THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, Salem, Oregon Thursday, February 4, 1951 f. NEW COURTHOUSE NEARS COMPLETION IHSBHTT." "1. It , MARK E'T QUOTATIONS tr PORTLAND W Butlerfaf Tentative, subject to immediate change Premium quality, maxi mum to .35 to one per cent acidity, delivered in Portland, 68-71 lb; fiist quality, 66-69; second quality, 64-67. Valley routes and country points 2 cents less. Butter Wholesale, fob. bulk cubes to wholesalers Grade AA, 93 score, 66 lb; 92 score, 65 hi; 90 sco-e, 64 hi; 89 score, 62. Mutton Best, 12-15; cull-utility, SALEM MARKETS Kruh Produce: Onions 50 lb sacks, Wash, yel lows, med., 1.00-25; Oregon yellows mH 1 .cA. In. I -e , f ! . Bbb" r"'u - j. a. w, wuuca ; 14,25- ao (100-lb. bad 3.DU-J.UU. Potatoes Ore. local Long Whites, 2.00-25; Deschutes Russets, No. 1, Comr'ed iron report, f flalcn dealer, fertile cuidaoaca ml Capital Journal readers. (Kerlaed dalit.) mall feed Price.! CM-lb. I re lli.h-n S-1S 20 Dalrr Feed 13 35-3. 3. 13. 00-ISO 1100 wt.l. Poultry Buying fNee, Colored fryer,, 2.15-25; Size A. 2.40-75 : 25 lb. sk.. 23e: old rooster., 1st: colored lowl. 3e: 70-ftS: 10 lb mesh, 40-45; paper, 30-! ra ,0""' 1,e! L 'n ; - l' M IDSM Bu" '"-". AA. 41c: lari. A. ov-oj; nasti. nuheis, ro. z.zo-1 medium AA. 39c: medium 50: Idahos, 3.15-25. Ike Attends Prayer Meeting DEATHS Juhn Duke H In this city. Feb. i at the afe of 81 vears. Husband of Lenoah Mdjr, Duke. West Lynn, Oregon; Father oi Mrs. 41. . Chadsey. Salem. Mrs. Vtr gima Boomer, Salem, Mrn. Francea Jackson. West Lynn, Oregon, Robert Duke. Sacramento, Cain. Servicea will be held Friday. Feb. h at 10:U0 m. at St. Paul npiscopal cnurcn. WASHINGTON W President I Eisenhower Thursday attended a j breakfast nraver mpetine where Chief Justice Earl Warren spoke! George st will ofiiciate Con- oi the united Mater as 'a Chris-1 bcv cnap,i. Ritualistic service! by tian land eoverned bv Christ n I Or'econ env Klks Lodge No. lias,. idium A. . . ... i , .. nfr KI n.e ,m.u a, jic: z-.. who,,,.,, pri-1 P""01.?-, ana as Deacon num S,"e; Dr'charle. Rugh! Hay-U. S. No. 2 green alfalfa J b.V . .V.V.T'..n "TJ, "'"JJJ'" !urJl" .'"La . 'nc.:"ru-J u.J"r- "il"lcn.. c?r,'.';r' Cfv "w?.r? mostly 28.00-30.00, delivered car I M medlumi at 4c. tiP0,7nn,l fnil li Mace U . Mcl'licrson. Albany. Mr. Cheese-Selline Drice to Pnrllanrf and tck lots, f.o.b. Portland and : , """'i-Biwini once: premium. M- '"e . 'niernationai council v-neese oeiiing price to i ortlana I , u " al,u n cem,: no. i, 7- cent,: no. a. etc. J Christian Leadership which wholesalers Oregon singles, 42 Vi- 43 ID; Oregon 5-lb loaf, 48 fe-5J. Eggs To 'wholesalers Candled eggs containing no loss, cases in cluded, f.o.b. Portland A grc large, 51 te-53 ; A medium, 50 Vt 51 hi; A grade, small, 45 Vi-4C 'a. Eggs To retailers Grade AA, large, 54-56; A large, 53-55; AA medium, 52-54; A medium, 51-53; A small. 47-48. Cartons 3 cents additional. Live chickens No. 1 oualitv. f.o.b. plants Fryers and roasters. 23-25; heavy hens, 25-26; light Seattle. Filberts Wholesale selling price f.o.b. Oregon plants, No. 1 jumbo Pflrtlfinrl I Jvoctnrtr Barcelonas. 