Page 1 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL. Salem, Oregon Friday, January 29, 1954 On Television Km (27). KOIN-TV (6) UHF VHF 4 s ' niDAT l:ftt A.m. KPTV Dine Done School 10:30 t.m. XPTV Whet'e Cookint XOIN Spotllte Revue 1 45 a.m. kptv wmi'i Cookint KOIN Brlihter Day tl:ftl) t.m. kptv Hiwititii rain XOIN KOIN Kitchen 11:11 a.m. kptv 3 step, to Heaven XOIN KOIN Kitchen 11:10 t.a. KPTV Friend of Family KOIN KOIN Kitchen It 45 t.m. KPTV Friend ol Fimll7 KOIN Newireel 13:00 noon KPTV Bride end Oroom KOIN Bit Pejoll 11:11 p.m. KPTV The BennetU KOIN BIK Parol! U;30 p.m. KPTV TBA KOIN Bob CroibJ 1:00 p.m. KPTV Matinee Theater : KOIN Love ol Life 1:16 t.m. KPTV Mttlnee Theater KOIN Betrch Tomorrow 1:15 p.m. KPTV Matlnca Theater KOIN Ouldlni tllht 145 p.m. KPTV Matinee Theater XOIN Valiant Lad; 1:00 p.m. KPTV Matlnea Theater ' KOIN Double or Nothlnt 1:30 p.m. KPTV On Your Account. KOIN strike It Rich 1:00 P.m. KPTV Kate Smith KOIN Garry Moore 1:11 p.m. KPTV Kate Smith KOIN Armchair Theater 4:00 p.m. KPTV Welcome Traveler! KOIN Armchair Theater 4:30 pm.. KPTV Toymaker KOIN Mr. Moon . 4:41 p.m. KPTV Toymaker XOIN Cartoon Show : p.m. KPTV Howdy Doodr KOIN Saddle Pale :H t.m. XPTV Pcttnut Clreue XOIN Time for Benny :M p.m. KPTV-Bkr Klnf KOIN Weatherman ill p.m. XPTV Sky Klnt KOIN Photo Quia :K p.m. KPTV Tele Newe Weekly KOIN Do uc Edwards Newt :U p.m. KPTV World on View KOIN Jane Froman 1M p.m. KPTV aporit Calvalcada FAIN -Hank UcCune Show 1 M p.m. XFTV-Sporta Cavalcade KOIN Ozala and Harriet J:U p.m. KPTV Newt caravan KOIN-Oula tnd Harriet l:M p.m. KPTV David Oarroway KOIN Am oa tnd Andy 1:30 p.m. KPTV inner Sanctum KOIN Topper :H p.m. KPTV Bit, story - KOIN Playhouae of Start :30 p.m. XPTV Campbell Sound Stue KOIN Our Mlii Brook KM p.m. KPTV Wraatllni KOIN My Friend Irmt U:M P.m. KPTV WreiUlni KOIN-TBA ilM p.m. KPTV Eleventh Hour Xewi XOIN how Time on SU 11:10 p.m. KPTV Weather Vast UilS p.m. KPTV Nlta Owl Theater f ATl'EDAT 10:00 t.m. KPTV Space Cadet 10:10 a.m. KPTV Captain Video 11.00 t.m. KPTV Id McConnell 11:30 a.m. KPTV Fort Worth Rodeo 13:00 soon KPTV Ft. Worth Rodeo KOIN TOA 11:30 p.m. KPTV Ft. Worth Rodeo KOIN Rfd 1:00 p.m. KPTV Ft. Worth Rodeo KOIN Bit Picture 1:30 p.m. XPTV Toymaker tnd frltndl KOIN Space Patrol 1:00 p.m. Kprv tba KOIN Armchair Theater l:l p.m. XPTV Teae.Ralln' KOIN Armchair Theater 1:11 p.m. KPTV (tranter Than Fiction KOIN Armchair Theater 1:30 p.m. KPTV Lone Ranter KOIN Armchair Theater 4:00 p.m. KPTV Johnny Jupiter KOIN Armchair Theater 4:10 p.m. KPTV Captain Mldnlaht KOIN Laurel At Hardy IM .m. KPTV Abbott tt CoeteUo KOIN Roller Derby 130 P.m. KPTV Superman XOIN Zorro Rldea Aiara 10 p.m. KPTV Col. Flack KOIN rule la show lualneu 4tt p.m. KPTV Treaaure Hunt KOIN Beat the Clock T:M p.m. KPTV LUt of Riley KOIN Medallion Theater : P.m. KPTV Ethel and Albert KOIN Life with Father. rM . KPTV I Led 1 Urea KOIN Jackie Oleaaon :3t p.m. XPTV Amateur Hour KOIN Jackie Oleaaon 1:00 p.m. KPTV Show of Showt KOIN Two for the Montr 1:10 p.m. KPTV Show of Showt KOIN My Favorite Hulband 10:00 p.m. KPTV fthow of Showt KOIN TBA 10:30 p.m. KPTV-HIt Paradt KOIN TBA 11:00 p.m. KPTV Oreateit Flint! KOIN Showtime on SU 11:11 p.m. KPTV Prelmer Theater KOIN Show Time on Sit SUNDAY 1:1 t.m. rPTV Readtnt Funnlet 0:30 t.m. KPTV The Ptltor :t t.m. KPTV Chrlitopher 10:00 t.m. KPTV What'i Your Trouble' 10:19 t.m. FPTV Belliloua Film 11:00 t.m. KPTV Pact! Forum 11:30 a m. KPTV Sunday Matinee 13:00 noon KPTV Sunday Matinee KOIN Adventure 13:30 p.m. KPTV Sunday Matinee KOIN Conteil Carnival 1:00 p.m. KPTV Matinee KOIN Juvenile Jury 1:15 p.m. KPTV Induatry Parade XOIN Juvenile Jury 1:30 P.m. KPTV Your Oarden KOIN Lamp Unto My Peel 3:00 p.m. KPTV Bob Conildlnt KOIN Omnlbua :ll p.m. KPTV Art Llnk.etter KOIN Oranlbut 1:30 p.m. KPTV Weddlnt Bell! KOIN Omnlbua 1:00 p.m. KPTV Life Beilne at 10 . KOIN Omnlbui 1:30 p.m.