Page 2 SECTION II THE CAPITAL" JOURNAL. Salem, OreRon Thursday, February 11, 1931 Honey Coffee Cake With Glamor .T,T,...,,; . -v-. , j wo wceKs ago a honey crisp collcc cake recipe proved of inter est, unfortunately, somewhere along the line the amount of milk was left out. Here is a version of the rcccipc with picture of the cake: The batter is a simple combina tion of standard cake ingredients. The glamour is provided hy honey, shredded coconut and pineapple combined and spread over the batter before bak ing. A quick 35 minutes in the oven, and ;ou have a golden crown, lender, light, tasty coffee cake to serve, hot from the oven. Honey Crisp Coffee Cake 11-4 cups sifted flour. 2 teaspoons baking powder 1 teaspoon salt Vt cup shortening ?:i cup sugar 1 egg i cup milk 1 cup sugar coaled corn flakes 3 tablespoons soft butter or margarine , Vi cup honey . Vi cup shredded coconut Vi cup drained crushed pineapple. Sift together flour, baking powder and salt. Blend shorten ing and sugar: add egg and beat well. Stir in sifted dry ingredients alternately with milk, being care ful not to overmix. Spread in greased 9x9-inch pan. Crush sugar coated corn flakes slightly. Blend butter and honey; stir in shredded coconut, pine apple and fluxes. Spread over baiter. Hake in moderately hot oven (400 dcg.) about 35 min utcs Yield: 9 3-inch squares. Tips Given on Freezing Meats i Plan Gay Valentine Meal For Family; Easy to Do By ZOLA VINCENT (Foods Writer) With week-end entertaining centering on hearts and flow ers and red and white col or schemes, there's no rea- son why all of us, partying or ointrwise, shouldn t have more colorful and interesting food than usual. The children will love it. And papa will like a little pam pering, too. A cenlcrpiece of "paper dolls" will make a gay conversation piece. I'iiper napkins and place mats or doilies or tablecloth will gaily dispose of the laundry prob lem and create atmosphere very inexpensively. Place cards and miniature bags of candy tied with red ribbons can serve as favors and also as mints for munching wilh the coffee service. Or sprinkle bright red hearts, cupids andor arrows cut from red paper over a snowy white cloth. Maybe use large hearts as place mats and cupids or arrows as place cards using white ink. Paper lace doilies make ideal frills for bou quets of all siz: j. Colorful Food Ideas Any or all of the following croutons , . . Celery curls wilh pi niiento cheese stuffing . . . Stuffed olives . . . Chicken or tuna short cake with pimiento flecks , , . Tossed green salad with pink may onnaise (just add a drop or two of red coloring) . . . Glazed cinnamon red apples with heart shaped cook ies or Valentine cake . . . Itcd and while candy . . , Salted nuts . . . Valentine party drink , . , Or, if it is an ice cream party, straw berry or peppermint ice cream seems appropriate. Sweetheart Cookies can be made from any cookie recipe and iced I in white and red in any way that ! suits your fancy. Heart-shaped lliseuits, perhaps with bits of pimienlo or made with : tomato juice in place of the usual i milk can lop any favored creamed ! chicken, shrimp or other dish. Valentine Salad Place border of thin strips of pimiento around bottom of heart shupeil (or other) molds. Place small heart cut from pimiento in center. Fix 1 box lime or lemon ivored gelatin according to pack age directions. When partly lit in, add l"i cups cottage cheese, Va cup chopped celery and a dash of salt: mix well. Fill molds wilh Are you making the most of your home freezer? It's wise to buy foods when you can take advantage of special prices. To day with plentiful supplies of beef coming to market, you'll wisely add to your freezer a quantity of beef cuts, When packaging meat for freezing, have it cut the right size for your family meals or for guest meals. Clearly mark each package accordingly so you quickly choose it from the freezer. It's highly important that you wrap meat so that air can not reach the meat surface. A number of wrappings on the market may be used. If you purchase meat from self-service market unwrap it. then place in regular freezing wrap pings before freezing. Frozen meat may be defrost ed before- or during cooking. If before