THE CAPITAL JOURNAL. Salem, Oregon Pax 9 CONVOCATION SPEAKER f , " j v y 1 s - . I , fr iiintNT" V" . 1 '!-' yv 1 Bishop Stephen Bayne, Jr., of the diocese of Olympia, who will give the principal address during the final luncheon meeting, Feb. 4, of the convocation for ministers and laymen, Oregon Council of Churches. He will speak on "The Best Defense." Oregon Council of Churches To Hold Convocation Here Men prominent in the field of religion, ministers and lay del egates will be in Salem Feb ruary 2, 3 and 4 for a convoca tion of the Oregon Council fo Churches. The sessions will be held at The First Christian church and speakers will include Gov. Paul Patterson, Dr. Henry Hitt Crane of Central Methodist church, De- Methodist Young Folk Take Over The Senior M.V.F. of the First Methodist church will present "I Was There!', at 6:30 Sunday night in the Fellowship roo;ns. The pro gram will tell through a special narrative and musical presenta tion of the program of the World Outreach Area. Participating in the program will be Mary Lou Starr, LaMona Collins, Mac Ba ker and Cabot Clark. Musical se lections will be given by Loanne Mundinger and Sharon Anderson. The special projects of the Out reach Area will be discussed at the Sunday evening meeting. LoAnne Mundinger is chairman of this area of the M.Y.F. program with Judy Hume, Carol Witliams, LaMona Collins, Mary Lou Starr, Gene An dal and Edwin Boles assisting on the committee. High School Youths In Sunday Program Youth Sunday will be celebrat ed at the First Congregational church, 700 Marion street, Sun day at 11 a.m. Members of the Pilgrim Fel lowship, the high school group in the church, will conduct the worship, and two youth members, Ann Hansen and Norman Luther, will speak on the Pilgrim Fel lowship statement of purpose. Others taking part will be Sue Grier, John Garner, Roger Mor ley, Larry Goodman, John Ham- merstad, and Peter an Horn. Youth members singing in the choir will be Steve Little, Doug Galloway, Jim Heath, Larry Goodman, Roylea Allen, and Peter Van Horn. Mr. and Mrs. Orville Kannier are the adult sponsors of the group. troit; Dr. Ralph Bridgmen of the court of domestic relations, To ledo, Ohio; Bt. Rev. Stephen Bayne, Jr., of the diocese of Olympia; Dr. U. G. Dubach of Lewis and Clark college, Port land; Prof. Thomas Bennett, de partment of religion, Willamette university; Rev. Edwin Bracher, director of the Lutheran Com pass mission, and State Senators Howard Belton, Philip Hitchcock, Richard Neuberger and Rep. Mark Hatfiele. Dr. Hitt will open the program Tuesday afternoon with an ad dress on the subject, "The Mod ern Relevance of Protestant Principles." During the after noon there, will be a panel dis cussion concerning the, church mission in world affairs with C, A.iSprague, Dr. Paul Means, Dr, Dubach, Bernhard Fedde and Prof. Thomas Bennett participat ing. A layman's breakfast will be served Wednesday morning with Dr. Dean Brooks of the state ! hospital in charge; Bishop Lane W. Barton ot the diocese of east ern Oregon will give thep rinci- Dal address. Dr. Bracher will be the lunch eon speaker Wednesday noon. During the afternoon the bus iness of the council will be con sidered and new officers will be installed during a dinner meett in? Wednesday nieht The program Tnursaay win consist of a breakfast for wom en arranged by the Salem Coun cil of Church Women; an ad dress by