taw Sch't has Joe. H lear. ing lear 0 the a no pla' run he kY tin kil V , his fac erf th cr su hi Li br til at ai P o ti P i . r t c J i 1 f , I nji? Jo lilt vrss. A n i js.siiww, i.7uiciii kjx ignis "- ""' Way Cleared for PUD's To Build at Priest Rapids WASHINGTON, w-Army engi neers Monday withdrew their ob jections to legislation which would clear the way for construction of Priest Rapids dam by Washington state public utility districts. Brig. Gen. E. C. Itchsner, dep uty assistant chief engineer for civil works, told a house public works subcommittee the corps be lieves the bill now safeguards na tional interests. , The hearing, called by subcom mittee chairman Mack, R-Mich was to discuss changes in the bill designed to meet objections made by the engineers when the pro posal was first discussed last June. The changes require that the Co lumbia river structure be built to Robbins Heads H-M Operators In a meeting of the Salem Mo tel and Hotel association at the Senator hotel Sunday evening, Charles Robbins, manager of the Argo hotel, was elected the as sociation's new president. Other officers elected were Wil bur Zeiglcr, Alirma motel, vice president; Leonard Rowan, Sen ator hotel, secretary-treasurer, and S. H. Donstcd, South Salem motel, and D. S. Orton, Salem mo tel, directors. Speakers at the buffet dinner were Donald Baker of Holman Furniture and Appliance com pany, Portland, and William Binns, Seattle. It was also announced at the meeting that the association had been chosen by the Parent ! caelv ers association to act as a hous ing committee in their behalf dur ing the state Parent-Teachers convention in Salem April 21 through 23. It is expected that about 1B00 delegates will auena the convention. Shiv and Man Both A butcher knife and the prowler he threw it at early Sunday morn Ing both disappeared. Visile Bax ter, 13.12 North Winter street, re ported to city police. Baxter told officers he heard a noise outside and looked to see the prowler looking In a neighbor's window. He grabbed the knife as he ran through the kitchen and out the bark way, Baxter said, and chased the man down the alley, lie yelled once (or the man to stop, he said, and when the man kept run ning he threw the knife. The man straightened up as if he had been hit, Baxter recalled, hut he kept on running. Police checked (he area and could find either (he knife or any trace of blood to its got them wondering, too. They are continuing the investi gation, they said. Liberty Youth Join With Salem Groups LIBF.RTY Seventeen youth of Liberty Christian Church o( Christ attended the annual Christian youth banquet at the First Christian Church of Christ In Salem. Itepre - senled at the dinner were First Christian. Court St Christian. Lib - erty Christian and Harden Road "viS S"'at ,, Liberty church were in charge oi the sorv - Ire. Hn.ln in .,,., ;.. l Youth week from .Inn. 31 to Feb. 7.1 arnnn npncni a rWw.:..i At the murninR worship services ii,. i. .....i. ..i , ii.w, ,,,,,k Mini- ,,iv 1 1 1 , o Hip devotional srrvirrs and the rommiinmn. Participatins in the devotional services were Marv nollnn, Neal Menclenhall, Fred Rnllnn. Pally l.loyd. Wihna 11111 incs, Connie Taylor, Margaret Si e- Ser. Shirley Peterson, anil Standley. In the cotnmunic iec. were Kd WarrenhurR Marker, Iloyd Avdelolt. Marion Rarker, I.oni. Kurlh. Jr.. and Ken Phillip The male quartet from the North west Christian College at Kupene took chnrRc of the evenin Rserm es on Sunday evening with word and ong. Baptismal services are planned for Sunday. Keh. 7, following the morning worship services. l..n. limit i , w rrimrird in liooM ci.ni ilion' V (:c C , '7mn rxprcispsh . . : , ' . , to San Francisco rchru.iry 20, or the Sunday ftchH,l with Joyce j 7 ' 'C P'Un' M i where he will board the VSS Cim ( lark at the mnnn. Vcrn Mnnrr Hi. u m,1,,,IR ....- j... , ,,. ratine the sinR!nj: and Joel Karber i lwer chest , 1S n ' " ! "IVlTi .h I readin! the scriolurr Thn uhnloi Saturday as he was nassinc a .22 " ' Liberty Woman's Cluh lR",,;', l!,lr,,;ul fl,r n.Miimcc- Tim .tutu; ryumans V.IUD i ,,r(ll.0(rr j, nncssary hdurc mn PlOnS TOT Birthday Krcssionnl anthori?;iliun i an he I-iBK,."TY M" l harl",l' Itfiliimalinn CiimiiiisMi.nei W A f lark will rntertiim the Liberty V.hemter said the ptiipuse.1 tewr Homansi club Thursday, Febrti- voir wmilii imreave jit-rit.