Wednesday, January 27, 1954 Page 8 TIIE CAPITAL JOURXATJ. Salem, Oregon ( 1 i ( ( A f ( P a I tl II o: If P t n P t! v, a la 0' r in ch wl "P fo Ih cIp if th. Lo t of 1li Ms Or be IT" t 1 j s . 1 1 Wood burn Mr. and Mrs. Alex Manning of Woodburn, Route 1, above, celebrated their 50th wedding aniversary at a reception in the St. Louis parish hall Sunday afternoon, January 24. A special mass was conducted for tho Mannings Wednesday, Jan uary 20 in the St. Louis church, where they were married, Jan. 20, 11)04, with the Rev. Joseph Vandcrbeck of St. Joseph's church, Salem, officiating. They have lived in this area all of their married life. Mr. and Mrs. Manning have 11 children, four of whom, Edward, Gertrude, Theresa and William Manning are still at home. Others are Alwin Manning and Raymond Manning, both of Route 1, Woodburn; Mrs. Adeline Hanncgan and Patrick Manning of Salem: Francis Manning and Sister Mary Evangeline of ML Angel, Mrs. May Dcviacminck of Hills boro. They have 15 grandchildren. (Alyce studio picture, Wood-burn) Polk Federation Event at Dallas; Program Highlighted Polk County Federation of Rural Women's clubs met last week in Dallas Chamber of Commerce rooms. Plans for the year were discussed. Mrs. Robert Yungen is president of the group. Committee chairmen for the year Pianist. Mrs. Florence Ragsdale; song leader, Mrs. Don Bisbee; no minating, Mrs, Van Santen; health, Mrs. Ernest Lcttekcn; publicity and scrapbook, Mrs. Axel Jacob sen; fair booth, Mrs. Gilbert Loy; veterans projects. Mrs. H. D. Burns and Mrs. Freda Brog; in stallation, past presidents club, at- j tendance records, Mrs. Pearl Coo per, mis. nuyu nuiauu aim jvna. i , . , , Elizabeth Comslock; corsages, OakJVOKy Mothers Grove Gardeners; memorial serv ice, Mrs. Clara Brunk and Mrs. Eldon Johnson; resolutions, Mrs. Florence Brog, Mrs. J. S. Row land and Mrs. Kenneth Keyt. Mrs. Bertha Allen reported that 186 gift packages and several cash scrip books had been sent to the Veterans hospital at Roseburg for Christmas. Mrs. Florence Rags dale reported that four long mir rors, a cot and several chairs had been purchased for the ladies lounging room at the county fair building. Mrs. Ernest Lettelken reported on tho Christmas Seal sale. Yearly reports were read by the following clubs; Buena Vista Wom an s club, independence Kurai Woman's club, Lincoln Goodwill, Oak Grove Gardeners; Perrydale Goodwill; Pioneer Sewing club; Oak Grove Woman's club; Rickre all Ladies Aid; Spring Valley Mis sionary, Bridgeport club, Ellcndale club, Laurel Social Hour club. Lib erty Woman's club. Woodrow Jones, chairman of Red Cross chapter in Polk county gave a talk and asked the support of all the women's clubs for the coming year. Ten dollars was vot ed for the Red Cross. Each club will sponsor the Red Cross drive in its own community. A silver donation of $!).R0 was collected for the Roseburg Veter an hospital. Mrs. H. D. Teterson in behalf o the volunteer service group of Red Cross, thanked all the clubs for the support that had been given in the past year. The Red Cross canteen commit- I : , . . . i ii-c was in i-niirxf m nig ninner, Mesdames E. B. Hamilton, 11. W. Boeder. II. D I'ctterson. Mary! oiarr ana a. m. Larson, mere were 77 momhers present. Mrs. Forest Martin of the past presidents club presented a gavel to the president, Mrs. Hobort Yun gen. The program for the afternoon was in charge of Mrs. II. D. I'ct terson. Holden Grant played sev eral numbers on the electric organ. ! j Dee Gee Green sang and tapj HOWARD SALING, freshman! danced and Mrs. Koemann accom- at Oregon State college and son j panied her on tho piano. Dr. Ear! (of Mr. and Mrs. Earl F. Saling of i W. Bcnbow lectured on "Fun With : Salem, was initiated recently into Roses" and showed colored slides I his fraternity Phi Sigma Kappa, of his rose Garden. i The next