Thursday, February 11, 1934 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, Salem, Oregon rag 13 Box Car Gaming Dive Hit by Albany Police ALBANY A raid hu ilv police and county officers on a suspected gambling site late Tuesday night resulted in the arrest of nine men for gambling and three, women for vagrancy Police Chief Ray Maddy report ed Wednesday. All those arrest ed were negroes. The officers, acting in collab oration with a Southern Pacific company agent, raided three gambling tables in Southern Pa cific railroad cars about 9 p.m. The cars, not in use by the com pany, were stationed near the north end of Howard Dr., where Southern Pacific section gang employees live. All 12 persons arrested plead ed guilty Wednesday before Municipal Judge William Boll man and were fined amounts varying from $25 to 5100. The crackdown was reminis cent of a raid at the same place March 9, 1951. Restoration of gambling activities in the cars brought on the new arrests. The women came here Tues day from Portland with one of 'the gamblers, Maddy said. One of the men, James Wil liams, 29, Albany, was nabbed in both raids. Because he had been arrested for gambling once be fore, Williams not only was fined $50 but was ordered to spend 10 days in jail, Bollman said. According to police reports the vagrant women were Doro thy J. Jackson, 31, Ruth Smith alias Velma Scott, 29, and Mer cedes Dorothy Dobbins, 28. Each was fined $50 of which $25 was suspended. Kenneth James Freeman, 28, Portland, was fined $100 on a gambling charge and on a simi lar charge Daniel Webb, Jr., 37, Albany was fined $50, with $15 suspended, leaving $35 for him to pay. Fined $50 each, with $25 sus pended in each case, ah on gambling charges were Roscoe Scribe r, 49, Albany; Booker T. Robinson, 4a, Salem; Willy Al len, 36; James M. Jackson, 30; Tommy Hutch, 35 and Thomas Howell, 39. All of the defendants either have paid or have made arrange ments to do so. WU Music Students In Recital Friday Six Willamette university music students will be presented Friday afternoon at 3 o'clock in the music hall auditorium with the general public being invited. to attend. Appearing in concert will be Amy Girod, pianist, and Coralie CHOSEN f-4 -JL . - . , Irate Taxpayer Pays Tax Claim in Bloodied Dollars Richard Graves, above, 47, of Lafayette, was chosen as the Democratic candidate for gov ernor by the California Dem ocratic Council in convention at Fresno. Graves, former ex ecutive secretary of the Lea gue of California Cities, de feated Mayor Laurance Cross of Berkeley for the nomination. (AP Wircphoto) Doughton, soprano, both of Salem; Jane Gray, pianist, . Portland; Winifred Waltz, pianist, Forest Grove; Ronald Hershberger, pi anist, Klamath Falls; and Donna Jenkins, ' soprano, Seattle. DES MOINES, Iowa tfv-An Irate taxpayer, who paid part of a $13, 542 federal tax claim with a tub full of silver dollars over which he had poured two buckets of blood, threw the U. S. tax office into a furor here yesterday. The taxpayer, Robert Friel, 27, of Council Bluffs, said he staged the dramatic incident to "raise hell" with tax collectors because he said they had harassed his pa rents during an investigation of his finances. He said he got the blood from a packing house. He drew the ire of Iowa Internat Revenue Director Frank Halpin, who accused him of defacing U.S. money. But after the. Secret Serv ice ruled that the silver dollars Students, Faculty Tie in March of Dimes Parrish junior high has taken in 130 dollars for the March of Dimes from two basketball games between Parrish teams and the faculty: The final game of the series will be held Monday be tween the faculty and the Cardi nals. In the first game more than a week ago the Parrish Pioneers edged the faculty 26-25 as the stu dents contributed $79. Fifty-one dollars was given Monday as the faculty downed the Greys 55-32. were not defaced unless they were pcrminenlly damaged, Halpin agreed to accept the payment. However, he insisted that Friel count it. That took Friel more than two hours. The payment add ed up to 4,9t)7. Friel, who said he had been in the construction and investment business before he got into income tax trouble, told