Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, January 30, 1954, Page 6, Image 6

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    Wedding in South
Mr. and Mrs. Winston G. Burris will leave
Sunday (or Sacramento, Calif.
The wedding of their elder daughter
Miss Lois Burris, and Lt. Curtis Franklin,
Jr., will take place next Friday, February,
5, at 4 p.m. in the Episcopal church at Sac
ramento. Lt, Franklin's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Cur
tis Franklin of Rob-Ben Point. Mountain
Lakes, N.J., are flying west for the cere
mony. ' Miss Merle Rhoten of Salem, who is also
teaching in Sacramento, is to attend the
Following the service, there will be a
dinner at the Senator hotel in Sacramento.
Miss Burris is teaching in Sacramento
junior high school. Lt. Franklin is in the
air force, stationed at Mather field at Sac
ramento. '
Mr. and Mrs. Burris plan to go on to south
ern California following the wedding and will
be gone three weeks. ;
. parly hostess next week will be
Mrs. Frank A. Brown who has in
vited a group for dessert and eve
ning of bridge on Wednesday. The party
will be at the Keith Brown home.
Invited are Mrs. Hubert L. Williamson,
Mrs. Ernest Hobbs, Mrs. Theodore Flook,
Mrs. Courtney Jones; Mrs. Newbury Close,
Mrs. Edward Salstrom, Mrs. James It,
Phillips, Mrs. Ernest H. Miller, Mrs. Gor
don Cooley, Mrs. Alton L. Chamberlain,
Mrs. Jack Fitzmaurice, Mrs. Lester D.
Green, Mrs. Donald Sommers, Mrs. Don E.
Phillips, Mrs. Ronald Jones, Jr., Mrs.
Lloyd F. Ramey, Mrs. Ralph Underwood,
Mrs. George C. Huggins, Jr., Mrs. George
C. Alexander, Mrs. Joe B. Richards.
Hostess for an informal luncheon party
next Friday afternoon at her West Lefelle
street home will be Mrs. William I Phil
lips, Sr. who has invited a small group
of friends for the event
Invitations were received today for a
Valentine tea for which Mrs. Arthur A.
Atherton and Mrs. Ervin L. Peterson are
to be hostesses on Monday afternoon, Feb
ruary 8.
- Guests are invited to call between 1 and
t o'clock that afternoon at the Atherton
heme, 206 Browning avenue.
Mrs. William C. Perry, Mrs. George L.
HOI and Mrs. Francis T. Wade will enter
tain the Salem alumnae of Chi Omega at
the Perry home, 2875 Bolton boulevard,
Tuesday, February 2. Dessert will be served
at 7:30. It will be followed by a short busi
ness meeting and social hour. All interested
alumnae are invited to attend.
Mrs. Bruce Crandall is to be hostess to
the Zeta Tau Alpha alumnae of Salem for
a meeting on Tuesday evening. .
Chapter CQ of P.E.O. Sisterhood is meet
ing for dessert next Tuesday at 1:15 o'clock
at the home of Mrs. C. M. Forbes,
North 17th.
Mrs. K. D. Lylle will be in charge of the
program with Mrs. F. A. de Lespinasse and
Miss Winifred Carrithcrs serving as co-hostesses.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Soos are observing
their 50th wedding anniversary on Feb
ruary 7, and will be honored that afternoon
at a reception to be given by their son and
daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Sons.
The reception will be in Christ Lutheran
church, 1750 State street, between 2 and 4
Friends are invited through the press to
Mr. and Mrs. Soos have lived here for
more than 40 years. Besides the son, there
also is a daughter, Mrs. Arthur Kochn of
Vida, two grandchildren and six great
grandchildren. V
TnK ENGAGEMENT of Miss Barbara Pirkrn. above, daughter of Mr. nd
Mrs. George IMrkens, In tharlrs Kn.vtych, son of .Mr. and Mrs. Charles Knytych,
tu announced recently.
' .wiwHiit'Wffl.1 ay.ieM
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aWVit.: Tit-;.:' .
A GALA event for February 6 will be the annual St. Valentine'! time dance sponsored by Junior
Woman's club for benefit of the group's philanthropic funds. On the committee are these five above, left
to right: Mrs. Donald Griswold, Mrs. Donald Dougherty, Mrs. Ted Tibbutt, general chairman, Mrs. Fran
cis Wasser, Mrs. Floyd Brodhagen.
