Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, February 06, 1954, Page 4, Image 4

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    Honor Bride
A social event of interest on Tuesday'
calendar it the tea for which Mrs. Reu
ben P. Boise and her daughter-in-law, Mrs.
Breyman Boise, are to entertain to honor
the latter's daughtcr-ln-law, Mrs. Evan
Breyman Boise (Janet Bozorth), a recent
" A large group of friends has been bid
den to call between 3 and 8 o'clock at the
home of Mrs. Reuben Boise on North Sum
mer street.
Greeting at the donr will be Misses Rox
anna Brown, Julia Marshall and Elisabeth
Walton. Assisting in the hull will be Mrs.
Newbury Close, Mrs. Ernest H. Miller, Mrs.
Robert Steevcs. At the living room door
will be Mrs. Paul R. Hendricks, Mrs. Dan
iel J. Fry, Mrs. F. W. Poorman.
Greeting with the hostesses and honor
guest will be the latter's mother, Mrs,
Squire S. Bozorth of Eugene. '
Assisting about the living room will be
Mrs. Willard Marshall, Mrs. Asel Eoff,
Mrs. James B. Young, Mrs. Frank H.
Spears, Mrs. Daniel Fry, Jr., Mrs. James
R. Phillips, Mrs. James White, Mrs. Wil
liam R. Shinn.
Inviting guests to the dining room will
be Mrs. Mollis W. Huntington and Mrs.
Charles H. Huggins.
Pouring will be Mrs. George Weller,
Mrs. P. D. Quisenberry, Mrs. R. H. Holman
of Oregon City, Mrs, Keith Powell, Mrs.
Chandler Brown, Mrs. Werner Brown.
Serving will be Mrs. Dwight Quiscnber
rv, Mrs. Jack Fitzmaurice, Mrs. Frank A.
Brown, Mrs. John Merrill, Mrs. Lloyd F,
Ramcy, Mrs. Harold R. Schick, Jr., Mrs.
Alan Ricbel, Miss Antoinette Kuzmanich.
rR. and Mrs. Charles Soos are to be
honored at a reception Sunday after-
noon on the occasion of their golden
wedding anniversary, the event to be 'at
Christ Lutheran church with their son and
tlaughtcr-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Soos as
Friends are invited through the press to
call between 2 and 4 o'clock.
Pouring will be Mrs. John Kocncke,
sister of Mrs. Soos, and Mrs. Edmund Hir
sekorn, a niece. Mrs. Jacob Fox is to cut
the cake. Serving will be Mrs. G. H. Netz,
Mm. Adolph Bombeck, Mrs. George Peper,
Miss Tillie Albers.
The tea table will be set with a lace
cloth and the flowers and candles will be
in red and gold.
Assisting the hosts, Mr. and Mrs. Carl
Soos, will be his sister, Mrs. Arthur Koehn
of Vlda.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Soos were mar
ried in Tacoma, 50 years ago, and have
lived in Salem since 1912. In their family
are the two children, Carl Soos and Mrs.
Arthur Koehn, two grandchildren and six
great grandchildren.
A hostess of next week will be Mrs. Sid
ney B. Lewis who is to entertain at lunch
con and bridge party on Thursday at her
Fairmount Hill home for a group of 12.
The party is first of a scries planned by
Mrs. Lewis.
Mr. and Mrs. Urlin S. Tage are to be
hosts to their supper club, Sunday evening,
at their Fairmount Hill home. Mr. and Mrs.
Bruce Spaulding of Portland, out-of-town
members, will be here for the event.
Mrs. Jnmcs R. Humphrey is to entertain
for the past presidents group of Ii Beta
Phi alumnae on Monday aftcrnuon at lunch
eon at her home.
Mrs. Thomas Roberts, Jr. and Mrs. Harold
Schick, Jr. arc to entertain at the home of
the former on Wednesday afternoon for lunch
eon and afternoon of bridge, the group to
fete Mrs. Daniel Fry, Jr. with a shower. Six
teen have been invited, among the guests
being Mrs. Milton L. Gumberl of Portland,
mother of Mrs. Fry, and Mrs. Daniel J.
