THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, Salem, Oregon SECTION II Page 9 Hum. 1 Hum! Hum! This Tremendous hod Swings Event Ends Murduy Might lekumy Bth Savings on canned goods, packaged foods, moats and produce. Yes, now is the time to stock up while you can make these extra, sensational , savings at your neighborhood Safeway Store. Reg. 54c Save 5c Reg. 28c -Save 3c Soda Crackers Busy Baker gf r Mb. box 4Sah Table Syrup Sleepy Hollow f Qif 24-oz. boiile fiVt Thursday, February 11, 1954 Thursday, February 11, 1954 nYsywv 1 vih"'4 yj ii i ill I -it it ii li vfrfi i.i i SJS" Si .. . . , D. 10- C 0 Bel-air Peas 1 Frozen I jp 10-oz.pkg. $4 ii " Sweet Peas or Golden Corn Gardenside brand No. 303 can ONLY Cheese Food Dnttanri-rart nrnroccptl cheese ' ' r . .. . Rea. 2-lb. irv lUIL food for your casserole dishes, brick vLJ sandwiches, etc. Campbell Soups Reg. 43c Save 4 Quaker Rolled Oals 3-lb.pkg. 39 Reg. Select from 13 varieties-buy 3 jor 55,. 0 all one kind or mix 'em up. Variety 6 cans 0 PiHsbury Cake Mix 3 $3L (T ftjHifgA (Tfo,ftPC.1 White, Spice, Golden Yellow, Chocolate Fudge U & & CU 9 W KjISwvJv Reg. 2Sc Save 6t Torpedo Grated Tuna Reg. 32c Save 3 Dole Pineapple Juice No. V'a can ;. can Cfl Creamed, Farmer - style or JLr chived ... take your pick. We Reg. guarantee that you will like n .smfek smw j . i - : ..tiMHA mvw Hlljlf rniS prize - winning tunuyo Pint Cup cheese. Reg. 29c - Save 16 l $ 1 flft Grapefruit Juice S Kr & aJLA .1. A I Kitchen tested to give you me Rq. 53c Sav 4 Large Dried Prunes 21b. pkg. Reg. 65c Save 6 Choice Seedless Raisins SH m l v..-, y -m m 41b. pkg. 59 very finest pancakes and waffles you ever ate. hog. 65c bave oc Large While Beans Dnr.4ib.pkg. Reg. 69c Save 10e Black Pepper Crown Colony, 4-oz. can Reg. 49c Save 30c Ivalon Suonaes Vinvl La. SDOnae Everyone a shimmering favor Regular Value Sex BH a 49c 32-lb. pkg. 9 -,"-:-4 59c Jell-0 Gelatine Strawberry, Raspberry, Cherry JjLr Orange, Lemon and Lime. Per Pkg. JELLO SIX DEUC10U5 FIAVORS Kleenex Tissues Pkg. oi 300 Regular Value Chatham Cheddar Cheese Per Lb. Visit Our Tremendous Fancy Sweet Peas Display Values In Fruits-Vegetables-Juices, elc. Selected for their size and ten derness. A delicious side dish for any meal. Reg. 17c No. 303 can wr.nRl,,d mm Prices in this ad are effective through Sunday, February 14th. We reserve the right to limit quantities - no sales to dealers. Dennison Catsup Reg. 18c Each 14-oz. bottles FRESH, WHOLE-BEAN COFFEE Nob Hill I Airway All Brazilian blend Rich, Aromatic flavor Mb. DC 2-lb. $191 JUt bag I bag Mb. fM- 2-lb. $187 U1V bag bag . L Valentine's Day, Feb. 14 Give "Chocolates Raxbury Choc. Covered Cherries lb. I Glenview Pf)r "liV Miniature WW Mb. box 89 Reg. 44c -Save 11c Fleet Mix For biscuits, etc. fi 2Mr-lb. pkg. &3' Reg. 25c -- Save 5c Chili Con Carne 2 Derby Brand XI Cr 16-oz. cans aVt Reg. 29c -- Save 4c Minced Clams Royal Red E No. i can GmJ?1 Reg. 19c -- Save 3c Nibleis Corn Whole Kernel 12-oz.can 2 35c Reg. 21c - Save 5c Del Monte Peas Fancy (? No. 303 $ QO Pack cans mm Reg. 17c -- Save 5c Grapefruit Highway No. 303 can 2 (or 2idc , Reg. 39c --Save 