800 Real Estate 800 Real Estate 800 Real Estate 830 Automotive 850 Automotive 850 Automotive 850 Automotive 850 Automotive 852 Used Cora For Sale 852 Used Cars For Sale 852 Used Car For Sale 852 Used Can For Sale 852 Used Cars For Sale 6 Acres (.130 down wll buy dandy building site with good view. Quiet, se cluded district away from tlie noise of traffic. Ideal spot for a poultry ranch. Only $1,250 full price. Easy monthly payment!. New 3-Bedroom $1,150 down with FHA loan commit ment fur $9,450 will move you in this lovely 3-bedroom home. Beau tiful fireplace with cedar paneled wall. All hardwood floors. Birch kitchen. Large attached garage with plastered fruit or storage room. Paved street and city water. Restricted district, south. Compare this with any 3-bed room for value at only $l(J,800. $51.41 Per Mo. Buys a brand new 2-bedroom home with a very reasonable down pay ment. Plastered and hardwood floors. Attached garage. Paved St. Close to bus line. 801 SOUTH HIGH ST. PHONE 3-0203 Phone Evenings Si Sur.dav: 4.1671, 3-3858, 1-5319. 3-3201. EAST MORELAND DIST. 3 B. H. Home. 1170 N. 24th. Very clean. $12,600. a CORNERS DIST. S B. R. iz Den 2'i Acres 4200 Slate St., $13,500. FAIRMOUNT HILL 2 B. R. Home. Small Lot Only $4725.00. TAIRMOUNT HILL 2 B. R. Home. 4 yrs old. 2025 Johns St. Will con sider late model car down payt. $8500.00. OLDER type home on N. Church St. 4 B. R. Good terms. 18 ACRES close In. Best of soil. These homes shown by appoint, only night or day. Realtor 1748 Center St. PANORAMA An unsual opportunity to buy this beautiful home on Candalnna HeiKhts. Two lovely bedrooms with double closets. Ha baths, large liv ing room with fireplace, dining room, kitchen with auto, dishwash er, breakfast nook, utility room, double garage, auto, oil furnace, large covered patio. Beautifully landscaped lawn, unexcelled east view of the city. This Is the best view lot in town. Shown by ap pointment onlv. 3 BEDROOMS located on North 24th Street In re stricted Lone Oak district. Large kitchen with nook, separate dining room, living room with fireplace, central hallway. Forced air oil fur nace, large garage with extra stor age room, nice lawn with back vard privacy, designed for outdoor living. Price to sell at $14,800.00, F.H.A. terms. ABRAMS, BOURLAND & SKINNER 411 Masonic Building Real Estate Inusurance Mortgage Loans Offire: a-9217. Eves.: 2-4709 or 3-73flfi, HARRIS NELSON REAL ESTATE A GOOD BUY t Bdrm. modern home, small barn, nearlv one A. ground, lor. in Woodburn, Ore. Priced at $3,600. Cash. 10 ACRES All cult, l'i A. Evergreens. 2 A. pie cherries, balance wheat. New 4-rm home. dble. garase. $13,500. Cash. DIVERSIFIED 40 A. Good soil. 40 A. cult. bal. pas ture, located on good paved road. 7 rms. and bath, basement, electric water system, wired for range, complete" farm bldgs. $15,000. HARRIS NELSON, BROKER . 111WAY ODE. IIUBIIAIID OREGON itiso-" DOWN. MOVE INTO tliis neat 2 BR. home at 2465 South 12ih St. ONLY $300 DOWN 2 bedroom home, vacant. 