sp..:.':. V V.-, --' V."V!i M ' w Thursday, January 28. 1954 i "i THE CAPITAL JOURNAL. Salem. Orcj-on ft i- i ft J Wcoimt AAcorcDCflirDoZooire Lhallenger Is Floored Two Times . By BEN FUNK MIAMI, Fla. W) Light heavy weight thampion Archie Moore, having finally disposed of Joey Maxim as a challenger, clamored Thursday for a crack at Rocky Marciano's crown. That target, however, may prove to be as elusive for Archie as the light heavyweight title chance he pursued so many years. Chances are Moore will either fight Harold Johnson of Philadel phia or go back to South America on another exhibition tour. Marciano's opponents this year probably will be Dan Bucceroni h March and Ezzard Charles in June or September. Indications are the champ's manager, Al Weill, is working on a schedule that leaves Moore strictly out. The powerful Moore smashed Maxim to the canvas twice Wednesday night as he scored his third and by far most decisive victory over the Cleveland jabber, the only man he has ever fought as a champion. He lifted the title from Maxim in St. Louis Dec. 17, 1952, and successfully defended it against Joey in Ogden, Utah, June 24, 1953. When he finally got his title shot, Moore, now 37, had been fighting for 16 years and had been a contender' about 10 of those years. "I think this one ended my series with Joe." Mnore said with a big grin in his dressing room Wednesday night. "I'd like to fight Marciano now, but I'll take on Harold Johnson, if they'll get up the money." Archie said he also would like to go back to Argentina, where he fought two profitable exhibition bouts last summer. Before the fight he went three days without food and did four miles of road work Wednesday morning to get down to the 175 pound limit. He admitted he tired in the late rounds. The spectators couldn't tell it, though, as the grim, determined Moore chased Maxim around the ring, driving home powerful lefts to the head and body and vicious overhand' rights to the jaw. In the eighth, a right to Joey's chin dropped the ex-champion for a count of six. Another savage right put Maxim down for a seven crunt in the 11th, and in the next four rounds, Joey was just fight ini to survive. Maxim was cut over the right eye in the seventh. A surprising late shift in the odds sent Moore into the ring a 6-5 underdog. The switch probably resulted from the champ'r weight making troubles and a separate maintenance suit by his wife, Alice, which tied up his purse. He barely made the 175 pound lim it at the noon weigh-in. Maxim weighed 174 Vt. Last Two Rounds Lost For TV Fans in Area PORTLAND mm Television fight fans here last night missed the last two rounds of the Archie Moore-Joey Maxim light-heavyweight title fight because of a previous network arrangement, a television company spokesman said today. There is only one TV channel ...t TwiG'to Ulvalsctcr of the University ramento and the Northwest, thus of ,dano (abbcd ,he man ,J on the coaxial cable between Sac- tttU IUU&1CHU3 tailllW U( nauo- mittcd at the same time. CBS did the fight telecast and had made arrangement to use the cable un til 8 p.m. NBC had reserved use of the cable after that. The time ran out in the 13th round. Officials at KOIN-TV. which carried the telecast, said they had no advance notice the telecast would be cut off at 8 p.m. They said the telephone company called the station to give warn ing only two minutes before the cutoff. In his first professional bout on Nov. 6, 1947. Dan Bucceroni Itnockvd out