-iiliur.il try 4, at a I et-lork dessert ; proiltulion tin jUNI at res sennl liinrhcon at her hemic on llmme , the nnrlh tiiut ( the irrigation rnad. Mrs. Wayne Sipe will as- project hv inereasmi! Ihe wau-r sist the htistes.t, .'mipply hv nn overaw n( mere February I anniversary! Ihnrt h.iTM aft acre leet a year, month for Ihe rluh ami ni.imber.s : The reservoir would be created will relrhrale the 2!tth year. Mrs. in 11,-iyslaek Mraw. southwest of HflrnM finsrhraiith will tive a Cuhrr. hv ronstriiclion nf an e.-irlh hnnk review, 'Splinded Pfispur'- by Marhcrry, story nf Joaquin Miller, Oregon Poet. He was the - first graduate nf Ihe school f which is now the Vniversily of j Oregon, j , , The first prarliral mechanical j farpet sweepers seem to have ap- reared about 18(,V i develop all power possible at the site, authorize the engineers to ac quire lands needed for the dam and give the corps authority to regulate the release of water for flood control and navigation should those features be incorporated. The amendments also clarify that the intent of the legislation is merely to set aside the con gressional authorization for the Army corps to build the dam temp orarily while Washington utility districts see if they can under take the project. Under the proposal by Heps. Holmes, R.-Wash., and Magnuson, D.-Wash., the dam would be built by operating district number one, an organization representing 19 nl 24 public power agencies in Wash ington slate. The two congressmen, urging subcommittee approval of the measure, said it pioneers legisla tion proposed in accordance with the administration's suggestion for a partnerhip between federal, state i , , ... . . and local agencies in the develop. ment Of power resources. Itchsnpr sniri th nrnii.fl i j "--' ""Mil", Ray wouiii iiruuuce in excess oi J1, million kilowatts of electrical en ergy, would cost an estimated 364 million dollars. Of this, he esti mated, the federal government would contribute approximately 100 million dollars for navigation and Hood control features. The cost of the power facilities would be borne by the operating district. For Elective PUC A preliminary petition for an initiative measure providing for election of Oregon's Public Util ity Commissioner was filed with David O'Hara, in charge of the elections department of the sec retary of slate's office Monday. Rep. Monroe Swoelland and his wife, Lillie, headed the pe tition with Willam H. Howard of Milwaukie, Omld If. Robinson, and Ray W. (.ill, both of Port land, .and Arthur S. Bone of West Salem, on the petition. Under the ornnosed inifintiin if adopted by the voters at the general election, the term of the I commission would begin on the first Monday of January follow. ing election at the 195(1 general election. Any vacancy in the of fice would be filled by (he gov ernor. Guns Stolen From W. W. McKinney Home A small arscnnl of guns was stolen, from the IV. W. McKinney home, 3715 Pringle road, some time Saturday nigh(, clly police rcpor(ed. The burglar broke a glass in (he patio door (o enter, police said, and made off wilh four ri fles, a shotgun, (wo pistols, some ammunition and a radio. Police believe the burglar cut himself when he broke the dror glass as they found considerable blood in the house. A suspected 20-year-nM escapee of I-'airview home, who was re ported missing Saturday evening, returned to the home Sunday morning and apparently had no ' ' ' mm m i " ' 1 D..,,IM n. ..1. J : UUly DFOWn KCDOrlCCl ; ; In Good Condition 1 I Ml'M 1 N 1 U .K C.irV HmWll. 15ynr 'll Nowhere. Imy. Monday 1 TI I IP i o rmiin.'inu.n i'ii:itn.L' Arn.ili!. 12. on 1 ho Ivan Arnold place cast ol Kiikri-all. iaip no. t : , , ; "llul rrpnnru. Haystack Reservoir yGefs McKay's Approval Marion I WASHINGTON r Secretarv iimml l,v ,u.,,i ,i t....il v i 'of I he Interior Mi Kay Monday appiovcii a rcpon proposing ion- stiiiclicm ol the Haystack ciiuali7.T lion reservoir, designed to provide a more stable water supply for the north unit of Deschutes irrigation project in Crntriil Orritmt The M'l-rrtary li;is furwiii ili'il I lie Hot i;i n i;i ! ii in llurrnii's rrpnrl to olliiliils ol (he stiitr mill (i-ilrrnl .nrncirs cont'iTnotl for tiinr com- ptnnl.i liofnre Mihniiltini; il In Inr ar,d rmk lill dam. It would rust ,3(8 Personal an estimated Sl.tiOti.mio At present, , storage fur the north unit lands in wr. i.v imiiamiemi pennies in Wickiup Iteservoir. more than '",nt''!i sVo'i'T-t loo miles from the project lands. inete ihyini-, i aiai.ik; "Nj'i"oiii Dcxhemicr said the water users ' "".J" s..i!:ie, w,,i,incton had indicated willingness to repnvjlN lovini- n m nad ho left the cost by including the amount sP1!,',r cV,i'j',n",' 1"l,v' 'r"r in an amendatory repaynienl con-1 Xu onni u s Ai-mro ".roup tract which alrrrady has been ap- i i, joss ,n, c.m i. 4-m4. . 