3 I1EDROO.M HOME at 2010 Ferry St. Only Sfi.OOO. John J. Dann, Realtor 415 N High St. Phone 4-3IH2 Eve: 2-47B!2-74lll. 2-5210. .1-7B41. FURN. N. CHURCH $100 Dn. Not old. 2-hr. home, good furniture, gni.il hnase. Br. its rent. Ire anvllme. $fi.7on. fall Dick. S700 DOWN Ckan 2 br. home. Flastcred, on edge of cilv. $iouo. 35 ACRE FARM- Close in on State. Good 3-hr. home with ww carpel?. Good b;.rn and Just a nice place. $22,500. Call Car penter to see. Art Madsen. Realty IT'S State SI Ph. 3-5.1RII. eve. .1-fifilH Home in the Country 1570. Let us show you this attrac tive, very clean, and in the best of repair home. Has aire of good black soil. Localed East on p;ivefl road and bus line. Attached nar?cc This Is a wonderful home for a re tired couple. Close In tlXKH). Just 4', blocks front 1 he Stale Capitol. Dandy .1-hcdronm home. Has living mom Willi fireplnee, din ing room, full b.ncmcnt, furnace. Garage. This is an estate. Chicken Ranch 4 acres close In East with late built 2-bcdrnom home .enrage, "as h'lim ing and equipment in reisc zn. r broilers. A real opportunity to own your own bpine;..". Trade Would trade a WW Ford for lot or nviitv in a home and will pa " difference . ,,h rail O V. Hume with State Finance C o. Realtors in s. ii.gi ft. - ',-4,21 Eves. 2-.i;' 80S Homes For Sale J-YB.OLD house. . .. i..?n Kfi mo.'.' Includes fire In. . n .lance on house Is s Ph. 2-5M4. .... ci-petmc. basement w.m oil fur- no to F.nrlcwoo.1 school and Huh fchrlPlvJ'-'!'''V GOOD S-'bVdroom ho.i.e new roof inflated. acre, fruit tree-. 10 ...it m Falls City. Total ." rcaionaHe downp.- ment -iUc'' ilcAllisier. Falls Lit. 5-cc (An agency devoted entirely to home-M:ll.nfi operated by Theo G. Realtor-Appraiser SRA, and five neighborhood salesmen) FURNISHED $4,000 One and one-half Ac, comfortable 1-bdrm home, excellent view, nice front lawn, rear suitable for lovely shaded terrace or patio, garden Space. Garage. Pvd. road, near store and grade school. High school bus by door. Furniture Includes excellent elec. range, refrig, autom washer, etc. Unfurnished $3500. Price Includes $1,000 easy payment mortgage. Grace Tomlin, slm. Res. ph. 4-S436. EXTRA SUBSTANTIAL Just outside city, water from extra deep well. New home. Lame comb I.R and DR. 2 roomy barms. 12x13 comb, kit and nook. High quality Delco auto. Pcremeter heating, tile floors, 3 blks to school, about ae. $850 basis $2500 down and lease option like rent on bal. Percy Gorton, slm. Res. ph. 2-4092, WOULD TRADE FOR CITY Almost 2 Ac. on Lancaster Rd. Comfortable 2-bdrm. home, dble. gra., chicken house, 50 ft well with 6" casing. Priced $7500. Would trade for similar home inside city. Edna Morgan, slw. Res. ph. 4-6083. WOULD TRADE FOR 3 BDRM. Only 2 blks from Wash, school, very nice yard with fruit trees, outside fplace, lawn, trees, shrubs, 2-bdrm home, only 4 yrs old, lnsul. and w. stripped, dble attached gar, extra good well, fenced yard on pvd road, well financed at $10,500, would trade for home with basement or up stairs. Roy Barker, slm. Res. ph. 2-5059. The HOMESELLERS MULTIPLE LISTING REALTORS IN THE HUB OF SALEM EASY PARKING 702 North High Street Ph.4-4441 INCOME!!! 