Dr. Crane; a counselling seminar and Bishop Bayne s ad dress during the closing lunch eon. Youth Revival Services Slated Youth revival services will be held at Wesleyan Methodist church, 13th and Mill streets at 7:30 p.m. Friday and Saturday. Rev, Atwood S, Cool, accordiaa- ist and trumpet player, and Mrs. Cool, pianist, will provide pecial music. Rev. Cool wilt be 1 the speaker. -, ' Sunday's service will empha size youth. . At 7:4S p.m. the Young Peoples Society will be in charge of a dicussioo program. A ditrict missionary convec tion is scheduled for 2:30 and 7:30 p.m. Tuesday, Feb. 2, with Rev. J. R. Swanger, home mis sionary secretary of Syracue, N, x., as the guet speaker. Give God Chance Subject of Talk "Giving God a Chance with the Family, is the theme of the serv ices of worship at Leslie Metho dist church Sunday morning at 11 o'clock. At the conclusion of the service the Douglas Partridee family will demonstrate briefly a method of keeping the halo around family living. While all families of the church are being urged to be present for this service, special recognition is being extended to all families with growing children. The pastor will speak oit "Giving Family Life a Lift." The nursery is provided for all small children. This service is another in the current series at Leslie in the theme "Give God a Chance Now." Around this idea the Methodist church is making a nation-wide emphasis on church attendance through Easter. - Bible Institute Commencement The WILLAMETTE BIBLE IN STITUTE closes its firt sesion of classes at a Commencement service on Sunday afternoon at 3:00 o'clock at the First Baptist church. Some 70 Indents will re ceive certificates for approved work during the eight weeks of classes. Speaking at the after noon session will be Dr. John Houer, Pastor from Lebanon. Dr. Houser previously taught in the Northwestern School of Minnea polis, Minnesota. The Institute will open In the Fall for a full time evening se- lon. Ktirfct Kaasarlal CaaiianUaaai lento 1 wttita. ffslnUur. Bund; aenoel CM a.. wsrsnlj) asmot 11 .. xwtia sin. nr :JH p.m. , Ssl.t Faal'a Wwil-South Llwrtj nd 7r Heir Communion 1 .39 m.m. Fmrallr Mrrtec and churelt achoat 10 l u m.m. Dedlcatleii ef corntrsUn .. PetncstlOR 0 cfiarcn 4 pat. St. J.has LaMwru (Ms. S7" Court strmk as Nerlh ln. H, W. Grass, Meter. Services 10:30 L&. eunrtay school ;!. BtMa tllss :. Sl,i TrsSS, Ctftiar . 3i Chf mfisis. Bund, schssl 1ft 8f rrks 11. Topic; "7 is Kttrsftl Her. Olirs alerea. SI. JucbIi CttnM Cbemttaifc nd Vmter. Rev. Jos. X- YnderDecs, putter. BimSmf msssM, -7, 1. i ll, IS. JO mai 11:11 Ccmltinaat Ssturdsj 1.10 to IS 10 ud T:M to 1, , Hni Ckmnk at Cartas, getrattet IM tnt and cfcemeketa streets. Stuxdsy srhool mt II a.m. Church ienrleti at li am, a&ti ft,st. Lassan-serDHi SHb t: "Lol." WeosMdsy realm jerries at . Church af Jhui Christ f Setter Dir SalBta-tMarmaal ".Hh aso atedlsi streets. John . aallsbury, bishop; Prlest biod meetlnr 9 a.m. Sttadar actaool 10:30 Sacrament service 1 skss. INSTRUCTOR SILVERTON Miss Wanda Needles, who is conducting Bible classes in the Washington Irving club rooms at Silverton. MINISTER Church Dedication ct Lebanon on Sunday LEBANON Official dedica tory services for Trinity Baptist church at 72 Elmore St., will be held at 3 p.m., Sunday, Jan. 31. , The three story building which Includes auditorium and rooms for 25 Sunday school classes, was