-KPTV Kukla. Fran. Olllt KOIN See It Now 4:00 p.m. KPTV Roy Roteri KOIN Sunbeam Theater 4:10 p m. KPTV Zoo Parade KOIN Annie Oakley 5:00 p.m. KPTV Hall of Fame KOIN Oene Autrey 5:30 p.m. KPTV Hall of Fame KOIN Comeback 4:00 p.m. KPTV Viitory tt Set KOIN You Are There 4:30 p m. KPTV Life with Elizabeth KOIN Pride of Family 1:00 It, KPTV Wlnehell Show KOIN Private Secretary 1:30 p.m. KPTV Mr. Peepera koin What'i Mr Line 1:00 p.m. KPTV Comedy Hour KOIN TatAt of Town , 1 .10 p.m. KPTV TV Pleyhouie KOIN O.E. Theater 1:30 p.m. KPTV-TV Playhouie KOIN Man Behind Badtt 10:00 p.m. KPTV Letter to Loretu KOIN The Web 10:30 p.m. KPTV Man vi. Crime KOIN Dr. I. Q. 11:00 p.m. KPTV Meet the Preu KOIN Dr. I. Q. 11:30 p.m. KPTV Bit Picture Tele-Views Radio-Television Jjg pja5f POOR BOY SANDWICH AT NORTH'S 1170 Confer DON'T Throw your watch sway. We fix them when others can't. The Jewel Box 443 SUte St, Salem, Ore. MONDAY 10:00 t.m. KPTV Dint Dont School 10:30 t.m. KPTV What'a Cookint XOIN Bpotlltt Revue 10:45 t.m. KPTV What'e Cookint KOIN Brlahter Day 11:00 t.m. KPTV Hawklm Fall! KOIN KOIN Kitchen 11:15 t.m. KPTV 3 Stepa to Heaven KOIN XOIN Kitchen 11:30 a.m. KPTV Friend of Family XOIN XOIN Kitchen 11:45 t.m. KPTV Friend of Family KOIN KOIN-TV Newareel 13:00 noon KPTV Bride and oroom XOIN Bit Faroff 11:15 p.m. XPTV Bennetta XOIN Bit Payoff! U:30 p.m. KPTV Thli ii Your Lift KOIN Bob Croibr show 1:00 p.m. XPTV Mttlnee Thetter KOIN Love of Life 1:11 p.m. KPTV Matinee Theater KOIN Search Tomorrow 1:30 p.m. KPTV Matinee Theater KOIN Guiding Lliht 1:45 p.m. KPTV Matinee Theater KOIN Valiant Lady 1:00 p.m. KPTV Matinee Theater KOIN Double or Nothlnt 1:30 p.m. KPTV On Your Account KOIN strike It Rich 1:00 p.m. KPTV Kate Smith KOIN Carry Moort 1:30 p.m. KPTV Kate Smith KOIN Armchair Theater 40 p.m KPTV Welcome Traveler! KOIN Armchair Theater 4:30 p.m. KPTV Toymaker KOIN Mr. Moon 4:45 p.m. KPTV Toymaker KOIN Cartoon Time :M p.m. KPTV Howdy Doodr KOIN Saddle Pel, 1:30 P.m. KPTV Bar 31 Corral KOIN Laurel Hardy 1:00 p.m. KPTV wild Bill Hlrkok KOIN Milter Weatherman 1:10 p.m. XPTV Mill Xnda KOIN Dour Edwardt KOIN studio One 1:30 p.m. KPTV Arthur Murray Btaet KOIN studio One t eO p.m. KPTV Name That Tune KOIN Burnt tnd Allen 1:30 p.m. KPTV Voice of fire. lone KOIN Adolph Menlou f :00 p.m. KPTV Dennle Day KOIN I Love Lucy 1:10 p.m. KPTV Robert Monttomerr XOIN Red Button! 10:00 p.m. KPTV Arthur Murray Dance koin u.s, steel Hour 10:30 p.m. XPTV Bit Picture KOIN U.S. Steel Hour 11:00 p.m. KPTV 11th Hour Newt ' KOIN hnwtlma on SU 11:00 p.m. KPTV Nlto Owl Theater FRIDAY ON KPTV: Matinee Theatre ,1 "Prison Shadows" stars Eddie Nugent and Lucille Lund. Cavalcade of Sports, 1 Jimmy Slade of New York vs. Harold Johnson of Philadelphia in 10-round heavyweight bout from the St Nicholas arena. Inner Sanctum, 8:30 "Guilty Secret" starring Mildred Dun nock, James Lipton, Jill Kraft, and Ralph Stanley. A son suspects his mother of killing her once-famous actor-husband and calls in the police to investigate. The Big Story, 9 Ed Engledow, editor of the Lamcsca, Texas, paper, helps solve an amnesia case. Campbell Soundstage, 9:30 "A Time for Hope" starring Car men Mathews and Malcolm Lee Bcggs. Story of a man almost frightened to death. Heidelberg Wrestling, 10 From Portland's Armory comes local live wrestling. Nile Owl Theatre, 11:01 "She s in the Army" starring Marie Wilson and Veda Ann Borg. . FRIDAY ON KOIN-TV: 3:15 p.m., Armchair Theatre "You're Out of Luck" starring Frankie Doono and Montan Moreland. 