I Page 12 SECTION II THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, Salem, Oregon Thursday, February 11. 1M4 WHO CARES? y if :C-iM J V 1TV Six-month-old Katby Jo Carr doesn't lecm to mind the trac tion device which hold her from twisting and turning in her hospital bed at Peru, Ind. She has been in the apparatus since Jan. 7 when her leg was fractured in an auto accident with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Donald Carr. (UP Telephoto) No Probe on Allied Charges PANMUNJOM UI) The neutral Armistice Supervisory Commission Thursday declined to investigate U. N. charges that the Commu nists are smuggling warplanes into North Korea in violation of truce terms. An Allied spokesman said the UNC received oral notification that the commission "could not agree to dispatch three mobile teams" to check the Allied charges. He said the commission gave no rea son, it meets f riday. Swedish members of the four na tion commission said they had agreed not to discuss the matter with newsmen. Other members are Switzerland, Poland and Czecho slovakia. . MaJ. Gen. Julius K. Lacey, chief Allied member of the Joint Mili tary Armistice Commission, charged Tuesday that the Reds have smuggled warplanes from China to nine North Korean fields and brought in other war mater ial along routes which bypass the five Red ports of entry authorized by the armistice agreement. Lacey's protest did not specify the types or number of planes. Nnr did it disclose the source of Allied information. Portland, holdei of the $59,147.63 contract for erection of the city hall; city councilmen W S. San key, Willard Arnold, and Rex Pemberton; C. V. Patterson, pres ident of the Sweet Home-East Linn County Chamber of Com merce; and city manager pro-tern, Roy Eames. The erection of the fire hall expansion is to be completed first so that the fire equipment now housed in the city's quon set building can be put in the enlarged structure. The city hall will be built where the quonset hut iiow stands. Welfare Scrap Now at an End PENDLETON UH The contro versy between the State Public Welfare Commission and the Uma tilla County Welfare Commission appeared Wednesday to be at an end. M. J. Pinney, vice chairman of the county commission, received a letter from Mrs. Loa Howard Mason, state administrator, saying an audit of the county commis sion's books explained why Uma tilla was without funds to pay De cember medical bills. State records showed that the crunty should have had $5,000, Mrs. Mason said the audit reveal ed that the county commission had revised its budget without notify ing or seeking approval of the state. She emphasized that at no time did the state "question the integ rity of the Umatilla County com-mission. Pinney denied that the budget revision was made without know ledge of the state and said "we will take strong exception to the state's giving publicity to the coun tv's not having welfare funds with out having studied the situation more carefully. Airforce Vel Killed In Crash at Bend REND LB A young Air Force veteran was killed late Tuesday night when a car smashed into a tree after leaving Highway n just north of here. He was Richard Arlen McNeil, 21. who moved to Bend from Reno, Nev., recently. James William Mills, 2.1, Bend, another occupant of the car, was Injured critically. McNeil's body was found on the highway. Passcrsby lifted the car wreckage to get Mills, who was taken to a hospital here. Officers paid McNeil's parents live in Eugene. Fire Hall Addition at Sweet Home Started 3WKET HOME Workmen have begun construction of the addition to the Sweet Home fire hall after a brief groundbreak ing ceremony by city Mayor Gene Ellis and Fire Chief Ivan Hoy On hand for the ceremony were Al Gardner, construction foreman for E. II. White and Co., April Draft Calls Issued for 18,000 WASHINGTON I - The Army issued a draft call Wednesday for 18,000 in April. This 11 the same as the quotas previously an nounced for February and March. The new call brings to 1,661,430 the total number drafted or ear marked for induction since the re sumption of selective service in 1950. - MINISTER DEFIES CLOSURE ORDER LEGHORN, Italy - Wyndal Hudson, American Church of Christ preacher, said Wednesday that he has been ordered to close his church here. Hudson said he would continue to hold services despite the ban. Production of the eight ma lor grains in the United States dur ing the 1952-53 season totalled J 55 million tons. I India Protects Korean