1 1 . ; : ; i . . . .. - -a Recruiting in Service Jumps The Army-Air Force recruiting quota for this area was exceeded by 300 per cent during the month of January, according to Sergeant First Class John R. Gilley, Army Air Force recruiter. There were a total of 59 men and women recruited for the month. This was the first time in over a year that the Air Force has per mitted the local recruiting office to exceed its quota. Those enlisted last month in the two services were: Womrn'i Air Forcr, Murlrl O. Frrierson, Sslem: Kuth U. Limb, Sslem. Enluterf for Armr K-honls, Dtan v.. Way, Elmer E. Stay, both of Uilem. Klrh.rd D. Pan knits. Pills: Jassph W. -resell Clervsls; Phillip o. Sfholllin, IMilney H. Russell. Darrel Merlle. all of Turner. Retular Army enlistments, William K. pel.app, Robert D. Runner, Oeorse W. Lei'le, Mau ri J. Fredrlckson. Noel II. Martin. Rlrh ard J. carden. Melvtn 1). Vladyka. all of Salem: Mrlvln K. Whl-.ley. Aumiville: Roy K. Htrphens, Allen C. aes, both of Dallas: Donald I. HoUclaw. (Hand Rootle; John Weimer. Independence: Donald M. Sprout. Marlon: Loyd E. Tucker. New ben; Ixuils I.. Culp and Ml'o P. 0.:n, '.,!.' n RaMarl" aune o. na.iarn. both of Srolts Mill aim w main f. &caicin, ooio oi a,.icr- , I ,. KnllAtmrnts In, the Air Force er as I follows: Jackie N. llail, Krnneir. . ur mond Q. Loynes. Clarence V. Carson, Robert R. Joy. Jack W. Klfilah. James R. Casper, Oeorse A. Llfhey, Charles E. Miller, Allen Lltchenberc. Dale W. West, William M. Warren. Kenneth R. France Kenneth W. Wulf all of fia lrm: Gordon I,. Alnsworth Aurora; Mark M. Shaw. Carlton: Phillip J. Norrls. El roy J. Dirk, Howard J. Dirk, all of Dallas; Ocorke A. Sanders, Hubbard; Olen L. Humpnreys. Monmouth; Kenneth W. Fuller, McMlnnvllle; Bruce M. Raed. New bers: James A. Closs, Btayton; William M. Stephens, silverton: Robert O. Dud dink, Yamhill; Edward h. Coale. and Bernard J. Doyle, both of Willamlna; Gerald E. Moen, Oerald 1. Jones, Donald W. Drslion, Philip h. LaBarr, all of Woodburn. 23 Weddings to 17 Divorces in Linn ALBANY Cupid outran the div orce mill in Linn conuty during January with 23 marriage licenses issued while only 17 divorce com plaints were filed, it was learned from figures kept by R. M. Russell, county clerk. Marriage licenses were issued the last of the month to Walter F, McKinney, 27, I.acomb, and Mar garet (1. Fink, 18, Stayton; to Gor d o n Barnes, 19, Lebanon, and Gayle L. Counlter, 18. RFD 1, Sweet Home; to Alan L. Steele, 20, and Neva J. Goodrich. 18, both Oregon Slate college students; to Donald D. Benson, 30, RFD 2, Lebanon, and Betty A. Swanson, 23, Leba non teacher; to Earl Pilgrim, 40, and Gladys V. Williams, 38, both of Springfield, married by District Judge Wandell Tompkins, and to Lowell II. Ufford, 22, l.acomb, and Joyce A. Bateson, 19, Lebanon. EARTHQUAKE JARS IMPERIAL VAI.I.EY LOS ANGKLKS iir-A sharp earthquake jarred the Imperial Valley of southern California last night, but no damage was reported. CalcMro residents said the shock was felt at 8:25 p.m. At El Cen tre,' also in the Imperial Valley. two shocks were felt, one at 8:25 and another 10 minutes alter. Dish- MILITARY MEN AND VETERANS .Monday, February 1 Organized Marine Corps Re serve unit at Naval and Marine Corps Reserve training center. 04 141 h Air Reserve squadron at USAR armory. Oregon Mobilization designa tion detathinent No. 1 at CSAR armory. Company H, lG2nd Infantry regiment, and headquarters dc laihment, Oregon National Cuard, at Salem armory. Si'aman Donald Van Heave, son of Mrs. Poris Vant'leavc ot Hayes villc Drive, is home on a .tivday r...i v. i..nn....Hrt j l- - mi in, inn iiii"iitii urn) mi rvuiru i :.!.). I aii.. d....i ..tt i ; has Irlt lor Portland lor armv in- i ,i,.i, n ,. - .. .t.-...! v "iii i s" ' run iirrt. raid. (i. Aandahl. Sinic it would'increasc tin repavmenl period from 40 years to ahout 78 vrars. it would have to he approved hv Congress ' ...... "' i crMin.'.i 3i0 Meeting Notice SALEM l.OIX.E Nn. 4. A F. VA.M. Weil . Feb. 3. Nl.ilrrl ('iimtiMiiiiciilinn, 7:30 V. M. 312 Lout and Found 111 ACK Unit fino put-r ln.t In P.ivlrt i rtiiit.iin, , iiitn n.nvrilen J1I I-' Hiu.'iul Itle A. 11,. ItKi. I,id's sl.tv.es. i,inilv M.ir Hi Wllltri. t;r;,v r ise. a-'i-.i.iS I OS I ion . Li INI siuvntv pin. eold with hl.uk litli-- iiiin.e on t.Mttcni, n Hiink. Ivi I' II II 1 '. .. I , I Inns . Jan. i'stn. Riu.ml I'h .'