' Thursday, February U, 1954 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, Salem, Oregon SECTION II Pace 5 Two Good Recipes for Meatless Lenten Menus MpatlPSS mpmic nf T ant a -. .......... w, unit gic UUI ton fnr away. Here are two to trv: MIltl.MP AMANDINE CASSEROLE 4 ounces elbow spaghetti tt cup butter or margarine U cup blanched slivered almonds 2 tablespoons chopped green pepper V cup enriched flour i teaspoon salt V teaspoon caraway seeds Pot-Roast Sauerbraten Tasty Fare Serve your next pot-roast as Sauerbraten. A beef arm or blade pot-rnast. is ideal for this serv ing. For this dish the pot-roast is marinated for several days in a sauce of vinegar oil an,, spices. It is then removed from the liquid, dredged with flour and cooked as a regular pot-roast. Sauerbraten 3 to 4 pounds beef arm or blade pot-roast V? cups vincsar lVi cups water 2 bay leaves 12 whole cloves vt teaspoon pepper i teaspoon mare l'j teaspoons salt 1 tablespoon sugar 2 large .onions, sliced 1 cup salad oil 4 cup enriched flour 3 tablespoons lard or drip pings Heat vinegar, water, spices, salt and sugar to boiling point. Pour over sliced onions and al low to stand until cool. Stir in salad oil. Pour marinade over pot-roast and allow to stand in refrigerator 2 to 4 days, turn ing meat once a day so it will pickle evenly. Remove meat from marinade and drain. Dredge with flour and brown on all sides in lard or drippings. Place rack under meat and add one cup of strained marinade. Save remain ing marinade. Cover meat close ly and simmer 3 to 4 hours or until meat is tender. Remove pot-roast to hot platter and thicken cooking liquid for gravy, if desired. 6 to 8 servings. Elegant Touch For sheer elegance and a touch of glamour dress up a bowl of soup with a few slivers of roast ed almonds. Combine a can of condensed tomator soup with one of green pea soup. Thin the mix ture with a soup can each of wa ter and milk. Heat and top with the almond slivers. Dressy Pot-Roast 4 Pried apricots and prunes add a rie luxe touch to old-fashioned pot roast. Season the roast with a couple tablespoons mixed pick ling spice and cook until fork tender. Add the dried apricots and prunes for the last half hour's cooking. French Dressing Help Mashed avocado adds a delight ful new flavor to French dress ing. Use your favorite recipe for a simple dressing. Then just be fore you're ready to dress your salads combine equal parts French dressing and mashed Cal avo avocado. OLIVES ADD INTEREST Make your creamed turkey elegantly rich by adding some chunks of meaty ripe olives. The pieces of shiny ripe olives also artit interesting color contrast to Villa JliJuiui v..v. 2 cups milk 1 cup cooked cleaned shrimp M cup cooked whole kernel corn Buttered bread crumbs Cook spaghetti in boiling salted water until tender (about 8 min utest. ' Drain and rinse. While spaghetti is cooking, melt butter or margarine in saucepan. Add almonds and green pepper and brown lightly. Stir in flour, salt and caraway seeds. Add milk and cook until thickened, stirring con stantly. Fold in spaghetti, shrimp and corn and mix until well blend ed. Pour into 1-quart casserole. Top with buttered bread crumbs. Bake in moderate oven (350 dcg.F.) 25 minutes. Makes 4 servings. VEGETABLE SPAGHETTI LUNCHEON U Cup butter or margarine . cup choppec onion '; cup button mushrooms (4-ounce can) Vi cup chopped celery t cup chopped green pepper Y-i cup enriched flour V teaspoon salt 1U cups consumme' (lO'.i-ounee can) 1 cup water 1 cup cut green beans 'A cup sliced carrots 1 teaspoon prepared horseradish B ounces long spaghetti Grated Parmesan "cheese. Melt butter or margarine in large skillet or saucepan. Add onion, mushrooms, celery and green pep per and brown lightly. Stir in flour and salt. Add consumme' and wa ter and cook until thickened, stirr ing constantly. Add beans, car rots and horseradish. Bring to boil. Cover, reduce heat and cook 20 minutes longer or until vegetables are tender, stirring occasionally. While vegetable mixture is cook ing, cook spaghetti in boiling salted water until tender (about 12 min utes). Drain and rinse. Arrange spaghetti on hot platter and top with vegetable sauce. Sprinkle with grated Parmesan cheese. Makes 4 servings. V4 Mushroom Aspic For Sunday Supper Here is a new version of an old stand-by for your Sunday night supper. This make-it-ahead dish is unique in its combination of fla vors. Serve it with water cress and other crisp greens and dress up your mayonnaise with capers, eurrie powder or your favorite fla voring. Mushroom Aspic . 