Paste 18 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, Salem, Oregon Wednesday, February 10, 1954 LEGALS rXKCrtOR FINAL NOTICE NOIICK IS NKHKBY GJVKN that First .National lUnk of Portland (Orfn, Salem H ranch, executor o the esute ot Charles Caflaon, De ceased, has filed ita final account ach and by order oi the Circuit Court o( tn Suit ot Oregon for the County f Mm ton. the 2;ird day of February . ISM, in the forenoon of Mid day hai been fixed at the time uarv N. 154. FIRST NATIONAL RANK OF PORTLAND (OREGON), Salem Branch. Executor of the Estate of Charles E. Carlson. Deceased. R HOT EN, RHOTKN & SPEERSTRA :U0 Pioneer Trust Building Salem, Oregon Attorneys for Executor. J.20.27,r.3,10.n. Canada Cannot Bid on Lumber WASHINGTON Wl - The For eign Operations Administration, reversing an earlier policy, has courtroom oi uid court iia decided against permitting Ct.l.S TJ'll'. Ian mills to bid on 10 million muni and Hit settlement of (aid lir.awf font nf timhof Ilia ltmljwt eil.l. ci-i -i - i 4- i.' ! Dutcd and first published: Jan Rep. Mack (R-Wash) said Tues day. Mack said FOA director Harold Stassen has advised him the agen cy has decided lumber trades Specified in the original bid were too high and new specifications on lower grades are being prepared. He estimated purchase price of the lumber would be around one million dollars. Mack's statement said only American firms will be permitted to submit bids when tbe new calls goes out. fOA s original decision to per mit Canadian mills to bid on the lumber brought protests from Vashingtpn congressmen. They aid the Formosa order would in crease employment in U.S. mi'ls and contended only American in dustry should be used since the United States is financing the FOA program. Mack said he believed Washing ton and Oregon mills would sup ply most of the lumber, under the new specifications, because of their geographical advantage. ADS IN THIS COLUMN RECEIVED . . . Too Late To Classify. 400 Agriculture 410 Seed and Plants NORTHWESTERN strawberry certl fled heavy yielder, strong rooted, mountain grown plants, we are shipping dally, write Harry- Tee, hfii. i-ici., r ana uiy, uregqn. ROTTED MANURE by yard or sack. pn. a-auYz. 3 YEAR OLD currant bushes, rti sonable. Rt. 9, Box 29. Ph. 4-5780, BLUEBERRY plants, 9 years old, 650, reasonable. Ph. 4-3072. 414 Farm Equipment JOHN DEERE D. on1 rubber, JD 3-18 plow; 10 II. disc; 10 (t. flex harrow; 2 row corn planter; mow. er, rake; manure spreader: 73 Bra sacks. Miller, Rt. 9, Box 79, Salem, m. 4-2675. 425 Auction Sales FURNITURE AUCTION tonite at 7 o'clock at LANE SUDTELL'S AUCTION SALES YARD, lo cated 1 miles east of Salem on Silverton road. Ph. 3-6098. 1937 PLYMOUTH sedan with almost new 1948 motor. 550 Glen Creek Dr. Ph. 4-3622. 2 HM. FURN. apt. Inquire Max Food Mkt., 815 S. 12th. Ph. 2-9090. Seed Production Will Be Discussed ALBANY Importance of Ore gon and Linn County as seed producing areas will be discussed by Harold Finnell, seed certifi cation specialist at Oregon State college, who is one of six speakers scheduler" to appear on the pro gram at a meeting for seed grow ers next Monday at the 4-H din ing hall. Finnell also will outline the ecd certification program as it applies to grasses and legumes. Problems which dealers face in processing and marketing seeds will be discussed by James W. the second talk of the day. Other speakers will include soil and seed men from Oregon Male college. The meeting will open at 10 a.m., and will be over by 3 p.m., is was announced by O. E. Mike sell, county extension agent. 1 BR. HOUSE. Clean, close In. Auto matic heat. $37. Water & garbage iaid.Ph.JI-04ll8. 3 BR. HOUSE. Newly decorated. Slilctly modern. Close In. 79. Ph. 3-6408. IT COULDN'T be in a nicer place. This clean, modern 2 B.R. house at 1527 Chemeketa. Just redeco rated, fireplace, oil furnace, wired for electric range. $75, Ph. 4-1335. FURN. apts. North Salem Motel, 2673" Portland Rd. Ph. 2-6088. LIVESTOCK SALE THURR.. FEB. FOURTH 10 A, M. Misc. furniture, produce, farm machinery, trauera, 7-11. ced ar posts. , 1 P. M, Livestock, chickens, rab bits, baby calve, veal, feeder Mock, weaner, feeder pigs, beef fc milk cows, heifers, bulls, steers, sheep & goats. Livestock sold by , tiie head or pound. Our current livestock sales have been bringing prevailing market prices, Come to buy or Ken. LANE SUDTELL'S AUCTION SALES YD, Phone 3-6098 3015 Silverton Rd. 450 Merchandise. 3 RM, FURN. apt., close in.prlv. en trance and bath. $40 Includes utili ties. 4(145 S. High. Ph. 2-4046. CLEAN unfurn. bedroom court. Adults, no pets. Ph. 4-8095. SPRINO painting Inside. Woodwork, cabinets, chairs, cupboards. Phone 3-7004. PERMANENT part time position as cook In small ind. cafeteria. 