5:30 p.m., Time for Beany Popular children's program debuts on KOIN-TV. 9 p.m., Playhouse of Stars Policeman William Lundigan jug gles his loyalty to the force with loyalty to an old buddy for murder in "Give the Guy A Break." 9:30 p.m., Our Miss Brooks Eve Arden turns her talents to sleuthing when the postman disapears mysteriously and the Eng lish teacher lears he has met with four play. 11 p.m., hhowtlme on btx "Caravans West " starring Randolph Scott, Gail Patrick, and Raymond Hatton. MILITARY MEN AND VETERANS THE PEERLESS BAKERY Bakers for her Majesty the Housewife Green Stamps 170 N. Commercial Z-tf GREEN STAMPS ON ALL PURCHASES FREE DELIVERY CHAPMAN DRUG STORE 140 Candalarla Blvd. Oft? ray I I J.U Phone 14-1451 195S. Commercial NARR RADIO And TELEVISION 2140 S. Commercial Open Evenings "Til S Vic RCA TELEVISION Sales -Service Installation RALPH JOHNSON APPLIANCES Open Friday Night Til 9 355 Center rh. S 3139 Check the Fine Tuning When changing from one station to another, always check the fine tuning adjust ment on your set for max imum picture quality. This makes for more enjoyment in viewing your TV set. In the case of a continuous tuner, check the tuning dial. Tunc for best picture not for loudest sound. Many times a very slight adjust ment of the fine tuning or nini tuning control will make for a much better picture. For the Best In TV Service CALL 4-5512 Television Service Co. 1410 South 12th 9 A.M. . 9 P.M. Daily SUNDAY ON KOIN-TV: 2:00 p.m.. Omnibus with Alistair Cooke as master of ceremonies. "The Conquest of ML Everest." Sir Edmund Hillary, who was knight ed by Queen Elizabeth after his successful ascent of the summit of Everest, will be interviewed by Alistair Cooke after showing some films of his climb. 4:00 p.m., Sunbeam Theater "My Last Duchess" with Gloria Swanson as hostess. 4:30 p.m., Annie Oakley "The Cinder Trail" starring Gail Davis. 6:00 p.m., You Are There The critical moment in the history of this ration when Patrick Henry's inspired oratory swayed a Virginia provincial convention from possible reconciliation with England to planning to fight her for freedom of the colonies, will be recreated when Walter Cronkite and the "You Are There" cameras return to March 23, 1775, to report "The Resolve of Patrick Henry." 7:00 p.m.. Private Secretary Comedy series starring Ann Sothern completes its first year on the air. The sketch to be presented on the anniversary show centers on a precocious child actor who wreaks havoc in a talent agents office. 7:30 b.m., What'i My Line Victor Borge, pianist-comedian cur rently appearing on Broadway in "Comedy in Music," will be guest panelist on "What's My Line." He subs for regular panelist Ben nett Cerf, who is off on a lecture tour. Other regulars on the occupation-guessing-game program are moderator John Daly and panelists Dorothy Kilgallen, Arlene Francis and Steve Allen. 8:00 p.m., Toast of the Town The world-famed Sadler's Wells Ballet, featuring premier ballerina Margot Fonteyn and Michael Somes, and Metropolitan Opera star Ccsarc Sicpl will be Ed Sulli van's headline guests. Also featured on the broadcast are CBS Television comedian Sam Levenson and the Ames Brothers, vocal group. 9:00 p.m., General Electric Theater When a Wall Street tycoon, played hy Edward Arnold, is ordered south by his doctor, he runs into a "double" and plenty of trouble, in "Walking John Stopped Here." 9:30 p.m., Man Behind the Badge A harmless fist ficht in a prison mess hail turns into a bloodthirsty riot during "The Man Behind the Badge. Gambling his life to help calm the rebellion, a courageous prison guard puts his unique methods of handling inmates to an acid test. 10:00 p.m.. The Web An unfaithful wife fails to count on a simple precaution by her husband when she lures him into a death trap on a hunting trip, in "The Hunted." SUNDAY ON KPTV: Sunday Matinee, 11:30 "Charlie Chan and the Red V Sidney Toler and Mantan Moreland. How Does Your Oarden Grow? 1:30 Seeds will be disc 1 by John Oil. Wedding Belles, 2:30 Dr. Morgan S. Odcll. president. Lewis and Clark College, will be guest. Junior sizes featured in fashions. Zoo Parade, 4:30 "Animal Life Span. Differences in various species; how zoos increase animal life length. Victory at Sea, 6:00 Two If by hca." Capture by American troops of Pelieu and Angaur in the Palau islands. Nine combat cameramen met death in taking these films for U. S. Marine Corps. Paul Winchcll Show, 7:00 Celeste Holm, guest. Adoption of Jerry Mahoney and his rise to fame, told in comedy with Paul Winchcll. ! Mr. Peepers, 7:30 Nurse Nancy Remington visits the bachelor j girl sister of Peepers; decides she'd like to change her style of ; living. j Colgate. Comedy Hour, 8:00 Eddie Cantor celebrates 62nd birth day. Groucho Marx sings with Cantor. Wally (Mr. Peepers) Cox, i Ricky Vera, 10, singer-comedian, Marilyn Cantor (Ed's daughter), I and Al Goodman's orchestra. I Television Playhouse, 9:00 "The Brownstono," starring Kim Stan- 1 Icy, Janis Rule, Eli Wallach. Introverted spinster who's reared brother and sister, with family home made into hoarding house. ' Man Against Crime, 10:30 "Beauty and the Beasts," Ralph Bel j lamy. Detective drama. FRIDAY, JANUARY 29 Seabee Reserves, a'. Naval and Marine Corps Reserve training center. Monday, February 1 Organized Marine Corps Re serve unit at Naval and Marine Corps Reserve training center. 9414th Air Reserve sauadron at, usak armory. Oregon Mobilization designa tion detachment No. 1 at USAR armory. Company B, 162nd infantry regiment, and headquarters de tachment, Oregon National Guard, at balcm armory. IN GERMANY SECOND ARMORED DIVI. SION, Germany Recently as signed to this division's 94th anti aircraft artillery battalion was Pvt. Johnny L. Lafavor, son of Mr. and Mrs. Noah Lafavor of Marion, Oregon. Lafavor, a for mer engineer for Towery and Sons of Marion, entered the army in May of last year and .arrived overseas in December. He com. pletcd his basic training at Fort Campbell, Ky. KOREAN DUTY U. S. FORCES, Korea Pvt. John M. Peeler, son of Mrs. France E. Falk, 2020 Haiti ave nue, Salem, Oregon, is serving here with the Korean Military Advisory Group. Peeler, a former Willamette University student. arrived in the Far East in Decem ber, 1953. LEAVES FOR BASIC WOODBURN Philip LaBarr, jr., son oi Mr. and Mrs. Philip L. LaBarr of Woodburn, left this week for Lackland Air Base in Texas for his basic training. Mrs. LaBarr will remain in Woodburn with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Neil Calkins. KASPER RE-ENLISTS AUGSBURG. Germany Re enlisted in the Army recently was Sgt. Donald F. Kasper, son of Mrs. Lorena V. Kasper, 1526 North Cottage street, Salem, who has been serving as an intelli gence specialist in headquarters company of the 102nd regiment of the division. Kasner entered the Army in January, 1948, and completed his basic training at r ort ora. Calif. He has the finnrl Conduct Medal. World War It Victory medal and the Army of Occupation Medal for service in i Japan and Germany. THIS MACHINE SPEEDS NUT HARVEST 1 . 