1 i Page 4 SECTION II THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, Salem, Oregon Thursday, February 11, 1954 New Spring Lamb Supply In; Meat Offers Variety 5P ijf j ew r " "1 What meat ii a top favorite With many hostesses? Why lamb chops, of course. Guests like them and they're one of the eas iest meats to serve. Next time you're planning on lamb chops for a gues' dinner or special fam ily celebration, consider the econ omy of shoulder lamb chops. Be tides being economical, they're juicy and packed with flavor. Good supplies of spring lamb re beginning to come to mar ket, io now' the time to plan a menu or two a week around lamb. The wide variety of cuts available, from leg of lamb to lamb neck slices, will give you plenty of choice. Shoulder lamb chops are pre pared like loin or rib chops. They may beb railed in your table broil er or range broiler, or they may be pan-broiled in a skillet on top of the range. No long, slow cooking for these beauties. Here's our pet method for serv ing shoulder lamb chops broil ing them and serving with a de licious currant mint sauce. Lamb Chops With Currant Mint Sauce Have the chops cut " to 1 Inch thick. Broil each side 6 to 7 minutes. Season when chops are turned. Serve with currant mint sauce made as follows: Crush an 8-oz. glass of currant jelly ant combine with 1 tea spoon grated orange rind and 2 tablespoons dried or fresh mint leaves. Let stand an hour or two before serving. If you want to Introduce some really unusual seasonings to lamb chops, pre. are these deviled chops. They're marinated awhile, then broiled with a savory sauce topping. Deviled Lamb Chops Vt cup catsup Vi teaspooons prepared mus tard 114 teaspoons Worcestershire sauce 2 tablespoons brown sugar 4 shoulder lamb chops Mix together sauce ingredients and spread on both sides of chops. 'uct chops stand for 1 hour in the refrigerator on a flat glass or earthenware dish. Remove chops to a shallow pan and broil for about 6 minutes per side or until sauce is bubbly and brown. Cerve with any Mover sauce spooned over chops. Hints on Lamb Cookery 1. Leg of l.rnib: If your fam ily consists of two or three mem bers, buy a leg of lamb and have it cut into two pieces. Ask your meat man to cut off a big shank end, with plenty of meat left on it. Roast, the larger piece and serve this for two or three din ners hot lamb and cold sliced lamb or leftover slices heated !in gravy. Then freeze the shank piece to use in a week or two. Tightly wrap the meat in spe cial freezer paper or aluminum foil. If ou do not have a rcgu lar freezer and must freeze the meat in the ice cube section of your refrigerator, be ure to use it within a week to ten days. The meat cut from the shank end will make a delicious lamb stew. 2. Lamb Neck Slices: This economical cut of lamb is one of the few exceptions to the rule of broiling or roasting all lamb cut. Lamb neck slices must be cooked by braising browning in a little hot f.it, seasoning, adding a little liquid and cooking in a covered skillet until tender, IVi hours. Lamb shanks, also must be braised. Braised lamb shanks arc a favorite he-man dish a specialty dish of many fine eat ing establishments. Buffet Beef Pie Next time you're bulfct enter taining, serve a bcartT beef pie. After the stew has slowly sim mered until the meat is tender, pour it into an attractive oven dish or casserole one that may be served at the table. Top the beef stew with biscuits, then bake in a hot oven until the bis cuits, are done 12 to 15 minutes. Accompany-the beef pie with more biscuits, with a tossed garden salad, apple pie with wedges of cheese and hot cof fee. Braising Beef Steak With abundant supplies of beef coming to market, wise, homemakers are including the . ,1:, m.ic, nt Unt in their menus often. Braised beef;. " steak, lender and golden brown, is sure to be one of the family favorites. First of all, dredge the meat with seasoned flour. Then place the meat in a heavy frying-pan with two or three tablespoons of lard or drippings. Brown the meat thoroughly on both sides. Next, add a small amount of liquid, starting with