9 dav week. 9 til 2. Car needed. State Employment Office. 710 Ferry. 4S5 Hsehold Goods For Sale SOLD my home. Many household Items Including fl cubic ft. Frig Idalre al give-away prices. 4315 Macleay Rd. 14 CU. FT. Deepfreeze, Coolerator. 8430 Lansing Ave. Ph. 3-9441. 456 Wanted, Hsehold GoodT 21 CU, FT. Carrier deep freeze used one year. 1276 . j.iDerty. Phone 3-9592. COW fertilizer, $9 Joad, 15 yd. Ph. BILTWEI.L swing rocker and otto man. Ph. 3-8078. FOR SALE or trade. 22'V "Deep freeze." Summer Street Grocery, 1305 N. Summer, WE PAY top cash price for good used furniture, appliances, etc. Im mediate service. Used Merchandise Mart. 270 S. Liberty. Ph. 4-6371. 450 Merchandise 460 Musical Instruments Learn Piano ADULTS-CHILDREN 8Weeks$10 Limited enrollment. Beginners Only AGES ADULTS 18 TO 118 CHILDREN I TO 18 I children's class and I adult class starting soon. Limited to 8 students per class. REGISTER NOW We will furnish a piano for your jiumc practice ior a very normal rental fee which may be applied in Salem Music Company 153 S. High St. Dial: 2-8708 Across from Elsinore 7'heatre 450 Merchandise 470 For Sale, Miscellaneous PIANO-Spinet ityle. Mahogany, In , storage short time. Bargain for cash. Terms to reliable party. Write 212 Statesman-Journal. SINGER Portable sewing machine, ' Latest model with hllttnn hnlr Flyweight. Perfect cond. Vacuum Cleaner Clinic & sewing Center, 455 Court. 4-5502. CONCRETE mixer, 1 wheelbarrow size, in good condition. $30. Ph. 2-im.i. 515 Investments REE accordion furnished while you learn. Call 2-5371. The Music Cen ter, 4Yu j. capltol. SAVE $300 to 1500 on new or used piano, iv aays only. The Music Center, 470 N. Capitol. Ph. 2-5371. KENT band or orch. Inst., $2 up. The music center, 4iu rt. capltol. 468 For Rent, Miscellaneous U-FIX-IT-GARAGE Repair you own car. Phone 4-5261. 20U5 rt. com l. McCULLOCH chain laws and post noie augers oy aay. town equip ment Co. Ph. 4-1541. FOR RENT or lease, Ige. warehouse apace, cement uoors. DncK Dldg. down town. Znaulre H. L. Stiff Fur.L 3-9185. Organic Fertilizer Sack or bulk Odorless Orders delivered Phone 3 8127 ZENITH console model radio, 137, HOCG Bros. Used Store, 137 S. Coml. MAHOGANY library table. S10. Hogg Bros. Used Store, 137. S. Com'l. COTTON felt mattresses, twin size, $9.95. Hogg Bros. Used Store, 137 S. Com l. LINK Bedsorlngs. full size. Only $2. Hogg Bros. Used Store, 137 S, Com'l. MRS. Ivcrson's Swedish rye bread pastcrics, rolls, cookies, cakes, pies. Licensed. Ph. 3-4918 . 5250 Portland ltd. 600 Employment 615 Situations Wanted 600 Employment 602 Help Wanted Special Sale Closing out slock on ornamental stones, including lava and flag stones. Also on rustic cedar fencing and cedar posts and poles. Our sup ply is limited so check now for gooa Duys, .Phillips Bros. Rt. fi, Box 493. Ph. 4-3081. 2 ml. . 4-corners on state St. JRON BED, complete. 2 Dillows, $1 ea. Kitchen wood stove, Lawn mower, jia. nuau Hazel Ave. OWNERS MOVING Selling Out Everything Wed., Feb. 10, 1 to 4 p. m. 1470 N. Canital Extra nice davenport set $55. Wing nacK mud cnair u. yxiz rug and pad $2.-. 1 oair Duncan Phvfi lamps $15, floor lamp $5, 2 large chests o' drawers, $12 ea. 1931 Zen ith Deluxe refrig. (freezer across top) .immaculate, $155, Hotpoint eiec. range vio. a-Pc. walnut bed room set, $90, twin bed incl. box spring and mattress $.13, walnut dining set $45, old desk bird i.age inu Siana M.rjU. A1SO MOll- away bed. utensils, hair drver. mimeograph, fan, clock, printing set. pressure cooker, brass fire place set $20, and immaculate Xasv spinner washer $85. Many more gonq items. ioo numerous to list. Timberline Debfs fcsuWs in Court Suit OREGON CITY Wl - Creditors. attempting to collect more than $10,000 claimed due in unpaid bills from the management of. Timber, line Lodge, have sued In Clacka. mag County circuit court. Owned by the U. S. Forest Serv ice, the Ml. Hood lodge Is operated as a concession by Timberline Lodge, Inc. Charles Slaney who re cently bought out the former man agers, John and Carl K. McKad- den, said the debts were incurred bcfoie he took over. A number of food supply com panies are among the creditors. HIDE-ABED, reasonable. May he seen at 704 Mill after 9 p.m. Ph. 4-5638. DOIIEHMANPINSCHER, 6 yrs. old, female. 4-3124. LOST: Orange and white Persian kit ten. 720 Waldo. Ph. 3-8797. 470 For Sale, Miscellaneous CASH for good used furniture. Phone 3-31141. Used Furniture Valley Furniture Co. 2-7472 300 Personal 310 Meeting Notice A SALEM LODGE No. 4, A.F. It A.M. Wed. February 10, Potluck Dinner for Masons and Ladies, 6:30; E. A. degree, 7:30, 312 Lost and Found LOST from car, small female cat dark striped. Feb. 5, South of Market on Park. Reward. Child's petPll. 