Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, February 03, 1954, Page 20, Image 20

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    Page 20
Wednesday. February 3, l!)5t
$ 1 $ ' V;.;
-iA y$ Ay? lSuJ 2
Police escort Joe DiMaggio (right), his bride, actress Marilyn
(left) and San Diego Padres Mgr. Lefty O'Doul a newsmen
and fans press close for a glimpse of the famous personalities
on their arrival at Tokyo. Safe In her room following the air
port stampede, Marilyn moaned, "These people, they're mad.'
(UP Radio-Telophoto)
Rear Admiral Bledsoe
Commands 13th District
Rear Adm. Albert MacQuecn
Bledsoe, USN, last Friday took
over his duties as commandant of
the 13th Naval district, which
includes the State of Oregon.
Bledsoe succeeds Rear Adm.
Allan E. Smith, who Friday re
tired and now 1th Mrs. bmith
plans a trip around the world.
Smith during the time that he
commanded the district, several
times visited in baicm.
The new commandant of the
district comes from the position
of commandant of the 15th Naval
district, Panama. A native of Tex
as, he was graduated from the
U. S. Naval Academy in 1917,
Bledsoe's first assignment af
ter his graduation was on the
USS Nevada, operating with the
Atlantic fleet. He Jater Was trans
ferred to duty in connection
with the fitting out of the USS
Mississippi and had duty aboard
that ship when it was commis
sioned in December, 1917. The
Mississipi operated with the At
lantic fleet from June, 1918, until
the end of World War I.
Detached from the Mississippi
in May, 1923, the admiral then re
ported to the U. S. Naval acad
emy for duty as instructor in the
department of electrical engi
neering and physics. He remained
there for two years.
The admiral next served on
the USS Reno, from where he
went to the Puget Sound Navy
yard. Duty with tho Asiatic Fleet
followed the tatter assignment
He served consecutively on the
Storage in
Wash. Urged
WASHINGTON Ifl - Rep. Pelly
(Ft-Wash) said Wednesday be has
asked the Commodity Credit Cor
poration to give strong considera
tion to the storage of surplus
wheat aboard inactive cargo
transports moored in Budd Inlet
near Olympia, wash.
He told a newsmen he has been
advised the agency now feels it
must use ship storage either at
Budd Inlet or Tongue Point. Ore..
to accommodate a 20 to 25 million
bushel overflow expected as a re
sult of the forthcoming summer
wheat harvest.
Pelly said he felt use of Budd
inlet would be more economical
to the government inasmuch as it
would eliminate the necessity of
dredging that would be required
at Tongue Point to accommodate
the loaded vessels. He said the
Maritime Administration has esti
mated the dredging costs vary
ingly at $1,135,000 and $1,250,000.
Rear Adm. Albert MacQucen
Bledsoe, USN, who Friday as
sumed command of the 13th
Naval district, succeeding Rear
Adm. Allan E. Smith. fU.S.
Navy Photo)
USS Black Hawk, USS Bulmer
and then commanded the USS
Palos. Januarv. 1933. Rlprisn
joined the USS Raleigh, flagship
ior ucsiroycrs, scouting lorce.
Duty following the assnznmont
on the Raleigh included, board
of inspection and survey, Navy
ucpanmem, wasnington, D. v.,
ana ac tne jvavai gun factory,
Washington Navy Yard; enlisted
personnel division, bureau of
Navigation, Navy department:
personnel officer on the staff of
commander, Battle Forse, U. S.
fleet, Ui5 California, flags hn
personnel officer on the staff of
commander of Base Force, USS
Argonne, flagship; enlisted per
sonnel division, bureau of naviga
tion and commander of the USS
Adm. Bledson left the USS
Phelps in August, 1941, and took
command of Destroyer Division
Six, where he was serving when
World War II started.
In May, 1942, he returned to
the bureau of navigation, which
had been redesignated the bu
reau of Naval personnel, and
served there through January,
After the latter assignment the
admiral became commander of
the cruiser Denver, which took
part in the Mariannas campaign.
ine raiau islands invasion and
Philippine campaign.