..,H4.'l MISSIM; ft ins hit h in .t . icr I rum ic'K, i-nrr, thin rtFM-riplinrl ! rrar piniTii lnimvn CL. fi. ....... 300 Personal 1450 3Ipnha.icl.se 4a0 Merchandise 45(1 Men namiise 1 316 Personal I WILL NOT be rriponilble (or hills or debts made by anyone hut my self at any time. Dolores M. Faye, Play Modern Piano You'll realize enjoyment that only goes with personal accomplishment. IK YOU PLAY CLASSICAL l.EARN POPUJ.AR-1P YOU PLAY POPULAR MODERNIZE YOUH STYLE NORMAN STUDIO OF MODERN PIANO offers new rapid . simplified courses in Keyboard har- - moay and modern improvisation, that enable you to Jilay very com petent piano In a really short time. Call SALEM MUSIC CO. Ph. 2-8708, or SAHCHETS In Albany. Ph. 332. Brf(. or adv. All sues. SAFE, permanent removal of un sightly facial hairs. Erich of N.Y. PALMISTRY READINGS Tells past, present and future, advice on all matters. Will solve your problems. This ad with one dollar, for five dollar reading. Open B a.m. 1o 10 p.m. Hiway 89. next to North Salem Drive-in. LablshCardens. Ml'SIC LESSONS, piano and violin. State accredited teacher. Phone 1-WU 100 Agriculture 402 Livestock For Sale 1 tOCKF.R BEEF Eastern Oregon. j - ......i,. nartAr 3rie. or whole. 2Sc, iront quarter 20c. Custom Killme. Trailer loaned free. Salem Meat Co., 1325 S. 25lh. Phone 3-af.SS. 403 Livestock Wanted LIVESTOCK buyer. I buy cattle, horses, hoes, sheep, ffoats, boars, veal. Emery Alderman. Phone 2- Sb9 or z-iwoo CATTLE, horses, at your farm. E. C. McCandlish. 1127 S. 25th. Ph. 3-8147. LIVESTOCK buyer, A. F. Sommer, 1265 Harmony Dr. Ph. 4-2617. CATTLE BUYERS. E. I. and H. She then, 4297 State. 2-1345 or 2-4380. 404 Poultry and Rabbite BABY CHICKS Hached year round with these specials, N.H. pullets lilc, Par. ted roasters 5c. Order now for choice of breeds. Special New Hamp. pullets, inc. Valley Farm Store. Salem. 4-4624. WING needs rabbits. Phone 4-3918. 3985 State BABY CHICKS Hatched year round. Order now for choice of breeds. Special New Hamp pullets, 18c. Valley Farm Store, Salem. 408 Pets PART Cocker Shepherd male to itlve away. Good to children. Phone 2-44M. 138 West Way. MALE COLLIE, spayed registered female cocker. Good with children. Call 4-1196. PARAKEETS. Babies and breeders. Center St. Market. 1667 Center. DACHSHUND PUPS The compan ion breed. Registered, champion bloodlines. Phone 4-4282. PARAKEETS, babies raised in our home. $7.50, all colors. Mrs. Pow er, 735 Bellevue. Ph. 4-1587. CANARIES Orance & apricot strain. Phone 3-4385. 1340 Chemck eta. "SS&JT&SSl. 'SSf'VSS. leay Bd. 4-3773. Closed Wed. PARAKEETS. Cages, supplies. Rea sonable. Bird Paradise, 3180 Living, ston. 2-1842. HOLLYWOOD AQUARIUM. 1958 Mc Coy. 1 block east ot N. Capitol, 14 oiocks norm or jvtaaison. fn. z-oowi. 410 Seeds and Plants BAI.F.D CLOVER hav. 1,20 ton. D. H Rosa. Rt. 6. Hox 404. Ph. 3-1569. GOOD Alia Fesrue hay. Wire haled In barn. 1! ml. S.-Pringle School, Battle Creek Rd. Frank McKennon. Ph. Salem 4-2337. 412 Fruit and Farm Produce POTATOES, sorted Burl-inks. 11.73 hundred lb. sack. Also 51 lbs. Yel low Denver onion seed. Joe W. Op pek. Rt. 2, Box 249. 2 ml. N. of Keler. FERTILIZER Rotted manure, weed free. 2-0774 1.0 Mr rrliandisr 452 Wanted, Machinery, Tools TRACTOIt WANTED Will trade home, - A. near F.ucene. even pp. for T. I). 9 A( dnzrr or equal. Must he A-l K. Walton, 1260 Main, SprinrtirVI. Oe l."0 Mrrrliaiuliso 455 Hflehold Goods For Sale 1HV2 BKNDtX WASHER and dryer, like new. Anilnue mm hie top rirrss er A- commode. Matmcmv. S-)rr whil-not hrif. r.n,ri'i.ir Wtnthrop Tk"-. All harcnint. fall 2-fi4fi3 or 4-?Rfl rvc nr Sun. 7. pc Ft DRV ntte. Anrx auti.malic wahcr. Phllrn refne. Wrtms 1lou radlA-o'iono ron-olr, irH 1 mnntliv ftOf)' . Court St, t)ll.i. Ph. 2-.1Wt Salrni. 456 Wanted. Hsehold Goods J , urn""r0 HV I" urnituro Co. 2i4,2 LAII It'LiAV Good uscn furnitntr or mi'I sII on con'iKrment Pn rnnil -;u.-i'll . iKin-llon 4S8 Building Materials I PANEL do.. i lous sues. SI to i I'tv I-I!10B ,(-er HEY! (HV GOLLY) . Its' P! .d I IV ft . .V Ml Lo.idrd i- EM jl. Ihuknt Int. Will t ut oi,! sl.e S,K' .VI M up S-iaKrs III .Ml 11 up. Maulht .iu I IS. I'ine P.nieliiK lit il Slulv Itu-. HrioliHk .imiIi:ik V'li ihi.'ui tt ( ill tiH.i. l.,k KiK in he.ilrd lo.Mti. I 1) n D.ioi. -.1 li-i- nut H.vilwd plvwoml, Prtrri mu.iliiv N ttf i fSifl Frer f.tnjttr. W, HMtl tw- ' rir 1 1 v n . Tort land U;ul Lnmhrr Yard XM r-Tllprl ' Rii Ph 4-tl,'.,t LEAKS REPAIRED CASOAPE IsOOKINr, CO. PH. S-t!W i r JAlilk Ci i-.' dinner nurm j Irom N'uhor.'t noan. Call :!