Johnson-Kinsey Wedding Today at
Roberts Studio; Reception Follows
A wedding of interest to a large circle
of friends was an tvont of this afternoon
when Miss Jessica Louise Kinsey of Port
land, formerly of Salem, was married to
Orville Lee Johnson of Seattle.
The bride is the daughter of Mrs. Norma
B. Shaw of Salem, and made her home here
for many years. Mr. Johnson is the son of
Mr. and Mrs. O. L. Johnson of Chiro, Calif.
The service was at 4 o'clock in the Rob
erts studio on North Summer, the Rev.
J. Arthur Stevenson of Vernon Presbyter
ian church of Portland officiating. The
ceremony was solemnized before an impro
vised altar of spring flowers and white
candles. Professor T. S. Roberts played the
organ for the service.
C. P. Williams of San Bernardino, an
uncle of the bride, gave her in marriage.
She wore a light blue suit with white hat,
navy accessories and a corsage of white
Mrs. Robert Hamp of Eugene was matron
of honor. She wore a navy blue suit with
Delta Delta Delta alumnae are meeting
next Monday evening for their February
event, at the home of Mrs. Richard B. Jen
ning, 1150 Evergreen. Co-hostesses are
Mrs. Allan Sicwert, Mrs. H. J. Anning and
Mrs. Robert Craig.
Mrs. Charles Clarke is to give a talk on
interior decorating.
fJrtm-MU:r lluttlA Mrturt)
pink hat and corsage of pink rosebuds.
Thomas Snyder of Seattle was best man.
Ushering were Andrew of Se
attle, Ronald Craven, Ervin W. Potter and
Garnet Six.
For her daughters' wedding, Mrs. Shaw
wore an ice blue afternoon dress with navy
blue accessories and corsage of white rose
buds. The reception also was at the studio.
Cutting the cake were Mrs. M. D. Goodman
of Emmctt, Idaho, aunt of the bride, and
Mrs. Edna Stockslager of Berkeley, Calif.,
cousin of the bride. Mrs. V. E. Kirk poured.
Others assisting at the reception were Miss
Ann Boentje, Miss Jaunita Brown, Mrs.
Glenn Briedwell of Silverton, Miss Gladys
Crenshaw, Mrs. Margaret Fessendcn, Mrs.
Gordon Krueger, Mrs. Edna Pickett, Mrs.
William E. Smith, Mrs. Lestle Sparks, Mrs.
Winifred Worrell of Portland, Miss Etta
White, Mrs. Orin Watkins, Mrs. Robert F.
The couple will be at home in Seattle.
Chapter G of P.E.O. Sisterhood is meeting
next Thursday afternoon at 1:15 o'clock at
the home of Mrs. William Cole with Mrs.
George Aiken and Mrs. J. W. Clayton as
Hostess to her bridge club on Thursday
evening will be Mrs. Byron Mennis.
Mrs. Mary Thomas and daughter, Susan,
leave next Wednesday for a trip to the
Hawaiian Islands. They will fly via the
Pan American lines from Portland to Hon
olulu. During their three weeks stay, they
will take a tour of the outer islands.
An event for Sunday evening will be
the informal open house for which Mr. and
Mrs. Sydney Kromer are to entertain at
their Fairmount Hill home to honor her
hrolher-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. John
H. Von Harten of Seattle.
Guests arc invited to call between 6 and
B o'clock.
Assisting the hosts in greeting the guests
will be Mrs. Kromcr's two sisters, Mrs. Gor
don Barstow of El Cajon, Calif., and Mrs.
Richard B. Wrisht of Oswego, and her
father, 11. II. O'Reilly of Portland.
At the buffet will be Mrs. Otlo B. Prael,
Mrs. Allen M. Ellsworth, both of Portland,
and Mrs. .Maylon E. Scott. Others assisting
will include two sisters-in-law, Mrs. David
y. Kromer of Portland and Mrs. Henry L.
lA'backcn of Roseburg, a niece, Mrs. Oren
W. Uays, Jr., .Mrs. Adeline Kendall, Mrs.
Alexander Scharbach and Mis. James G.
Harding, all of Portland, Mrs. Donald Mc
Cargar and Miss Antoinette Kuzmanieh.