Returned to the States in April.
1945, Adm. Bledsoe was given
duty in the office of thief of
Naval Operations, where he
served until January, 1946, after
which he became chief of staff
and aide to commander, Fifth
Fleet. June 3. 1947, Bledsoe as
sumed command of the support
group, Naval Forces of the Far
The new 13th Naval District
Commandant has the Legion of
Merit with combat distinguishing
device: the Navv Cross: rnm.
the Richmond PTA at the I "endatinn ribbon with bronze
PTA's regular meeting and cx-i Jar: V," Vid.or' Medal. Atlantic
plained the duties and func-i : '"'' service Med
Studies End
LA JOLLA, Calif, tfl One of
the most intensive large-scale
oceanographic operations yet un
dertaken in the Pacific Ocean
came to an end this week.
The University of California's
Scripps Institution of Oceanogra
phy ere announced Wednesday
that the month-long, five-ship study
has covered an area between
North America and Hawaii ap
proximately the size of the United
Stales minus California.
Since early last month, five
ships have been collecting ocean
ographic and tisncries data in a
region that extends from the Cal
ifornia coast to 160 degrees west
and (rom the latitude of the Ha
waiian Islands to that of Cape
Mendocino, Calif.
The operation was a joint enter
prise of the Pacific Oceanic Fish
eries Investigations, the U.S. Fish
and Wildlife Service, the Califor
nia Department of Fish and Game
and Scripps.
School Board Duties
Told to PTA Meeting
Members of the Salem school
board met Monday night with
Willamette Bourse
Feb. 7 in Albany
A bourse session of collectors In
the Willamette Valley will be
sponsored by the Albany Stamp
Club the afternoon of Feb. 7 in
the Vcterat.s Memorial Building
In Albany, Ore.
Invitations to participate in the
bourse arc being sent to all
known collectors in the Willam
ette Valley area and the success
of a similar bourse held last year
gives the Albany club reason to
be confident that the Feb. 7 event
will attract a good attendance.
The session, which will begin
ai i.-ju p.m. ana win continue
through the afternoon, will be de
voted to the buying, selling and
trading of stamps. Ample table
space will be available and col
lectors attending are being urged
to bring their duplicates for dis
posal, cither by sale or barter.
An exhibition of philatelic mate
rial is being arranged as a fea
ture of the session.
There will be an auction, hot
it will be limited to lots donated
for sale for a benefit of the fund
the philatelic organizations in the
Willamette Valley are raising for
the 1955 convention of the North
west Federation of Stamp Clubs,
which the Greater Eugene Phila
telic Society will entertain.
tlons of the board members.
During the program a
Brownie group and two Blue
Bird groups presented their
songs and mottos. The leaders : Victory Medal
of the performing groups were
Mrs. Paulino Richards. Mrs.
Dclmcr Aleshire and Mrs. R.
L. Robertson and an assistant
leader was Mrs. J. E. Vittone.
Named to the nominating
committee were Everett Acre,
Eldon Kinton and Dclmcr Ale
shire. All living past presidents of
the organization were In at
tendance at the meeting and
were introduced during the
Introduced were Mrs. Rob
crt Gatke, Mrs. Newell Wil
liams, Clark Darby, Mrs. James
Bunnell, George Kayser, Roy
Ifarland, Clifford Parker, Dale
Burrls, Fred Remington, Paul
Holloway, George Birrell, Fred
Humphrey, Edwin Boal, Rob
ert Laws, Mrs. L. E. Marschat,
the present president.
i; American Helense serviro
medal Fleet Clasp; the American
Area and Asiatir-Parifie Area
campaign medals: Philippine Lib
eration ribbon and World Wir II
BERLI Nifl Anti-Communists
scattered "subway tickets" in the
Russian sector of Berlin Wednes
day, good for one express ride :
from Alexander P.aiz to Mos
cow s Lubianka Prison. Stamped
o,n the back was: "For officials
and members of the Soviet Zone
government only." the "price"
listed was: Fifteen years.
ad on
Chromium was named for the :
Greek word for color because !
of the varied colors of its com- j
pounds. v
Deliver this new
1954 "Royal" Porta-
ble or any other
make on our exclu
CALL 3-8095
Immediate Delivery
Kay Typewriter Co.