about Vt cup. Then cover the meat and let it cook slowly until tender. From the time the liquid is added until the meat is cooked, it is highly important that the temperature be kept low. This is in order to keep the meat at the simmering stage, not boiling. Slow cooking is im portant from both an economic and flavor standpoint. When cooked at a low temperature as compared with a high tem perature, there is less meat shrinkage, meaning more meat to serve. Likewise, when cook ed slowly the meat is more flavorful and more attractive to serve. Peach Dish Colorful, Delicious .For a fancy dessert try this Teach Flan of Dion Lucas' collection of receipes: Peach Flan Pastry 2 cups flour 1 stick butter U cup bread crumbs 4 egg yolks 6 T. sugar V, t. salt Pastry Cream 1 egg 1 egg yolk 3 T. flour 3 T. sugar 'a cup hot milk 2 t. gelatine 2 stiffly beaten egg whites 6 T. whipped cream 1 t. vanilla Glamorous Ways to,Fix Yams With Fillet, Crab Chicken Enchiladas Simple to Make If you have a yen for a real south-of-the-border flavor try these authentic "Chicken En chiladas." The tortillas take enly a jiffy to make. The sim ple filling is a mixture of chicken, onion and luscious nutlike ripe olives. The fin ishing touch is a rich tomato sauce that whispers of garlic. Chicken Enchiladas Tortillas: Va cup sifted all-purpose flour 3t teaspoon salt s3 cup corn meal 1 egg 1 cup water Filling: 3 cup ripe olives 2 cups diced cookpd chicken or turkey cup thinly sliced green onion Smice: 1 minced cliivc garlic 1 tablespoon cooking oil 1 (B ounce) can tomato sauce 't teaspoon rhili powder. Sift flour, salt and corn meal together. Heat egg lightly and combine with water. Stir into (dry mixture. Pour about 't j cup mixture onto lightly grras- cd hot frying pan or griddle and tilt pan to spread very thin. Cook until si t but not browned. Turn and cook sec ond side. Cut olives into largo pieces. Cover tortillas with chicken and olives. Sprinkle with half of green onion and pWtii n.ill 1f,rtilln urnilnd fit- hot canned cling peach slices or ,inR Bn(1 pla(.r clop together halves lor your eating p ensure. , hl)ow bi,ki rijsh ,,,,,. Vou get an entirely different flavor r0 inU( wih when peaches are serve, hot. ch,.cse ' and onion. Cookie, or . plain cake to "go h, k1(,d(,rBt0 ovrn (Mn "n' degrees F.) IS to 20 minutes. Much of thehonevonthemar-l, S,,,,,cr:1 "'""''i" ket is s blend of floral tvpes. Hv j ln "' AH,ri ,nma! ' blending, producers nd proces-;"' l"dcr. and heat thor sors keep their honey brands ("uglily, uniform in color and flavor. Makes fi serving. Washington Birthday Salad There are always cherries, of course, on the menu for a Washington birthday meal. Cherries and red apples both add to this Washington Birth day Salad. Washington Birthday Salad 1 cup diced Delicious ripples 1 package cherry gelatin . lto cup boiling water 1 cup canned sweet cherries pitted V cup chopped celery Vt cup mayonnaise 3 maraschino cherries 2-3 slices American cheese Lettuce Pour cherry gelatin in bowl and add boiling water. Stir until dissolved. Chill until par tially set. Fold In diced Delict ous apples, canned cherries and celery. Pour into 6x8 utility dish and return to refrigera tor. When ready to serve, spread top with thin layer of mayonnaise. Cut In 6 inch m squares and place on lettuce lined plates. Garnish with half marasrhlno cherry and a "hat chet" cut from a slice of cheese. As a meal accompaniment salad, will serve 6. Gingered Prunes Roasts and chops taste superb when accompanied with this Cali fornia fruit. Boil 3 cups prunes in 5 cups water for 10 minutes. Add 2 unpeeled lemons cut into thin slices, 2 cups sugar and 4 cud sliced preserved ginger: simmer 1 hour. Company and every day meals take on new interest! Lift for Cereal A cold winter day will seem less severe if you start off the day with a bowl of hot cooked cereal. A handful of seedless raisins added to the cereal as it cooks adds plenty of good taste and extra nutrition as well. 6 ripe peaches , (or 2 Mb. cans) 1 jar apricot jam 2 T. water '4 cup blanched shredded almonds Little confectioner's sugar Put the flour in the