started last September. Speakers during the service will come from various sections of the state. The church was or ganized here in June 1953. It is a branch of the First Baptist church of Sweet Home. Its pas tor is Rev, John Hash. Knight Memorial Youth Emphasis In observance of Youth Sun day, a number of young people will assist in the morning wor hip services at Knight Memorial Congregational church. The min ister's sermon subject will be "The King's Messengers. Mary Arnold will give the call to worship and the scripture reading will he by Ann Lowery. Others on the program Include Gail Ashby, prayer: Arlene Wea ver and Sally White, candle lighters; George Andrews, clari net olo; Bill Drakeley, Dick Pear son, Ernie Ferguson and Archie Elliott, Jr., ushers. Annual Banquet AtFirsfEUB The annual Sweetheart Ban quet, sponsored by the Brother hood of the First Evangelical Un ited Brethren Church, Marion and Summer, is to be held the night of February 4th. Dr. Paul wood, well known throughout this area and present ly the representative of the Bible Meditation League, will be the speaker. Dr. Wood ha had wide experience as a pastor and in ra dio and teaching, as well as in other fields of public relations. ttutmmam s,NNa. Hemorrhoids PUIS" ' "Prolapse" No Operation Ne Hetaitolftatisn FREf 0E5CRIPTIVI BOOKLf 1 ' ski Rev. Kenneth Bryant who will conduct a series of youth serv ices at thet First Church of the Nazarene. Nazarene Church Youth Program Reverend Kenneth Bryant T Longview, Wash,, will be the gue speaker for a series of Youth Week Services, February 1-7, at the First Church of the Nazarene, Rev. Bryant graduated from Oli vet Nazarene college and was or dained to the ministry In 1948. Since that time, besides his evan gelistic activities, be has served pastorates in Gary, Ind.f Spencer S.D., and is at present Pastor of the First Church of the Nazarene in Longview, The week will be characterized by devotional, recreational, and social activity. Rev. Bryant wilt be speaking in services open to the public on Wednesday, Thurs day and Friday nights as well as in the mornins and evening serv ices on Sunday, February 7, Gfttties It CbrUtUn Youn pfople'j MrvJce p.m. Doug Cot, fpeker Ser vices 7:35 p.m. vttix Cos pelt.ot Four Csrneri &kUsi Btkle cd m atreeti. Hev, )cter L homkn, pastor. Sunday ichool fr35 .m. Marutat ot ihfp It o'clock, ptot MkSm, Youst peoistc's lttae ;3$ p.m. Zveninf gsi pet wrt.ce 1:30 p.m. Kill Htptitt Marlon and Ubrty. Dr. tiagd T. Atvderwn, psisr. Re. Thorn ton Jap?,- tssnt pa tor. 8un6r , srhosl $:4i ,m. Momlnr worthw it i o'fioffit. ' Ood'a Word to th BeUtver, i Pastor Uoyd T, AnjJuoa. Vsatfe me, ( intt, 8:15 p.m. xmnw tospe) rri , tiorts" Attemoon traduation rvSj sf 1 lha WH!mt VBy Blbia IrtitUut t ; 3 p m, with Dr, John K cuter ol Lebanon , spealriitK. - ' Vlrtt 7 via eel 11 TlnJlM Hrlhrm Corner Marion ant aunmer. Rev, K. C Jamitftoii ml&Uter, Bungay Ktaoo t:4 a n, "Won hip 10:b0 a.m. Sermon: "Orxl'j wossprfyl Lora." Touch Feilowaoiti $:$t p.m. TlthInc.w Wowhlp f:M p.m. ouiii Oraea Laihctam CELCJ Sussjifit and Lanilm aenuei. BunvliF acfaDol and Si We cIaaj a. -45 a.m. Divine wortistp It a.m. Lutbtr Zacue S pn. &. W. Bottt, pastor, SfeiaoHtalcat Caster 381 W, CoUaie. tJntt? ciaaa fey Vnlif taacbtf, Tufiday, WegnrMia? and Friday, 12 to 3. Science or ffifiid ThuttQUT 12 to i Xrara fteuop, meditation. Cafrarr Bmnttt South Llbf-iy a. ler 