newsmen the in cident ' was his way of protest ing the "harassment" of his par ents because of his tax troubles. He said .his father, F. E. Friel, suffered three strokes as a result. Out-of-Salem Folk On Heart Drive Announcement was made to day by Lloyd G. Hammcll, gen eral chairman of the Marion County Heart Fund Drie, of the appointment of two out-of-Salem committee members to do vol unteer service in their communi ties. Mrs. Thomas DeArmond, as sisted by the Rainbow girls, will handle solicitation in Woodburn and surrounding area, and Mr. Thomas Bockelman of Mt. An gel will head a group in this district to recruit funds for the drive. Whalebone once was worth $10,000 a ton. Law Praised ALBANY If the milk con trol law were abolished, Oregon dairy producers would have no guarantee they could sell their milk, William Wiedel, state milk marketing administrator, told members of the Linn County Dairy Herd Improvement associa tion at their annual meeting at the Riverside Community hall Tuesday. "Tho law protects the produc er in Oregon, while California dairymen, for example, do not have this protection," Wiedel slated. "I feel we have the finest law in the nation in this respect." The state official emphasized the producer must realize he has a responsibility to produce his milk as stipulated in his con tract. During the morning program DHIA members elected Jim Ruby, RFD 3, Scio, and Clarence Mullet, RFD 2, Albany as di rectors. ' Two Highway Men Win Promotions Two promotions were announ ced within the State Highway De partment this week by R. H. Bal- dock, State llignway Knginecr. Gerald W. Wimer is being pro moted from Division Officer De signer in Roscburg to District IN THE CAPITOL SHOPPING CENTER l7j JL $109,421 FURNITURE STOCK OFFERED STOTGCIGOT V TIME WSDBIIUKS: After much thought and consideration, we publicly announce the closing of our furniture business, located in the Capitol Shopping District. Hay ing made other plans for the building, it is mandatory that we sell at once our complete furniture stock and office equipment. THIS IS NOT A GIMMICK SALE. Shaws find it impractical to continue this retail fur niture store and will cease this operation upon liquidation of our com plete inventory. SALE CONTINUES DAILY 9 A.M. TILL 9 P.M. There are literally hundreds of once-in -a -lifetime bargains waiting for the first customers in our store Friday morning. A small deposit will hold your selection, but choose it early, for ev erything will be sold on a "First come, first served" basis. Sale will continue daily from 9 A. M. til 9 P. M. Saturday 'til 6 P. M. until the 1 entire $109,421.00 stock has been sold, office equipment included. tJjmS U 1 SAVINGS UP TO 60 IN EVERY DEPARTMENT We want you to know that this is not a wild advertising "come-on". All items in our huge and select stock have been drastically reduced to force immediate sale. We must move this huge $109,421.00 stock of furniture quickly and have PRICED EVERYTHING WITH THAT PARAMOUNT THOUGHT IN MIND. Shop our store loaded with real down to earth values. Credit terms easily arranged, or a small depos it will hold your selection. IBS? 033X0 for? rrrrnil fiftnrn ffflffl) ffilftffi crfft to ffa tfh Maintenance Superintendent ' at Coquille. He will be responsible for the planning and supervision of all maintenance of highways and bridges in the district from the California border to Reedsport and to Camas Valley on the east. D. J. Sage, District Mainten ance Superintendent at Coquille since 1936 is transferring to the Eugene District to replace A. J. Ford, who is transferred to the position of a Resident Engineer in that area. Wilfred E. Cole, 2274 Hazel Avenue, Salem, is being promoted from Draftsman to Designer in the main Road Design Section in Salem. , Cole started as a chairman with the Highway Department in 1946 and has previously held the po sitions of Computer, Draftsman, and Senior Draftsman. 400 Agriculture 408 Pets DALMATIAN female, purebreed, for talc, 3415 Williams Ave. DOBERMANN Plnjcher Pups fol sale. Mala 20. Female I0. 4195 N niver no. rn. z-iuy. PARAKEETS, Cages, lupplies. Bird Paradise, 3180 Livingston 2-1842. HOLLYWOOD AQUARIUM. 