cooking, defrost either in the refrigerator or at room temperature. Of course defrost ing time depends upon the tem perature and the size. Chunky pieces take a longer period than thin cuts. Wrapped frozen meat, likewise, takes longer man unwrapped meat. When preparing a frozen roast you can estimate cooking time by allowing approximate-1 ly Vt to again as long as those which have been defrost ed. Steaks or chops to be coat ed with batter or with crumbs should be defrosted before cooking. Thick frozen Steaks and chops must be broiled more slowly than defrosted steaks or ohops in order that the meat will be cooked to the donencss desired without be coming too brown on the out side, i A Simple Valentine Day Cake A package of graham crackers, some shredded coconut and whip ped cream go into this super cake which you can ice with any flavor ed frosting or top with whipped cream as we did, with a real or artificial flower through center of a red paper heart allowing one for each serving. Valentine Cake 'k cup sifted flour 2 teaspoons double-acting baking powner 1 8-ounce package graham crackers finely crushed (scant 2 cups) V4 cup shortening 1 cup sugar 3 egg yolks, unbeaten cup shredded coconut, finely cut 1 teaspoon vanilla Milk (see below for amount) 3 egg whites, stiffly beaten 1 cup cream, whipped With butter, margarine or lard, use 1 cup milk. Wilh vegetable or any other shortening, use 1 cup plus 2 tablespoons milk. Sift flour once, measure, add baking powder and sift again. Add graham cracker crumbs. Cream shortening; add sugar gradually and cream together until light and fluffy. Add egg yolks and beat well. Add coconut and vanilla and mix thoroughly. Add flour alter nately with milk, a small amount at a lime, beating after each addi tion until smooth. Fold the egg whites quickly and thoroughly. Turn into two round 8-inch layer pans, lvi inches deep which have been lined on bottoms with paper. Bake in moderate oven, 375 de grees, 30 minutes or until done. Cool. Split each cake layer and spread whipped cream between layers and on top. Sprinkle with additional coconut, if desired. To decorate, as mentioned be fore, we placed r small flower through paper hearts. Very festive Very good! Mincemeat Drop Cookies Delicious When the cooky jar shows need of a refill, here's a cooky you'll want to bake Mincemeat Cook ies. It's an easy and quick recipe for these cookies are of the ham dy drop variety. They're pre pared with the economical shortening, lard, so they will stay iresn tasting for days. Mincemeat Drop Cookies 3(4 cups sifted flour 1 teaspoon soda Vi teaspoon t alt 1 cup lard Hi cups brown sugar 3 eggs Vk tablespoons hot water Vi cup chopped pecans Vk cups or 1 nine-ounce package dry mincemeat 2 tablespoons vanilla Sift flour with soda and salt Cream lard and sugar thorough ly. Add eggs and beat. Add wa ter. Combine pecans with flour mixture. Break up mincemeat and add alternately with dry in gredients to creamed mixture. Add vanilla. Drop irom a tea spoon onto a cookie sheet. Bake in moderate oven (375 degrees r.i lor 15 minutes. This Peach Chiffon Pie Airy, Delicious This luscious "Peach Chif fon Pie" is worth trying. The filling is airy as a cloud and with its pretty face of whipped cream, toasted almonds and garland of golden peach slices, it's sure to be tlte prima donna of any special dinner! Peach Chiffon Pie 1 cup canned peach slices 1 envelope (1 plain gelatin 1 Vt cups milk 2 eggs Vi cup granulated sugar teaspoon salt Vi teaspoon almond flavoring 1 baked 9-inch pastry shell peacn slices, maraschino cher ( Whipped cream ries and slivered toasted Canned peach slices fori almonds. garnish Maraschino cherries Slivered toasted almonds Drain peaches. Soften gela tin in Vi cup milk. Scald re maining milk. Beat egg yolks wilh sugar and salt. Pour scalded milk over beaten yolks and cook over hot water, stir ring constantly until custard tablespoon) ; coats spoon. Blend in flavor ing and softened gelatin. Chill until slightly thickened. Fold in stiffly beaten egg whites and peaches. Pour into baked pastry shell and chill until firm. Spread wilh whipped cream and top with wreath of Glaze for ' Ham Loaf wondering wnat to serve a crowd? Or what to have for din