8t. Omar N. Barth, pastor, Bible chDol 9 ts. "What Pray-r Doe or God1 1 1. XvmnEelitt mtl aaverlu. Broadcast over KQAE WW Kc. YouVh crouDK maatlns .3 with Rt, aniS lira. Oattflua, "When Monktra Make Mfe Out of Men 7:30. Her. Cmil OaTertuit Cballc painttnc "The Lliht House." Jaaan La Meaiar'a! Method (at Corner of tfefieHon and Winter atrcata. Xxnett PTeaton OouWer, tdVn.itT. DWin wor ahtp arr5ra mi 11 a.m. Barm on auoleet. "Th ProtijfaJ'a Hio3r." Chorrh achool at .4S a.m. Family ntci S:M m. GMiral Lalavao Korih Capitol and Oautea atraau O. B. Husdatrom, paator, Cantral Lutheran Hear KOCO, S:3fe Bttn- day aeftool t:4, Morslsr mnhlp 11. JtTa- sfor terrictM T.. SI, Vinrai it Paal Cat fa to Coiumhfa and Wrrlle atreet. Maiiea at C, 1:20, t il. It) and II IS a n. Contaiilona Bat- urtlay, to :30 and 7 to I JO p.m. Plrai Sslrftaatlet IU0 -Wadlaoa aitect. Oitct at :45. Reamar aarvle at Speaker Dt. Vincent MalSrit. FInt Method let Church and fltate Sta, Two tnornlna aarvicea :sa as4 It a.m. Ba Thou Oar Conatant. Oyert aarmon. Brook B. Moora, mJaiiter. Caart ftraai ChrJatiaa Court at Htb, Sunda? aeboot : m, WeraSl and Communion serriea 10.50 cm. Sermon sr Mr. Hurd, "A Crownfnc Virtue." Bible atudr elaaaea and Youth croupa t;3o p.m. Special evenna proiram 7:33. Mount Ollret MaJ Choraa. Salem Valtarla Fellawafelp 460 North Csttaie atreet. Dr. ChsrJea DerthNrk wtll apeak en "Mental Health and Reitffoo, 16:30 a.m. Church achool for the syr aery and primary grade 1Q:JP a.m. - Tha Bethel lUodat North Oottaca at "T3" atrett. Ba. Budeph WfOtka. pa tor, Sunday achocl t:t a.m. Worship aerrire 1 a.m., tha paator preach! nr on tha topic: "F'rora flupplaoter to Prince. " Wo- me&'a Mlm.or.ary oclfty asnoal proiram at 1:50 p.m. St. Hark'a t.ibra 343 Worth Ch-jrrh itreet. Sunday ihool t:0 a m. Wotihlp II a m. 8ermo& by tht paator, the Rer, John 2 Cauhle. Adutt relsaiou in atraetton ciast 4 p m. Tntermeolata Luth er laatua meeU at p.m. Tetmr TtopWa JeafTjt meet at f :Je. Fra MethodM Market at Winter St Re. K. C. Miliar, patter. Sandar aehoot t Ai a.m. AH moraine orhta It a.m. The Reward of COTilldfnte' Touta rilowhip I t) pa. Serrlee 7 jp p.m. Hearcanlced Chareh ef JTeaaa ?(( af LaUer liey Halnta Vlth aed Cbemeketa atraete. Oeorje W, Bpevd, paitor. Church aehoof 9 , Worship terrlee II. J. L, Varhet, ddtriet prettdent, apeaktr. Jte- nlnc worthlp, WUUam W. Bvalo, apeak - r. Conference fo End Next Week The Midwinter Sunday School Conference being held at the Christian and Missionary Alliance church will conclude next week with sessions being held Wednes day, Thursday and Friday nights at 7:30 p.m. All three sessions will be conducted by Hev. T. W. Chap man of Albany. District Simriav fSehpol Secretary for the Chris tian and Missionary Alliance, and Sunday School Conference rcpre- seraauve lor tne National Sunday School Association of Chieaeo. FVi. day night the Sunday School vis- naiion sound film, "Doorways to Decision" will be shown as an added feature. Bethel Baptist Women's Society Women's Missionary society of the Bethel Baptist church. North Cottage at D Street, will present its annual program at 7:30 o'clock Sunday evening. The main feature of the program will be a mission ary play, entitled, "Unto the Least o These." The play depicts the practical aspects ol missions. The new officers of the society will be installed by the pastor. The mem bers and friends ol the Salt