl Sfeiwer Rites Friday at Rigdon's Funeral services will be held at the W. T. Rigdon chapel Friday afternoon at 1:30 o'clock for Karl Steiwer, member of an old Oregon family and long prominent in pr" tical and civic activities in Marion county who died at his home here Tuesday. Rev. George Swift will officiate at the service and concluding serv ices will be at the Pioneer UOOFi cemetery. Ritualistic services will be by Jefferson Lodge No. 3.1, AF and A.M. and Capital Post No. 9 will be in charge of ritualistic services at the gradeside. Friends have been requested to omit flowers for the service and to make contribnlions to the Me morial chapel for the new St. Paul's Kpiscopal church instead. Surviving Steiwer arc his wife. Janet Steiwer of Salem: three sis ters. Mrs. F.lmcr Council and Mrs. Clarence Walls, both of Portland, and Mrs. Howard Lamb of Bend; an mint. Mrs. Ray Gilbert of Sa lem: and several nieces and nephews. Dr. Thompson on Foundation Board Dr. Wiliam J. Thompson. Jr.. Medtord. was named chairman of the hoard of directors of the re cently organized chapter of the American Oplometric foundation, according to Dr. Max Friedman. Portland, secretary of the organ ization. Thompson is a graduate of the Pa cific University School of Optom etry, class of 1949. lie is a son of Dr. William J. Thompson who lives at Riverdalc Dear Salem. Other board members arc Dr. R. A. Kloevcr, North Bend; Dr. Steve Dippcll. Grants Pass: Dr. V. D Minneck, The Dalles; Dr. Leslie J. Carson, Salem; Dr. J. H. Miller, Jr., Springfield; Dr. James Dreh rer, Prinevillc: and Dr. C. O. An derson, Jr., Corvallis. t lilL fern. -a I 1951 By Ketcham wash ay hair! STOCKS By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Admiral Corporation 19 Allied Chemical 78 i Allis Chalmers 49 Vz American Airlines 12 American Tel. it Tel. 160 ft American Tobacco 60 K Anaconda Copper 32 Atchison Railroad 100 Vt Bethlehem Steel 54 Boeing Airplane Co. 96 V& Borg Warner 77 Vt Burroughs Adding Machine 17 Vt California Packing 23 Vi Canadian Pacific 24 Caterpiller Tractor 46 Celanese Corporation 20 Vt Chrysler Corporation 60 Vt Cities Service 84 Consolidated Edison 42 H Consolidated Vultce 20 Crown Zellcrbach 39 4 Curtiss Wright 8 Douglas Aircraft 99 du Pont de Nemours 108 Eastman Kodak 50 Emerson Radio 10 Vt General Electric . 94 !4 General Foods 58 General Motors 62 V Georgia Pac Plywood 11 ft Goodyear Tire 57 Vt Homestake Mining Co. 35 Vt International Harvester 31 International Paper 59 Vt Johns Manville 70 Kaiser Aluminum 27 Kennecott Copper 70 ft Libby, McNeill 9 Lockheed Aircraft 30 Loew's Incorporated ' 13 ft Long Bell A . , 25 ft Montgomery Ward 60 Nash Kclvinator 15 ft New York Central 23 Northern Pacific 58 ft Pacific American Fish 8 Pacific Gas & Electric 40 i Pacific Tel. & Tel. 119 ft Packard Motor Car 3 '. Penney (J.C.) Co. 79 Pennsylvania R.R. 18 ft I Pepsi Cola Co. 15 ft Philco Radio 28 ft Radio Corporation 25 ft Rayonicr Incorp 29 -ft Rayonier Incorp Tfd Republic Steel 49 ft Reynolds Metals 62 Richfield Oil 53 ft Safeway Stores Inc. .19 ft Scott Paper Co. "6 ft Scars Roebuck h Co. 61 ft Socony-Vacuum Oil 37 ft I Southern Pacific 40 I Standard Oil Calif. 