federation meetinn will be April 21 at Perrydale with the i errynaie bond will club members s Hostesses CDA Social MT. ANGEL Members of the Catholic Daughters of America were entertained at a social Mon day evening, in the club room of St. Mary's school. Ilrldgc and "500" were in play, followed by refreshments. Receiving the awards were Mrs. Leo Barr, Mrs. J. H. Jaeger and Mrs. Ambrose Ebncr. The hostess committee were Miss Elizabeth Keher, chairman, Mrs. J. L. Wachter, Mrs. Hugo Hemshorn, Mrs. O J. Williams, Mrg. Earl Manning. Mrs Al Lu- lay, Miss Irene Stisa, Mrs. Alfred Hcrnt, Mrs. Robert Zollncr, and Mrs. Mark I'urdy. Betrothal Told LEBANON Mr. and Mrs. Stephen T. Taylor announce the engagement of their daughter, Miss June Taylor, to Robert Col- vin, son of Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Colvin. The wedding will be an carlv summer event. . FRl'ITI.AND Women's circle is i; Th,,r.H, i n m in the 1 church annex. Members arc asked to lake their collee urn cards. ' AT H V V 1 v?4 Wedding Saturday A wedding for ihe week-end will be, that of Miss Jessica Kin sey of Portland, formerly of Sa lem, and O. Lee Johnson of Se attle. The ceremony will be sol emnized at 4 o'clock next Satur day afternoon in the Roberts stu dios, the Rev. J. Arthur Stevenson of the Vernon Presbyterian church of Portland officiating, Attending the wedding will be members of the families and a few close friends. A reception will follow the service. The bride- elect is the daughter of Mrs. Nor ma B. Shaw of Salem and Mr. Johnson is the son of Mr. and Airs. O. L. Johnson of Chico, Calif. mmmmmmmmmmimsssM Mrs. L. H. Hudson installed Mrs. James Hartley as commander of the Salem Navy Mothers club on Tuesday night at the home of Mrs. Clem Ohlson. Others installed included Mrs. Elvera Beard, vice commander; Mrs. J. H. Lewis treasurer: Mrs. Ivel Haley, secretary and Mrs. H. W. Friesen and Mrs. Bayson, sergeant at arms. To Aid YWCA Members of district No. 3, Women's auxiliary fo the Ore gon Association of Chiropractic mvslclans, arc sponsoring s "hillbilly box social" as a bene fit on Saturday, February 13, at ! our Corners community hall, near Salem. Proceeds from Ihe benefit will go to the Salem YWCA build ing to be added to the fund for furnishing the new structure. THREE new members were greeted at the meeting of SL Helena's guild of St. Paul's Epis copal church when it met last evening in the new church build ing. Mrs. Ronald Hlundcll. Mrs. Robert Boals and Mrs. George H. Kelly are the new members. Mrs. Dean Brooks was guest speaker to discuss the young peoples' summer conference at Gcarhart. The members inspect ed the office and study of the new building, assistance in fur nishing these rooms being a project of the guild. ii.i . u , Mothers 10 Meet MT. ANC.EI Mount Angel Seminary Mothers club of the Mount Angcl-Woodburn Silverton area, plans its February meeting at the country home of Mrs. Ber nard Smith, west of Mount An gel, Tuesday evening, Feb. 2, be ginning at 8 o'clock. All club members are invited to be pres ent. Today's Menu Family Supper Here's an easy version of a Chinese seafood and vegetable dish. Tomato Juice Crackers Skillet Shrimp and Snap Beans Steamed Rice Pineapple Upsidcd n Cake Beverage Skillet Shrimp and Snap Beans Ingredients: 4 tablespoons sal ad oil, 1 pound medium sue raw shrimp (shelled and deveined), i teaspoon salt, 1 clove garlic (minced or crushed), 1 cup chicken bouillon, 1 pound snap . beans (cut In l-inrh diagonal pieces and cooked only until tender-crisp), 2 tablespoons corn starch, ' cup water, '4 teaspoon 1 sugar, 2 teaspoons soy sauce. Method: In 10-inrh skillet, heat oil; add shrimp; stir often over ; moderate heat until opaque , through and lightly browned 3 ' to 5 minutes. Add salt, garlic, bouillon and snap beans. Blend cornstarch, water, sugar and soy sauce until