leceraiis ' Ponder IHIoiu to Stop (Pacific's ee and Hubert I Aces Rank ASSOCIATED PRESS UNITED PRESS fage 10 Salem, Orejjon, Thursday, February 11, 1954 Swede Leads ND Scoring, Percentage, Rebounding LOS ANGELES, February 11 Wade Halbrook, Oregon Slate's giant sophomore center, domi- . natcd the Northern Division bas ketball statistics released today i by the Pacific Coast Conference commissioner's office. His performance through Feb ruary 6 placed him atop the field in total scoring, field goal (hooting percentage and re bounds. Barney Holland, Ore gon guard, war the only play er to break Halbrook's mono poly, as he maintained his leader 's ship in free throw shooting. Swede Hits 50 Pet. Halbrook has a game scoring average of 23.3, having scored BO field goals and 73 free throws for 233 points in his first 10 outings. Trailing are Hon Ben nink, Washington State, 17.9; Pcan Parsons, Washington, 14.3; Dwight Morrison, Idaho, 14.2, and Ed Halberg, Oregon, 13.2. Halbrook is shooting an even 50 from the floor with 80 field goals in 160 tries. Next in line are two Oregon men, Halberg, 48, and Max Anderson, 45.5. In the rebound department, Hal brook has 11.7 per game, to 10.9 for Parsons and 9.8 for Morrison. Holland has dropped 28 of 33 free throw attempts for a mark of 84.9 and the lead over Jay Dean, Oregon State, 79, and Harlan Melton, Idaho, 78.3 Oregon State by the smallest pos sible margin, 38 to 37.9. The Ducks have scored 222 field goals in 585 tries. Idaho leads in free throw shooting with 64 on 184 points in 303 attempts. Oregon State has the best re bounding ga.ne with 344 to their opponents 300, and Idaho the best scoring average, 63.6. OSC Defense Best Defensively the Beavers also are top-ranked, allowing foes but 53.1 points per game. Oregon has held opponents to the lowest shooting mark, 31.7. Washington journeys to Ore gon State for a 2-game scries this weekend, while Oregon meets Idaho at Moscow the same evenings. Toll! Scorlnf OFOFTPPTPAf. Wade Hllbriiok. OB 10 SO 7 31 333 33. .1 non Brnnlnlc, WB Dean Parsons, W D. Morrison, I Ed llalbers. O BUI Render, ws Harlan IMeton. I Max Anderson, O Barney Holland, O Bob uarrlson, 1 Karl Voegllln, W Torn Flynn. I Ken Weirner, I T. VUstellcn. oa Don Trlpii. w Doyle Perkins, W Jerty Ross. O 10 10 61 25 170 111 I 31 53 23 114 14.3 10 40 44 37 142 14.3 10 4 40 30 132 13.2 10 30 51 33 129 13 0 10 44 30 32 124 12 4 10 35 40 30 110 11.0 ID 44 28 31 110 lit 10 40 20 20 100 10.0 0 30 24 22 04 10.5 10 30 21 17 07 0.7 10 30 23 34 05 0.5 0 35 10 11 00 0 0 8 20 10 20 71 8 0 15 12 8 42 S.I 8 10 17 12 55 0 0 10 25 14 22 04 0 4 High With Hoop Eyes Coach John Lewis agreed to day there is trouble in the air when Pacific university's two scoring aces shoot the ball, That problem will become a reality here Friday night when the Badgers dip deeper into the Northwest conference schedule to play the first-place Willam ette quintet. Saturday night they will swap sites. Agee, the 6-6 center who climb ed among the conference scorers with his 41 points in a Linfield game, is half of the threatening combination. Norm Hubert, lead ing the circuit in total points, is the other. Agee is averaging 14.5 in ninie games and Hubert 17.7. Lewis, whose best tactics against opposing stars have been to outscore them, indicated he would start his usual, lineup of Captain Dick Hoy and Pete Reed at forwards; Tom Gooding at the post and Duane Shield and Jerry McCallistcr at the guards. Hoy, Reed, Gooding and Mc Callistcr all are averaging 12 points or better. Friday night's mix will be at 8 o'clock after the 6:10 prelimi nary matching the freshman squads. Jerry Frei is Willamette frosh coach. . . Bob Swanson, WS Reitle Halllitan, OS 0 20 14 25 54 0 0 Tex Wnltentan. OB 10 21 11 II S3 S3 Bob Klork, Wfl 10 10 IS 18 51 0.1 Jim Corhow, W 1 13 10 35 8.0 Bob Hawes, O 0 17 0 17 43 4.0 ill icam MiuiiuiK, iii'Kim jean;. Bob Falaah. 