4' r?V' " 4 -T7TN. I. Ac rt'W--,i i ,jii ,' -. i -..1 Mux 1 ' Vi , t-A a r ' V, Hubbard Man Has Nut Picker HUBBARD Axel'O. Sodcr holm of Hubbard has invented a machine for gatehring nuts and husking the nuts all in one op eration. This machine picks the nuts up from windrows, conveys them through a husking belt and next cleans the husks and for eign matter from the nuts, deliv ering them into sacks carried by the machine. Sodcrholm actually has built and U4cd this machine, it was an nounced by J. T. Anderson, Co ordinator of Inventions, Port land, who executed Soderholm's patent drawings for making ap plication for patent. This is another machine that probably will be on exhibit at the coming industrial exposition sponsored by the Salem Industri al Development Program under the management of J. Russell Dudley. This invention and many others will be shown by motion pictures and be on exhibit at .his exposition. HUBBARD Axel O. Soderholm is shown beside machine he built to pick nuts from winrows, remove hulls, and sack them in one operation. MARKET QUOTATIONS SALEM MARKETS I Cmtlril I rem report of fUlrm dfilrrt j ler lh tuldmtiat-c t Capital Journal ! rradrr. (RctliftJ daily.) ! Retail feed rrlctii iUbhil retina I.1.4S (tO-lb. but, I M.34-S DO UOA-lb. bai ( i Ett Math 4.M-5 20 Dairr rd S3.3&-3 3. I Chicago Livestock 45TH DIVISION IN KOREA Pvt. Glenn Ling, route 5, Salom, Oregon, has arrived here for duty with this division as a rifleman. Ling, whpse wife resides at route balem, entered the Armv in March, 1953, and completed his basic training at Fort Ord, Calif. He is a graduate of the Cascade union high school with the class of 1951, Parents of the soldier are Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ling of route 1, Aumsville. Re-enlists Cpl. Philip M. Boyd, 1265 Park avenue, January 26, re-enlisted in Company E, 413t'i infantry regiment, Army Reserves for a three year term. Boyd, who has been with the company for three years, is an employe of the Ore gon State Prison. On Maneuvers FORT LEWIS. Wash. Pvt. Darwin B. Kimball of Salem, Oregon, and Pvt. Edwin P. Mur phy, formerly of that city have been named as members of the 44th infantry division troops tak ing part in Operation North Star, a combined Army-Air Force win ter maneuver in Alaska. Kimball, son of Mrs. R. J. Brad- Portland Livestock , PORTLAND OrV-(USDA)-Cattlc salable for week 2,975; market generally slow and uneven on in creased supply; fed steers mostly 50 lower, short feds 1.00 off; other steers and heifers about steady; cows unevenly stcady-1.00 lower, kinds grading average utility and below off most; bulls strong early but very slow and weak late with some unsold; equivalent of nearly three loads choice 989-1,148 lb fed steers 24.50; scattered lots good choice steers mixed 23.00-24.00; hig.i commercialo and good short feds 20.00-21.50; few loads good steers 22.50; utility - commercial 13.50-19.00; good fed heifers 19.50 20.50, few 21.00; utility-commercial 12.00-18.50; canner-cutter cows 8.00 10.50. few early 11 00; shells down, to 6.00; utility cows 11.00-13.50; commercial 14.00-15.50; young fed cows with some heifers to 17.50: utility-commercial bulls early 14.00-: 16.50. Calves salable for week 265: PORTLAND tfl Butterfat Tentative, subject to immediate change Premium quality, maxi mum to .35 to one per cent acidity, delivered in Portland, 68-71 lb; first quality, 66-69; second quality, 64-67. Valley routes and country points 2 cents less. Butter Wholesale, f.o.b. bulk cubes to wholesalers Grade AA, 93 score, 66 Mi lb; 92 score, 65 Vi; 90 score, 64 Vi; 89 score, 62. Cheese Selling price to Portland wholesalers Oregon singles, 42 Vt 45 lb; Oregon 5-lb loaf. 48 '4-51. Eggs To wholesalers Candled eggs containing no loss, cases in cluded, i.o.b. Portland A, grade, large, 51 -53 A medium, 50 51 ; A grade, small. 45 -46 Vz. Eggs To retailers Grade AA, large, 54-56; A large, 53-55; A A medium, 52-54; A medium, 51-53; A small, 47-48. Cartons 3 cents additional. Live chickens No. 1 aualitv. f.o.b. plants fryers, 24-25: roast ers, 24-25; heavy hens, 25-26; light hens, 15-17: old roosters, 14-15. Onions 50 lb sacks, Wash. Yel lows, med., 1.00-25; Ore. yellows, No. 1, med., 1.50-75; Idaho yellows, med., 1.25-50, Ige., 1.75-2.00; Ne vada white, 2.50-3.00. Wholesale dressed meats: Beef, steers, choice. 