6-unit court In best of location, there's only one like this in Sa lem, owner in poor health, will consider offer this won't last so call Ralph Maddy NOW. , ' GOOD VALUE HERE In this neat 2-bcdroom home! on is A., rich soil, nicely landscap ed, on paved road, was FHA ap praised for $8500 selling for $7950. See Henry Torvend. LEE OHMART TWO ATTRACTIVE BUYS English style, 3-bedroom home, near "("'""I uming-room, iuu Dasement, buy for $10,900. South 3 bedrooms, new home, lt50 sq. .wi, kuuu terms, caii Lt. Lorcnz A DELIGHTFUL res, ana in a aellgntlul neighborhood ..... ..m..m; uiu neiKnnornooai utltO M only $8500, this home has 2 bedrooms. n inside utility room, hardwood floors and a 60 x 125 lot! You will be pleased with It all Ask for Ted Morrison. OHMART & CALABA, REALTORS 47I.Cou ,St- , , Phone 2-4115, 2-4116 Eve. Salesmen Ralph Maddy 2-3488, Louis Lorenz 3-5590, Ted Morrison 2-5046, Henry Torvend 3-3632 HOOVER SCHOOL DISTRICT 3 bdrms.. ranch style home. This attractive home is 2 yrs. old and offers 1338 fireplace, din. rm., Ige. kitchen with m iiv. rm. ana tun. rm. ana many n. i. LAiJviun, NEED TO EXPAND? Here's your answer in this attractive 2-bdrm, home wiin j pe. unnnisnca aiuc tsuitaoic fireplace, din. rm., Ige. kitchen with Htiwa. urs. wirougnout. Auto, on This is a good buy at ?n,B5U. call. SPLENDID BUY IN LESUE DISTRICT ful kitchen with brk. nook, ige. hv. and din. rm.. wall to wall carpeting, 2 nice bdrms. plus room for one in daylight basmt., 2 fireplaces. Splendid landscaped lot, with pallo and greenhouse, auto-oil heat. See H now. CALL ROY S. FERRIS. A FINE LOT FOR A DUPLEX Good walk in. Price $1500. CALL G. H. ONE OF KINGWOOD HEIGHTS NICEST HOMES Large lot, beautiful setting, view Sprinkling svstem. Large 3 harm. nnme. oasim.. fire places, dble. garage. For appointment Call RICHARD E. GRABEN-HORST. GRABENHORST BROS. REALTORS 134 S. LIBERTY PHONE 2-2471 Evenings & Sundays call Salesmen Bjy S. Ferris 2-Bnin H. K. Laymnn 2-5193 NELSON & NELSON (ORIGINAL FIRM IN A NEW LOCATION) WANTED Mv client will nay rash for nlee 2-hrtrm. home In F-istmc.rel.mil or Ensle ' ' wood district? Wants inside utility with about 1100 sq. foot floor area In home. Call Al Watts, slm. CLOSE TO NEW SALEM HIGH SCHOOL Thi cheerful, neit appearing home has a very light living room 11.4 x 17 5 with east front. A most attractive kitchen. Insul. board interior pipered. This 7-vr.-nld hmnr with its c1o;r-tn lor.it inn has 7".n q. it. floor area. These folks will trade for an acreage. Price $".750. Call Mrs. Woollen, slw. SUBURBAN RANCH STYLE $16,000 This roomy 3-bdrm. home with it larce llvinc-dinine room combined o'fers vim a v.nlctv of family living with lis many conveniences. A completely tiled bathroom on either win, inside utility rm. snack bar In kitchen, covered patio tn rear Willi most attractive outdoor firepl. 