1 10 13 21 20 47 4.7 Pehanick Paces Region, To Take Two Weeks Off By JACK HEWINS Associated Press Sports Writer The Big Chief ambled easily along at the head of the Northwest collegiate scoring stampede this week but now Joe Pehanick will have to sit in the tepee and watch his lead evaporate as Seatllo U. takes a two-week vacation from basketball. , Long Joe ran his tally total to 810 points by the close of last week's action. The 17 he added Tuesday against Pugct Sound ren t included in this tabulation, but his 510 points put him 40 points ahead of the man most likely to pass him by cloud scraping Wade J Halbrook or Oregon Male. Three newcomers hopped into the limelight clamoring for atten tion this week. Eastern Oregon College, victor in J2 of its first 15 games, tossed the totals of Ted Shadcwitz and Larry Pryse into the hopper and Ted's 340 poinds placed him ninth in The Associated Tress ratings. Pacific II. offered Norm Hubert, whose 327 tied him for 11th with Stan Cilowaski of Se attle U. Don Porter ot Portland Stale moved up to third place with 409 points and topped the entire field shooting a par of 24.1 for his 17 , 'ou"l,al . r"ae of flball and games. Shadcwitz. Pryse and Hu- scball and virc-pnnripal at bert aU rated high on scoring av-1 T'W'I l'on High schon as erages. the first with 22 7 and J11 at Albany both the others hitting more thani1"1"" "'fin "'"''' announ 1K points per tussle. Halbrook was ,'' .Superintendent John Cox right behind Porter with 23 5. of the Albany school. It look a total of 329 poinds to. The choice was authorized, earn a berth in the top ten. Follow- 'Superintendent Cox said, by the ing Porter were .Irrry Vermillion Vnion High school district No. 8 ot Gnmaga, Hon Bennink of Wash- board of directors. Cibbs was ingtnn Stale and Jackie Mav nt chosen from a list of more than SI Martin s. Idle last week. It. C. 30 applicants. Owens of College of Idaho fell to (iibhs will succeed Stan Czech Frvi'nill. I UIIMHC'IIUS U'r i"l' I'M .v.-. ....... ... ... v...,,. miv i cre Dick hdwarcls oi r.asiern iriiuii;ii in uic m;in union Washington, Shadewitz and Phil Jordan of Withworlh. The scoring leaders (based on games through Feb. D: G FG FT TP Pehanick, SU 24 186 138 510 Halbrook. OSC 20 161 148 470 Porter, For St 17 151 107 409 Vermillion, Con. 18 1.15 128 398 Bennink, WSC 21 138 112 388 May, St. Mart 20 148 81 377 Owens, Col Ida 17 136 92 364 Kdwards, EWC 19 123 106 332 Shadcwilc. EOC 15 128 84 340 Jordan, Whlwrth 17 117 95 329 Others with more than 370 points: Norm Hubert. Pacific. 327 atan Uiowaski, Seattle u.. 327; ! Dave Sanford, Linfield, 310; Larry i-rysc, f.nsiern uregon, 306; Dean Parsons, Washington, 292; Ed Hal berg, Oregon, 206; Leon Kccfc, Southern Oregon, 285; Bob Frantz, Oregon College of Education, 284; Cal Bauer, Seattle u.. 276: Nick Trutnnich, Portland II., 273. Albany Selects Wallace E. Gibbs As Head Coach ALBANY Selection of Wal lace F.ugcnc Gibbs, now head Sherwood Tops Amity, 58-54 In Odd Contest SHERWOOD Two unusual incidents occurred here Wednes day night as Sherwood defeated Amity high school, 58-54, in a Yawama league makeup game. Amity, with only four players regaining after four boys had fouled out, was permitted to finish the lasb.2Mi minutes with t fifth