57 ft , Standard Oil N.J. 78 I Studehaker Corp. 19 ft j Sunshine Mining 8 ft Swift & Company 43 Transamerira Corp. 26 ft Twentieth Century Fox 20 ft Union Oil Company 41 ft Union Pacific 117 ft United Airlines 23 ft j United Aircraft 51 United Corporation 5 ft ! United States Plywood 27 ft ; United States Steel 40 ft Warner Pictures 14 ft ' Western Union Tel 41 ft i Wcstinghouse Air Brake 25 ft I Wcstinshouse Electric 56 Woolworth Company 43 ft Wall Street NEW YORK ITI Heavily traded New York Central held the center of the stage Thursday in the stock market at sharply higher prices. The market itself was generally higher with gains and losses spreading over a range of between 1 and 2 points. Volume was moderate at an es timated I.Roo.nno shares as com pared with 1,700.000 shares traded Wednesday. Flurries of buying ran New York Central up nearly 2 points at times with volume passing the 100,000 mark in the first four hours of business. Portland Livestock PORTLAND l'l'SDA Cattle salable 100: supply mostly odds and ends with cows predominating, market fairly active, steady; few utility sleers-heifers 11.50-; cnnner-ciiller cows 8..VM0..V), litlht shells downward to 5.00, few utility cows 11.50-13.00; commercial bulls strong at i Calves salable 25: good-choice ! vealcrs salable steady at 20.00 ! 26.00; prime vealcrs quotable to :28 00. i Hogs salable 50: scattered sales i stcadv : choice No. 1-2 butchers 'around 190-220 lb 29.00-29.25; few j choice sows 23 50-25.00: not enough i of other weight butchers to test price. i Sheep salable 100; market steady : on few small lots: one lot choice I prime around 105 lb wooled lambs MARKET QUOTATIONS PORTLAND ( Butterfat Tentative, subject to immediate cnange Premium quality, maxi mum to .35 to one per cent acidity, delivered in Portland, 68-71 lb; first quality, 66-69; second quality, 64-67. Valley routes and country points 2 cents less. Butter-Wholesale, f.o.b. bulk cubes to wholesalers Grade AA, 93 score, 66 ft lb; 92 score, 65 ft; 90 score, 64 ft; 89 score, 62. Cheese Selling price to Portland wholesalers Oregon singles, 42 ft 45 lb; Oregon 54b loaf, 48 ft-51. Eggs To wholesalers Candled eggs containing no loss, cases in cluded, f.o.b. Portland A grade, large, 51 ft-53 ft; A medium, 50 ft- 51 ft; A grade, small, 45 ft-46 ft. Eggs lo retailers Grade AA. large, 54-56; A large, 53-55; AA medium, 52-54; A medium, 51-53; A small, 47-48. Cartons 3 cents additional. Live chickens No. 1 oualitv. f.o.b. plants Fryers and roasters, 23-25; heavy hens, 23-24: light hens, 15-17; old roosters, 14-15. Turkey s To producers for breeder types, f.o.b. farm, New York dressed, heavy hens 31: toms 28; Beltsville hens 33, toms 28. Eviscerated frozen, to retailers, hens 57, toms 51-54. Rabbits Average to growers live white, 3 ft-5 lbs, 19-23. 5-6 lbs. 20-22; old docs, 10-12, few higher. fresh dressed fryers to retailers, 57-60; cut up, 63-66. Wholesale dressed meats: Beef, steers, choice, 500-700 lbs. 37.00-40.00; good, 35.00-38.00; com mercial, 31.00-36.00; utility, 27.00- 33.0; commercial cows 26.00-30.00; utility, 24.0-29.00; canners-cuttcrs. 21.00-24.00. Beef cuts (choice steers) Hind quarters, 44.00-50.00; rounds, 43.00 46.00; full loins, trimmed, 64.00- 70.00; triangles, 30.00-35.00; f o r e- quarters, 34.00-37.00; chucks, 38.00 40.00; ribs, 53.0-56.00. Pork cuts Loins, choice. 8-12 lbs, 53.0-58.00; shoulders, 16 lbs, 41.00 44.50; spareribs, 50.00-56.00; fresh hams, 10-14 lbs. 61. 00-66. 