Slim' Autkatic 1t jMe it Sitter iiihy LATEST IDEAS FOR YOUEt THE HOUSEWIFE'S HANDY FOOD SECTION' Edited by Morign Lowry Fitchtr ital i EC iTI H Q Published Thursday Each Week Salem, Oregon, Thursday, February 4, 1954 Cap k Journal Many Colorful, Salads and Desserts for St. Valentine s Day February Offers Good Buys West coasters are especially for tunate in variety of foods available in February compared with other parts of the country. Meal plan ning is made easy when one mere ly scans the list of February plen tiful available in local markets, at reasonable cost. Broilers-Fryers make good eat ing at least once a week at lowest prices in a long time. Eggs continue to increase In sup ply with seasonally lower prices encouraging two eggs at breakfast and the making ot more custards, cakes and other good egg-rich things. Beat Situation. A little less beef than in recent months but low prices continue on hamburger and al cuts requiring long, slow cook ing methods. Watch for good buys in pork and in western lamb. Breast of lamb, a genuine bargain, is delicious when simply seasoned and roasted a couple ol hours. j turning occasionally, in a 275-dc- gree oven. A barbecue sauce spooned over- during - cooking gives you another inexpensive lamb dinner. , Dairy Products . American Cheddar cheese in macaroni and cheese, rarebit, souf fle or fondue makes a fine low-priced main dish. Enjoy cottage cheese more often. Nonfat dry milk solids are extremely plenti ful: cost less than half the price of rcfiluar milk. Fruits and Vegetables. Winter pears continue to lead the list of plentiful fruits with grapefruit and small oranges bargain-priced. Best vegetable buys continue to be pota toes, onions, cabbage, celery, car rots, winter squash, root vege-, tables and most bunched vegeta bles with a half dozen other season al vegetables at reasonable cost. Other Plentiful! Pick up bargains In the legumes; that means dried peas and beans. High in protein, good in flavor, satis-lying large dry lima beans and pinto beans for soup, main dish, vegetable dish. Peanuts and peanut butter are in over-suDiilv ana that means bar- cum Drices. combine pienuiui peanut butter with plentiful honey more often in sandwiches. Raisins and nuts are good buys. Combine them with some of that plentiful cottage cheese with a lit tlo mayonnaise for a salad certain ot please the family. After all the years of high-cost For Valentine Meal Chilled glasses of cocktail veg etable juices set supper off in a pleasant mood. And the bright red beverage looks just right for Valentine meals. If it's a Valen tine supper, spread crackers with pimicnto cream cheese to go with the juice. You can buy this garden-flavored beverage in a large 46-ounce can (5i cups). Or get the 12-ounce can (H4 cupsj ot the 6-ounce ( cup). The small can makes a rood serving for one. Keep some small cans chilled in the refrigerator for self-service breakfast or snacks. CHOCOLATE WAFFLES Chocolate waffles are an easy quick dessert to make. In fact make your butter ahead of time and then bake the waffles at the table. A delicious topping is whinoed cream sprinkled with chopped salted nuts. j Peach Tortoni t 'Special Dessert The very name Tortoni calls to mind gala occasions with special dessert. So for Valentine supper make a special "Stuffed Peach Tortoni." It's a double joy in that it's as easy to make as it's delicious to eat. Crumbs of coconut maca roons and chopped maraschino cherries are folded into stiffly whipped cream. Drained peach half ; beauties are then heaped with the crunchy cream filling. Stuffed Peach Torlonl Vi cup whipping cream . . Vi cup coconut macaroon crumbs 4 maraschino cherries , '. 