Thursday, February 4, 1954 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, Salem, Oregon 2668 CAROL CURTIS STEVE KOPEK RADIO PROGRAMS KSLM 13M, KOCO 1490, KGAE J430, KOIN 970, KG W 620, KEX 1190 FMl MecicyclM KOIN 101.1; KEX 92.J ; FRIDAY P.M. ! LETS JUST SAY THAT A OPEN THE HULL. SAV. PEW DOLLARS INVESTED IN "OIL" WOULD MAKE VOU8 dablinc if'this"is"a business oeb. mb fleece will want J DAUGHTERS SLIDE TO TO SEE THE COLO? V- C.'R 5TABDOM MOkc SMOOTH.' V "00: iT 00:45 Page 14 SECTION n FLEEO:' ABE VOU HINTING tA MBS 80EW5TEP.' THAT WE COULD SOMEONE JJ- m. ' C a -4 ..rr-. u.iiL7 00:00 00:30 HOUR Chcf'j Specialty! With the current emphasis on style for a purpose, these two aprons will be very much in the limelight! In one pattern, the popular cob bler's style to wear with slacks as well as skirts and a pocketed . parly apron, too! No. 2668 is cut in one size. Cobbler's style, .2'4 yds. 35-in. Tea apron takes only 1 yds. of 35-in. fabric. Send 30c for PATTERN with Name, Address, Style Number and Size. Address PATTERN BUREAU, Capital Journal, 652 Mission street, San Francisco 5, Calif. Patterns ready to fill orders' immediately. lor special han dling of order via first class mail include an extra 5c per pattern. Just off the press! The brand new 1954 SPRING- SUMMER FASHION BOOK is agog from cover to cover with exciting new eason styles and ideas for easy sewing and smart going from breakfast until bedtime! IN COL OR, this book includes up-to-the-last-minute fashion forecasts for eyery age, every size, every oc casion! Yours for only an addi tional 25c. Beautiful Quilting Motifs Big, handsomely detailed squares, cir cles, bandings are given in this pattern to use on the plain blocks of a quilt, on re-covered satin or silk taffeta comfortables, down puffs, boudoir or chaise lounge pillows, on summer hand bags of linen or cotton. Large motif is a 12-inch square of styl ized leaves; a round feather mo tif with border which may be spaced large or small; a flinch hearts square, 7-inch flower cir cle; 5-inch leaf square; 4-inch feather border; 2-inch flower bor der. All these motifs may be used separately or combined for a prize-winning piece of work! Send 25c for the QUILTING MOTIFS (Pattern No. 574) com plete instructions, YOUR NAME, ADDRESS, PATTERN NUMBER to CAROL CURTIS, Capital Jour nal, 652 Mission Street, San Fran cisco 8, Calif. Patterns ready to fill orders immediately. For special han dling of order via first class mail include an extra 5c per pattern. FLEET COMMANDER TO VISIT FORMOSA TAIPEI, Formosa Ifl The U. S. 7lh Fleet commander, Vice Adm. Alfred M.' Pride, is sched uled to visit Formosa next week for conferences with Nationalist Chinese President Chiang Kai-Shek. HENRY By" Carl Anderson bazaar" 3R0 STUEBT ACROSS 1. Postpone 6. Supports 11. Cheat 12. Settle 14. F.ntertains 15. Lessens lfi. Uncouth 17. Indites 19. Tiling in law 20. Sooner than 21. Discharge 22. Long lender rod 23. Notwith standing 25. Furnished with a bottom 36. Windflower 28. Fetter 31. Copy 35. Wind in strument 3S. Pace 37. Rent: slanj; 38. Make 1 mistakt 39. Hind 40. Hindu garment 41. Gone up 43. Redactor 45. Turning points 40. Crecdi 47. Thick 48. Sows DOWN l.Coy , 2. Evades 3. Melt 4. Dutch commune I I I STBBET ! ICABniRlHSIHlROTB 1A D tMfWMP ASIA DA I rIo sITlsIbpIailiaIv F-Ir aolNjHROHdLTi ES KyAlTJPClAlsi!