smooth; add to skil let. Conk and stir until sauce -thickens. Serve at once. Makes 4 large servings. Note: If sauce is 1 little tnicK er than vmi like, stir in a lanie- spoon of hot water. Add more aalt if desired. Shower for 2 Given at Mt. Angel MT. ANGEL Miss Marcinc Irene BuchhoU and Mrs. J era Id L. Basl were feted during a sur prise miscellaneous bridal show er in the Alcuin Annen country home, Sunday aternoon, at which Mrs. Annen and Miss Carol Wach ter were hostesses. Miss Buchholz will wed Law rence E. Bochslcr Saturday morn ing, January 30, at a 10 o'clock nuptial high mass in St. Mary's Catholic Church here. Mrs. Basl, who was Miss Joyce Kraemer before her wedding two weeks ago, is now living in Stay ton. Mount Angel Academy June 1953 graduates, who feted the two honorecs were: Misses 'Jeanctte Wavra, Beth Reiter, Rosemary Schmidt, Dona Knauf, Silverton, Betty Mae De Santis, Silverton, Alice Sthamann, Silverton, Eve lyn Buchheit, Silverton, Dorothy Wcinacht, Mary Ann Beyer, An gela Spraucr, Jo Ann Beyer, Mau reen Sauscr, Patricia Wagner, Betty Looncy, Joy Schnorenberg, Silverton, Carol Rickert, Wood- burn, Janet Cobat, Helen McGce, Farrcll Williams, Darlcnc Topfcr, Marian Rosno, Maxine Geek, Charlotte Kintz, Anna Sowa, Rose Gaui, and the hostesses. Awards for games were pre sented to Marcine Buchholz, Bet ty Mae Dc Santis, Betty Looney and Jo Ann Beyer. DeMolay Banquet On Monday Evening Annual DeMolay father and son banquet was Monday, in the Ma sonic temple dining room, with 67 fathers and sons and 11 guests attending. Special guests introduced were State Rep. Mark Hatfield and Ward R. Davis, both past state master counselors; Rex Davis, past grand master Masonic lodge of Oregon and honorary legion of honor member; Otho Eckcrs- loy, master or lodge No. 4; Morse Stewart, master of Ainsworth lodge No. 201; Wilfred Wilson, master of Kingwood lodge No. 204; Estes Buchanan, chairman of advisory board, and board mem- hers Mark Hatfield, Jim Hatfield, Ray Rolow and Gleason Young. Mrs. Ralph Sipprell, president of the Mothers club, gave the welcome. A string quartet com posed of Toni DeSart, Pamela Clayton, Pat Edstrom and John Gibbons, played music during the banquet. A business meeting was conducted after the banquet. Serving of the banquet was done hy members of the mothers club, of which Mrs. Morse Stew art was general chairman. WOMEN'S Catholic Order of Foresters met Monday evening at the home of Miss Pearl Bairley. During the meeting plans were made for a rummage sale to be April 6 over Greenbaum's, pro ceeds from the sale to go for a seminary benefit. A social hour followed the busi ness meeting during which a luncheon was served by the host esses, Mrs. Ben Dimeler and Mrs. Mike Innoccnti. Next meeting will be February 23. HOSTESS to her hrinVi. rlnh last evening was Mrs. Don E. Phillips, inviting as additional guests, Mrs. Richard Scandling and Mrs. James It. Phillips. HOME from a trip to Las Vegas, Nov., are Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ward and Mr. and Mrs. Otto Skopil, Jr. HOSTS for the Cosmis elnh dance last Saturday evening were air. and Mrs. Bill Patton. On the committee lor the event were Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Bowman, Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Stuhr, Mr. and Mrs. Austin Walker. The guests were Mr. and Mrs. Pat Papkoff. Mr. and Mrs. Don Maus, Mr. and Mrs. D. McMillen, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Webster. NOTICE ic a FASHION LUNCHEON TUESDAY, FEB. 2 ' FASHION PREVUE FOR SPRING 1954 CONTINENTAL VALENTINES GOLD ROOM MARION HOTEL LUNCHEON 12:00-1:15 FASHIONS, 1:05 TO 1:50 PHONE 3-4123 FOR RESERVATIONS Capital Edited by MARIAN Kainbow Installation A number of guests attended the installation of Miss Eleanor Mlcziva as worthy adviser of Chadwick assembly, ' Order of Rainbow for