Fry, Sr.
Chapter BQ of r.E.O. Sisterhood is
meeting on Monday evening at the home
of Mrs. Sidney Boise. Mrs. Roy T. Todd
as co-hostess. The meeting is at 7:45
Dated for Saturday, March 20, Is the
annual "Easter Bonnet" bridge party of
Junior Woman's club, the event to be in
the afternoon at the new YWCA building.
All proceeds go to the club's fund to
assist in furnishing the YW. Mrs. Robert II.
Carey is general chairman of the com
mittee. PI Beta Phi Mothers club will meet at
the chapter house Tuesday at 1:30 p.m.
Mrs. Robert W. Fenix will give a talk on
her collection of bells. Hostesses will be
Mrs. B. F. Schmnker and Mrs. Wayne
Honor Keisers
An event of Interest to a large group on
Wednesday evening will be the reception to
be given for the Iicv. and Mrs. Julian J.
Kciser at the First Congregational church.
The Rev. Mr. Keiser Is the new pastor of
the church.
Guests arc invited to call between R and
10 o'clock.
Mr. and Mrs. I.. K. Lawrence are chair
men of the committer arranging the nffair,
others assisting including Mrs. (ierlnide A!
fredson, Miss Oda chapman. Miss Priscilln
Durham, Mr. and Mrs. V. K. Hanson. Mr.
nnd Mrs. Karl W. Ileinlein. Mr ami Mrs.
Ralph Jackson, Norman Luther, Mr. nnd Mis.
Kenneth Rich, Mr nnd Mrs. Donald Row
land. Mr. nnd Mrs. Howard Runkel, Mr.
and Mrs. Ralph Van Horn.
In charge of the music for the evening will
be Mr. and Mrs. Rowland. Mrs. Alfredson
and Miss Chapman are in charge of the guest
At the door will be Mr. and Mrs. Runkel
and Mr. and Mrs. Heinlein. Assisting at the
sanctuary will be Miss Durham nnd Mr.
Luther, and in the Mayflower room, Mr. and
Mrs. Van Horn. Assisting in the parlor will
be Mr. and Mrs. Jackson, Mr. and Mrs. Rich
and Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence.
Introducing lo the line will be Mrs. Sclh
R. Huntington of Forest Grove, formerly ol
Salem and mother of Mrs. Keiser.
In the receiving line will be the Rev. and
Mrs. Keiser and Dr. and Mrs. Paul Dnvirs,
of Portland. Dr. Davies is superintendent
nnd minister of the Congregational conference
in Orrgon.
Touring will br Mrs. 'Louis White of Snlrm,
Mrs. Robert Hutchinson of Hood River, Mrs.
P. L. Calvert of Salem and Mrs. George
Redden of Monmouth.
Several Dance Clubs Set Valentine
Parties Next Friday and Saturday
St. Valentine's day Sunday, February 14,
will be theme for several dancing parties
next week-end.
Tuxedo Group
Tuxedo club's dance is slated for Fri
day evening, February 12, at the Marion
hotel. The social hour will be at 7:30
o'clock the dinner at 8:30 o'clock.
Wisteria Dance
Wisteria club's dance will be next Friday
evening as a Valentine party at Veterans of
Foreign Wars hall, dancing starting at 9
o'clock. i
On the committee for the evening are Mr.
and Mrs. Frank Dye, Mr. and Mrs. W. R.
Dickson, Mr. and Mrs. James Gemnicll,
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Griswold, Mr. and
Mrs. Edward Klippcrt.
Salem Sojourners club is meeting next
Thursday, dessert to be at 1 o'clock at the
Woman's club house with cards following.
Mrs. William L. Shriver is chairman and
on her committee are Mrs. Andy Foster, Mrs.
Laura Fletcher, Mrs. W. J. Lccper, Mrs.
D. C. Pfouts and Mrs. Olcn Roberts.
Alpha Phi alumnae are lo meet Monday
evening for dessert at 7:30 o'clock at the
home of Mrs. Harry S. Dorman.