Creek uaptist Church will be the special guests at the program. A mission ary offering will be received. Re freshments are to be served fol lowing the program. . . Many Students In Bible Class SILVERTON At the Monday evening meeting of the Silver- ton week-day Bible Association at the Washington Irving club rooms, with Hev, Joseph A. Luthro presiding, . assisted by Mrs. Este! Owen as secretary, Miss Wanda Needles, Instructor, t reported that 58S students volun- j tanly attend the three and one i i half day Bible classes from the 1 Eugene Field grades and Beth- 1 any eighth grades. I aT Only six pupils from the Ea- I gene Field school do not attend. 1 If;.. 1 J, . I ni. ieiasses m the Canty schools on Thursdays of each week, Mrs. Estel Owen is spiritual education chairman from the Sib vertoa Parent-Teacher Asoscia- won. ' " The local Ministerial Ansasln. tion makes possible the week-day sioie scnoou The city ol Silverton donates the building room for classes. The sen ice stations and fuel distributors donate the oil for heating the class rooms. Friends furnish all needed materials, in eluding blackboards, chairs, desks and window shades, and the redecorating and painting of the watts. The association expressed ap preciation to A. E. McCuttough, school caretaker, who looks after many duties In the Bible work. ', New officers elected Monday night were: Pastor Joseph. A. Cooper, president; Rev. faul W. Henry, vice president; A, Fergu son, secretary; Olga Johnson, treasurer. Visitation and open bouse will ba March 8, 8, 10 for parents to attend on the day ttat their children are in class. Refresh ments are to be served. - On Friday evening, April , a program will be given when Miss Needle will make presentations to deserving students, . The Bible classes will be com pleted May 21. Pastor Luthro, retiring presi dent, installed the new officer. Visiting Ministers Speak in Many Woodburn Churches Mental Health to Be Discussed "Mental Health and Heligion" will be the subjeet of a taik bv Dr. Charles Derthick before the Salem Unitarian Fellowship Sun day at the Women's Club, 460 N. Cottage St., at 10.30. .m. Dr, Derthick is Professor of Psy chology at Willamette Univer sity, A discussion and coffee hour will be held following the services. All persona interested it mvneo to attend. WOODBURN Dr. David Fer guson of Prslum will speak at the Woodburn and Bethel Pres byterian churches Sunday morn ing m tne auenee ot . Rev, Rob ert E, Van who will be the speak er at umatiftt to a series of meetings beginning Sunday and extending through Friday. The local westsyterian church will have a similar series of meet ings by a visiting partor some time In February. I. Fergu son will speak at the Bethel church at ID a.m. with Siradav school following the service, and at the Woodburn church at 11 a.m. Sunday school at Wood hum is at B;45 a.m. There will be bo evening services. Her. Ben Larson, "artist Illus trator and iltummator of the Gospel" will be at the 7;4J n.m. service Sunday at the Foursquare community church.. He will have as his subject "There la No Path," and will paint picture in oils as he brings the message. A background sf vocal ant in strumental music is also used. The person bringing the most visitors to the service will re ceive the finished painting. For the 11 a.m, service Rev. Arthur GoWe will speak on the topic. sat Mouse ot rientv. Sunday school is at 9 