500-700 lbs, 40.00-42.00; good, 36.00-40.00; com mercial, 32.00-37.00; utility, 28.00 34.00; commercial cows 27.00-33.00; utility, 26.0-31.00; canners-cuttcrs 23.00-26.00. Beef cuts (choice steers)Hind quarters, 45.00-50.00; rounds, 44.00 48.00; full loins, trimmed, 68.00 78.00; triangles, 29.00-34.00; fore quarters. 33.00-37.00; chucks, 38.00 42.00; ribs, 54.00-58.00. Pork cuts Loins, choice. 8-12 lbs, 59.00-62.00; shoulders, 16 lbs, 41.00 45.00; spareribs, 48.00-56.00; fresh hams, 10-14 lbs, 61.00-66.00. j Veal and calves Good-choice, all i Philco Radio STOCKS By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Admiral Corporation Allied Chemical Allis Chalmers American Airlines American Power & Light American Tel. & Tel. .. , American Tobacco Anaconda Copper Atchison Railroad Bethlehem Steel Boeing Airplane Co. Borg Warner Burrough Adding Mach. California Packing Canadian Pacific Caterpillar Tractor Celanesc Corporation Chrysler Corporation . Cities Sen-ice Consolidated Edison Consolidated Vultee Crown Zellerbach Curtiss Wright Douglas Aircraft du Pont de Nemours Eastman Kodak Emerson Radio General Electric General Foods General Motors Georgia Pac. Plywood Goodyear Tire Homestake Mining Co. International Harvester International Ppaper Johns Manville Kennccott Copper Libby, McNeill Lockheed Aircraft Loew's Incorporate Long Bell A Montgomery Ward Nash Kelvinator New York Central Northern Pacific Pacific American Fish Pacific Gas & Electric Pacific Tel. & Tel. Packard Motor Car Penney (J.C.) Co. Pennsylvania R.R. Pepsi Cola Co. weights, 36.00-46.00; commercial, 33.00-41.00. Lambs Choice-prime 41.00-43.00; good, 36.00-41.00. Wool Grease basis. Willamette Valley medium, 51-55 lb: Eastern market active, strong: good-choicc S .fevand h'lf bklood' vealers 20.00-25.00; prime to 27.00- 28.00; good-choice slaughter calves 13.00-21.00. Hogs salable for week 1,825; market mostly 25 higher; choice 180-235 lb barrows-gilts 29.00-50, negligible lots 29.65-75 and some choice 3 lots 28.75 or below; shaw, 2403 Dallas road, Salem, heavier and lighter weights 27.00 will he detached from his per- 28.50; choice 320-550 lb sows 23.50 manent station with the 123rd , 25.50, few smooth sows to 26.00. infantry regiment, and Murphy j q Sheep s a I a b 1 c for week 2.345: is to be detached from Company slaughter lambs 50 1.00 lower: A. 123rd infantry regiment. Mur-i feeders strong: ewes strong -50 phy's wife resides in Salem, Ore-i higher with extreme ton 1.00 up; gon, and his parents, Mr and ( choice-prime woolcd lambs mostly Idaho yelo'ws; , jg.,. large; 1 At a n T ; feeders 15.00-16.25: large lot 80 lbj2.oo.25: Deschutes Russets. No. I, Joins 43rd Division , fleshy feeders 17.50; utility-good ! 2.15-25: size A. 2.50-75 ; 25 lb sk r ony-1 nirn Division, uermany ewes imi-a.oo; cnoicc young cwcs'go-85; 10 lb mesh. 40-45- paper 30- 1 33; windows, 35-37: No. 2, 50 lbs, Willamette Valley lamb wool, 42; 12-month wool, 45-50. Country-dressed meats, f.o.b. Portland: Beef Cows, utility, 24-28 lb; canners-cutters, 21-22. Veal- Top quality, lightweight, 33-35 :r oughh eavies, 24-30. Hogs Lean blockers, 39-40; sows, light. 33-35. Lambs Best, 34-36. Mutton Best, 12-15; cull-utility, 8-9. Fresh Produce: Onions 50 lb sacks. Wash, yel- lovs med., 1.00-10: large, 1.10-25 to the highest price since June 20, 1953, and a top for any Jan uary day since 1948 in a moder ately active market Friday. Butchers sold steady to 25 cents ! i higher, a short load bring peak to $27.25. Most 100 to the MO ll.ltl 1 100 wt.i. reallrr Rarlnt frkee Colored fryere. ;ier; om rooiiru. iar: coiorra lowi. aer , l.l. , , - , lrehorn lowl, 17ci colored roailere J. pound butchers moved at $26.25 to Ken: $27.00. nnyint wieee-Eeee. a. 4ic: lane a. steers and heifers were scarce. 