3-ounce can chopped broiled mushrooms 3-ounce can broiled mushroom crowns 2 envelopes unflavored gelatin 1 chicken bouillon cubes 3 cups water 1 teaspoon tomato paste 1 teaspoon Al sauce 1 teaspoon lemon juice Dash tabasco sauce Vt cup minced green pepper lM cup minced celery Vt cup minced cooked carrot Drain mushrooms, reserving Broth and removing any bits of butter. Save several mushroom crowns for garnishing and coarsely chop the remainder. Soften gela tin in mushroom broth, then dis solve over low heat. Dissolve bouillon cubes in 1 cup boiling water, then add 2 cups cold water. Combine with the dissolved gela tin, tomato paste, A t sauce, lemon, juice and Tabasco sauce. Chill until thee onsistency of egg white. Add green pepper, celery, carrots and chopped mushrooms. Mix well and pour into lightly oiled 9-inch pie plate. Chill until set. Slice reserve mushroom crowns and use to garnis' top of aspic. Serve cut in wedges, accompanied with mayonnaise to which a few capers may be added if you like. Yield: 6 generous servings. li iS' 2 reasons why your floors need SIMONIZ S FLOOR WAX Bum! Smash! Wow -what two active f-ct can do to a kitchen floor! Thnfs why we made new Simoniz Floor Wax really non scufj. We fortified Simoniz with hnrd-lustrc Simolitc to give your floors a 5 weeks' shine! It's a cinch to put on. No run Ling! And just dnmp-mop to clean the Simoniz shine stays on. Lasts up to 5 weeks, even in the busiest kitchen. Get new Simoniz Non-Scuff Floor Wax toaay-.v sclf-polishing! alt .aU DELMONTE st PINEAPPLE ounsbine Cwise mm.?' K AT SALEM Come Cruise through the Salem IGA Stores and get a Boat Load of Savings on These Famous Del Monte Foods. DEL MONTE SLICED PINEAPPLE 6' No. 1 Flat $f can X DEL MONTE CHUNK PINEAPPLE 17 6 No. 211 $ DELMMiTE each PINEAPPU n Price Effective Fri., Sat., and Son.,, v February 12, 13, and 14 Del Monte PINEAPPLE Juice n No. 211 &m Each lie III cemi $1 46-02 cans Del Monte Sliced PINEAPPLE No. 2 Can 2Sc DEL MONTE TIDBITS PINEAPPLE 2 8-oz. AQf cans DEL MONTE CRUSHED PINEAPPLE No.2'a Can OO Duncan Hines Cake Nix Devils Food Or Yellow DEL MONTE CRUSHED PINEAPPLE 2 cans No. 1 Flat Can . Del Monte Crushed PIHESPPLE 27c 4-1 " W) (B1SCAHK m Summer Isle PINEAPPLE Broken Sliced No. 2 'a can SUNSHINE CHOCOLATE CHIP COOKIES 29c Lb. Pkg. 49c mm Fresh Baked For Delicious French Fried Potatoes BUY SNOWDRIFT Red Radishes 3 Bunches Green Onions T(5)r? Arizona Sweet or FInrM, n.-i. GRAPEFRUIT A Sc Antilles. mO Crisp Tender 9 hnivur.r nm i c rk R Roll 23c 29c Family Regular 5c Bags S - 25c U. S. Good Grade Steer Beef Chuck Roasf Top Quality Well Trimmed Lb. ARMOUR STAR TtMPTlMG TASTY C"nN XHffi'fflJ wi welcome . . . 'Ml SLAB BACON Lots of Flavor LEAN. TENDER SHORT RIBS FRESH PACIFIC OYSTERS Fine for Braising HONE COOKED FOOD SALE At Vista Market, sponsored by South Salem VMage . . . FRESH FROM THE COAST Proceeds to go toward playground equipment. , 3 MINUTE POPCORN While or Yellow 21b. pkg. 39c FILLET, SNAPPER 29 PINT KlWHffll KING White King SOAP POWDER Pkg. 30c IS" 59c While hint; WATER SOFTENER Reg. pkg. . 25c OS Serve With Chicken Ocean Spray Cranberry SAUCE 21c - No.300 J "1 cans 10 A Storr Rrrrvf thr. KlRht to Limit Quantities Shop al These Independently Owned IGA Stores EMERY'S I VISTA STATE ST. ORCUTT'S IGA Foodliner MARKET MARKET MARKET Wallace Road al 7lh West Salem 304S S. Commercial 1230 State St. 4200 N. River Rd. BLUE BONNET Margarine Coupon Page 1 This Section - Redeem at IGA Stores N0W1.. .Try the only cleanser that ! ciaW-DISINFECTS -DEODORIZES -as if CLEANS When NEW OLD DUTCH TURNS GOLDEN YOU CAN SEE IT GO TO WORK 2 tins 25C 4 t m 3 i .if -0 1 SIM0HTEJ