45 a.m. and Cru saders and Cadets at 6:30 p.m. ; Evangelist and Mrs, David1 Godwin ol Dallas, Tex., who were i recently in Woodburn, opened ! return series of meetings at the1 local Assembly of God church Thursday night, Jan, 23, at 7:30 p.m. and will continue each eve ning except Mondays through Feb, 14, He also will have charge ol the 11 s.m. service this Sun day, Sunday school will be at 9.45 a.m. - . The 11 a,m, service Sunday at the Methodist church will be In celebration ot the installation of the new floor In the building. The sermon topic sf Rev. Ornwi B. Trick will be "For Oaken Blocks to Splendor on the Floor.' A fellowship dinner will follow the service. A "Victory March" will be t feature of the 11 a.m. service at the Woodburn Church of God Sunday. The topic for the wc ship hour wilt be "What Witt He Find?" and will continue the drive begun last Sunday and ex tending through the week to raise $1,000 for further extension of the buitdme program. The 8 p.m. service Sev. Baldwin, pat- tor, wilt have aa his sermon church Sunday Rev. J. William Cartesa wiil tpeat at 11 au&. on the teste "He Hungered." Sunday school ii at 10 a.m. and Luther League meeting at 7'.30 p.m. in the parish halt Mem bers of the board of deacons and1 trustees wiil meet Monday eve Ring at 8 o'clock in the, parish ball. The 11 o'rtoear service t St Mary's Episcopal eburrfc will include litany, antecsmmunlM and sermon with the charea 1 school in session at the tarn hour. Comtnunioa wm he d ministered1 at the 1M a m, ierv tee. : Honor Roil af Woodburn High First honor roll for Woodbars high school lor the first temet ter fallows: . Student having all ones Dea Bishoprkk, Richard W. Dixon. Ghartene Raid. Students bavins ones and twos. Ruth Marie Acpiegate, GeraldiM Armstrong, ratneja Batmiami, Dorothy Baxter, KatU Sue Clark, Peggy Dserfler, Karate Eekworfr let, Rossi ?e Forsythe, Darlene Greeotnger, Wilms Humm, Royal Hastle, Jean Hayes, Janice. Juve, Geraldine Xotka, Card Abb Ltvcsay, Shaky Luridblad, Joyes Mack, Karen Hagnuson, Nelli Mariott, Carmelite Moiiett, Bar bara Mouses-, Helen McGaffee, Jane McGrath, Betts Norton, Barbara Paulson, Sue Fauisoo, Kocbeue Plank, Martha Ramon, Jo Reed, Kr c i Kay Bond, Dixie Duud, Jeast Sahson, Judj Schmld,, Howard Sea ion, Delene Seeiy, Glenda Stely, Marsam Smith, Jalraer Stafney, Teasett Stravens, Kathryn Thompson, Amity Churches GOSPEL QUARTET FETE NEWBERG The fifth annual Gospel Quartet festival, sponsor ed by the Singing Men of George Fox College, will be pre sented Sunday, Feb. 7, at 3 p.m. at the Newherg Union high school. Baailsl tUrbara Cndtr, paster. Baa. da? srNsol 30 a.m. MornfRt worsbttr it m. Junior Hub BY? t s.m. Sve&lsa atnrlea s a m. Cfearrfl af ChrM Jtmtt Msltbsw At. Isr, O.O., mlnlttsr, Btbls school 19 a.m. Morning Srrtr.t U a.m, ChrlMian Enria or S:3ft p m. ajTmlna tetrHt T.39 v m. Chair araeliea 8:39 p.m. Mtlh41i Bnies McCm)nll. ffilftlltfff. Th ehaffh al slutlr tH a.m. Tha ehurrll at wimhta 11 a m. Sftholli Vnsm r!rtih'T. IsisrmtolatM s 19 p.m. Hlsh school p.m. Oak titavft CThasst Brora MrConntt, mielsler. Mornlnt worship t AS a.m. Susgar school a.m. AsaaatM af Gs4 Fraek X. afaors, pasur. aandar arhoel I 00 a m. Sfornlitc worshlo 11 a.m. Toonc peoples aervtca T p.m. Keeping aerflea 1:1 p.m. CONVENIENT CREDIT DR. R. REYNOLDS CLINIC NATUROPATH PROCTOLOGIST 1144 Cent.r Stmt taltiti, Orpgon INSULATE WEATHER STRIP ' Free