Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, January 28, 1954, Page 18, Image 18

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    Fag 4 SECTION n
Thursday, January 28, 1954
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-Frosted Meat Loaf Dressy
This Frosted Meat Loaf Is a party
dish, if ever there was one, It's
elegant yet it's practical, too. Es
pecially if you cook with one eye
on the budget. For the recipe
will serve 8 and uses just 16 pounds
of meat! 'Tis a flavorsome meat
loaf with corn flakes, Worcester
shire sauce, onions and parsley
each contributing Jts own distinc
tive flavor. The corn flakes, in
addition to adding to the tasteful
ness of the dish, act as an extend
er. The "frosting" is mashed po
tatoes which are garnished with
, corn flakes.
Frosted Meat Loaf
4 cups corn flakes
Ways to
Use Meat '
Every good cook has ways with
leftovers. Often tho family is
more enthusiastic about the sec
ond day dish than the first be
cause it has more flavor. Espec
ially when fixed in wayi like
these. . -i.,;-
Meat Turnover
Brown (round meat with
minced onion and green pepper
In fat. Enclose meat mixture in
pastry squares; bake in hot oven.
Make gravy with meat drippings
in pan, season with curry and
Worcestershire sauce. Serve gravy
on hot turnovers.
Meat-Potato Boats
Scoop out centers from large
baked potatoes; mash well. Add
diced cooked meat and if desired,
some sautced onions or mush
rooms, both of which are readily
available. Refill potato shells. Re
heat. Home Made Scrapple
Combine thick corn meal mush
with ground cooked pork. Chill
in mold or pan until firm. Slice
or cut in strips. Brush with but
ter or margarine; place under
broiler unit or burner until
browned and heated through.
Serve with tomato sauce.
Veal Shortcake
Cube cooked cold veal shoul
der; brown with sliced mush
rooms or sliced onions (or both)
in fat. Add a little water. Salt
ana popper; cover and simmer
until tender. Thicken mixture in
pan with flour. Serve between
hot biscuit halves.
Eggplant and Lamb
Alternate slices of sautecd egg
plant, chopped cooked lamb and
tomato sauce in casserole; top
with grated cheese. Bake in mod
erate oven until hot and cheese
Is melted and browned.
Creole Beef
Brown '4 to 1 pound cooked
beef with 1 tablespoon each
green pepper and onion. Add 2
tablespoons flour, 2 cups canned
tomatoes and 1 cuo water. Season;
cover and cook slowly for
about 20 minutes. Serve on hot
cooked rice,
Economy Hash
Combine 1 cup cooked meat of
any kind with cup soft bread
rrumbs, 1 tablespoon minced on
ion, 1 cup gravy or a bouillon
rube dissolved In 1 cup hot wa
ter. Grenso frying pan: spread in
hash and conk over low heal for
30 minutes or until hrown and
rrl.ip on one side. Fold and serve
on hot platter garnished with
parsley or peas.
t eggs, slightly beaten
1 cup milk
2 teaspoons salt
Vt teaspoon pepper
1 teaspoon Worcestershire sauce
Vi cup chopped parsley
1 tablespoon chopped onions
IVt pounds ground beef
Vi pound ground pork
Crush corn flakes slightly: com
bine with remaining ingredients
and mix thoroughly. Spread in
greased 9'4x5Vi-inch loaf pan.
Bake in moderate oven (350 F.)
about 1 hour. Unmold loaf and
place on greased baking sheet or
ovenproof platter.
4 cups seasoned mashed potatoes
1 cup corn flakes
1 tablespoon melted butter or
Frost loaf wijjj mashed pota
toes. Crush corn flakes into fine
crumbs; mix with melted butter.
Sprinkle over mashed potatoes.
Bake in moderate oven (350 F.)
about 20 minutes.
Yield; 8 servings.
Lemon-Honey Dressing
Lemon honey dressing is well
known for being a favorite dress
ing to serve with fruit salad. To
give it a new and tasty touch use
these proportions. Mix V cup hon
ey with cup lemon juice, V
teaspoon salt and lh teaspoon cel
ery seed. Mix thoroughly and chill
before serving.
Date Filled
So good to eat and so good for
you! This chewy bar-type cooky
is chock-full ot sugar energy .
which means it will perk up the
activity quota of young and old.
A favorite sweet for lunchboxes
because it is moist and keeps
well. Make the filling and let it
cook while preparing the crumb
part. .
Date Killed Dandies
Vk cups (7V oz. package pitted)
cut-up dates
'2 cup water
, 1 cup sugar
3 tablespoons lemon juice
(fresh, frozen or canned)
Crumb Part:
1 cup uncooked rolled oats
l'j cups sifted all-purpose flour
1 cup sugar
1 teaspoon salt
'i teaspoon allspice
V teaspoon ginger
Vi cup shortening
y cup butter or margarine
1 egg, beaten
Combine filling Ingredients in
saucepan and cook on medium
high heat until thick, - about 7
minutes, stirring constantly. Cool.
Measure rolled oats into mix
ing bowl and sift in flour, sugar,
salt and spices. Add shortening
and butter; cut in with pastry
blender or two knives until mix
ture resembles coarse meal.
Sprinkle half of the crumb part
In a lightly greased 9-inch square
pan. Spread evenly with cooled
filling. Sprinkle on remainder of
crumb part.
Drizzle beaten egg over top.
Bake in a hot oven (400"F) about
30 minutes.
Remove from oven; cool In
pan. tut into bars or squares
Makes 16 squares.
Sugar Sparkler: Oven -frost
plain rolled cookies while they
bake. Sprinkle cookies with a
mixture of cup sugar and Vi
cup finely chopped nutmcats be
fore they go into the oven.