2-554(1, REWARD for man's gold ring. Blue atone. I'll, z-uum. 316 Personal Asyl Young um Granted to Czech Airman BONN, Germany Wl Ameri can authorities granted political asylum Tuesday to a young Czech air force corporal who crash-landed in West Germany accidentally last week and then changed his mind about going back to his Communist-governed homeland. The corporal is Georg Skorin, 22, one of two crewmen aboard a 14-ycar-old training plane that plumped down in an open Bavar ian field near Haircut h Friday. FRIENDS 01 KKRRI A CAM, 1. 1) 1IOMK TtOMK W Soviet Ambassador Mikhail Kostilev. reportedly a friend of executed Lnvrenly V, Berria. left Rome Tuesday for Moscow. LEGALS NATIONAL KtHKST TIMHt.R FOIl it A I K Oral auction bids will be received bv the forest supervisor, New pnsl- offtre Huildinfi. Fnacne. Oreenn. he ginning at 2:0t) pm , Pacific Standitd lime. Mrirrh IS. INM. for all Ihe live timber marked or ctestRnntcu fur cut ting and all tnruhant.itile dead Um ber lot flti d on an area emtii ai ing bout 2JS arn utlhin tection '1 mikI 3. T. U S . II. 1 K , W M , North Sjii Miver dratnHgr, Willamette N,i tioniil Knresl. Oregon, estimated to he S.lilO.IMHI hoard fret, imne oi !", of Douglas-fir and - pine. fcMhrO ho;n! feet, mote or Irs, tor Western red cedar. WY0O0 board fret, more or Ir.tB, of Western hemlock and other tperlr of r-.iw timber No Mil of lr.i than M W per M b".,rd feet of loti-le-s-fir and pine, $2 per M boaid left for Western rrtic, and 12 2.1 rrr M hoard fert for Western hrm ork and other pperien ot ;nvtimher A'ttl he considered In arid it urn to the prtres btd for utim'paRe r.mpri . t!t ripoplt of It lf per M board ft (n be ufced by tbe F'nrett Servire for ravine rrt "f 1r! r"' n' I'-" di.tpoMl, and a ronpei uttve dr pout pf $?f0 per M boatd feet, to rover th ro.t nf tree planttna, erl o- Inf and timber utand improvement iork on the area rut over, for Ihe totai cut of nawtttnber merchantable tinder tbe term of the apt-eement will be renutred. a ntialiftratlon HONEY for oral btddinr ill oiririrrs iutt ' Out auhmit a aealed bid arromn.inled bv the required pavnnt to the Uucrt tuner'inor prior to ? itO pm Pt rifir Standatd Time. Marrh IV 1"M. Sealed hld will he no fed nt 1ie be rinnlnr of the miction for the in formation Of All bidder. $1.(H)OI0 must arcomp.inv eaib Ind to he on piled on the purr-rinse price, irfnud ed. or retained tn pari a llnuxlitrd dumaee. acrordin in Hie condition of flnle. If nn nrul bid If dn l.ired to he hfwh nt the rlnstnr of the :uM'tion. the bidder must lmtiif dial'v cnnfiroi the or.'tl hid bv ubnitttn" tt tn vrltln on a Forest Service ttd form The rf"bt n eptrrt inv nnd hid t refrvrd oret Srvtoe b'r' 'n'l" fo' ue in mtbrotftioe mstd b1'' -nd full (nfornintlon conrerntpe tbe ti". be-, the condition of ate end ib" aubnit)ion of hid should be oMjdned from the forest minervlsor. FuCe, Orernn. or the etiittrlpt rner. Te. foil. Oreimn, hefor bids are sub mitted, f 10 Play Popular Piano Call Salem Music Co.. 2 -ST 0B, or Snrchct't In Albany. 352; ALCOHOLICS Anonymous group No. 1. 20H N. Com'l. 3-4537. 4-3544. SAFE, permanent removal of un sightly facial hairs. Erich of N.Y. 100 Agriculture 402 Livestock For Sals CASH for furniture, one piece or houseful. Lamberts. 2-7862. CASH TODAY Good used furniture or will sell on conslRr.menL Ph. 3 -fiO Hit SudteU's Auction. 458 Building Materials ALL NEW lumber, shlplap, per M and up. 2x4 and larger $25.00 per M and up. Some lumber $15.00 per M delivered. Phone 2-2042. LOTSA ply- PLYWOOD INT. or Ext. Any SI7.I Son,, wood-make us an olferl Hundreds of doors your choice I 6 95 up. Sdgs 511.50 up, Uorclbonrd 1.75 4x8. Ctg tile. Roofing, Spred Snlln paint. 1x8 TAG Cedar 6II.5IIM. Plywood pes. low as 3c on !i x8 Ugh 10c ft. Oak rig In heated room. Good 1x4 yg. na.50. M m.lS. to D.1V no rinwn See us on remodeling needs fn.t friendly Service I Open all day Sat. Portland Road Lumber Yard 1145 Portland lid. I'h. 4-44.T1 SUFFOLK orphan vew lamh. Kllgl. able In reeisler. 4-1915. FAMILY milk cow, JetM-y; ruhhrr slock tank; 5 gal. milk can; 2 milk pall; 1 calf pail; churn; separator on table; calf quard; halter and chain. Miller, Ht. 5. Box 1,V SalcnuJ'h. 4-SB7.V ALFALFA HAY and clover. Also barley stvawPh. 2-78:15. 'OH SA1.F. or trade, hordes and saddles. I'h. 2-02111. .l.'Htl silverton Hd. LOCKKH IIKF.F F.Tli'rn Oregon, or whole, c, iront quarter 20c. Custom killing. Trailer loaned free. Salem Meat Co.. 1325 S. 25111, Phon. 3-4BM. 403 Livestock Wanted LIVESTOCK buvet 1 buy cattle, horse., hogs, sheep, goat?", hoars, veal F.mery Alderman. I'hont 2- 7flfill nr2-ooofl. CATTLF. iuiYF.nS. F. 1. and II. Sue. then. 4297 State. 2-1.145 or 3-4380. CATTLE, horses, at your farm. E. C. McCandllh 1127 SJSMyJMv 3-P.147. LlvV.STOCK buver, A. F. Soninier', I2t!5 Harmony nr. I"h. 4-2(117. 