Estimates No Down Pymt. 36 Moi. to fef All Work Guaranteed CAMPBELL ROCK WOOL CO. 370 Salem HeighH Avt. Ph. 2-4262 Series Sermons Feature SiJverfon Church Offerings SILVERTON Local churches arefeaturing series sermons gen- trauy m ins continued messacrex for the 11 o'deck worah p hour or aunaay. The Rev. Arthur Charles Bates of the First Christian Chun h will complete a series with his ser mon topic "Steps unte Heaven' from the first in a series of four, "Born Anew." Bible school meets preceding communion and ser mon at 8:45 a.m. Christian En deavor is at 8:30 p.m. In observ ance of Youth Week, the young people ot me church will be in charge of the 7:30 o'clock eve ning hour. The Wednesday eve ning Bible study of 15th. chanter of Acts will be at the church in stead of at the parsonaire. irom 1 to S p.m.; choir rehearsal di reeled by Mrs. John Branson, irom B u v o ciock. Visiting pastor. Rev. A. H. Sauerwein, will present another message in the series on the Bible teaching regarding our "suffer- ng" at the 11 o'clock worshio hour at the First Baptist Church. This service will follow the 10 a.m. Sunday school. Baptist Youth Fellowship at 8:30 c m. Evening service, 7:30. Thursday 1:30 p.m. Bible study, continuing tne stuoy ot isiBie fronnecv. All sessions held at the SDA Church at North Second and Bark Sts. Completing the fourth in series on "Stewardship," "Stew ardship of Holy Living" will be the sermon topic for flev, John Friee ot Pilgrim Holiness. South Water St. church. Sun day school preceding the wor ship hour at 8:45 a,m. I'ilgrim Youth, directed by Mrs. Price, meets at 6:45 p.m. A continu ance of the three-day Sunday school workshop, Friday through Sunday, will be at the regular ?:30 o'clock worship hour. Miss Vera Forrest directing. He brews, chapter 2, is the Wednes day, 7:39 p.m. Bible study text; Chnst, Better Than Wen." The Rev. Paul Wayne Henry of Hopewell Churches the Methodist hcurch, at the 11 o'clock Sunday morning worship nour, jas. ji, is announcing his planned aerie of talks beginning Sunday, tea. 7. and will also ex plain the theme, "Give God Chance," in the nation-wide church attendance crusade. thurrh school classes meet Sun day, 8:45 a.m.; Youth Fellowship at 7:30 p.m. WSCS executive board meeting, Monday, Feb. 1, in pastor's study. Methodist men'a monthly dinner meeting 7 p.m. In social rooms, Tuesday, Feb. 2. The Danger of Pretense" Is! the sermon topic for the Rev. Arvid L. Hpfeonson following Calvary Lutheran Sunday school classes at 10 a.m. Luther League meets at 6 p.m. at the Elvin Alm- quist home. Calvary Brother hood meet Monday, 8 p.m. Wed nesday, Bible study and prayer service, 8 p.m. Saturday, 9 a.m., comirmalion class. "Prayer 1 Power to the ter- mon topic Sunday, Jan, 31, at 11 o'clock worship hour for th Rev, Arnold W. Nelson of Immaauel Lutheran church. Luther League meeta In youth room, 7:30 p.m. Pastor Nelson it announcing the organization of a Monday eve ning 8 o'clock adult class in the fireside room. Board of deacons meets Tuesday, 8 p.m. The adult class is, in the interest of teach ing Christianity as interpreted by the Lutheran church, open to any one interested. No obligation ii involved. Those completing the course may be received into the church, by confirmation, Trinity Lutheran, the Rev. Jo- seph A. Luthro, pastor, will ob serve the fourth Sunday alter Epiphany. 10 am., Sunday school, Bible classes. 