Girls, on Tuesday night at the Masonic temple. Introduced" and honored were Herman Johnston associate grand patron; Wayne Henry, member of the grand executive board; Miss Arda Lien, grand represen tative to the state of Pennsyl vania; Mrs. Robert Forster, J. E. Van Wyngardcn, matron and pa tron of Trinity chapter, Order of Eastern Star; Mrs. E. T. Arm strong, Thomas Kelly, matron and patron, Chadwick chapter, Order of Eastern Star; Miss Ann Bcrger, honored queen, bethel No. 43, Job's Daughters: Mrs. Joseph F. Dorfler, Mr. and Mrs. John Dickson, Mr. and Mrs. Les ter Guthrie. Mrs. W. V. Lytic, Milton McDaniels, Mrs. Wayne I Henry, past mother adviser, and Mrs. Glenn Paxson, past mother adviser. Refreshments were served hy Mrs. John Dickson, Mrs. Elmer Hildrcth, Mrs. Harold Gillespie, Mrs. George Osko, Mrs. Merle Phillips, Mrs. Arlecn Sneddon, Miss Marilyn Shields, Miss Donna Haugen, Miss Nancy Bone. Mrs. Hildreth and Mrs. Dickson poured. There was a program. - JOHN LEWIS, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ed Lewis, will observe his 12th birthday on Thursday, the parly in celebration to be Friday evening at his .home. Twelve of John's young friends have been invited for the birthday party. Movies will be shown and birth day refreshments served. VFW Group Marion auxiliary, Veterans of Foreign Wars met Monday eve ning at the Veterans of Foreign Wars hall. The president, Mrs. Dale Brooks, and two representa tives will attend the meeting Jan uary 27 for the Federation of Pa triotic Orders at the Veterans of Foreign Wars hall at 8 p.m. An invitation was received from the Daughters of Union Veterans to a Lincoln Day tea, February P at the Woman's club house. Committee reports were given hy Mrs. Dave Holwcger, Mrs. Mel Clemens, Mrs. Gordon Bressler and Mrs. Lloyd Kennedy. Mrs. Le Roy Simpson reported 15 pounds of nylon hose and four sport shirts had been sent to the Camp White Veterans hospital. Refreshments were served by Mrs. Billy Kelson, Mrs. Gordon Bressler, Mrs. Harriett Smith and Mrs. Russell Graen. To Entertain Club SALEM HEIGHTS Mrs. Ken neth Zwickcr will entertain the Little Garden club of Salem Heights on Thursday, January 28, at a 1 o'clock dessert at her home on West Madrona avenue. Assisting will be Mrs. Virgil Sex ton. Mrs. Joe VanCleavc will be the guest spraker and she will speak on fuchsias. A SON, their second, was born Sunday, January 24, at Salem Memorial hospital to Mr. and Mrs. Dale Pence. The baby has been named Curtis Lcc. The old er son is Eradlcy. Grandparents arc Mr. and Mrs. Roy Pence and Mr. and Mrs. L. K. Lawrence. Great grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Albert Hoevct, Mrs. Enger Carr and Mrs. Ora Pence, all of Salem. GAIETY HII. I. Garden club met Monday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Robert M. Fitz mauriee. Miss Elizabeth Lord nd Miss Edith Schryver show ed pictures of their trip cast. SbatJ Women I LOWRY FISCHER Some Notations.. By M. L. F.. From the Republican National committee comes a news release stating there is an all-time high number of women in state legis latures, 303, the survey on the subject having been completed by Miss Bertha A. Adkins, as sistant to the chairman of the Republican National committee . . . Of the 303, more than two thirds are republicans in the various states, the survey break down shows ... Of the total of .103, 22 are in senates, 281 in the lower house . . . The 11)54 total is a gain of 14 over tho early lf)53 figure . . . Beginning with a total of 29 women in legisla tures throughout the country in 1920, the figure has steadily grown to reach the 303 mark for early 1954 . . . Oregon had but two women in the last leg islature 1953 session both in the house, two Tortlanders, .Maurine Ncuberger and Doro thy Wallace . . . Following 1953 elections, women are serving in legislatures