2-car Rarr.RC, storafie. Walnut crop pays taxes for you. Price reduced to (16.000. WONDERFUL INCOME PROPERTY Where von may live tn a fine 2-bdrm. home and rent 6 1-bdrm. units with caraces. All furnished with exception of private home. This 4-yr..fld property Is In excellent condition, rood returns on Investment. Small down paymt, to riBht party. Call Dick Schmidt .slm. NELSON AND NELSON, REALTORS "Complete Real Eranits: ATwa't Is' 3-1265. l.ydia T. NEW 2-ItDRM. RADIANT HKAT-2', home to know us value, i-riccu a. j f,.7... Call Chct Rawlins, Slm. 4 RDHMS A- DKN 2 COMPI.ETR BATHS-Located on 5 acres In Keirer. full , basement, pa-ly room. :i-car BaraRe. barn, siln and out building. v,el pricid at only Hl'.tiw.uii. icrins. rnr i.M...N,t.. - Rawlins. Sim. " BDRM HOLLYWOOD Localed clo'c to shoppme district. Malic offer " on dow n payment. Full price .1.7.VI no. For appointment to see call Dale Rayburn, Slm. TRADE TRADE 40. acre datrv farm with 3-bdrrn. home, new milk home, cood barn chicken house, machine sncd. all tiled and Irricatcd. equip mrr.t. S'-d well. Owner will take It-brlrir. home up lo llS.nnnon. Full Fi-ll price $:t(i.noono Includina" farm and equipment. For appointment to sec call Dale Rayburn, Slm. 2i j ACRES EAST 4-I1DRM., FIHEPLACR. TRADE Nice small acreaj-e close in East, laiRe kitchen, nice builtlps. hie. dining root'., nice fireplace In nice living room. 4 bedrooms. Donhle plurr.h;ne rood outbuildings, will trade for 3-bdrm. In city, 112.700 00. Call Jim Rawlins, Slm. LARGE 3-BDRM. DOL'BLK GARAGE 13.2r-0 OOAutomatie forced air oil heaV Insulated weathcrstripped. nice fireplace in bid living room, with picture window, nice dining room, lots builtins In larce kitchen With hieaktast room, tiled bath, central hall, double lot, Rood terms. Call Jim Rawlins. Slm. RAWLINS REALTY (HOLLYWOOD DISTRICT REALTOR) ;(V,o V. Cannot Street office phones 2-IW4 or 4-17S1 Evrnines chel Rawlins 3-S2.1. Jim Rawlins 2-B578, Dale Rayburn 2-204J 0Sk W 'MAUW i RUDY CALABA all schools, spick and span thruout. eceonomlcal sawdust heat a good ft. living area, fireplace, hardwood to see these two. LITTLE HOME everything Is neat and rli.sn l. so. ft. of floor space. Ltv. rm. with brkf. nook. Hdwd. firs., carpeting tuner line jcaiurea. i-Tice f,i3,50i), lor z more barms., nv. rm. wiin brkf. space, full bath with shower, f. a. lurnaco, single aitacnea garage, J. . law. Exceptional fine location, beauti rental area. Paved street and side GR AnKlNHUHb I , J. .1. E. Law 3-5113 Estate Sorvicc Woollen 1-8066, Dick Schmidt 2-7.W7, Nelson 2-1350 rm m.ilWlf usiis in i acres near Kelrer. Von must see this ftfiJHSR? You Can Buy That Used Car With Full Confidence , from your PACKARD LOT All MAKES ALl MODELS '53 PACKARD SPOHSTER IN NEW CONDITION SAVE $1000 52 PONTIAC CHIEFTAIN SEDAN. BEAUTIFUL CONDITION $1695 53 FORD CUSTOM "8" TU DOR. LEATHER INTE RIOR .., ..