J J i t Page 2 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, Salem, Orcein Monday, February 8, 1954 In The Valley Edited by MIKE FORBES Dayton DAYTON Mrs. Lina Buckley is again able to be up and about her home. She is improving slowly. The 37tl. annual Scouters Council potluck banquet was held at the Masonic Temple in Port land, Tuesday evening, Feb. I. Attending from Dayton were Mr. and Mrs. Dclbert Temple and - Mr. and Mrs. Lanada Mcr ce rep resenting the Boy Scouts; Mr. and Mrs. Earl Makinister and Mr. and Mrs. John Freeborn, representing ti.e Cub Scouts. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Ratliff, ol the Daytona Theater, have re ceived tl news of a baby girl, born to heir daughter, Mr. and Mrs. James Madill, of Bremerton, Wash., on Monday, Jan. 2j. The Madill's also have a son and daughter. The Ratluff now have six grandchildren, including tWMrs. Harmon Reeder recently attended a reception honoring .Mrs. Roe Cloud, who was he "Mother" of rrcgon and for the U S. In 1950, at the Aero club in 'Ij Mrr. L. W. Scoggan attended '.he Automobile show in Portland "uesday. Pvt Carl Rasf ka left Wedr.cs- ' day afternoon for Ft. Ord, Calif., where he will finish his basic training. He h- hcen home with his family for the pnst week. Mrs. Russell Coburn, Mrs. Nelle Coburn and Mrs. 0. C. Goodrich -ip.nt the day with Mrs. Clarence King in Salem Thurs- d8Mrs. Delia XJRen returned hnmo last week from California, where she has been visiting since before Thanksjiving m tne homes of Tom and Robert U.Ren and other relatives, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Wright and daughter, Shira Kay, of Port land, came Sunday -'or dinner with his sister, Mrs. Wayne Ow ens. The dinner was in honor of the little girl's 4th birthday. The Wrights have a smaller Mrs. Earl Kldd spent Tuesday in Portland and Oresham visiting hci sisters. Another sister from Yamhill acompanicd l.er. Mr. and Mrs. Clement Hendrick son of Salem visited the Hale ' Hendrick n family Monday eve ning. Later they all went to Ncwberg to visit the men s father. Dean Schmltz and Kent Crow ley are on the wrestling squad at OTI and Mclvin Lehman is on the freshman wrestling squad at OSC. These boys got their start In wrestling at the Dayton High School. I Silverton S1LERTON J. Carey Moore is to continue as manager of the local bank though the change has been effected to begin Feb. 8, for affiliation with the First National Bank of Portland,. when the First Silverton bank is to be come one of IS affiliates. Moore announced that there would be no interruption of services to cus tomers. x "Keeping Up With Textiles" will Be discussed at the 1:30 o' clock Wednesday meeting of Bethany Home Extension club, when Mrs. Marvin Dahl will be hostess and county agents are to present the topic. Quintin Estell, local attorney and city municipal judge, has filed assumed business name for "Silverton Credit Reporting Service." That Palm Springs Is popular as a winter resort for local folk is evidenced by a message from the Craig Clarks, who told of meeting Mr. and Mrs. Norris Ames, Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Ad ams, Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Ad ams, and Mayor Harry V. Car son and Mrs. Carson at ihc fam ous spa. Earlier' in the winter season, Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Towc spent some time at Palm Springs, later driving to Fort Dodge, Iowa, for a visit at the Lacy Har mon home. Speaker Thursday evening at the armory for the Young Farm ers group, on farm advisorship, will be Dr. Burton Wood, mem ber of the federal agricultural advisory committee. " Woodburn Donald DONALD Raymond Peterson in company with Wayne Snyder of Portland, called in a former buddy of theirs at Oswego, Bud Langclicrs, Welncsday evening. These fellows were all stationed together in India- during World War II. They were there for three yoars. Mr. Snyder lives in Pendleton, but at present is attending an irrigation chool in Portland. Mrs. Ben Quinn of Donald had as a guest last week, her grand nephew, Col. Robert "Bobby" Smith. He has just