29 lb; large, 27 ,i; r' liana LIVeSTOCK medium, 2o Vi. Walnuts Wholesale' selling prices: First quality Franquettes, 32-33 lb; light halves, 79-83; shelled light amber halves, 70-75. CHICAGO Otl Grains generally turned lower toward the close on the hoard of trade Thursday after holding its annual Christian action conference at the Mavflower Ilo i tel. home 600 persons attended, in 4 ''A. Chicaoo Grain iv- ws jnuMiy, utility 11.00-13.00, cutter-utility bulls 11.00 14 no. hens. 15-17; old roosters, 14-15. j cn"' mixed Paer" ! steady; good-choici vealers Turkeys-To producers for breed- most 01 ,hc sesilnn- i 25.00, prime grades 27.00. n neat noia up quite well most of the day but in the last hour the new crop contracts dropped rapid ly. This apparently reflected in creasing talk about a lack of stor age room to house mounting sur pluses of grains. Feed grains had an easier trend from the start as receipts of cash corn expanded to 150 cars. Soy beans were helped early by pur- cpuii nouses out re- siaugnier ewes salable 5.50-7.00 ucuieu laier mi apprenension over, : PORTLAND W(USDA)('altle lH, nu i .... , rr:..:,u salable JdO; market rather slow land manv members of Congress, but mostly steady on small supply; Sen. Wiley (R.-Wis.i, chairman scattered lots commercial-low good ; of a breikfast praver group which fed steers 20 00-21.75; one carload : nwcts weekly at the capitol, read unsold; utility-low commercial ! a scripture lesson from the Old steers 13.00-18.00; utility-commer-1 Testament. Vice President Nixon iim iieners; canner-cut- read from the New Testament. fiiar Ips Minshull. OlvniDia. Was).. ,s j Mr. Perry DtLapp, Suloni. At'tlve pal- bearers, Mr. J. t. aoiee, Mr. uaie , J.iCfbs. Mr. Stan Brooks. Mr. James Guy ties, Mr. Goidun Hounds, and Hi J.ickaon. In lieu of flowers make contributions to the American Cancer Society, but flowers may fie sent. Service!, under the direction of the W. T. Rigdon Co. Top: Employes of Lutz Marble Co. will have finished laying wan raaroie ior marwn vouniy i new counnouse on xnursday. Odds and ends yet to be laid will require another week. Lay ing 10 carloads of marble on this job started May 17 1U53. Only a half day's time was lost due to inclement weather. Lower; Interior of the new courthouse showing central lobby where clerks and recorder's offices will be located. , STOCKS By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS MILITARY MEN AND VETERANS Thursday, February 4 Organized Naval Reserve' sur face division at Naval and Ma rine Corps Reserve training center. Company T, 162nd infantry, at Salem armory. Battery D, 722nd AAA. AW battalion at Quonset hull on Lee street . Friday, February 5 Sea bee Beserves at Naval and Marine Corpi Reserve training center. Saturday-Sunday, February 6-7 Naval Air Resvc squadron AAU 891 at Salem Naval Air Facility. OLSON JUDGE FOR LEWIS, WASH. Master SgL Donald R. Olson of Salem, Oregon has been named to a five-man judging committee to aelect the w'nner of the title of "Valentine's Day Sweetheart of the 44th Infantry Division," from photo entrants. Photos will be of wives of the men of the divi sion, reasonably adult daughters or girl