$1895 '52 FORD CUSTOM TU- DOR. LEATHER INTE RIOR $1495 '50 PLYMOUTH SUBUR BAN. REALLY NICE.. $1195 49 CHEVROLET DELUXE SDN. ONE OF THE BEST $ 795 '52 OLDS SUPER "8". IT'S A TUDOR BEAUTY... $1995 '49 PLYMOUTH SPEC. DE LUXE. LATE SERIES. A-l $695 '52 WILLYS ACE TUDOR, 1 OWNER, 12,000 MILES $1595 '51 WILLYS "6" CYL. ST A. WAGON. OVERDRIVE, R&H - $1195 '49 MERC. SPT. REAL BUY! CPE. A 695 : ELSNER MOTOR CO. 352 N. High Salem SHARP 1950 Chevrolet 4-door, radio, heater, 5 new tires, low mileage, clean throughout. $995 KELLY OWENS COMPANY 660 N. Liberty Phone 2-4113 YOUR MOVE CASH IN YOUR EQUITY NOW. WE WILL TAKE YOUB CAR OFF YOUR HANDS AND PAY OFF YOUR LOAN UNDER HKASON ABLE CONDITIONS. '51 Chevrolet cluh, coupe, heater, sparkling black finish, and sharp as a hound's tooth SI005 '50 Chevrolet club coupe, per fect condition throughout $035 '50 Chevrolet 2-door, green; lis perfect 835 '50 ford V-8 4-door. radio, heater, exceptionally clean 815 '50 Chevrolet 4-door. powcrclide, radio, heater, 2-tone. Really a nice carl 8 47 Dndee deluxe, new overhaul, a perfect car 505 '47 Chevrolet 2-rioor sedan, local owner, BSH, turn signals, green finish - 405 '46 Ford deluxe 4-door sedan, Tt-H. complete overhaul 405 '48 Chevrolet i3-ton. heater. 4 speed transmission, mechan lcallv perlect. good rubber 605 '46 Chevrolet panel, nriltin.il spar kling jet black finish. 4-spccd trans., heater 49S '41 Chevrolet cluh coupe. Jet black finish. RAH, drfrost .r. verv clean -145 '41 Chevrolet club coune. sharp green finish, very Rood me- rh.-inie.-.llv . S '41 Ford 4-door. radio, heater 10j WF. WANT TO BUY f.OOn, CLEAN PltF-WAft CARS. IM MEDIATE CASH TO YOUI KANNIER'S VSED CARS H. .T. IHmevi Neute'd. Ml!r. 520 Hoid SV Ph. 3-t'tiy and 4-J50J1 " BARGAIN! 1952 Ponliac 2-door. hydr.nv.ttlc. ra dio, heater, low mileage, sharp. 1 owner, Itrht green finish. $1795 KELLY OWENS COMPANY sin N. Liberty Phone 2-41 in Repossession 104P Ford Custom 4-dr. fi rvl. HH. rx'Mi rlr. m. Pbv 2 p.iymcnis of ?:B.TtS nnri drlvp homo. This in cludei ir.iir. nnd m;inf'P. KANNIKH UHKI) CAMS West Sncm i'h. 2-RT02 FOR SAI.F, a fiofKl clp.in '48 Ilv mouth. Rood iirrs $0!5. Phone 47F22 or whip Hi. B TJx 57 S-ilrm. FOH SAI.F. or trade. '40 Plymouth, lit. fl. Jinx 475. 47 PONTI AC IorpVdo fi'.'H A. H. twin rpoIk. W.S.W.. Vc. cond Will take older car. K.M Const. p ni. Tm7 PLYMOUTH sedan with nlmnst new l?f4a it ft or. 550 at n Creek Dr. Ph. 4-.V22. SPF,fAI. irii Hrnry-.t. IJHun Over drive. Th' v-fk onlv $7."0(i1. I'll. M. J. SVivvt. Stnlfn. f)irc"n j'l.i.T MK.HC, 4-dr. m-'t.-n. Merrofn.it- ir, RtrVH. 7,0 rrilr. 