Bob Payne in one round. DENNIS THE MENACE Dennis is right henr PORRlOSe, NOT PEACH ;,'-'rV w I y Cougar's Pelt Of Lyons Men Measures 6-9 ALBANY Pelts of three cou gars, one of them measuring 6 feet 9-inches from nose tip to tail, were brought to the Linn county clerk's office by three hunters from Lyons who had killed the cougars recently in the snow-covered mountains south of Lyons in Linn county. Two of the varmints were the product oi one day's hunting. Be cclvlng in all $45 in bounties from the county were Cletus Nydinger, Carl Stavang, Jr., and Everett Limbeck. In each case the cat was treed by dogs and killed with .22 cal ibre rifle bullets. Collecting a $3 bobcat bounty also was A. E. Hardesty of Al bany, who caught the animal In a mink trap on the Calapooia riv er a short distance south of the city limits. The state will pay the cougar killers an additional $150 on their pelts while Hardesty will collect an additional $2.50 for his bob cat. Leavenworth Ski Tourney to Open WENATCHEE,' Wash. W Crews packed the main jump daily this week in preparation for the 23rd annual Leavenworth Ski Jumping Tournament Sunday. Dick Dillon, president of the Leavenworth Winter Sports club said Wednesday, more than 40 inches of snow the past two weeks have put the jump in excellent condition. Once again, Norwegian students attending Northwest colleges 'cad the tournament field, with Reider beat. Fights Last Night By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS MIAMI, Fla. Archie Moore, 175, San Diego, outpointed Joey Maxim, 174 Vt, Cleveland, 15. (For world's lichtheavyweight title). MEXICO CITY Martin Rod riguez Fayarol. 130. Cuba, stopped Pepe Monies, 132, Mexico, 5. The "Big Three" of the Cleve land Indian pitching staff Bob Lemon, Mike Garcia and Early Wynn defeated the Yankees 11 times in 1953. They lost nine to the New Yorkers. ' By Ketcham rrfe fiRSP RDBSflOGE. Moore Connects in 10th Round "v & plon Archie Moore of San Diego, Cal. (light) connects with a hard right to the jaw of Joey Maxim of Cleveland, Ohio, in the 10th round of their 15-round title bout here last night. Mnore floored Maxim twice and won a 15-round unanimous decision to retain his title. (AP Wirephoto) . SCORES in University Alleys UNIVERSITY STATE HOUSE LEAGUE NO. 1 HIGHWAY MATERIALS (1) Brown 497, Ebsen 419, Davey 430. Pierce 397, Zizewltb 415. STATE PRINTERS (3) Mllner 407, Rowen 424, Stone 457, Waller 458, McCrary 477. STATE POLICE (41 Morrill 432. Karau 457. Alford 008. Weems 593, Hunt 485. PUC UTILITIES (0) Put man 530. Klrby 361, Woodbum 454, Mehl 491. JeHerson 471. SECRETARY OF STATE (0) Miller 510, Franko 448. Prange 392. McQueen 419, Blesler 468. TAX COMMISSION (4) Johnson 455, Crouch 433. Drapela 472, Bobb 464, Mahaffey 459. HIGHWAY ACCOUNTING (3) Herr 517, Crane 53. Ketcham ',68, McAdams 496, Malson SCO. FAIR VIEW HOME (11 Gannon 416, Smyrei 556, Bartruff 342, 4Luke 496, Nelson 408. DIVISION OF AUDITS (21 Strick- lin 513, Fisher 397, MontRomery 386, Renner 481. Gould 421. KEEP ORE GON GREEN (2) Ashby 539, Aaserude 412, Woods 406, Ewing 471, Stacer 500. FORESTRY PROTECTION (1) Storm 497. Morrison 392, Phlpps 434. Walker 483. Beyers 501. HIGHWAY CONSTRUCTION (3) Kayser 425, Roake 454, Anderson 413, Wolfe 548, Tandy 443. High team game. State Police, 987. Hleh team series, State Police. 2861. High Individual game, Beyers, 231. High Individual series, Alford. 