Chapter BC P. E. O. Sisterhood plans lo
meet on Tuesday at 1:30 p.m. at the home
of Mrs. E. A. Brown, 5fl5 North 24th street.
Mrs. E. G. Sanders is the assistant hostess.
Chapter AB of F.E.O. Sisterhood is
meeting Monday evening at the home of
Mrs. David Rcavis, 2045 Chemeketa, des
sert to be at 7:30 o'clock. Miss Lillian
Davis and Miss Lois Latimer are co-host-esses.
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BRWF this morning at a ceremony In Our l.ady of I.ourdes Catholic rhurrh
was Mrs. Melvin Alfred Hartmann (Joanne Marte HnlH, above. She Is thr
rtauithter of Mr. and Mm. Hrrnard W, Holt nf Sclo. Mr. Hartmann Is the son of
Mr. and Mrs. t erdlnand Hartmann of Sublimity.
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Subscription Party
Subscription club's dance for February
comes next Saturday evening, also at the
Marion hotel.
The social hour will be at 7:30 o'clock,
the dinner at 9 o'clock. Mr. and Mrs. Les
ter F. Barr head the decorating committee.
Cama Party
Cama club's Valentine dance will be next
Saturday evening, February 13, at Knights
of Columbus hall, dancing to be between 9
and 1 o'clock. Urs Wolfcr's orchestra is to
Mrs. Mllo Van Houten is chairman of the
snack bar, and Mr. and Mrs. Harold Davis
head the committee at the door. Assisting
Mrs. Van Houten will be Mrs. Lawrence
Stoddard, Mrs. Robert Ramagc, Mrs. Charles
Emmcrson and assisting the Davises will be
Mr. and Mrs. Curtis Ferguson.
Leaving next Tuesday for a vacation
jaunt in the south arc Justice and Mrs.
Walter L. Tooze. They will stop at Las
Vegas then will go on to Mexico City for
a few days, then to Houston, Fort Worth
and Lubbock, Texas. They will visit rela
tives of Mrs. Tooze in the Texas cities. The
Toozes plan to be gone three weeks.
Junior guild of St. Paul's Episcopal church
is to meet for salad luncheon on Tuesday at
1 o'clock in the parish hall. Mrs. Gale L.
Fox. Mrs. William H. Damery, Mrs. Earl
T. Andresen, Mrs. J. F. Causey and Mrs.
Clay McDowell arc the committee.
Meeting Monday is St. Mary's guild of St.
Paul's Episcopal church, in the parish hall
Fireplace room, at 1 o'clock.
Mrs. Robert L. Elfstrom Is to be host
ess to her bridge club for dessert and after
noon, Wednesday.
- I.
ED this morning at a ceremony hi
Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic church
in Jordan were Miss Joanne Marie
Holt, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Bernard W.
Holt, and Melvin Alfred Hartmann, son of
Mr. and Mrs. Ferdinand Hartmann of Sub
limity. The service was at 10 o'clock, the
Rev. Bernard Neumann officiating at the
double ring ceremony. Pink snapdragons 'and '
ping and white carnations decorated the
church, and the pews were marked with bou
quets of the pink snapdragons tied with white
bows. The mass servers were Bernard Holt,
Leland Hartmann, Richard Hartmann and
Douglas Bradley.
For the music, the Jordan parish choir
sang and Shirley Schottoeffer was soloist
with Mary Louise Hottinger playing the or
gan. The bride wore a chapel length dress, the
fitted bodice of imported Chantilly lace but-
toning to a V in back and fashioned with'
long sleeves pointed al the wrists, the skirt
of scalloped lace over satin ending in two
tiers of net ruffles. The fingertip veil of mar
quisette was arranged from a Juliet cap
trimmed with seed pearls. Mr. Holt gave
his daughter in marriage.
Miss Carole Jean Doerfler was honor at
tendant. Bridesmaids were Miss Shirley
Wccder, Miss Betty Courtney and Miss Mar
ian Posvar. All were dressed alike in baby
pink, ballerina length frocks, the bodices of
Chantilly lace with sweetheart necklines,
the tulle skirts over taffeta. They wore match
ing pink mitts of the lace and headdresses
of the lace. Thelma Holt, sister of the bride,
was flower girl. She wore a baby pink full
length dress and matching headpiece.