1 owner. Call 4-1 iM da. 4-W17 fve Call 2-2441 for Pulling Power ORVAL'S 17TH ANNIVERSARY 1953 Ford V-8 Ranch Wagon, 9.000 actual miles, two-tone green finish, heater, defrosters, turn sig nals, window washers, 710-6 ply tires. $2095.00 1953 Nash LeMans Country Club 6 Pass. Coupe, one owner, 3.000 miles, two tone black and red finish with matching interior, pow er iteering, power brakes, ra. dio, heater, turn signals, white wall tires, cont. spare tire. Cost nev f4.60O.O0. Our price . $3195.00 1952 Chev. Sedan ' Deluxe Styline, finished In original Emerald Green me tallic, radio, heater, under coated, turn signals, back-up lights. This Is in perfect con dition thruout. Book price $1,450.00, our price $1295.00 1952 Buick Special Deluxe Sedan, one owner, low mileage, original two tone finish, Quebec gray up per, lower Terrace green me tallic, heateT and defrosters, this car Is In new condition $1595.00 1951 Mercury Montre fl Pass. Coupe, original Ever glade green itnisn wun wnue 1 top overdrive, turn signals, undercoated, radio heater, white wall tires, window washers, leather Interior, book price $1,395.00. our price $1195.00 1951 Ford V-8 Sedan"' One owner, radio, heater, de froster, Ford-a-mattc trans, turn signals, original Sea Is land green finish, all leather custom interior, selling for the low Drice of $1065.00 1950 Ford Delux V-8 Sedan finished in sunland beige and Hawaiian bronze, heater, defrosters, seat cov ers, a real value $895.00 1949 Buick Super Sedan, one owner, radio, henter, turn signals, window washers, undercoaled. Orig inal light gray finish, Dyna flo, interior like new, motor in excellent condition $895.00 1949 Olds. 98 Deluxe sedan, original two tone finish, radio, heater, lum signals, undercoated. 34,. O00 actual miles, good tires, In perfect mechanical condi tion. $995.00 MANY MORE TO CHOOSE FROM ORVAL'S Center at Chiirrh Sts. Phone 3-4702 RUGGED 1051 Ford 'j-ton pickup, radio, heat er, coin nn gear shift, 1 owner, low mileage, covered box. $1095 KELLY OWENS COMPANY Bfift N. Uhcrty PhoneJ-4ll3 1916 2 ton Chev. flat bed. Good cond. fc swid tires, jiiiro. ans nsner no. 4-11170. 'if FORD. 2 dr. Excellent cond. Good buy. 3-117,'W, '31 Koho ft. Tudor-custom nrt I2M1 rash, for suburban with O.D. 4.118 Macleay Ttd. '3y OI.DS 6 sedsn. Good bodv. motor, and 1iiWmIoi 73.Ph. J-fMX PHICF.n for quirk sale 1948 Chev. Convertible. R&H. lop prartlcally new, motor flood shape. $550. Ph. 3-45ra. .IRS WaldoAve. 'Tn'42 PACKARD Clipper. 4-door sedan. Ph. .1-3420. 19S2 FORD, '41 Merc. Motor. 1130 Ox ford St. iri42KOR1)CHil coupe". Phono 1-.HI52. '52 KOHI). ranch wen . R Ml. Wh. sirlewalls. olhrr exlias. Low mlle ec. K.xc. cond. Call 4-450. Iiiisinrss Dirrclorv APPLIANCE SERVICE All' makes and models Al Lane B Irlrcr.i'.lon. I'h. 2-Mt.l. lti:l)i)i.(i , CAI'ITOI, iiccidine Mnttrcss reno vators. New niattrcsftcs.JI-4fni!i: HI I I IIU.I.O. "'ltullilozniR. clcarln; D-4. 0-6, carryall V ronils, ponils llu!key. Ph 2-:ihb IIOLSEIIIII.il I'llOlll'tTS Stanlcv Hon-e Products. Ix-c Mindt. lfiRO ?.iadlson. I'h. -yfi. NI ItSEin SCIIIIOI. t'INK'S Tairvlacd p irsery school. 