404 Poultry and Rabbits FOK SAI.F.- Ilnlihili. Iiiitchts It hay. Call 4-:iMi!i rvcllllltlh. BAIIY CHICKS- llached year round Willi these specials, N II. pullets 1IK-. Fat. Med tnaMcrs 5c. Older now for choice of bleed. Spt-i-la! New llainp. pullets. I?ic. Yallev Farm Store. S.ilcm. 4-4H24. NKw'llAMP chick. rS0 hundred at Wards Farm Slotc VF A It K now pick-up for HMF.NT wool) Fgg Cffiiiunv. Slitpmrnt tvuee wrcklv. t'.gas ac reptcd any time, lurstlnm gladly answered FlaAlnn Wairhoue Co Phone Red 7. P. O. W.1. Davton. fire METAL FENCES Permanent. No upkeep. Free esti mates. M mo, to pay. Borkman tV Hdwr. Phone 3-3701. 1460 State St. REMODEL NOW Fiee Home PlannlnR Service. Let us help you plan ymir nrw kitchen with Wardi benutliul wood cabl nets We also Install plastic tile, mlcarta drnintmaids, routing, eavciitrouRhs and didinR. For your free estimate call .1-3HU. Montgomery Ward Ac Co.. 155 North Liberty. SINKS $2,50. Glen Woodry. METAL wheelbarrow, rubber tire, $8.50. Woodry. 1605 N. Summer. LADIES, LOOK Slightly used 14 cu. ft. freezer. Com pletely guaranteed. A-l condition. Jlolds 4U0 lbs. meat. 2 baskets plus dividers. Was $.'11)11.95. Sale $2!J!l.atJ. REPOSSESSED 21" G. B. TV set, table model. Mahogany-like fin ish. Reg. guarantee, was $339. U5. Sale $2.19.77. FLOOR SAMPLE 3-speed record player plus radio In green plastic case. Complete guarantee.. Reg. H8.M. Sale $29.77. 1 onlv. CU. FT. auto, refrig. Full width freezing compt, 4 shelves in door, butter compt.. twin vegetable crlsperg. Reg. $329.95. Sale $279.88. 21" TV TABLE MODEL SET. All channel tuner. Full guarantee. Was $279.95. Sale $219.88. MONTGOMERY WARD & CO. APPLIANCF. DF.PT PH. 3-3191 2 GOOD homes for sale. NorthT$59o6 and $7900. Glen Woodry, 1605 N. Summer. LOOK! Maple bunk bed. inc. coll springs ana inner spring mattresses. -a. iiicn wooqry. ibua rt. summe NEW HARDWOOD desks, 29.75. Glen wooary, lulls . summer. 200 PANES of greenhouse slam. Kn sonable. Set of golf clubs with bag, ,l. rii. -u.t.ia. 600x16 RECAP or Grp. 1 battery, $6.95 ex. Dizzy Dean's, 1BU8 s. 12th. ANTIQUE clocks. Glen Woodry a, DINING ROOM" furniture. Call after 5 p.m. 3-6866. 973 E St. TALL bookshelves, $7.50. G. Woodry. POWER MOWER. Briggs Stratton $55 o. wooary, iuua fM. summer. CONLON WASHER with Dumo. ex cellent condition. $35. Single taun- ory rray ana siana. $12. Ph. 3-7572. 6 YR. CRIB, maple. $10. Bathlnette .i.ou. uien woodry. 1605 N. Summer. TRAILER refrig. Xlk new, Yi price. $99.50 (Frigldalrel. Woodry, 1805 N. Summer. CHESTS galore. Glen Woodry's. COW fertilizer for sale. Phone 2-2238. ?JAi?-i;XiJi?iSLP!?iL52Sry' CHARIS foundation girdles, bra. Ph. 3-5918 or 3-5072. Mary E. Bales. USED MATTRESSES, $5. Glen Wood- ry. USED FURNITURE FOR LESS Valley Furn. Co., 219 N. Coml. TAYLOR TOTS, Junipers, car seats. Glen Woodry's. 1605 N. Summer. 5-PC. DINETTE set, $19.50. Glenn Woodry. 1605 N. Summer. CLUB CHAIRS, $4.50 up. Woodry. NEW Wool rugs, 9x12, ape. $2795. wooary, 1605 N. Summer. TAPE RECORDERS. $85 up. The music cenier, 4iu N. Capitol. CLOCK radios. $22.50, Clen Woodry, j una n . funnmcr. WINO neerji rabbit. plume MM State BABY CHirKS Hatched year round Order nuw frr choire of breed.' Special New Hamp pullets, l!r. Valley Farm Stor Salem. ioTP etn nl. male PeVf. 1 vr. .1 mo. of how tock Innoculalerl .i.MKl Ca after 4 M p m. 2-4,iil. SHI PM AMIl l ollie puppv "for s.ile Ph. 2-IKM7. HFCISTFKFl) pure-bred dachshund puppies Red males $.!.. I'h 4-4?H. l'AKAKKKTS, ('nes( mipplies Mild P.itadisit, :ilHt) Liviiifton 2. IMS IIOLLVWOOI) AQUAH1UM," IwM Me! 1'oy I block east of N Oapitnl. li blue k a north of Madison Ph a-fiU'if l'AKAKKKTS-Hubien i.ii'r.l in our home. $7. .Ml, all colon, Mrs. Pow er. 7.W iclleu-. Ph 4.;!7 MtiXFH female Moore'a tropical ft.vh equipment. Purakeets, nets. Mat leav ltd 4-rt7j:i, Clnsril Wert CANARIKS 'oran'ce a'nflcot 'I'ntn. Thone 34.1R.S 1S40 Chemek eta ToPlaceAdCall2-2441 New fir door jam hi f? m Oak floorins low price New balh tub complete w yt (Ned balh tubs complete .$25 (H tTsd cant wa.shbasms $7.50 Ildwd. plywd.. ideal for panelniR or cabinets Cheap loose Insulation per ha if $1 IK) KibeictaM mil blanket insul. ...Cheap 14-2 elec. uirinif aiC 12-2 elvc, wirniK t.jV N't $ 75 At $8 y5 keif Ashesbis siiliiiK per ht $n Hi) Painted shakes witb umleri - JUi.nt New dotus, a mPS , IKeil windows x 4:t" n ItHi ummI doors with frames New toilets with scat n 50 Double kitchen Finks, complete S41..M) 42 Kal. elec. water healers $t...M) 1..1111H11V iravs. n tp, oasini iin-.iin MHJ Ral steel septic tanks iii2 50 4' c ut Iron foil pipe m.. 7,r)C I" solid ornnerburK pipe " .ic Holl rootinit, targe supply .... 25 t t ib romp roofinff tv ',n Crriar nhinplrs. 