6 canned peach halves Whip cream until stiff... Fold in crumbs and chopped' cherries. Drain peach halves thoroughly and heap with cream mixture. " Serves 3 to 6. ' cooking and salad fats and oils, it is a pleasure to continue to com ment on their ready availability at reasonable prices, FOR VALENTINE. SALAD ' With a couple of lengthwise slices of avocado you can make a perfect heart shape. Top indi vidua! bowls of tossed green sal ad witn an avocaao neari ior your Valentine's Day menu. Festive Valentine. Cake. Valentine's Day is a wonderful reason for baking the most compliment-catching, delectable des sert imaginable. So, or sheer ef - fectiveness plus mouth-melting chocolate flavor, we recommend a Cupid's Chocolate Cake. This heart-shaped creation is topped with the fluffiest of pink pepper mint frostings and is outlined with dark chocolate shavings. Vour admirers will never guess this impressive beauty was baked. cup shortening VA cups sugar 2 eggs, unbeaten Milk 1 tablespoon vanilla Fluffy Peppermint Frosting ' 1 square unsweetened choco late, shaved With vpppljihlp shortening. it cn 1 nun nine 9 tnhlpcnnnne. milk. ollltC. With butter or margarine, use To serve, cut 1 cup milk. Melt 3 squares chocolate over on a large tray, cardboard, or wooden board. Cut round cake in half Pinna half rirplps with rut edges against' two upper sides of square cane, to lorm a neari. Trim, if necessary. PVnct uilh Klnffv Ppnnprmint Frosting. Decorate cake with out line of heart, using shaved cnoc mis impressive ucamy uci jiieu o aquaies tiiuiuiaic uvci in regular rake nans and not in I hot water. Sift flour once, meas- special heart-shaped one! One ure, add soda and salt, and sift .i:n f 4Un knlfa nitrMn nHnlkn lima, ft-nom aimple slice of the knife divides round cake, which, judiciously placed beside a square layer, lorm a perfect heart Easy as can be! Perfect for tea refreshments on the day of the kindly saint, this luscious charmer might also be served at engagement parties or showers later in the Spring. It may be cut into 40 small cakes, all with that true chocolate flav or that's a heart warmer any time. Cupid's Chocolate Cake 3 squares unsweetened choco late 2 cups sifted cake flour 1 teaspoon soda 4 teaspoon salt heart down the center and in lengthwise strips. Then cut each half of heart in diagonal strips, parallel to upper edge of square cake, to form diamond-shaped petits lours. Makes about 40 small cakes. Fluffy Peppermint Frosting Combine 2 egg whites, IVi cups sugar, dash of salt, Mi cup water, and 2 teaspoons light corn svrun in top 01 QOUDie power Inonthor fhrpp times thnrtpninff. arid suiar eradualllv and cream together until light and fluffy. Add eggs, one at a time, beating well alter eacn. Blend in melted chocolate. Then add flour, alternately wun miiK, "-" " . nP ,lntii a small amount at a time, beat- Beat about l m.nut or unUl STvdeAbaitIram,b1etweennd-one beat constantly with egg beater 9x9x2-inch square pan and one (or a high spec d of f retcme Bake in moderate oven (350 F.) rubber scraper, spatula, or 25 to 30 minutes, or until done. . rnm bomg L0"- . ., j:ii For a very smooth and satiny 'mmmmmmZMMmiit large howl. Add 1 teaspoon va- nilla, "t teaspoon peppermint ex I tr-ct,' and enouqh red coloring to give a delicate shell-pink color. hnn! 1 tlliniltp. Or Until mmimmmmmsmr:mmmm .hick enough to spread. Any day now, homemakers will i choose warm tints which are prc- Brightening Up Kitchen uominHiiwy it:" - ui tinKi. wl w" , , dows facing west choose cool tints Raisin Pie Top whirh nrp nrprlnminantlv blue. hm.i r For windows facing south with a strong light, choose cool, restful 4,n a Innlt around the kitchen and resolve to brighten it up "for Spring." When that day comes in your life, you'll figure first on re- n1l 4t, nanlrv chplvpg and putting m iresn sneu minis mue m uiui--ki :.-. ... and edging papers that harmonize facing north which means a poor with the rest of the room. light, use pale color or tint to TodaVs home decorator utilizes make up for lack of light; warm same colors and designs for colors such as coral, pink, maize further kitchen decoration. or cream. ! Kitchen Decoration Color Choosing Thcrc', a wjde range of colors Easv rule for choosing kitchen and designs in shelf edgings. To l UHnia ic tn "fnllOW thC - c A trnllic name a lew. itu nwi", wtn.