Paire 6 SECTION II THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, Salem, OreBon Thursday, February 11, 1954 It's Called' Sunbonnet Casserole' Vc ?. ' W ml 5 -.5 i riln ' ' i m, This quick-cooking main dish provides pleasant, colorful cen terpiece as well as beint; a flav orful meatless winner. The homemaker is looking for recipes that will nut only keep the food budget down, but also feed the family well, nutrition wise. Animal protein is offered in the hard-cooked ceks and is Hot Salmon Mousse Good For something different and mighty good try this hot salmon mousse from Dione Lucas' recipes: Hot Salmon Mousse Mousse 2 lbs. raw salmon 3 egg whites 2 cups light cream Suit and pepper , 4 tomatoes 8 mushrooms 1 cucumber V cup melted butter 1 T. chopped parsley Oil U onion cut in (hin slices ' Garlic Mnllariaisc Sauce 2 egg yolks 2 T. tarragon vinegar 1 T. cream Sail Cayenne pepper 8 T. fat Skin and bone salmon, put through meat grinder. Mix in egg whites with a wire whisk, then slowly beat in the cream. Season with salt and pepper. Fill into a ring mold well-greased with vege table shortening. Put mold into shallow pan with au inch of hot waler in the bottom; cover mold wilh greased waxed paper and bake 45 minutes In a moderate oven, 35UK until set. Set aside for 5 minutes before unmolding on serving platter. Skin tomatoes, quarterand sau tee in butter. Cut off top of cu cumber and skin wilh potato peel er. Cut in 24-inch thick slices. Cut slices in half and remove pips. Blanch by bringing to a boil; drain and season with salt and pepper. Mix cucumbers and to matoes in the center of the mold and sprinkle with parsley. Cur rish around the edge with mush rooms. Spoon llolluudaise sauce over the fish. Sauce: Put egg yolks into small bowl. Add vinegar, a little salt, cayenne pepper: beat wilh a wire whisk. Beat in cream. I'lace bowl in a shallow pan or skillet with slowly boiling water in the bottom: heat mixture until it thick ens. Then heat in butler, bit by bit. augmented by the plant protein- of the noodles. And there s food energy enough to last the hun griest man of the house. This dish is quickly prepared too. While the noodles are cook ing, hard-cooked eggs, green pep per, union and pimicnto are mixed with a can of cream of celery soup. Fold the noodles into the celery soup mixture and sprinkle with buttered bread crumbs. After about 20 minutes of baking time, the bubbling cas serole is ready for hungry diners. Sunbonnet Casserole 4 ounces medium noodles l!i cups cordenscd cream of celer- oup ( 1014-ounce can) 'j cup milk 4 hard-cooked eggs, diced 4 cup chopped green pepper 2 tablespoons choppeu onion 1 tablespoon choped pimicnto Va cup buttered bread crumbs Cook noodles in boiling salted water until tender (about 5 min utes), '"lain and rinse. While noodles are cooking, combine cream of celery soup and milk and mix well. Add eggs, green pepper, onion and pimiento. Fold in noodles. I'our into greased 1-quart casserole or 4 individual casseroles. Sprinkle with bread crumbs. Bake in moderate oven (350 degrees F.) until lightly browned (about 20 minulcs). Alakes 4 servings. Boost for Soup Next time you're making potato or corn chowder make it extra nourishing and filling by adding some ripe olives. Use whole or pitted ripe olives and cut them into good-sized wedges. Add them to the hot chowder about 5 min utes before serving. Winter Dessert Hot peach desserts arc popu lar in winter. Place 4 canned peach halves in a shallow baking dish. Fill their cups with a mix ture of 'i cup each flour and brown sugar, 2 tablespoons butter and Vt teaspooi. cinn-mon. Bake in a moderate oven about 20 minutes. Serve with cream. Ways With Li mas Economical dry limas, nutri tiously rich with B vitamins, cal cium