(N 0W a unulArtiEiNiTne VIA t iollAta mSSt oimHe. r A llHBJPjOlLI I jTliUN M 53 l ei AfflsienilNCS OitlP EJNiD E S T R tljN O OiSltrt I R A ElAIRUuf InIaIsUlieIg Solution ot Yesterday's Puult 5. Rest 6. Carpenter's tool 7. Steals 8. Kdibl tuhrr Walk around as gu.ird ' t J f I . Us ! .i y ,J I , jj IT 7a 7? To 2 7c 7a IT 30 37 .'i hi jjv j$ 7t 37 W T 10. Editor of "The Tatter 11. Ventured 13. Ancient two-wheeled chariot 18. Rcrlii' 21. Native of Fin hind 52. Bard 24. Ache 25. Cut off 27. Egg riches 28. Inexpen sive 29. Dreadful 30. Reach a destination 32. Winged 33. Old playing cards 34. Moham medan princes 36. Sound judgment 39. Favorites 40. Trigono metrical funrticn 42. Male descendant 44. River in Scotland , vr.f J1 n tj r, mm vCANT HELP If. ) A ORPHAN ANNIE" EVBlOYN '0llEyP KG?- U6 1 6 MERE .VtHAT' TE, Of THE tl'L'OL' , -IS GMNPCON, GXOUH CHUCK CHILE C V tesWh t rV A r BUT THAT'S OUST rr-WEVE BFEN TO OUR BANKER-HE SCfc'S ABOUl'SU. OUR TWEHTY-FIE THOUSAND WILL EARN UB 6APELY l TWELVE DOLLARS A WEEK"-OR MAYBE HDUUI IWtNTf A WttS" I 11 I EH?HESAIDTHST? U nU MV.MVl tliHV SWI MFAH THF POOB FELLOW I SU THINK.? MUST BE LIVING nJNTHEPflST." OH. MY DEAR FW6NDS".WrTH CAPITAL SUCH AS YOURS, FORTUNES ARE BEING MADE EVERY DAY" BUT NO. MUSTN'T TRY TO INFLUENCE YOU5 B I I Llh AU.NKIl IT'5 A DEAL.'.' V I'D DO IT FOR & IO.OOO, I MYSELF ' J MY CLIENT BUT THE WILL PUNCH ) CLUB YOUR ENEMY, if WOULD lS THERE -IN X E.X.PEL J f-'Wf FRST sionrsn rs MiNE.rr-) fl (-'NOW TO EARN THE SECOND itoooomR MV CLIENT.'.'-) 1 pssr.'-youR V 6ut, 1 WORST ENEMY 1 DON'T 1 JUST PAID THAT 1 WANT Bk3 LOUT. OUT TO BE. THERE,$IO,000 PUNCHED TOPUICHYOU IN THE IN THE. NOSE IT, NOSE ST WOULD IT BE WORTH ft IO.OOO TO YOU, NOT TO kJE. -. f ' ., I UOPALONG CASSIDY . 1"aliCS!rS:s---SSf"1 rTES SMOKe,? WHAT!? SJ ITHAT'S WHAT I'M APRAO T,mmt ytAH... VJ DHPtlNG DOWN W TH'JUNSl'S OP ONCE THE FLAW6S I I I SE WW BOOA... SBNN1N', AKN' WV VOL) SWELL 1 THBOUGH THE JfK API RE ? J MEET THE GAS FUMES. V Y'MEAN ' 6 C5I7ZY. I CM EVEN ! SOMBTMNG, F1ASSAGS . 5EEPIN&OUTOP -.4 MUTT & JEFF so you WANT TOMARRV MV DAUGHTER.EH? I KNOW NOTHING ABOUT SOU! - i I VI EDCC VI -J( I 1.W.1 V I i l!KX MORGAN. M.D. FffFL FREfFJ TO ASK ME ANV QUESTIONS J i LL, SIR' ; WELL, JUST WHAT CHARACTER REFERENCES Have vou? CHARLIE SHULTZ SAVS IM QUITE A CHARACTER! HE SAYS I'M ALWAVS HAPPY.' ' a i i & Does, HUH?I oh yessir; and IKjostwho Xoh.charue is V. CHARLIE SHULTZ SAV5 SOMBDAV ILL BE' RICH and Famous.' HP SAVS T "r a) cah't miss IS THIS CHARLIE SHULTZ? THE 6UV WHO STANDS IN FRONT OF ME IN THE UNEMPLOYMENT INSURANCE LINE ' i -. J CZZZ WHAT I? AftY GOOD SO YOd THOUSHT YOU 0 FSiFND TALKiSS C-ET AA AY WITH rr. . , 1 A80"JT, 5EK6EAN7 f TRYIN6 TO fRmt WA- YOil? GOOD FRIEND WHY, ALBERT.' BuRGLAi2ED A SAFE ) cOiV COULD OJ IN THi BUDDtN&TON 1 DO SUCH A HOWE, LASCKOS.' , TH!No 7 ) - YOU D0U81E-CR0SSINSV?A?CK H VI... RAT.' I'll KIUYOJ FOR SrAiCCH h;5 (" TMlS.' tyW! YOU'LL . DI CK "'U J iW. 1' km TELL AE.