4 Krndei Cheap ,ew c.alv iron roof Plywood, new carload Harirains New picture w indows jr r0 New we tther atnnnrd wtndna- tn a Cedar fence poMs Cben New pU'.ter bo,rd 4 $1 4ft Steel carafe rtoors. complete. J4 0n Over-head farae hardware 113 95 C. G. LONG & SONS Ph 4-S0.M I ml N .f Keller ALDKR PAXKLIXCr COAST RAN'GK TIMHKR i PRODUCTS CO. WFST SAI.tM PH. 2-.S93 OLD frames, dishes, Lincoln rocker, organ, chandelier, steins, brouse at Glen Woodry's, 1605 N. Summer. 40 VICTOR, penny, vending machine well established route. 1130 N. Cottage. UNF. desks, $19.75. G. Woodry, 472 Wanted. Miscellaneous WANTED good itullo couch. Ph. 4-1504. 474 Miscellaneous DENTAL PLATE RF.PAm 2-IIR. SERVICE IN MOST CASF.S DR. HARRY SEMLE11. DENTIST Adolnh Pldg State Com'l. Sta SALEM PH. 3-3311 476 Fuel OAK WOOD for sale, green, $15.00 cord. Ph. 4-2.10R. CAPITAL-FUEL Pickup Your Presto-Iocs Briquets and wood at 198 S. Coml St Phone 3-7721. Highway Fuel Co. Clean sawdu't. wood, green or ley. Stove-Dlesel oils. Ph 3-6444 ANDERSON'S green Klab, 2 id. $14 Ph. 2-7751 or 4-4253. HIGH TYPE, neat appearing man or woman to assist music instructor enrolling students for school of music. Some knowledge of musical Instruments, Instruction ,etc, nec essary. Salary and bonus. Perman ent position for reliable and qual ified person. For interview give qualifications, address, and phone. write 21J ataiesman-journai. LEARN STENOGRAPHY & AC COUNTING. NIGHT SCHOOL, $15 A MO. Always a demand for well trained office help. Start any Mon. or Thurs. night Classes 8 p. m. to p. m. Merrltt Davis School of Commerce, 420 State St. Ph. 21415. Over "The Man's Shop." TREES topped, trimmed and remov ed, rrult trees prunea anQ anapea, Free estimates, fn. DRESSMAKING and alteration. Sat isfaction guaranteed. Judy Polston, PAPER HANGING & Patnting. Jerry Johnson, pnone 2-uia.. RELIABLE baby sitter. Will go days or nignm. pnone z-ratH or a-mjj. LIGHT crawler dozer, dirt Uvellng grading. Phone 3-7042. CARPENTER WORK. Any kind. Rea sonable. 4240 Macleay Rd. Phon. 45961. 620 Day and Contract Land Clearing: 15 yr. Exp. Call for estimate on hour . work or oy contract ior ine com plete Job. L. C. Mitchell. Phone 3-5337. 700 Rentals TEACHER for '54-'55 In Polk Co. rural school adjoining small town. Box 208, Statesman-Journal. 606 Help Wanted, Female WANTED: Ladv to ihare apt. Ph. 3-3324. 945 Union. WOULD like lady to care for school age children and live In. 2-6001 after 6:30. EXPERIENCED alteration woman to take full charge of alteration de partment. Ladies Specialty Shop. Give age, experience and refer ences. Strictly confidentail. Box 210, Statesman-Tournal. GIRL for housework and care of children. Call 3-3737. AVON . COSMETICS AVON has openings for pleasant ma ture women to be Avon Kepresen tatlves in Salem and Woodburn. For interview, write. Irene Stew art. P. O. Box 3761, Portland 8, Oregon. LARGE warehouse space for rent or lease, cement xioors, oncK palm ing. Down town. Inquire H. L. Stiff Furniture Co. Phone 3-9185. 702 Sleeping Booms, Board SLEEPING ROOMS. Phon 3-4335. 790 N. Church. GIRLS, kitchen privileges, home con veniences, TV, close in. Ph. 3-4372 or 3-9460. PLEASANT ROOM for gentleman. 1050 Norway. Ph. 2-4547. PLEASANT BOOM with bath. Close In. Gentleman. Ph. 3-4791. DOWNTOWN, room. 1st fir. clean, warm Bath adjoining. 658 .Center. NICE light sleeping room. 1040 N. Cottage. NICE sleeping rooms. 1st and 2nd floor, not & cola water. tii . High. LARGE beautiful furn. rm. Gentle- man only. 539 N. Winter. CLEAN, quiet, near state buildings, .nopping aisi. ureaKiast privilege. Ph. 2-1449. SLEEPING ROOM, kitchen faclllti.'l, For 1 or 2. 754 Ferry St. 700 Rentals 707 Houses For Rent WEST Side, clean, nicely furn, 1 BR. home and garage. $45. 1211 Edge water. 3-5109, eve. 3-9939. NEW 2-bdrm. unfurnished housed close in. reasonable. Ph. 3-7008. FaTrmoUNT ilill, 3-bedroom hornT adults, references. Ph. 3-4697 or 3-5509. SMALL house, clean, nicely furn! Close to state bldg. $35. Ph. 2-4816. 3-ROOM unfurnished duplex. Velvata' bath. AdulU. Phone 3-3217. 1 BR. cottage with elec. stove, refrig! Bendix washer, WW carpet. $59 Available Feb. 17 632 Catterllne. Call2-2707. FURN. LOTS knotty pine bullt-lns, granq. wonting couple, $45. 3-5085. 1 BEDROOM furn. house, basement, nil heat, fireplace, cou ple only. $50. Call 2-9894. FURNISHED 3 room cottage. Gerth. Ph. 3-7057. 2 BDRM. duplex, garage and water furnished. $37. 3860 Center. UNFURN. HOUSE. With garage. Ret 2-0M9?""' St COUNTRY home, redecorated, modt in'A.Tml-mmmt-. unfurn- NICE UNFURN. 1-bdrm. court colt .-Bw, warning Qlst, j.nt g.3211 ATTRACTIVE 1-bdrm. house, StoT rig.&garage. Ph. 2-5570. HOUSE partly furn. Walic' home for lunch. 578 Knapp. Ph. 34332 CLEAN, modern 5-rm. furn. duiiiZ Carage, $60, Ph. 4-2566, "up'ex TWO bedrooms. Inside utility GaT agejaRamsey, Realtor, 4-6211. UNFURN. 