player who had five per sonals on him. He was Glen Stevens, wiiu left in the fourth quarter. Coach Ray Stephens had ask ed for a delay to suit up a junior varsity player but the referees suggested returning one of the foulcd-out Wariors. The Sher wood coach agreed. Sherwood went into the last quarter lead ing 47-37. The other incident was an ac cidental basket for Sherwood, scored by Amity's Ray Tozer, when he went up for a rebound in the second quarter. The buc ket had no eventual bearing on the results, however. Quartertime scores were 16 10 for Amity, 30-22 for Sher wood and 47-37. High for Sher wood was Bill Sheppard, who Throws Sales Pilch Now Johnny Pesky (center) of Detroit Tigers has a hunt ing shoe fitted by former major-leaguer Walt Masterson (right). Looking on is Walt Drupo, also of the Tigers. Masterson, who pitched for Washington and Boston, is now in the shoe business and has a booth at the Sportsmen's Show in Boston. (I'P Tele-photo) Basketfoll Scores S(irrerj Heart WillS Sixth Overtime, Beats Sublimity iTn the overtime, a series fl I jumps led to a foul on Bentz, a putting him out of the game. Matt COLLEGE BASKETBALL (Wednesday's Results) FAR WEST Santa Clara 72, Hawaii 55 Portland State 74, Oregon Educa tion 63 EAST Duquesne 86, Carnegie Tech 40 Princeton 66, Columbia 47 Penn 78, Syracuse 74 Yale 84, Dartmouth 74 Fordham 69. Rutgers 58 LaSalle 82, lona 69 St. Francis (Bknl 71, Temple 62 Army 91. St. Michaels (Vt) 64 Boston Univ 50, Tufts 45 Villanova 74, St. Peters (NJ) 70 Lafayette 89, Bucknell 77 SOUTH Navy 110, Georgetown (DC) 75 Louisville 94, New Orleans Loyla 77' Morehead (KY) 101, Eastern Ken tucky 88 West Virginia 84, Wavnesburg 64 MIDWEST Oklahoma A&M 59, St. Louis 53 Dayton 80, Miami tOhio) 69 Youngstown 78, Slippery Rock 46 Woosler 76, Akron 57 Western Reserve 70, Kent 66 Cincinnati 81, Xavier (Ohiol 76 Ohio Univ 90, Muskingum 50 South Dakota 64, Morningside 62 Omaha 71, Simpson 56 SOUTHWEST Texas Western 62, Midwestern 60 (overtime) PRO BASKETBALL Wednesday's Results New York 73, Fort Wayne 69 Boston 94, Syracuse 79 Philadelphia 97, Baltimore 79 Rochester 62, Milwaukee 61 STANDINGS W ...7 ...0 Sacred Heart Biaylon Central Cascade ,, Salem Academy 1 Philomath 1 OAMIS THIS millAT Salem Academy at Sacred .Heart -stayton at Philomath Cascade at Central By DON WICIIMW 3!nnhnrl in a single shot from lithe free line and the game end lied 47-46 for the Cards. High scorer for the suDiimiiy squad were Bentz, who pushed in 21, and Lcis and Frank, each with five. Top man for Sacred Heart uas Mnriartv who sank 17, Jo- The Sacred Heart Cardinals j seph followed with B, ana .Man edged out the sublimity saints and staao eacn mi seven. by one point in an overtime duel at the Salem Armory last night to credit themselves to a 15-4 win loss record for the season. This is the sixth overtime mix for SUA this season, they haven's lost one yet. The first quarter was a shot for shot affair ending 16-15 for the Saints but the Cards took the lead at halftime 27-22 and at the end of the third period 39-36. The fourth stanza was a free for all battle ending in a 46-46 tie. Sublimity took the JV en counter 53-38. The Cards play Salem Bible Academy at the Armory on Friday. Sacred Heart 4i ! Sublimity Morlarty.f S 7 3 l7Parrlsh, J 0 3 4 Borsbrry.I 0 10 1 Bentr.I 11 111 Staao. c 3 1 3 7 Le-I.c 3 12 5 Flarlwd.t 2 2 2 OBell.i 2 0 14 Matt. I 2 S 2 7Sulllvn.f 2 0 3 4 Jo.