-."t,Vl7. CASH (nr (urnlturr, one pifre or hfii kc Tul I .jmihertx, ?-7Btl2. 1 458 Building Materiali 470rorSale.M.se ellaneoui 476 Fuel BUILDING? New fir door Janibi $2.50 Oak Jluonntf - low price New bath tubs complete ....... ysfl.so Used bath tubs complete $25.00 Used cast Washbasin MW.. $7.50 Hriwd. plywd.. Ideal for paneling or cabinet! Cheap Loose iniulut!on per bag ,.......?1.00 Fiberfilnss roll blanket insuL .Cheap 14-2 dec. wirinit . ..3',jc 12-2 eiec. wiring - 5',jc Naili $8.75 & $8.95 keg Asbestos siding per iq $9.00 Painted shakes with under .$10.50 New doors, all sizes , . $s M Used windows 30" x 43" $2.50 100 used doors with frames New toilets with seats ...$24.50 Double kitchen sinks, complete $41.50 42 gal. elcc. water heaters $68.50 Laundry trays, pipe, basins iJarRain 500 gal. steel septic tank $62.50 4" cast Iron soil pip ,.. is 4" solid orangeburg pipe ,, Roll roofing, large supply , V 3 tab com p. roofing ,, , $7 m Cedar shingles. 4 grades .Cheap New oaiv. iron roof........-.....Cheap Plywood, new carload .Bargains New picture windows $8. 00 New weather stripped windows $14.20 Cedar fence posts ......Cheap New plaster board 4x8.. ft n Steel garage doors, complete, Over-head garage hardware. .$44.00 .$13.95 C. G. LONG & SONS 1 ml. N. of Kelr.er METAL FNCES Permanent. No upkeep. Free esti mates. 36 mos. to pay. Borkman I.br & Hdwr. Phone 3-3701. 2460 State St. ALL NEW lumber, fshiplap 30.00 per M and up, 2x4 and larger $25.00 per M and up. Some lumber 515.00 per jvi aeiivereo. rnone irWVi, KEITH BROWN SPECIALS DOORS - DOORS ManoR. Flush: 20x6-6x1 a HC 24x6-8x1 3, HC 2-xli-8xl 3, HC 2 8.x6-8xl , HC 3 0x6-8x1 i HC DOORS!!!! Reg. Sale I 8 16 6.53 882 7.07 9 07 9.49 10.32 14.90 7.27 7 8.68 30x6-8x1 HC Fir 2-Panel: 20x6-8x1 ?a 24x6-8x1 28x6-8x1 Fir .9 It. sash: 2 x6-8xl a 2 8x6-8x1 , 3 0x6-8x1 a 30x6-8x1 a,. Colonial Hardware: Welser Handle Sets Key-In-Knob Lock Set Hathroom Sets Passage Sets 3 and 4" SteeWutts 11.34 7.92 F.17 8.27 8.38 6.58 (.75 13 93 14.03 15.19 15.85 833 8.51 12.15 10.42 12 M 698 349 2.69 1 85 5 58 2.79 203 .50 Keith Brown Lumber Yd. Ph. 3-9111 Front and Court St. "We Give S. K H. Green Stamps" 480 Musical Instrum.nl. Spinet Piano Baldwin Acrosonic, the Musician's choice. Sample instriiinent, mahoj ny, one only. .Save $165.00! STONE PIANO CO. 1280 Stale SI. Phone2-3281 TOP quality Cown trumpet. Excel lent condition. Ph. 3-6087. 468 For Rent, Miscellaneous U-Fix-It-Garatre Repair you own car. Pnone 4-5261. McCULLOCH chain saws and post hole augers uy oav. lowne ujuip ment Co. Ph. 4-1511 toil HLNI or lca;e lice warcnouse upaL'e cement floors, duck bine down town Inquire H L Stiff 470 For Sale, Miscellaneous BKI.TONR Haannc Aid, Melody Mod el. Just like nrw. I'h. iVV. FT... Y.. freezer, "price $125 ixT Phone -.1014 after 4:30 p.m. CAHLK N KLSON cabinet Grand piano. Good Khane. $75. Ph. 2-0505. isHOPS.MlTH with motor, used" onre' ilWI. 1 li. p. eiec. motor. re-;ct switch box. Ph. 2-40.i7. IMS Nor- wa St. t'SKt) FUHN'AdK lor wood or -aw-dii'.t, vri v i;imd rnndition. Co'ii rleir wiih awdust limner .ind autnni.itir controh. Ph. .1-fl.Vi.V CHILD'S aluminum 'rp White C'naihan hnirj. Ph. 2..74h. MSO Ln- ' r.i!trr. UONKirFLFCTH!c"tr.unH.O.c;ile! i Also 7 tt Wilson Skus, ok'5, boots Ph2-9!!.5 s ;ONK SAWni'ST bu-nrr Complrte ! with rontiolv ph. 2-lfin7. hfX'APS 5fi lVtO-"l6A f 70-15 i7rs. .Naiinnwinr cu.irnt'e. iin c..!d rubber i.Mir inr. n. mmi I'm, Special Sale Clovne nut sl'.rk nn oi n.imrnlai slone.s, inclitdini; lava .mil fl.ia- sl,,n,'. Mm nn rii'lu' ,-rl.,r lenrinff and ci-d.ir pn.is .-.nd ni'lrs. Otir sup- WANTEn; Fir. Ili-Tiiloek. Cedar, plv ). hmllrd rhei-k now lor Spruce toe. Trrmv iah. Telephone g"od lnis. Phillips llrnv Rl. 5. ltnx (oltrct AsXvater f'4:t.l. Nledermever 4f.l Ph, 4-.1IIR1. 2 nn. E. 4-corncrs Martin Co., Porlland Trust Bldg . on St.Tte SI I Pnrll.mri 4. Oregon. HOSPITAL I1EI) f ir ;.ilr or rent. H I. Stiff Fill 11 Co. Pn .I-91H SEWING ' MACHINE Prntiful reiMiilt Sint-iT fv,tr t.tl Nrw pftw ! fitl tur -co."! mo'fi Nrw r.nhdn fool rnntml. Nw KiKCac tvp purl r,ir, Nrw nolc-Iitf. Ontv WW tihriril tr-idf in on our nld in.K-riiiir ,! 