Darrel Hartmann was the best man and
groomsmen were Thomas Albus, Bernard
Ripp and Dwight Bradley. Frances Reiser
and Darrel Foltz were the ushers.
The bride's mother wore a deep wine fit
ted suit with winter white accessories, and
the bridegroom's mother wore an aqua and
gray costume with matching accessories.
Following the mass, the soloist, Shirley
Schoettoeffer sang "Mother at Thy Feet
We're Kneeling" while the couple went to
the side altar of Our Blessed Mother, the
bride leaving a nosegay of violets at the altar.
The reception was in the Sublimity parish
hall. Pink and white were the colors used
in decorating. Mrs. James Phelps, aunt of
the bride, served the cake. Mrs. Alfred Hart
mann was at the punch bowl. Mrs. George
Bradley at the cotfee urn. Others assisting
were Mrs. Marvin Harkscn. Mrs. Darrel
Foltz, Mrs. Ray Hartmann, Mrs. James Mo
Coy, Misses .Icannelte Kinlz, Dorothy Frank,
Itoseann Minden, Shirley Schoettoeffer, Carol
Courtney, Lanita Boedigheimer, Joan Heuber
gcr, Arden Parker, and Kathleen Hartmann,
Ray Hartmann, Alfred Hartmann, George
Bradley and Marvin llarksen.
For going away the bride wore a deep aqua
fitted suit with matching stole, baby pink
accessories and corsage of pink rosebuds.
The couple will he at home at 720 Wash
ington street, Stayton.
Calendared for next Wednesday evening
is the scholarship benefit party for Salem
unit of Oregon State College Mothers
The party will be in the Salem Woman's
club. Each group attending is to take its
own table accessories. Many prizes arc
to be given during the evening. Dessert
will be served.
.Mrs. Edwin A. Johnson is general chair
man. Reservations are being made with Mrs.'
Carl J. Wendt, ,t480.
All proceeds bo to the fund maintained
by mothers throuchout the state for
scholarships to the college.
In San Francisco for a few days, leav
ing today, are Mr. and Mrs 'tobert M.
Nccdham. While there the'- are visiting
Mr. and Mrs. Bradford Collins.
Friendship rlnh plans to tnret for a I
o'clock dessert nn Fridn' at the home of
Mrs. H. E. Melchrrt, 11SS Norlh 17th street.
Annual "Sweetheart Formal" of Eta chap
ter. Rrta Siaroa Phi. will ho next Saturday
evening. February 1.1. at lzaak Walton league
club house.
Dancing will be between 9 and 12 o'clock.
During the evening the sweetheart of the
year will be named, Mayor A W Loucks to
announce the winner .md make the presen
tation Candidates tor the title are Mrs. Wil
liam St Clair. Mrs. Joseph hitke. Mrs.
Richard Vincent.
' The dance is for all chapter members
and friends. Proceeds go to the group's fund
to purchase equipment or the pediatrics de
partment al Salem General hospital.
Mrs. William St. Clair. Mrs. Audrey Cart?,
Mrs. Kenneth Hill, Mrs Robert Williams,
Mrs. Robert Bailey and Mrs. Ernest Reams
are on the committee.
Stale Senator and Mrs. Douglas Yenter
leave this week end for a trip south. They
will be m San Francisco, then go on to Palm
Springs. They will be gon two weeks.
Sweetheart Candidates ... . .
Annual Hi-T Sweetheart Ball Is an event slated for next Friday evening at
which time the Hl-Y Sweetheart lor the year will be named. Three of the candi
dates are pictured above, left to right: Miss Patricia Gordon of Arthur Cotton
chapter; Miss Opal Vaughn from A. A. Stagg chapter; and Miss Mary Rauk of
Claude Kells chapter.
Parents Meet
Calendared for Monday evening Is the joint
no-host dinner meetings for University of
Oregon Mothers and Dads clubs in the Mc
kinley school cafeteria at 6:30 o'clock.