-cph.f 4 1 0 t Rlsster.1 0 0 10 Frank.c 2 118 Kinu.a 0 12 1 Welter, t 10 13 TolalJ 16 15 III 47 Totals 20 18 40 Officials: Ireland and Bales. Kentucky Leads Offense, Duquesne 2nd in Defense NEW YORK UP The country's- two remaining major-college ui beaten basketball teams Ken tucky and Duquesne are setting their sights on a pair of statistical titles and a couple of winning streak records as well as on the mythical national championship. With 402 points in its last four games, Kentucky has pulled away as the offense leader in the NCAA Service Bureau standings in games through Tuesday, an average of 88.9 games a game to 86.3 for second-place Furman. Duquesne, meanwhile, is closing in on perennial defense leader Oklahoma A&M. The Aggies have allowed 51 points a game, Du-I quesne 51.1. And as for winning streaks. Du OCE Loses Game and On Protest PORTLAND m Orecon Col- lege of Education failed to win on the basketball floor :n the con- ference room here Wednesday. The basketball floor loss was by a 74-63 margin to Portland Stale with the victors' center, Don For- icr, scoring 32 points. No score was announced nfinr quesne had 18 and Kentucky 17 ! the conference room session, where through Tuesday Willi once beaten OCE was protcstinc that Pnrtlanrt Seattle University also a factor in i State won a 54-52 game last week this department. After losing its on,y Because oflicials allowed Port- opener, Seattle has piled up 24 vie- ,and slate to score a basket after lories in a row. ''me had expired. The record for most consecutive I Enough was said, however, nflpr hit eight in each of the first and victories in one season is 27. set f'e session, to make it clear Hint second periods. For Amity, Mel by Seton Hall last year. To beatCE had not won its point. OCE Storey Dinner Celebrity List Grows Longer Leppin was high with 12. Amity (54) (58) Sherwood Lenhardt 19) ...... r I Hi. Marlin Stephens (11) ..... F. (201 Shpphrrd r.nRelland IS) ..... c (4) Krurger Complon (2) G (21 Murdnrk Leppin 1121 . . ..G.... Ilfll Schneidrr Itf.srrves urnrlnK: Amity lozlrr fli. G. Stcve-ns tfil. Sherwood Kd trom (101. Officials: Klsenhach and Mi'Mrilan. y.mltv IS 22 37 54 Sherwood lfl .10 47 M The list of celebrities is grow ing who will attend the Welcome Harvey Storey banquet Wednes day, Feb. 17, at the Marion hotel. Hugh Luby, general manager of the Salem Senators, said Wednes day that Bill Garbarino, Portland Beaver general manager and L. H. Gregory, Portland Oregonian was announced earlier that Bob Abel, WIL president of Tacoma, will be here for the dinner, pro gram and dance. Bob Blackburn, ! fur military service. Roy, (jCottre to Battle Tonight in Portland SILVERTON His training com- pleted, Harold Kottre will put on ; his handwrapping and gloves to-! night in the 10-round main event ; . the Portland armory against Dave Roy, a Canadian Army cor poral. Kottre's manager. Carl Budeau, said today the Silverton light heavyweight feels "in the pink" afler his tapering off drills Tues day and Wednesday and hopes to end his civilian days with another victory. Kottre expects to weigh in today at about 172 pounds. Both fighters will be going into the ring "cold," not having seen each other box before. Roy, 22, has a good record against front line Canadian heavyweights. He weighs about 178. Kottre, who received a 10-day induction postponement so lie could have this National Boxing club bout, will leave next week District A.A.U. Hoop Tourney Opens Tonight The District 6 AAU basketball tournament will have its curtain raiser tonight at 7 o'clock at the Leslie gym when Marion Motors plays Mill City Townies. The second game tonight will find the Aumsvillc Firemen play ing the YMCA current Salem City league leaders, at 