friends of the division men. Olson, who is i member of the division's adjutant general's office, is the son of Mrs. Jo hanna Olson of 1245 North Lib erty street, Salem. The sergeant and his wife, Joyce, reside at Til lieum. Wash. McDowell Promoted Oren C. McDowell, Salem Army reservist and liaison officer and cling adjutant for headquarters and headquarters nf the 929th field artillery battalion, has been promoted from a first lieutenant to a captain in the reserves. McDowell, a resident of 2B40 Boutn High street and connected wun the McDowell Market, has been with the 929th since July nf imi. Me nrst entered the serv lee as an enlisted man In Fehru ary oi in42 and was commission ed a second lieutenant after com pleting officer candidate school in October, 1945. Following his graduation McDowell was assign ed to Camp Roberta as assistant personnel officer for the infan try replacement training center. His World War II service in cluded 11 months of duty in Ha waii with the 64th Coast artil lery. McDowell was released from active duty in March, 1946. 7rpris iV Vi -vbgkqj X7.V Vi Klrsch Home Home on a 19-day leave It Dale L. Kirsch, who is visiting with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ira J. Kirsch of Lyons. The soldier re cently completed a course at the instrument repair school at Fort Bclvoir, Va., and on termination of his leave reports for assignment to the Far East. Kirsch enlisted in the Army for the instrumental repair school June 17, 1953. Admiral Corporation 20 Allied Chemical 78 Ains cnalmers 48 H American Airlines 12 American Power & Light American Tel. & Tel. 159 14 American Tobacco B4 Anaconda Copper 31 ft. Atchison Railroad 99 i Bethlehem Steel 55 & Boeing Airplane Co. 53 Vi uorg Warner 82 Wall Street NEW YORK m - The stock market made procrcss Thursday but not without some difficulties. Gains at the best went to be tween 1 and 2 points, but there was only a handful of stocks in that select category. Losses came into most ma ior divisions of the market from time to time during the day. but thev remained relatively small. Trading expanded as prices ad vanced and came to an estimated two-million shares. That compares with l.GDO.OOO shares traded Wednesday when the market was rising. (il K.ST AT KOSKRl K(. KAIHVIKW Mrs. Frank Campbell of Fairvicw Is a guest of her snn in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Tallon, at Rose-burg. PHONi: LINK RK.PAIItl l) W EH FOOT The Dayton-Web-foot telephone line, No. 2, that has been out of nnrratinn sinrn the snow came Jan. 16 17, was re-: .Wony-Varuiiin Burroughs Adding Machine 17 La norma Packing Canadian Pacific Caterpillar Tractor Celanese Corporation Chrysler Corporation Cities Service Consolidated Edison Consolidated Vultce Crown Zellcrbach Curtiss Wright ouglas Aircraft du Pont de Nemours Eastman Kodak Emerson Radio General Electric General Foods General Motors Georgia Pac Plywood Goodyear Tire llomestake Mining Co. International Harvester International Paper Johns Manville Kennecott Copper Libhy. McNeill Lockheed Aircraft I,ocw's Incorporated Long Bell A Montgomery Ward Nash Kclvinator New York Central Northern