Committee Personnel Listed for
McKinley Mothers Tea, February 1 1
Planned for the aflrrnnon of Thurs
day, February II, is the annual .silver lea
of McKinley School Mothers club, Ihr
event to he lietween 3 and 5 o'clock at the
home of .Mrs. Waller K. .Martin, 1950
The tea honors the faculty of the
school, including Mrs. I.yle Itae, Mrs.
Charles Stingley, Mrs. Marjorte Nelson,
Miss Esther Y. Long, Mrs. I.yle Suittcr,
Mrs. Joseph Chambers, Mrs. Clay Eggles
ton, Mrs. M. C. Wood, Miss Angeline Gal
loway, Mrs. Claude Martin, Miss Cna Mae
Stoyka, Miss Lois E. Van Allen, Miss Jo
anna l lemenson, Mrs. K. C. Forsythc, Mrs.
Joseph Kormick.
Mrs. Ralph Boone and Mrs. John W.
Groom are co-chairmen of the directorate
tor the tea.
Greeting at the door will be Mrs. Law
rence N. Krown and Mrs. Wayne Hadley.
In the receiving line will be Mrs.
Martin, Mrs. Rae and Mrs. Robert W. Ke
Inx, president of the McKinlev Mothers
In charge of the guest book will be
Mrs. K. B. Dagcett and Mrs. A. Freeman
Invited to pour are Mrs burioo H
Saffron, Mrs. Charles W. Mills. Mrs. Jo.
eph Chambers, Mist Una Mae Stoyki.
(Juten-Mlllcr Hudio plcturel
TILLICUM club's February dance is to
be next Saturday evening, February
6, at the Marion hotel.
The party is a formal dinner dance at 8
Mr. and Mrs. Herman Jochimsen, Mr. and
Mrs. Harris Lietz and Mr. and Mrs. Wheeler
English are on the committee for the eve
ning. Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Blundell and chil
dren Karen, Craig and Christine left Fri
day for a two-week trip to the home of
Mrs. Blundell's parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. M.
Botsford, Menlo Park, Calif.
Theatre Arts group is to meet on Tuesday
at the home of Mrs. Sam Haley, 1915 Sag
inaw, at 12:45 o'clock. For the program,
Mrs. N. F. Anderson is to review "Some En
chanted Evenings" by Taylor.
Members of the board of Salem branch,
American Association of University Women,,
are meeting on Monday evening at the home
of Mrs. Stanley Butler. Plans will be made
for the group's next luncheon meeting, Feb
ruary 20.
Alpha Xi Delta alumnae are to be enter
tained on Wednesday evening at the home
of Mrs. Rollin Lewis with Mrs. Clyde Char
ters as co-hostcss. Miss Violet McKee, per
sonnel director at Lipman, Wolfe and com
pany, Portland, and an alumna of the soror
ity, will be guest speaker.
Gamma Phi Beta alumnae arc to meet
on Tuesday evening for their monthly supper
at the home of Mrs. William Wharton at 6:30
Co-hostcsses are Mrs. Marens Mallby, Mrs.
William H. Hammond and Mrs. Frank Angle.
An event for Sunday afternoon will be the
informal reception to honor Mrs. J. C. Mor
ris, who is observing her 88th birthday next
Friends are invited through the press to
call Sunday afternoon at the home of Mrs.
Morris' son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and
Mrs. Howard N. Hunsakcr, 2470 Trade street,
between 2 and 5 o'clock.
Assisting Mrs. Hunsakcr will be two other
daughters of Mrs. Morris, Mrs. .1. E. White
head of Keizer and Mrs. R. 11. Struck of
Portland: three granddaughters of the honor
guest. Mrs. Robert French of Oswego, Mrs.
Dee Himes of Portland. Mrs. J. H. Tomp
kins of Dayton: and two granddaughters-in-law,
Mrs. Howard Struck of Portland and
Mrs. Norman Whitehead of Turner. Mrs.
Jack Henmngsen is to arrange the center
piece for the tea table. It will be set with
an orchid cloth. French heather and pink
carnalions for the flowers, and rose-orchid
Assisting about Ihe living room will he
Mrs. Robert U. Hamilton, Mrs. Arthur A.
Fishrr. Mrs J. Earl Cook, Mrs. Edcar Lin
den, Jr., Mrs. Pel Milne. Mr. Larrv M.