8:30. Vern Gilmorc, district commis sfoner, said that the single elimi nation competition will finish Feb. 18 at 7:30 p.m. at the Leslie gym and the champion will be eligible for the state tourney at llermiston Feb. 26. Marion Motors Ties for Lead Beaver sportscaster, will be here Bill Bishop, a professional ma gician who has appeared in the aters and on television, will put on a show and Eddie Basinsky, for seven years a Portland Beaver infielder, will play the violin. Bi shop is a former Salem resident. Tickets still are on sale at Wick lund's sporting goods store or from Luby or Bob Ashby, club promotional director. Dining fa cilities limit the sales to 250. Storey, recently named new player-manager for Salem, lives Portland Beaver player and last year managed Vancouver in the WIL. Also on the 8:30 card will be Gene Meeker, Estacada, vs John ny Go, Eugene, four rounds; Harry G r c b , Seattle, vs Brave Junior, Portland, four rounds: Kcl Wayne, Portland, vs Charlie Clem, Seattle, four rounds: and W. C. Cage. Portland, vs Freddie Miller, Seattle, six. Boxer Indicted On Dope Charge Marion Motors moved into a tie fur lirst place with the Y.MCA in the Salem Citv Baskethnll league last night by defeating ; (to Tulane's 73.3 per cent). the Naval Reserve, "3-25. Other results: Aumsvillc Fire men 4H, Salem Sophs 34, and St. Paul 62, Marine Reserve, 35. Last night's box scores: Salem Soph (34) (18) Aurmvlllr F II. Weaver 131 . . K (91 I.. D.ilke A ll n lOl V I ll i Ho-sel .irllon iSl . c . I4i Killlnaer ,J Hai'kstrnnd 131 . ; 4i I). Il.ilke ,.1 Prttlcrson (til G .. I4 Rti!.rty Mr-serve sronnR Salem Soph Svunit ifil, Mlrhaelts (7), Kosen 4 thai, Seattle will have to get a reserved (he right to file a written tournament invitation, since its i Protest Thursday. If that is done, j regular schedule calls for only two i 'he other two conference members, i r 1 1 n more games. Oregon Tech and Eastern Oregon, i IO 110 S uOWiDCrl In scoring, Kentucky holds two w".' De callc(J V.Pn 10 hsten to the ; other distinctions along with the!"1" an( ,ncn volc ln an at offense lead. The Wildcats have : ,cn,pt to scltlc tne lsslt- OCfc (S3) (74) I'OIIT. ST. Kftpf Ip it pdp Grove.f Jim Slewrl.f S S 2 17 C'htunh.f 2 J .1 7 Bt-own.f 4 2 5 10 France 5 S 2 15 Porlr.c 1.1 s .132 Pinion. k 2 4 18 Hnnonu 0 5 4 S Davu.s 2 0 14 Perkns.K 3 ( III Harris. f 0 0 3 0 Parker. t 0 0 0 0 MKnzc.C 3 12 7 Gieen.f 0 0 2 0 Hwmn.c 0 0 10 Mrtesn.p 0 0 10 Wilson. I! 2 0 2 4 Fouehl.u 0 0 4 Kentucky Picks Collier as Coach LEXINGTON. Ky. (A Native son Blanton Collier, Kentucky's new head football coach, was i hailed Thursday as the "right choice" to keep the wildcat foot ball mac.ine rolling in high gear. Collier was hired for three years at $12,000 a year and $2,000 ex penses Wednesday to step into the big shoes vacated when Paul Bry ant resigned last week to become coach antl athletic director at Texas A&M. With the signing of Collier. 13 an average margin of 27.7 points a game over their opponents, and arc the only team with four 100- point performances to their credit. Duquesne has the second biggest "spread", 21.6. George Washington continues to have the best marksmanship, mak ing 43.5 per cent of its field goal : .""n " 5 1 ' 1 Andrsn.g o o 1 o tries Uo .Niagara's 43 6 per cent ) g J. J and 73.5 per cent of its free throws ! Total is 25 21 m Total an 22 27 74 rree inrows misseri: OCF. IB. Port r.i w iiannme score: Port. St To Host Salem DALLAS The Beaver Bow men of Dallas have invited Sa lem archers to attend their an nual Valentine day shoot next Sunday. Th shoot, to be conducted rain or shine, will be in free-style and instinctive divisions with prizes to be given in each class. Registration will be from 10 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. Coffee and cupcakes will be served. LOS ANGELES lfl Welter weight boxer Oscar Reyes, 23, was one of 26 persons indicted Wednes- Ki. ll. nn..i.. 1 .