Thursday, February 11, 1931 Page 16 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, Salem, Oregon NOT QUIET NOW CHERAMY CREAMY Clrirt Rilm Gift Special! Richard Hudnut's GEMEY PERFUME An enchanting tetnt tktt'i graceful eompli. i a IX III , Annual Holf-Price Sale! i Giant 16-oz. tj Reg. $2.00 Bottle for Ob. "Lovely" So. 9.c COSMETIC BAGS mortt to htr! i.UU Value! In ssorfed Patterm & Color 0 Colonf 59e txt," cut to hold hr tl along gltmour iidil Dainty goldtona top xipper closing. Crept lintd, HO' HBWS l3UPKh,m . ' m KM "vp 6 Hudy Storpka, Jr., 20 months, Is giving his mother a real ear ful. A growth had blocked Rudy's larynx and a silver tube Was inserted so he. could talk. Even when he was cryinc as hard as he could no sound came from Rudy. Now he has out trroun the growth and the Stcrpkas have a normal noisy home in Cleveland. (.VV Tele photo) Three Die in Albany Fire ALBANY, N. Y. Three per sons perished and six were injured early Thursday in a fire that gut ted the Eagle Hotel, about three blocks from the state's executive mansion. Firemen looked for other possi ble victims. The three bodies discovered were not identified. Six of the 28 persons registered In the 30-room hotel at Eagle Street and Hudson Ave. were taken to Albany Hospital. Two were discharged after treatment for "light shock." j One of the injured had jumped I from an upper story. I firemen had flames under con trol about three hours after the fire broke out. Nearly all the city's fire-fighting equipment was sent to the scene. A shell of the 4H -story brick building, midway between the gov ernor's mansion and the state capitol, remained. The cause of the fire was not determined. Lions to Distribute Heart Fund Boxes Lloyd C. Hummel, general chairman of the Heart fund Campaign for Marion County, an nounced today that distribution of red heart-shaped collection boxes had been completed by a corps of volunteer workers un der the direction of the area I Lions Clubs- Tho boxes have i been placed in statcgic locations j in theaters, restaurants, service stations, mercantile establish-! mcnts, public buildings and oth er locations of the community. ; "It is hoped," Mr. Hammel ! said, "that these receptacles will serve as a constant reminder to the public that we should open our hearts when we open our purses." The heart-shaped boxes will remain in place throughout Feb-1 ruary and will be collected at the conclusion of the campaign. Valley Forge Story Told at Rotary Club liny Scout jamborees around the world, including those held at Valley Forge, in Austria and at Santa Ana. Calif., were describ ed at Wednesday's luncheon pro gram of the Salem Hotary Club by George II. Oherlcufter, execu tive or the Portland council. Obcrlcufter spoke of the great historic significance of Valley Forge where 50.000 buys gathered, the jamboree in Austria which attracted some lniHI scouts who were operated underground in the countries behind the Iron curtain and at Santa Ana, where the camMrli'.'htmg ceremony made such a deep impression upon Vice President Nixon. Jamborees, said the Portland executive arc not deluxe experi ences for the hoys. They pitch their own camps, provide their own food and at the close of the week-Ions encampment clean up the grounds and leave them in excellent condition. The speaker was introduced by Gordon (iilmnre, executive for Cascade area council which in cludes Marion, I 'oik and Linn counties. Heavy Fine Given Sweet Home Driver SYVF.KT HO.MK Jimmie A Holly, 34, of Sweet Homo, was fined $150 for driving .vhilc un der the influence of intoxicating liquor and $5 for a detective tail light in municipal court here this week. Among the other caws hei.rd by Judge Ed Itussc'l included evidence which led to the fining of Konald Dayton Hilcman, 21, and a five day jail sentence for furnishing beer to minors. Fines totalling $75 were col lected for various other misdemeanors. APRIL DRAFT CALL lR.OOO WASHINGTON Ml The April draft call, announced late Wednes day by the Army, is for 18,000 men-the same" as the February nd March quotas. n ei i I I K.zjr" i r mac ta 1 1 1 "Lovely" Jr. Miss Cosmetic Bags i Zippar or snap foittning, with m-1 nfj-c ItVW ) tro itpptrtd ildt pocktt. Each GIVE HERJMDY i qr.r i i "i it. u l ui its I ui IP 1 1 I I Ik II I rvl 113. I II I. II 1 1 I I I IX II I ltil rcX VJ1 IKM ! m Mtf 'Sheer fhntery; 40mS mnf 60 GAUGE "voV:f 2f?Lj ..W ie ncuiED -h" OCR II tiZrSAAn, Iff .r4?ir: W I MW IS 9 w jr -l 'A hor lcvely legs 4 f w M ! i n fl"? od co4lKion It Hit moit f I y xclring ttr. Iny titr J pr., boted, 1.5? JF ' I $1.50 39C Pi Valuoi - I 1 Bishop ;,v I Asstd. color. v"wUD mm ond Sfyle. "! fl Boiipoinf ioy y Gifr Pens 1 g 350 H 1 I El "Sun Fesfvo" 3f 'Ai I ' Parted Quality, Full Fashioned! Penline Seams & High-Style Heelsl Fashioned for your Valentine gossa mer sheer to flatter her lovely legs in wisp of beauty! Montmarte Evening in Paris Foes Bergere A trio of Bourioii tctnti In 3 rrxgrancc ncxi. inrvi to tn colorful pck H I Uly Emulsified Cleansing SI - 1 CREAMS Bfe i25i I Owl'5 Tender IA ,; STICK iMSlA I SUGAR-COATED M usnf P.f I For,.,eM, fgp I A HUH taV U IJ. I . 4 m tt.a.l,A4 lift jT VI iLiM-- 11 n II T1 If II " " s;. ' ,w - 'f i iW " . with ka a JOP ' pMtgm, ionbl 5a?T IP :r 123C , ,,., ' K, C VtU !'' Pound Bocj Ml ' V V'iLM 'd 4 PE! 4 ASH TRAYS 8 J j f ,ny .hap... ' Y-4 doilg. ?l. c.h rrT.. Cotton T lj 1 "Vi) Yo.r 196 A Carton oT A ivl Sc. I VMlk set of 4 ML Mh. Values! Choice 25 CHOCOLATES Both milk end dark chocolates in a "7 afk delectable assortment of centers! H y POUND GIFT BOX FOR V TEIA COLOGNE JEWELED LIPSTICK LADIES' WALLETS WHITE PAPERMATE H. RUBINSTEIN Hormone Twins $6.00 Oil 0 Creanv. Spray Hair Net 5 ois. Reg. $T.75 LIQUINET COLONIAL DAMES OTUP BRUSH 'Mansfield" Temotina Red & Gold Heart Gift CHOCOLATES lch dork choc).,, win aueM eeI)tm Reg1$U9 pound Box GIFT CHOCOLATCS un Pcund full Pound f Pound Heart Box HOEflErst;;,, 2C0 F"ll Pound r"" " . $2.50 411 purpose Cream Sable-Glo' .00 Value . Winey's New MONTE CARLO EARRINGS for your Valentine! Hoops, dangles, antique, utones, f.incies and plain gilt earrings for every ! MM ' WW - w iyina TIIOTI Cf Chocolate Pecans, lb. i0 Smart New Tampon Case with Super or Regular MEDS 39 40's 9 BOTH FOR R Pound WHITMAN'S aper Kesrf Box Flor de Pcrex HAVANA BLUNTS Vacuum Tin of 25 for r J Choicest chocolates with a wide voricty of fostc-tcmptinq centers. ..V -ai3?i. 1 4 1 Neff WINDPROOF GIFT LIGHTER Leather 6 Chrome Bite or coiorta mctocco y , ' r ' K J0 V $2.50 Value! 49 LIGHTER $2.98 Value.' tmm in r.feifcafc-ife No machaniim. Juit ra mora eap. fima town to With 1 Ilia- is Free! Kiddies' VALENTINES to Moke with Kleenex J A l7