-j rnlnr srhemCS is to "follow the sun." For windows facing east, Round Steak For Dinner flnwnra nf vat-innc kind, nnlka dots, country folks, potted plants and even empress lace designs. After the shelf edging job is done, kitchen artists can use these j Rater With Family Raisin pie is a popular variation for the run of desserts. Raisin Pie 2 cups boiling water 2 cups seedless raisins 1 egg, beaten cups sugar 4 tablespoons flour l2 teaspoon salt 3 tablespoons lemon juice 1 tablespoon margarine butter teaspoon grated lemon rind Pic crust Pour water over raisins and let Uline, rtliuilvll olli.-l.- mil uc inui ...v. . - - same papers colors and designs to stand until raisins arc plump and i. ' m Inn nf ...n.nn. lnlrAtuqrm Miv P00 GH0ar. window curtains, for nasting on 1 flour, salt, raisins with the water. Tn nlease a hungry family wnai . , . wnstnhaskcts. deco- lemon iuice and margarine or could be better than tender round ratin(, mirr0ri fixing up a shelf butter. Cook over hot water, stir ring constantly, 15 to zo minutes, nrunntil mivturp is thirkpned. Add rind. Cool and pour into pastry- linen pie pan. cover wun pasiry and bake in a hot oven (450 F.) in minntpt RpHupp hpat to mode rate (390 F.) and bake 35 to 40 minutes longer. Yield: one 9-inch pie. steak? For a subtle lavor, in inn. ,he wal) recipe the beef steak is cut inuv Evcn (n(, (,nwer potJ mav bc rectangular pieces, then 'PP covered with a square nf shelf around carrot sticks and slowly .jn. brought up in points I I olnntt Urilh OOtatOCS 3nd .. ..' . A Inn Inn iminM, OH't-n r- onions, in mushroom soup. Skillet Steak Dinner 1'4 pounds beef round steak, cut incn tnicK '4 cup flour teaspoon salt . teaspoon pepper , cup lard or drippings 4 or 5 small carrots, cut in strips 4 peeled potatoes 4 small onions 1 nm muchrnnm SOUO Cut steak into pieces about 3x5 Inches. Combine Hour, salt ana pepper. Dredge meat with seasoned flour. Dace 3 or 4 carrot sticks on each piece of steak. Wrap steak around carrots and fasten with a wooden pick. Brown rolls slowly nn all sides in lard or drippings. Add potatoes and onions to steak and pour mushroom soup over all. ..i,,,!,. anH simmer in a slow IIIHI i.h..-ii. ..-- oven '300 degrees F.) or on top of ' range l'l to 2 hours, or unui wem is tend-.-r and vecetables arc done. 4 servings. ' Party Dessert February is party month, ana a p.ettv dessert that would bc per fect for anv festive occasion would be hard balls of vanilla ice cream tupped with cherry almond sauce. Slit blanched roasted almonds into thr sweet red cherry sauce just be fore spooning over the ice cream. anH .iprf nrniinH thp ton. Vr.ii 'II nrnhahlv think of lthpr '.interesting ideas. Few things give greater satisfaction than living in a gay, harmonious kitchens ENTER WHITE SATIN SUGAR'S istery7SHreCrW RADIO over KSLM at 10:30 a. m., Mon.Tu.Wed,-Frl. BUY SUGAR ' r -7 w SUGAR and ntr TODAY) nnii'M-'.M-Mi!wfi vV , " . ' ' 4 -M.nn n...,i.-.M,ll I. am l "JCjr .'-" III II IV XI I. I 14 l-i-l I'...;.,: I ft WSM Wmb X. iC M)ff rTZe' BettDr'n ever puffs r.. f n mSsJr 1 N and candy-svvset ! i I t Not to Mother: It's a real sweet Cf Jl' trick ... a cereal that's so much fun ff fm -pZ ijjf I to cat that your small ones won't ob- r I fl il t Af 1 ,, SJ Ject to its being good for them, tool 7 QlUiUnffQi 1 And Smacks are wonderful for kids . Wfllff Jriaii I rt! kl I .. . .... - 1 , , 'ii i because every delicious mouthful is f J I "'-iitiV I I '1 charged with wheat's powerful food kif-H!2Sttfl faff, u j?ffi'li$L " "Pi I 1 values and sugar's healthful energy. h 1' ' Kt?a I ' 'A " I 1 1 11 f.' .. .,. I I ba , te 1 J "Evtrybody Bl Ih. cifctn t 'oiimg 0 lot lj, t fttfS ' . ' ip t"' 'f sf hoop-Id obool Ihtit n. S-otkil" h jft'; ; : . .. . A - 'IV'i " ; I :':'','': .' myiPoul Junj-Kiiglmg lro.Oidor. M 'Vi'"'' ;- ' ' ' ' Vi wJff jiSL. m I ' ' ' 7 I ' 2 L ' 1