The program will be provided by represen
tatives from the university, Mrs. Golda Wick
ham and Ray Hawk, associate directors of
student affairs: Miss Judv McLaughlin, pres
ident of the Associated Woman Students; and
Tom Wrightson, president of the Associated
Student Body. Also attendinng will be a hold
er of one of the club's scholarships.
On Ihe dinner committee are Mrs. John
R. Caughell as chairman, assisted by Mrs.
John H. Carson, Mrs. James Walton, Mrs.
Ralph H. Mercer, Mrs. Kenneth Carlson.
Parents of all UO students and alumni are
invited to attend.
Chapter CB of P. E. O. Sisterhood is meet
ing next Thursday evening for dessert at
the home of Mrs. Sam R. Haley, 1915 Sagi
naw, at 7:30 o'clock. Mrs. Robert H. Dow
is to be co-hostess.
Salem Memorial Hospital auxiliary will
meet Monday morning at 10 o'clock at the
hospital chapel.
The auxiliary is now conducting a mem
bership drive and the following have been
active in contacting the old and prospective
members: Mrs. C. Parker Gies, chairman;
Mrs. C. Ronald Hudkins, Mrs. Arthur M.
Erickson, Mrs. Bjarne Ericksen, Mrs. E. F.
Kirkvvood, Mrs. Joseph B. Felton, Mrs. Glenn
Gurtz, Mrs. Asa Lewclling, Mrs. Fred Lewis,
Mrs. E. W. Rector, Mrs. George Swartslcy,
Mrs. Charles D. Wood.
The officers of the Jaycee-Ettes will meet
for their first board session, Monday night
it the home of Mrs. Ivan Royse, 1130 Al
bert Drive.
Twelve Jaycee-Ettes arc scheduled to be
guests of the Woodburn Jaycee-Ettes
Thursday night, February 11. The meeting
will be in the Woodburn Episcopal church.
Those planning on going include Mrs.
Maurice Conn, Mrs. Blaine Cline, Mrs. Rob
ert Cole, Mrs. Dale Dorn. Mrs. Lorcn Bos
ten, Mrs. Dee Whitlock, Mrs. Warren
Hocker, Mrs. James Loder, Mrs. J. W. Lar
ios, Mrs. Don Rcitzer, Mrs. Gale Dorn, and
Mrs. Ivan Royse.
in Washington
Washington, D,C, February 1.
Dear Marian:
Mr. and Mrs. G. F. Chambers of Salem
have been in town visiting with the former's
brother. Ralph Chambers, and with the Doug
las McKays. They arrived Friday, driving
from Lansing, Michigan, where they picked
up a ear, and spent the week end at the Mc
Kay apartment, moving to his brother's
home Sunday for the remainder of their
stay. The guests and hosts have been busily
touring the historic sites and other spots of
in'erest. This noon the Secretary and Mrs.
McKay entertained for the three Chainhcrscs
in the Interior dining room. Additional guests
were Ohmnrt, nf Salem, who is here
for the Real Estate Hoard meeting; Speaker
Hmlle Wllhelm, Jr.. nf Portland, who has
been seeing some of his friends from the
years between ins" and 1910 when he studied
nt the American University here and worked
at the Department of Commerce: and the
Vic MacKcnzies, and this Oregonian who
was eagerly listening to news from Salem.
The MncKcnzirs entertained the McKays and
Chambcrses at one o( their famous French
pancake hrcnklnsts Sunday, and on Saturday
evening the McKays and their guests dined
at Mrs. K s Toll House, a great favorite in
suburban restaurants.
A third Oregon legislative member in Wash
ington during the last week was State Senator
Truman Chase of Eugene. He was attend
ing a Farm Labor Advisory Hoard meeting,
and with Mrs. Chase dropped in at the De
partment for a chat with the Secretary. L.
E. Coles, of Princville. member of the Na
tional Reclamation Association's board of
directors, was an office visitor, as was Frank
lleaih of Coos Bay, who was in the 3Hlst
infantry with Secretary' McKay. Charles L.