00". Veal and calves Good-choice, all weights, 36.00-46.00; commercial, 33.00-40.00. Lambs Choice-prime 40.00-42.00; good, 35.00-40.00. Wool Grease basis, Willamette Valley medium, 51-53 lb; Eastern Oregon fine and half blood, 55-62; Willamette Valley lamb wool, 42; 12-month vwn, 4.50. Country-dressed meats, f.o.b. Portland: Beef Cows, utility, 24-26 lb; canners-cutters, 21-22. veal Top quality, lightweight, 34-35; rough heavies, 24-28. Hogs Lean blockers, 39-40; tows, light, 33-35. Lambs Best. 34-36. Mutton Best, 12-15; cull-utility, 89. Fresh Produce: Onions 50 lb sacks, Wash, yel lows, med., 1.O0-25; Oregon yellows, No. 1. med., 1.56-75; Idaho yellows, riled., 1.25-50; lge., 1.75-2.00; whites 2.50-3.00. - - Potatoes Ore. local Long Whites, 2.00-25; Deschutes Russets, No. 1, 2.15-25; size A, 2.40-75; 25 lb sk, 70-65; 10 ;'d mesh, 40-45; paper, 26- 30; windows, 30-35; No. 2, 50 lbs, 80-90; Wash. Russets, No. 1 A, 2.25- 50; Idahos, 3.15-25. Hay U. S. No. 2 green alfalfa mostly 28.00-30.00, delivered car and truck lots, f o b. Portland and Seattle. Chicago Grain CHICAGO Ml New crop wheal deliveries forged ahead in a mixed grain market on the board of trade Thursday. Demand for the wheat contracts representing the 1954 crop was based on continued dry weather in the Southwest, plus a forecast for falling temperatures. The grain does not have a protective snow cover in many sections. Soybeans also were ahead most of the day, particularly the old crop months. Japan bought 670,000 bushels of cash soybeans over night. Feed grains lagged, partic ularly corn. All new crop wheat deliveries closed strong on a late hurst of Wheat closed l'-2ft higher, March 2.15V2.16, corn ft-ft low er. March 1.53ft-1.53. oats un changed to ft higher, March -78ft-ft. rye ft to 1 cent lower, March 1.22ft, soybeans unchanged to 2ft higher. March 3.22ft-3.23, and lard 7 cents lower to 5 cents a hun dred pounds .higher, March 16.90. i Chicago Livestock CHICAGO W Buyers mostly ; paid about 25 cents higher for butcher hogs although some late : sales were up as much as 40 cents Thursday. Most 180 to 230 pound ' weights brought $26.00 to $26 50. I Good to high choice steers and yearlings were bought at $20 00 to '$25.50. Utility and commercial cows were fully steady at $11.00 to I $1.1.00. i Good to prime types of sheep 'brought $20.00 to $22 50. Salable i receipts totaled 3.500. I Other salable receipts were est imated at 5.500 hogs, 2.5O0 cattle land 300 calves. Portland Grain ! PORTLAND No bids or : offers on coarse grains, j Wheat ibidi to arrive market, basis No. 1 bulk, delivered coast: : Soft While 2 34 ft: Soft White 'ex .eluding Rex I 2.34 ft; While Club : 2.34 ft. i Hard Red Winter: Ordinary 2 34 ft: 10 per cent 2.35: II per cent 2.39: 12 per cent 2 44. Hard White Baart: Ordinary :2 34 ft: 10 per cent 2.34ft; 11 per cent 2.37; 12 per cent 2.39. Thursday's car receipts: wheat 1; flour 4; corn 6; oats 2. 20 50; good-choice 78 lb 19.00: good choice feeders salable around 16.00 18.50; good-choice ewes nominally 6 00-8 00. THE CAPITAL' JOURNAL, Salem, Oregon Flexible Price Support Gains OMAHA Wl Secretary of Agri culture Ezra Benson was headed back to Washington Thursday after a brief sales tour for the adminis tration's farm program which brought what he called "very heartening" response. Benson told a news conference in Omaha Wednesday night that while many still are opposed to the new program providing a flexible rath er than rigid price support system, he feels sentiment is "growing very markedly" for the plan. Dur ing the preceding two days he had made a number of appearances in Oklahoma and Nebraska. In his final talk of the tour, a banquet address to the Nebraska Farmers' Union, Benson declared "it is crystal clear that the present price support program is not Dro- tecting farm income and farm prices." i Despite all the effort and ex pense poured into it "farm inenm has dropped in five of the last six years." Rigid price supports were "clear ly not intended for he said, but were maintained "nn the assumption that all-out produc tion was necessary year after year." th'rou s.WV.v;.'