1958 Mo! Coy, 1 block east of N Capitol. 11', hlocks north of Msrtlson Ph 2-6897. PARAKEETS Babies raised In our home. $7.50, all colors. Mrs. Pow er. 735 BeHevue. Ph. 4-1597. BOXER female. Moore's tropical fish ' equipment. Parakeets, pels. Mac leay Rd. 4-3773. Closed Wed. CANARIES Orange At aprlcoi strain. Phone 3-4385. 1340 Chemek eta. 410 Seeds and Plants Two Hours Given For Court Argument Chief Justice Earl C. Latourette has restricted attorneys in the re apportionment case to two hours argument when the supreme court holds a hearing on the appeal of Rep. David Baum of LaGrande, February 24. Attorneys for Baum were given one hour to present arguments while the state, represented in this case by Attorney General Robert Y. Thornton and Secretary of State Earl T. Newbry, were given 45 minutes. The remaining 15 minutes will be taken up by at torneys tor a number of interven ers in the case who joined with Uie state in defending the act. The state has until February sn to file an answer to briefs already filed by Baum. The suit was ap pealed from a decision upholding the constitutionality of the act by v-ircuii juuge uex iummell of Marion county. LEGALS NORTHWESTERN strawberry certl- mountain grown plants, we are shipping daily. Write Harry Tee. Gen. Del., Falls City, Oregon. ROTTED MANURE by yard or sack. YEAR OLD currant bushes, rea sonable. Rt. 5, Box 29. Ph. 4-5780. JOHN DEERE D. on rubber. JD 3-18 plow; 10 ft. disc: 10 ft. flex harrow; 2 row corn planter: mow er, rake: manure spreader; 75 grain sacks. Miller, Ht. I, Box 75. Salem. Ph. 4-2675. 450 Merchandise 455 Hsehold Goods For Sain COMPLETE household furniture for sale, J71B La Branch (4-Cornersl. ,J""E TO CREDITORS NOTICE IS HF.R1PH.V r.ivru .. JOSEPH W. HlITPWIRrtN I,,. I uy oruer or me circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of Marion, Probate Department, ap pointed Administrator of the Estate of ROBERT SNEYD RENFREW. De- ceaieo. Any persons having claims against said estate are requested to present them, with nron.r vouch... to said administrator at 310 Pioneer Trust Building, Salem. Oregon, with in six months from the date of this notice. Dated this 26th day of January, JOSEPH W. HUTCHISON Administrator for the Estate of noneri sneya Kontrew. Deceased nnuifin, hmuten & SPEEHSTRA, Pioneer Trust Building. Salem. Oregon, 1 Attorneys for Administrator. J.2B.F.4.1U8.25 412 Fruit and Farm Produce FERTILIZER Rotted manure, weed free. 2-0774 414 Farm Equipment FOR SALE or trade, 22'i' "Deep freeze." Summer Street .Grocery, 1305 N. Summer. HIDE-ABED, reasonable. May be seen at 764 Mill after 9 p.m. Ph. 4-5938. 14 CU. FT. Deepfreeze, Coolerator. 2430 Lansing Ave. Ph. 3-9441. 456 Wanted, Hsehold Goods WE PAY top cash price for good usea jurnmire. enonances, etc. Im mediate service. Used MercHndi-e Mart. 270 S, Liberty. Ph. 4-6371. CASH for good used furniture. Phone 3-3941. Used Furniture Valley Furniture Co. 2-7472 CASH for furniture, one piece or houselul. Lamberts. 2-78J2. Wall l'UUA Gooo useo furniture or wlU sell on consignment Pn 3-6U9B SudleUs AucUw. 458 Building Materials ADS IN THIS COLUMN RECEIVED . . . Too Late To Classify. CUSTOM plowing and discing. Fer guson tractor. 2 bottom plow. Ph. 2-6120 or 2-4785. Hi" powerful drom' o f M M f I A.M. ond All item. L If) I f 1 " continue, daily 9 00 .Ubiec t. prior ..I.. U LU ) VSV XX ' " ' " " .red, tern,, fre. KJjJlJ SIAMKSR Mud ler-vlce. Son of Knighta English import. Proven. Sllent klttpn.i noon. 2 -Ofi.lfl. MATED pair SLimcse. t And I'i yn. rrm.iif nrrn. aon ana Kr.tnntlnuRh ter of double Champion Knighti mcr ripper. a-ut,.m. SMOOTH fox trrrirr feiiwYf7T:ia"or trade for typewriter or your terrier pup. 2-0A.18. 300 I'rrsoiial 312 Lost and Found LOST: Orange and white Persian kit ten. 720 Waldo. Ph. 3-9707. 316 Personal Play Popular Piano Call Salem Music Co. 2-70, or Sarchers In Albany. 332. ALCOHOLICS Anonymous group No. 1. 2066 N. Com'!. 3-4537 . 