VVdneaiTay, January 27, 195 Paste 7 f. ,, THE CAPITAL JOURNAL. Salem. Oregon - ...ww, . -itiMBaaaiwM .. 1 -- ... . iii . . 1 4' ) .. ;'.'r;.,i .1: 'TT' EMD-OF-MONTH K A " ''! ; SMI " INAL JANUARY CLEAN-UP OF iT' ;'; "''. Wi- V :'; WINTER MERCHANDISE . . . .-! j;'.- ;-:'..v ;- ' women's tK wxihm2pim& . 'U ? BETTER ; (feMSBGHiSHilgfeg ,...'. y:a.':V "'H' DRESSES f ; I" if , J" xt , " , ! ' Broken LoU ,4 ; .-r .t: fV?-. fc.,,ii,r..nl,ni.l...il-lli,lll-,rl. , ,, t lfr'iW"J- SECOND FLOOR II II I I Bill! Silverton AL Unit is Active SILVERTON At the Monday evening meeting of Delbert Reeves unit No. 7, American Lei-ion auxiliary, at Legion Hall, there was formal dedication of a large flag, given to the unit by Mrs. E. E. Taylor. The flag had been the property of the grandfather of Mrs. Carl Moscr, Portland, a local member of the auxiliary. Membership was reported at 0(i, with the quota of 16f to be the goal. Sewing club is to be Thursday, February 12, the place to be named later. A card of thanks was to be sent Mrs. Crete Crcnall, mother of Mrs. Victor Howard who is serving as sew ing club chairman, for a finished afghan donated for a hospital gift by Mrs. Crcnall. The mem bers of the unit are to meet Sat urday, January 30, at Legion hall at 10 o'clock for a general clean-up of the club room and dining room. Reported as attending the visi tors' program in Salem Friday evening as guests of the all women's post, Pioneer No. 14!). were Mrs. L. P. Oehler, Mr. and Mrs. Ciladwyn Hamrc, Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Powell. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest L. Starr, Mrs. Mae Higin botham. Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Hail, Mr. and M:.. Robert Allen, Mr. and Mrs. Dewev Allen and Mr. and Mrs. Lcn Osterling. i Mrs. Lewis Hall is entertaining : the past presidents parley Fri day evening. January 29. j The unit president, Mrs. L. P. ; Oehler, named her committee personnel to be in charge of the various functions of the district No. 2 conference to be at Le gion hall, Sunday afternoon and evening. February 7, beginning at 2 o'clock. Mrs. Ralph Francis is to be general chairman of the 6:30 o'clock dinner and will plan the individual favors for the guests. Assisting in dining room ar rangement and serving will be Mrs. Ralph Gordon, Mrs. Clad wvn Hamrc. Mrs. Earl Baker. Mrs. Larry Carpenter, Mrs. Lcn Osterling: to decorate the tables will be Mrs. Dewey Allen and Mrs. Uruce Billings who will also be responsible for the placecards and the roaistralion designation ' cards, and Mrs. Mina Cooper and Mrs. Nettie Noren assisting with the corsages. Mrs. F. M. Powell will serve as hostess. At the registration desk and presenting the name card will be ; Mrs. Pewev Allen. Mrs. Robert Allen, Miss Ina ITTold, Mrs. Cottenbcrg, and Mrs. Mina Cooper. Tages are to be the four young women who attended Cirls State as guests of the auxiliary. Miss Nancv Benson. Miss Nancy , Peckham. Miss Betty Mntom- , en- and Miss Donna Jackson. i On the. ticket committee are i Mrs Victor Howard and Mrs. T. ; P. Heidenstrnm. I'niler supervi-, Oregon College of Education, Monmouth Pictured above from left to right are: sophomore, Dot Swigart from Salem; sophomore Pat Todd from Salem; freshman, Joyce Yuranck of Woodburn; and sophomore, Sharen Strand from Klamath Falls. They will model in the style show here on Saturday. Miss Swigart is modeling pedal pushers and jacket with a T shirt. Aliss Todd is wearing a spun rayon night gown with lace trim and shirred yoke. Miss Yuranck, seated, wears a faille dress and bolero jacket trimmed in pearl and rhinestone sequins, while Miss Strand models a beige cardigan cashmere sweater and cinnamon brown wool skirt with side pockets. Activities Noted For Star Chapter WOODBURN The regular meet ing of Evergreen chapter No. 41, Order of the Eastern Star, was Monday night at the Masonic temple. Honored in the cast were Mrs. Harlow Dixon of Evergreen chap ter, grand representative of the state of Maine, and Mr. and Mrs. Gail Wengcnroth, junior past ma tron and junior past patron of Evergreen chapter. During the business session the annual report of the Masonic and O.E.j. trustees was read and filed. A letter of thanks was read from the Masonic and O.E.S. home for Christmas donations to the home. The letter relative to contributions for the endowment sion of Mrs. Francis as kitchen committee arc Mrs. Mae Higin botham, Mrs. Ernest L. Starr, Mrs. Lewis Hall, Mrs. W. S. Sherman and Mrs. Bruce Billings. Mrs. Olaf Anderson will make the coffee, Mrs. E. A. Kern will be in charge of the rolls, and Mrs. Raymond Church and Mrs. K. C. Jorgenson of the dessert. fund was re-read and discussed and the letter tabled pending more