- n irX, P"SS,'SS'nn f ilvc now filled head football coach 'Reyes' was to have boxed Ramon ' vacancies since lliced of the , 1333 Tiscareno at Olympic Auditorium 1 can- ,nly Idah 15 swk,n,: a on Tuesday night but the bout was hpad menj cancelled after he and the other 1 suspects were rounded up and ar-! - T- WRESTLERS WIN rested last weekend. PORTLAND Oregon Tech Reyes was charged on two , won six matches lo three to score counts of selling narcotics last Jan. ja 31-11 wrestling victory over the 23 and Feb. 4. Bail was set at Multnomah Athletic Club here $10,000. I Wednesday night. I OCE 2:1. men scnool. i Aumwlle-D. D.ilke i(i. n Strawn 1 Alhanv'i new football coach ' Hu.en i:i. Hilftmie sn.re was graduated in 1050 from Ore gun State college where he was a lour year Icltcrm.in anil where he played basketball on the var sity two years, lie is lorincrlv of Hood River where he played lout ball, three years, basketball four Gym Bleachers Still Unshipped For Dallas High DALLAS ' Where II we sit V will be asked by throngs of has- ye:lrs am baseball four vears. joiui-eik j,. .Manors M ketball enthusiasts it certain (;ji,h, wj mmr m, (;)lnjv bleachers do not put in their ap- 0 Albany this spring, pearance before Feb. 26, the open- ing date for the district II tourna ment scheduled to be placd in the ' new school gymnasium. Seems that the bleachers were ordered long time ago by the Dallas school board Iron) a con-, cern in Wayne. Pa , in suflicicnt Grace Smith Is 1st Round Loser At Palm Beach Pickens Gets Grid Mention TIDE TABLE Tides for TM. Oresnn l-'ehraarr. 1MI trumpllei! br V. 5. Coast A nesderla Surfer, rorlland, Ore.) II . SIS am. 7 1 8 42 n m 12 7 11 a m. 7 II 11 PALM REACH. Fla. if Cookie '. OKLAHOMA CITY (I'P) - Hal Swift and Vonnie Colby, who are ', Duffy. Central Catholic center, was ' adept at working together as a named to a third-team position on team, faced each other Thursday the seventh annual All-America in the Palm Beach Women's Ama- high school football team annnunc leur Golf Tournament. ed yesterday by the Wigwam Wise- Cookie, 23, from Great Neck. L. men of America. I . and Vonnie. 21. from llollv- Also given honorable mention wood, Fla., won the women's In- were 22(H) others, including Center Erautt to Wear Rainier Uniform AunvMlt- It. S..lrm Soph 12. Offi- i-t.iU: SUnchik and Haw litis. Nl Krrrrf (H) (71) Marlon Mtr Hirmriri il K (I'1. Mct'.ilh-Or Hur'lw.hirnirr 2i F ll.ivrtnli'k ,'iV!" ' ; .. iiii .i"sM.',n'l',r"lional Amateur four-hall tour-: Tom Pickens of Salem. Ore.: Quar winex.ii mi ti i?i ii.niMey j nacnt at Hollywood Sundav as a lerback Jack llenkel of Eugene; lle.,.ives senium: N.sval lteverve ,.:im. hut in Thlirilav m.ili li il 1111(1 Em l.ltni ('oli'ni.in of i"nrviilli i h incla i .. . , Miller 111. IMIton 1 4 . H.illtiiue ' " u: ' "v " Kin n.i miMll. More; Marion Motors 3,. Na.il He- i ,jss Swift defeated F.lialicth serve 14. Oln.ial.: Slanehlk ami An- ! RMj,r , Krt l.11U(U.r(;,,,. K,., 4 Marine Hesrrve ( l.M (!) si Piiil.anil 3 Wednesday, and Miss Cnlhv llooshtrv i'i r i?i II Soi'lli rl,nalnH !r Kroiln Volnn 7 11 a.m. 9 S.S p m. 57 a m. IS 51 n m. B'.io a rn. 11 .14 pm. 10 28 a m. 12 10 a m. 11:14 a m. 12 41 a re.. 11 58 a m. I 07 a m. Il ll n m. I 14 a m. 1 II pm 2 on a m. 1 8 p m. 2 27 a m. I!l p.m. 4 8 J S ss t S7 p m. 0 4 17 M a m. 3 4 .1 08 p m. fl 1 2 18 a m. ) i 4 04 p m 0.2 num. 3 1 4 VI p.m. V 3 4 10 a m. .1 O 5 .16 p m. 0 .1 S 20 a.m. 3 7 5 11 p.m. O 1 08 a m. 2 4 8 46 p.m. 0 1 6 48 a m. 3 1 7 IS P m. 0 5 7:28 I m. IS 7:44 p.m. OH 8 08 am. 17 8 10 p m. 1.3 III im, IS S 38 p m. 1.7 i1ev 1 1 .' I . X'lmwall il .tones i4" IMvoitoi Spnriel ill It Kuk i Si T. Smith n SEATTLE Jf Joe Erautt. lllC . '''"'(' norms: Marine Reirrvr- "hnllrr guy" ol Seattle's 1!).'