17c Salmon Gold Cove $ QO Tall cans Reg. 19c - Save 4c ilia Flavor Weslag 8oz. bol. A1 Reg. 35c - Save 5c Tuna Fish White Star bite size or Star Kist Chunk No. i OO cans ma Reg. 55c Save 6c Peanut Butter Real Roast 20-oz.jar Reg. 29c - Save 1 6c Pie Cherries Honey- A No. 2 $j 00 bird "er cans JBi Reg. 15c - Save 5c Green Beans Gardenside No. 303 can 2 for 2SC Reg. 25c -Save 10c Zee Wax Tissue Roll Frozen Dessert, Band Box,, Snow Star Ice Cream, Cotillion Ice Cream Quart 35c Quart 45c Quart 55c Party Pride, Vanilla & Cherry Sherbet at. 39c Bel-air Orange Juice, Frozen 2 can 35C n t i Montrose Butter, 1 -pound ?7c Shady Lane Butter, ipound73c 'AA' Large Eggs Doz.n55c Fresh Lucerne Milk, 38 2quohs44c Sliced Cheese, American or Pimento Vi lb. 29c XA... ::':z'Zs0 Marshseedless 5 Sc Seedless Navels Thin skin, juicy Per rn HaU $29 Fiith 03C Gallon 1 Cal-Ore. Wines Honey wood Wines, i!SSS"raf98c Monticello Tokay Wine, Per Flit 159c Eastern Beer, 12-oz.can, 6 pack ,12 Western Beer, 12-oz.can, U pack 1 fanges hubarb adishes ONIONS 2'9str 33 Long Straight Bright red stalks Bright Red Also Green Onions heS Frappe Shortening 3 Pw 75c Royal Satin Shortening, 3 u,. 83c Mayday Salad Oil, Quart Bottle 69c i Large White Beans, 2ib. P.33c Idaho Red Beans, 2ib. Pkg 35c Porter's Cut Macaroni. 24o 33c Porter's Long Spaghetti, 24 .ol 33c Porter's Elbow Spaghetti, 24. 33c Wheaties Cereal, Cold Cereal 12 Cherrios Cereal, Hot Cereal, 10', a z. 25c Avncados Ripened Bananas Golden ripe Oranges Seedless Broccoli Bright green Green Cabbage Bed Cabbage Carrots . Even sizes Cauliflower each 19C ,b. 19c. ib. 10c ib. 17c ib. 10c ib. 13c ib. 13c ib. 19c Crisp Celery EndiVe Garden fresh Lettuce Solid heads Romaine Spinach Squash Sweet Potatoes Celery Hearts Marblehead or Hubbard ib. 15c ib. 15c ib. 15c head 19C 10 oz. pkg. 23c ib. 8c 2 ibs. 29c each 29C Ho-Maid Bread Mix 2-lb. pig, 49c Kitchen Craft Flour !i2u ,o. Tea Garden Syrup, d. 5 89c Empress Plum Preserves, 2 & 49c POTtf ES lnsP Apples WUott 'A' Sixe 53c fiomeSBaw. ?Q Bayers 5i2C Wmesaps ? - cr Reg. 31c - Save 24c Pineapple Highway I No. 2'$ QO Vi Slices V cans S3i Reg. 25c - Save 25c Margarine Dalewood (? $1 OO Mb. pkg. 9 for A Reg. 28c- Save 40c Tomato Juice Sunny Dawn C $00 46-oz. cans for ma Reg. 35c - Save 5c Boned Turkey or Chicken 5-oz. $4 00 Swanson's cans Ja Reg. 29c - Save 4c Strawberries Bel-air Frozen 12-oz. pkg. aXJZZ Per lb. iirloin Steaks Top Gov't Grades Of Beef. Specially Priced f L JjJJ. Now Ground Beef Polish Sausage Ground fresh daliy L from whole carcasses 1IJ 11 -oz. Minimum Weight 3 39c ' I00 TO . Cl1. Top (iovt 1-OUIIC iJlCdUS (,ra,n D-..-J Clonlrr Top Gov't Corned Beef Brisket Boiling Beef rilt Smoked ricnics 5 10 7 ib. Bockwursl Sausage Sliced Bacon standard Fresh Oysiers m Sliced Halibut Sliced Salmon Whiiing Fish Mb Hoi. lb. 98 lb. 85 lb. 49c lb. 29 lb. 49 lb. 55 lb.96 Pint 59 pk5. 59 65 I WJ1 Bnelesg) Reg. 8c - Save 3c Jell-Well ?X- 6 Gelatins J? t 6 Puddinqs-Pkg. U Reg. 38c - Save 9c Lac-Milk & 29c Mb. carton iti. l'4-lh. pkg. J. , Fancy, Young, Tender Manor House Or Swift Premium $ioo 1Mb. avge. - The finest of fryers Each S 'i 1