3-ftc: medium AA. Me; medium A. .,t,rt: j : , J7.r; .mail a. 3ic: Eat., wtioir.eie on- "iRh-choice and prime grades j cea tenerallr -l cenla hlener than orlcre j were quoted Steady with Other Recently joining this division to 7.00. as a rifleman with the 172nd regiment was Pvt. James Sexton, son of James A. Sexton, route 8, Salem, Orcein. Sexton joined the Army in June, 1053. and took Radio Corporation Rayonier Incorp. . Rayonier Incorp Pfd. Republic Steel Reynolds Metals Richfield Oil Safeway Stores Inc. Scott Paper Co. Sears Roebuck & Co. Socony-Vacuum Oil ! Southern Pacific Standard Oil Calif. Studebaker Corp. I Sunshine Mining Swift & Company i Transamerica Corp. Twentieth Century Fox Union Oil Company Union Pacific United Airline United Aircraft United Corporation United States Plywood United States Steel Warner Pictures Western Union Tel. Wcstinghouse Air Brake Wcstinghouse Electric Woolworth Company- ChicagO Grain 80-85: Wash. Russets, No. 1-A, 2.25 50: Idahos, 3.15-25. Hay U. S. No. 2 green alfalfa, mostly 28.iKi-30.oo, oeiivcred car 20 'i 76 Vt ' 48 Vi 13 159 64 tt 31 i4 98 tt 57 52 tt 83 16 25 50 tt 21 tt 57i 84 43 tt 20 tt 38 4i 8tt 91 tt 109 tt 50H 10 tt 93 58 tt 63 .a U tt 58 tt 35 tt 30 -tt fiO tt 70 . 68 tt 9'i 28 tt 13 tt 24 tt An lb' tt 21 59 tt 7 tt 40 tt 117 tt 3tt 79 17 tt 14 tt ' 29 tt 26 tt 29 34 tt 51 58 tt 38tt 71 tt 61 tt 37 tt 39 56 tt 20 tt 8 41 tt 27 20 40 tt 118 tt 24 tt 48 tt 5 tt 25 tt '41 tt 14 41 tt 25 54 tt 44 tt above: laree trade A teneraltv Quoted at i tvue Cnwa snM atcailv In 51c: medium, al etc. i . i.' . y IIAMMEI. PROMOTED CHICAGO IH Snvheana anrl nnrt truck Inlc fnh PnrllonH inri in.-. u.iMi- uiiiiii. 11 vamp nun- ry(. naC a lirm undertone on the Seattle, erts, Calif. board of trade Fridav but wheat, i Filhoris tttmlesnlo sell! Airman Killed In Auto Crash nnriTT avh ntn a m mm nnH ni.U rMrnntoH nnrifr mild f n h flrnn nlnntc Vn i inmhA ' . -" l t rar Seii in, ;,,;; : ,;.r Vnv: ? . ; . J r: , '.a a, was ki,.d eary today I I.Mtttrrfat Burlnt prlcf: Prrmtum 70 i 11 emu: No. 1, l?-t centii No. 3, lc. Hill. )BUCK'MLIJ TELEVISION Sales Service Installations MITCHELL RADIO & TV 1880 STATE ST. PH. 37577 Does TV Hurt Your Eyes? TRY HOFFMAN WE: PHONE 21913 2303 Falrgroundi Rd. Valley TV Center Sales . Service Installation Open Till 9 P. M. Daily Sunday from 1 to 6 P. M. Chicago Onions iny Unltert Pren.l Suppllri lleht. dementi Terr elow. mer le! dull. Street tele.: ISO lb. I: U ft. 1 unlr.R .lated- lilaho and Oreeon Rnanl.h 3 Inch end lareer MS-50: White 3-inrh and leraer. alo 3 to 1-lnrh. 1 39. 40. Calllorma 1 10. 10 Mldwnt Yellow Olobe. medium 1 00-. IS. Irreeular. 1S .es. cartntu 13 3-pr.iwd Cello. 1 30- 30. .howine .prouta .3S. Bed lllohet medium IIS. selline nressure. I.loyd Ilammel. 2380 East Nob. Qvhnc ,,,,. v.. .,,4. member of headquarters and ,:, rim,.j rl, ', ,h' V ' : headquarters battery of the 929th , culUlrc Dcpartmcnt., rcport on field artillery battalion. Army He-1 s(ocks f bcanj jn a iions serves, has been promoted to a , c c . . n . , fl..h nf 1.000 cattle. 200 , l,""" ' . . , '.! strength corresponded with gains ... ... mini, i.n. 1 nsclc.,nt nnnr.ittnnc nnrl ' . ... 1 .;.. . . i hi lonipeg. training officer for the outfit, first n f , . ., . entered the armed forces July 17 I Dcmanrt. was, VfrV 1,ht '" 1PJ-J nnH h.ns snent shout tm i " ,",M 1 """" "'"S 50 cents lower. Two loads of prime 1.170 pound steers readied $29.00. the lop. with a few sales of choice and prime types at $2300 to $28.00. Salable receipts were estimated at 4.500 hogs, calves and 700 sheep. Ilareelonas. 