608. STATE nOl'SE LEAGUE NO. Brldse Ensinerrs (.It Frederlckon 486: FdwardA 395: Brrser 415: Merchant 455: Roakf 498. Tai rommintlfln (l Ashford 3!i: Hansen 391; Wooden 390: JohiiGon 407: Bterett 404. Forrntrj Matiasemrnt fn) Ladd 475: Htnneman 456; Campbell 385: Baughn 439: Ratllff 434. Chanter 56 (4) achultie 498: Ycunt 411: Hirtr 401: James 490; Reasan 536. trnrmploynifnt (5 Younf 446: Elphlek 458: Oannon 500: Caxe 431: Aaron 429; lllshwar Markers (31 Llttke 413: Tay lor 390; Harrell 4S4: Hrrberter 431; Lens 511. Pl'C Mature (4 Rlnnland 531: Ens list! 494: Mehl 428: Straw 504: Meffert 533. SIAC () Frtieaard 462: MrElwaln 4S7r Kins 437: Oallather 480: Oustatson 467. OlMre Ensinecra (3) Sacra 504: Matt soa 381: Burton 476: Bcott 523; Younf 579. Veteran! Affairs 1 Morlskr 450: Reed 449; Oasremtroom 456; Eltl 493; Rlllerlch 508. HlihwT Sham (! Dails 370: lleola 435: Zent 454: Hlatt 420: Miller 491. Traffic Enrlneers (1) Wood 461: Srhroe der 431: Eieh 165: Yates 395; Bteniler 430. High team tame and aeries, Chapter 56. 1017 and 2796. Hlsh lnd. tame, Sacra, 311; hlih lnd. series, Youm, 679. Duck Pins COMMERCIAL LEA org Ramacea (fl Forfeit. Rempel 400: Lep per 401; Howell 377. Lana Art. Tavern (I) Dean 416: Merrlman 410: MeOulrt 456: Hcber 455: Alchardion 37. Rlne Lake Parkers (at Blankenshtp 378: Anderion 343; Ralnbolt 348; Allenbr 370: Crabtree 461. Portland Raad Rleb field (I) Bucher 381: Evenden 447: Knuth 356: Olle 363: Hubler 373. Micks Slcn Shea (4) Herb Nelnait 49: Chuck Nelnaat 334: Ooidibr 430; Davis 606: Wood 4O0. OMC Track Sales () Olllenwater 364: Thomas 376; D. R. Sermon 363; McWaln 323: D. M. Ser mon 307. BAR Wnoleastt (41 Hakamon 386; Dick Arnold 33: Alan Arnold 400: Pack 346: Johnson 417. Ohraari A Calaba (SI Ohmart 114: Maddr 351! Torvtnd 376; alsers 341; Calaba 361. F.rlcbians Market (4) Melton S07; Barry 3941 Oableman 467; Tlbbetta 341; Nelnast 614. W. W. Raebraoih Ce. (01 Buih 331: Rusnell 385; Johnson 339; Greenwood 336: Stevens 187. Hlsh team serlea and same. Erlcksons, 3233 and 769: hlsh lnd ierlr. Mel Mel naet. 514; hlsh lnd. same. Harold Even den. 201. Capitol Alleys CAPITOL MAJOR LCAOUR Salem P.Iks l.od (4) Sid McNeil 721. Ed Krejci 768. John Frtesen 722. Vern McMullen 720, Boh Lanjrhnff Rnfl. Gardner firocerv fit Tony Pru dent 697. Keilh Hayes 730, Walt Gardner 728, Bob Ryan BI7, Dick pnipps 7. Marlon Hotel A Car Parks (4) Dirk Morrla 65, Harvey Pnne 764. John Iron fflO. Tony Bittler U., Duane Cushrran 724. nrennan Tree Service (D Itenn Valder. 720. Chet Boyce 703. Hal Comstock 723, Ev Clark 753. Tom Brennan 716. Karri Five Old Misers (4) Boh Dyer 768, Larry Oslund 731, Fred Kan 666. Don Poulin 7no. Pinkv Hartwell 812. Marshal's Four Cor ners (1) John Doerfler 642, Jim Ross 605. Bob Reeves 670, Ken Nel son 673. Hay Gunn 701. Gerlinger Carrier (31 Gene Braucht 653. Roy Farley A3j. Bob White 706, Dean Henderson 820. John C'odt 722. The Meadows (2 VlHone Sfi6, Jim Rhc'rion 330. Frank Evans .154. Brownie Valdrr 827. John Nub er 518. Ed Uean 701 Hih team fame. Kftrr'8 Five Old Miser. 1080; hiRh team erie. Sa lem Elks Lodae. 4180: hlfh Individ tial fame. Harvev Pajfe of Marion Car Parks. 27: hlffh Individual enea. Dean Henderson of Cfrhnser. 820 i Other 800 series Bob Ryan ot the ALLEYS Gardner Grocery, 817; Pinky Hart well of Karr'a Five Old Misers. 