8.i5 Mission PAINIINd l.iintini tc na:ii! h.in(in( Free er.tlllist' s t'1 '11 Pi I lltlNC. ?4 III! Pt'VP si rvl 3-WII3 on all makes vstems nmwnle vainei 2- 3JM TIM K WllltK Pltt'SINC; -prayh Insured op erator. I.. W. (.audle.Pn.4-lll SEPTICjr.XNK MIKES Si pllc Service. Tanks dran- ed. IVrootcr clc.ins scacis, drains. Phnnej-0ic " Sewer 'eptic tnk'. drains clcan- ed. Roto-R'.oter S-wer Service. Pl'nne 3-':iii7. tlameT7"scptic tnks cleaned, line ervlee Cua'anieed ork. Phone 3- 7404, 1--M;4. AND WITH MORE USED CARS WITH. NO CARRYING 1953 Nash Station Wagon . Here'a the famous Bambler in pearl gray finish, leather upholstery, radio, heater, overdrive, 11,000 miles, one owner, Bold and serviced by our own shop. $1895 1952 Rambler Station 'Wagon Nash's own light lue finish, radio, heater, overdrive, leather upholstery; It's real sharp and Is a beautiful carl ' $1495 1952 Rambler Station Wagon Ivory finish, only 27,000 actual miles, radio, heater. This price good for two days only, This one won't last, $1295 1949 Studebaker Convertible Look at this one quick t New paint, new top, leather upholstery, motor recodltloned; It's a new low price I . 1952 Nash Ambassador Sedan One owner, metallic green finish, hydra ma tic drive, bed, weather-eeye heater. Spe cial price ... $1695 AND HERE ARE LOW-COST SPECIALS! TERMS OF ABOVE DO NOT APPLY 1948 Ambassador Custom Sedan Radio, heater, overdrive BIH, PHILLIPS 333 CCMTC R "C" SHROCK 4 YOUR 4 BEST BUYS 46 Chev. Sedan ...$305 One owner, radio 4c heater. '46 Hudson Comm. 6 $395 Clean sedan with overdrive. '47 Plymouth Sp. nix $495 Sedan with Radio It Heater. 47 Chev Aero 2Dr $495 Radio, Heater. New Motor. "Where Chenu'kcla Goes to Church" PH. .1-7M2 SEEING IS BELIEVING! 1050 Pontine Cntnllna roupe. hydra niallr, radio, hemer, Rood tires, low mllenRe, owner, very clean. See this one sharp! $1395 KELLY OWENS COMPANY M0 N. Liberty Phone 2-41 n '48 PANEL CHEVROLET 'i-TON DELUXE PANEL WITH HEATER. DEFROST- WINDSHIELD WASHERS. GOOD TIRES AND MOTOR. A REAL BUY! $675 ' DOUGLAS McKAY CHEVROLET CO. fin!. N. Onn'1. Phone Jl-aif.1 Ml'Sl SEIX, IravlnK country. 15I Hmrk Spi-cial convrrtlhle, Dyn.i flnw, r'iio, he.ilrr, Jcnthrf uphol utrrv. elrc. window hVt. wind shield washer, backont lights, fc. New tlr, brnke lininff. muffler nnd hitlrrv. 3R.000 mllM. Service record available. Ileal offer over l.3tp. Vh. 4-31.:. "'lr5Pm: Twa TrOHD club covipe. flood cond. Has been famih car. HeAMnable. 2:il0 K.ipphihn Hd. Tel. 2-A5-.8, rw PLY7CPK n.m ood, good tirei. M. Fh. a-sWflfl. AWAY WE GO!. HONEST VALUES ON FINE . -THESE CARS WILL BE SOLD $695 and bed. $333 TODAY'S SPECIAL! 1949 Nash Ambassador Sedan Radio, heater, overdrive, dual speaker radio it's a. steal for $645 SEE OUR "WARM AS TOAST" DISPLAY AD ST . 'a- $$$ SAVE $$$ 1953 HOUSE AND EXECUTIVE CARS NOW AVAILABLE. TREMENDOUS DISCOUNTS! WE HAVE HARDTOPS AND 4-DOOR SEDANS. FULLY EQUIP PED. GUARANTEED. SEE THESE NOW! KELLEY OWENS COMPANY 600 N. LIBERTY WOW! IT'S BRAND NEW! MM CHEVROLET COUPE. HAS ON LV 3C. MILES ON IT. (MILEAGE GUARANTEED BY AFFIDAVIT). THIS CAR HAS BEEN IN PROP ER, CAREFUL STORAGE SINCE PURCHASED NEW BY LOCAL OWNER. $1395 LODER BROS. OLDSMOBILE DEALER 465 Center Ph. 2-7IV7J 1953 MERCURY SEDAN. R&H. EXCELLENT