Johnson, Mrs. J. B. Avison. Mrs. . W.
Jenks, Mrs. J. W. Lockard, Mrs. Otto J.
Wilson, Mrs. Ralph E. Purvine.
Assisting in the dining room will he
Mrs. A. C. Newell, Mrs. John II llann, Mrs.
J. Lee Stewart. Mrs. Joseph II. Soloman,
Mrs. M. E. Knickerbocker, Mrs. Darwin Hi
wer. Mrs. F. J. Nicholls, Mrs. Coburn Gra
benhorst, Mrs. D. E. Cooper.
On the kitchen committee are Mrs.
Marens Maltby, Mrs. Milton Thomas, Mrs.
E. L. Peterson. Mrs. J. J. Van Keulen, Mrs.
Burch Judson. Mrs. Norman Corev, Mrs.
Kenneth Decatur, Mrs. Richard Cutler, Mrs.
S. W. Robh. In charge of the food is Mrs.
C. J. Hamilton, of the dishes, Mrs. James
Minty. Arranging the decorations are Mrs.
Maurice Brennen, Mrs. Harold Robertson.
Mrs. E. A. Dyck is finance chairman, Mrs.
Ray Stringham heads the transportation
group, Mrs. Lrland A. Shinn is publicity
The interested public is invited to at
tend as well as all parents and friends of
the school and members of other school
mothers groups.
Miss Coffel Wed
At Service in St. Joseph s Church
St. Joseph's Catholic church was the set
ting for a pretty wedding this afternoon
when Miss Rosa Lee Eileen Coffel, daugh
ter of Mr. and Mrs. Omar Coffel, was mar
ried to Conrad Booze, son of Mr. and Mrs.
Clarence Booze. The double ring service
was at 3 o'clock, the Rev? Joseph E. Van
derbeck officiating. Blue and white stock
and snapdragons decorated the church
front, and the pews were marked with blue
bows and clusters of the white blooms.
Lorraine Nelke and Gerald Neitling were
soloists, Mary Barton playing the organ.
Given in marriage by her father, the
bride wore a white lace and net dress.
The bodice and long sleeves were of the
lace, and the skirt was a full one of the
lace over net and satin. The fingertip veil
was arranged from a headpiece trimmed
with seed pearls. For her flowers, the bride
carried a cascade type bouquet of white
roses with a white orchid in the center.
Miss Mary Ann Fischer was maid of hon
or. She wore a light blue frock, the bodice
of velvet, the floor length skirt of net over
taffeta. Her flowers were a cascade bou
quet of white camellias.
Jcrold Booze was best man for his
February luncheon and meeting for Salem
club. Daughters of the Nile, come Monday,
at the Masonic temple.
Members will meet at 10 o'clock for sew
ing under the direction of Mrs. W. Clark
New officers are to be installed. Mrs.
Jacob Fuhrer is the new president
The luncheon will be at noon with Mrs.
Lloyd L. Hughes as chairman, assisted by
Mrs. Adolph Bombeck, Mrs. Robert Driscoll,
Mrs. E. T. Armstrong, Mrs. Percy R.
Kelly, Mrs. Paul Hicks, Mrs. L. V. Benson,
Mrs. Carl Quistad, Mrs. Elmo W. McMillan,
Mrs. Estill L. Brunk, Mrs. James L. Smith,
Mrs. Merle D. Travis, Mrs. Robert White,
Mrs. E. D. Crabtree, Mrs. James W. Tin
dall, Mrs. Paul A. Hale, Mrs. Edward a
Williams, Mrs. Rex Turner, Mrs. Lyle Mc
Caulcy, Mrs. Roy M. Remington, Mrs. D. M.
Several events are on the calendar next
week for Governor and Mrs. Paul L. Pat
terson. On Monday evening they will be at the
banquet of the Council of Churches, Gover
nor Patterson to be speaker.
On Thursday and Friday, Mrs. Patterson
will be in Klamath Falls to attend meet
ings of the advisory committee for the Ore
gon Technical Institute.
The Pattersons will be guests at the dis
trict 2 conclave of the American Legion
and auxiliary in Silverton on Sunday, Feb
ruary 7, the dinner to be at 6:30 o'clock.
Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Lochead leave next
week for a trip south. Mr. Lochead is to
attend an insurance convention in River
side. They plan to spend some time after
the convention in southern California, and
will be gone about three weeks.