POWs NEW DELHI, India UP) India announced Thursday that the 88 Korean prisoners of war who want to go to neutral countries will De kept under military "protection" at an army cantonment near New Delhi. A Foreign Ministry spokesman said the men, who refused repat riation, were "simply being given protection until their future is set tled." "We do not consider them pris oners any longer," he declared. The contingent 74 North Ko reans, 12 Chinese and 2 South Ko reanssailed Tuesday from Inch on, Korea, witn 1.600 of tne 6,000 Indian troops who guarded the more than 20,000 unrepatriated POW's in the Korean demilitarized zone. South Korea angrily threatened action to prevent the prisoners' departure, terming their transfer a "flagrant violation" of the Ko rean armistice, but no violence developed. MEN SERVE WAFFLES Men of West Salem Methodist church. Third and Gcrth streets, will give a second waffle dinner between 5:30 and 7:30 Friday night. The dinner is being staged for the purpose of raising funds with which to pay the new roof recently placed on the church. Tickets may be purchased at sev eral West Salem stores or at the door of the church. CtrtoW"" 1 1 A UJUlTCsnA " Seafood Recipe OF THE WEEK COLLECTED BY MRS. IRA' J. FITTS SOLE WITH WINE SAUCE 4 med. skinned sole ' 1 thinly sliced carrot 1 thinly sliced onion Salt and pepper 1 cup dry white wine 1 cup Hollandaise sauce Arrange fish on well buttered baking dish end place carrot and omon on top. Pour wine over fish season rather highly with salt and pepper. Cover with buttered paper ond bakefih 400 degree oven, 15to20min. Serve with Hollandaise sauce. Fine ly chopped parsley moy be added. Serves 4 persons. FRESH SPRING CHINOOK SALMON Fresh Columbia River Smelt hush RAINBOW TROUT FKKSII SKINNED 0 SOLE ,, 39' 1 IUSII FILLET OF SOLE 59 ! ItF.SII FILLET OF m mm , CAT FISH ,, 45 STEAM CLAMS ,. 35 DEEP SEA CRABS ,, 39 PAX-READY f"y FRYERS ,h 59 HENS ,, 53 L?0W kiADICT '21 NORTH COMMERCIAL MAKlXC I PHONE 3-4424 FISH AND POULTRY Lethal Artillery May Prevent Death OLYMPIA. Wash. W - Plans were revealed here Wednesday for using lethal Army artillery to pre vent possible death. The plan involves avalanche con trol with the use of 105 howitzers. Under the proposal the 105's will be taken from Ft. Lewis to the Stevens Pass ski area when con ditions are right. There they will blast away at highly hazardous avalanche areas. Ray Hyatt, secretary of the Washington State Safety Council, said the avalanches released by the gunfire can be cleaned off the highways, railroads and ski areas under controlled conditions, thus precluding sudden snowslides that have, in the past, trapped motor ists, and skiiers. The plan is being carried out through the cooperative effort of the United States Forest Service, Cold Air Ends Mild Weather By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Cold Canadian air and northerly winds moved into the mid-continent Thursday, ending a spell of the Army, Air Force, and various other agencies. mild winter weather for much of the area. The breezy, chilly weather ex tended southward into the Ohio Valley and westward into North ern Texas. Early Thursday It was below freezing in Amarillo, Tex., but in San Antonio, on the south ern part of the state, it was 72. Light snow or snow flurries fell over much of the cold belt and also along most of the eastern slopes of the Northern Rocky Mountains. Temperatures were freezing or below in the areas M well as in Northern New England. Lower readings were in prosper for Friday. Skies were mostly cloudy alonj the Pacific Coast from centre) California northward over the P cific Northwest and Northern N vada. There was some fog la m Western areas. is painted every four years. The dome of the U.S. Capita" KKkPEAS CORN 7A i ' g"CITRUSIPr 3 ' s. BEETS 1 - man PORK & BEANS 4 $i No. 2 CANS " ip4 rniiiicn nifP ' yvsrzj loo cans mw : ...:iu b. I Willi DCdllJ M tt J03 CANS 'f 1 TAMALES C 300 CANS J VIENNA SAUSAGE C ft 4-oz. CANS KIDNEY BEANS L 303 CANS U U. S. (HOKE STEER BEEF! STEAK Swiss Sirloin Round lb Arm or Chuck lb. Folcer'i Langendort Free Coffee and Doughnuts All Day Saturday Ooucan tell in an Instant! )5 .. pai Arnrr fomous flavor 02 oi. Jar 4 or. Jar $1.09 MARGARINE LltDSDSK LARGE SOLID HEAD LETTUCE ORANGES CALIFORNIA CARROTS 220 Size 2 for 25 2doz. 59 2 Cello 9EL bags af Dbs. Free-1 Ouart of Mayflower Ice Cream With Every 10 Purchase M LTU 0)(0) 0 120 SOUTH LANCASTER DRIVE PHONE 3-4489 PRICES GOOD FRIDAY-SATURDAY-SUNDAY i