CONDITION. $2,- 105. CALL SALEM 2-5030. Statesman-Journal Newspapers no. Mr ill 'I'H rHIJltCH STREF.T STATESMAN 2-2441 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING (Mm 2 lines) Weekday! Sundays oer line. 1 time 3S 2i oer line, 3 times 00 DO oer line. 6 tlmel 1 30 $1.20 oer line, 1 month ..15.00 (Incl. Suti l ClasSifled arts Rtll he run In both papers to slve advertisers the ad vantages of the tremendous pulllnK power of 35.600 combined circula tions. When an ad Is ordered three or tlx times and a Sunday Issue Is In cluded Ifor example: Friday. S.itur day. Sunday) the lower Sunday rates apply bec.'iuse only the Statesman oubhshes Sundays Classified ads will start In the morninR OreRon Statesman, conclude In the evening Capital Journal Hut ads will be accepted for Sunday Statesman onlv. The deadline for classified ads it i on nm the day before publiea- Hon. Emergency ads and amall Une CHARGES!! 1949 Studebaker Convertible Look at this one qulckl New paint, new tcp. leather upholstery, motor reconditioned; Its a new low price. - $695 1941 Chevrolet Tudor Sedan Runs real good. A Una buyl $76.50 1941 Ford Coupe Here', a buyl See for yourselfl , ( $55 1946 Nash '600' Sedan . - Radio, heater end it's clean! $275 1946 Ambassador 5-Pass Coupe . Radio, heater, overdrivt. $295 1941 Nash '600' Sedan Radto, heater, overdrive. Wow I $27.50 1937 Chevrolet Sedan Excellent motor. It's good I $22.50 1936 Lincoln Zephyr Mercury motor. A nice carl $49.50 AL LOUCKS dial 39ZOG PHONE 24113 CADILLAC 19S2 Coupe, power iteerlnn, electric window lifts, low mileage, has had Hood care and la In perfect condi tion. Will take small aedan In trade. Phone 3-81H4. . 40 PONTIAC. Rood paint. M. Tex. CO Sta. 4210 N. River Rd. 2-1041. 854 Trucka. Trailers For Sale 1940 C MC. (i-tnn panel. In runnlnit cond. 1100. Judson't, 219 N. Com'L 862 House Trailers 16-FT. trailer house. Heavy equip. ment at 12th St. Junction. For the best In Trailer homes, new or used. With terms available. Sea JAYHAWK TRAILER SALES 2040 Portland Road 864 Heavy Equlpmenl NEW D-7 for hire. Lot leveling, land elearlnit. roan milldinit. ads received after i 00 pm may be placed In the -too Late To Classify" column for the following morning. The Statesman-Journal Newspapers reserves the right to reject ques tionable advertising. It further re serves the right to place all adver tising under the proper classifica tion. The Statesman-Journal Newspaper assumes no financial responsibility for errors which may appear In ad vertisements published In Us columns and In eases where thll paper Is at fault will reprint that part of an advertisement In which the typo graphical mistake occurs. A "mind" Ad an ad containing Statesman-Journal Newspapers box number for an addresa is for the protection of the advertisers end must therefore be answered by let ter. The Statesman-Journal News- panera are noi ai iioenv so aiyuige Information aa to the Identity ol an I advertiser using "Blind" ad.