(X.L!T0 S0OE W HAT DO Ou7l C"03A..ER... MAN E FO J '( A tJKJNETTE OiNNES? SOANELETTE... AN.. fury ON (TO 3l) MAUI WOKTII YOO PACK 7!U.VlhA ) , ,-., XXiVSiZ 1 Vvw ' AIJLN'I )U THKIUEP!' FOR "THlNVINo ABOUT TOMOC.( WHIX THt. ONLY APPtAUtt. HXICf.T DM raTLt WHO STILL RtWt.WNR THAT WUWtRt ONCE Y0UN6 AND CltVtR ANO MAtlTIFUL.' J I IJIII V I IBMK Ibr-r . . 1 AU i wlSkD.WR.-P?-H?.LIR.n h WIUMAKi IIAHOME. -WUH EVtRf fWOV v I II hSI.M KOCO KGAE k KOIN ' KGW JCEX KSI.M KOCO KGAE KOIN KGW KEX I'opTndM I Newt lOoyOUk World Newi IMId-day Music IMid-day Music News I Spider I Spider Macleod News ICome c Get ItlHuuse Party Archer, News IRoad of Life I Pepper Young Paul Harvey livoon Edmon isam nayes Better ShopperslMuslc Room Magic Melody IMadlc Melody News Hill Top Ho. Backst. Wife Kay West I Jack Horner A. Godfrey IStella Dallas IKav Wesl Siesta Mels. I Ritchie I Solder IHouse Party Happiness TheJodds I Music Room Magic Melody Mack Horner I A. Godfrey (Music Room IMagic Melody Uack Horner I A Hnrifrev IWidder Brown IWoman In Ho. IKav Wesl iKay West KSI.M News IStar Time INews Bands KOCO Maelc Melody IMaeic Melody IMagic Melody IMaglc Melody KGAE News ISplder Spider !Spld". KOIN A.Godfrey lArt Godfrey lArt Godfrey I Curt Massey KGW Just Plain Bill IFront P. Farrelli Lorenzo Jones Pays to Marry KEX Martin Block Martin Block IMartin Block IMarllll Block "ksIm-Hughes Reel ITello Test Jackklrkwood Jack Kirkwood" KOCO P.M.News ITuneTime I Piano Patterns IFor'rd March KGAE News Ispidcr ISpidcr ; (Spider KOIN Wizard of Odds IMake Up Mind I Robt. Q. Lewis Tunefully KGW Welcome Trav. Welcome Trav. IDr. Paul ILife Beautiful KEX For the Girls iFor the Girls IFor the Girls IFor the Girls KOCO KGAE KOIN KGW KEX Fulton Lewis Music U Want News Art ICtrkham Join the Navy Aftrnn. Editn. Hemlnflway IMusic U Want Disk it Needle Isparklln' Music I Music Box ISnmrrel Cage Curt Massev Music U Want Disk 6c Needle Art Klrkhsm Music Box Squirrel Cage I Sam Hayes IMusic U Want isign Off Art Klrkham IMusic Box 'Ginger Rogers 5 KSLM KOCO KOIN KGW KEX B Bar B Show Time E. R. Murrow Sports Daily Dick- Powell IB Bar B ' Ishow Time I News I News Hour 'Peggy Lee I Bill Hlckok I Second Look IWorld Today IJess Mason 1 1 unttev News Bill Hickok IMusic I : Goss I B. Peterson IBob Garred KSLM Gab Heater iPerry Como IVirgll Pinkley News KOCO Candlelight I innlelleht News 188 Keys KOIN Studio IMeditat'n Time Sp'ts SpotllghtiQuest Stars KGW Relax. Music Irtclax Music I House of Class House of Glass KEX Home Edition 'Bill Stern ISnorts Edition IHappy Time I , KSI.M Starlight Thtr. IStarlight Thtr. I Cisco Kid Cisco Kid KOCO Rosary IStarsSing IMusic Midcourt KOIN Godfrey Dig. IGodfrev Digest IGodfrev Digest IGodfrey Digest I kgw McGee b Molly lAlex Dreier Phil Harris 'Phil Harris KEJC Fighhi IFighls INpws Headlines iH.-irinouaires iWhistlin' Tunes , IW.U.-L.&C. IW.U.