1 ' Soars & Iiitt'luuk t'o. 550 N. Capitol. I'lnme 3-9il wjtfr hrjili'i. A-t ronri 1 m) . r.ilL.i; VY.H 1 11.I.K.H tnttrr) rt) ivdnui . rMVl. Tut tt'j "i utt 'i . Jitii r'.li kf H 'nantirr fur l.iu'vctir-i.ii.i.' py ,tk nr rul'ic vd Pn-k un ;t mi or r ran lr rt Pbil'.po Hr'. Rt V Pnx X Th t.iifll. ? nn. K 4-Cnrnrn p' St.ttr t ; IIICMCHAIH Cd rnn, 57 00 B.ith I fon in i-nrnrr ink. JAftv I'h. 3 W7 I VsF.t) " FCRNITURF-'FOR LESS Valley Kurn. Co., 219 N. Com'l. FOR SAI F, new Mayflower forced air oil furr.arr Complrte with duct work, .'ontrols, 775 f.il t.inli Half nrirr M:0.00. Phone 24i2. CHARtS foundation cfrdlei. bra. Ph. 3-W1I or 3-?071 Mary F. Bale. SKIIS, stove, boots, bicycle, springs. mBiire&s. rug ana misc. JJ1U- BATTERIES AU cars, JS.95, $7.i)5, SOS, exchange. 12 mo. guarantee. iniee. Pine. lyue s iue. n. 10m i G. . ELECTRIC range. 5 speed bur ners, all new, warming oven. !5. Tup condition. Ph. 2-4726. TWO-CUSHION Lawson style dav enport, lose color. N. 24 alter 1 1 p.m. SLIGHTLY USED automatic washer. completely reconditioned and guar' anteed. Keg. $244.95, ale 1.17.77. Montgomery ward dc Co., Appu ance Dept., phone 3-319L FLOOR SAMPLE 1954 21" TV set. General Wee trie table model, was .i2&.y5, sale $279 yj, Montgomery Ward & Co., Appliance Dept., phone 3-3181. DAVENOS 1 with platform rpeker In Hunter green, mohair frize. 1 with matching chair in rose belfie mohair frlze. Priced to sell. Salem Upholstery Co., 454 Ferry. Ph. 3-4724 . PRACTICE PIANOS Trade-ins on new Baldwin and Wurlitzer pianos and Hammond or gans. All are reconditioned and guaranteed. Good pianos from $120. Terms. Stone Piano Co., 1280 Slate St. RABBIT equipment feeders, hutches and dew drow water system. Rea sonable. Call Salem 3-1663 between 9 and 4. FLOOR SAMPLE 9 en. ft. refrigera tor, automatic defrost, butter tray, double crisper. full width freezer compartment, four shelves in door. Was S32S.95. sale 9290.95. Montsomr ery Ward Co., Appliance Dept., phone 3-3191. 462 Sports Equipment HERE'S THE ' FACTS, MA'M . . . This story happened in Salem. It happened to me. My name is Skip Tayjor. I've got a boathouse on the river. 1m a boat man. I filled out my report and hit the sack. X was tired. Here's my re port, t TLJSDAY 10 A.M. . . . Lonesome. No business. River risine. Over- Mocked on used outboard!. Also used boats. TUKSDAY 1 P.M. . . . Called a con tact on Statesman-Journal, insert ed ad lor Wednesday. WEDNESDAY b A.M. . . , Heard noise outside. Investigated. Twenty custotiners hammering at aoor. Thcv meant business. WEDNESDAY & A.M. to MIDNIGHT . . . Talking, arguing, shouting, Customers erabbine boats . . . snatching motors. Ugly green stuff waved in my lace . . . snovea in my hands. It was money. They meant business . . . My business. FRIDAY 1 A.M. . . . Exhausted. Soaked fingers in hot salt water to alleviate soreness from ringing cash register. SATURDAY 8 A.M. . . , Took three bottles of Dr. Taylor's pep restor er. Pep and health, recovered. SATURDAY 4 P.M. - . . Barricaded door. Posted heavy guard. Called contact al Statesman-Journal. In serted ad regarding need for used boats and motors in trade. SATURDAY 5 P.M. . . . Kept ren dezvous with a Dhvchiatnst at the Center Street stakeout. He said he needed evidence. 1 said, ' es, sir. You just want the facts. I'm mad. . . . Completely mad. I've gone hog-wild.' He said he needed evi dence to support the f.icts. I knew what he meant. I played a hunch. Sometimes a hunch pays off - sometimes it doesn't. It was just a hunch. I gave him the evi dence attached to this report. EVIDENCE The following boats were offered for fair Monday. February 1 al fan lastic reduced prices. The sale was tn take place at a local bust ' ncss in and at the City of Salem; to wit: The Salem Boat House. The report in authenticated by the confession of one "Skip" Taylor, owner of said boathou5e. T know. I'm "Skip" Taylor. I'm a boat man. NEW 195.1 MODEL 14' BRYANT ROAT Sfattle Price 2M.50 . , . Taylor's price . . . 199.50. NEW 12'5" BEAUTIFUL MOLDED BOAT Seattle price 414.00 . , . Taylor's puce 3:i.T00. NEW 13'fi" BEAUTIFUL MOLDED ROAT Sratlle price for boat a few inchr lontrrr 2d.00 , . . Tavlor's price 3!t.).fl0. Tav1nr shows further Instability hv olfrring to take any boat or out board motor in tn trade and of fers terms on balance. REPORT Skin T.tvtor tiled to be convicted of marines to avoid Cabin Fever. In a few d.-ivs the result's of that trial. SALEM' BOAT HOUSE (HEMLKETA ATTHF.RIVER rin"oAUGE "shntcun. Will scn'Vra- Fon.-ihlr. 30fl4 BrownRri. 'CASH p.nd tor used cun. modern and antique. Cascade Merc. 1230 Bioadwa.v. 472 Wanted, Miscellaneous WANTED, f.fv.rt hnnip nuts, dp ritv Inr Sntt1ih Slifpard dog. Phone 4-tssnfl. WAN'TKD- St. imp cnll options or old M.TMin. Write Box IBfi. co .stairs-man-Jniirn-il. Logs Wanted : Gnnil ?nd ernwth lnc Prem paid I fnr No 2 InRs 28' nnd lonffcr AIo It' Ktllft Ol tTlllltlUP! of 8' phi j tlltn fi" fn 16' dl.un Brum. AND l.BR CO Ph Turner lU'.S Evri ?;02 Turner or 2-"JtrtS SaJrm 474 MiRcellanoous m:T.l. PLATF. RK.PAIH : ?