1-bedroom home. tmUT iBpx 809. Ph. 4-1060. BDRM., modern, range & refrle turn. ,$45. Ph. 4-1761. U,g' CLEAN, furnished 1-bedroom house" 1 ROOM furnished cabin. Gentle. ... . ,,m,c .l-,ulo. 705 Apartments For Rsnt 610 Sales Persons Wanted HOUESWIVES-Sarah Coventry Inc., nationally Known as one ot Amer ica's largest sales organizations has openings in this area. Display our highly styled Costume Jewelry, which received the coveted ash Ion Academy Award, on party plan during your free time and enjoy excellent Income. No collecting or delivering. Phone 3-9739 lor per. sonal interview. WANTED: Experienced real estate salesman. Good opportunity for a worker. Write Box 214 Statesman-Journal. MEN wanted. $75-$125 per week starting. Need automobile. Exp. helpful but not necessary. Apply Tues. or Wed. morn., 10:30-12:30. 515 Hood, Hm. 201. ROOFING TILE dealer applicator reclusive acaiersnip open lor Mar ion, Linn, Benton and part of Yam hill counties. Some carpenter ex perience helpful. If you are inter ested in making MOO. 00 tn a $1,000 per month, write us at nnce for an apointment. Can be sold nothing oown, ,ih mo. we nanaie contracts. Baessler Tile Co., 9200 N.E. Halsey, Portland, Oregon. ' 3-ROOM furn, apt. utilities paid. Rea sonable, Ph. 4-6551. CAPITAL apts. 348 North 12th St. Immediate possession. 1 three and four-room furnished apts. with pri vate bath. Near Capitol Bldg. and school. Very reasonable rates. Ph. 4-6287. CUTE knotty pine trim. 1 bdrm. Exc. privacy. $65 mo. Ph, 2-0971. CLEAN well furn, 2 rms. with util ities. South. Ph. 4-4307. CLEAN 3-rm. neatly furn. duplex. Pvt. bath, $35. Ph. 4-2:ili6 BDRM. apt. Completely furn, close in. 444 N. Cottage. 2 BH. turn, fiat, ground floor, gar age, near shop, cent. 2-6833 2 RM. FURN. apt. Private enl., bath, refrig. 570 Union. VERY CLEAN, furnished. 3 rm. sec ond floor. Garage, available. 1055 Edgewater, W. Salem. 3 ROOMS and bath. Clean, nicely furn., elect, heat, washing facilities. Ph. 2-4810. NEAR University, nicely furn. 3 room apt. Reasonable, pn. q-a:ii 450 S WINTER. $42.50 range and oil heater. 1 bedroom. 2-car cllErtLuklnbcal, Realtor. 2-6680 NICE 2-bdrm. home nr. r-,.jT-? $75. Call 2-5585 after 5 pm? D.!!ABLEJ;,..1e' nT"bath: i., iiia uaor, newly decorated separate enfrance. 2 blocks from capltol and downtown. 295 S. Win. ter. Ph. 3-6553. ALMOST NEW 2-bdrm. house Elec" range auto, heat, hdwd. floors, in-' sulated. 2234 Maple Ave. 1- BDRM. all.elcctric, range, refrig gcrgc, 1460 N. Summer! g" ONE bedroom house, bath, utility. elec. heat, range and refrig. Gar denspace. Ph, 4-2819. IN HOLLYWOOD dist. 3-rni. house, unfurn. except oil circulator 2- room furn. house. Nice for work- NEWLY decorated-!TbSin furn" ?-3Toei ora2,:6??8d'Slani''';' SU,h- 612 Work Wanted, Male PROFESSIONAL upholstering done in my nome. Reasonable, pickup ana aeuver. uau CARPENTER & repair work. Dry rot houses our specialty. Ph. 2-1459 or 2-1842. DITCH digging and tile laying. Would lumraci. rn. FEDERAL At State tax returns pre. Hicu. i-u-K-up service, reasonable. Ph. 4-5008 after 1 p.m. BOY. 18. desires part-time work. ana hat. pn. 2-5742. TAX RETURNS prepared in your nome at reasonable rates. Phone 4-2033. HEDGES and shrubs trimmed, yard cieanea up ana trash hauled. 2-7464. CEMENT work, all kinds. Ernest Drake. Phone 4-5129. 1165 S 14th. TAX FORM completed. State. Fed eral, prompt accural service Ph. 3-11957. Appliance , Bargains Used Washinn Machines MM&tTp Vsed RefriRrrators . $t!i ;t5 & Vp Vsed Eler. Ranges ..$12 95 & Up NK.W WestmRlioiii'e Automatic electric clothes dryer, 220 volt, Only $169.95 DEEPFREEZE HOME FREEZERS $.10 00 allowed for your old ater heater on a new Wetinfrtioue wa ter heater. Guaranteed 10 year. Tlatle -Kote require no waxing ior your floors or linoleum. West Salem Fuel Co. Tube or Push Out Sawdust Ash, Maple and Oak Wood Green, dry slao. Planer End. 1525 Edgewater Phone 2-4031 500 Rns. & Finance 510 Money to Loan PRIVATE money to loan Ph 2-0704. II I YEATER 462 Sports Equipment Outboard Motor Repair CIVF. THAI' oil) POT A TWIST NOW! WI.NTKH RATES UNTIL MARCH I SAVE $ SAVK NOW WITH OUR W1NTKK HATKS SALEM P.0AT HOUSE CHKYUKKTA AT TMK HI VKR WANTED (iocd used tow boat abound 14 ft. Cat-rade AUwm, IM W Vine. I.eb.mnn Phone 2'JM. CASH paid for used run, modern ann antique. Canada Merc. IW0 Broadway, APPLIANCE CO. 375 C'llKMKKKTA ST. Open Friday Night 'Til 9 - Ph. 3-4.111 K-. Terms, Glenn Woutlry. WOOD circulating hc.iln, SL'5. (lien Vini(lr, 1MO N. Summer. EXCEI.I.KST harn vard tcrtilirer I'h. 4-:lBi)7 or 4-2170. Klilnn House. TERRIFIC incker buys, f;. WmiiliyT 4.001) WATT Ihrrmarinre1rc7 healer. $.15 (Jim Woodry. SPINET Piano" SaViYfic fo'r o'liick site 0h or terms, ( an he trtn in Sjlf.m Wn'e R. I.. Taw. 913 S. W 9th Ave, Portland NF.W bedroom suites, iieni-.iiinpil nale at Glmn Wnorlrv's. 1605 N. Sumnier Terms, ttaries. free del .NT.W 6. way Isinns, roinnlete. $; 9.V Woodry. 