-L. &C. ILowell Thomas Family Skeleton iDinah Shore (Frank Sinatra John Vander'klFavorite Mus. I KSLM I KOCO KOIN KGW KEX 9 KSLM Kit CO KOIN KfiW KFX Jimmy Fidler Theme Time W.U.-L. & C. IW.U.-L. & C. Lost Persons (Lost Persons Symphonette iSymphonetta Newsreel W.U.-L. &C. Beulah Bob Hope Ozzic i- Harr. ISweet &t Swing I Harry Wismer IW.U.-L. St C. IW.U.-L. St C. HS-(i. pass (LaRosa I.Toltjny on Spot Dance Orch. Bob Hope Bandwagon IBandwafion lOzzie St Harr. (Music Pnwert. IMusic Powerl. KSLM Fulton Lewis KOCO SHS-G. Pass KOIN 5 Star Final . KGW mchflrt Rotr. KEX Final Edition IPIattcr Parade INews ISHS-G. Pass ISHS-G. Pass t Cooke's G. BooklCity Club Import Pare Six Shooter iDance Time IDance Time . IPIattcr Parade ISHS-G. Pass (City Chin -Six Shooter IDance Time KSLM Crime F'Rh'rs KOCO Night News KOIN Record Show KGW News , KEX Dance Time ICrime F'gh'rs Nocturne . (Record Show I.Jess Mason IDance Time IMusic Nocturne IRecord Show iCtty Council IDance Time Nocturne 111:53 Newi lOity Council IDance Ttme KOAC 550 kc Pacific Standard Time. 10:00 a.m. The News and Weather: 10:15 Especially for Women; 11:00 Oregon School of the Air Bears on Hemlock Mountain; 11:15 Concert Hall; 12:00 The News and Weather: 12:15 p.m. Noon Farm Hour: 1:00 Ride 'Em Cowboy; 1 :15 Oregon School of the Air How Animals Care for Their Young: 1:30 London Forum; 2:00 Especially for Women: 2:30 Memory Book of Music; 2:45 Oregon School of the Air Adven tures In Research; 3:00 Oregon Re fforter; 3:15 Music of the Masters; 4 :00 Sports Forecast; 5:15 On the Upbeat; 4:45 News Commentary; 5:00 Children's Theater; 5:30 Voices of Europe: 6:00 The News and Weather; 6:15 New England Renaissance; 6:45 Of Books and People: 7:13 Evening Farm Hour; 7:55 Basketball OSC vs. WSC; fl :45 Evening Meditations Wesley Foundation; 10:00 Sign Off. HOUR SATURDAY 6 A. M. TO 11:45 A.M. 00:00 00:15 00:30 00:45 6 KhLM Newt .Timekeeper Koco Early Worm Early Worm KGAE Saline to Sat. iSalute to Sat. KOIN News of Amer. (KOIN Clock KGW Record Room IRecord Room News I Early Worm I Salute to Sat. 'KOIN Klock IRecord Room KEX Ore Farm Hr. (Ore Kaim Hr. (Ore ram Hr. March 1'iine I Early Worm Siiiuie to Sat. 'KOIN Kiotk IRecord Room lOre Farm Hr. Hemingway I Break Gang 'Break Gang (News News lEarlv Worm Early Worm Extnsn. Servire I News ISalute to Sat. ISalute to Sat. ISalute to Sat. KOIN Klock (Vtaclroti Newi ifioss Nws (Consumer News Record Room (Record Room (Manning, Newi First Edition IM. AgronsKy Vet's Report IBob Hazen Music Proudly Hill ; News Lewis Show Record Room No Schl Today N.W. News World News : News Theater Today Howdy Doody Playtime News Aunt Hallit : News City Hospital Book Fun Tomor'w Stars IMusic I Proudly Hall f Salute to Sat. jwis snow IRecord Room iNoSchl Today (Farm & Home I Public Health I Uncle Bob ITheater Today Howdv Doody iPlaytime IMusic lAunt Halite I Uncle Bob ICitv Hospital 160,000 Child. I Tomor'w Stars (Hnvrn ot Rest iHaven of Rest I Music 'Salute to Sat. I Lewis Show Record Room I UN Story Music ISalute to Sat I Lewis Show Record Room