.2 Pa-1 ,, 'n'Z t, t..,.i a s , ,n f i f si' Co.iut l.e:ii'ne rh.'imntonchm i n k',,1. ill, II ,liiin, ,.nr si n.,,1 numner io seal nwu persons. 10 ),iobnll tenni will wear a Maimer Marine Reserve is. otfieiais: date they have not arrived nor uniform again this season. ' Alu1r""" have tliey neon heard from. Ship-1 Omcral Manager Dewev Sori- mrnt was supposed lo have been;no said Wednesday he is sending1 made January 18. but Ceorge .wonil string catcher Claude! hurre, menuier ol the school board, slates that no inlormation as to their whereabouts has been received. FANFARE Fidhts Last Niqht IhriMic and some cash-to Sac- llv THE ASSOCIATED PltESS ramenln in exchange for Eiaull. CIIICA(il) Jed Black. 144. Erautt will be a relict catcher , .lanesvillc. Wis , ami Chico Vejar, for lirst stnng Hoy Oitcig. uv. Slamloiil, Conn . drew, til. By WALT DITZEN I New Castle, Pa , .1 and 1 (".rare DeMnss Smith, winner ol the recent Helen I.ce Dnhcrty Am ateur in Miami, was ousted .1 and 1 in first round play by Carol (ial lagher of West Palm Reach. Med-; nlist Carol Diringer of Tiffin. Ohio. : lost 2 and 1 to Mary Ann Downey ; of Baltimore. COLGATE - PALMOLIVE'S rvWt VTuR WICT! .,u V wo out vrxiX & ? ) 7 &'&' 'X-sV . v f N won?,' i - Vejar and Black Battle to Draw CHICACO Ut-lliMikie Jed lil.uk mid veteran I'hico Vejar. a pair ot scrappy welterweights, battled to a III round draw at Chicago Stadium Wednesday night. There were demands (or a re match hut it mav be quite some time before they can tear into each other again. Pvt. Veiar returns to Army duty at Fort Bruiting, da , after being out on a five-day pass. His man ager. Steve Ellis, says he has an other year to serve and any fight plans are indrlimte. lice Knoulcs. pilot of .led Hl.uk ami also of Chuck Pawy who twice defeated Veinr in 1!"2. savs "We would like a rematch -- and in another month or so Hl.uk will knock Vejar out in three rounds." i 'ASTIR! Rapid Shott Inttunt loihr ot your fingertip.) OUT-SHAVES ANY LATHER OR BRUSH LESS CREAM! JUST PREQS ) THE TOP FOR L INSTANT LATHER! SMOOTHER ! ft(ip.d Shavi, iovm fao.No icrnp, no pull, no "ouch"! ' . 7 CltANIR! ftap.d-$havrtav-ttrou No roror (leg. no many basin! AAPD-fUAV SAVES TIME, FACE, TROUBLE NIAIIT 3 MONTHS' SUPPIY - ONIY OPEN 'TIL 9 FRIDAY NIGHT DON'T WAIT! DON'T DELAY! BETTER HURRY UP TO JJOEI'S UPSTAIRS CLOTHES SHOP SELLING OUT SALE IF YOU WANT TO SAVE 33 lo 50 . ON SUPERFINE QUALITY SUITS - TOPCOATS SPORT COATS and SLACKS Stock Is Dwdindling Fast, Everything Must Be Sold Regardless of Loss! Then Joe goes on his annual buying trip and reopens with a brand new stock. Joe never carries goods over from one yeor to another. That's why Joe's stock is always new, fresh, clean and crisp ... in the newest styles, patterns, colors and wcoves in finest quality fabrics. Sale Ends Soon! Buy Now And SAVE 30 TO 50 OPEN FRIDAY NIGHT 'TIL 9 IsAIC Upstairs 442 JUL J Clothes Shop State Above Morris Opticol Co. Next Door to Nohlqren's D ..a . s -i t .1 . . ... iM-'srauranr. look ror ine noshing ' 5ave 510.00 Sign Above the Entrance. J