-MR SKRVKT. tN MOS I ' UR HARRY SF.V.l.KR. HKNTIST i Artolnh Blrifi.. State A CYni'l. Sts SM.KM PH JW1t , " RKK-HIVF TRCCKS C-imiVF. i MOVF NOCHSKl-F SAVE 'j CAR RFNTAIS - STAKFS VANS TEXACO STATION SI) COCRT ST PHONF J-lfttl PAf.F STEVENSON Jtnd AL MKFORD 476 Fuel Pickup Your Presto-logs Briquet and wood H IPS S Com'l st pnone Jti- n ANDERSONS jrreen a lab. 2 cd. 114. Ph. 2-7751 or 4-4i5.1. West Salem Fuel Co Tub ot Pu.h Out Sswdlilt Ash. Maplr snrt Osk Hood tlrrrn. (try start, Vlanfr KnH rhon. 1-401 Highway Fuel Co. Clr-an sswdiKt. wood. I"'n..0' ',y siove-ijiesci mis. ra. 500 Bus. & Finance 510 Money to Loan II 000.00 TO LOAN on city or farm, real estate. Box 180, Statesman Journal. AUTO LOANS WILLAMETTE CRKUIT CO. ' 182 South Church Parkins a-Plenty Ph. t-27 Lie. No. M-50. S-1M PKJVATfi money to loan. Ph 2-079., . . 5' FIRST MORTGAGE LOANS Availablt on modern residences lo cated in the Salem area. Twenty years to pav. Low monthly pay ments. We do the appraising. ALSO LARGE BUSINESS LOANS ON BUSINESS PROPERTIES Office buildings. Warehouses. Indus trial plants, Store Buildings. ALSO , Available: Private funds for first mortgages on small residential loans. See is at 3.17 NO. HlGH ST. OR PHONEjWMI Consolidate All Bills TivMntv.ftve vrars eo Generp.l Ft' nance Corps was organized by Sa lem business and professional men if Rive you a loan iervlce. W have lent miliums. TRY OUR SERV1C& Yiu can repiv anytime to reduce costs. No endorsers or help Irom friends longer time to repay, rn. first for a one trip loan. Loans S2j.00 to $300.00 on signature, furniture and eouiDment, Loans to $500.00 on cars, trucks, and trailer houses. Free customer parking at "Marlon Car park across trom otnee. 136 S. Commercial St. Lie. No S138 and U338 512 Loans Wanted Responsible party wishes to secure financing (nr 2nd mortgage. 6',. inl. Box IRK Statesman-Journal. WANTF.DS200n"fromprlvatc party at 10'fl plus bonus for 1R months for expanding business. Box 185, Statesman-Journal. . 515 Investments ALL-IN-ONE LOAN UP TO S2.000 OR MORE I LOAN MAY DO ALL 4 1 GROUP INSTALLMENT PAY MENTS 2. CUT PRESENT MONTHLY PAYMENTS. 3. CLEAN UP CURRENT BILLS. 4. PROVIDE EXTRA CASH. Just ONE MONTHLY PAYMENT PACIFIC lXlirSTRIAI. LOANS 1 1 5! ' IBFRTY PHriNT 4-??n3 600 Kinplovnu'iit I ! . ,602 Help Wanted WE ARE now taking applications t-H Pap''t Routes at Carrier Divi sion. Stnlt'sinan Building Boys -TV .1 ne 13 venrs or over ann nave the written consent of their par ents If you have already applied kindlv do so arram THE OREGON STATESMAN 604 Help Wanted. Male If You Are A SALESMAN And want to ffrt in on the ground floor with a line thai Is goins to provide one of the bc?t Johs in Oregon wilh fit anmi.il income of $10,000, not wishful 1h ink inn. we (-An (l.sciis our plan in a personal Intorvicw. If you have a history of floatine from Job to job, nr it vou ate only vrurtou5. we will both ne wasting our tune. Applicants must own jervire.iblc auiomobile. lp at least 21 c.is of Ajze, have good icieri'iitTS. and have a desire to adv.inre themjelvrs. S.ilrs ex pciicncf lielplul. but nut nc-r-j:v. For personal interview con tart Mr. Samto. Senator Hotel, Sa lem, betwrm in no a in. A- 5 no p in. on Wed ne -day, Febi u.iry H. F;XPF.RIKNCF.D driver salesman to r.ill on ret-iil growers in Salem area. Intrjview at Marion Hotel. Rm fi to ft p.m. Tues. eves. " DIESEL ' HEAVY EQUII'MEXT WE NEED ever:il merhiinu-ally in i lined and tch.thle men to train Mr nniliun in the Tractor and Equipment indusrv If you are nor ntib.ntf hotter th.n fNI nrr uerk or you don't have all year Job sreur n v, vim owe it to vourself fn write fr tree farts, without obliR.ition, about this tr.timnc and our Advts orv piaremrnt ServiiT. TRACTOR TRAlVTNf; SFRVK'P Box Ifi5 eo State -man-Journal COMR1ATION body, fender and painter Guarantee, plus roirmn atnn. Inqunr Gene Teau Chev rolet Co., Stayton, Ore. 606 Help Wanted, Femal WOMAN to enms 10 home rr for 2 rhllnTr-o. Must hsv. trsnsports tion. rrtfrfncps. C.ll (trr 9 p.m. Monday, February 1, 1054 600 Employ ". 