4-3i4, SAFE, permanent removal of un sir.litly facial hairs Erich of N Y. 400 Agriculliirp 402 Livestock For Sale FAMILY milk cow, Jersey; 100-gal. rubber stork tank: 5 Ral. milk enn: 2 milk palls; 1 rail pall; rhurn: separator on table: calf quaVd: halter and chain. Millet, Ht. 5. Box 75, Salem. Ph. 4-2675. AImj ALFALFA HAY and clover. barley straw. Ph. 2-78,15. FOH SALE or trade, horses and saddles. Ph. 2-02'Jl. 3376 Sllverton 1U. LOCKEK H KEF Eastern Oregon, ij or whole, 2.1c, iront ouartpr 20c. Custom killing. Trailer loaned free. Salem Meat Co., 1325 S. 25th. Phone 3-4H56. 403 Livestock Wanted LIVESTOCK buvei 1 buy rattle, hnr.M's. hous, sheen, gual. hoars, veal Emery Alderman. Phone 2-ili9nr2-006. CATTLE HUYEHS. E I. and II. Sue then. 42!i7 Slate. 2-1315 or 2-4360. CATTLE, horses, at your farm. E. C. MeCandllsrvjm .2:jth.Ph JI-8147. LIVESTOCK buyer, A. F. Kommer. 12iia Harmony Dr. Ph. 4-2(117. BARGAIN sale. No. 4 surlaced lum ber. 2x4, 2x6. 2x10, 2x12. Random length. Eve ph. Stay ton 2707. Gold, en Cycle Lbr. Co.. Lyons. Ore. ALL NEW lumber, shtplap, .30.00 per ' i m aim up, zxs ana larger aa.uo per I M and up. Some lumber .15.00 per I M delivered. Phone 2-2042. LOTSA PLYWOOD INT. or Ext. Any SIzel Some plv-wund-make us an offer! Hundreds of doors your choicel 6.95 up. Sdgs 59.50 up. Hardboard 1.75 4x8. Clg tile. Roofing, Sprcd Satin paint. 1x6 . TAG Cedar 5II5UM. Plywood pes. low as 3c on t.. ta 4x8 Ugh 10c ft. Oak Fig In healed room. Good 1x4 Fig, 98.50. 36 mas. to pay no down navment. See us on remodeling needs fasl incnaiy srrvicci Open all day Sat. Portland Road Lumber Yard 3545 Portland Bd. Ph. 4-44.7.1 REMODEL NOW Free Home Planning Service. I-et u nnp you plan your new kitchen with Wards beautiful wood cabinet! We also Install pt.istle tile, mfcarta ar;innoards. roofing, eavest roughs and tiding. For your free estimate cull .l-rtlitl, Montgomery Ward St Co.. tMi North Liberty. Garage On your lot to your i pec iftcat font. 36 mo. to pay. Free estimates. Bork man Lbr. and Hdw. Co. Ph. 3-3701. 2fi0 Stale. PLUMBING Toilet ..124.90 Shower Cabinet $.'W.SO Wj.h n..sin 115 00 4-tn. cast Iron soil pipe, per ft. 69c Wjiicr heafrrn, bath tubs, iittincs St colored set at tremendous savings. CAPITAL BARGAIN HOUSF 145 CENTKR SALEM 404 Poultry and Rabbits FOR SA!.K-H;ihi)it. hutchei & hay. fall 4;(ti(i4 evening. BABY CHICKS- 'f Inched year round with these Fpennl.i, N IL pullet l.c. Pai Red roaster Tic. Older now for choice of breed. Special New Hamp. pullets. We. Valley Farm .StnrcS.ilnn. 4-4K24. WIN(; needs rabb.ta7".Wfl5 .state Phone 4-:tyB. BABY "-CHICKS H Mclie d y e r round. Order now for choice if brncds. Special New Hamp pullets, lite. Valley Farm Store Salem. 408 Pets TINY toy Ma nolie iter, puiebrccd for ; ;H I SJVilllan. Ave. j COCKER Roden'Vd-AKC."Mso"coU I He. whUeAKC, at tud. Ph. 2-1248. I DOBKR M AN PI NSCH KR6y f7 old. ! female. 4-3124. HONEY col male Peke. 1 yr. 3 mo. ! Out of show tock Innocttl.ited. 1.15.00. Call Jiflrr 4 30 p.m. 2-1301. nKf.ISTERFD pure.bred "rta7nhunrt I pnppie. Rrd male. $;i5. Ph. 4-2B2. New fir door iamb 12 50 Oak flooring low price New bain tun complete ..$5& 50 Used bath tub complete WMW...(25.00 ITsed cast washbasin J7.50 Hdwd plywd.. Ideal for paneling or cabinets Chean Loupe Insulation per bag nn Fiberglass roll blanket insul. -.Che.ip 14-z elec. wiring , 3'jC 2-2 elec. wiring Sr N.Tib $(173 & $8.95 ken Asbestos siding ner o sn no Painted shakes wllh under) .-$10 so New doors, all size .$5 50 Used window 36" x 43" $2 50 mo used doors with frame New toilets with Fonts $24.50 Double kitchen Finks, complete (41 50 42 yai elec. water heaters ..... $f8 50 Laundry tr.-vs. pipe, basin ...Bargain 500 gill slecl septic tank $62 50 4' cast Iron soil pipe .- .., 4 solid oinngrburg pipe 38c Roll lonfing, large Nupply 2 45 J Lib comp roofing $7 55 shingles. 4 grades Cheap New C.ilv lion roof .... Cheap Plywood, new carload ...... Bargains New picture window $8 00 New weather stripped windows $14 20 C'rdar fence posts Cheap New plaster board 4x8 $1 40 Steel garage door, complete. $14 00 Over-head rarafte hardware $13 95 Kiti'hen, hatji rm. enameled checked wall cover .. . lOc q. ft. C. G. LONG & SONS PhL4..'j03l I ml N of Krlrrr ALDER PANELING COAST RANGE TIMBER PRODUCTS CO. WKST SAl.KM PH. -489S 462 Sportg Equipment WANTED Good ustd rowboan around 14 ft. Cascade Alrwavs, 193 W. VW, Lrhanon. Phone 228). CASM paid for used guns, modem and antique. Cascade Merc. 1230 Broadway,