and iron come to the rescue of overworked food budgets. They taste delicious with only a bit of salt, pepper and butter added for seasoning and lend themselves perfectly to the more highly flavored seasonings as to matoes, curry or barbecue sauce. Tuna Ideal In Salad Offerings Tuna is an ideal canned fish for salads, and there are two varieties: Salad Bowl (Makes 4 servings) 1 7-ounc can tuna, drained Vt cup chopped celery z cup diced cucumber 4 radishes, sliced 1 teaspoon capers 1 tablespoon1 lemon juice Salt and pepper to taste l4 cup mayonnaise Dash paprika Lettuce Break" tuna into large chunks with fork. In a bowl, combine tuna, celery, cucum ber, radishes, capers and lemon juice. Add salt and pepper to taste. Add mayonnaise and toss well. Sprinkle with paprika. Serve in crisp lettuce cups. Swedish Fish Salad (Makes 4-6 servings) 2 7-ounce cans tuna, drained 2 pound shrimp, cooked, cleaned and chopped 2 teaspoons grated onion Vi cup chopped celery 2 hard-cooked eggs 'k cup mayonnaise 2 tablespoons milk 2 tablspoons lemon juice Paprika Break tuna into large pieces i with fork. In a bowl, combine tuna, chopped shrimp, onion, celery and whites of eggs, which have been chopped; toss lightly but thoroughly. Chill. Sieve or finely chop egg yolks. In a small bowl, com bine mayonnaise, milk, lemon juice and sieved egg yolks; mix thoroughly. Pour dressing onto chilled salad and toss well; sprinkle with paprika. Serve on crisp salad greens. Deviled Flank Steak Tasty Dish If you're not familiar with flank steak cookery, . you're missing a fine, flavorful, economical cut of bountiful beef. Have meat man score a flank steak. Then you cut it into four pieces for four serv ings. Deviled Flank 1 flank steak 2 tablespoons flour Vi teaspoons salt Vt teas loon , epper 1 teaspoon dry mustard l'i teaspoons Worcestershire Combine flour, salt, pepper and dry mustard; pound into steaks using meat pounder or edge of heavy saucer. Brown on all sides in a little hot fat. Mix Worcester shire with Va cup water; add to meat. Cover and cook over low heat until tender, about 2 hours, adding more water as needed. Family will aik for It again soon. Quick Prune Whip Baked prune whip is an easy dessert to put together. Combine 1 cup chopped cooked prunes with 3 tablespoons confectioners' su gar, dash salt and 1 teaspoon le mon juice. Fold in 3 stiffly beaten egg whites. Turn into buttered 1 quart casserole. Set in pan of wa ter and bake in moderate oven about 30 minutes. LiaDDDDnnDnBBaanBnBDBDaDannanaanTanDrj 5 tlAA Things nrZU. - Wm IV-V x bm AV Btr V I 1 5 PET MILK 2 rnn BBBfkiP About 98 per cent of the glacial ice of the world is in the Arctic, Antarctic and Greenland. Nectar Drink Apricot whole fruit neclar whipped together with cracked ice in your electric blend er becomes velvety smooth and elegant!; delicious. A couple of cracked ice cubes for ! each cup of nectar just about does it. Perfect for breakfast. A quart of sea water may con tain as many as microscopic organisms called plankton on which fish feed. i Walnuts Handy ('runrhy walnuts in the shell re packaged in one-pound cel lophane wraps. The shelled wal nuts arc parked in 4 and H-ounce tins. Keep a supply of both kinds on hand to give quick glamor treatments to your salads and baked goodies. When the first part of your menu has been somewhat filling top it off with a light refreshing dessert. Serve scoops of lime sherbet topped wilh rhorolale sauce and sprinkled with pieces of broken walnuts. ifuw'i onIf. erne, mim TOPS IN QUALITY! BEWARE I Of i IMITATIONS l0OK f O THI IITTIIPO" LOW IN PRICE I BEST BUY IN TOWN! ROUND o, np SWISS i.. M (Q I c STEAK 'lQJ HOFFMAN'S MEATS INC. 150 N. Commercial Ph. 35563 a n a a a o 1 Fruit and Vegetable SPECIALS Large l-'la. Pink O 1 Q Grapefruit .. . for I'C 49c ib,. 