returned aft er spending five years in the service in Germany, and he is home on leave, hut' must report back for I'uty some time this mnnt.i. He is scheduled to he released from the service in Oc tober. Bobby was born and reared in the Buttcvillc area. Sunday afternoon callers In th- Lin Cromwell home were Mr. and Mrs. Charles Emler of Port land. Mr. Emler formerly work ed for Mr. Cromwell. The Womens' Benefit Associa tion of Donald had its regular meeting and installation of offi cers Thursday evening, Jan. 28, with the state officers from Port, WOODBURN Mr. and Mrs. Ar chie Murphy and Mr. and Mrs, Clayton Seaton returned recently from a motor trip of three weeks Into the midwest. They visited with relatives in Boise, Idaho; Den nison, Topeka and Kansas City, Kansas; Springfield, Missouri and Harrison, Arkansas. The trip east was made over the northern route and they returned home through Texas and New Mexico taking in interesting points en route. They visited relatives at Burbank, Cali fornia and with Mr. and Mrs. Carl Wittmeyer (June Polly) In Glen dale. Paul Edwards, solo saxophone, and John Ticknor, trombone, both of Woodburn. will leave Monday with the Willamette University band on the band's seventh annual tour. The band will present eight concerts and six clinics In 13 states during the five day trip. Dr. Allen G. Willcford of Wood burn attended a three-day post graduate course in obstetrics and gynecology at the University of Oregon Medical school in Portland during the week. Lloyd Paradis has received his discharge from the army and is at the home of his mother, Mrs. Lcona Paradis. He was returned lo Fort Lewis, Wash., from Ger many and had been in the army for two years. Mr. and Mrs. John Coleman, who have been visiting relatives in California and Nebraska were pres ent for the observance of Mrs. Coleman's father's 100th birthday anniversary recently. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Chapelle have returned from a month's va cation in California where they visited Arthur Chapelle and fami ly at Livcrmore, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Broyles at El Centre and Mr. and Mrs. Ted Shaw at Sacra mento. The regular breakfast of the Woodburn Toastmasters will be held Tuesday, Feb. 9. at 6:30 a.m. at the Coney Island restaurant. Dr. and Mrs. Gerald B. Smith and the doctor's mother, Mrs. An na Smith .have returned from a three weeks trip to California and Arizona. Dr. Smith attended medi cal meetings and stamp meetings at Phoenix, Arizona, Los Angeles, and San Francisco, California. They also visited at Laguna HencTi Roberts ROBERTS The G. T. club was entertained at the home of Mrs. Austin Cater Thursday af ternoon with Mrs. L. F. Zielke, Mrs. Woodrow Haney and Mrs. Keith Austin assisting hostesses. As requested, each member wore her own creation of novel ty hats. Mrs. Karl Hayden won the prize for the "craziest hat." Honorable mention Went to Mrs. F. L. Gray, Mrs. John Painter, Mrs. Robert Hoyser, Mrs. Henry Query and Mrs. A. F. Thompson. From the contest of recogniz ing the advertisements from clippings taken from magazines, Mrs. Hubert Hoyser won the first prize and Mrs. Oliver Holcomb second. During the business meeting the new officers Mrs. Austin Cater, president, and Mrs. Keith Austin, secretary-treasurer, were in charge. It was voted to have the an nual get-to-gether for the hus bands and children March 4, at the Grange hall with supper at 6:30 p.m. Committees appoint ed were: Mrs. Richard Snced and Mrs. Oliver Holcomb, of table decorations; Mrs. Louis D. John ston and Mrs. Harvey -Schuebel, kitchen; and Mrs. Karl Hayden and Mrs. Lee U. Eyerly, enter tainment. Each family is re quested to bring its own table service. Mrs, W. T. Mullican accepted the invitation to become a mem ber of the club. Mrs. Gerald J. Comstock and son arc leaving Sunday for Alas ka, where her husband is sta tinned at the Air Base. Her mother-in-law, Mrs. R. B. Com stock, invited in a . few of her friends Thursday afternoon for luncheon in her honor. Mrs. Keith Austin and Mrs. L. F. Zielke left Friday for San Francisco. Mrs. Zielke's father and step-mother are moving there so she is driving the fam ily car down for them. Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Heacock and sons of Eugene and Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Martin and children of Salem spent Sunday at the home of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jess Forster. Grand Island GRAND ISLAND Mrs. Frank Finnicum of Grand Island was a guest of her brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Chester Cald well at Lafayette from Saturday until Tuesday. She went to assist in the care of her sister, Mrs. Caldwell, who is convalescing following surg ery. Norman Finnicum stayed Fri- day night at the home of his' uncle, Chester Caldwell at Lafay ette because of the high water at Grand Island and Miss La vonna Finnicum stayed with Mr. and Mrs. Russell Teachout in Dayton the same night. Members of the "Stitch and Chatter" 4-II club met Wednes day afternoon at the home of the leader, Mrs. Lester Scoggan, in ; the Grand Island district. I Aurora AURORA Thursday eve ning, Feb. 4, the Aurora Lions club sponsored the FFA public speaking contest at North Ma rion high school library. Prior to the meeting the Lions club held a meeting in the cafeteria. Tuesday William Lowrie, rep resenting the Aurora Lions club. and Principal M. H. (Pat) Beal ol worth Marion conferred with Maurice Hudson, state corpora tion commissioner at Salem, in regard to lighting of North Ma rion s athletic field. Plans are under way by the Aurora Lions to lorm a. corpora tion to sponsor sale of non-interest-bearing bonds to finance the project, expected to cost ap proximately $9,000. The Lions club has pledged to buy $500 worth of bonds and the high school student body $250 worth, Mr. cowrie said. - The Marks Prairie 41H sewing club, the Junior Stitchers, met at tne nome ol tneir leader, Mrs. Marvin risn. Judy Yoder pre sided over the meeting. Judy is president ot tne club. Miss Vesta Marks, community 4-H leader, helped plan the year's program. Marilyn Fish will be hostess in her home at the February meeting. treatment. Mrs. Reta Lantz of Redmond visited recently at the home of her son,' Chester Lantz. Webfoot WEBFOOT Eleven members of the Webfoot Social club were guests when Mrs. Allen May entertained at ner home Thursday afternoon, Piecing quilt blocks was the pastime. Attending were Mesdames Ames lioldredge, Dell Morgariedge, Clay ton Richards, Rasco Roberts, Ralph Curfman, T. Lyman, Archie hnafer, A. M. Vernon, John Hack worth, Albert May and Allan Mav. The next meeting will be held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Lyman, F ebruary 11. WEBFOOT -Nineteen mem bers of the Webfoot Friendly Neighbors club attended th Foh. ruary monthly meeting held at ine nome ot Mr. and Mrs. Rich ard Lofton with Mrs. Maurice Goodrich rn.hnstps Warf afternoon. Making afehan blocks In to Korea was the project. The next mpplinp will h hM at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Mike bmitn. Scotts Mills SCOTTS MILLS . MM2C Fnrl Landon, son of Roy Landon, left Tuesday evening lo return to his base at San Diego, Calif., after spending his furlough at his parents home. Mrs. Asa Nomer went ' to Grants Pass to attend the funeral of her brother-in-law. The Abiqua Ladies Social club will next meet at the home of Mrs. J. C. Strom. Weslev Owen has Silverton hospital for medical Sublimity SUBLIMITY Friends have re ceived announcements from Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Nightingale (Pat McGovern) of the birth of an 11 pound 3-ounce son, Gregory Gor don, born January 16. The Night ingales now living in Oklahoma, had spent some time in Guam. They have a son Jcffry, 3 years old. Both arc graduates of St. Boni face high school. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Parker of Seattle and two granddaughters were recent guests at the Irving Schumacher home. The Parkers are relatives of Mrs. Schumacher. BREAKFAST AT 7 A. M. NORTH'S In the Capitol Shopping (enter BIG PICTURE TV SENSATION OF THE YEAR for '54 TREMENDOUS 335 sq.tit. RECTANGULAR I .tarn-fP , " '" Vk . IUU.HUIIM1W Hill jijjftiglh.d .Own This Giant-Screen Admiral fa $490 Only O Per Week How you'll revel in the wonderful realism of this tremen dous 335 sq. in. picture in its all-new, most-wanted rec tangular shape . . . surrounded by the gleaming luxury of Admiral's exclusive Golden Picture Frame! Has powerful all-new Cascode Chassis . , . Turret Tuner that guarantees single dial tuning for present VHF and coming UHF stations . . . "DX" Range Finder . . . full fidelity Tone Control . . . built-in "Omni-Scope" aerial. Rich mahogany finish cabinet takes no more floor space than many 21" setsl Mod.l CI526 Mahogony Finish F.d. Tax, Worranliti Included enly$ 359 95 Complete With U. H. F. HEIDER'S 428 Court St. "Over 30 Years in Salem" "splendid performance of duty" , during the ship's annual adminis-! trative inspection. j lanri dninu IIia inctnllinp Mrs. Merle Learfield and Mrs. ! "oroara in i.aiuorma. Charles Grcgorv took their oh-1 Robert K. Fry, personnel man ligation, and will come in with ; ,h'"l ,lllss- I'SN. son of Mr. and the class later. 1 M,s- Kenneth Fry of Woodburn, Mrs. Lin Cromvell of Donald ! is wrving on the staff of Rear gave a stork shower honoring her i Admiral Robert E. Black, com puter. Mrs. Aaron Wilson, the 1 manilcr carrier division J. lie is former Mickey Peterson, on Sun-' currently on the aircraft carrier day. j USS Essex in the far east. Mr. Wilson has been promoted j Mr!1 M- M. llicks will be host, to private first class now, and the at her home Tuesday lo mem rouple are living at Ft. Lewis, hers ot St. Mary's Episcopal Guild. Wash. Mrs. Wilson left for VI TUESDAY LUNCH AT NORTH'S In the Capitol Shopping v Center TURKEY A LA KING Mashed Potatoes, Cole Slaw, Hot Biscuits and Butter 65c FAST SERVICE l)i;i.l( IOCS I OOP Try Salem's Itrst Plare to Eat Lewis lo join her husband Mr. and Mrs. Barney Feller honored Norman Yergen, Doug las Feller and Amelia Feller with Chinese dinner celebrating A dessert luncheon will be served at 1:30 p m. lollowed by a busi ness session. James It, Mimllel. sun of Mrs. Albert Moullet of Wondhurn, ship's serviceman, second class. I'SN. their respective birthdays. Other I was personally commeniled by the guests were Mr. and Mrs. Glenn rnnimimding officer of his shin A. Yergen, Mrs Norman Yergen, the heavy cruiser USS Helena, for Mr. and .. rs. Warren Feller and Shawn Peter. Mrs. G. llarl.md and Marion, Jean and James Feller. FREE ACCORDION! Furnished with lesson course. No obligation at The Music Center 470 N. Cipllol Ph. 2-5371 Id 1 PHONI .47 SOr till 5:00 p.m. Spencer Tracy "THE ACTRESS" Also Olivia Drllavilland in THE SNAKE PIT" NOW PLAYING At Itrgular I'rires! , I'liu lSi- for Viewers New Improved Polaroid irwrrs Clip on and Regular NJ mm "FORT VENGEANCE" James Craig Rita Moreno Color Co-lilt Now Showing Open 6:4$ "ST At AO 17" William llnldrn Don Taylor FNONI ( I7tl Burt Lancaster in "HIS MAJESTY O'KEEFE" Also John llnrilak in "CONQUEST OF COCHISE" 1 IrW llSV m " TECHNICOLOR v np t fvw! Wf twin r -nn ihr tin w Phi, Silver, n "ROMANCE RHYTHM" U r I I CRASH! BANG! GO SHOE PRICES! I j The Paramount Shoe Store's jj I Entire Stock of Women's Fall Shoes J S JUST THREE PRICES S k 1 . VALUES TO $14.95 i- T 1 SL f 1,1 if Nationally Advertised 1 All Sale) OO Brands: f 1 Final m Walk-Over No Refunds A-i Poramount V V No Exchange f Natural-Bridge m I PARAMOUNT 2S M 339 Across from Ncor Corner M $aving Centers at the fool of the Bridge West Salem Vz Nile North of Ithe Underpass Salem Open Every Day ... 8 a. m. to 10 p. m. Prices Good Monday-Tuesday-Wednesday PURE GROUND BEEF in. lib v LIMIT SKINLESS WIENERS ib. 33 LIMIT POLISH SAUSAGE Ib. SWISS STEAK CHUCK ROAST RIB STEAK BOILING BEEF i. 39c ii. 33c ii. 33c 19c VANILLA Quarts MELLO-FREEZE MONEY BACK GUARANTEE! GRADE A LARGE Fresh Eggs do33c LIMIT MISSION "571 Egg Noodles ,JJ Large 16-oz. Cello Package LIMIT ' RADISHES and GREEN ONIONS 3bun.10c CALIFORNIA Medium Size Solid LETTUCE 3 heads LIMIT SUNKIST Medium Size ORANGES each VA 2 These Are NOT SMALL Size LIMIT EASTERN OREGON NO. 2 POTATOES (':,b.E(ft: LIMIT Ask Ihe Butcher About LOCKER BEEF i