606 Holn Wanted. FemoU DEPENDABLE girl or woman, U to - . u.i.,.,i,nrb ann rarA 40 lor genci. ""''- , j two children. References required. Ph. S-4581. RESPONSIBLE woman for ypln and general ouice won.. ....,. olfice alone. Experience necessary. Afternoons only. Five days. Holly wood district. Applications to Box lfll Statesman-Journal. CLERK. Permanent position with Na- ., . - nnH tvi.lct .Vrtr- uunai cumciii. lenced with accounting, calculating machine. Apply Oregon Flax Tex tiles. 859 7th St., West Salem, Phime f-.Tttl. 610 Sales Persons Wanted SALES ASSOCIATE This position offers a professional sales ca reer with income op portunity exceeding $10,000 annually. We are a leading 50 year - old insurance company writing the finest Disability In c o m e, Hospitaliza tion and Life on mar ket. Thorough train ing will be given. We are only interested in an active, intelligent man who desires a permanent local con nection. Choice terri tories available throughout Oregon. Please write M. C. Fields, 422 Pittock Block, Portland, Ore gon. 612 Work Wanted, Male TAX RETURNS prepared in your home at reasonable rates. Phone 4-2033J HEDGES and shrubs trimmed, yard cleaned up and trash hauled. 2-7464. CEMENT, work, all kinds! Ernest Drake. Phone 4-5128. 1165 S. 14th. EXPERIENCED wheel alignment man needs steady employment. Good references. Phone 4-4167. TAX FORM completed-State. Fed eral. Prompt accurate service Ph. 3-6957; WANTED Bulldozing, land clearing, etc. a V. Stoops. Ph. 2-3326. 614 Work Wanted, Female EXPERIENCED legal secretary de fires part time stcnographical work at hoine Ph. 3-K112. EXPERT child care, may home, daviT Hollywood district. Phone 4-458.fl. WILL CARE for 2 children in-my home. days. Vicinity of Sunnyview Hyrnm. Ph. z-9976. I MIMEOGRAPHING, typing, reason I able. Mrs. Poe. 615 N 16th. 3-3643. I HOUSEWORK or cookmgcompany : meals sVhone 3-5B60. 615 Situations Wanted PAINTING. Paperhanginjf. Frte es limates. Din Lueero. Ph. 3-.SS2. W A T E lip R O O KI N GS EK V I C Guaranteed w.itcrproofinf! on all types ol masonry, basements etc. Call Masonry Products. 2-09(W. WILL ACCEPT difficult nndpar ticular mending. Specialty-knitted Rarment. Also, sewinc And knit- ting. Ph. 2-8043 or 2-fi05. CARPENTER New. remodel or Ye n.iir.time or contract. Ph. 2-302.S. TREES topped, trimmed and remnv rd. Fruit trees pruned and shaped. Free estimates. Ph. 2-7464. HOUSEWORK by thV houj7Wni give good references. 3-."t504. WILL KEEP children in my home. Close in. 1164 S. 12th. Ph. 2-2AI7. BABY sitter lor evenings. Reliablp mature woman. Ph. 3-4923. I N CO M ET A X " R ET I : R N Sprepa red reasonable. Ph. 4-fi22B. M1CKF.NHAMSDAYNUR.SKRY St.ne licensed and inspected. Ph. 2-7ftHfi. PAINTING. WilTgladlv estimate"anv BlrJPPh- 2-4:W7, 3-8243. INCOME TAX blanks prepared rea sonably. Phone 361.4. LANSCAPING. com. lawn, garden service. Service Center. 4-3573 D R KS S MA KINO and alteration. Sat Isfnction puaranteed. Judy Polston, Ph. 3--W77 PAINTING- decor.1l1ng. PhT37l.V2" 2S vrs. exp. m Salem. Free esti 1 nales. GENFRAL cleaning by the hourPh. 2-82:n. ! ROOFING, new work or rppWAll rvpes rooting, tan Kiefer 2-5W", Free rstimatcs anywhere. TREE work, topping, trimming, re" moving. Insured. John Payne, ph. 2-0:183. PAPER liANGING & Painting. Jerry Johnson. Phone 2-0734. NEW Construction remodelinc k rmair. Ere- estimates Dale Biles Phone 3-fit:ni. P AI NT I N G . PA PERTiGINCon tiact. ama'l oh3 welcome Phont 2-7(i!t2. QI'ALITY wood work n . home eah inctt store fixtures. Dick Hich- bcrj. r. ;t-H'K". H A V IN G A tH' 0R A D I A T O R TROUBLES? V- ey Motor Co experts will jm)v y-i.r OiobUma and fave vou money. rrco e;limate speedy service. Cenier and Liberty. RELIABLE babv itt"will n a' or nigjit.Phone2-s?o.4 or 3-5:12.1." j LIGHT ciauler dorer. dirt leveling j adins Phnne2-3220. j C A R i ' E N T E R W 01 KAn y ni" R ea sonahle 4240 Macleay Rd Phont CARPENTER work of alt kind" U80 Livingston 2-1P4J. 2-1459. 616 Employment Agencies YOUR JOB F-F.vctittve yfty. 2"-:ta ... . Onn F-Hkknr. supvr. 30.43 .0 f'iS F-Set-v. Aerie know, " Onen F-Strno, t Trainee! 1R.24 M82 M-Ofr. rncr. hkkiir. 30.45 M.Bkknr. Gen. olc. 23-411 M-S.iles uocr 25-40 M-Col. crnd. iTrdint-fi 2n-:,n T'.s n...t v.-.,- 1, to $450 S.t."0 5300 COMMERCIAL' PLAC EMENT A(i('V -i.-i .-tunc 01. tuic, lilOg ( 4 -.115 1 C0 rj.. --t:-.-, P.15 tdUCatlOfl ENROLL vour child jn a heginninff piano el ass ii-ne gt;irlrri piano nm- r(H) wuh BRlfK GARAOP. tn I or tn-ipt. ... 110 wn. JM . Wmicr imsjj or TRAILER spjcf. 110 month. N.w w.shcr nd dryrr. rtiildr.n rome. No prts. Ph. 2-8883. Ox- fnrd St LARGE wirrhousr .pce for rrnt"lir "- rrmcnt .'loors. hrirk tuild-l-if noun town tno.uir H. U SHU fuinitur. Co. riion. 3-C18S. .sl 1