29 lb; 1 a r g e, 27 tt medium. 2a tt. Walnuts Wholesale selling prices: First quality Franquettes, 32-33 tt lb; light halves, 79-83; shelled light amber halves, 70-75. Cock fighting, introduced from She East became popular in the Fresh Market Fish years with the Xrmy, either as a ' ZJ rlVuACiTl ITi f.O IJITlhlU late Roman Empire and re- i lene or on active" duly. During "t closed tt to 1 cent hi5h mained popular in Europe and f.nginnd until quite recent times. ffjl5rniHtT SAUM LAUNDRY 263 S. HIGH er. March 2.12 1 a corn mi-! World War II he served with the '"""" ,'.'.; V" . "' ' ASTORIA eUP-The fresh mar. 40th division in the South Tacific ! ' . ' "'r; ket fishing season opened on the and later was on occupation duty in Korea. In civilian life Hnmmel is an assistant to the attorney gen eral for Oregon. Dl TV IN FRANCE SAM AC, France Pvt. Joseph L. Van Brocklum, son of Mr. and Mrs. C. G. Brocklum of Dallas, Ore., recently arrived here to join the Army's European communica tions zone, which is responsible for transportation of men and supplies from French ports to U.S. forces in Germany. Rrocklum is a clerk with the 102nd quartermaster Bakery company. Ho entered the Army in May, 1953, and arrived overseas from Fort Lee, Va. WITH 25th DIVISION TWENTY F I F T H INFANTRY DIVISION, Korca-Pvt. Winlred D. Cobb, whose wife and parents, Mr. and Mrs. Rex V. Cohh rrHc March 79li-': rye unchanted to tt lower, March 1.24 tt-tt: soy beans tt-l tt higher, March 3.13- 3.vj . ana lara a to 40 cents a hundred pounds higher, 16.69. ; Columbia river at noon today but gillnetters and packers were not optimistic about catches. Salmon packers said thev would March ! sccl( ,0 nuv 'isn 'or ,nc 'rcsn an' irozen marKcis, noting mat usually wnen nis car struck a concrete tr "fl-e- island and light post at SE Milwauklc Ave. and Powell boulevard. The coroner's office identified the victim as Fred Dean Levine, route 1, box 465, Clackamas. Po- ! lice said there were no witness es to the accident. Levine had i been in the air force seven years i and had planned to leave Monday : for Great Falls, Mont., where he had been transferred, the cor- i oner's office said. j It was Portland's six tr'": I death of 1954. i the start of the winter season does not bring in enough fish for canning. Wall Street NEW YORK i Stocks moved Dl-J ahead Friday with a few areas i rOnianO WOM of the list offering resistance. I PORTLAND ifi No bids. There were some exceedingly i Fridav'j car receipts: wheat 3 wide movers, but (or the most barley 2; flour 3; corn 3; mili part gains and losses were small, feed 7. Trading came 'n an c.-limatcd I.ROO.OOrt shares. That compares with 1.738.OO0 shares traded Thursday. i Korea with this division as a ri fleman. Cobb entered the Army 'n June. 1953. and completed his at Jefferson, Ore, is serving in, basic training at Fort Ord, Calif. Portland Eastside i PORTLAND tUPt TmOlnf is onlT ' moderate. y tutlrt at the fcm Bide Firm rrjV mur It ft lodkr with a larc supplr or Willamette valier en briar and pota tn: ittrfll r mil f lower and broccoli tr mt; lwt local cabha u MM to wholfuVfM while best No. A nef'H lem and B urban potato told at 3-1 is. High Power in Aulos Protested by Owners CHICAGD (l'P)-Most automo bile owners are opposed to any further increases in horsepower, a survey by Popular Mechanics Mag azine indicated today. The magazine said it conducted a survey of 5000 car owners and found that a. majority apparently do not acrec with the automobile manufacturers. Most felt that manufacturers should stress safetv factors instead, the survey showed. About 70 per cent were aaginst continuing "the trend toward greater horsepower." Only 19 per cent approved of the 'horsepower race'1 among manufacturers.