Paine, another forinrr Eugene resident, now
living in Portland, called today to present an
official Invitation from the Royal Rosarians
for the Secretary to attend the annual Rose
Festival I,. I.. Hicgs. Portlmc'. president
of the State Board ol Health, is due tomor-
(ftiton-Mlllir Hu4l iletnrii)
Delta Gamma Mothers club is meeting
Monday evening at the sorority chapter house
at 5:30 o'clock for dessert, the girls of the
chapter to be guests. Following a short pro
gram, there will be a business session. Invi
tation is extended to all Delta Gamma moth
ers to attend.
Alpha Xi Delta alumnae are meeting next
Wednesday evening at the home of Mrs.
Rollin Lewis with Mrs. Clyde Charters as
sisting. Miss Violet McKce of Portland, per
sonnel director at Lipman, Wolfe and com
pany, is to be guest speaker. She is an
alumna of the sorority.
The Drama class is meeting on Tuesday
at the home of Mrs. Karl Becke.
Epsilon Sigma Alpha sorority is meeting
next Wednesday evening at the home of
Mrs. Gerald DeSart.
February meeting for Pi Beta Phi alumna
of Salem will be next Thursday evening at
the home of Mrs. Charles A. Sprague.
Co-hostesses are. Miss Lillian Davis, Mrs.
David Bartruff, Mrs. Arthur Bone, Mrs.
Charles Coleman.
Of interest to many friends in the val
ley is announcement of the approaching
marriage of Mrs. Mable Scrttchfield of
Princville, Ore. and Toppenish, Wash., to
Harold E. Young of Salem. The wedding
will be February 19 as an evening cere
mony in St. Mark's Lutheran church, the
Rev. John Cauble officiating. The couple
plan to leave then on a trip east, going to
New Orleans for Mardi Gras then on to
Washington, D.C. They will make their
home here.
Mr. Young is in the postal inspection
service with headquarters in Salem, his dis
trict taking in Polk, Yamhill and Marion
Honoring the couple, Mr. and. Mrs. Al
bert C. Gragg arc to entertain at their
North Capitol street home at an open house
on Sunday, February 14, guests being in
vited to call between 3 and 5 o'clock.
Guests will include postmasters in Mr.
Young's district and their wives, and super
visors in the Salem post office and their
row, as are Mr. and Mrs. Dean Pape and
Mr. and Mrs. Ehrman Glustina. all of Fu
gene. The latter four have been in New
York for the convention of the Association of
Equipment Dealers, and Mr. Riggs is here for
the annual meeting of the American Phar
maceutical Association. So goes the roll
call from home.
A special treat this week was the concert
of Anna Russell, Canadian singer, trained in
the Royal College of Music in London, who
has put her excellent voice and lively per
sonality to use as a comedienne nf song. Her
interpretations of the mannerisms nf other
concert singers, whether French. Spanish,
British or German, were devastating. One
wondered how other singers must feel about
her humorous .satire of their typical pro
grams. The "music appreciation" number
was a recounting of "The Ring of the Nihe
lungs" and she told the story of the Wag
nerian opera nnd sang the briefest of lines
to illustrate the development of the plot.
Huge Constitution Hall was packed and the
place echoed and reechoed with laughter
from beginning to end of her program.
The T. S. Eliot comedy. "The Confidential
Clerk." evoked the usual mixed reactions of
an Eliot play, but with Ina Claire, Claude
Rains, Aline MacMnhon, and the clever young
English actress, Joan Greenwood, it was
beautifully done and as far as I was con
cerned, a most worthwhile evening. Particu
larly appreciated was Ina Claire, after her
seven-year retirement from the stage.
In addition to the concert, the play, and
the Turkish luncheon, I managed to includo
an Alpha Phi buffet, a dinner of a federal
personnel management organization, a busi
ness dinner, meeting of the American News
paper Women's Cluh, and an evening of
dinner dancing at the Shnreham with Ore
gonians, which certainly rounded out the
week with considerable variety, to put it
mildly And it has been wonderful weather,
too, I must report, as your Washington cor
respondent. PEG,