812: Bog Langhoff of Salem Elks Lodge, 609; Ed Logan ox The Meadows He taurant, SOI. Faulk Vs. Riley In Miami Golf MIAMI, Fla. Wl The girls started playing for keeps Thurs day in the Helen Lee Doherty amateur golf tournament. Defending champion Mary Lena Faulk of Thomasville, Ga., who did not turn in a card during Wednesday's qualifying round, met Polly Riley, Fort Worth, Tex., veteran who qualified with an 80. Another top match pitted Mary Ann Downey ot Baltimore, Md., who qualified with a one over women's par 76, against Dorothy Kirby, Atlanta, Ga., star who posted an 81. Grace DeMoss Smith of Corvai lis, Ore., and Coral Gables, Fla., co-medalist with 75, plays Mrs. Stanley Emerson of Dayton, Ohio, who had 81. REYNOLDS BEAT BROWNS NEW YORK (AP) Allie Reynolds, ace righthander of the Yankees, had a good season against the St. Louis Browns in 1953. He beat them five times without a loss. Against the Bos ton Red Sox and Chicago White Sox, however, he didn't fare as well. He beat each club once and they topped him one time. "The Best Results I have ever had" "Of ail the rejf jnaawiea t have ever tsacd, Trienf le Xtr Egg Producer hat given me the beat results I have ever hid. For instance this year, en flock of pullets that have never been culled, I have been getting an average production of 81 over a tbrec month period." Rt I, Boi 40 Woodbum, Oregon Fxtro Egg Profits with TRIANGLE X-TRA EGG PRODUCER Coamciesa fieM tests have proven that thit fan -nutrient balanced feed produces more egg per feed dollar. It maintains the layer's bod ily health and (umiihe an abun dance of egg-making ingredients. Iri a good time NOW to cull out "boarders" and put your best lay ers on Triangle Xtr a Egg Producer. at your local TRIANGII DEALERS r. A. Whit & Sons Fred DeVrirs fc Sons Riebel Feed & Supply - i Says ,after Tcakiinig Jiaiiiinni City Pocket Billiard Play Pairings Told Match play will begin Sunday afternoon in the Salem city pocket billiard championship tournament at the B & O Bowling court. Tom Wood, proprietor, said that the trophy being furnished by the Billiard Congress of America, is on display at the alleys. Spectators will be welcome at the matches, he said. : - All play is 14-1 rack straight call shot, with 125 points to a match, governed by Billiard Congress rules. Wood said that if a player can not appear at the designated time he should call Wood at the Bowl at once. The schedule: Harold Evenden vs Tom Wood, 4 p.m. Sunday, Jan. 31. Jack Knapp, Independence, vs Les Dolge, Salem, Sunday, 7:30 p.m. Ed Davis vs Pete Pederson, Mon day, 7:30 p.m.' ' " Robert Goodwin vs Fred Baase, Thursday, 7;3Q p.m. Jim Kamsey vs Howard King, Saturday, 4 p.m. VEJAR SIGNS CHICAGO, (VP) Chicb Veiar. Stamford, Conn., and Jed Black. Janesville, Wis., owning 27 vic tories against one defeat, today were signed for a 10-round wel terweight bout at the Chicago Stadium Feb. 10. . OFFERS YOU PATENTED PROTECTION AGAINST BRUISE WITH IL D F E -S A7E K Yubeless Tires The tire that earned its name LIFE-SAVER. A patented sealant under the tread seals punctures instantly. Patented liner protects against bruise blowouts. Thousands of grip blocks in the tread get you started faster, stopped quicker. MORE protection -yet it costs less than a regular tire and blowout - Silvertown The tire that comes on new cars! Be safe trade Silvertown extra safety and greater mileage. Phone 3 - Ducks Claim Beavers Get Role of Series Favorites -UNIVERSITY OF OREGON, Eugene Oregon's Cinderella role in the 1954 Northern Division basketball race may come to an abrupt halt this week-end when the Ducks meet the favored Ore gon State Beavers at Corvailis Friday night and McArthur Court Saturday evening. Coach Bill Borcher's Webfoots currently have