160. N. Summer. UNIVERSAL MA NOT.):, elect. Quilt mg frame stand. Chicken brooder. rii. 44;un. 912 LINO i7s7"5 S-WilciirTw ood" rv. KiO.i N. Sumrnrr. STOKEwii)F."fpeciills ItT" d'iis The .iiiMcttitri, 470N. Capitul. 6-l't' Ued Tin Hed set, $19 95. Vioiliy. 1U15 N. Suimiier PIANO. Jim. Glenn Woodiv! REAL ESTATE LOANS lULUMAL INVtilltltNl 10, 687 Court 4-2283 WANTED Bulldozing, land clearing, nv. n v. oioops. rn. -;t.tb. 614 Work Wanted, Female- RELIABLE baby sitting. Anytime. Ph. 2-313(1. HOUSEWORK, cily or farm by young woman, no drink-smoke. Ruth Clark, 445 Terrace, Falls City, Ph. 269. LOVING care for 4 children. $L50 per dayvithjrans. Ph. 2-2104. HOUSE work by day or hour. $75hrT Ph. 4 5077. HOUR WORK, cleaning & ironing. Ph. 3-4568. HOUSE rleanlng or washing andir oning. Your home. Ph. 2-3020. INTELLIGENT, responsible "woman needs work. Experience in general office, typing. Ph. 4-5913. WILL keep elderly woman or chIL dren In home. 2-2817. 1164 S. 12th. WASHING andronlngdnne In" my home. Ph. .1-3095. CURTAINS, h a nd 1 a u nTfVel, stretched, delivered. Ph. 2-3167. M I M EOT, RAPHlNGtvplngT"rcasi)n able. Mrs. Poc. WIS N. 16th. 3-3643. HOUSEWORK or; rooking company meals. Phone 3-5860. SMALL FURN. apt. Private bath, all electric. 194 s. cottage. 3 ROOM furn. apt. Newly decoated 1 hlk to bus. 960 N. 19th. Ph. 2-1071. ATTRACTIVE unfurn. 4-rm. apt. with range & refrig .1140 S. 131h. VERY NICE apartments at 1165 Court. Ph. 4-5648. CLOSE IN, comfortable, first floor, small apt. Laaics. ma ferry. l RRDHOOM aot. Stove, refrigerator, water, automatic steam heat, in cluded. Modern. 5iu per momn, May be seen at 2153 S. Commer cial or Ph. 4-1452 after 4 p.m CAPITOL I'LAZA 1-bdrm.. furn., unfurn. 1165 Che meketa. 3-8630. MODERN 3-rm. furn. apt., close in. 549 N. Cottage St. 1ST FLR. furn. 3-rm. apt. Private en trance, bath, heat. 359 N. Liberty. 3-7124. DESIRABLE 3 Ige. rooms and bath, unfurn. 2nd lloor, newly decorated, separate enlranrc. 2 blocks from capltol and downtown. 295 S. Win ter. Ph. 3-65.1.1. ATTRACTIVE close In. clean, furn. apt. Plenty heat, private entrance, elec. stove, refrig. & bath. 245 Union. 4-1468. VERY NICE 2-bedrm. apts. Furn. and unfurn. Water, range, refrig. furn. Inquire 820 N. 14th. 1-BDRM. furn house. Couple only! Nopets. Ph. 2-1862 or 2-2392. MODERN 1 bdrm. court near' Gem Hospital. Stove & refrigerator iur nished. Adults preferred. Ph, 3.9440 ' m5D d"Plex with slorc mom": No children. North Dlst. $45 per month. Ph. 4-1761. ' 4 '"'! UNFURN. cottage.-Elec hear lecraneelOCapitol. 2-aWJ MODERN 2 bedroom home, filWaTe" Kas noor furnace 1529 Slate St MODERN 1 bedroom court, gas heat fireplace, unf. except for range and refrig. 1220 Court St.$50 a month. Contract. """AKT & CALABA, Reallnr, IZlJPiU'.liL Phone 2-4I15-2-4II8 frig. 2265hiude JjLng. 945 S 12th 2-BEDipbM unfurn. hoT , onth.460kA;vPh 4-S71R 3 aBE,?RO,2MS' doTTble plumbing' Adults.3oterjVm. 1"oRr ,pCAa!;' t"'"""! cmTa Dr Ph. 4:121n7drcs'"' 4!,M Lancaster 709 Wanted to Rent WlE Bc'-"ng filbert orchard. CaTl" 3m '" E"0d '""''n. WANTErutTtliWlnglirijiun from Salem would like to rent .0Uf 1 ("ri,2e r goo.1 bun to use as club house and work shop. Rent r!i . 0 rosonaole. Phone 2-1063, ask for Gary. VlU Wanted to Rent. HmiT WANTED, clean furn.. .1 r 4 mom nouse. vicinity state Hospital. Rea sonable rent. 2222 S. W. 17th Ave., Portland, Oregon. NICE 3-bdrm home wVlh ,im.,.n" .1 buy. Call after 5 p.m. 4-2822. CLEAN 3 rm unfurn. court apt .with electric range. Close to bus. Ideal for working couple. Rent reason able. Ph. 2-foon. 3-ROOM furn. apt. Private bath. 3235 port 1 a n a no. FURNISHED 3 rooms. $.10. Private hath 1968 North Com'l. SHOITINC R)li A LOAN? Personal Personal Offers These HenelK,: "Yes" ptomptly to emplmed peo ple niai ried. simile! Nalloinvule credit. Single 1s1t loan phone first. Select bn-.-t pnvnient dale' LOANS UP TO $I.,V.1 On Aulo, Furnllure or Salary Personal FINANCE COMPANY Phone 2 2464 1"5 S. H'th St. Sa'em State License S-U'2. M-l5 t.o.ns over Mori made hv Person. 1 Fin.nre Co of Marion Cnuntv under the Industrial Loan Companies Act nf 0--et"n. AUTO LOANS WILLAMETTE CRF.D1T CO. 182 outh Church Parking a-Plentv Ph :-2l37 Lie "o. M-Sfl, S-154 615 Situations Wanted PRIVATE 3 room cour. npts. Clean. furn., $45. Adults. 3560 Portland Hd. 1-BDRM. modern furn. court apt. $55 Ph. 4-1761. 3 R.MS. furn. Utilities paid. Women preferred. 1553 State. CI. KAN 3 room furnished apartment. Private entrance, bath. Utilities furnlshed. 419 S. 19th. FURNISHED apartments. Close-in Ph. 2-8740. 325 S. Winter. 714 Business Rentals IDnc? 't, ??'''.. or r"' broker. 