Pacific Pacific American Fish Pacific Gas & Electric Pacific Tel. & Tel. Packard Motor Car I'enney (J.C.) Co. Pennsylvania R. R. P.psi Cola Co. I'hilco Radio Radio Corporation Rayonier Inrorp Rnynnier Incorp Pfd Republic Steel Reynolds Mrlalj Itichlield Oil Safewav Stores Inc. Scott Paper Co Sears Hocbuck k Co. paired at 3 p m. Tuesday Oil DENNIS THE MENACE -By Ketcham Southern Pacific Standard Oil Calif. Standard Oil N.J. Studihaker Corp. Sunshine Mining Swift k Company Transamerica Corp. Twentieth Century Fox I'ninn Oil Company I'nion Pacific I'nitcd Airlines l iiited Aircraft I'niteil Corporation I'nitcd States Plvwnod I'nited States Steel Western I'nion Tel Air Rrnke Westinshnuse Electric Woolworth Company 23 25 49 20 S9 Vj 85 . 44 H 20 39 8 i 93 U 111 51 i 10 4 94 57 64 11 'i 58 4 36 i .10 S 59 U 69 i 68 i, 9 4 28 j 13 'n 24 i 60 16 H 20 ?, 61 40 H 118 3 i 79 ' 17,i 54 ' 29 25 29 U .V) S 58 55 H 39 76 'i 61 ' 37 S .19 57 N, 77 S 21 8 'i 42 2fi 'i 20 4t 117 24 49 4 5 27 41 '4 43 " 23 'i SR 45 cr types, f.o.b. farm, New York dressed, heavy hens 31: toms 28: Beltsville hens 33, toms 28. Evis cerated frozen, to retailers, hens 57, toms 51-54. Rabbits Average to growers Live white, 3 te-5 lbs, 19-21, 5-6 lbs, 20-22; old does, 10-12, few higher. Fresh dressed fryers to retailers, 57-60: cut up, 63-66. Wholesale dressed meats: Beef, steers, choice, 500-700 lbs, 38.00-41.00; good, 36.00-39.00: com mercial 31.00-36.00; . utility, 27.00- 14.00; commercial cows 26.00-31.00: utility, 25.00-30.00; canners-cutters, 23.0-26.00. Beef cuts (choice steers) Hind quarters, 44.00-50.00; rounds, 43.00 46.00; full loins, trimmed, 66.00 75.00; triangles, 29.00-34.00; fore quarters, 34.00-37.00; chucks, 38.00 42.00; ribs, 53.00-56.00. Pork cuts Loins, choice, 8-12 lbs, 55.00-58.00; shoulders, 16 lbs, 41.00 44.50; spareribs. 50.00-56.00: fresh hams, 10-14 lbs, 61.00-66.00. Veal and calves Good-choice, all weights, 36.00-46.00; commercial. 33.00-41.00. Lambs Choice-prime 40.00-42.50: good, 36.00-40.00. Wool Grease basis. Willamette Valley medium. 51-55 lb: Eastern Oregon fine and half blood, 55-62; miiameue vaney lamb wool, 42; 12-month wool, 45-50. Country-dressed meats, f.o.b. fortiand: Beef Cows, utility, 24-28 lb; canners-cutters, 21-22. Veal Top quality, lightweight, 33-35; rough heavies, 24-30. Hogs Lean blockers, 39-40; iow, light, 33-35. Lambs Best, 34-36. Hogs salable 150: market rathor- slow but about steady; choice 180 235 lb butchers 29.00-29.50, few choice No. 1 iots 29.65, choice 250 290 lb 27.00-28.00, Choice 300-500 lb 5UWS. 21. 00-3). 00. Jbficep salable 100; few choice- prime leu wooled lambs 20.50, oth er offerings mostly cull-utilitv oraH at 9.00 16.00; good-choice feeders saiauie ir.uo-iB.50, good - choice the possibility of the government offering some of its butter at cut rate prices. Wheat closed lower to v8 higher, March 2.1H4-'.i, corn hi lower to 'a higher, March 1.52-' oats rye Vt-Vi higher, March 1.2214 soybeans -H lower, March 3.12 i-3.13V,, and lard 23 to 38 cents a hundred pounds lower, March 16.62-16.65. Chicago Livestock Portland Grain PORTLAND Ufi No bids or offers on cash grain. Wheat (bid) to arrive market, basis No. 1 bulk, delivered coast: Soft White 2.34; Soft White (ex cluding Rex) 2.34; White Club 2.34. Hard Red WinterC Ordinary 2.34. Thursday's car receipts: wheat 1; barley 1; flour 3; corn 3; mill feed 8. Portland Eastside PORTLAND I0P) "Tradlne on the Zaitslde Farmera' market was alow to aar with parnnlpn llchtlr lower at 100 a lui or below: Terr few Willamette val ley apiilea available. ' Nellie V. Land At a hospital January 29. Lata residcnl of 195 S. 23rd St.. Salem. Survived by brothers. Bovd L. Wollf, W.-jJdporl, Ort-gon. Garland Wolff,. Portland: sister. .Mrs. Gladys Lofttts. Los Anfieles: nephew, John Chris lensen, J.ipnn. Services will be held In the Virgil T. Golden Chapel Sal.. Feb. 6 al 2:00 p ni. Interment Bel. crest Memorial Park. Dr. Brooks CATTLE SALE FEB. 1213 Some of the Northwest's most outstanding purebred Hereford ! Moore oiteiaifnit. ann snormorn cattle Breeders will make their first 1954 sale' nfferinrs at (War-in flronnn nn ' Wesley Hastings February 12 and 13. The Double M Hereford Ranch, Chandler Herefords and many other equal ly famous names from Oregon, Washington and Idaho have con- citinpH tn Ihn n,nnnn I'.iilnmdn1, g i nndchiliiri-n and 12 ereat-erand- Association fifth annual spring Feb 5 at l::io p.m. at the Mt. Crest Al the residence, 4.10 Stark St., Feh. :l. Survived by daughters. Mrs, Don ald Morley. Salem. Mrs. Hoy Zwicker, Salem. .Mrs. Walter Goughnour, Sa lem, Mrs. Lawrence Barry, Ada. Ore.: son.--, George W. Hastings. Jr., Salem, Norman C. Hastings, U.S. Navy: :i5 Abbey Mausoleum. Rev. James E. Frost officiating, under the direction uf the Virgil T. Golden Co. men s spring sale. Mid Willamette Obituaries CHICAGO Ifl - A mixed trend ruled in hogs in a slow trade Thursday. Most choice 180 In o.m lower, March in-'i, I pound butchers moved at $25.75 10 Steady prices ruled for steers and heifers. Buyers paid a top of $26.50 for a load of mixed choice and prime 1.250 nnnnri doorc Utility and commercial cows Math ins EnHrp brought $10.50 to $12 50 minimis enures Good and choice wooled lamhU STA.YTON The rosary will be sold at $19.50 to $20.75 with r.hnir. i recllcn " P m- Thursday, Feb. and prime at $21.00 to 521.75. Salable receipts were estimated at 7,000 hogs, 2,500 cattle, 300 calves and 1,000 sheep. range bull sale. The show and sale will be held at the Fairgrounds in the eastern Orecon citv and will fpaturp 09 HnrpfnrH " s Pollnrf u,nfic : Frederick William Vinson anH n ChnPii.nnP ti.. n..- At the residence. 1445 D St., Feb. and 13 Shorthorns. The Oregon , al the aEe u 54 vcars. survived bv shorthorn Breeders Association ; wile. Geraldlne M. Vinson. Salem: ' have joined with the state cattle-isons "'Si1 Vmson Jr., San Fran- group in this annual ! Washne,n. D'.c.. Jack Vinson. Ta-' Chicago Onions (Br United Preii. BuddUpb modente, demind slow, mir ket dull. Trark kbIm m 11m. : US. 1 unlrxi stated: IUho Spanish 3-lnch and larger 1.25. Street tales (SO lbs ): Idaho and Ore gon Spanish 3-lnch and larger 1.40-1.50; whites 3-Inch and larger, also 2 to 3 inch, Idaho. Oregon and California 2.00 2,25; Midwest Yellow Olobes medium .75 l.lfl, cartons 12 3-pound Cellos 1.20-1.25. fair .76. 