center of a board or slab, make a well in the center and into it put the egg yolks, sugar, butter and salt. Work the center ingredients to a smooth paste and quickly work in the flour. Knead a bit; wrap in waxed paper and let stand for 10 min utes. Roll out a little under '4-inch thick. Line into an 8-inch flan ring. Place on a cookie sheet. Trim off neatly and decorate around the edge with a pastry pincers. Line flan with waxed paper, put a little rice on top to keep it down while baking. Bake in 350F oven for 35-40 minutes. Remove, take off waxed paper and cool. Sprinkle a few bread crumbs on the bottom. Fill with pastry cream: Put one egg and one egg yolk in a bowl. Add sugar, flour and beat until light and creamy. Stir in gelatine. Pour on hot milk. Stir over fire until it just comes to a boil. Then stir over ice until it cools. Add the stiffly-beaten egg whites, vanilla, whipped cream. and when just set, fill into flan. Skin, cut peaches in half and re move pit. Cover top of flan with peaches. Melt down apricot jam with water, strain and cool. Brush tops of peaches with apricot jam; dust around with confectioners' sugar. Sprinkle top with shredded, blanched browned almonds. If you are tired of the same old ways to prepare yams, try these Yam-Stuffed Fillets and Yam Crab Cakes with sauce. You'll find both dishes have distinctive flair and flavor. Yam-Stuffed Fillets (Makes 4-6 servings) 4 medium-sized yams, cook ed, peeled and mashed 1 tablespoon butter or mar garine Vt cup minced onion 'j teaspoon salt Pepper to taste 1 Vt pounds fillets of sole Salt and pepper 3 tablespoons butter or margarine 2 tablespoons chopped parsley 'j cup white table wine Combine yams, 1 tablespoon butter or margarine onion and salt and pepper; mix well. Spread yam mixture over each fillet; roll fillets jelly-roll fashion around yam stuffing and fasten securely with tooth picks. Place in greased, shal low baiting pan and springle with salt and pepper. Melt 3 tablespoons butter or margar ine over low heat; add parsley and wine. Pour over fillets. Bake in hot over (400") 20-25 minutes, or until fish flakes easily with a fork. Yam Crab Cakes (Makes 6 servings) . 1 Vt cups cooked, mashed yams -v4 cup minced onion k teaspoon grated lemon rind 1 tablespoon lemon juice Vt cup fine, dry bread crumbs For Weight Watchers Don't overlook the ready-to-use canned unsweetened fruits which may be eaten "as i.C or combined with unflavorcd gelatine to make simple desserts or salads to add cheer and hope to the restricted simple enough so that he need not Set for Carving When dad gets ready to carve the dinner roast make sure that he has plenty of space in which to work. See that water glasses, vegetable dishes are not in his way. Place the meat platter di rectly in back of the dinner plates. If your platter is not several inches larger than the roast, then it's wise to have a second hot platter on which he can place the carved slices ot meat. Be sure to keep garnishes diet. remove them before carving. Not Too Early for Spring Salad Idea Maybe it seems a lituVs early to talk about a spring salad but all the makings are readily available here in our land of plentiful fresh vegetables, so why not now? Spring Salad .... 1 pound frankfurters 1 medium onion 3 medium size tomatoes 1 large head lettuce 1 clove garlic French dressing Slice frankfurters crosswise. Slice onion very thin and cut toma toes in wedges. Mince garlic and break lettuce into bite-size pieces. Toss ingredients together lightly with French dressing just before serving. Season to taste. Freshly ground pepper helps any salad. Plentiful cabbage and plentiful carrots combine in this very good vegetable dish that goes with any thing. Melt 3 tablespoons butter in skillet with tight-fitting cover. Add 3 cups shredded fresh cabbage, 1 cup shredded raw carrots, H cup beef or chicken slock, salt and pep per. Cover closely and simmer over low heat for 15 minutes or until vegetables are tender. Top with grated cheese, if desired. Around 70 calorics per serving if you're interested. Peach of Dessert The mual procedure Is to serve