ner today with enough left over for tomorrow? You can't go wrong on this. Pork shoulder and ham are ground tobether, given an or ange glaze. Upside Down Loaf 114 pounds lean pork shoulder, ground i 1V4 pounds smoked ham, ground Vk cups milk 2 eggs, beaten 1 cup premium cracker crumbs or Vk cups soft bread crumbs Vt teaspoon pepper Combine all ingredients in order given and line pan with this glaze: Spread Vi cup brown sugar and i cup soft butter or margarine evenly in snanow Daking pan. Cover with orange slices. Place ham mixture over fruit and press down evenly into a thin loaf. Bake in moderate oven, 350 degrees, about one hour. Turn upside down on cnop piate. herve in squares. Re heat if served second time. Party Time Noodles Poppy seed noodles are a party- time dish. Cook an 8-ounce pack- ago of noodles as directed. Com- Dine 'i cup each chopped or slivered roasted almonds and but ter with 2 teaspoons poppy seeds. Toss lightly with the hot drained noodles. menu sucgestions can go a long ! cheese mixture. Chill. When firm way toward creating a festive oc- -casion. Cream of tomato soup or tomato consomme i healed and seasoned tomato jiiicei with heart-shaped j Beef Cuts Plentiful j The list of retail beef cuts numbers more than thirty. How- turn out on lettuce or other greens. Valentine Party Drink Ideal for children's and teen ager's parties: also good as an appetizer passed in the living room before a grown-ups' dinner party. Icecipe makes 4 tall glasses; 6 or 8 smaller ones. Combine package red cinnamon candies with i cup pineapple juice and heat until can dies melt. Chill. Divide i.r,innff ever, many homemakers ask for 'glasses and finish filling with ice the same few cuts week after cold pale dry ginger ale. Stir week. It's the wise homemaker, gentlv to mix. who learns the beef ruts in her. Pink Mayonnaise is easily made meat market. This not only is a by adding a drop of red coloring way to add variety to her menus, ; or by combining mayonnaise and nut a way to aid her food budget tomato paste in equal parts; with n- i a dash of salt, pepper and paprika. Limas Economical Ease your food-budget by serv ing economical and nutritious dry limas as the mainstay of thrifty menus. Cooked limas baked in a creamy pimiento cheese sauce hits the spot on a cold day. BIGGEST LITTLE MARKET IN TOWN WHERE YOUR DOLLAfc GETS TIME AND A HALF Coponizcd . Morrell's Pride S j n FRYERS Picnics Cooked Grou"d Beef Large $39 Ready to Eat 49IB 3ib,$1.00 A Big Darigold Cheese beef roast Demonstration Fri.-Sat. 3..$100 3yC " Cheese of All Kinds. '"' OYSTERS Come in and Have a Sample. Sliced Bacon 55C Pin, Our Famous Old 69c Fresh Med. Cheese "4V . c ... I w M I B. Swift's GARDEN-FRESH FRUITS AND VEGETABLES rcooTM in ' Golden Ripe BANANAS 2 ib.. 29c Tree Ripened ORANGES Doz. 29c Medium Size SALMON Aloiko con 39C Toll Con PIE CRUST and JIFFY CORN MUFFIN MIX Guorontccd 10c Pkg. First the Northwest KRISPY CRACKERS 25c Mb. Box U. S. No. 1 Netted Gems POTATOES 100 lbs. $209 Wc Will Have FLOWERS and POTTED PLANTS for VALENTINE'S DAY No. 303 Site PEAS 10c Trailer SOUP All Kinds Campbell's 8-ox. can 10c HOT MASTER BREAD 4:30 P.M. Every Day Except Tuci. and Sot. Tomorrow' Bread Today Every Day 50 lbs. Netted No. 2 Gcmi POTATOES 69c GREEN BEANS 303 Size Capitol m cans 29c Luncheon Meat Oscar Mayer 39C can Freshest Thing in Town OUR EGGS Desert Sweet GRAPEFRUIT 45c 8 lb. Bag CORN Cream Kernel or Whole -303 Size 2 cans 25c Tomato Juice 46 oz. Del Monte Mm cans 49c Ritz Crackers 36C Pkg. ' By Nobisco BROADWAY GROCERY BROADWAY and MARKET STREET Every Day Store Hours: 8 a.m. to 8 D.m. Includina Sundays Prices Good Fridoy, Soturdoy, Sunday naaaele FOOD MARKET 1940 Mission Si. Phone 2-7661 RIB STEAK Lb. Chuck Roast Lb. BONELESS Sirloin Tips Lb. PORK . Loin Roast Lb. Plump Meaty Fresh PRODUCE Fresh LEMONS SQUASH NO. 1 OREGON SPUDS 10 Dozen Lb. Lbs. BORDEN'S 3 CAE. STARLAC me FROZEN Tuna Pie Ea. 29 HOLIDAY lbs. $100 Sunshine KRISPY CRACKERS 2 , 39c Palmolive Toilet Soap 3 Bars 23C 2S23C LARGE 40-OZ. PK. BISQUICK Pk. Polor Frozen Strawberries 2745c Wrigley Gum 65C telerttines A e-BOTTLE Carton 40 i DEPOSIT , Your I party guests will welcome Coke iv"?r PUT SEVERAL CARTONS ON YOUR SHOPPING 1 1ST NOW