Hearty Soup Ideal for
Company or Home Meal
Wain jts Add Flavor
A half cup of chopped walnuts
added to the batter of your fav
orite recipe for cupcakes will not
only improve the flavor but also
will add interesting texture. If the
cupcakes are going to be packed
in lunch boxes, cut each cake in
half and put the halves back to
gether with frosting. It makes
packing a lot easier.
IH! lister?
HI fflCB
Cooliifi IWiir
For Leftover Cake
In case you're luck. enough to
have some fruit cake Icit over
from the holidays, serve it this
.way. Heat the fruit cake, cut Into
serving sized chunks and top with
a tastv apricot whole fruit nertnr
and hortey sauce. Thicken the
sauce with cornstarch and flavor
with bit of cinnamon.
v. wry, -ys j'r.,i?;, .lai.
,ir 7' . -j -.'-' v. v .-Htr'
Makes 3 dozen wonderful
cookies quick and easy.
Water is all you add.
Golden Rich
Budget Stretcher
In planning Lenten menus don't
forget to Include large lima beans
often. The beans are heart and
nourishing as well as easy on the
hudget Sour cream, to.nalo sauce,
tuna and cheese all combine beau
tifully wilh the limas.
Almost quicker thnn you can sny
"liomemnHe cookie," you've got
them with now Pillgbury Golden
Rich Cookie Mixl Rich, tender and
crisp richer thnn ordinary home
recipe drop cookies.
Everything's in the package
water ia all you add. In about 2,4
minute, 3 dozen medium-size drop
cookies are ready to bake.
Variety, too. You can make drop,
pressed, rolled or refrigerator cookies
15 recipes right on the package.
Hungry for cookies? Get a package
of new Pillsbury Golden Rich Cookie
Mix at your grocer's.
The chocolate chips are right in the mix water is all you add.
Out-Of-This-World Chowder, made with lobster, mushrooms
and vegetables.
(AP Newsfeatures)
A hostess trick from a famous
cook book author! Irma Rom
bauer, the distingu'shed and
charming author of "The Joy of
Cooking" (Bobbs-Merrill), has
been visiting in New York City,
and while 1 was cooking dinner
for her at my house one ni?ht,
she let me in on one of her own
Mrs. Rombauer lives in St.
Louis and has a small country
house in the Ozark foothills. It's
in the country that she has .lots
of company during weekends; it's
there, she says, that she finds
it a big help to serve soup as a
first course. She ladles it into
cups and brings it to her guests
before they sit down to table
on a tray. Then as they are en
joying this, she says, she has time
to put the last touches to the
main course and get it ready to
be brought to the table as soon
as she has seated her guests.
This is, of course, a fine idea for
the hostess who has to be cook
'ind waitress, too.
That conversation started us on
an Ode to Soup. Mrs. Rombauer
and I are both devoted to this
good course, and we agree that
a hearty and delicious soup is
a wonderful main dish for a
company lunch or Sunday night
supper. You can serve a salad
after it, if you like. Or you can
follow it with an assortment of
cheese, offered as they do in
Krancc with crusty bread and
sweet butter.
It goes without saying that a
substantial dessert should follow
Flank Steak
Savoy Good
Here s the perieci aisn to give
na, Ufa In mnnntnnnlis meals
Klank Steak Savoy. The steak is
first scored to shorten connective
tissue, and thus take less cooking
tim in mfitris it tender. It is then
cooked slowly with an interesting
combination of vegetables. With
this dish your meal is complete
iirtth nnlv IhA aHHitinn nf a mould
ed gelatin salad, hard rolls and
a dessert of Iresn iruu ana
Klank Steak Savoy
1 beef flank steak
Vi cup flour
' 2 tablespoons lard or drip
pings 2 teaspoons salt
',i teaspoon pepper
Vi cup catchup
1 cup thinly sliced sweet
1 cup thinly sliced onions
Vi cups water
6 medium carrots
6 medium potatoes
Hi cups celery, cut in 1-inch
Score steak, pounding flour in
to both sides with knife. Brown
in lard or drippings. Season with
salt and pepper, pour catchup
over top and cover with pickles
and onions. Pour cup of water
around steak. Cover and cook in
slow oven (300" F.) for 1 hour.
Add carrots, potatoes, celery and
remaining water. Continue cook
ing 1 hour longer or until tender.
Serve with gravy in pan, thicken
ed 11 ciosircu. o servings.
Casa Grande Dressing
Wonderful on wedges of crisp
western iceberg head lettuce.
Four or more servings.
1 cup sour cream
2 green onions
2 tablespoons mayonnaise
2 or 3 tablespoons fresh lem
on juice i
k cup blue cheese
Salt and pepper
Finely cut tops and all of the
green onions into the sour cream.
Add remaining ingredients and
season to taste. Allow to "ripen"
several hours before serving.
There are 43 peaks in the Ca
nadian Rockies 11,000 feet or
over. iMount Robson, u,vu leet,
is the highest.
time after
a soup meal. A good choice
would be a favorite of Irma Rom
bauer's nut cake.
If you like the idea of an
easy-tn-get soup meal, we urge
you to try this Lobster Chowder.
Our taste-testers were enthusias
tic about its combination of flav-
i ors.
This is NUC0A Week in SALEM
when H LOOKS this good
rrSMELLS this good
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this ood
lift '.ii:::Vii
cup after
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"l'w!SSSSij i"ianjiiiiii'ffS , zxg Vi;-.;;
It's not just margarine... it's IMUCQA !
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Kiirna'l golden sunshine color is vita
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No synthetic flavoring, no hentoate
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all nutrition
Everything in Nucoa margarine is
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you can j
count on !
No wonder your favorite store
is featuring NUCOA this week!
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