UN Story Pastor Call iBargatn Countr 4-H Club (Kiddie's Korner I Uncle Bob I Uncle Bob IHollywd. StarslHollywd. Stars Howdy Doodv Howdv Doody Snacc Patrol '-"e Patrol Bozo, Clown Bozo, Clown iSat. Serenade I Sat. Serenade lUncle Bob lUncle Bob t Music Girls IMusic Girls IHllywd. Brkfst .Hllywd, Brkfft tTomor'w Stars iTomor'w Stars IRozo, Clown Sat. Serenade Ross Rend. Galen Drake (MaryL.Taylor r Lucia 1 KSI.M Bozo, Clown. KOCO Sat. Serenade KGAE News 7 KOIN Galen Drake KGW MaryL.Taylor KEX Opera 'Lucia' KOAC 550 KC 10.00 a. m The News and Weather: 10:15 Esoerially for Women; 10:45 Once Upon A Time; 11:00 The Concert Hall; 12:00 The News and Weather: 12:15 Noon Farm Hour; 1:00 'Ride 'Em Cowboy: 1:30 French Academy Talk; 2:00 Music of the Masters; 4:00 Excursions in IStrictly Dixie IMusic Sat. Serenade Sat. Serenade I Ross Rend. I Ross Rend. 1 Galen Drak IPaul & Ford IFarmArHome I Farm A: Home ("Lucia" l"Lucia" Science; 4:15 On the Upbeat: 5:00 Children'i Theater: 5:30 Frontier Fighters 5:45 Tom Roberts, Organ ist: 6:00 News & Weather: 6:15 19th Century Music; 7:00 Grand Opera Tonight; 7:55 Ore. State vs. Wash. State: 9:43 Dance Parade; 10:00 Sign Off. Europe's Cold Spell Breaking LONDON W) Europe's coldest wave in seven years showed signs of thawing out Thursday but death and misery stalked the plains and snowbound mountains of Yugoslavia and Romania. Fierce blizzards, the worst in 24 years, killed at least 14 persons in Yugoslavia's central province of Serbia. Most victims were buried in snowdrifts. The Yugoslav victims raised un official estimates of Europe's "old weather toll to more than 300 deaths. Communist Romania ordered emergency measures to meet transport, communication and power breakdowns. Bucharest Ra dio reported acute shortages of coal, food and water in many places, including the capital. Slightly warmer weather spread slowly southward in Britain and ONLY BASIS OF Jl'STlCE Justice without wisdom is Impossible. James A. Froude. Germany, bringing relief from the great 11-day freeze up. Normal winter temperatures were expect ed in most of Western Europe by the weekend. President's Plane Hitchhiking GIs WASHINGTON (UP) Prcsi. dent Eisenhower ic iiein-y hie onv. ;ernment plane, the Constellation Columbine .to onrrsfe a hiirh. hike service for GIs between Eu rope and this country. The plane, piloted by tt. Col. William G. Draper, recently flew Secretary of State John Foster Dulles to the Berlin Foreign Min isters Conference. En route home and at the or ders of the President, the plane stopped at Frankfurt, Germany, to pick up 16 Air Force enlisted men bound for home on leave. ROOM & BOARD M SAY- -I THINK C0BIM HAS .i 1 -nr.-T- irr Tr c.imt Y0U1 FRUIT PAINTING WHICH WAS SMEARED B1 THE FALLING PLASTER.- GO AHEAD ANYHOW AND ENTER IT IM THE COMPETITION AS Or AODEkN ART Bv Aher? VJHAT-.-T am ACADEMIC PAINTER OF FINE ART IN ITS TOIIC CLASSICAL F0SM. STUM? ANU rALL INTO THAT SKID COW OF apt CALLED MODERNISM ? HW-NEVER ART, f Al I FR AAYlCDuicu ? COMPETITION AS A WORK -hwP-NEVFB -V OF AODERN ART" vV-qv