11 a.m., divine worship. Sermon, "Pray and Believe." Both senior choir and junior choir will sing. 7:30 p.m., Luther League. Discussion theme, "My Catling as a Chris-; tian," to be presented by Phyllis, Lively. Mole Chorus o! Christian Church The Male chorus of tie ML Olivet Baptist Church of Port land, wilt be the special guests ot the Court Street Christian Church at 7.30 Sunday night. This group of Negro lingers wa der the leadership of Caii T. Harris has bees welt received in a targe number ot church in the Salem and: Portland area. ' The musical program will ia- topie: "The Nature of Perfec- elude, a variety of church MMi tion." The youth meeting at 7! out mil feature the Negro Spir- p.m. will i conducted by Mr.iltuato, lung as only the egr and Mrs, Don Holer. Sunday I can, interpret them. Re. J. S. school at the usual hour. I Clow, minister of the Mt OHvet ' - J Church, ' will King ill averting Tha second In a series ol ser-i message. The nubile is ecrdijily morn of "God t Writs" aaa been I invitA in ahar ifl tUt oroenm. tnnouBcea lor aunatr ac si .m. by Rev, R, Brendjer, pastor M the Bib! Baptist church. The evening termoa topic ii The Power of God." Sunday school 1 if f J., at 9,45 a.m. and youne people' 1 31 flO MtfiuuV Bieeiinr at 8:45 p.m. I , . , t The Choralawe cftatr of Salem Kev. ueorge springer, psiwi i o.ristisn academv will wtient m 4cadamyCfcofrte of the Christian church, wilt have I as his topic." Ye Are Not of the I christtaw and Missionary Aiiiance World" at the 11 a.m. service i .hroh North riftfc ar.rf C,inp Sunday. "Our Goat wilt be the j street, ,t jjo Sunday ,";ght. T. topic for the evening service. oroua wiil ha directed bv John Sunday achool meets at 10 a.m. j Mark ay. it wiil be the first corf and the young people group I cert of the season la Salem for the choir. Rev. Henry TurnldOT. rcaiemr president, will be present. meet at 7 p.m. Af the imminuai Lulheran Bahol Group foHeor Mrs. Charles Bishop The Bahi'i World Faith group j of Salem will hold its tegular' monthly meeting Saturday er-j ening, January 30, at 8 oclock, I at the YMCA, room C. For Ka- ligiou Emphasis Week they are I to have Mrs. Charles Reed Bisn-f op of Portland as speaker. Mrs,; Bishop ha traveled eattensixely, j spoken in all parts of the United -States and In many foreign toun-: tries. i First PrtibfUritin Churcli Chemfipta sail Winter "Where Religion Comet In" ty Rv. Kollaml Two Srvki: t i4I 11 t.m. " XOCO, 10,00 KM. First Church of the Nazarene Center at TUrtomds spiciAt youth mw sisvtca f tbrusry I thrMigh 7 lev, Knnth Bryant, Guavt Spaafcsr SUNDAY, MNVA1T 31 1 45 Church School 1.S Worshio. Rer. rarest HU1, speakfT 4. JO TonUa Hour t:M EvangeHstle Servic Rev. mrest Hill, speaker SaJem't Singing Church William F. CUjv MtaisCcr RatWs.lI f l' nlS tttffls Maw ) I tor. Sssasr prhmi 19 a.m. Mnrntnc er i nitip Jl a.m. iter. W. C. Qratt, witl I tet, tplvl&f. Yea.h Fl!ewh 7 p.m. f lo,rj rclaU iff ?)( Rtr. W. C. Oram 1 1 preaehsnf p.m. Wedoeadain cattail i DR, LLOYD ANDERSON Speaking Twice Sunday 3 1 .00 a.m. "God's word to the Believer" 1:30 p.m, "God' Challenge to the Nation" Prophetic message from Revelation First Baptist Church Marlon andUherty, HEAR- -Evagelist - Violinist - Artist mi GAVERLUK CALVARY BAPTIST CHURCH South Liberty ani Milter 1 1 .00 "Whot Prayer Ds f God" 7:30 "When Memkeyi Mfc Mice Out of Men" MEETINGS CONTINUE THROUGH WEDNESDAY