a record of five victories In six starts and hold a one game lead over the Beavers, plus an extra half game bulge over Idaho, the other challenger for the championship. A double loss would drop the Ducks out of the lead for the first time this season and a split would enable them to hold on to the top, spot for another week. To Idaho Next Week This is the first ot a tough string of games foi Oregon. The Ducks-get Washington State at home next Tuesday and Wednes day with only two days of rest Auer the Beavers, they must travel to Idaho, then Washington at Seattle and finally another pair with Oregon State. , This week-end Oregon will bank on its shooting to offset the tre mendous height advantage enjoy ed by Oregon State. Led by Swede Halbrook at 7-3, the' Beavers not only have nearly a three-inch per man advantage in the probable starting line-up, but can com- BLOWOUTS, PUNCTURES, SKIDS protecting tube Defiance This rugged economy tire is backed by the famous B. F.Goodrich lifetime guarantee. now for 6.00x13 Exchange Plus Tax 9600 SAfllLIH NORTHERN DIVISION W L Pet. W I. Per Oregon 6 1 .833 Wa. St. 1 4 .200 Ore. St. 4 1 .667 Wash'n 1 5 .167 Idaho 4 3 .571 Friday: Oregon at Oregon State. Idaho at Washlnston State. Saturday: Oregon State at Oregon. mand an equal amount of talent from the bench. Oregon State, too. can shoot and the two team averages are prac tically the same for the first six league games. Coach Borcher's biggest headache will come from Halbrook's tremendous scoring ability and rebounding and the threat offered by Tony Vistelica's hook shots and the outside ac curacy of Ron Robins, Johnny Jarboe and Reggie Halligan is only a shade less dangerous. " The Ducks expect to make no changes in the starting lineup which picked up two wins over Washington. Ed Halberg, one of the five best shots in the country, Kill team vrith Jerry Ross at for ward and Max Anderson will com plete the front line. In the backcourt the Ducks will start two veterans, CapL Wenger and Barney Holland. Four other Webfoots, Ray Bell and Bob Stout at forward and Bob Hawes and Howard Page at guard, seem assured of considerable action as the Ducks make their bid for an upset F0RO CHEVROLET PLYMOUTH MERCURY DODGE PONTIAC 26 95 31 aaack 6.70-1 S 7.10-13 1us soar and 95 .00x15 Exchange. Plus Tax Open CORNER CENTER & CHURCH STS. ) In the preliminary game Fri day night, Coach Don Kirsch's Ducklings go with the varsity to Corvailis to try for win number two over the Rooks and on the next evening they meet Clark JC in the preliminary, at McArthur Court - ' Both pavlllions are assured of a sellout General admission tick ets have been on sale since Tues day and about 1,500 will be avail able the night of the game with the box office -opening at 5:30 p.m. There have been no reserved seats on sale for the past five days. Hawaii Tromps USC, 77 to 57 points in the third quarter to crush Southern California, 77-57, Wednesday night at civic auditor ium. The largest crowd of the season, 3,100 watched the Rainbows gain revenge for two early season de feats by the Trojans. It was a nip and tuck through the first half with USC leading, 31-30 at intermission. Then the Rainbows applied their 35 point crusher. Willie Lee led Hawaii with 22 points. Jack Dunne's 16 led tha Trojans. SUiaC-OESOTO 0LDSM0BIU 95 33 95 tack each 7.60-IS vour old I RECAPS B dollars ahead with new mileage al low cost, long lasting cold rub bor tread. t5(o)95 6.00x15 Exchange Plus Tax Evenings 'Til 9 it