. " '.:-.- These folks did it. You can too! K. Raiding nf lite. 3, 1I"X 719, got fast one-day ac tion with this ad: SEARS jet type washer pump. MU. Phone X XXXX. Mrs. Hugh I.uby of 155 Culver I.ane received one day action from the first parly who answered the following ad: Glltl.S 28 in. Schuinn, $1.1. Phone X XXXX. Mrs. Jessie Wrilrl nf 5B5 Madison, sold ', her baby stroller on the first call with ' y this one: , . s ' - '. BABY' stroller, in vrrv Bond condilinn. s . Phone X XXXX. ' . :- ' . "4 . ' - Phone 2 SALEM MARKETS Conpllrd from reports mt Salem dealeri lor the raldanaco mt Capital Journal readers. (Kovlitd dallr.) rlall Feed Price. I Rabbit relleta $3.4) (SO-Ib. ba), 14 ii-H 90 (100 -lb. baf.) t rr Hash U 85-11 20. Dairr Feed J3.2J-: . 13 80-4 90 (100 Wt.l. Poultry Baring Price Colored fryers, 23c: old rooster. 15c; colored fowl, 34c; leghorn fowl, 16c; colored roaster, 33c. Kits: burin- Prices Ems, AA, 42c; lano A. 40 -4c; medium AA. 40c; medium A, 38-43c; small A. 34c; Ktvs, wholesale pri ces fcnerallj 5-7 cents hither than prices above; largo grade A generally quoted at ojc; mediums at doc. Butter fat Buying price; Premium, 70 71 cents: No. 1, 67-69 cents; No. 1, 6c. Chicago Onions (Br Untied Press) Suppliej moderate, demand elc-v, mar ket dull. Track aalea 150 lbs.): U.S. 1 unless stated: Idaho Spanish 3-lnch and larger 1.11, Ulchlsan Yellow OloMa S5 per cent a-locn and lareer .90. Street aales too lbs.): Idaho, Oreion and Utah Spanish 3-Inch and lareer 1.40-1.60; Idaho and Oregon white. 3 inch and larger, also 2 to 3-iuch, 3.00 3.16: Midwest Yellow Olobea medium .66-1.00, 10-lb. aacks .15-. 30, cartons 13 3-pound Celloa 1.35i Red Globes medium 1.00. TALLEST MAINE BUILDING WATERV1LLE, Me. (UP) The tallest building in the State of Maine is Miller Library at Col by Colli go, whose tower rises 191 feet above the ground. p 1 SOLD! r$$&f- &K s&S-x' nn o W w 0f seflfl ot Frank dray nf 730 N. Utt erly clicked wilh this one. IIOtM) walnut dining room table, 4 chairs. Iluf frl & vanity. I'll. X XXXX. electric Sacrifice. - 2441 Diamond Smuggler Seized With Gems NEW YORK, (yP) Customs men said Thursday they had seized a young woman and about $125,000 worth of diamonds she was attempting to smuggle into the United States. The woman identified herself as Mrs. Esther Katz of Israel. She was arrested shortly after she ar rived at Idlewild Airport Wcdnes day by plane from London. . James Page, supervising cus toms agent in Now York, said she had hidden 1,000 carats of "good quality" diamonds in four pack ages under her clothing. Mid Willamette Obituaries Emma Ann Palmer Word was received in Salem Thursday of the death of Mrs. Emma Palmer, 58, at her home, 136 North 10th street, Corvallis, of a heart attack Wednesday. Mrs. Palmer was born at Salem February 16, 1896. She was a graduate of Turner high school and Capitol Business College and a past matron of St. Mary's Chap? n : '' - ter. Order of Eastern Star at Cor vallis. Surviving are her husband, J. W. Palmer, Corvallis; two sisters, Mrs. Elizabeth Iiams, Corvallis, and Mrs. Dia Morgan, Sacramento, Calif.; three nieces ' and one nephew. . , Funeral services will'be held at 1:30 p.m. Saturday,. Feb. 13, at Corvallis. ... DEATHS Naomi Taylor Pate In this nty Feb. 11. Late resident of 3230 Garden Kd. Wife of Julian W, Pate, Salem: daughter of the Rev, and Mra. Fred c. Taylor, Salem:1 sister of Mra. Annette Lang and Mra. Loia Minlfle, both of