Alpha Chi Omega Mothers club is meet
ing next Tuesday evening at 7:45 o'clock
at the chapter house, 610 North 15th street.
A dish towel shower and gifts of jams and
jellies for the house are planned for the
meeting. Mrs. Glenn Hoar and Mrs. Harold
Jory are the hostesses.
The Study club is meeting Tuesday at
the home of Mrs. Chester A. Downs for
luncheon and the afternoon.
Hostess to her bridge club for luncheon
and the afternoon on Wednesday will be
Mrs. Wolcott E. Buren.
Meeting next Tuesday morning will be
Salem General Hospital auxiliary at 9:45
o'clock at the YWCA.
Plans will be discussed for the group's
annual rummage sale to be staged February
12 and 13.
in Washington
Washington, D. C, Jan. 25
Dear Marian:
With Congressional committee meetings
well under way, with hearings of various
types before federal commissions, and with
national conventions attracting members
from the west coast, there has been an
influx of Oregonians during the past two
weeks. To name a few: Mrs. Roy Bishop,
Portland, here for Republican meetings
and in a group received by Mrs. Eisen
hower; Charles II. Ilcllzel and David Don,
from Salem; Tom Sandoz, C. II. Gueffroy,
Ward Cook. Robert S. Miller, Jack Winn,
and Paul MrKee, Portland: Mr. and Mrs.
Dale Fischer, Marcola: Rex Porterfield,
young winner of the Kiwanis potato grow
ing contest and his escort to the capitol,
Bryant Williams, also a Klamath basin
potato grower; (ienc I). Knudson, Salem;
Glenn Jackson, Medford; and Mr. and Mrs.
C. W. Stacey. Salem.
The Staeeys were delighted with the
results of the fur auction in New York
where their pelts placed in the top lot of
Aleutian minks sold in the huge auction.
They placed top lots in both the male and
female Aleutians. They have also placed
this year in the lop lots in male sapphire
and in male and female silver blue in other
auctions, which they believe will bring
more recognition to Oregon as a state in
which good skins can he produced. The
Staeeys picked up a car here and are
driving to Mexico before returning home.
The Vic MarKemies, of Salem and Car
mel. have returned to Washington for the
spring months, following a month in
Hawaii. They are in the same apartment
they occupied last year in the Grcenbriar,
where Serrrtary of the Interior and Mrs.
Douglas MrKay live. The latter couple
welcomed the MarKcnzics at dinner
Thursday evening, the group including
Senator and Mrs. Guy Cordon as their
other guests.
The Cordons, Congressman and Mrs. Har
ris Ellsworth and I were dinner guests of
the Dale Fischers Wednesday evening at
the Embassy Room at the Statler, where a
Spanish orchestra and one of the best
ot the young Flamenco dancers are top
flicht entertainers.
Two Orrcomans we met in Florida were
Miss Kleanore Mieelll, riaiiKhter of Mr. and
Mrs. Albert Mirelli. of Roseburg. who is
working on the Florida Sun, a weekly news
This Afternoon
i,,ihor Ushers were Robert Svejkovslrf
and Arnie Hoffman.
The bride's mother wore a beige dress
maker suit with brown accessories and cor
sage of Talisman roses. The bridegroom'
mother wore a wine colored dress with
navy accessories and a corsage of white
roses. '
The reception following was arranged at
the Coffel home on South Liberty. The
bride's table was set with a blue satin
cloth, white camellias and blue candles. An
aunt of the bride, Mrs. W. R. Brauner of
Nampa, Idaho, and Mrs. Esther Wendt, aunt
of the bridegroom, cut the cake. Miss Max
ine Booze, sister of the bridegroom, wa
at the coffee urn and at the punch bowl
was an aunt of the bride, Mrs. Martin
Brauner of Klamath Falls. Assisting were
Miss Marilyn Coffel, sister of the bride, and
Miss Darlene Staab.
For traveling, the bride wore a light
blue wool crepe dress with brown accessor
ies and coat, and the white orchid corsage
from her bouquet.
The couple will be at home jn Monterey,
the bridegroom stationed with the army at
Fort Ord, Calif.
PLANS for her wedding are being told
by Miss Patricia Anne Weathers, whe
is to be married on Saturday, Febru
ary 13, to Laurence John Herberger.