29c 33c Arizona Grapefruit, 8 III. New Ited Potatoes Deschutes No. i rotators in Hi. bag TOILET SOAP SALE Bath Size 4 fr 49c Womlhurv A A A Itatli Site r HHC Woodbury A o Keg. Sle fur 5 IC Sweetheart A OO Hath Sie for J"C Sweetheart A OO Ke. Sle for 'C HERSHEY PRODUCTS 49c 25c 19c 9c 43c llershry Cocoa 1 lb. Ilershev Cocoa ' j lb Hershey Chocolate Syrup, 16 at. Ilrrshey Chocolate Syrup, 5 oi. . Ilershry Making Chocolate, 1 j II. . . DEL MONTE SPECIALS 2 for 57c 2 ,r 69c 2 for 72c 2Ciin,45c 2en,55c reaches No. 2', Orange .lutce 4fi o Prune Juice 24 o Stewed . Tomatoes . , , Trench Cut lleans CASWELL'S COFFEE Pmin 98c CLINE'S GRADE A LARGE EGGS Doi 63c (LINE'S GRADE A EGGS MEDIUM , 61c SNOWDRIFT for French Fried Potatoes 3 ,bs. 89c WESSON OIL ,, 39c WESSON OIL )uart4 . 73c BORDEN'S MAYONNAISE ()uart 59c BLUE BONNET MARGARINE lb. 22c (With 10c Coupon on Fage 1 This Section I Dromedary. . (New Pack) No. 303 5 oi. GINGERBREAD MIX S&W GRAPEFRUIT SWANSON BONED TURKEY NESTLES MORSELS PITTED SOUR CHERRIES LeSEUR ASPARAGUS GREEN GIANT ASPARAGUS SNOW'S MINCED CLAMS , SNOW'S CLAM CHOWDER BORDEN'S INST. COFFEE , ,. . .. 53c 18c 27c 25c 35c No. 2 can . Tall No. 2 ran Tall ran 15 oi. 2pkKs.45C 2 cans 49C 39c 2pkgs.45c ... 25c 63c . 45c . 29c 27c 4 ot. 7 oi. 12. ft. DROMEDARY PIMIENTOS DROMEDARY PIMIENTOS ZEE WAX PAPER KLEENEX TISSUES KLEENEX TISSUES Mfc 25c ALMUINUM FOIL 29c ALUMINUM FOIL PV,1ImT , 59c sons. 2 for Nalley's Chill Chips, Can Nalley's Shoe String; Potatoes, Can For Your Snack Shelf 33c 21c 33c 35c 45c 45c Fritas Corn Chips, Can f Chetos Corn Chips, Can Garlic Flavor Bacon Jar Hawaiian Coconut Chips. Can BAKERY GOODS Fresh Kvery Morning 60c 50c 15c Pies Cherry, Apple, Mince. . , Pies Pumpkin, Custard Individual Pies, Each Butter Horns, Cinnamon Rolls, Doughnuts ERNIE'S MEATS Cascade Hams 69 WHOLE OR SHANK HALF IB. Valley Pack Oregon Sliced Bacon Jones Sausage Wc carry Jones Dairy Form Sausage Meat, Links and Smoked Liver Sausage. OLD DUTCH CLEANSER 3, 9Q' for mw Model Food Market 275 North High St. Phont 3-4111 30-Day Account Service Orders for $1.00 or More Are Delivered Free D H D n u a B D B n B For Delicious French Fried Potatoes Use SNOWDRIFT QjCC 3-Lh. Can JfXfi (WHITE KING Westinghouse &mtt4t GIANT SIZE B B fl B fl fl Pkg. 53' IT ffHTRT ILNNNf Hill FRESH FRYERS EACH 9Sti Fresh (Not Frozen) Fryers Panready, Average Weight Mb. 10-oz. Swiss Steak Lb. 591 rELF . r;lc 9qc U. S. Good Grade Beef Grain Fed sJIlUII lUUa Lb. fciv m. i . n 1 p-a The lean Meaty Kind Sirlom Steak u,. 65c FREsh U. S. Good Grade Grain Fed flvcf PfC Yes, We Will Cut Them Thick to Broill UyjICla Pint Fresh, Pure, lean- SMOKED Ground Beeliii,35 Picnics S11' u,. 49? Fresh Creamery Bailer i.h.690 FLOUR FB'SS . . 10 850 mFFFF F0IGERS 63( , $119 . $173 tUt f Iila jjEW INSTANT t ot. wJ 4-oz. 6-07. DTDDm SHILLINGS OQ( rLrriiii 202 39c jfy JOHNSONS BEAUTIFLOR LIQUID Reg. no (,,rt98c SOFT-A-SILK CAKE FLOUR Ph. 390 b D B B B B B B B fl ND TOILET TISSUE 12 IT. 990 b COTTAGE CHEESE DAMASCUS 1 Pint 27C BABY FOOD GERBERS STRAINED OR JUNIOR 12 F.r 990 m CHERRIES STANDBY RED SOUR PITTED 303s 260 4 For $100 NINCED CLANS ROYAL RED. 'i FLAT Can 250 B B B B B B B B B a B TOMATOES souHAt 200 5 (fT 950 fl PRODUCE SNOBOY SUNKIST ORANGES 2 do, .590 5 4 FRESH CABBAGE Med. Size Solid Hesds I.h. 6c B a B fl SNOBOY SUNKIST LEMONS Inmirsnef Against Colds D07. 290 LARGE SLICING ONIONS 5 , h5 250 BURBANK POTATOES 39c 10LBS Blue Bonnet Margarine LB. With 10c Coupon Page 1, This Section NOW!. ..Try the only cleanser that -DISINFECTS -DEODORIZES -as it CLEANS When NEW OLD DUTCH TURNS GOLDEN YOU CAN SEE IT GO TO WORK 3,29c: a b a B B a B B B B B fl ISM I01l 3025 Market Street rJkao'Exeu' Lots of Free Parking a a B B B B B B Ft DBBHfc.