Salem, Mra, Hortense Foster. Portland, F. Wayne Taylor. Ann Arbor, Mich., William W. Taylor, Portland. Member of Junction City O. . S. and Mtehodtst Church and was active in the W. S. C. S. of that church. Memorial serv ices will be held Sunday, Feb, 14, at 3:00 p.m. in the chapel of the W. T. Rigdon Co. Rev. Dariow Johnson and Rev. Bruce Empscy will officiate. (Former Junction City pastors.) In lieu of flowers contrtbuUons may be made to the organ fund of the Junc tion City Methodist Church, Arno Joelson At a local hospital February T. An nouncement of services will be made later by the Clough-Barrlck Co. Lucy Mae Brown Late resident of 1243 S. ISth St.. at a local hospital Feb. S at the aee 73 years. Wife of John A. Brown. Salem; mother of W. A. Brown. Eu reka. Calif. Brother. Henry Smith. Tacoma, Wash. 3 grandchildren. Member of Fmmanual Baptist for eosh! Seems sitly holding on to things you're through with. Espe cially when it's so easy lo trade 'em for cash through For Sals ads . . . Surely you have some belongings you'd like to swap for dollars-Everybody does. Pieces of furniture, maybe. Or toys, musical instruments, bicycles. Anything finds buyers now. And what fine prices folks pay, too! When you've gathered up your un-wanlables, dial 2-2441 for an ad-writer. Dollars'll tfjen come quickly to you! 35,622 Homes Receive Your Message For These Low Rates (Minimum 2 lines) Daily Sunday Per Line, 1 time, both papers .35 .25 Per Line, 3 times, both papers .90 .80 Per Line, 6 times, both papers 1.30 1.20 Per Line, 1 month, both papers 5.00 Five averago words por line When an ad is ordorod thra or six timet and a Sunday issue is included (for example: Friday, Saturday and Sunday) the lower Sunday rates apply because only The Statesman publishes Sundays. Save hJour Strength Xt Want JM So 3t! SECTION II Page la. Church, Services in Howell-Edwards Chapel, Friday, Feb. 11 at I JO p.m. wun Tne Kev. ftaipn M. z. wolver too officiating. Concluding services in City View Cemetery.. Elizabeth Clark . Late resident of Jacksonville, Fla., at 11B3 Belaire Dr., Salem, Feb. 9. Survived by husband, David V. Clark, Jacksonville, Fla.: daughter. Mrs. Isa belle C. Rels, Salem: son, James Clark, Miami, Fla.: Anthony Clark, Long Beach, Mississippi: sister, Mrs. E. J. Morris, Danville, 111.: 4 grand children. Mass at St. Joseph's Church Feb. 13, at 10 ajn. Recitation of Rosary at Virgil T. Golden Chapel Feb. 13 at 8 p.m. Interment Belcrest Memorial Vark. iwan steiwer At the residence, 1850 Kansas Ave., Salem, Feb. a. Husband of Janet Steiwer, Salem; brother of Mrs. Elmer Connell, Mrs. Clarence Walls both ol Portland and Mrs. Howard Lamb, Bend. Nephew of Mrs. Ray Gilbert, Salem. Member of St. Paul's Episco pal Church, Charter member of Capi tal Post No. 8. 40 Ic B, Past Master Jefferson Lodge No. 33 A.F. & A.M. Past patron Euclid Chapter No. 70. O.E.S. Services will be held Friday, Feb. 12 at 1:30 p.m. in W. T. Rigdon fhanpl with PnnetitHfntf urutn,. Pioneer (IOOF) Cemetery. The Rev. Geo. H. Swift officiating. Ritualistic! services by Jefferson Lodge No. 33, A.F. fc A.M. at the graveside by the American Legion. George R, Hansard ' In this city Feb. S. at the aee ot SI years. Late resident of Florence, Oregon. Father of Mr. Zeno Han sard, Sacramento, Calif.. Mrs. Mabel Browning, Salem: brother of Mrs. Browning, Salem; brother of Mra. Katherine Propst, Lebanon. Service. will be held Friday, Feb. 12, at 10:30 a.m. in the W. T. Rigdon Chapel. Concluding services at Lebanon Ma sonic Cemetery. Dr. Lloyd 1. Ander son will officiate. 1