223 N. High
And now is the time to
select the exact style to
pleaie your sister most
from the big Valentine
collection at
Edward Williams
The Home of
Hallmark Cards
330 Court Street
Bank Prexy in Flying
Tackle Subdues Robber
MIAMI, Fla. W A man identi
fied as William Lee Davisson of
Clarksburg, W. Va., entered the
Riverside Bank yesterday and
asked to see Tully F. Dunlap, the
bank's 37-year-old president.
Officials of
ELAKE tfl The mayor and
two members of the city council
resigned Tuesday leaving this Ore
gon coastal community without a
governing body.
Those leaving office with Mavnr
Leslie V. Wolf were councilmen
Frank L. Mead, appointed last fall
to fill a vacancy, and Maurice Law
rence, elected to a four-year term
last year.- Wolf had been mayor
since the town was incorporated in
No reasons for the resignations
were announced but it was be
lieved they resulted from a dispute
with the remainine councilmen.
Allan Reed and Earl C. Williams.
The council was unable to aeree
Monday night on a successor to
City Recorder Arnold Earnshaw
who had resigned.
Reed and Williams are expected
to appoint another councilman and
then call a special election to fill
the remaining vacancies.
A mass meetinc has been called
for Wednesday to discuss the situation.
CoDDCr often is found in nature
)iuii, eiaw, uavjllg till U1C
characteristics of the smelted me
tal. -
Inside Dunlap's private office
the man pulled back his coat and
displayed a pistol stuck in his belt.
"I want $50,000," the man said.
"Put it in a bag for me. I have
your wife and children in custody,
so don't be too long."
Dunlap argued the man into cut
ting the amount to $20,000, called
for the money from a cashier.
handed the cash in a money ba?
to Davisson, and accompanied
him to the front door.
As they were ready to leave the
Bank, Dunlap brought the man
down with a flying tackle and got
a stranglehold on his throat.
"I choked him until he
squealed," Dunlap related.
A bank guard rushed to Dun
lap's aid.
Police said the pistol in Davis
son s belt was a phoney and that i
ne naa mane no move to put the
linger on Mrs. Dunlap and the
cmidren. They said Davisson ad
mitted serving time out West for
motor car theft.
He is being held for investiga
tion by the FBI.
Law Voided
EUGENE I Section 17 of
Oregon's anti-picketing law, passed
by the last Legislature, Tuesday
was declared unconstitutional by
Circuit Judge William G. East.
It was the secondtime the con
troversial law's Section 17 had
been declared unconstitutional.
Circuit Judge Orval J. Millard of
Grants Pass handed down a simi
lar ruling last week.
.Tlirtp Fnsl' milintf ii'!,e nn a
case involving the Paul Bunyan
Burger restaurant here. After hold
ing a hearing some time ago, state
labor examiner Fred Scherer or
dered a culinary union to halt its
picketing of the restaurant. The
union refused to obey the order
and the restaurant owners. Carmen
and Julius Gilbertson, took the
case to court asking a restraining
order against picketing.
Judge East refused to grant the
order on the ground the law under
which they asked it was unconstitutional.
ROME Wl Italy's powerful
Communists Wednesday demand
ed a place in the next government
for themselves or their allies,
claiming this would put the nation
"on the high road" to stability.
Palmiro Togliatti, bespectacled
chief of the laruest Communist
Party in the Western world, re
peated his old demand in a meet
ing with Italian President Luigi
i n o to i
V.Mf Of I 1U V'I
394 North Church
Phone 3-9600
LONDON (jB Actress Kather
ine Hepburn, laughing, and ap
parently oblivious of London's bit
ter cold weather, arrived Wednes
day by plane from New York to
begin filming George Bernard
Shaw's "The Millionairess."
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