canned fruits chilled. We suggest made with frish-pickid sweet corn from Maine farms sum ij soon on this special sale package of America's Finest Tea ! BRAN TEA BAGS 1 (6 4 -ounce) can crab , meat Fine dry bread crumbs Combine yams, onion, lem on rind, lemon juice and Vt cup bread crumbs. Drain crab meat, remove cartilege and flake; add to yam mixture and mix well. Shape in 6 cakes and roll In fine dry bread crumbs until well coated. Pan fry in shallow fat until golden brown on all sides. Serve wine sauce. Sauce 2 tablespoons butter or margarine 2 tablespoons all-purpose flour a4 cup milk '4 cup white table wine 'i teaspoon salt 2 tablespoons chopped pars ley Melt butter or margarine over low heat; add flour and blend. Gradually add milk i-nd wine;' cook until flick ered, stirring constantly. Add sail and parsley. Chill Serving Chili con carne makes a grand treat for a Saturday night . supper. For a change serve chili with potato chips or with hot corn bread. Or serve the chili on a bed of rice or on or combined with macaroni. Children Can Decorate These February Cakes Truly laughter must be a daily part of young lives.. And laughter grows from such simple sources. With several holidays ahead, meet the children's expectations with a party spirit. And let the young ones have a hand in the prepara tion. They can make and decorate these little cakes quite easily with appropriate cherry designs, using maraschino cherries. Make the cupcake batter like this or use any of the popular mixes. Personally, we think it a fine idea for beginners to use the mixers because success is practic ally guaranteed. From scratch, proceed like this: Cream cup butter or margar ine; add V cup sugar and cream thoroughly. Stir in li cup light corn syrup gradually. Add 1 egg and beat well. Mix and sift 1 cup enriched flour, 114 teaspoons bak ing powder, Vt teaspoon salt. Add to first mixture alternately with Vt cup milk. Add !i teaspoon vanilla. Fill buttered muffin pans about half full. Bake in modern oven, 350 degrees, about 20 minutes. Turn out of the pans and cool. Makes 12 medium size cup cakes. Frosting Cream 1 tablespoon butter and add "4 cup confectioner's sugar gradually. As mixture thickens, add 2 tablespoons milk and V tea spoon vanilla. Decorate with whole, halved and quartered mar aschino cherries in various ar rangements. No reason to try to Spicy Meat Loaf Uses Whole Corn The ingredients in this spicy, meat loaf have been carefully se lected to complement the flavor of corn piled in the center. To gether, the meat ring and corn make a "meal-in-one" dish with exceptional flavor. . For those of you who have been unsuccessful in unmolding a meat ring, here's a suggestion. Instead of using a standard mold, grease a thoroughly washed milk bottle and place on a greased tin. Form the meat around the bottle. When you have made a smooth, symmetrical shape, carefully ease the bottle from the center. Bake according to directions. Meat Ring a La Corn l'i lbs. ground beef lb. ground pork cup bread crumbs cup milk tablespoon minced onions. teaspoons salt teaspoon pepper eggs, slightly beaten cup chili sauce slices bacon can whole kernel corn Carefully combine all ingredi ents, mixing well. Mold as direct ed above. Place 2 strips of bacon over ring during baking. Bake in moderate oven (350 degrees F.) about 55 minutes. Remove bacon strips before serving. Fill center with heated corn. Vt Vt make them all look alike, so make them all different. Randal J il(flD,CIet3, FEATURE FINE 1288 mmu Male a Phone 3-6489 BEEF ROAST Arm Cut - Blade Cut - Rump Ci T-B0NE STEAK lb. 53' This Is Eastern Oregon Hereford Beef, Well Trimmed RIB STEAK lb. 47 This is Eastern Oregon Hereford Beef, Well Trimmed SWISS STEAK lb. 55 Out of Delicious Eastern Oregon Hereford Beef GROUND BEEF lb. 33 Fresh Ground Daily in Our Own Market SHORT RIBS Lean and Meaty BONED SIRLOIN lb. 69 Delicious to Pan Broil or Broil SIRLOIN TIP Steak and Roast ROUND STEAK lb. 55' BABY BEEF LIVER lB 39c U FRESH BEEF TONGUES or HEARTS lB 29c, EASTERN OREGON HEREFORD LOCKER BEEF FRONT QUARTER i.27 HIND QUARTER fc35 HALF OR WHOLE 1.29