4, at the Weddle Funeral Chapel for Mathias Endres, 82, who died in the Santiam Memorial hospital Feb. 3. Funeral services will be held at d:30 a.m. Friday, Feb. 5, at the Jordan Catholic church. with burial in the Catholic ceme tery, Mr. Endres was born Dec. 29, 1871, at Marengo, Iowa, lie was a retired farmer and had never married. He lived with a sister, Mrs. Anna Thomas 12 miles cast of Scio. Also surviving is another sis ter, Mrs. Mary Rath, Mitchell, S. D,t and several nieces' and nephews. roma. Wash,: niolher, .Mrs. Jessie G. ' Vinson, Taroma; sister, Mrs. Ned An derson. Taroma; 8 firandchildren. Member nf Lodge No. 5ft. AF A- AM. Announcement nf services will be fnnrie later by the Howell-Edwards Lhapei. William A. Morgan In Vaucouver, Wash.. Feb. 2. Fa ther of Homer O. Morgan. Spenard, Ala., Mrs. Ruth, Salem, Mrs. Fern Pugh. Carlton. Ore., Mrs. Fly Dyer, Vancouver, Wash. Serv ices will be held Friday, February 5 at 10:30 a.m. at Macey's Chapel, Mv Minnville. Oregon. Interment at Carlton Yamhill Cemetery. Stephen Leroy Mlturd At the reildence, 3380 Liberty Rd.. Feb. 3. Survived by wife, Clara Adele Miiiard. Salem; daughters. Mrs. Car ol Elaine Cate. Fort Collins, Colo.. Mrs. Rozclle Anderson. Mrs. Audred Hoberts, both of Portland; son. Hex Mm;ird. Salem; brothers. Harvey and Fred Minard, both of Coquille. Ore gon; sisters. Mrs. Rut ha Bark low. Myrtle Point. Ore.. Mr. Minnie Mathewson. Red Bluff, Calif.: fi grandchildren. Servires will ba held Sat.. Feb. 6 at 1:3ft cm. in the ClouRh-Barrirk Chnpel with the Rev. r.lmer Hiebert officiatme. Interment at Belcrest Memorial Park. North ( arnlina that cotton farmers it 2A million dollars to the boll weevil in thai state In 10:3. 1 I COKT ME DID ft, tiBNK. THE UGKTS ARE OUT All CNIZ 7WE fJE'GHO)RHOOD. Why Suffer Any longer When nthrra fall, u our f'hirte remcritea, Amainf fnrru for yXt years in China tit, n.aitr with what ailmnnii v( ara af flicted, dimrdert, linuiitifr I. aft, lunfs, Uver, kldnevi, mnatJ patinn, nlcr, dibt-. rnvuma ttm, atl and bladder ft-ver, (Kin, female complainu CHARLIE CHAN rhinf.e iirrb oiiu lit, ami Vw ti km. only 2M N. Com1!. SAI.KM. OHE. we give and redeem green stamps 4Z liberty street - court lreet lV.aytQg Automatic Washer on Wheels! MOVE IT ANYWHERE! NO PLUMBING NEEDEDI (attachti oiily lo lilchtn sinlt or bathroom fixlurai) Now you can fnjoy all the advantages of wonderful Maytag automatic washins ven in a small apartment or in temporary or rented housing. Now you can get the full-nix fully automatic Maytag without any permanent or expensive plumbing in stallation. With a simple hose attachment, your Maytag automatic can he used right t your kitchen or bathroom sink. Move your Maytag anywhere with these .heavy-duty lock cast ers. Store it in a closet, on a porch, along any open wall. Just wheel it o your sink to wash. "Portable" Maytag Automatic can be installed in your home in minutes. Only the Maytog Automatic has doyble spin tubs! Utei leu water tool toft ' 1l AskforaDemonsiraiion! Receive a Package of "ALL" Al No Cosl! Liberal Trade-In Allowance On Your Old Washer!