367 N. Hitih. LEASE BUlLDINTTooo sq. ft ori nil"1"! -lVM- 2195 fairgrounds 11". rt. 00 Kin1 Estate 2-RM. furn. apt. Close In. Heat, lights and waterfurn.y.5.340 V n ionS t . S ROOMS furnished, walking dis tance. 4S0 S. Capitol. WIKMAt.'S Day Nursetv. licensed andsiate inspected. 2-.iOI3. Will care for childien, mv honif. Phone 2-:iA4.i. WOMAN hou-'fkreprr. Mothei less home. Ph. 4-3243. CF.MKNT work, all kinds. FrldVchau Son. 2-82n. 4-M29 aft. 5 p m. 1 on 2 SMALL rhiirtrenrr.irr for mv home, week; month. 192 S. Broad J'., Monmouth. U('KNSFD"pra"cticTluT$e hotr vxtr. 2-32Rfi TAX RFTURNS prepared. Ph. 4-fi228. Call dav or eve, CARPF.NTER work, pew or reoiodeN tPjt. free etmne Ph 4-2521 SIS InvestmcntR ALL-IN-ONE LOAN VP TO $2.00(1 OR MORE I LOAN MAY DO ALL 4 1. GROUP INSTALLMENT PAY MEN rs I. CIT I'HKSFNT MONTHLY PAYMENTS .1 CI FAN VP CURRENT IULIS. 4 PHOVIDE EXTRA CASH HOSPITAL BED for sale or rent. II I. Slut Finn. Co. I'll .V9185 Pl.AI'E mirrors saleMI $195, clen 'oo,liy. liHC, N. Suimncr FI.HTILl.EH rolled cow manure, enmnost. rot ted mulch, and chicken manure Just ONK MONTHLY TAYMKNT ,.,ii incline, riy sat-K or cuoic d Pick im 1 1 farm or we can He. liver. Phillies Rin. Rt .1. Pox 4i.i Ph. i;ioi, t mi. F- 4-Cornen cm St RESTAURANT counter fH steel slool, ( sink fount. ins. Ph 4-2185.11111 PACIFIC INPl'STRIAI, LOAN'S S. LIBERTY THONE 4-5M TAX preparaiion by former Internal Revenue Agent. Evenings Sun. days. 2.86I2 FURNITURE ref'.nl'hlng at reason able rates. Leo Wallace. 1635 N. Capital. 4-1868. P A I N T IN G ,P A P E R H A N G I N G C o n - tract, small jobs welcome. Phone 2-7692. A mbassatlor Furnished apis. 550 N. Summer FURNISHED modern 2 room npf. Within 5 blocks of down town $65 per month. Ph. 2-I8H7. 414 N. Cottage. 3-HOOM Furnished Court Apt with garage, $55. Close In on No. Com'l I'll. 2-8618 or 3-61144, COMFY, clean, rlosc-in, furn . reas onable. 3 rooms. 492 S. High. MODERN furnished 2-rnom court apt. 1065 Madison. Ph. 4-1734. CLOSE IN. clean, furn.. I rm., du plex with kitchenette, $30. 763 Mar Inn. 801 Business Oportunltles WELL established T. V. sales and service. Doing good business. Will sell or lease, co Box 211 States-man-Journal. S P A R E T I M F buT ! nv e n t o r v ai"on7 rrpays investment. Gd. returns I ndrr $500. Box 209 Statesman-' Journal. CHEVRON' gas station for lease. Lo cated In Salrm. Inventory appro Pn".V94'"r ,Ur",er TAVERN and lunch. 2-bedroonTllv-log quarters attached. Hiwav on ""!'.'s South ofSalrm. Ph. 2-2122! ,. ,,. SERVICE STATION Richfield ollcis modern sta. for lease Monmouth. Ore, Inventory only tome financial assistance to quail.' lied parly. Phone Mr. Holdcn .I-9..31 days or 2-0761 evenings. . 804 Suburban IMMEDIATE possession. 3 rms.. and bah, newlv derutfd. court apt Furn or unfurn TV. hundrv, park ing Inquire 1.118 S 2'h CI, FAN 2-room downstairs furn. snt. Puvate hath, g-irage. utilities furn. $10. available Feb, 10. Ph 2-9084. 226 Hard Ave. 3-ROOM furn. ant Priv. bath 705 N Liberty. Ph. 2-69t7. 3 ROOMS, bath. Prl. entr,, furn., wa ter, neat. pn. j-:im!i. ROWSE dav nursery and intanls ac cepted. Ph. 2-MIS2 CUSTOM dormant spray and all tpes tiee work. Ins. operator, ph. 2-7522 PAINTING. Paperhanglng. Free es- liinales.l)on LuctTo. Ph. 3-5522. CARPENTER New. remodrf or re' palr, timeordmtract. Ph. 2-5025. "mICKF.NHAM's" DAY NURSERY " Slate licensed and Inspected. I'h. 2-7396 PAINTING. Will siadfv estimate any ire )nhFh.".3l24.1 INCOME TAX blanks prepared rea sonably. Phone 3-6641. LAN'SCATING. com. lawn, fsrden service. Sen-tee Center. 4-S573. VERY NICE 1-bdrm.. turn, and un furn. Inquire 1656 S. 13th St NICELY FURN. :Mtm apt'llsTTT Cottage. 3-ROOM furnished . apt., toll balh, licit and water furn, f.15. Phone 2-8568. 707 Houses For Rent 1 RH. in court, slnve. refrig. furn ,v Mis.-ion. 3 HH. A- 2 HR houses Gar." to bolTT Ph.J.Mt3. 562 Mill. 2 P.Rfurn, 3i:4fes Ave!Ph7"4-M.W. FOR LEASE or lease wllh opTionto buv new 3-hriin. house in fncndlv suburban nriahbohood Ph. 4-42S2. MOD 2-hrdroom house! 4 miles -".',s""m' '1S I"r me. Adults GO SUBURBAN sr"so "i1"" "r"mi '" ncr. Move Into this lovely .nhur. ban home now in time to nrrange your fi,r nd v,,,pl,Pl, to your own liking Tran.ferrr5 owner has kent tut, 8 vr. old home "d yard in perfect condition mo!"';" "Lr"b5' P",n' ""' elfd living room w1tn fr.rj,.i i m . l Sal"mn E'' Phone '. -.' " n" nswer dial 2-6288 sr PHONE 4-3.7fl4 PHONE 4-3.194 mm 1980 Fairgrounds Road Hl'II.YWOOJ)niSTRICT h)' "WNK"R' 2 blrnlnsuTalea home on one acre, double garage, bain. Pu. 3-1333. "". 806 Houses For Sale n nv tn -ii.. . . . ,,' i. Pny. nal. easv montnly payment, on 2-br. home on lame lot. Near Hollywood shop Pine renter 1 i:?"KST" "RAL ESTATB 1S9N.ltaCe n,v nr pvp S rjnsferreri. 4 hrTnSTi hllhf. S fireplace,. knoMv .