in all states except three . . . The survey was the first of the 1954 series made by the women's division of the Re publican National committee for its over-all annual issue of "Women in the Public Service. A nursery is planned during the dedication and reception at St. Paul's Episcopal church next Sunday, January 31, reports Mrs. A. I). Woodmansce, general chairman for the reception . . . The nursery will be conducted between 3 and 6 p.m. with Mrs. Louis Ehrlich in charge and it will be for all small children be tween six months of age through the first grade . . . Children not able to walk are asked to be in their carriages . . . The church dedication is at 4 p.m., the re ception immediately following Members of Salem Wcavirs guild are invited by members of Portland Weavers guild to at tend a meeting there next Mon day, February 1 . . . Several from here plan to attend the meeting , . . I III AMONG those at El Rancholl ,55 s ub and Mrs. R. D. Woodrow of Salem. lt , 'Ij iff m. c$y 1 I " -- Bresslers Are Honored Mr. and Mrs. Harold Bressler were honored with a housewarm ing at their new home at 4490 E. Center street Tuesday evening by members of the F. L. club. Honoring tho Bresslers with a gift were Mr. and Mrs. Troy Wood, Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence McClurc, Mr. and Mrs. Luther Milton, Mr. and Mrs. Everett Sodcns, Mr. and Mrs. Mike Sim ons, Mr. and Mrs. Wes Hunter, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Spence, Mr. and Mrs. R. Laudahl, Mrs. Keith Rebo, Mrs. Lloyd Hamby, Mrs. Delbcrt Tillotson, Miss Jodelle Parker, Miss Joy Doyal, Miss Delorcs Jay and Miss Judy Whit lock. Mr. Hatfield Gives Talk for BPW Club State Representative Mark Hat-1 field spoke on "Legislative Mcas- ures Coming Up in 1955" at the ; dinner meeting of the Salem Busi-1 ness and Professional Women's j club on Tuesday evening. Mrs. Clark C. McCall and Miss Alberta Sappenficld, co-chairmen , of the legislative committee, aided I by Miss Merle Dimick, education trict con(erence will be in Corval chairman, were in charge of the,- pphmarv 21 with Miss Mil program. Mrs. A. J. Arehart, was i in charge of the music and pre- sented Miss Coralie Doughton, who sang with Miss Amv Girod as ac-' companist. I Don Allen All ballroom classes personally taught by Don Allen. New Teen-Age Classes Mon., Tue Wed... 50c hour ADULT BALLROOM Private or Class Reasonable DON ii t. f ih most Camilla Wi hams, soprano, at left, and Todd Duncan, baritone, at right, come to Salem next Wednesday February 3, for a join concert in the Salem Community , Concert association series The program will be at 8:15 p.m. in Salem high school auditorium. The concert is billed as a highlight of the season or he association. Miss Williams is a leading soprano with the New York City Opera company and has appeared in con certs throughout the nation and abroad. Duncan afte full year s tour, is back on a tour, appearing in recitals and with orchestras throughout the country. At the conclusion of his current tour he will go on for another tour n Europe. It was announced that the dis- dred Yettcr, district president, presiding. Guests on Tuesday night includ ed Mrs. Lester Marshall, Mrs. Lela ! Clark and Miss Hazel M. Northrup. I Dance Classes All Types of Dancing Private or Class Lessons Club or Group lessons NEW CLASSES NOW! SPECIAL NOTICE No Registration Fee Total Cost ALLEN'S STUDIO oooular singers of the day. WOODBURN Founders day will be featured at the regular meeting of chapter J of the P.E.O. Sister hood Thursday, January 28, at 8 p.m. at the homc of Mrs. Charles B. Cornwell. The program will be under the direction of Mrs. Frank P. Doerf ler. i Gene Gcbaucr Tap Director Spring Term Beginning School Age . . 4 P. M. Saturday Pre School . . 2:30 P. M. Friday Advanced Students Call for Appointment $ 5.00 Per Mo. Phone 2-7523