The ceremony will be solemnized at 10
o'clock that morning in St. Vincent de Paul
Catholic church, the Rev. Lowell Blackburn,
Mrs. Robert Hammack is to be matron
of honor for her sister and the bridesmaids
will be Miss Dwyn Anne Herberger, sister of
the bridegroom, Miss Marlene Raschko, Mrs.
R. J. Chance and Miss Betty Zahara, the
latter a cousin of the bride.
Nancy Hammack, niece of the bride, il
to be flower girl.
Robert Lebold is to be best man. Usher
ing will be Donald and Carl Weathers, broth
ers of the birde, Ronald Krebs, and Robert
Hammack, brother-in-law of the bride.
For the music, Gerald1 Neitling and Lorance
Nelke are to be soloists, Wayne Meusey the
Immediately following the service there
will be a wedding breakfast for the bridal
party and families.
The reception will be between 1 and 4 p.m.
in the American Legion club.
The bride-elect is the daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Wilfred Weathers and Mr. Herberger
is the son of Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Herberger.
Mr. and Mrs. Harold W. Shogren leave
next Wednesday on an interesting trip, all
to be by plane.
They will fly from Portland to New York
City to be guests of RCA-Victor at "the
Waldorf-Astoria. Then they will go on a
cruise to Bermuda and the Bahamas, head
quartering at Nassau, then will return to
New York City as guests of the RCA com
pany to take in TV shows and other enter
tainment. They will fly to New Orleans
then, go on to Dallas and Phoenix, Ariz.,
and will come home by way of San Fran
cisco. They will be gone more than a
St. Agnes guild, St. Paul's Episcopal
church, is to meet next Tuesday evening at
6:30 o'clock in the parish hall for a no-host
supper. On the committee are Miss Vivian
Chandler, Miss Marjoric Harris, Miss Eliza
beth Porter, Miss Genevieve Morgan.
Hostess to her bridge rlub on Tuesday
evening will be Mrs. Brazier C. Small, en
tertaining the group for dinner and eve
ning of cards.
Meeting on Wednesday for a no-host lunch
eon at 12:30 o'clock in the Guild room will
be St. Paul's guild of St. Paul's Episcopal
The Salem Writers club will meet at 7:43
p m. on Tuesday, February 2, at the country
home of Mr. and Mrs. John F. McNallie,
near Jefferson.
paper at Miami Beach; and Edmund Buck
nell, of Klamath Falls, at an Everglades
ranger station. The young man works at
Crater Lake in the summers and in Florida
in the winters, which sounds like an ex
cellent program.
Secretary McKay has had a busy week
of office conferences, a Congressional ap
propriations hearing, and White House
meetings. In addition, he attended the re
ception given by members of the Seattle
Chamber of Commerce for the Washington
Congressional delegation at the Sheraton
Carlton Friday evening and the annual din
ner of the Alfalfa Club on Saturday eve
ning at the Statler. At the latter event,
the President was an interested spectator
of the fun-making program. Ambassador
Henry Cabot Lodge was introduced as the
club's candidate for president but' the audi
ence remembered that none of the candi
dates advanced by the club in its annual
tongue-in-cheek campaign has ever been
elected. Some one at home has remarked
that menus from Washington banquets are
of interest and in this case. I report that
the diners were served terrapin soup an
maderc, lobster and rrab Newhurg ail
sherry, filet micnon and mushrooms With
sauce, Pericourdine and hnmhe glare, with
sauce cardinale. It would he of more in
terest to Ihe recipe-collectors if the con
tents of the several sauces could he ana
lyzed. In addition to these affairs, the Secretary
was installed as a member of the Board
of Trustees at the morning service of the
National Presbyterian Church Sundav and
during the week attended a luncheon of the
Post Mortem Club where he was presented
with a special award with which the club
"spoofs" its guests. Dr. William Pearl,
newly appointed Bonneville Power Admin
istrator, was sworn in at a ceremony in the
Secretary's office this week and joined the
Secretary and the top secretarial staff at
lunch. Mrs. McKay has been struggling
with a bronchial cold and cancelled en
gagements during the week, but she has
improved and will join with other cabinet
wives Tuesday noon in a luncheon honor
ing Mrs. Eisenhower.
A few more days of snow on the ground
this week but it didn't slow the pare of eve
ning parties, 1 report rather breathlessly.