information as to condi tions at the home. It was announced that a no host dinner for members and families will be at 6:30 p.m. preceding the next regular meet ing on February 8. Appointed as the committee in charge were Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Burt, Mrs. Myrtle Hall and Mrs. Ruby Pcy. ton. Decorations will be in charge of Mrs. Martha Rciling and Mrs. Glenna Treupcl. Prac tice for the officers was set for February 7 at 8 p.m. Under "good of the order" Mrs. Dixon talked on her work as grand representative and Mr. and Mrs. Wengcnroth each spoke briefly. A gift was presented to Gail Wengcnroth by Harlow C. Dixon in behalf of the 1953 cen tral star. Thanks were voiced to Willard Atwood for repairing and re-decorating the card ta bles. Mrs. Thompson, worthy ma tron, gave a report of the visit of several members to the Willam ette Valley Matrons and Patrons association at Shedd recently. She announced her theme for the I year as "Faith." A meeting Festival Due At OCE Campus OREGON COLLEGE, Monmouth One of the highlights of "Folk's Festival" to be this Saturday at Oregon College of Education will be the fashion show, presented Saturday afternoon in Maple hall by members of the student body. Miss Betty Beigh, chairman of the show, states fall, winter, and spring apparel will be model ed. Registration for Folk's Festi val will begin at 9. Campus tours will be conducted from 10 to 11, after which a talent review will be presented . in Campbell hall at 11. Luncheon will be served at 12:30 in Todd hall with the tea, fashion show, and smoker planned for the afternoon. Eastern Oregon College of Ed ucation will play OCE in the gymnasium at 8 with a sports dance to follow. To Wed Soon LEBANON The engagement of Miss Alta Collinson to Harold Palmcrvas announced last week. They plan to be wed at an eve ning ceremony on Feb. 4 at Our Saviour's Lutheran church. the social club was announced to be in the dining room after chap ter. Refreshments were served by a committee which included Mr. and Mrs. Ora F. Morris, Mrs. Lc- nore Schoor, Miss Mildred Schoor of I and Mrs. Cobic dcLcspinasse. What dry cleaning firm in Salem had the confidence to submit its plant and processes to such thorough inspection and impartial investigation? -mi rti ""- ..... eH09BB!SSSSI 1 TnU" C.t.- I rsjowi 1 hsESSs I r&ar, I FOR 1.11 b " J . GUMftl:7NT PLAN I you; m t; V0R ...-.orrTORS K-r. ol inl":,; im all !frUfYjs O&TINJ ,., VSlb 5" ,BLt ONE GROUP WOMEN'S SWEATERS a, $6 Slipover Cardigan Orlons or Nylons SECOND FLOOR ASST. CROUP WOMEN'S ROBES PRICED AS MARKED P SECOND FLOOR DRYC WIEDER'S TRUCLEEN "CERTIFIED" DRYCLEANING WIEDER'S SALEM LAUNDRY CO. 263 South High Street Phone 3-9125 ONE RACK TODDLERS' COAT and HAT SETS Broken Lots and Sizes SECOND FLOOR j 1:4 Don't Forget To turn on your porch light Thursday night for the Mothers' March on Polio. 7 to 8 P.M. MEN'S SUIT AND TOPCOAT CLEARANCE! ONE GROUP SUITS Penncy's annual Janu ary clean-up of better quality suits. In this group you'll find novel ty splash weaves, sheen gabardines, shadow cords, orlon-wools and hard-finish worsted. Ev ery ore an excellent buy at this terrific low price. Regulars and longs. Broken sizes. MAIN FLOOR Many styles and fabrics to choose from. tvery one b i g money saving bar gain, Broken sizes and colors. ONE GROUP MEN'S ALL-WOOL BROKEN SIZES AND COLORS BONNETS ONE Second Klnnr RACK GIRLS' Cotton Quills Second Floor 12 ONLY DOll ' ROBES 3 $4 BUGGIES .Main Moor 2 ONLY 12" $jf Velocipedes O Main Floor Ml j SPECIAL! I WHITE Jj522 I OUTING j 5)5) FLANNEL ONE GROUP TOPCOATS Limited III Quontity II MEZZANINE i I ' krrot, -! ' I ONE GROUP J ,,, I Pin wale j 13ftilli-!Vfti j Corduroy 1 1 J5 8ff J 4 Aacf (inr 9 MAIN FLOOR I il t !36" Wide j MEZZANINE 11 $ SS&i 1 a5" f ONE GROUP! i I Better Quality j I rl. Il' '-A I uiemiie n $18 1 Spreads 1 MAIN FLOOR I BJ ..... t t si Asst. jryici , c Heavyweight ? $1 jrt I MEZZANINE ' ONE GROUP ! I Children's j 3 I Shoes I 1 9 1 U I H Broken Loti 111 I ond Sizes in This Group j $C DOWNSTAIRS STORE y JMWi im i j i turn' Llidfe-''.itliWi tihn.-i.J One Group Men's mil n r ff hOE RUBBER H ONE GROUP MEN'S CORDUROY SHIRTS SIZE SMALL & MEDIUM ONLY MAIN FLOOR ONE GROUP MEN'S SPORT SHIRTS FLANNELS OR RAYONS MAIN FLOOR ONE GROUP MEN'S HEAVY JACKETS BROKEN LOTS AND SIZES MAIN FLOOR ONE GROUP BOYS' TOPCOATS SIZES 7 20 ONE GROUP BOYS' SUEDE JACKETS BROKEN SIZES AND (010RS MAIN FLOOR 12 ONLY BOYS PLAID ROBES WASHABLE PLAIDS MAIN FLOOR WOMEN'S GIRLS' WOOL MITTENS BROKEN LOTS AND COLORS MAIN FLOOR ASSORTED GROUP TABLE LAMPS DOWNSTAIRS STORK ONE GROUP 3-WAY FLOOR LAMPS DOWNSTAIRS STORE ONE GROUP RAYON PANELS PERMANENT FINISH 42"i8l" DOWNSTAIRS STORE TOE RUBBER Slues R-9 Only Downstairs Store